Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 523: Means of Extermination


Killing Gu Zu and taking away his blood and laws was already two months ago.

In two months, the rhubarb, the green snake, the snapping turtle, and the large parrot all fell into a deep sleep. Needless to say, the creation of rhubarb, snapping turtles, and big parrots, as well as green snakes, it was Lu Qian who fulfilled his promise and attacked fiercely, killing nearly a thousand dragons, dragons, and pythons inspired by the Water God Palace. , extract its blood, refine it, and let the green snake merge.

Now the four uncles are all sleeping, but Tu Xiu is the only one who follows Lu Qian angrily with a frown and a tigerish face all day long.

Lu Qian said there was nothing he could do about it.

For the time being, he has not been able to find a suitable opportunity for the rabbit to evolve, and he does not have the ability to transform a powerful bloodline such as the 'White Tiger' into the rabbit out of thin air!

With no choice, Lu Qian could only find a large amount of strange metals and throw them to the rabbit so that he could silently absorb the innate and acquired golden energy, strengthen himself bit by bit, and temper his blood with the help of water grinding.

It's all little things.

The big thing is that the photo studio and Shengyang Palace are also locked in a protracted war. Some of the Supreme Elders of Shengyang Palace returned to their sects, and even invited a few close sects to get into trouble with the photo studio.

The reputation of the photo studio is notorious. They only have business partners in Yuan Lingtian, and there is no such thing as 'allies'.

Therefore, Shengyang Palace stabilized its position and fought vigorously with the photo studio.

The photo studio used various vicious assassination methods in an endless stream. Although it was at a disadvantage on the frontal battlefield, the actual losses were not large. Instead, it was Shengyang Palace and the helpers invited. The number of fallen masters was several times more than that of the photo studio.

On the Huayucheng side, after Guizu was killed by Lu Qian, Shuizu suddenly appeared and used extremely powerful methods to suppress all the turtle grandsons of Guizu, forcing a group of giant turtles and old turtles to join his sect.

These giant turtles and old turtles were restrained by Suizu in their souls. They could not help but live or die, and they all became Suizu's lackeys.

Water Ancestor's heritage is much stronger than Turtle Ancestor's, and his origins are even more unpredictable.

After he joined the Shuishen Palace camp, he immediately took the initiative in this battle. He directly ordered the Shuishen Palace and the sects invited to help the fists to shrink their fronts, passively defend, and never take the initiative to confront the Milo Sect.

In two months, Song Feng and others launched several fierce attacks, but they were still unable to break through the defensive formation set up by Shui Zu, and the two sides fell into a stalemate.

Every day, countless disciples of the Milo Sect and disciples of vassal forces were shouting curses on the Qiuxue River, trying to anger the members of the Water God Palace and make them go out to fight, but to no avail.

Standing on the tower of the east gate of Huayu City, looking to the east, a large amount of water has blocked the entrance to the east city, and beyond the city gate is a vast expanse of water.

Three thousand miles away to the east, on the original Qiuxue River, a huge black flag was overwhelming, covering the void tens of thousands of miles in radius. There are dozens of big blue stars twinkling on the surface of the big flag, and wisps of water vapor are constantly spurting out from the flag, standing upright from the sky and the ground, with a magnificent momentum.

This is an innate spiritual treasure from the tenth level of the other shore realm. It is called the 'Innate Xuanming Flag'. It can control all water in the world. It also contains a wisp of innate Xuanming Qi, which can dissolve and dissolve all things. It can change everything in unpredictable ways. , infinite power.

With this spiritual treasure as the core, Shuizu also took out twelve other extremely high-grade innate spiritual treasures to form a large array with billions of changes and infinite mysteries. Relying on this formation, the Milo Sect has attacked many times in the past two months, but has never been able to take half a step into the formation, and has not been able to even hurt the opponent's fish scales.

In the city gate building, a large spicy soup pot was boiling, emitting a pungent aroma to the surroundings.

Yinyuan and Bai You were sitting at the table, constantly simmering all kinds of delicacies in the soup pot, eating so much that they were dripping with heat and sweat.

Picking up the wine bowl and taking a big gulp of the strong wine, Yinyuan coughed heavily: Zhishen, why don't you ask your sister-in-law to bring out the Taishang's natal magic sword and use the sword sect disciples to form an array? Give them a sword?

Bai Yu held a crab meat ball in his mouth and kept nodding his head, agreeing with Yinyuan's opinion.

Lu Qian turned around and said with a smile: Brother and sister-in-law, it is not good to do this. Jianmen is the leader of the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world, and he must act impartially and fairly. Although I have eldest brother, My sister-in-law's love and care cannot be used for such personal grudges.

Let me and the Milo Sect resolve this matter on their own... Well, how has the evil in Canngling Great Plains become now?

Yinyuan blinked his eyes, and Bai Yu slapped him on the forehead: Oh, I almost forgot about this. I have been watching the excitement in Huayu City for the past two months, watching you kill each other with blood. Flying was so enjoyable that I almost forgot that I still need to accumulate external skills.

Bai Yuan looked at Zhuo Yunzi, who was sitting aside and enjoying tea: Elder Zhuo Yunzi, what are those evil spirits doing recently?

Tao Yunzi almost shed tears.

My young master, you have finally remembered that you still have such an important mission. He coughed dryly, put down the tea cup, and said in a deep voice: Those evil spirits have been very bad recently. Among them, there are powerful things that are half a step into the heavenly realm... In the past two months, there were thirty-seven people in Canngling Great Plains. A city fell, and hundreds of families, big and small, were completely destroyed.

Exhaling softly, Zhuo Yunzi looked at Bai Yuan and said softly: However, Shaozong does not need to be anxious. The news was blocked by the headmaster's order. Outsiders only know that Shaozong is leading the Jianmen disciples in Canngling. Dayuan and those evil spirits fought bloody battles to save the people from the fire and water.

The white turtle blinked his eyes and waved his hands indifferently.

Save people from fire and water?

She didn't have this awareness. To her, no matter how many casualties there were among those ant-like mortals or those low-level monks, did it have anything to do with her?

All she cares about is Yinyuan's opinion and Yinyuan's attitude.

After picking up a few pieces of grouper meat caught from the water outside the east gate and throwing it into the soup pot, the white turtle asked Yinyuan: Ms. sir, what do you think?

Lu Qian suppressed a smile.

When he and Yinyuan met again in Jiancheng, Bai Yu called Yinyuan 'Brother Yin'.

When we arrived at Molong City, this ‘Brother Yin’ had become ‘Brother Yin’.

It’s great now, I don’t even call you ‘Brother Yin’ anymore, I’ve become ‘Msang-in-law’ directly!

They haven't even gotten married yet, and the two of them are just like a young couple... I don't know what Bai Xuanyue will think when she finds out about this!

The dignified young sect of Jianmen had no matchmaker to get married, no betrothal gifts and no dowry, and no ceremony, so he was just like a pig!

Tsk...I hope Yinyuan won't be hacked to death by Bai Xuanyue with his sword!

Lu Qian arrived at the square table, picked up his chopsticks, picked up a piece of the squirming cuttlefish tentacles, and threw it into the soup pot: Water God Palace is quite capable. The aquarium in this sea actually came to hang out in the fresh water of Qiuxue River. ...But it’s okay, you can eat seafood here, which is quite fresh!”

Lu Qian smiled at Yinyuan and said: Brother, my sister-in-law needs to accumulate external skills. Although I don't know what the method is, it is obvious that my sister-in-law's matters are more important. This has been delayed for two months, and it is not good to delay it any longer.

Yinyuan nodded, looked at Bai Yu and said: Zhishen is right, Xiaobai, your matters are more important. Let them fight the Miluo Sect and Shuishen Palace. We should eradicate those evil spirits first. That’s the most serious thing.”

After a slight pause, Yinyuan pointed at Lu Qian: It's just that this place is so dangerous. If Xiao Baiqian has any good things to defend himself and save his life, give it to Zhishen. After all, Song Shibian saved his life. Now, When someone is in trouble, Zhishen is here to plan a rescue, which is also a very loyal thing, we must help him more!

Bai Yuan nodded in agreement, and then she handed over three palm-sized, transparent sword talismans with a faint silver light: I don't have anything good. These three sword talismans were refined by the true immortals themselves... ...Each sword talisman can release a true immortal-level sword light to kill the enemy. In Yuanlingtian, nothing can be defeated and cannot be broken!

Bai Yuan casually handed the three sword talismans to Lu Yi: Zhishen, take them for protection. However, the power of these sword talismans is too great. If you use them rashly, I'm afraid it will cause unpredictable consequences. Never use it casually unless absolutely necessary!

Lu Chen looked solemn, took the sword talisman with both hands, stood up, and solemnly thanked Bai Yu.

His heart was twitching.

A sword talisman refined by a true immortal?

real or fake?

Is there a true immortal in Jianmen? it's out of the question!

So, just like the Supreme Immortal Imperial Order, these three sword talismans all come from the upper realm?

But what are the benefits of white turtles? Some real immortal would refine the sword talisman and send it down to her for self-defense?

On the side, Zhuo Yunzi and several other elders of Jianmen had their eyes so red that they could almost spit out fire!

The sword talisman refined by the true immortal is a disposable instrument in Lu Qian's hands.

But if it comes into the hands of the elders of the Sword Sect who have mastered the art of swordsmanship, even if they can only gain some superficial insights from it, it may be able to make their realm soar a lot, and even break through. In the past 30,000 years, there is no one in Yuan Lingtian. The wonderful realm of 'Heaven and Man' that can be broken through again!

However, they could only watch helplessly as these three sword talismans were put away by Lu Qian. No one dared to reveal the slightest hint of voyeurism.

Lu Qian picked up the wine bowl and drank three bowls in a row to thank Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was proud and kept ogling Yinyuan. The two of them flirted with each other, and water gradually appeared in the corners of their eyes.

Lu Qian looked disgusted and envious - Yinyuan was so rich!

However, it seems that if Yinyuan eats soft rice, he, Lu Qian, will also benefit from it!

So, this is a big deal!

Tsk tsk!

Bai Yu finally remembered that she had to go to Canngling Great Plains to eliminate evil spirits. With her identity and the status of Jianmen, she is indeed not suitable to intervene in the dispute between Milo Sect and Shuishen Palace.

Therefore, she took the Sword Sect's belongings and rode the Void Moving Formation back to Canngling Great Plains.

But she is also very sister-in-law, leaving three thousand elite sword guards of the Sword Sect for Lu Qian, so that these sword guards can act as Lu Qian's close bodyguards!

This incident made Lu Qian feel a little embarrassed!

The light on the Void Moving Formation gradually dimmed, and a dark cloud suddenly rolled up in the sky. At first, it was a drizzle of light rain, and soon it turned into a heavy downpour!

And this heavy rain lasted for ten days and ten nights.

Heavy rain enveloped the entire Milo Sect territory.

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