Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 560: Establishing Prestige

Immortality Sect, back mountain.

The huge grotto, the sky is round, and the 120,000 earth veins captured with great supernatural powers are imprisoned under this grotto. The spiritual energy rises and the Taoism is permeated. In this grotto with a radius of hundreds of miles, the spiritual mist is as thick as mercury, and the It is the most precious cultivation place in the world.

In the grotto, the Great Vajra Lotus Seat is suspended in the air. Lu Qian is coiled on the lotus seat, with the Small Vajra Sumeru Mountain above his head. The Taichu Mixed Bead is suspended in front of his eyebrows. Many spiritual treasures are slowly swimming around him, with wisps of subtle Taichu Qi. Floating out from the mixed pearl, it continuously nourishes all kinds of spiritual treasures.

The Immortality Sect, having eaten its fill, had to stop its conquests and begin internal digestion and internal integration.

Lu Qian was the master of all these matters, leaving Lu Min, Qingyou Sannu, A Hu, Yu Dihu and others to do whatever they wanted. He sat quietly in this carefully built grotto and meditated. It was already three months ago.

The images of three-eyed people all lit up in my mind, shining brightly into the void.

The power of the soul is rising like a tide, penetrating the past and peering into the future. Waves of mysterious Taoist charms are constantly rippling from Lu Qian's soul. His soul calculation power has been raised to the extreme. Everything he has done and experienced in the past few decades is like a guinea pig on the dissecting table. He uses the power of his soul as a knife to carefully cut into pieces bit by bit. Analysis and identification.

In the end, only two doubts loomed in front of Lu Qian's eyes.

First, let’s ignore all aspects of the Senluo Sect. Now that Lu Qian's strength and influence have soared, Senluo Sect is not a big threat.

Secondly, the world's Yuan Fei was once owned by Hades and later occupied by Lu Yi and Lu Min's father and son.

The Yuan Fei of the world was born by concentrating the essence of the three realms. It was continued to be warmed and nourished by the Yuanlingtian world as the mother body. It took hundreds of millions of years to mature and appear in this world. If the Yuan Fei of this world is settled by the consciousness of Yuan Lingtian, Yuan Lingtian can be transcended, sublimated, and reach the sky in one step.

For such an important world Yuan Fei, if Ming Sheng in the past was just sitting around and getting a little benefit!

Ming Sheng is cautious, even stingy. He is afraid that his disciples will surpass him in cultivation. Therefore, he has formulated extremely harsh rules. It is extremely difficult for disciples of the Hades to have the opportunity to practice in the Yuan Fei of the world. Even if they get the chance, they can practice Time is also extremely short.

Therefore, sitting on the world's Yuan Fei, the overall cultivation level of the Hades disciples is not too outrageous, and the consumption of the innate essence around the World's Yuan Fei is also minimal.

As for Lu Qian and Lu Min, father and son, they almost predatoryly absorbed the innate essence that was extremely important to the world's Yuan Fei.

In seven years, the father and son, together with Lu Qian's Taoist soldiers and Lu Min's blood god son, consumed 70% of the innate essence!

Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth, even if you are a pig, 70% of the flesh and blood in your belly has been cut off, you still have to react!

The results of it?

Not only did Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth not react at all, but there was no such thing as divine punishment. Lu Yi and Lu Min's subsequent actions for more than ten years were all smooth sailing!

The Miluo Sect annexed all directions, looted countless people, and eventually expanded into a huge monster like the Changsheng Sect. It was smooth sailing all the way, and none of the nearly a hundred sects could cause any obstacles to such annexation.

Everything is like God’s help!

God help!

This is a deal! Lu Qian pondered for a moment, and then he gently tapped the Taichu Mixing Bead with his finger, temporarily removing the cover and concealment of his own aura.

His body swayed slightly, and the aura of physical strength that exceeded Yuan Lingtian's ability to contain it leaked out. Suddenly, the void in the cave shook, and the void within a ten-mile radius around Lu Qian shattered inch by inch, revealing countless black cracks like spider webs.

A terrifying pressure from heaven and earth suddenly fell.

The shattered void healed quickly, and a distant, vicissitudes of life, like a great river flowing endlessly, and full of traces of time, a torrent of consciousness quickly connected to Lu Qian's soul.

This torrent of consciousness is vast and profound, but it is not clear.

The information He conveyed was even more obscure than the information output by a one-year-old child.

But Lu Qian's soul lit up, and he quickly dissected and analyzed the will transmitted from Yuan Ling's consciousness.

Oh... ok! Lu Qian laughed hehe: In that case, please help me...

Somewhere in Yuanlingtian, a place surrounded by mountains.

The surrounding mountains are full of barren mountains and rivers, poisonous and miasma, inhabited by countless ferocious beasts, and the ground is full of poisonous insects and poisonous weeds. There is a highly poisonous wind blowing in the void. No matter how much cultivation you have achieved, if you stay in this wind for a long time, your Tao body will be destroyed and your soul will be disintegrated.

This is one of the most forbidden places in Yuan Lingtian. Since ancient times, very few people have come here. It is extremely dangerous and there is no benefit to be gained.

But among these mountains, the sky and the earth suddenly became brighter, with good mountains and rivers, active spirituality, profound Taoism, countless spiritual flowers and grasses everywhere, countless rare trees, and a large number of rare birds and animals roaming all over the ground, just like a fairyland on earth. !

When Lu Qian said the words 'one helping hand', he conveyed an unbreakable consciousness to Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth.

This is a transaction, and Yuan Lingtian must pay a deposit first.

This square of fairy land suddenly shook slightly, and with a 'click' sound, a piece of fairy land with a radius of 1.2 million miles was quietly cut off from this area. Then this square of fairy land began to collapse inward rapidly, from 1.2 million miles away. The huge scale inside was compressed into a tiny particle of dust.

In all directions, in the mountains, earth veins transformed into giant dragon forms, constantly flying out from the depths of the earth and diving into this tiny speck of dust.

In an instant, 1.08 million earth veins merged into this speck of dust. The extremely huge inspiration and Taoist charm suddenly stretched this speck of dust into a dazzling light, as bright as a small sun. .

In the next moment, this tiny speck of dust crossed thousands of mountains and rivers and hundreds of millions of miles of void, without disturbing anyone, and quietly appeared in front of Lu Qian.

Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth has become 'dying', and his communication with Lu Yi has become intermittent and weak.

If you say that the consciousness of heaven and earth is very powerful, it is extremely powerful. He almost has the supreme power of life and death over the monks on his own territory.

But if you want to say that he is fragile, he is also very fragile.

Just like now, he just cut off a 'little bit' of territory from his own body, refined it a little and gave it to Lu Qian. In the end, he used up a little bit of the spiritual consciousness of heaven and earth that he had worked so hard to accumulate.

After giving this speck of dust to Lu Qian, Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth must fall into a deep sleep. It will be thousands or tens of thousands of years before he wants to communicate with a monk like he does today.

I owe you a favor, and I will repay you. Lu Qian breathed out softly, his eyebrows suddenly cracked, and a ray of spiritual light surged out of his mind, grabbing the mote of dust and pulling it in little by little. own mind.

The Taichu Hun Tongzhu released a dense aura and enveloped Lu Yi completely, cutting him off from the world again. Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of the world could not capture his existence.

Everything fell into place.

A ray of power from Lu Qian's soul rolled towards this speck of dust. His body shook slightly. The speck of dust spread out in his mind. The small world of 1.2 million miles was perfect. It fit his body and turned into his heaven and earth!

Realm, breakthrough.

The realm of heaven and man is achieved.

The small world of inner heaven and earth constantly pours out countless inspirations and endless Taoist rhymes, quickly filling Lu Qian's body.

Lu Qian's mana cultivation soared step by step, reaching an immeasurable level in an instant. The spiritual inspiration and Taoist rhyme gushing out from this small world of heaven and earth are heavy and solid, like a giant hydraulic press, which is madly tempering Lu Qian's original magic power and violently forging it.

Lu Qian's magical power, which he originally thought was extremely solid, was hammered tightly and solidly by the huge pressure of this small inner world. A thousand parts were condensed into one part. The magic power in his body was refined drop by drop like solid marbles, going crazy in his body. As it circulates, every particle of mana is as bright as a burning golden marble, emitting countless high-temperature highlights.

Three days later, Lu Qian's breakthrough was completed, and everything was as easy as eating and drinking.

Compared with the great masters of the Heavenly Realm in the past, they first had to select a cave in Yuanlingtian when they were halfway to the Heavenly Realm, and then imprisoned this place, refining it bit by bit with their own secrets, and constantly creating it. Injecting various imprints, constantly cutting into the soul and integrating into it.

In this way, after completely refining this Dongtian Blessed Land, this period of time may be three to five hundred years, or three to five thousand years, depending on your own cultivation level and the inheritance of the sect's skills.

When everything is ready, you need to restore your soul to the Great Perfection state. Then, use your great magic power to forcibly separate this square of Dongtian Blessed Land from the Yuanlingtian body, use your great magical power to incorporate it into yourself, and refine it bit by bit. The small world of heaven and earth.

You are cutting meat from Yuan Lingtian's body!

Therefore, when worshiping and refining the small world of inner heaven and earth, there will be divine punishments, catastrophes, inner demons, external demons, and all kinds of catastrophes in an endless stream.

Therefore, at its peak in the past, Yuan Lingtian only had nine heavenly beings!

In the once rampant and willful Holy Heavenly Cultivation World, at its peak, there were only nine heavenly beings!

For ordinary celestial beings, the small world of inner heaven and earth that is initially completed is the minimum standard for entering the realm of celestial beings. The small world with a radius of 36,000 miles, once completed, must continuously draw the source of the world from Yuanlingtian. Stealing heaven and earth to replenish oneself.

Therefore, after entering the realm of heaven and humans, a heavenly disaster will surely come every nine hundred years!

Therefore, the speed of stealing the origin of the world cannot be too fast, otherwise, the catastrophe will be extremely violent, so violent that even the realm of gods and humans cannot withstand it.

Let's look at Bai Zhu. After practicing for nearly 30,000 years, his inner world is only 400,000 miles in diameter. It’s not that he doesn’t work hard, it’s not that he doesn’t make progress, it’s that the cultivation of the realm of heaven and humanity requires a steady flow of water. If you dare to do the trick of fishing in a dry lake, God will punish you and you will be beaten to death!

And what about Lu Qian?

Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth came to him on his own initiative. Not only did he not pursue his 'crime' of stealing the innate essence of the world's Yuan Fei, but he took the initiative to carve him a territory with a radius of 1.2 million miles.

Dare I ask, in history, which monk who first entered the realm of heaven and earth had such a huge inner world?

Dare I ask, in history, which monk who first entered the realm of heaven and earth had millions of earth veins nourishing his inner world?

Three days later, Lu Qian got up.

The Immortality Sect cannot be moved now, but I am very quiet and thinking about it.

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