Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 612: Forced to Ascend

With a light thunder, everything was annihilated.

The smart and dancing thunder light flashed for a full cup of tea. Under the thunder light, the territory of a million miles in radius completely disappeared. Tens of thousands of cities, villages and towns, and countless civilians all disappeared.

On the ground, a hemispherical pit emits red light. The walls of the pit are as smooth as a mirror, and wisps of Dao patterns visible to the naked eye are inlaid on the walls of the pit, exuding suffocating Dao rhyme fluctuations all around.

This is a Taoist pattern from the upper world. It is lofty and mysterious and cannot be understood, touched, or dissolved by monks in this world.

There were thick clouds rolling high in the sky, and low thunder could be heard faintly.

The power that exceeded the limit of this world came, and Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth was furious...or, it was because of the great instinctive fear that he was so angry. Thick clouds were billowing, and countless streaks of lightning as thick as a water tank fell from the sky, plowing through the dense lines on the pit wall layer by layer like a heavy rain.

Driven by the will of heaven and earth, the entire Yuan Lingtian's power is mobilized. A little bit of attack and consumption of the power imprint from the upper world on the wall of the pit is bound to completely shatter and disperse it... Or, Yuan Lingtian may swallow it. A little bit of Taoist secrets can enhance one's own limits.

A million miles around became a sea of ​​thunder, and in the violent thunder, three groups of dim light slowly emerged.

Most of Lu Min's body disappeared into thin air, leaving only a few thousand Blood God Sons behind him.

When that terrifying thunder light lit up, Lu Min subconsciously released all the Blood God Sons he had sacrificed, and protected himself and the accompanying disciples of the Immortality Sect in the center.

This is a magical thunder method from the upper world. The thunder itself is extremely lethal to demonic products like the Blood God Son, not to mention the terrifying thunder from the upper world. Even though the Blood God Sons that Lu Min had sacrificed had strong foundations and superb strength. Even the weakest of the endless Blood God Sons had the combat power of the Condensing Dao Fruit level. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of thousands of Blood God Sons disappeared into thin air.

The thunder light lasted for a cup of tea, and Lu Min's Blood God Sons were almost completely refined, leaving only the last thousand or so most powerful and luckiest Blood God Sons hanging on.

But these more than a thousand Blood God Sons were lucky enough to swallow the refined Blood God Son essence. The evil energy and impurities in their bodies were all washed away by the lightning. At this moment, their entire bodies were as if they were carved out of blood-colored crystal, crystal clear and extremely solid. They had undergone some kind of essential evolution.

Lu Min's Blood God Son was forged by the cultivators who slaughtered the three major sects of Blood River Sect, Jiuyin Sect, and Hades, as well as many of their vassal forces. There were tens of billions of Blood God Sons, and finally There are only more than a thousand left.

At this moment, the aura emitted by these more than a thousand Blood God Sons has a hint of heavenly power.

They let out a sharp roar, with a hint of fear and fear in the roar.

In the end, these more than a thousand lucky ones could not withstand the erosion of lightning. It was Lu Min who sacrificed the spiritual treasure blood lotus left by Master Huaxue, and even poured it into his whole body with all his strength. In Song Dynasty, he could not wait for others With the help of the fourth armillary sphere, the last wave of thunder power was blocked.

Even so, Lu Min was seriously injured, and most of his body was broken into pieces. He couldn't regain his breath for a long time.

The Lingbao Blood Lotus was beaten so hard that its origin was damaged, and it fell down seven or eight levels in a row. It was dying and had almost fallen out of the Lingbao level. Now its aura can only barely maintain the upper and lower levels of the other side of the world.

Song could not wait for everyone to be seriously injured. They were all vomiting blood and their bodies were mostly mutilated.

The Armillary Sphere of the Four Seasons, which was once the most important treasure of the Miluo Sect and an important weapon that transcended the tenth level of the other side of the world, was also severely damaged by lightning. There were several more cracks on the body, and its grade also dropped by seven or eight levels. Song was so heartbroken that he could not wait for all the old people from Miluo Cult to cry.

Lu Qian's side was also covered in chicken feathers.

The monk's robes and cassocks given by Monk Yuanjue all have true immortal level defenses. Lu Qian himself was not greatly affected by the lightning. The monk's robes and cassocks easily withstood the power of the lightning, and Lu Qian was not even injured.

But he was accompanied by Toutuo and other elite disciples from Dajue Temple. How could Lu Qian be willing to let them be annihilated by lightning?

Therefore, Lu Qian extracted the magic power of countless Taoist soldiers in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain and injected it into himself. With the help of the power of the Taoist soldiers, he used the remaining true immortal-level supernatural powers in the magical beads in his hands to release eighteen rays in one go, forcing him to compete head-on. The power of thunder.

Then, using himself as the hub and the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain as the auxiliary, he mobilized the power of hundreds of millions of Taoist soldiers, together with the masters of Dajue Temple such as Jie Yin Toutuo, to set up a Vajra Meditation Buddha Formation to withstand the terrifying thunderbolt from the front.

The eighteen true immortal-level supernatural powers collided with the lightning, and the aftermath was vast and terrifying. Lu Qian was the first to bear the brunt. His golden body, which was regarded as immortal in Yuanlingtian, was shaken out by thousands of tiny branches. Cracks, the golden body almost collapsed.

The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain was safe and sound, but 90% of the Taoist soldiers arrayed on the mountain were annihilated. Such a loss made Lu Qian so heartbroken that he almost vomited blood.

Jie Yin Toutuo and other masters from the Dajue Temple, under the protection of Lu Qian, were beaten to death after being slightly touched by Yu Bo. Blood spurted out from each of their orifices, and they were paralyzed on the clouds and unable to move. Only a few who had practiced the secret golden body of Buddhism were in better physical condition, and could barely stand beside Lu Qian with trembling legs. However, their bodies were all covered with wounds that reached deep into their internal organs, and their blood was like blood. Free spring water sprayed all over the floor.

Lu Min and Lu Qian, the father and son, have precious treasures to protect their bodies, great supernatural powers, and even the Son of the Blood God and the guardian Taoist soldiers who can act as scapegoats. Both father and son are in such a mess, and the initiator of all things... He is safe and sound.

The piece of Xiayi on Wanxiang's body obviously has some inexplicable relationship with the thunder bead. Wherever the colorful rays of light emitted by the Xiayi are surrounded, the ball of thunder seems to be nothing and does not cause any harm to Wanxiang. .

As a result, everything is calm and unscathed.

But the Senluo Sect disciples brought by Wanxiang... well, the Senluo Sect disciples he brought include nine half-step Heavenly Realm elders and a group of elite disciples. The Xuan Mother Goddess took action before, and the six elders and all the accompanying disciples were turned into human skin, leaving only three elders who were seriously injured and vomited blood!

With this flash of lightning, the three elders had disappeared without a trace. The disciples of the Senluo Sect who rushed to reinforce the Blackwater Secret Alliance, except for the leader Wanxiang, were completely wiped out, with not a single hair left.

Within a million miles radius, all the evil spirits, including the Mysterious Mother Goddess, disappeared without a trace.

These evil spirits don't have any spiritual treasures to protect their bodies. They are evil spirits, and they are being restrained by thunder... Therefore, including the combat power of the celestial realm of the Xuan Mother Goddess, they were all wiped out by the thunder.

Thunder continued to fall all over the sky, and Yuan Lingtian's consciousness of heaven and earth was like a madman obliterating the dense and tyrannical Dao patterns on the wall of the pit on the ground. Wisps of strange Dao rhymes flowed out, and were instantly swallowed up by an unpredictable force in the void.

Those evil spirits, even if there was still a little bit of aura left, were completely dissipated under this terrifying thunder craze.

Okay, okay, okay, old boy, you are cruel enough! Lu Min spit out blood. Behind him, the eyes of more than a thousand blood gods were shining with blood, and traces of essence and blood were continuously injected into Lu Min's body. Looking at Lu Min's The injury squirmed rapidly, and the body quickly regenerated.

Song FuFeng and others were also vomiting blood, while swallowing the pill, they stared at everything with fierce eyes.

The Armillary Sphere of the Four Seasons, a treasure that the Miluo Sect has inherited for countless years, was destroyed by Wanxiang's thunder bead... Song couldn't help them, and now wanted to fight Wanxiang desperately.

Lu Qian was also vomiting blood. He released eighteen true immortal-level supernatural powers in a row. His arms were subjected to terrible counterattack force, and the bones of both arms were shattered from fingers to shoulders, and they were as broken as tofu.

Rays of Buddha's light lingered rapidly inside and outside the body. Lu Qian took out the Guixu treasure bottle and swallowed a large amount of Xuanyuan divine water. The majestic energy and vast vitality surged in the body, repairing the injuries bit by bit.

He also looked at everything with a gloomy face.

The thunder bead exploded, and Wanxiang only escaped two thousand miles further than them. For those who are in the realm of celestial beings or those who are half a step into the realm of celestial beings, a distance of more than two thousand miles is equivalent to being within easy reach!

Jie Yin Toutuo and other old monks also stood up one after another. They panted heavily, swallowed the elixir, and used secret techniques to quickly recover from their injuries. Waves of powerful Buddha power flowed back and forth between them, and a killing Buddha formation slowly rose up, covering thousands of miles of void.

Further away, hundreds of thousands of miles away from here, probably on the edge of the big crater blasted by the thunder beads, countless evil spirits were frantically attacking the gate of the Blackwater Secret Alliance. They turned around one by one, floating in the air, their faces Looking twistedly at the million-mile void shrouded in lightning.

White Girl, Green Girl, Blue Girl... and four other women with huge bodies and sharp and evil auras were floating quietly in the air.

They're rebelling in the nest. Bai Nu suddenly burst into laughter.

Sooner or later...this is, people...especially, men! A woman with a red body and countless patterns of flowers, birds, insects and fish circling under her skin screamed.

Then, let them continue to rebel! A woman with a blue body and a giant white jade flute said quietly: Go on, kill this Black Water Secret Alliance... Hehe, hehe, gentlemen, listen up Let me sing a song, okay?

The green woman raised the white jade flute and brought it to her mouth. A sharp, twisted and ferocious Xiao sounded through the air. The invisible roar tore through the void, tearing open a giant crack thousands of miles long and hundreds of miles wide in the last three major formations of the Blackwater Secret Alliance's mountain-protecting formation.

In the void, countless evil instruments in the shape of musical instruments emerged. They played in unison, and the noisy and chaotic music suddenly resounded throughout the world.

In the Blackwater Secret Alliance Mountain Gate, the heads of countless monks exploded.

Pieces of human skin soared into the sky, circling and dancing in the air, constantly making laughter of hahahaha.

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