Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 541: Siege of Hades

The deep bowels.

The huge underground space cannot reach the sky or the ground. The light is dim and there is no sun, moon or stars. There are only a few small earth veins snaking through the extremely thick rock formations. The energy of the earth veins can penetrate through the thick rock formations. , giving off a faint brilliance.

There are also some underground fluorescent moss, mushrooms and the like, attached to the rock wall, shining in the darkness.

In this huge underground space, a ball of gray air floated quietly.

There are layers of invisible restrictions surrounding the gray air, cutting off the void and wrapping the gray air tightly. Occasionally, there is a chirp sound, and the little lizard with thin webbed feet spreads its limbs and glides in the air. It accidentally hits this invisible restriction, and explodes into a ball of blood mist with a pop sound. Swallowed clean by the dust.

In the gray air, there is an extremely vast void.

The palaces made of metal are stacked one on top of another, suspended in this gray air, with ancient shapes and majestic momentum, just like the legendary palaces in heaven. Huge metal pillars stood between the palaces, and gray horned pythons were wrapped around the metal pillars. Their green eyes flickered like lamps, illuminating all directions.

Some Hades disciples in gray robes shuttled silently between the palaces like ghosts. Occasionally, when acquaintances met, they would just nod to each other indifferently, and few of them spoke.

In front of this vast palace complex, there is a huge square. Eighty-one metal pillars surround the entire square. Big pythons are coiled around the pillars. Their eyes are shining, silent and motionless.

In the middle of the square, there is a dim void transfer array. This is the only communication point with the outside world of Hades. If disciples of Hades want to step into the ground world of Yuan Lingtian, they must pass through this transfer array. In the same way, if outsiders want to find the mountain gate of Hades, they can only travel through this teleportation array.

Next to the moving formation, there is an exquisite small building. Several expressionless children are sitting on benches with their legs crossed. Their minds are not focused on the booklet on the introductory exercises to Hades in their hands, but they are listening attentively to something. .

On the third floor of the small building, in a well-furnished bedroom, gray incense smoke curled up from a three-legged incense burner, and in the air, a refreshing fragrance of cold plums filled the air.

One man, two women, and three monks from Hades were having a heart-to-heart fight on a cloud bed, soaked in incense. They were sweating profusely and panting. Occasionally, a low voice sounded, which made the ears of people outside the door stretch three inches. The children's eyes flickered, and their faces turned red with excitement.

These three are the disciples of Hades who are on duty in this moving formation.

But since the catastrophe 30,000 years ago, Hades has been hidden deep underground, with little contact with the outside world. No foreign enemy has ever stepped foot into the gate of Hades. Even vassal forces like the Jiuyin Sect will basically not teleport over unless they are summoned by the underworld.

Thirty thousand years of peace and quiet caused the rotating disciples in Hades to completely ignore the safety of the moving formation.

What can happen?

What could happen?

Not to mention, the strength of Hades is extremely powerful now. In the hearts of many disciples of Hades, they are already the number one sect in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world!

Even if there is an enemy invasion, aren't they just coming to die?

As a result, the moving array quietly lit up, and no one noticed when the tall Lu Qian appeared in the moving array. Although the three disciples on duty were in a fierce battle and had no time to be distracted, the few boys responsible for guarding the door were also listening to the corner with great interest and did not even notice the outsiders coming in.

Even the giant pythons coiled on the eighty-one metal pillars fell into a deep sleep, and no one noticed Lu Qian's entry.

Lu Qian raised his brows and quietly released Ahu and others, setting up a murderous sword formation next to the moving formation.

Still no one noticed the movements of Lu Yi and others, so Lu Yi's movements gradually became louder. As he waved his hand, a Zun Dao soldier quietly appeared. They quickly set up a large formation near the moving formation, and there were even hundreds of them. The dead shadow of Tiaoying Tower quietly hid in the shadows, surrounding the entire small building.

One after another, the flying boats and warships flew out from the Small Vajrasumi Mountain and quietly took to the sky, forming a battle formation.

Later, Lu Min also teleported over. He looked around in shock, and without a word commanded the powerful men of the Blood River Sect to set up a blood sea formation on the square. A trace of blood-colored mist quietly moved toward It spread around and penetrated into the bodies of the eighty-one pythons bit by bit.

The few children sitting in front of the door felt their energy and blood weakening a little. They yawned and fell to the ground with a 'gudong' sound.

Inside the building, the battle was still fierce, with men's howls and women's laughter and curses faintly heard.

Lu Qian even heard the man gasping like an ox and laughing in a low voice: Compared with my uncle...

Lu Yi and Lu Min looked at each other with extremely strange expressions. Lu Min played with a delicate bloody flying sword and said faintly: This underworld, tsk...it seems that they are all moral gentlemen!

Chi Qingqing and other senior officials from the Blood River Sect, as well as a group of masters from the Jiuyin Sect who had taken refuge, all teleported over.

Not long after, the armies of the Blood Spirit Immortal Dynasty filed in from the moving formation. They boarded the flying boats and warships, replenishing the power of the general formation to full strength.

After being so busy for more than three hours, there was still no movement in Hades!

This makes me feel a little guilty. Lu Qianqian asked Lu Min with a smile: It feels like we are not invading their mountain gate, but they are luring the enemy deep inside, closing the door and beating the dogs!

Lu Min looked at the peaceful mountain gate of Hades and murmured: Isn't that all? How can such a sect survive for so many years? It's a good thing that they are hidden deep in the earth, otherwise... …”

In front of the square, the door of a magnificent palace slowly opened, and a young man wearing a gray robe and an impressive figure strode out from the slightly opened door with his hands behind his back.

As the young man walked, he frowned and looked down at the gray-white jade ground with carved dragons and painted phoenixes under his feet. He strode in the direction of the moving formation, without even raising his head to take a second look, and just ran into the square that was already densely packed with countless monks.


The young man actually bumped into the chest of the burly Ahu who was holding a magic pestle.

Ahu was wearing a piece of heavy armor purchased from Sword City, and there was a ferocious one-horned flying tiger head relief on his chest. The sharp horn hit the young man's forehead.

The young man screamed in pain, staggered back a few steps, raised his head suddenly, and without even seeing the person clearly, he started to curse: How dare you, where did you come from, this despicable thing, how dare you...

The young man's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Ahu who was tilting his head and staring straight at him with a look of shock.

Who are you? Which family are you from? Why are you here? Huh? It's not the day to pay tribute yet, why are you here?

Ahu opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.

Yu Dianhu beside him looked back at Lu Qian who was standing behind him.

Seeing the cute look on this young man's face, Yu Dihu didn't know what to do.

Lu Qian coughed lightly, finally breaking the strange 'tranquility' and 'peaceful' atmosphere at the gate of Hades. He raised his magic power and spread his voice in all directions: Robbery... Whoever is in charge of Hades, please come out. Let’s talk!”

Lu Qian smiled and said: We really don't want to use force, really!

The rolling sound waves spread in all directions, the gray gas rolled, and the palaces were shaken to a buzzing sound. Around the square, on the eighty-one metal pillars, big pythons suddenly raised their heads, their huge eyes sprayed out green light, and stared at Lu Qian.

In front of the square, there were dozens of large and small palaces, and heavy doors opened with a bang. A large group of disciples from the underworld, wearing gray robes and their faces turned gray, filed out one by one. Standing on the steps in front of the palace gate, he looked down at the people arrayed in the square.

The young man who bumped into Ahu's chest laughed loudly: Don't make trouble, robbery? Do you know where this place is? This is Hades...robbery? You are, this is, possessed. Bar?

An old voice sounded from the depths of the palace complex in the distance: Ming Qi, back off!

The young man was stunned, his body swayed, and he turned into a wisp of dark wind and retreated sharply.

Lu Chen let out a light drink, and the demon-subduing pestle in Ah Hu's hand suddenly released a large red karma fire, and the pestle struck the wisp of evil wind. With a miserable howl, the dark wind shattered, and the young man's true body was revealed, with wisps of red flames wrapped around his body, burning his whole body with a chichi sound, and not only black smoke spewed out.

Ahu practices the secret technique inherited from the Great Brahma Jingshi Sect. The power of red lotus karma fire is extremely terrifying. This young man's cultivation level is only at the realm of Condensing Dao Fruit, and his body does not seem to have gone through much tempering. He can be said to be 'too weak to resist the wind'. In an instant, the entire body was burned into a plume of black smoke.


The old voice approached quickly, a gray light flashed, and a tall, translucent old man suddenly appeared in front of the formation. The old man suddenly saw the densely packed monks in the huge square and the dozens of fully formed attack formations, and his expression suddenly changed.

You... members of the Nine Yin Sect, what do you want to do?

The old man's eyes fell on the leader of Jiuyin and others. As vassals of the underworld, every time the Jiuyin sect came to pay tribute, the middle and high-level leaders of the sect would always come to the underworld, so they were the only people the old man recognized. .

The leader of Jiuyin coughed dryly and cupped his hands towards the old man: Elder Mingyou, hey, this may not sound very pleasant to say...but the underworld's energy has been exhausted. This master is doing justice for heaven today. I’m here to conquer Hades!”

The golden light of the Buddha Seal with ten thousand characters flashed across the forehead of Jiuyin Cult Master. He pointed at Lu Qian and said with a smile: I am as compassionate as a Buddha and do not want to commit more murders. If the underworld is willing to kneel down and beg for mercy, it can save my disciples from killing themselves. What a disaster, this is a great blessing!”

Ming You, the supreme elder of Hades, stayed on the spot.

How could the leader of Jiuyin be so confident and say such shameless words?

Suddenly, the entire Hades shook slightly, and more than a hundred gray rainbows soared into the sky from various palaces. Figures with serious auras slowly flew out along the rainbows.

The top brass of Blood River Sect and Jiuyin Sect all changed their expressions.

Among these more than a hundred rainbows, within each one is a powerful being who is half-step into the realm of heaven and human beings!

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