Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 610 Shocking Change (2)

The imperial capital of Daluo Kingdom, Jiuzhong Luotian.

Since the catastrophe 30,000 years ago, the Great Luo Kingdom has established its capital here and has never changed its location. Even after becoming one of the eighteen sects, the Great Luo Kingdom will still have its capital here.

Jiuzhong Luotian, this is an extremely beautiful mountain city.

The green mountains and green waters are perfectly integrated with the dark green pavilions. There is a sense of harmony between man and nature, and a scene with each step. Especially the pavilions in Jiuzhong Luotian are all numbered nine. The height of its pavilion may be nine, eighteen, or twenty-seven stories. Among them, the highest one, Wenxing Pavilion in the Imperial City, is eighty-one stories high and has the power to soar into the clouds.

Such a high pavilion creates the unique majestic aura of Jiuzhong Luotian. Many powerful monks who have been to Jiuzhong Luotian praise Jiuzhong Luotian as the number one in the imperial capital of Yuanlingtian!

But the Nine Layers Luotian in front of him was already a ghost.

Pieces of pavilions are dotted among the green mountains and green waters, quietly and without any sound.

Strips of raw human skin, like sausages and bacon prepared for the New Year in rural areas, are neatly hung under the eaves of the floors. When the wind blows, these human skins fly with the wind, occasionally hitting each other and making a dull 'pop' sound.

These human skins, if you look closely, are all left by men.

All the women in Jiuzhong Luotian were missing, and all the men in the city, old and young, had their skins removed and hung under the eaves. The white skin swayed in the wind, while their flesh, bones, internal organs, etc., all disappeared without a trace.

A huge city was slaughtered, but not a drop of blood was found in the city.

The wind blew, the flowers and plants swayed, and a trace of cold air spread to the surroundings. Outside the Jiuzhong Luotian, all birds and animals avoided this dead zone, and not even a sparrow dared to fly over the city.

Lu Qian, Lu Min, Wan Xiang, and a group of powerful masters in the cultivation world were quietly suspended in the sky, overlooking the lifeless Nine Layers of Luotian.

Not just this imperial city, but the entire Great Luo Kingdom, all the cities, all the towns and villages, even the small cabins used by hunters, woodcutter, etc. in the mountains and forests for temporary rest... were all slaughtered, not a single living person was killed. No one is left.

The human skins of men were hung everywhere, and all the women disappeared without a trace.

Get it! Lu Qian snorted softly.

My Buddha is merciful! Jieyin Toutuo flew forward several miles with three thousand Dajue Temple masters, clasped his hands together, and began to recite salvation scriptures. Circles of soft golden light spread from their bodies, and along with the sound of chanting, bit by bit covered the Nine Layers of Luotian with a radius of thousands of miles.

Pieces of raw human skin began to burn, and shrill screams rose into the sky. The cold air in the city quickly dissipated, and the black and red evil spirits accumulated in some secluded corners disappeared without a trace under the wash of golden light.

The thick clouds in the sky were pushed away, and large swaths of golden sunlight fell, illuminating the entire Jiuzhong Luotian.

In all directions, in the mountains and forests, countless birds and beasts felt the warm vitality exuded by Jiuzhong Luotian, and they jumped for joy and flew towards the city of Jiuzhong Luotian. On the edge of Jiuzhong Luotian, many birds and beasts stepped onto the street in a majestic manner, poking their heads into the pavilions.

What do you think? Lu Qian put his hands together and saluted Lu Min and Wan Xiang.

In fact, this question was asked to Wanxiang.

Lu Min drooped his eyelids, as if the matter had nothing to do with him. What he practices is blood magic. As a demon, you must look like a demon. If you are selfish, that is the basic operation. You act too old-fashioned, warm-hearted, and benevolent, which is inconsistent with your devilish persona!

Wanxiang clasped his hands behind his back and looked at the clean and empty Jiuzhong Luotian. After a long time, he asked, Abbott, what do you think?

Lu Qian sighed: I didn't expect that Dayin Immortal's good intentions towards the Empress would actually cause the current difficult situation. Tsk, the power and foundation of Da Luo Divine Kingdom far exceeds that of the eighteen sects, except Dayin. The other sixteen sects of the Immortal Dynasty...the Great Luo Kingdom was wiped out, tsk tsk!

Lu Qian sighed: This is a catastrophe!

Wan Xiang keenly grasped the hidden meaning in Lu Yi's words: The abbot is saying that this evil chaos is related to the white turtle?

Lu Qian respectfully calls Bai You the Queen, but Wan Xiang and Bai You don't have this kind of friendship, so naturally they call her by her first name!

Lu Qian hurriedly opened his eyes and looked at everything: The young monk didn't say that, he didn't think that, the leader, don't talk nonsense... You must know that trouble comes from the mouth! The leader is so old, why is he still mouthing nonsense like a child? Woolen cloth?

Wan Xiang almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He nodded Lu Qian fiercely and suddenly felt helpless.

He suddenly remembered that these evil spirits who had bloodbathed the entire Great Luo Kingdom were also ‘invited back’ from the Holy Heaven by himself using the Great Void Teleportation Talisman back then!

Hey, back then he brought countless evil spirits led by Bai Nu back from the Holy Heaven, hoping that these evil spirits would hinder Jianmen and destroy Jianmen's plans. But Wanxiang never thought that these evil things could really become a reality!

But you can't say this!

Once this matter gets out, haha, Lu Min and Lu Qian and his son are barefoot and are not afraid of wearing shoes, they just pat their butts and walk. But his Wanxiang's reputation in the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world has been completely ruined!

Vientiane, you still have to face it!

After taking a deep look at Lu Qian, Wan Xiang said in a deep voice: These evil spirits are not related to the living beings after all... I believe that we should work together to eradicate them and prevent future troubles forever.

Lu Qian smiled brightly: That's great. Since the leader suggested this, how about letting the Senluo Cult take the lead?

Wanxiang smiled ‘haha’.

Lu Min laughed ‘haha’.

Lu Qianpi said haha with a smile. The three of them looked at me and I looked at you. Their eyes and expressions became extremely weird - they knew the origins of Bai Nu and other evil spirits. , this is not an easy existence to deal with. Whoever takes the lead is doing it to have fun for himself, no one is stupid!

Wanxiang will never let the disciples of Senluo Sect rush to the front line.

Wan Xiang lowered his head slightly and remained silent.

Lu Min laughed 'haha': Today in Yuan Lingtian, Master Wanxiang is the number one person in the world. Regardless of his cultivation, qualifications, age, knowledge, and even his character and means, he is not comparable to us younger generations. Therefore, To overcome evil and evil, the Master of Wanxiang will do his part!

Wan Xiang hurriedly refused: The great elder is ridiculous. In today's world, when it comes to Yuan Lingtian's cultivation world, virtuous fathers and sons should be respected. I am just a clumsy old man who barely maintains the sect's inheritance. I can't be Take the name of 'Number One'!

Before he finished speaking, a red light flew quickly from a distance, carrying a harsh buzzing sound and flying in front of Wanxiang.

Wanxiang grabbed the red light, and a jade sword flew out from the red light. A quick voice sounded from the jade weapon: Headmaster, evil spirits are attacking, the eighteen layers of the mountain gate of the Blackwater Secret Alliance have been breached. Thirteenth level, please ask the Master to send reinforcements quickly, Master... help me!

Wanxiang's face stiffened and he crushed Yujue into pieces.

Lu Min and Lu Chen looked at each other and smiled. A group of great monks from Dajue Temple on the side put their hands together and showed extremely subtle smiles.

The Blackwater Secret Alliance was originally one of the eighteen factions supported by Lu Yi. It was an alliance of seven small and medium-sized forces. Lu Yi's intention in supporting them was because they were weak enough and easy to control, making them an excellent tool.

But after Wanxiang returned to Yuanlingtian, his methods were even better than Lu Qian's. He made some operations in the Blackwater Secret Alliance, and the seven leaders bowed to him and became a disciple of the Senluo Sect, directly communicating with those who supported them. Lu Qian turned his face.

In this battle, Wan Xiang took advantage, and Lu Qian was severely slapped in the face.

But as for the strength of the Blackwater Secret Alliance, its framework was composed of seven small and medium-sized forces, and then Lu Qian and Wan Xiang added a large group of chaotic small forces to them.

It is said to be one of the eighteen sects, but among the Blackwater Secret Alliance, there is not even a single master who is even half a step into the heavenly realm!

Such forces are already so weak that it’s heartbreaking.

Not only that, at the wedding ceremony of Yinyuan and Bai You, as soon as the 90,000 Supreme Immortal Titles came out, a group of senior officials from the Blackwater Secret Alliance, including the leaders and elders of the Zhao Void and Condensing Dao Fruit Realm, etc., emptied the sect's warehouse. , couldn't wait to inspire the Supreme Immortal Order, and soared directly through the sky, without even leaving a 'will'.

In recent months, a group of disciples of the Blackwater Secret Alliance have been fighting over who will succeed the leader of the alliance. They are fighting so hard that their brains are being knocked out... At this moment, Xiegui attacks the mountain, haha!

Even the Great Luo Kingdom has been destroyed. How can a standard ragtag group like the Blackwater Secret Alliance stop the evil?

Therefore, we can only use secret techniques to ask for help from Wanxiang!

Who makes Wanxiang the backer of the Blackwater Secret Alliance?

Lu Qian's face suddenly turned cold: The Blackwater Secret Alliance was attacked? Master Wanxiang, you... are responsible for this matter! Everyone in the world knows that the Blackwater Secret Alliance is yours!

Lu Min slowly finished the attack at the side: This is natural. If the Blackwater Secret Alliance doesn't save him, or can't save him...Senior Wanxiang, why don't you just ascend to the upper world and ignore Yuan Lingtian's affairs!

Wan Xiang's face twitched violently.

At this moment, he really had the urge to drop everything and disregard his ascension!

However, a thought came to his mind, his body trembled, and he quickly suppressed the urge to fly to the upper world. He took a deep look at Lu Min and Lu Qian's father and son, and said solemnly: These evil deceptions are a catastrophe for our Yuanling Heaven. You two won't just sit back and watch, right?

Lu Qian hurriedly raised his right hand: Heaven and earth are proof that the young monk and those evil spirits are incompatible with each other!

The people of the Great Luo Kingdom were slaughtered, but those evil spirits did not destroy the infrastructure of the Great Luo Kingdom, and all the void transfer formations can still be used normally.

Lu Qian and others only spent half a day arriving at the territory of the Blackwater Secret Alliance.

Here, the sky is filled with blood, evil spirits are everywhere, hysterical cries are everywhere, and evil spirits' unique weird laughter makes people feel cold from the bone marrow.

Lu Qian and others had just stepped out of the moving formation when a tall female figure, dressed in imperial attire and wrapped with golden and red divine light, appeared in front of them out of thin air.

The all-powerful Xuan Mother Goddess, the ruling spirit of the Great Luo Kingdom, has super-powerful combat power at the level of gods and humans!

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