Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 538: Nemesis of Hades (2)

The senior officials of the Blood River Sect looked at Lu Qian, who had fully activated his magical powers, with bewildered expressions on their faces.

The Blood River Sect is an evil heretic. Apart from the mysterious underworld, it can almost be said to be the leader of evil spirits in Yuanlingtian.

Although Buddhism has a very bad reputation in Yuan Lingtian and is like a street rat, in the minds of many people, Buddhism still has nothing to do with evil heretics - Yuan Lingtian's Buddhism has a bad reputation, and that is due to historical remnants. It was the Buddhist sect of Jishengtian who was so ruthless in those days that the Yuanlingtian cultivation world still has nightmares to this day. They did not dare to be negligent in any way towards them.

No matter what, the Blood River Sect actually recruited a powerful Buddhist to help out?

This... Chi Qingqing clicked her lips, unable to laugh or cry. She finally understood why Lu Yi asked Lu Min what he just said.

As long as the top brass of the Blood River Sect don't tell the outside world that Lu Min has roped in a powerful Buddhist to help, basically no one will believe it even if the Jiuyin Sect and Hades make noises to the outside world.

The reputation of the Nine Yin Sect is not as good as that of the Blood River Sect.

As for Hades, well, based on their usual style, they will most likely not make any noise to the outside world.

In the mountain gate of Jiuyin Sect, in the main hall of the founder, Youfeng, the third son of Hades, also looked at the magic water mirror with a confused look. Lu Ren released immeasurable Buddha light and used the Buddhist treasure to bombard him indiscriminately, beating nine of his own. The scene where the elder of the Half-Step Heaven Realm is in a state of distress.

This...Buddhist thief is bald? Youfeng asked the senior officials of Jiuyin Sect blankly.

This Blood River Sect... is outrageous! An elder of the Jiuyin Sect yelled angrily.

Everyone is an evil heretic who tears faces, fights and kills indiscriminately. The Jiuyin Sect can understand... Although the Blood River Sect and the Jiuyin Sect had some tacit understanding and cooperation in the past, the demonic way is not there for any reason. To stab someone in the back is a matter of course.

Therefore, the Blood River Sect came to visit. Although the Jiuyin Sect didn't know the reason, they could understand it.

But it is completely incomprehensible that the Blood River Sect colluded with the Buddhist Baldy to attack the Jiuyin Sect, which is also a demon... No matter how depraved the Buddhist thief Bald is, he will not degenerate to the point of collaborating with the Blood River Sect, right?

This is a bit weird. Youfeng stood up slowly, blinking his eyes continuously, unable to think of a solution for a while.

The form of Hades is mysterious and extremely low-key. Because of this, the disciples rarely walk around the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world. They only concentrate on the mountain gate and don't know what they are doing all day long. Therefore, the underworld works from top to bottom, and both the supreme elders and ordinary disciples have extremely little experience in the world.

Youfeng, the third son of the underworld, has a high status and noble status in the underworld. He is a strong candidate for the future leader. However, in terms of his ability to adapt to changes and the means of handling emergencies, he is not even as good as those in ordinary cities in the secular world. The leader of a street gang.

The nine supreme elders who had reached the half-step heavenly realm had been burned to the point of screaming, with black smoke rising from their bodies. He was still thinking hard here, wondering why there was a problem with the emergence of the Buddhist power.

The current leader of the Jiuyin Sect could not bear it any longer, and he said hastily: Mingzi, hurry up and rescue the nine elders, otherwise... the Buddhist magical powers and Buddhist secret treasures will be too lethal to us.

Youfeng suddenly woke up, punched the palm of his left hand with his right hand, nodded and said: Yes, hurry up and rescue... uh, let me take a look.

Lowering his head, Youfeng began to think about the few secret treasures of Hades he had brought.

He took out these tokens, screens, big flags, small arrows and other secret treasures, calculated their functions one by one, calculated their upper limit of power, and then measured one by one whether they could withstand the Buddhist magical power displayed by Lu Qian. , the secret treasure of Buddhism.

Then, he shook his head and murmured: The Nine Sons Soul-Seducing Arrow is a treasure of killing. It cannot be used to save people.

The Three Yin Killing Divine Sword is also a treasure of killing, and it cannot be used to save people.

Xuanyin Heavenly Banner, this is a psychedelic treasure. It has a little defensive power, but it's not strong... Use it to save people, but I'm afraid it will fall into the tiger's mouth.

Well, on this big screen of the Nine Netherworld, there is a secret cave in the sky, with a radius of 100,000 miles. It contains the infinite energy of the Nine Netherworld. It can trap people, and it can also be used to set up a large imprisonment formation. The defensive power is extremely high.

However, the other party's lamp seems to be too powerful. The big screen of Jiuyoujiangshan was lent to me by Master for protection. If it is damaged, I will not be able to explain it to Master when I get back... This big screen is even more like the underworld. If the suppressive weapon of the White Bone General's Mansion in the northwest corner is damaged, and if the White Bone General who has not surrendered yet breaks the ban, what will happen?

A group of high-ranking officials from the Jiuyin Sect all had numb claws.

They were respectful to the underworld on weekdays and often made offerings to the underworld. The underworld also gave them rewards of three melons and two dates, some mysterious spells, magical powers, etc. from time to time. In their hearts, Hades is mysterious, aloof, and irresistible.

But when I saw it today...

This third Mingzi has such a noble status, but he reacts like this when encountering things... Tsk!

Many elders of the Nine Yin Sect have strange thoughts in their hearts - it seems that Hades is not so unattainable; it seems that they, the Nine Yin Sect, can do something!

As expected of the Evil Sect, many of the Supreme Elders of the Jiuyin Sect began to think that if Youfeng came to the Jiuyin Sect one day, maybe they could kill this young man in private?

What about the Nine Sons Soul-catching Arrow, the Three-Yin Killing Divine Sword, the Xuanyin Heavenly Banner, the Nine-Nether River and Mountain Screen, etc... Even Youfeng, a body that has been refined by the spirit of the netherworld to be extremely pure, these old guys They were all very interested, almost drooling.

It's not too easy to kill such a young man like him!

The earth trembled violently, and the divine thunder of the purifying world fell like raindrops. Previously, in the underground lung furnace of Sword City, the divine thunder of the purifying world had already displayed its terrifying power. Now it is used in the Jiuyin Sect, and its lethality is even greater than in the Jiuyin Sect. When the Earth Lung Furnace surged more than ten times!

The formation set up by Hades, the original mountain-protecting formation of Jiuyin Sect, as well as the techniques of these Hades elders and disciples of Jiuyin Sect, all followed the evil path, and they were restrained to death by the magical power of Buddhism.

As soon as the divine thunder fell, the mountains and rivers within a radius of more than ten miles were blown to pieces, and large craters appeared constantly on the earth. Large areas of land were burned into magma by the Buddha's flames, making them golden and gorgeous.

The nine supreme elders of the underworld were extremely highly cultivated, but... just like Youfeng, their combat experience was negligible. However, Lu Qian fought fiercely and killed without giving them any time to prepare. A series of The Buddhist magical powers and Buddhist treasures were suppressed.

The defensive power of the Vajra Lotus Seat is extremely high, and it also has extremely strong confining power.

The nine Supreme Elders of Hades were imprisoned in the air and were unable to break free.

The Buddhist flames emitted by the Qingning Heart Lamp are even more destructive to some evil forces. The nine supreme elders are like grasshoppers in a pot of oil, and the vast sea of ​​mana in their bodies is burned by the Buddhist flames step by step. , purification, even the body filled with the spirit of the netherworld was burned to pieces, and it was burned into a human shape in an instant!

That is to say, Lu Qian's own cultivation is still lacking, but these nine supreme elders can barely hold on for a while by using their magic power.

Thirty thousand years ago, when the Supreme Holy Heavenly Buddhism was the vanguard to attack the Yuanlingtian cultivation world, the powerful eminent monk of the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect, holding the Qingning Heart Lamp, spurted out a burst of Buddhist flames, similar to the nine supreme elders in front of him. A level demon monk can make fly ash with just a snap of his fingers!

The inherent restraint in the martial arts and magical powers is really terrifying.

Lu Qian let out a loud roar. He held the flying bear gun and turned into a wisp of wind and rushed towards the nine trapped elders of Hades.

With a blow from the spear, an elder from the underworld let out a loud roar. His body swayed and turned into a large piece of gray gas rolling around in the sky. This was a great magical power that turned reality into emptiness. If it were an ordinary monk, even a sword cultivator from the Sword Sect. , if a sword were to strike against such magical powers, it would only penetrate into a void and be unable to cause any harm to this smart and witty elder.

Lu Qian's shot also stabbed into nothingness.

What could he stab in the gray fog? It didn't hit anything, and the lightning-fast shot just missed!

But this smart and witty elder of the underworld has forgotten that the Buddhist flames are burning in his body. He maintains a complete physical form and can rely on his strong cultivation to burn for a while longer.

Solid firewood, resistant to burning.

But he turned himself into a cloud of yin energy and dispersed it. Although he avoided Lu Qian's murderous shot, he transformed himself from a solid piece of hardwood into a large ball of fluffy cotton!

This cotton goes too far, and it happens in an instant.

There was a sound of 'hoo', and everyone heard a miserable scream.

In the void, a cloud of gray gas with a radius of several miles suddenly burned like an explosion. With just a flick of a finger, it was completely burned by the three-color Buddha flames, leaving not a single trace left.

In the void, a gray orb the size of a fist, densely covered with countless lines, was spinning continuously.

Next to the orb, a set of forty-nine strange-shaped flying swords, as long as the middle finger and as thin as cicada wings, stabbed randomly in the sky in the surrounding area. There was a cold light, evil energy rising, and the aura was extremely threatening.

Above the set of flying swords, a small gray-white mountain peak emerged. This small mountain peak was only about a hundred feet high. Gray light lingered all over the body. Painful and twisted faces continued to appear and shrink on the surface of the mountain. Many blood rivers were condensed. The legitimate son below the Dao Fruit Realm just glanced at the mountain peak, and suddenly his body swayed. Three souls and seven souls immediately left the body and were almost sucked away by the mountain.

Crash! More than 30,000 Blood River Sect disciples just glanced at this mountain peak and continued to fall from the sky.

An elder of the Blood River Sect raised a wave of blood and lifted these disciples up in the air. He hissed: What a vicious baby, with such power, is that guy stupid? Why don't you use it to protect your body?

Lu Min and others were all speechless.

A majestic half-step celestial being with three spiritual treasures at his side, actually seeking his own death?

The remaining eight elders of Hades seemed to suddenly come to their senses. They screamed in unison. A gray orb flew into the sky above each person's head, releasing wisps of gray energy that enveloped the whole body and collided rapidly with the burning Buddhist flames attached to their bodies. stand up.

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