Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 584: Drifting (4)

It's probably a gift of happiness like a plague, right?

Yin Yuan and Bai Yu were walking in front, arm in arm. Lu Qian's face was slightly hot and he was three or five steps behind. Behind them, Yu Chang Le and a group of servants from the Great Yinxian Dynasty were walking in front with their waists slightly bent, looking attentive. of the left and right.

Brother and sister Bai Xuanyue and Bai Xuanjing, as representatives of the Bai clan, followed with smiles on their faces.

The two of them smiled extremely brightly.

The white turtle is finally going to get out.

This big stone in my heart fell down so steadily.

Oh, this little devil star, let him cause trouble to the Great Yin Dynasty. Let him cause trouble at will. He will ruin his country and his family, and ruin his mountains and rivers. No matter what the trick is, just don't bother with Jianmen. .

Bai Xuanyue and Bai Xuanjing have completely seen through it. Bai Yu is a complete scourge!

However, her identity is too special and noble. No one in the Bai family of the Yuanling Tianjian Sect can do anything to her... So, send her away quickly and respectfully like the god of plague!

Anyway, her life is safe, so there is nothing to worry about. Her protective old lady still has many backup plans for her. In Yuan Lingtian, anyone who can hurt her, haha!

Lu Qian and the others are going back to the mountain gate of Xianghuo Road.

There is a Void Movement Formation inside the Jianmen Mountain Gate, but the Void Movement Formation in the Mountain Gate is connected to all the important strongholds in Jianmen Gate. If you want to go to the mountain gates of other sects, you can only go to a specially set up transfer hub for the moving formation, a million miles away, outside the mountain protection formation.

In the past, when the power of Jianmen was at its peak, one could take the Void Teleportation Formation from the Mountain Gate to the transit hub city a million miles away, and then transfer to the Teleportation Formation to reach the territory of Incense Road.

But now the Jianmen Sect's power has been greatly weakened. The alliance of the Immortal Sect and the Senluo Sect are looking covetously from outside. The Jianmen's territory is being invaded day and night, and a war may break out at any time. Therefore, Bai Xuanyue had ordered a few days ago to demolish all the teleportation arrays in the transfer hub that went to and from the mountain gate.

Therefore, Bai Xuanyue and Bai Xuanjing, together with a group of Jianmen senior officials, respectfully sent Lu Yan and his group out of the mountain gate, stepped onto a flying warship, and sailed towards the transfer hub of the moving formation at full speed.

Young Master, don't worry. In three days, no, tomorrow, early tomorrow morning, the first batch of carefully selected elite disciples will go to the Dayin Immortal Dynasty and join Master Yin.

Bai Xuanyue smiled brightly: Young Master, just don't worry. As long as we digest the spiritual treasures given by our ancestors, the Sword Sect will definitely be able to sweep away the demons, frighten the ugly ones, rescue the ancestor Bai Zhu, and kill the daring ones. The Immortality Sect and the Senluo Sect have all been wiped out, and my Sword Sect has regained its illustrious reputation!

He said to Bai Yuan with a smile: When the time comes, Dayin Immortal Dynasty will have as much territory as they want. As big as they want. If Mr. Yin is willing, the entire territory of the Immortality Sect can be handed over to you. ah!

Bai Xuanyue is full of confidence.

With the upper world spiritual treasure given by the Supreme Supreme, he made a rough calculation. Although Yinyuan used a portion of the spiritual treasure, if his sword sect did not worry about the backlash of the consciousness of heaven and earth, it would be enough to train six to seven people. The famous Celestial Realm power is enough to allow more than a hundred core tribesmen to break through to half a step of Celestial Realm.

Plus two top-notch fairy-level dragon horn swords.

There are also seven gourds of dragon essence and blood, enough to temper seven more fairy weapons and flying swords.

Nine immortal weapons can form a Jiuyao Evil-killing Sword Formation, which is one of the top three vicious formations among the Sword Sect's offensive and killing formations. Its killing power is terrifying. Forming a formation with nine fairy swords is enough to kill heavenly beings!

A mere longevity cult?


However, the white turtle was born in the year of the dog... Bai Xuanyue was so kind that she might as well feed the dog.

Hearing Bai Xuanyue's attentiveness, Bai Yuan sneered: Go away, what's the matter with you? My husband's foundation must be built by himself, sword by sword, so why do I need your Jianmen's help?

After a slight cough, Bai Yuan raised his head and said proudly: I want to be the most reliable woman after my husband-in-law. I want to go through the ups and downs with him, share the joys and sorrows. I want to support him, start from scratch, and build a big country! You second-generation ancestors don’t understand the joy and pride of starting from scratch!”

Bai Xuanyue and Bai Xuanjing's faces suddenly turned into a ball!

'Second-generation ancestor'?

'Second-generation ancestor'!

You're a short-lived little girl, do you know what a 'second generation ancestor' is? With so many people present, everyone can despise the second generation ancestor, but you are not qualified to do so! Damn thing!

Bai Xuanyue resisted the urge to slap Bai Gu away, and said with a smile: Yes, yes, yes, Shaozong is absolutely right. Alas, we are too narrow-minded to understand Master Yin's unparalleled pride!

Bai Yu sneered: Isn't that right? My husband-in-law is of course an unparalleled hero. How can you, a bunch of locals from the lower world, understand this? Oh, by the way, those who were expelled from Jianmen and took refuge in Dayin The Jianmen disciples of the Immortal Dynasty will have nothing to do with Jianmen from now on!

Bai Yu said proudly: My husband is famous far and wide, and his reputation as a virtuous man is famous all over the world. Therefore, he built 9999 talent recruitment halls in the court, and talented people from all over the world come to join him!

Bai Xuanyue said dryly: Yes, yes, yes, what Shaozong said is absolutely true... We have all heard of the name Young Master Yin. He is indeed a top-notch hero in the world... I have countless elites from the Sword Sect. Disciple, I have admired the reputation of Master Yin for a long time, so I took the initiative to leave Jianmen, gave up my identity as a disciple of Jianmen, and voluntarily threw myself under Master Yin, becoming a pawn and letting you be driven around!

Bai Xuanyue forced a smile: Young Master Yin established the Great Yin Immortal Dynasty, conquered a huge empire, and established great achievements that are unprecedented in the past. These are the achievements of Young Master Yin who started from scratch, overcame obstacles, and endured hardships.

Lu Qian listened very awkwardly.


Tsk, starting from scratch!

Without any help from Jianmen!

Even the old eunuch Yu Changle couldn't say these words without conscience. Of all the people present, only Bai Yu could downplay and say such bastard words so confidently and completely.

You guys are wise!

Bai Yu hugged Yinyuan's arm affectionately and said with a smile: Mr. sir, I am silently supporting you behind your back, comforting you, and helping you to capture half of Yuan Lingtian's territory, and share the same share with Jianmen, each occupying half of the country. Is this considered as me accumulating external skills?

Lu Qian's face twitched, and he smiled and said: Sister-in-law, of course this is an external skill with immeasurable merit!

Bai Yu smiled sweetly: I think so too... It's so fun to help my husband conquer the world. I have to play again and accumulate external skills. It's the best of both worlds. It's so good... It's more satisfying than chasing those ghost women. It’s a good time for the world to run amok!”

Bai Yuan glanced sideways at Bai Xuanyue and said coldly: You guys, after cleaning up the Immortality Sect and so on, remember to wipe out those ghost women as well. Don't blame me for all the messy things. Pushing on the head...I'm busy, how can I have time to wipe your butts!

Bai Xuanjing asked herself, she was also a very unruly young lady, who usually bullied her husband and her husband's elders, brothers and sisters to the point of vomiting blood.

She asked herself, she was a bastard enough, but the white turtle...

Bai Xuanjing gritted his teeth, forced a smile, stared at the white turtle with red eyes, and cursed extremely viciously in his heart - no wonder there is a word 'turtle' in the name, he is indeed a bastard, a turtle egg thing, not a thing !

These words were scolded so viciously that even his own ancestors were scolded, and Bai Xuanjing couldn't care less.

The flying boat battleship is extremely fast, but in order to travel from the Jianmen Mountain Gate to the hub city of the Moving Array, which is a million miles away, even if the flying boat battleship uses its full speed, it will still take six hours to reach its destination.

Bai Yu began to complain again: Why are you so cowardly? Didn't you just destroy a group of tribesmen in Qianyun City? You even demolished so many teleportation arrays in your own territory... Don't you? It doesn't matter if you find it troublesome, it doesn't matter if you delay my time. If you delay my husband's military affairs, you all deserve to die!

Bai Xuanyue and Bai Xuanjing can no longer even make fake smiles.

‘Didn’t I just lose a group of tribesmen in Qianyun City’?

This is said lightly, but the question is, are those ordinary people?

Bai Zhu, the only ancestor of the Heavenly Realm of Jianmen, is also there. Now he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive? You Bai You, why are you named Bai? You have no compassion or sympathy for your clansmen?

Bai Xuanyue and Bai Xuanjing glanced at each other quickly.

Fortunately, this guy is not their child...otherwise...she would have been chopped to pieces with a sword right now!

Bai Yuan was still complaining, and suddenly, the huge flying boat warship shattered into pieces. The huge warship was 1,200 feet long, 300 feet wide at its widest point, and 360 feet high at its highest point. Accompanied by a terrifying sound of the Buddha's horn, it was directly crushed into a pile of golden metal powder.

The sky is filled with golden light, and more than a million auras are above the Condensing Dao Realm. A strong man who is over ten feet tall, with bare arms and a shaved scalp. His body is as golden as if it were made of brass, and his body is covered with majestic muscles. He is holding a Zen staff and stepping on his feet. On the lotus platform, a spiritual bead above the head rotated rapidly, raising thousands of clouds and smoke, forming a large-scale Buddhist formation, swooping straight down from a thick cloud.

Millions of Buddhist practices.

The Zen staff, the lotus platform, and the spiritual beads all emit the unique force field of spiritual treasures that stirs spiritual energy, vibrates the Tao, and faintly involves the fluctuations of the laws of heaven and earth.

Three million spiritual treasures!

Although it is only an acquired spiritual treasure, its grade is only at the level of the second and third heavens of the Other Shore Realm!

However, three million spiritual treasures!

Bai Xuanyue, Bai Xuanjing, and a group of senior executives of the Bai family opened their eyes wide and looked up at the huge Buddhist formation swooping down. They felt like they were in a nightmare, their whole bodies were cold and they couldn't move!

Lu Qian grabbed Yinyuan with one hand and the white turtle with the other, and roared: The enemy is attacking! Old fish, follow closely!

Yu Changle flew over, as smooth as a koala, and hugged Lu Qian's waist tightly with both hands.

Lu Qian roared loudly, his body swayed, and a spiritual light whirled around him, picking up the dozens of accompanying servants of the Great Yinxian Dynasty. With a thought, he launched his escape technique and escaped thousands of miles away with a 'chi' sound.

One step at a time, Lu Qian vomited blood and rushed hundreds of steps in an instant.

Bai Xuanyue and others who were seeing them off were almost defenseless and were struck by the Buddha formation and heavily bombarded from high altitude.


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