Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 574: Alliance (5)

Bai Zhu entered the formation, and the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation immediately changed.

Before the four families invaded, the Senluo Sect's protective formation underwent various changes, with more banter than killing. Before getting the order from the real high-level officials, the person in charge of the Senluo Sect now used humiliation as a means of doing more harm than real harm!

Even when Zuo Qiuhui was surrounded by eighteen Half-Step Heavenly Realm elders in the formation, he was mostly intimidated and had very few actual casualties.

The changes are quite subtle!

The four elders of the four families entered the battle, but they did not have the consciousness to fight to the death.

The Senluo Sect has no determination to directly conflict with Jianmen.

But when Bai Zhu entered the formation, his nine ten thousand-foot-long sword light fell, immediately smashing hundreds of strange gates in the formation, killing thousands of formation puppets, crushing nearly ten thousand zombies and ghosts that were ambushing everywhere, and blasting through ten Three pieces of acquired spiritual treasures formed in an array.

In the formation, there was a sharp jade flute sound, and suddenly the fragrant wind filled the air, the yellow sand rolled, and a heavenly palace appeared in front of Bai Zhu. Countless flying witches holding various musical instruments came towards Bai Zhu with singing and dancing.

Bai Zhu sneered: Evil heretics are vulnerable to attack!

In the midst of laughter, a treasure mirror surrounded by flames behind Bai Zhu rose into the sky, emitting countless streaks of fire and thunder, which blasted these erratic flying witches into disfigurement, burned their jade bodies into ashes, and broke through the building in an instant. A psychedelic heavenly palace that is enough to make ordinary practitioners fascinated and sink to death.

As soon as the Heavenly Palace was destroyed, a peach blossom forest suddenly rose from the plains. Thirty-three feet long golden shuttles from Bai Zhu's sleeves suddenly spurted out, and with a 'crunch', the peach blossom forest and the countless poisonous bees contained inside were instantly shattered.

The peach blossom forest exploded, and a clear spring emerged from the smoke. Water vapor rose from the clear spring. Countless white fish shaped like arrows flew back and forth in the clear spring. The silver lin reflected the skylight and shuttled rapidly like a flying sword.

Bai Zhu waved his sleeves, and three fist-sized black thunder beads flew out silently, fell into the clear spring, and exploded instantly. Three mushroom clouds rose into the sky, and the terrifying power of thunder exploded, sweeping hundreds of miles away in an instant. Qingquan and Baiyu were all blown away.

The last time he was besieged by Lu Min, Song Feng and others at the gate of the Immortal Sect, Bai Zhu learned from the painful experience and took with him as many spiritual treasures as he could carry in the Jianmen treasury. Along the way, he didn't use his flying sword very much. Instead, he used all kinds of spiritual treasures to attack wildly, and forcibly opened up a thoroughfare directly to the core hub of the Senluo Sect's mountain protection formation.

There were sneers from all around: It is simply embarrassing to all the swordsmen in the world... Elder Bai Zhu, which swordsman has so many treasures on his body?

Bai Zhu turned a blind eye to the ridicule of the Supreme Elder of the Senluo Sect. He strode to the core hub of the formation and saw that there was an eighteen-story dharma platform with nearly a thousand masters of the Senluo Sect on it. Sitting there, all kinds of arrays are shining brightly, and thunders are circling and flying. In the center is an orb that seems real and illusory, like smoke and mist. The surrounding void is twisted, and various dreamy bubbles are constantly spewing out. Countless strands of smoke extend in all directions, affecting At the various hubs of the formation.

Palaces and pavilions are suspended around the altar, and countless disciples of the Senluo Sect are sitting in them, resisting the attacks of the four sword formations from all directions. Countless sword lights crisscrossed each other, and these palaces and pavilions kept emitting layers of swirling light, and were torn into pieces by the sword lights that fell like raindrops.

Seeing Bai Zhuxing coming in, Yuan Miao'er and the other four elders shouted in unison.

In the middle of the throne room, a thin and shriveled elder of the Senluo Sect, described as wretched, let out a long sigh: Elder Bai Zhu, I, the Senluo Sect, have nothing to offend at all. Why do we come here with such a big fanfare?

Bai Zhu sneered, and a sword light tore a floating pavilion into two pieces. Hundreds of Senluo Sect disciples in the pavilion turned around and ran away, but Bai Zhu rubbed his hands together, and countless small sword energy sprayed out, completely blasting them away. It became a blood mist.

No offense? Just now Zhou Chuzi teased me with a paper figurine. This is the biggest offense. Bai Zhu sneered: It's hard to let go of what happened today. If you don't let go of the formation, I can only break it by myself. .”

The wretched old man laughed a few times: Zhou Chuzi, that's no wonder. Elder Bai Zhu is coming with a fierce momentum. Who dares to fight you in person? Hey, if you have something to say, if you have something to say, let's stop fighting for the time being. What do you think? ?”

Bai Zhu's response was to stab him in the face with a sword light.

The wretched old man sighed again. He waved his sleeve, and a piece hung high above the blurred orb on the altar. The whole body was filled with countless dazzling plasma. It could be vaguely seen that it was shaped like a shuttle, but it was unclear what was generated. The similar Lingbao roared, and a golden thunder light as thick as a water tank blasted out, extinguishing it together with Bai Zhu's sword light.

Bai Zhu's body swayed slightly, countless small electric currents splashed all over his body, and he subconsciously took three steps back.

This is the secret treasure of the Senluo Sect that suppresses the religion. During the catastrophe, the leader of the Senluo Sect once relied on this treasure and perished together with an extremely holy Heavenly Realm master who invaded Yuanlingtian!

This is a treasure powerful enough to kill heavenly beings.

It's just that this treasure requires a powerful celestial being to truly exert its lethality, and Senluo Sect currently does not have a powerful celestial being in charge. More than ten elders worked together to urge it, but they could only smash Bai Zhu's sword light and make him retreat. Just the last three steps.

It's a pity that the pearl has been cast in secret! Bai Zhu looked at the heavy treasure hanging high on the pedestal and shook his head with emotion.

While sighing, Bai Zhu suddenly smelled a sweet and greasy aroma. The next moment, his whole body was filled with energy and blood, and a heat rose up in his lower abdomen. In an instant, his body was as hot as fire.

Bai Zhu looked at the wretched old man in shock: You, you, you, you actually used such vile erysipelas?

The old man coughed a few times: If you don't have enough cultivation, external things will come in... As long as you can fight against the enemy, you don't care if he does other things or not? Well, Elder Bai Zhu should quit quickly, this 'Chuanshan San' , as the name suggests, after taking it, you can penetrate mountains... Elder Bai Zhu doesn't have to dissipate it for half a year, so I'm afraid he won't be able to dispel the power of the medicine.

The old man winked at Bai Zhu and said, Hey, this is a great medicine to help you feel happy, not a poison. Therefore, ordinary detoxification pills, dispelling secret techniques, etc. are all ineffective. I have painstakingly studied for three thousand years before I prepared this medicine. Waiting for the Qimen medicine prescription, it seems that Elder Bai Zhu has already taken it?

Bai Zhu was so angry that he almost cursed regardless of his dignity.

As expected, Senluo Sect has all kinds of obscene things.

This kind of elixir...

However, Bai Zhu was also shocked. He is already a powerful person in the heavenly realm. His body and soul have evolved completely from those of ordinary monks. Ordinary elixirs are completely ineffective against him. Before, his inner world was damaged, and the medicine and stone had no effect. , you can only restore your cultivation by taking the fairy dew of good fortune given by the upper world.

This so-called Chuanshan Powder can actually make him, a powerful person in the realm of gods and humans, feel hot and arouse instinctive desires. You can imagine the value of this prescription!

It's a pity that this prescription is not a serious prescription, but actually, that kind of stuff!

The energy and blood all over his body boiled like fire, and Bai Zhu forced the sword energy in his body to suppress it. But as the wretched old man said, this is not poison, but it stimulates a certain instinct in oneself. It was okay if Bai Zhu didn't suppress it. The more he suppressed it, the more it seemed to add fuel to the fire. The burning desire made his eyes red and he almost lost his temper on the spot.

Bastard thing!

Bai Zhu yelled angrily!

I've tried this medicine, but it's a bit stupid. It's a bit too strong, and there's no antidote at all. The wretched old man raised his eyebrows at Bai Zhu: But, this is the effect we want... Hey, hey hey , I just held it in for a long time and didn’t let it out, and sure enough, this time it will be a success!”

Not only Bai Zhu, but also Li Yu, Luo Tian, ​​Yuan Miao'er, Zuo Qiu Hui, and many of the disciples they brought to the formation were also attacked.

They saw that the originally surging sword light had gradually dimmed. The eyes of many disciples were red and their bodies were swaying, as if they could fall from the sky at any time.

Yuan Miao'er simply put away the light of her sword, her big eyes blinked, and she kept casting glances at the handsome disciples behind her... She looked like a girl soliciting customers in a brothel, completely out of place. The utmost decency!


Bai Zhu subconsciously gave the order to retreat.

It’s impossible not to withdraw!

He could barely hold on for a while, but looking at this, those elite disciples couldn't hold on at all. If this delays a little bit, not to mention breaking through the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation, Sword Sect may become the biggest joke in the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world for the next hundred thousand years, and the entire Sword Sect's dignity will be thrown into the gutter. Marinate it!

Withdraw, withdraw as quickly as possible!

Bai Zhu took the lead and rushed out of the Senluo Sect's mountain-protecting formation in embarrassment. The four elders, with their swords blazing like fire, followed him closely and escaped in a bit of a panic.

A group of elite disciples of the Sword Sect, all with red faces, controlled the sword light and flew out of the formation with great difficulty.

Then a group of people hurriedly like fish that slipped through the net, panicked like bereaved dogs, their bodies swaying, found the nearest city, forced them to activate the void movement formation, and fled back to the Jianmen Mountain Gate in a state of embarrassment.

As for how to dispel the medicinal power of Chuanshan Powder after returning to Jianmen...that is unknown!

Many monks who happened to be staying on the Senluo Sect's territory, either to visit relatives and friends, to seek medical treatment or medicine, or to purchase various talismans, puppets, formation disks and other training equipment, or simply to avoid disasters on the Senluo Sect's territory, would What happened at the Senluo Sect's mountain gate that day spread as quickly as possible.

For a moment, the Yuan Lingtian cultivators were horrified and admired the Senluo Sect so much that they fell to the ground.

The Secret Treasure of the Sect, the powerful weapons that could kill the powerful beings of heaven and humans, failed to make the Jianmen disciples take a step back. Instead, they were a dose of indiscriminate and somewhat unscrupulous medicine that made the hundreds of thousands of Jianmen elites miserable. Retreat... This, this, this, the monks who heard the news were all dumbfounded and bowed towards the mountain gate of Senluo Sect!

But everyone knows that this time, Senluo Sect has completely killed Bai and offended Jianmen!

The next all-out attack is just around the corner!

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