Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 571: Alliance (2)

The furious Bai Zhu turned into a ray of sword light and circled around the secret realms and secret mansions of Jiuzhongtai with a snap of his fingers.

The huge Jiuzhongtai has no aura of Li Xu!

Li Yu didn't fool Bai Xuanjing. It wasn't that Li Xu didn't want to see her on purpose, but that he wasn't at Jiuzhongtai at all. How could he see her?

Bai Zhu's mood became extremely bad!

Based on Li Xu's identity, he should be like Bai Zhu, sitting in Jianmen all year round and not allowed to go out easily. Even if he goes out, with Li Xu's status, he will be surrounded by tens of thousands of disciples, and the guard of honor will be spread out for more than ten miles. Only then can he be worthy of being the supreme leader of Yuan Lingtian's first sect. The elder’s traveling style.

Unless he wants to do something shameful, like when Bai Xuanfeng went to the Blood River Sect, the Jianmen elders' trip would be earth-shattering, and they must report to the sect before they can be dispatched in a reasonable manner.

But Li Xu didn't report it, didn't take any disciples with him, and just disappeared!

With such a sneaky behavior, there must be a conspiracy!

Bai Zhu gritted his teeth and thought of Bai Xuanyue's previous speculations. He dared to conclude that the Li family really had different intentions - he really didn't care about the little things about the Jiufeng Immortal Dynasty, because they They are all ready to rebel and become independent. Do they still care about the Jiufeng Immortal Dynasty?

Damn, damn, damn!

Bai Zhu quietly escaped from the Jiuzhongtai without disturbing anyone, and ran straight to the Patriarch's Hall.

No one knew when he came in or out. The Jianmen majors in the Tai Shang Sword Code, and the true meaning of this sword code is only spread among a very small number of the core members of the Bai family. The inheritance received by other Jianmen disciples and members of the major families is all flawed.

Even the mountain-protecting sword formations they arranged on their own territory contained the hands and feet left by the Supreme Supreme Being. To Bai Zhu, the sword formations arranged by the Li family inside and outside Jiuchongtai were thoroughfares, and he could come and go freely. .

Bai Xuanjing was still making a fuss at the Jiuzhongtai, while Bai Zhu had already arrived at the Jianmen Patriarch's Hall, a side hall dedicated to the natal magic swords of the core leaders of each family. He directly found the natal magic sword stored here by the four supreme elders of the Li family. A sword essence spurted out and swept away the four flying swords suspended in the air.


The four natal magic swords vibrated slightly, and wisps of faint light spurted out. The light and shadow emerged, revealing the true figure of the owner of the natal magic sword.

Bai Zhu's body shook and he looked at the portraits on the four magic swords in astonishment!

Those were the appearance of the four ordinary elders of the Li family who were in the void realm. They were definitely not the supreme elders who were half-step into the heavenly realm such as Li Xu and Li Yu whom Bai Zhu knew!

In other words, the Li clan secretly replaced the natal magic swords enshrined in the Grandmaster's Hall by their four supreme elders at some unknown time, the Sword Gate. The mastery of the elders.

The natal magic sword enshrined here by Jianmen can not only give feedback on the physical condition of the sword owner at all times, but can also trace its specific location using secret techniques. If there is danger outside, Jianmen can send out experts to provide emergency rescue according to the coordinates. Even with the matching void movement array and the magic sword as a guide, the master of the sword sect can be directly teleported to within a thousand miles of the magic sword owner.

In addition to tracking and locking, this natal sword also contains a fragment of its owner's soul.

If that person betrays the sect, Bai Zhu can use the secret method in the Tai Shang Sword Code to annihilate the soul, severely damage his body, make his cultivation level plummet, or even directly damage him to the point of death.

But the four supreme elders of the Li clan had actually secretly replaced their natal magic swords long ago!

Sure enough, it was all deliberate and evil, haha! Bai Zhu was so angry that his whole body was trembling. He became angry, opened his mouth, and sprayed another sword essence on dozens of nearby natal magic swords.

Very good, the natal magic sword of the core members of the Bai clan is safe and sound.

However, in addition to the Li clan and the Li clan in the Sword Sect, the Taishang elders of the three most powerful families, the Luo clan, the Yuan clan, and the Zuoqiu clan, also secretly replaced their natal magic swords with younger disciples.

The Li clan is quite particular. The natal magic swords of the four supreme elders were replaced. At least the natal magic swords left here are still the natal magic swords of the elders of the Void Realm.

Then the Zuoqiu clan was a bit slapped in the face - the natal magic swords they left here were actually three minions in the Golden Lotus realm!

Shameless, shameless! Bai Zhu was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped. He raised his right hand and was about to activate the secret technique. He would be cruel and destroy the life skills of all the core members of the big family such as the Li family who stayed here. The sword directly annihilated their backbone...

A sword light rushed in, and the furious Bai Xuanyue emerged from the sword light and hissed: Ancestor, we have found the murderer who attacked Xuanfeng and several other tribesmen... I really didn't expect it to be them. ... I should have thought it was them... Ha, the Supreme Being was too soft-hearted back then and didn't take action against them. I didn't expect that they were raising tigers to cause trouble!

Bai Xuanyue took out dozens of jade slips and quickly opened them one by one.

The light and shadow of the big tent flickered, and many attributes, many secret letters, and various pictures and information exploded like fireworks.

Bai Zhu widened his eyes and stared at the information displayed in the jade slip.

One piece after another, all kinds of evidence, all kinds of personal and material evidence, all point to the Senluo Sect. In the Senluo Sect, there are warriors in the heavenly and human realms. They were the ones who killed Bai Xuanfeng and overturned the Fengchao Tower. The two major intelligence dealers, Zhuying Pavilion and Zhuoying Pavilion, leaked the private information of the two families to the world, causing chaos in the major sects of Yuanlingtian!

Only Senluo Sect has such a foundation!

Bai Xuanyue said angrily: After the catastrophe, the other sects of Yuan Lingtian were rebuilt from the ruins... The secret scriptures inherited by each of their sects were collected by Taishang Ancestor. After 30,000 years of recovery, the strength and heritage of each family are generally under our control.

Only the Senluo Sect had a large number of elite disciples absconding and the sect's inheritance was intact. After the catastrophe, the other major sects were left with casualties and almost all their elite disciples. Only the Senluo Sect still had millions of elites. ...It’s just that the Supreme Ancestor has unparalleled magical powers, the leader of the Senluo Sect was killed in battle, and the ancestor suppressed the entire Senluo Sect forcefully!”

Only the Senluo Sect can set up such a big plan and drag the entire Yuanlingtian into chaos!

They want to rebel!

Bai Xuanyue gritted her teeth and said: They used to be the number one sect in Yuan Lingtian... Now, they want to reverse the situation, subvert the world, and push my sword sect off the throne of the number one in the world! Haha!

The sword light flashed in Bai Zhu's eyes. He pondered for a while, and then a sneer turned into a sky-shattering rainbow and flew out of the Patriarch's Hall. He shouted loudly, and the sound resounded through the entire Jianmen.

Li Yu, Luo Tian, ​​Yuan Miao'er, Zuo Qiuhui, each of you have ordered 30,000 elite members of the sect to follow me out! Quick! It is a matter of life and death for Jianmen, quick, quick, quick!

Bai Zhu waved towards Bai Xuanyue, and the natal magic sword left by the Supreme Sword Sect turned into a wisp of purple energy and fell into his hand. As soon as the purple energy was collected, it turned into a handle that was more than four feet long. A simple long sword with a thick blade. Bai Zhu held the long sword in his hand and flicked his fingers on the sword's spine, and a sword cry suddenly resounded through the sword gate.

‘Choke Lang Lang’, inside and outside the Sword Sect, countless sword cultivators’ flying swords vibrated together.

The four elders who were named by Bai Zhu swayed, and the sword essence in their bodies suddenly shook... The natal magic sword left by the Supreme Supreme Being is the supreme religious treasure of the Sword Sect, and it is also the supreme symbol of authority. Its status It is comparable to the jade seal passed down from the worldly immortal dynasty.

All disciples of the Sword Sect who have practiced the Tai Shang Sword Code will be restrained by this magical sword.

If a disciple of the Sword Sect does something wrong, even if he is a half-step to the perfection of the Heavenly Realm, as long as this magical sword is activated and slashed down with one strike, he will surely die without any ability to resist!

But this magic sword can only be used by the direct descendants of the Bai clan!

Haha, let’s savor the charm for yourself!

Li Yu and other four elders gritted their teeth and issued a series of hurried orders. They quickly mobilized 30,000 elites from their own disciples and turned them into sword lights rising into the sky.

These elites transferred from each family are the real elites, and their cultivation is at least above the Condensing Dao Fruit!

The sword lights of the 120,000 sword cultivators above the Ningdao Realm are dense and majestic. The sword lights are more than a thousand feet long. The colors are gold, silver, purple, green and other top-grade sword lights. There are also some sword lights. The light contains thunder and comes with fairy fire and divine flames. The sword light shines continuously, illuminating the void tens of thousands of miles around!

Li Yu stepped on the cold light and rushed straight towards Bai Zhu.

He quickly glanced at the Patriarch's Hall below Bai Zhu, and respectfully saluted Bai Zhu: Great Elder, what are you doing?

Go and destroy the place! Bai Zhu glanced at Li Yu deeply, waved his hand, and shouted loudly: All disciples, follow me! Xuan Yue, activate the void movement array, and go straight to Senluo Territory.

Between Jianmen and Senluo Sect, there is the huge Canngling Plain as a buffer.

However, the two families have always been 'on good terms' with each other, and there are no less than a hundred void moving formations for disciples to communicate with each other.

Unless the two families officially turn against each other and start a fight, these Void Movement Arrays will be closed. In real time, these hundreds of Void Movement Arrays can send tens of thousands of people to the other side's territory at a time!

After half a cup of tea, Bai Zhu took four elders from the four families and 120,000 elite disciples, turned into a rainbow that filled the sky, and came directly to the mountain gate of Senluo Sect.

The bells in the Senluo Sect rang out, and large swaths of illusory green smoke rose up. Wisps of green smoke rose up, wrapping the flag gates one by one into a dense formation, completely covering the entire mountain gate.

A clear-headed old man with a goat's beard smiled and saluted Bai Zhu: Boss Bai is here, and it's a sin to miss him from afar. It's a sin... It's just that Lao Bai came here with such murderous intent, but as long as I teach my disciples, I can't do it. Open your eyes, have you offended Mr. Bai?

Bai Zhu clasped his hands behind his back, looked at the old man Qinghui and sneered: Zhou Zhizi, stop talking nonsense, open the big formation, arrange the ceremonial guard... What? This time I come, do you treat me like a thief to guard against me? Huh? Last time I came here, Your last headmaster took all the elders out to meet someone from a distance of 90,000 miles, why did you break the rules today?

Zhou Chuanzi coughed slightly, his eyes flashed with green light, and he smiled calmly: Last time you were a guest...this time, you are here to kill someone, right?

Bai Zhu suddenly laughed loudly.

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