Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 564: Establishing Prestige (5)

Bold and bold! They are going to rebel!

Hearing Bai Xuanyue's words, Bai Zhu was furious: Without my permission, they dare to use heretical techniques to break through the wonderful realm of heaven and man, and abandon the inheritance of the ancestors. This is treason, this is rebellion, this is... damn it!

Bai Zhu was furious, and wisps of sword light flashed around him, cutting deep marks on the ground of the Patriarch's Hall. Bai Xuanyue and others were so frightened that they did not dare to speak.

Realm of Heaven and Humanity!

An elder from the Sword Sect is seeking to use the secret techniques of other sects to break through the wonderful realm of heaven and man!

In cultivation, except for a few lucky ones who have great luck, other serious cultivators take every step with trepidation, and every step is like a natural chasm and a desperate situation.

Today in Yuan Lingtian, there seem to be countless high-level monks. Each sword sect has dozens of supreme elders who are in the half-step heaven and human realm, and there are millions of masters of the Lighting Void and Condensing Fruit Realm as the backbone of the sect. .

In fact, this is a long time, countless resources, and hundreds of millions of ordinary disciples, accumulated bit by bit. The higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to break through. It is harder to achieve any kind of improvement than to reach heaven.

Thirty thousand years ago, before that catastrophe, the huge Yuan Lingtian, countless sects, and countless monks, in the long years, accumulated a total of nine great powers in the heavenly realm!

In such a big world, there are only nine of them!

This shows how difficult it is to break through the wonderful realm of heaven and man.

This also highlights how much weight and status a powerful person in the heaven-human realm has in Yuanlingtian.

But now, it has only been 30,000 years since the catastrophe, and all the high-level monks in Yuan Lingtian have been wiped out with blood. Today's high-level monks have all been cultivated little by little in these 30,000 years.

In particular, that catastrophe cut off many profound inheritances. Among them, the technique of how to break through from the half-step heaven to the heaven and human realm was almost wiped out. So far, it is clear that the only inheritance that can directly reach the realm of heaven and humanity is the Tai Shang Sword Canon of Jian Sect.

However, the last chapter of the Taishang Sword Code is in Bai Zhu's hands.

Except for the core members of the Bai clan like Bai Xuanyue, who had the opportunity to comprehend it once or twice, the Tai Shang Sword Canon was tightly held in Bai Zhu's hands, just like a jealous woman holding an iron chain. It's like tying her husband to her side.

Therefore, in the past 30,000 years, in the huge Yuan Lingtian, as far as Bai Zhu knew, he was the only one who was in the heaven-human realm!

He has become accustomed to the feeling of being aloft, overlooking all living beings, manipulating the wind and clouds, and causing violent vibrations throughout Yuanlingtian with just one glance, affecting the fate of countless monks.

Previously, Lu Min appeared out of nowhere in the Immortality Religion. He was a celestial being who was practicing blood magic skills. This had already dealt a heavy blow to Bai Zhu. He vaguely felt that half of his once supreme authority had been taken away. He has been angry about this matter for a long time. Many times he wanted to go to Lu Min for a fight to the death, but he couldn't make up his mind!

Lu Min hadn't figured out the matter yet, but he actually heard that inside Jianmen, other families who had always been obedient and obedient to the Bai family and Bai Zhu had the guts to take a detour and overtake. Break through the realm of heaven and man with a secret technique that I found out from someone's grave!

What a treason! Bai Zhu shouted to the sky with heartache: A bunch of white-eyed wolves...how could they forget that it was just my grandfather who saved the entire Yuan Lingtian with his sword and brought the Sword Sect to an unprecedented peak!

What do they want?

What do they want to do?

They didn't say a word, and didn't even say anything to me, the Great Elder, and secretly tried to break through to the realm of heaven and humanity... Let's not talk about whether they have this life, whether they have the qualifications, whether they have the ability... What exactly do they want to do by doing this?”

Bai Xuanyue said softly from the side: The thieves are ambitious and greedy... They have long been dissatisfied with me, the Bai clan, who has always occupied the position of headmaster, and with whom I, the Bai clan, have allocated more than half of the Jianmen's resources all year round. Especially, especially Bai Yu, she...

After coughing a few times, Bai Xuanyue whispered: In addition, in recent years, many elite members of my Bai clan, including Xuanfeng, have been attacked and died. They are afraid that they think that my Bai clan Decline is imminent.”

Shaking her head, Bai Xuanyue continued: In previous years, with you, ancestor, in charge, other families would not have dared to act rashly. But as soon as the matter of the Changsheng Sect came out, they might feel that Lu Min would restrain them. Ancestor, you have no time to be distracted, and their opportunity will come.

As for using the secret techniques of other sects to break through the realm of heaven and human beings, and abandoning the orthodox inheritance of the Tai Shang Sword Code, their behavior is absolutely the same as betraying the sect. However, they may have already saved it, and once they break through, they will bring it with them The disciples of the sect broke out and established their own sect.

Bai Xuanyue sighed: Although they are majestic in Jianmen, they are always inferior to my Bai clan. If one of them can really break through the realm of heaven and man, run out to stand on his own, and call himself the ancestor of the clan, I don't know how many times. So happy.

The more Bai Zhu listened to Bai Xuanyue's words, the more his body shivered.

He hesitated with the sword light in his eyes, and said sternly: In this case, they all have the intention of betraying the religion, and I will replace my grandfather and father and take back all the Sword Sect inheritance from them! Haha, Sword Sect, they have them Of course it’s good, but if you don’t have it, it’s not bad!”

Bai Xuanyue hurriedly tried to dissuade him: Ancestor, you must not attack them without any real evidence. I'm afraid... I'm afraid... the disciples at the bottom will betray their moral character, and their hearts will be broken!

Bai Zhu said angrily: What do I care about his low-level disciples? You are an ant!

Bai Xuanyue smiled bitterly.

Bai Zhu is a typical second generation. He has been pampered since he was a child, does not care about anything, and has a smooth life, so his head is a little simpler. Indeed, compared to them, those low-level Sword Sect disciples are just ants. With one sword strike, they can easily kill thousands or tens of thousands...

But can a sect be without these low-level disciples?

No way!

Without them, where would your food, clothing, and other enjoyments come from? If something happens, who will run errands for you? If you go out, who will act as guard of honor? If two families fight, even if you defeat the other side and capture countless territories of the other side, who will you let guard the four sides?

However, Bai Zhu was furious, and when Bai Xuanyue tried to persuade him, she felt a little frightened.


An extremely sharp sound broke through the air, and a flash of golden light flew into the Grandmaster's Hall.

Bai Xuanyue hurriedly took the golden light, pointed her finger, the golden light rippled, and a letter slowly emerged in the light curtain. Bai Xuanyue hastily glanced at the urgent letter sent back by Jianmen's hidden line from Jiufengxian Dynasty, and suddenly laughed haha.

Bai Yu did something interesting this time.

Ancestor, you see, Bai You and her man, in the Jiu Feng Immortal Dynasty, took away the power of the Li family and are gathering their troops to prepare for Yin You's rebellion.

Huh? Bai Zhu took the letter, glanced at it, and raised his eyebrows: This is just a small matter. Whatever Bai Zhu wants to do, she can do whatever she wants. What's the point of a mere Nine Phoenix Immortal Dynasty? Is it urgent?

Bai Xuanyue smiled and said: The Jiu Feng Immortal Dynasty is indeed not important. But for Bai Yu, whether it is the timing of launching the attack, the excuse he made, or the target of his attack, it is all just right.

Among those families who are not very stable, there is the Li family.

We will wait and see the reaction of the Li family when Bai Yuan acts this time. If they use the incident of the Nine Phoenix Immortal Dynasty to cause trouble, the ancestor will just kill the chicken to scare the monkeys and establish his authority!

If the Li family did not do anything in the face of the Jiufeng Immortal Dynasty being invaded by white turtles, it proves that they are indeed harboring different intentions and hiding their thoughts of breaking out. In this case, we must be cautious and make a thorough plan in advance. preparation.

Even, Ancestor, you have to personally take action. Unbeknownst to everyone, let Ancestor Li Xu of the Li clan...if he goes crazy when he breaks through the wonderful realm of heaven and man, and is seriously injured and dies. The Li clan The group of dragons has no leader, so it can only be left to our own devices.

Bai Zhu nodded slowly, strange lights flashing in his eyes.

Bai Xuanyue whispered: Over the years, important members of my Bai clan have been attacked and killed many times... I have always suspected that someone in the Jian Sect colluded with the murderer... I even suspect that some of my Jian Sect members are Hands and feet made by humans.”

I know very well that for example, the Li family is outside and has taken in many vassal forces, but they have concealed it. Those casual cultivators in the mountains are not popular, and the inheritance paths are in a mess. I don't know why. But I can scrape a few from them. It’s not difficult to get out of the Heavenly Realm in half a step. If you combine it with some Qimen formations, and kill a few members of my family through mental arithmetic and unintentional calculations, it will be cheap.”

Bai Xuanyue said quietly: When trouble comes from Xiao Qiang, the enemy is not outside, but inside the mountain gate. This is what I have been most worried about in these years.

Within Bai Zhu's body, waves of sword sounds rang out, causing the huge hall to shake.

Jiufengxian Dynasty, Tianfeng City, in the imperial city.

Early in the morning, the golden bells and jade drums were rang, and the civil and military ministers of the Nine Phoenix Immortal Dynasty lined up and walked into the court meeting hall. He saw Yinyuan sitting on a high mount on the throne in the middle, surrounded by a group of subordinates headed by Yu Changle.

These people, like Yu Changle and several other old eunuchs, all followed Yinyuan from Jishengtian to Yuanlingtian.

The other group of men and women, who are both good and bad, are the 'guests' that Yinyuan has been eating and drinking around Bai You for these years, recruiting them from various evil heretics in the name of Bai You.

This group of people...

Anyway, Lu Qian looks like a crooked person, and he doesn't look like a serious person. I really don’t know where Yinyuan collected such a group of top-notch people.

Yinyuan sat on the throne and issued an imperial edict directly in the name of Li Yuan.

The first one is to mobilize all the soldiers and horses of the Jiufeng Immortal Dynasty and gather in Tianfeng City to prepare for the war.

The second item is to deprive the Jiufengxian Dynasty of the authority of all the generals who originally commanded the army, and hand over the power of commanding the army to a group of close associates headed by 'Lu Zhishen'.

In the main hall, the expressions of countless ministers of the Nine Phoenix Immortal Dynasty changed drastically.

The group of confidants around Yinyuan were all smiling, clasping hands and cheering.

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