Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 534: Expansion (6)

Chi Qingqing knelt down.

Kneel down very simply.

When she discovered that the emperor of the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty, her nephew Chi Jiuchong, had become Lu Min's lackey, and the entire top management of the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty had also become Lu Min's lackey, Chi Jingjing was furious.

She even forgot to measure the strength gap between herself and Lu Min, and struck Lu Min with a single move of the bloodthirsty magic wheel.

This Taoist method is extremely sinister and evil. It collects the bones of spiritual beings and tempers them into a nine-layered bone wheel inside and outside. After tempering it for a hundred years with your own blood and demonic skills, it turns into a big blood-colored wheel, which can pollute the soul. , corrode the physical body, stain the magic weapon, and more importantly, can extract the enemy's essence and blood.

The spirit bone used by this bloody demon wheel is even more extraordinary. Bai Xuanfeng used the power of the sword gate to kill tens of thousands of casual cultivators and took the most spiritual bone from their bodies. Refined. In terms of the material of the bone wheel alone, the quality of the red bloodthirsty treasure wheel is much higher than the bloodthirsty bone wheel refined by the ancestor of the same sect.

Although his own cultivation level is insufficient, this bloodthirsty demon wheel with a diameter of one hundred feet is still full of fierce flames.

Accompanied by a sharp and strange whistling sound, the magic wheel released a cloud of blood, with countless twisted demon faces looming inside, crushing Lu Min head-on.

And Lu Min... the blood lotus beneath him just flickered with light, and the bloodthirsty magic wheel suddenly stiffened, suspended in the air and unable to move.

All the methods of the Blood River Sect originated from the Master Huaxue, and Lu Min received all the inheritance from the Master Huaxue. This blood lotus was the most precious treasure of the Master Huaxue back then, and it can be called a Yuanling Heavenly Blood Cultivator. The source level existence of all evil secret treasures.

This bloodthirsty magic wheel faced the blood lotus, but it was like grandson Gray meeting his ancestor. How could he dare to move at all?

Beside Lu Min, the 120,000 Blood God Sons that had not yet been completely refined floated up at the same time, darting in and out of Chi Qingqing's body as fast as lightning. Each blood god child passed over Chi Qingchen's body like a phantom, gently taking away a trace of her blood essence.

Chi Qingjing, as a blood cultivator and the acting headmaster of the Blood River Sect, had taken countless good things. The thickness of her life essence and blood was inhuman. Although it was only in the realm of the void, it was only seven or eight and a half steps away. A master in the Heavenly Realm cannot compare to her in terms of the amount of his own essence and blood.

Even so, these blood gods shuttled rapidly across her body. Each blood god son entered and exited her body once, taking away a trace of her life essence and blood like a cocoon. In an instant, 120,000 Blood God Sons entered and exited her body at least a million times. Even though she had exhausted all her essence and blood, her face became pale, her lips completely lost their color, her skin was slightly sunken and wrinkled, her whole body was sore and limp, and she no longer had any strength.

Finally, 120,000 Blood God Sons gathered in Chi Qingchun's mind, surrounding her soul and laughing wildly.

Without saying a word, Chi Qingchun knelt down in front of Lu Min's throne and bowed down in front of Lu Min. He called himself a 'younger generation' and was willing to 'submit himself to me and do the work of dogs and horses'.

A little blood lotus true seal fell, and Chi Qingqing suddenly became another lackey of Lu Min.

Chi Qingqing is the acting head of the Blood River Sect, and a demonic sect like the Blood River Sect has a strict hierarchy and has a hundred times more rules and regulations than the famous sect. Basically, as long as nothing happens to the old blood god behind Chi Qingqing, Chi Qingqing can do almost anything he wants in the Blood River Sect.

The huge treasure house of the Blood River Sect is opened.

Jars of rare blood essence, pots of rare blood elixirs, and various blood crystals, blood essences and other objects condensed with secret methods were continuously sent to the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty and integrated into the underground of the Blood Hell Holy City. In a huge blood pool.

The blood is shining in the sky, and the blood energy is rising.

The cultivation levels of the local officials of the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty controlled by Lu Min soared. In just half a month, with the support of endless amounts of essence and blood, the body shapes of these local officials have changed, becoming plump and fat men weighing at least two hundred pounds.

Their cultivation has generally been promoted to the realm of Zhaoxukong. Some guys with excellent qualifications and high enough original realm have reached the late stage and peak of Zhaoxukong. There are even more than 20 lucky ones who have directly ascended to heaven in one step and stepped onto the sky. Entered half a step into the realm of heaven and human beings.

Next, it’s another half month.

Chi Jinqing tried his best to cooperate with Lu Min and used various excuses to invite all the Supreme Elders from the Blood River Sect to come to the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty one by one.

There are a total of thirty-one Supreme Elders in the Blood River Sect who are half-stepping into the heavenly realm. Several of them followed the old man Blood God and ran to the Holy Heaven to serve as vanguards and test the attack on the Holy Heaven. Currently, only those who stay at the headquarters of the Blood River Sect are Twenty-four Supreme Elders.

The twenty-four supreme elders who were proficient in blood magic skills were subdued by Lu Min with almost no resistance.

After Lu Min passed on the profound blood magic scriptures to these forcibly subdued Blood River Sect elders, these elders changed from being full of resentment to being convinced. They swore and sincerely became Lu Min's disciples.

That's one thing that's good about the demonic monks. One is more cruel and cruel than the other, but they are more aware of current affairs than the other.

As long as your fist is big enough, as long as you give them enough benefits, there is nothing they can't do... Not to mention selling themselves, there is nothing they can't sell, including the relatives of the nine clans, the sect's orthodoxy, disciples, new and old friends.

As a result, the Blood River Sect was completely sold.

All the resources of the Blood River Sect were used by Lu Min to sacrifice to the Son of Blood God and improve the cultivation level of officials and forbidden troops in the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty.

In this way, another half month later, the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty was led by Emperor Chi Jiuchong, and the royal family members came out in full force. All the civil and military personnel of the dynasty were dispatched. The Imperial Army of the Blood Prison Holy City was used as the central army, and soldiers and horses from all over the country were recruited. The evil cultivators mobilized all the evil heretics from Xueyunling and other forbidden areas, formed a huge legion of hundreds of millions, passed through several other immortal dynasties under the rule of the Blood River Sect, and raided the Jiuyin Sect.

The Jiuyin Sect is not among the top 100 sects in Yuanlingtian, but the strength of the sect is not much weaker than those at the bottom of the top 100 sects. Among its gates, there are three half-step celestial realm elders sitting in charge, and they have also raised five ten-thousand-year-old ghost kings whose strength has reached the half-step celestial realm. They think they have wings, are fierce and powerful, and dominate the area.

The Nine Yin Sect has always had a good relationship with the Blood River Sect.

The blood magic skills of the Blood River Sect value the essence and blood of living beings... while Jiuyin teaches ghosts and ghosts, and sacrifices some zombies and so on. What they want is the living souls and bodies of living beings.

For many years, the major immortal dynasties under the rule of the Blood River Sect have maintained good commercial and trade exchanges with the Jiuyin Sect.

The Blood River Sect extracted the souls and bodies of blood beasts, blood birds, blood servants, and blood slaves, and used them as bulk trading items all year round, selling them to the Nine Yin Sect thousands of miles away, in exchange for huge profits.

The Jiuyin Sect also has a fixed source of ghosts and bodies, which saves its disciples from going around killing people and setting fires to collect ghosts and bodies.

Because of the existence of this kind of transaction, although the Jiuyin Sect also practices evil heretic methods, their disciples stay on their own territory all year round to study and practice hard, and basically do not go out to cause trouble. Although it is an evil sect, the reputation of Jiuyin Sect is much better than that of some famous and upright sects who are brave and fierce!

The Jiuyin Sect is not ranked high, so there are only three vassals of the secular immortal dynasty under the Jiuyin Sect.

As for these three secular immortal dynasties, in terms of national power, the three of them together are probably the territory and national power of one immortal dynasty under the rule of a super sect like Miluo Sect.

The army of the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty crossed the border without any sense of martial ethics and launched a sneak attack. The Forbidden Army of the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty, whose average strength had increased by at least one level, acted as the vanguard and defeated the hastily assembled armies of the three secular Immortal Dynasties.

Before the Jiuyin Sect could react to what happened, the three vassal Immortal Dynasties of its secular world were attacked by the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty's army and captured the imperial capital. Later, Lu Min commanded the army and approached the main altar of the Jiuyin Sect.

The sky is filled with waves of blood and demonic light.

Without any call for formation or negotiation, the Blood Spirit Immortal set up a large formation towards the army and launched a frenzied attack.

The highly corrosive blood waves made a dull sound, washing away wave after wave at the Nine Yin Sect's mountain-protecting formation, until the formation dimmed in light and was on the verge of collapse. A supreme elder from the Nine Yin Sect came out angrily and wanted to seek an explanation from the higher-ups here. As a result, just as he stepped forward, an elder from the Blood River Sect stabbed his limbs. Half of his body was turned into pus by the vicious blood poison. , dragging his broken body with great difficulty, he managed to escape back to the mountain-protecting formation.

In just two days, the Jiuyin Sect's mountain-protecting formation was overwhelmed and was about to be breached.

The Jiuyin Sect had no choice but to activate the teleportation movement array and call the backer behind it. Its comprehensive strength was among the top 100 sects in Yuanlingtian, and it could also be ranked among the top ten super sects - Hades.

In Hades, Yuan Lingtian's top 100 sects ranked tenth.

His actions are secretive, and his disciples are extremely low-key, even a hundred times more low-key and cryptic than a photo studio that specializes in the murder business. In Yuanlingtian, they basically did not set up separate altars, and they did not recruit many vassals. All the disciples huddled in their own mountain gates, and they had no idea what they were messing around with all day long.

The mountain gate of Hades does not have a fixed place like other sects.

The huge underworld is a large cave. All day long, a group of pure underworld energy in the earth's veins travels around underground. Except for a few giants of casual cultivators who have good relations with Hades, ordinary people cannot even send a message to Hades.

The founder of the Jiuyin Sect was a deacon elder who broke out of the underworld more than 20,000 years ago for unknown reasons.

Even after the elder established the inheritance of the Nine Yin Sect outside, he did not cut off his connection with the underworld. The Jiuyin Sect often contributes some genius treasures to the underworld, and the underworld also sends a few masters to move around from time to time.

The lotus roots are broken and connected, extremely ambiguous.

The Jiuyin Sect doesn't often claim to the outside world that it is someone from the underworld, but several times the Jiuyin Sect has provoked a big enemy, and the underworld secretly sent a few elders to kill the big enemy and turn them into fierce ghosts. .

Therefore, after being bullied by the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty this time, the Jiuyin Sect could not bear the pressure. After some hesitation, he went to the underworld to cry.

Half an hour later, in the gated area of ​​Jiuyin Jiaoshan, a super-long-distance void moving array was opened. A series of obscure auras and vague figures quietly emerged from the moving array.

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