Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 607 Gift of Treasure (3)

The void shook, and the sky was filled with blazing golden light.

The cave-like paradise that was two hundred thousand miles long and wide slowly flew towards Yinyuan. The closer it got to him, the smaller it became in size. It gradually came to him and collapsed into a ball of dense light about ten feet in diameter.

Yinyuan's aura became stronger and stronger, and he had already broken through the threshold of the heaven-human realm.

Originally, the techniques that Yinyuan practiced in Jishengtian were quite unsatisfactory.

After arriving at Yuanlingtian and getting acquainted with Bai You, Yinyuan's soft rice was quite sweet. From Bai You, he immediately obtained a book that was far more profound than the Jian Sect's Tai Shang Sword Code and originated from the upper world. The Immortal Level Sword Sutra Taiwei Xuanyuan Sword Sutra.

This Sword Sutra is subtle and sublime, pointing directly to the root of the Dao, and requires extremely high talents and qualifications from practitioners.

Logically speaking, with Yinyuan's qualifications and character, it would be difficult for him to get started!

But who asked someone to find a sweetheart with a big backing? If the qualifications are not enough, resources will come together; if the habits are not enough, the spiritual treasure will come to protect you. As long as you are willing to give up and gain something, cultivation is actually not a very difficult thing.

Therefore, Yinyuan's Taiwei Xuanyuan Sword Scripture has made great achievements in these years.

At this moment, as the dense energy from that piece of heaven and earth gradually merged into Yinyuan's body, the blazing golden light blooming all over his body gradually became deep and subtle, and finally turned from the fierce golden radiance into the unpredictable and graceful sword intention.

Intangible and traceless, without light or shadow, invisible to the naked eye and insensible to the physical body, but as long as they close their eyes, everyone can see in their souls an extremely fierce sword intent that stretches across the void, almost covering the entire sky above Haojing City.

Lu Qian nodded slowly. This Taiwei Xuanyuan Sword Sutra is inexplicably profound. Judging from the power it exudes, it can actually rival the fundamental method deduced by Lu Qian using the three-eyed figure.

It can be seen that the true immortal level inheritance in the upper realm is indeed mysterious. The power of true immortals in the upper realm is beyond the imagination of little monks in the lower realm.

The origins of the three-eyed figure in his mind, as well as the Taichu Confusion Bead that vaguely echoed the three-eyed figure, were obviously even more unpredictable - being able to derive the techniques inherited from the lower world into a true immortal-level treasure book. Can the picture of a person with three eyes be simple?

Lu Qian lightly clasped the beads with his fingers and looked at Yinyuan with a smile.

From the corner of his eye, he quickly glanced at Wan Xiang, who looked ugly. Yinyuan broke through, and on his side of the camp, there were four Heavenly Realm warriors including Lu Min, Lu Ren, Yinyuan, and Bai Zhu.

If we wait for a while longer, and there is another breakthrough in Jieyin Toutuo and Wuxin in Killing the Buddha, maybe we can try to calculate everything?

Apart from the Changsheng Sect and Dajue Temple, the only combat powers in the heaven-human realm in the Yuanlingtian cultivation world today are the Wanxiang and Senluo Sect’s war puppets, and the All-Spirits-All-ying Xuan Mother Goddess from the Daluo Kingdom. .

There is no way to fight against puppets.

The Xuan Mother Goddess is ineffective and cannot easily leave the core hinterland of the Great Luo Kingdom.

Therefore, if you are willing to pay a certain price, kill everything, completely control the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world, or even set off a catastrophe thirty thousand years ago again, slaughter the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world completely, and completely cut off Yuan Lingtian's control The threat from the Holy Heaven is 60-70% certain.

Lu Qian was ready to make a move.

Wan Xiang suddenly raised his head, with a strange light in his eyes, staring at Lu Qian - in the Senluo Sect inheritance, there are many schools, and the art of divination is also practiced by many disciples in the Senluo Sect. Wan Xiang felt a faint malice, and he quickly caught the source of this malice, which was obviously in Lu Qian.

Near Lu Qian's ears, Wanxiang's gentle voice sounded: Abbot Fahai, were you thinking just now?

Lu Qian smiled, as if he was an eminent monk with an inscrutable look: The little monk is just a whim, and he gets something occasionally... Well, the master seems to have suffered a bloody disaster, so be careful when traveling these days!

Wanxiang laughed ‘haha’.

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and continued to transmit the message: The young monk has no ill intentions towards the master. I swear in the name of the Buddha. The young monk has a compassionate and bodhicitta heart and cannot do evil things such as murder and arson... On the contrary, the master is tolerant of the river of blood. I teach the remnants of more than a dozen sects, tsk tsk... be careful of poisonous people occupying the magpie's nest and causing trouble to Xiao Qiang!

Wan Xiang's face twitched, he was silent for a while, and he replied boldly: Since I started practicing, I have rarely interacted with Buddhist disciples. In the past few years, I have really seen... Haha, be compassionate? What a compassionate person. The great monk of Dajue Temple who is pregnant!

He said with a trace of anger: With such a shallow plan to sow discord, Master Abbot is deceiving me as a child?

Lu Qian drooped his eyelids and replied with a kind smile on his face: If there are dates but there are no dates, what if you are fooled? Wouldn't you like to hear it? Haha, since you haven't been fooled, then, next time Let’s talk about it! You’re thousands or even ten thousand years old, why are you still fussing over things like this?”

Wan Xiang took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in his heart.

He turned his eyes towards the clone of 'Lu Yi' who was standing next to Lu Min, who was formed by Lu Min's blood god son fused with a drop of Lu Yi's blood, and suddenly said: May I ask Master Abbot... do you know the details of the Immortality Sect?

Lu Qian raised his eyes and glanced sideways at Wanxiang. After hesitating for a moment, he answered straightforwardly: Master, there is no need to touch that mess. No one knows the origin of the Immortality Sect better than the young monk... I am compassionate, young monk. He is Lu Yi, Lu Yi is Fahai, and Fahai is Lu Zhishen of Dayin Immortal Dynasty... Master, you are enlightened!

Everything is enlightened!

As if he had been struck by lightning three thousand times, he looked at the abbot of Dajue Temple, Master Fahai, with a dark face and a solemn face!

Good, very good!

The Senluo Sect also has hidden elements within Mahakala.

In recent years, Wanxiang has been frantically urging these secret agents to investigate the origins of Fahai - he always thought that 'Fahai' was the great Buddhist power that led Toutuo and the others to collude with the upper world in some unknown way. Finally, the secretly cultivated 'true Buddhist disciple'!

Never imagined!

I really didn’t expect that!

Fa Hai is Lu Qian, Lu Qian is Lu Zhishen...

Bastard, is this how you change your vest? Are you addicted to playing matryoshka dolls?

Wan Xiang's fingers were twitching. He tremblingly grabbed the wine cup and drank several glasses of old wine in large gulps. He suddenly felt immense pressure, and he calculated with his fingers. If this happens, when Yinyuan succeeds in breaking through, wouldn't it mean that the opponent will have the fighting power of the four heavenly beings?

Lu Qian was still chattering to Wanxiang: Has the Headmaster regretted it? Hey, he should have regretted it a little. After all, luring a wolf into the house or something like that cannot describe the Headmaster's behavior... But if we look at the Headmaster's original intention, Say, didn’t the master’s ultimate goal of letting us break into Yuan Lingtian be achieved?”

Look, the sword gate is shattered, and the cultivation interface is beyond recognition. There were once countless sects, but now there are only three sects, six sects and eighteen sects left. The Senluo sect's vitality is intact and its power is not damaged at all. Instead, there are Taixuan Palace and Taiyi Temple. , a powerful vassal like the Blackwater Secret Alliance!

Hey, Headmaster, you can be considered as a contributor to the expansion of territory and the vast ancestral estate!

Lu Qian smiled and said sarcastic remarks calmly.

Wanxiang just kept drinking.

While he was drinking, he stared directly at Lu Qian, especially at the string of one hundred and eight beads in his hand, which contained the great magical powers of Buddhism in the upper world.

Yinyuan's aura went from being extremely outward and began to converge inward.

He has officially entered the Heavenly Realm. As long as he gathers his aura and completely integrates the inner universe with his soul and body, he can truly master the strength of the Heavenly Realm.

Bai Yu smiled from ear to ear. Dressed in the Queen's Dagon uniform, she actually looked pretty at this moment. Her smiling face was rosy, and she looked a bit cute and approachable.

Wan Xiang suddenly sent a message to Lu Qian: Suppose, I reveal your true identity to Bai Yu Shaozong?

Lu Chen sent a message: Try it... If you dare to expose it, you must be an evil heretic who deliberately slanders us and wants to provoke chaos in the cultivation world to realize his ulterior conspiracy!

Believe it or not, our young sect will immediately collude with the upper world to send down the most precious treasure of the Demon Guard to slaughter all your Senluo Sect?

Lu Qian smiled and looked at the stiff-faced Wanxiang: The headmaster has done so many tricks and arranged so many plans, but he has never shown his flag and competed with Jianmen clearly... Let me guess, headmaster The backers in the upper realm probably don’t dare to really offend the backers behind Shaozong, right?”

Lu Qian looked at everything leisurely: This is interesting... Do you think Shaozong will trust an outsider? Or will he trust his lover? I hope that the master will fiddle with you in front of Shaozong. Mouth and tongue, haha!”

Wan Xiang gritted his teeth.

Resisting the urge to vomit blood, he picked up the wine cup and drank it all in one gulp.

He secretly decided that after returning, he would conduct a thorough investigation among his descendants. Is there any unsatisfactory clan girl like Bai Yu?

If so, just ask their biological father to beat them to death, so that they can cause harm to their clan members in the future!

The sky-wide sword intent released by Yinyuan has all been restrained.

Finally, when the full moon set in the west and a red sun rose in the east, Yinyuan opened his eyes, and two sword lights flashed past, leaving two faint and unpredictable sword marks in the void.

Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Yinyuan was so proud that he put his arm around Bai Yu's slim waist and shouted loudly: Thank you for watching, hahaha, this emperor... is also a master of the heavenly realm. .The position of leader of the Eighteen Factions, Dayin Immortal Dynasty, is... just... obligatory?

Hahaha! Yinyuan laughed again: Today, happy, happy, hahaha, thank you for coming all the way. I am so happy to have happy events again. So, I have prepared some small things. Gifts are not a sign of respect, they are not a sign of respect!”

Taking a sip from the wine cup handed over by Yu Changle, Yinyuan shouted loudly: As you all know, a few years ago, Jianmen proposed a plan to conquer the Supreme Holy Heaven - Jianmen promised that if they conquered the Supreme Saint, If you perform meritorious deeds in the process of heaven, you can exchange for a Supreme Immortal Certificate that ascends to the upper world!

Hey, this emperor feels puzzled... The Holy Sky is so good and hasn't provoked us, so why doesn't it go billions of miles away to beat them? You must say there is an old grudge. Now the Holy Sky is still our Yuanling Is there a threat from God?”

Not any more!

Yinyuan waved his hand vigorously: Ji Sheng Tian, ​​do you still need us to attack?

So, I have made a decision!

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