Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 558: Immortality Cult (3)

He uttered big words, and then Bai Zhu fled.

It's really impossible not to run away.

In fact, there is not much difference between the destructive power between the Heavenly Realm and the Half-step Heavenly Realm. The Celestial Realm is very strong. It is strong because they can cross the void and travel around the world. It is strong because they have strong vitality and almost endless mana!

In terms of Dao perception and spiritual control, the Heavenly Realm is higher than the Half-Step Heavenly Realm, but it is only a little higher.

If it were in other sects, Bai Zhu might be able to crush everything with his sweeping power with the power of swordsmanship in the Heavenly Realm. However, Milo Sect is a perverted sect that has studied Taoism to the extreme. Any ordinary spell can be transformed into magic in the hands of Milo Sect monks!

Therefore, Bai Zhu has little advantage over Song Feng and others in terms of combat power!

Bai Zhu indeed has endless vitality and infinite magic power. He has a world of his own and has achieved a state of 'endless life'.

However, the Miluo Sect also has a large formation for suppressing the religion. Song can not wait for the supreme elder of the Miluo Sect to use the power of the formation to continuously draw out the spiritual power of the world and replenish his own consumption. It can also barely achieve the point where the mana is endless.

What's even worse is that Bai Zhu is a swordsman.

And 90% of the methods of sword cultivator are based on a natal flying sword. However, Bai Zhu's natal flying sword was blocked by the Armillary Sphere of Four Seasons. Bai Zhu was unable to drive his flying sword freely, which greatly reduced his combat power!

Of course, the most important thing is that the Milo Sect has a large number of people.

Dozens of half-step Heavenly Realm elders, leading more than 100,000 elite disciples, formed a formation to attack...

Well, there was also Lu Min, who was also in the realm of heaven and human beings, and was constantly pumping cold blood to bleed Bai Zhu on the side.

Bai Zhu was seriously injured time and time again, and then returned to his peak and perfect state time and time again. He fought fiercely in the Miluo Sect's mountain gate and persisted for seven days and seven nights. Finally, he roared angrily for a while, dropped his own flying sword, and broke through with force. The Miluo Sect blocked the formation and managed to escape in embarrassment.

The small world inside the body has collapsed from a radius of 400,000 miles to around 300,000 miles. Bai Zhu has been practicing hard for nearly 30,000 years, and almost half of his cultivation has been consumed!

The loss in the Heavenly Realm is different from the mana loss in other realms. In other realms, even if you have exhausted your mana, you can take a few spiritual pills and find a place rich in spiritual energy to meditate for a few days, and your mana will be replenished.

Once the world within the realm of heaven and earth is depleted, it cannot be replenished by a short period of meditation. It took Bai Zhu nearly 30,000 years to achieve his previous cultivation level, and now almost half of it has been destroyed. This means that unless he obtains a gift from the upper world such as the Immortal Dew of Good Fortune, he will have to regain his previous cultivation level. It takes more than ten thousand years of hard training.

A ray of sword light shot straight into the sky, and the panting Bai Zhu was suspended at a very high altitude, overlooking the mountain gate of the Miluo Sect below, roaring at the top of his lungs: Song Wenfa, your Milo Sect, is simply, simply... the devil Wu, Sign up!

Behind Lu Min, dozens of Blood God Sons, which were rich in color and seemed to be made of blood, lined up in a row, following him and slowly flying out of the Miluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation. He clasped his hands behind his back, looked up at the furious Bai Zhu, and said with a smile, I'm Lu Min, I've met fellow Taoist Bai Zhu.

Bai Zhu stared at Lu Min and said sternly: Okay, okay, okay, Lu Min, right? I remember you! Haha, I never thought that Yuan Lingtian would hide such a powerful demon like you... …So, all the attacks on my Bai clan over the past few years were all your fault?

Bai Zhu forcibly suppressed the anger in his heart and the resentment caused by the plummeting cultivation level, and began to question the incidents in the past few years about the continuous attacks and deaths of important members of the Bai clan of Jianmen.

Lu Min was stunned and shook his head. He was not willing to take the blame for others.

Raising his right hand, Lu Min made an extremely vicious oath: As a warning from the heavens, I, Lu Min, have just escaped from the border and officially walked around the world... The attack on your Bai family has absolutely nothing to do with me, Lu Min!

Fellow Daoist Bai Zhu, I, Lu Min, dare to attack you secretly and poison you, and even dare to collude with the Miluo Sect to besiege you, and even kill the Sword Sect disciples you brought, which proves that I am not afraid of you. Therefore, I am the one who did it. I admit it. However, it is not something I did, and I will never take the blame for others!

As Lu Min spoke, he smiled happily: So? Someone else is taking action against your Jianmen?

Lu Min smiled faintly and said: It can be seen that your Jianmen Sect has been powerful for nearly 30,000 years. How many people have you offended before it made people angry? I heard that in the past few years, your Jianmen Sect's Earth-lung Furnace was destroyed. Already? Tsk, tsk, tsk!”

Lu Min pointed at Bai Zhu, whose expression was unpredictable, and shook his head with a smile: I think your Sword Sect is going to be in bad luck!

Bai Zhu gritted his teeth and stared at Lu Min.

After pondering for a long time, he slowly nodded: That's all, the matter of Milo Sect... Now that Milo Sect has found a big backer like you, I admit that Milo Sect can be on an equal footing with Jianmen. So, you just expand your territory, Jianmen Sect, please stop interfering in this matter. In the future, Jianmen and Milo Sect will not interfere with each other, okay?

Lu Min raised his eyebrows suddenly and looked at Bai Zhu in astonishment.

Lu Min had attacked Bai Zhu secretly before, and even Song Bufa and others brazenly attacked and killed Bai Zhu. Seeing Bai Zhu's furious look, Lu Min thought that Bai Zhu was about to return to Jianmen and gather countless masters to kill Miluo. Teach revenge.

However, he was able to suppress his anger and give suggestions for peaceful coexistence between the two sides...

Lu Min exhaled. He was worthy of being an old monster who had lived for nearly 30,000 years. Even a pig was alive and well. This character... tsk tsk.

Lu Min looked at Bai Zhu and probed: I am fortunate enough to have stepped into the realm of heaven and man, so I know some of the mysteries of the realm of heaven and man. Fellow Taoist Bai Zhu, could it be that the source of the body has been depleted too much and the cultivation level has dropped suddenly, so That's why...weak, can you be bullied?

Lu Min said it right.

Bai Zhu took a deep look at Lu Min and said coldly: In my cave, there are still three elixirs of life given by the upper world. Within ten days, I will be able to return to the peak of cultivation. In the ancestor hall, my grandfather left The sword of my destiny is still there, if I come here with it, you... dare to fight for your life with me?

Lu Min hurriedly shook his head: In this case, it's fine as long as the water in the well does not interfere with the river. I have no ambition to be hegemonic, I just want to make a small fortune and earn a share of the family. It is not in line with me to share life and death with fellow Taoist Bai Zhu. The way to behave in the world.”

Lu Min waved his hand to Song FuFeng who was in the mountain guarding formation. Song FuFeng let out a clear whistle. The armillary sphere rotated gently and was suppressed by a ray of starlight. The Bai Zhu natal flying sword that was twisting wildly suddenly loosened and let out a sound. A high-pitched dragon roar turned into purple light and shot straight into the sky.

With a loud bang, Bai Zhu's natal flying sword was so sharp that it penetrated the Miluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation. He shook his head and tail, and flew back to Bai Zhu's hand with great joy.

Bai Zhu pointed his hand, put his natal flying sword back into his body, and smiled coldly: You are a sensible person, let's let it go now!

Bai Zhu's body swayed and immediately turned into a very thin sword light and flew away.

When he came, he borrowed the void moving formation arranged by the Milo Sect. Now that the two families are at odds, he can only rely on his own cultivation to fly out of the Milo Sect's territory... Otherwise, when he was teleporting in the void, the Milo Sect Even with a little bit of evil, he will look good!

Now that the natal flying sword has been sent back by Lu Min, the hatred of dozens of elite disciples... is not so important.

If the Milo Sect wants to grab territory, go ahead and grab it.

The captured territory will not pose any threat to Jianmen for a while or three to five hundred years.

Since the Miluo Sect also has a powerful backer in the realm of heaven and human beings, there is nothing they can do about Lu Min even if they kill one person in vain. Since it cannot be suppressed violently, it can only be temporarily shelved. The most urgent task is to find out the culprit who is constantly plotting against the Bai family behind the scenes and find out where he came from.

Bai Zhu's visit to the mountain gate of Miluo Sect has a strong symbolic meaning. It represents the attack of Jianmen, the uncrowned king of Yuanlingtian, on the restless rising star of Miluo Sect!

Therefore, when Bai Zhu came to the gate, nearly a thousand sects in Yuan Lingtian, large and small, all sent out their eyes and ears to look around the Miluo Sect's mountain gate.

When Bai Zhu arrived at the gate of Miluo Sect, he brought dozens of elite disciples with him.

When he rushed out of the Miluo Sect's mountain gate in anger, he was alone and not a single disciple showed up. Especially the conversation between him and Lu Min was clearly heard by everyone around him.

Countless messages immediately spread rapidly around Yuan Lingtian.

Countless sect senior officials were dumbfounded after receiving the news from their own eyes and ears, and were speechless for a long time.

No wonder the Milo Sect is so unscrupulous in destroying sects and sects, and expanding its territory so wildly and wantonly. Its methods are completely different from its past style, and it is as if it has fallen into the devil's way... It turns out that the Milo Sect has really embraced a thick thigh, a The thick thighs of those who practice blood magic skills and are powerful in the heavenly and human realm!

Well, the backstage backers are all practicing demons, so the style of Milo Sect will naturally change!

Those sects that are far away from the Miluo Sect are beginning to plan one by one to find an excuse to visit the Miluo Sect during the holidays, and by the way, send a generous gift and have a good relationship with the Miluo Sect.

In fact, some sects with brighter minds have begun to consider marriage with the Milo Sect.

I don’t know if Lu Min is married or if he intends to have three to five thousand concubines or something? If a concubine is not acceptable, then a maid or a maid can be...

And those who are relatively close to the Milo Sect, especially those next door neighbors of the Milo Sect, are all wailing incompetently as if they were mourning for their heirs. The army of the Miluo Sect is still sweeping holes in the plowing courtyard, constantly attacking sects one after another, and taking down families one after another. No one knows how big their appetite is, and no one knows when they will stop!

After Lu Qian led the Miluo Sect's army and captured the territory of seven small sects, finally, one after another, sects, families, and various forces that were close to the Miluo Sect began to prepare. A big courtesy and a visit.

Even several major sects that were among the top 100 sects in Yuanlingtian shyly sent out secret historians to seriously ask what Miluo Sect's plans were.

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