Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 601: The deity of all phenomena

The three-year period has not yet expired, and Lu Min and Lu Qian have already begun to clean up.

Lu Min practices blood magic, but his cleaning methods are upright and overwhelming. He commanded the Changsheng Sect's army, sweeping from west to east like a grate combing the ground.

Lu Min's march was neither too fast nor too slow, just like on a spring outing, sweeping over one hill after another.

Therefore, the large and small forces on the east side of the Immortal Sect's territory rushed and fled eastward. At the same time, the distance between them was compressed closer and closer, the space for movement became smaller and smaller, and the competition for the remaining gold and silver medals became more intense.

Many forces broke into the territory of other forces and fought with the original indigenous forces. The fight turned the world upside down.

From time to time, some forces were lucky enough to win a gold or silver medal, and happily rushed towards the purge army of the Immortal Religion with the sign, hoping to determine the status of their own six sects and eighteen sects and survive this great purge.

But while all the monks were fleeing eastward, a small group of monks hurriedly headed west. There was obviously something wrong!

As a result, any monk who grabbed the gold and silver medals and wanted to go to Lu Min to confirm his status would be attacked by countless monks after just three or five days on the road. He himself would fall and his medals would be snatched away.

And Lu Qian led a group of evil monks from Dajue Temple to take action. Compared with Lu Min, he had a different style.

Lu Qian was like a flea that was too strong and too energetic, jumping wantonly in the boundless territory to the west of Dajue Temple. He appears here today and there tomorrow. Whenever he appears, if you can't get the gold and silver medals, kill him immediately.

With his cultivation in the realm of gods and humans, and having so many powerful Buddha treasures in his hands, plus the assistance of a group of evil monks from Jie Yin Toutuo, which force can stop him from purging the world of Yuan Lingtian cultivation today?

Wherever Lu Qian appears, there is emptiness of all four elements!

Several times, Lu Qian encountered some powerful forces that had united together. They were holding gold and silver medals, and they were busy trying to find their fixed number to determine their status. But every time these big forces got gold and silver medals, Lu Qian would act as if he didn't see it, turn around and go somewhere else to clean it up.

The big forces who had received the gold and silver medals were waiting for Lu Qian to arrive. After a few days of hesitation, the surrounding monks swooped in like evil wolves. It was another bloody battle, and the gold and silver medals were suddenly replaced. master!

When these big forces were holding gold and silver medals, Lu Qian did not move.

But once there is a small or medium-sized force like the Baimei clan, which has no deep foundation, no wide connections, and no strength, and gets the brand by luck or accident, Lu Qian will immediately jump out and finalize the status of their six sects and eighteen sects.

In these few months, almost all the big forces to the west of Dajue Temple were destroyed, and Lu Qian had already established four small and medium-sized forces.

After struggling like this for more than a year, the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world has changed beyond recognition, and its foundation has been exhausted. All the forces, big and small, have been seriously injured. The sect that has already determined its position looks at the devastated cultivation world, secretly glad that its own family is still alive. As he fell down, he felt like crying but had no tears. He felt inexplicably sad about the death of a rabbit and a fox.

Yuan Lingtian, outside the world barrier, in the boundless void, a suspended floating island spits out strong spiritual light. Protected by two golden spiritual talismans, it cuts through the void silently and quickly approaches Yuan Lingtian.

On the floating island with a radius of nearly ten thousand miles, there are everything you need for survival and cultivation, including palaces and pavilions, streams and jungles, even gardens, rice fields and medicinal fields.

In the middle of the floating island, among the elegant and clear palaces, on the top floor of the towering pagoda, Wanxiang, wearing a green shirt and wooden clogs, was playing chess with the old blood god, the current leader of the Blood River Sect.

The chess pieces fell one after another, and everything was done slowly and without any fuss.

The old man, the Blood God, moves like the wind, with fierce fire and evil aura. He gritted his teeth and held the chess piece with his fingers as if he were holding a heavy axe. When he slapped the chess piece on the chessboard, it made a boom sound, which made the pagoda shake faintly.

Be still! Wan Xiang lowered his eyelids and tried to persuade the old man, the Blood God.

How can you calm down? The old blood god suddenly raised his head. His eyes were scarlet, and the blood vessels like earthworms were squirming under his face. His face was twisted like a monster: In the past few years, I have used secret methods to contact the mountain gate thousands of times. , there was no response at all!”

What happened to Yuan Lingtian? My Blood River Sect...

The old man of the Blood God bared his teeth and let out a fierce grin. He crushed a chess piece to pieces with one finger. He gritted his teeth and looked at everything with a grin: On the other hand, your Senluo Sect actually has such a foundation. There is a void talisman left by the great power of heaven and man. , it only takes a few years to travel between Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian!

Hehe, I think back then when we set out from Yuanlingtian to form a vanguard army to attack the Holy Heaven, the army spent nearly sixty years on the road! The old man of the Blood God looked at everything and said coldly: You guys The Senluo Sect had such a trump card, why didn’t they use it at that time?”

Wanxiang glanced sideways at the old Blood God, who was completely out of control and almost on the verge of going crazy. He said calmly: You said it was your trump card, how could you take it out so easily? If it weren't for your Blood River Sect's problem, you would have thought that I would give it up. Use these two divine talismans at the bottom of the box?

The Old Blood God disrupted the chessboard with a slap, tilted his head and stared at everything: Your Senluo Sect, didn't you preach anything along the way?

Wanxiang raised his head, his eyes shining brightly like two sharp sword pills, stinging the eyes of the old blood god, forcing him to subconsciously turn his head to avoid Wanxiang's gaze.

The old blood ghost, don't push yourself too far!

Of course we, the Senluo Sect, have sent us messages, but they are all secrets related to our sect... The mountain gates of your Blood River Sect and our Senluo Sect are far apart, and we don't have much contact with each other on weekdays. I, a disciple of the Senluo Sect, I won’t deliberately inquire about your Blood River Sect!”

Wan Xiang said calmly: When I returned to Yuanlingtian, I took you old ghosts with me, and even showed you the treasure at the bottom of the box. I have already fulfilled my friendship with you, and you can't ask for anything more. .”

Sighing, Wan Xiang reassured: Don't worry, your Blood River Sect has a great cause, and it's hard for anything to happen. It's useless for you to worry here... If something happens, just help them get revenge.

The old blood god opened his mouth, remained silent for a long time, stood up, and sneered: It's time to wash your mouth. That's right, my Blood River Sect has a great cause, how can something happen? Hahaha, there are so many wives. Elder Shang is sitting at the mountain gate, and my blood magic power is best at fighting and saving lives. Even the Sword Gate can't do anything to me, the Blood River Sect!

The old blood god took a deep breath, swayed his body, and turned into a streak of blood and rushed out of the pagoda.

Wanxiang ignored the pieces on the chessboard, stood up, put his hands behind his back, walked to the window, looked out at the mountains and rivers, and breathed out softly.

A ray of his soul is entrusted in the demon puppet of the Senluo Sect with the combat power of the Heavenly Realm.

The closer he gets to Yuan Lingtian, the clearer the connection between him and the split soul becomes. At this distance, he has completely received all the information that has happened to Yuan Lingtian in these years.

Lu Min, Lu Qian! Wan Xiang frowned: Although I sent you to Yuan Lingtian just to stir up trouble...but you are too good at stirring things up, right? Uncontrolled chess pieces are not a good thing. Chess piece!

His fingers tapped lightly on the window lattice, and Wan Xiang felt inexplicably upset.

In his plan, these evil spirits such as Lu Min, Lu Yi, Yinyuan, and even Bai Nu can create some trouble for Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world... But these people can't go as far as he can imagine. It's just causing some trouble.

As long as they can slow down the pace of Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world's conquest a little, restore the heaven and earth's spiritual power to a certain level, and restore a certain level of strength to the Jishengtian's cultivation world...

As long as the Jishengtian Cultivation World recovers enough strength, the conquest of Yuan Lingtian Cultivation World will be brought to a stalemate. Under the control of Wanxiang, Yuan Lingtian Cultivation World will continue to bleed, constantly consuming the strength and strength of Jianmen. Bottom line, this is the most ideal outcome in Wanxiang’s heart.

However, Lu Min and Lu Qian are a bit too fierce!

They are more than just causing a little trouble, more than just hindering Yuan Lingtian's conquest?

They are simply going to subvert the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world!

Is it possible that I have the ability to discern pearls with a discerning eye? I picked a few lucky people from the Holy Heaven and then randomly picked the legendary Son of Destiny?

But the Supreme Holy Heaven has fallen to that level. Even with the blessing of the entire Holy Saint Heaven, how could they... achieve such an achievement?

Wan Xiang muttered in a low voice, and the energy and blood in his body surged.

Long shouts sounded from all directions.

The floating island that stretches thousands of miles has approached Yuan Lingtian's world diaphragm. The heavenly and human talismans guarding both sides burst out with golden light that was more blazing than the sun, wrapping the floating island and locking the spatial coordinates of the mountain gate of Senluo Sect. , rushing straight towards the turbid world barrier.

The floating island trembled violently.

Around the floating island, the terrifying power erupted from the Celestial Talisman violently rubbed against the diaphragm of the world, splashing up a ball of dazzling light with a radius of millions of miles. The huge counterattack force was used from all directions, and the huge floating island was like a small stone thrown by a child on the water, creating a series of water drifts in the world.

All the palaces and pavilions were trembling slightly, and the ground of the floating island was cracked with tiny cracks.

The violent shock lasted for a full three hours, and this huge floating island finally penetrated the diaphragm of the world and returned to Yuan Lingtian.

Spurting out billowing heat waves and rolling up large tornadoes, the floating island slowly stopped thousands of miles above the ground and suspended in the sky. Here, it is obviously deviated from the mountain gate of Senluo Sect, and it is deviated by a huge distance.


A melodious copper bell roared below.

Sounds of Sanskrit chants soared into the sky: Which evil devil dares to break into Dajue Temple? Evil heretics, come to me and die!

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