Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 596: Destiny, bloody (2)

The whole hall was silent, no one said a word.

Take action?


A group of people who are no more than half a step above the Heavenly Realm and are still hanging out in the early and middle stages. Most of them are monks who are in the Illuminating Void or even the Condensing Dao Fruition Realm. Are they going to start a fight with you, a powerful person in the Heavenly Realm?

Except for the several supreme elders of Senluo Sect, the senior officials of other sects, including those of the top 100 sects, all either lowered their heads or turned away, pretending that they had not heard Lu Qian's provocation.

Anyway, what the Buddhist Sect wants to occupy is the original Sword Sect's territory.

Even if they expand tens of billions of miles from the original border of Jianmen's territory, even if they want to occupy the entire Canngling Plain, they will not pose any threat to more than 99% of the sects present.

Canngling Plain was the buffer zone of Jianmen, Senluo Sect, Miluo Sect, and Shengyang Palace.

Now Miluo Sect has become Changsheng Sect, and Shengyang Palace has been annexed by Changsheng Sect. If Buddhism really takes over the entire Canngling Plain, Senluo Sect will be the biggest headache!

Although, if Canngling Great Plains is occupied by Buddhism, then Buddhism’s influence is also bordering on the Immortality Sect. But looking at the current situation, the Immortality Sect and Buddhism are clearly friends wearing a pair of pants!

Well, that is the situation where the Immortality Sect and Buddhism join forces to contain the Senluo Sect!

Does this have anything to do with the major sects present?

Well, there are some small sects. If Buddhism occupies the territory of Jianmen and expands its territory tens of billions of miles outward, the territory of more than a dozen small and medium-sized sects will be covered!

But the senior leaders of these small and medium-sized sects are so open-minded!

If you can't beat me, can I take refuge?

In the past, they could be respectful to the Sword Sect and let the Sword Sect take whatever they wanted... From now on, they could be more respectful to the Buddhist Sect, give more incense money, close the door and still live their own lives!

What to fight?

If you want to fight, let’s see how familiar your Senluo sect’s heads are!

The senior officials of the major sects in the lobby instantly figured out the stakes of the Buddhist sect occupying Jianmen's territory. Well, it has nothing to do with my family. The one who is going to be unlucky is the Senluo Sect!

Haha, thousands of monks looked at Gu Pingzhi, Zhou Aozi and other Senluo Sect elders with gloating eyes!

Your plastic flower alliance!

A few months ago, when the Changsheng Sect and Senluo Sect formed an alliance in Qianyun City, their momentum made countless sects drool with envy. Well, now, they have only formed an alliance for a few months, and the Changsheng Sect has decisively stabbed the Senluo Sect in the waist!

Tsk tsk, the Supreme Elder of the Immortality Sect is worthy of being a demonic monk. He is extremely proficient in the art of turning against one another and ruthlessly stabbing brothers!

Gu Pingzhi looked at Lu Qian with gloomy eyes.

Lu Qian smiled and saluted Gu Pingzhi: Buddhism is vast, and I am willing to save all the people in the world who are destined... The young monk looked at the head of the Taoist friend, which is big and round, and resembles a Buddha image. If he is willing to be ordained and become a monk, the young monk is willing to accept disciples on his behalf. , let fellow Taoist have a good position in our Buddhist sect.

Gu Pingzhi took a deep breath.

Wisps of fireworks aura rose from his body, and a faint fragrance of herbs spread in the hall.

Numerous monks from all directions immediately lit up with various auras. Except for the disciples of the Senluo Sect, all the monks present immediately took action to protect themselves.

Gu Pingzhi is famous for his alchemy. These alchemists are good at saving people, but their methods of killing are also unpredictable and difficult to guard against. Everyone present, except Lu Min and Lu Qian's father and son, no one dared to take a whiff of the herbal scent emanating from Gu Pingzhi.

Gu Pingzhi looked at Lu Min: The Great Elder is going to break up with our Senluo Sect!

Lu Min took a step back suddenly, looked at Gu Pingzhi in surprise, and put on the unbelievable and pitiful look of a deeply hurt weak woman: Why did Elder Gu say that? I have always been fair and upright in my actions. , high-sounding... I speak for fellow Taoist Fahai out of a fair heart and without any intention of offending anyone!

Fellow Buddhist Taoists, in order to overthrow the tyranny of Jianmen, you have done something...

Gu Pingzhi decisively interrupted Lu Min's endless nonsense: We are all sensible people, so there is no need to talk nonsense here. Will Jianmen's territory, even Canngling Plain, be handed over to Buddhism? Haha!

The surprise on Lu Min's face disappeared without a trace. He put his hands behind his back and looked at Gu Pingzhi calmly: It seems that Elder Gu has a deep misunderstanding of me!

Gu Pingzhi sighed softly, the smell of fireworks on her body became stronger and stronger, wisps of black smoke and red fire continued to rise, and the temperature in the hall was rising rapidly.

He said coldly: Everyone knows whether there is a misunderstanding or not. Very good, very good.

Lu Qian took a step forward and said with a smile: The young monk also thinks it is very good. It seems that the ancient Taoist friends have no objections... Then, the matter is settled. Within seven days, you are also asked to leave the territory designated by the young monk. In seven days, I, a Buddhist disciple, will conduct a thorough cleansing of my own territory.

After seven days, the monks who are still in my Buddhist territory must either join my Buddhist sect and take refuge in my Buddha; or they are the enemies of my Buddha. The young monk should use thunderous means to plow the courtyard and sweep holes and kill them all in the sect!

Lu Qian put down his hands, turned around in a circle, looked around at the countless monks with twinkling eyes, and said coldly: Those who follow me will prosper, and those who go against me will perish. When the disaster comes, don't blame the young monk for saying so. No warning!

Lu Min laughed haha, grabbed the wine bottle on the table, and threw it to Lu Qian.

Then he also picked up a wine pot and raised it high: That's right. Come, let's all drink together. Let's return to the mortal world for Buddhism and reappear in the world of cultivation. Cheers, everyone! Hahaha!

Lu Min's eyes suddenly turned scarlet. He looked at Gu Pingzhi, Zhou Zhizi and other Senluo sect elders, and said coldly: Elders, you have to give me this face! I, Mr. Lu, love face the most. ...You give me face, and I will give you face...If you don't give me face, be careful, I will smash your stall!

Lu Min's voice was extremely loud, making the whole hall buzz and tremble.

Countless monks heard Lu Min's words, and for a moment, everyone looked at the elders of Senluo Sect present - such tyrannical, cruel, and insulting words, you Senluo Sect, can't bear to Can you live there?

The black smoke and red fire on Gu Pingzhi's body became more and more intense.

He took a deep breath, looked at Lu Min, then looked at Lu Yi, and raised the wine cup with a smile: Yes, Buddhism has reappeared... It is worth celebrating, it is truly gratifying! Come on, everyone Fellow Taoists, let’s all drink together, haha, I wish Buddhism will be the most powerful in the world and be powerful in all directions!”

Lu Qian also raised the jug, laughed loudly, and drank the wine in two gulps. Then, he swung the jug hard and smashed it to the ground.

The bodies of countless high-ranking sects around him trembled, their hands suddenly froze, and they all looked at Lu Qian in shock. Many people were even more excited, looking forward to it, and inexplicably excited. Their eyes were moving back and forth between Lu Qian and Gu Pingzhi - Are they going to kill someone?

In this way, our Buddhist sect will officially reappear in the world... Lu Qian said proudly: I think our Buddhist sect has a long history and a long tradition. It was once an extremely important part of the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world!

Countless sect leaders cursed in their hearts.

Yes, your Buddhism is very important, so important that it almost killed the entire Yuan Lingtian!

However, due to some misunderstandings back then, my Buddhist sect disappeared and kept a low profile for thirty thousand years. This is an extremely long time... Come to think of it, in the days without my Buddhist sect, everyone would be very lonely, right?

Lu Qian smiled, turned around again, and glared at all the monks present.

However, don't worry, everyone, now that I have returned to Buddhism, everyone will live a prosperous and lively life in the future!

Putting his hands on his back, Lu Qian said coldly: Since I, the Buddhist disciple, have returned to the Yuanlingtian cultivation world, all fellow Taoists, you must listen to my Buddhist disciple's voice and respect our will...

Lu Min smiled: What Master Fahai said is absolutely true. Since Buddhism has returned, it must be an indispensable and important part of our Yuanlingtian cultivation world... Everyone needs to listen carefully to the voice of Buddhism.

Lu Qian nodded to Lu Min, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled - such a tacit understanding. If the two were not biological father and son, some people would believe that they were a pair of adulterers and adulterers who were planning to poison their husbands to death!

Gu Pingzhi had suppressed the anger in her heart to the extreme.

But when he heard what Lu Qian said, he still couldn't help it and said coldly: What do you have to say, fellow Taoist Fahai? What opinions do you have that we need to listen to and respect?

Lu Qian glanced at Gu Pingzhi and said with a smile: The young monk has devoted himself to the art of telepathy and divination.

Gu Pingzhi raised her eyebrows.

Among the crowd, there was a senior official from a large sect with a long tradition who was teaching his close disciples in a low voice: The magical powers of Buddhism are unpredictable, especially the techniques of various spiritual thoughts, which are spiritually profound... Its magical powers of 'consciousness' have incredible magical effects. When it comes to seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune, the abilities of heaven and man to sense various things are far superior to ordinary divination techniques!

Lu Qian nodded in the direction from which the voice came: This Taoist is friendly and knowledgeable.

Lu Qian looked at Gu Pingzhi and said solemnly: A few days ago, while meditating, the young monk realized the will of heaven and occasionally gained something - this world has its destiny, everything is destiny!

Gu Pingzhi's heart skipped a beat, and he said coldly: What is the so-called fixed number, fellow Taoist?

Lu Qian raised three fingers: The number calculated by the young monk is the number of Yuanlingtian sects - first, Yuanlingtian is three-legged, with three supreme sects coordinating everything!

Gu Pingzhi raised her eyebrows.

The heads of many sects around him did not say a word—well, the three supreme sects? That’s you, the Buddhist thief Bald, the Immortal Demon Dao, and the Senluo old ghost... That’s the three of you, and we have no objection!

Gu Pingzhi said coldly: So, since there is one, naturally there is the other?

Lu Qian smiled and said: The second thing is that under the three supreme sects, there should be six sects and eighteen sects!

Gu Pingzhi frowned: So, what about the third one?

Lu Qian looked at Gu Pingzhi in surprise: There is no other three...three religions, six sects and eighteen sects, this is all, this is the destiny, this is the pattern of Yuan Lingtian's future cultivation world!

There was an uproar everywhere, and countless high-level sects shouted in unison.

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