Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 614 Negotiations failed

Dayin Immortal Dynasty, Hao Jingcheng.

Deep in the imperial city, there is the imperial garden. Yinyuan was holding a fishing rod and sitting quietly beside a Jiuqu Mingxiang. His eyes were staring at the fat and strong colorful koi carps in the clearly visible bottom of the stream.

Behind him is a large banyan tree with lush branches. There is a swing hanging on the branch of the tree. The white turtle is sitting on the swing, swinging lazily back and forth. Several little palace maids with plain faces, with drooped eyebrows and eyes, expressionless faces, as if relatives had just died, stood beside the swing, carefully serving the white turtle.

Yinyuan waited quietly for a long time, but the fish never bit the hook. He shook his head helplessly and sighed. With a slight sigh, the koi fish were frightened and fled in all directions. Their tails swung and created several small whirlpools on the water.

Yinyuan dropped the fishing rod, stood up, walked to the swing with his hands behind his back, and sat side by side with the white turtle.

Several little palace maids exerted their hands, and the swing suddenly swung high. Bai Yu and Yinyuan were side by side, holding hands. The two of them were shouting like a pair of happy fools. The air was filled with sour odor but A soft rice flavor that stimulates appetite.

Xiao Bai, Yuan Lingtian is very lively these days, so many people are ascending... I'm a little ready to make a move! Yinyuan and Bai Yu wandered for a while, then tied Bai Yu's thin waist with his hands and leaned close to her ear. He spoke softly.

Bai Yuan raised her eyebrows, and Sanbai's triangular eyes widened. She slapped Yinyuan's thigh hard and shouted: I have thought so for a long time... Upper Realm, I really I have never seen what the upper world is like... I knew that I was thrown down just three days after I was born!

Bai Yuan frowned and whispered: Since I was a child, a group of old antiques from Jianmen have been telling me how good the upper world is, how good it is, how good it is, how immortal it is, and how it is the same as heaven and earth. Longevity, how carefree and pure, shine with the sun and the moon... Why there are Ganoderma lucidum and fairy grass everywhere, great medicines and spiritual treasures all over the mountain, you can pick up a spiritual treasure by scratching your paw in the ground!

Hey, I want to go to the upper world too... No, I want to go back too!

Bai Yu pointed fiercely in all directions: Those bastards took advantage of us and my wife, and each one took the Supreme Immortal Title and ascended to the upper world. I want it too!

Yinyuan narrowed his eyes, leaned into Bai Yu's ear and whispered: Is it possible that there are still people who don't allow you to ascend?

Bai Yu looked at Yinyuan with a sad face. She looked to the left and then again. Yinyuan waved his hand and drove away the few maids carefully selected by Bai Yu.

Bai Yuan then formed a seal with her hands and recited a few strange spells. Between her eyebrows, a fairy light slowly bloomed, and a thumb-sized, exquisitely shaped jade plaque quietly flew out and floated quietly above her. in front of.

Most of the jade plaques are dead white, indeed as dead white as a dead person. In the dead white texture, you can faintly see traces, wisps, and tiny bits of golden and purple gas. These golden and purple gases are obviously not the same thing as the dead white jade card itself, but are from outside. Objects filled the jade tablet, and all the golden light and purple energy were swirling and dancing in the jade tablet, as if the jade tablet was water and these golden and purple air were fish.

Roughly speaking, the combined volume of this golden light and purple energy is less than 10% of the total volume of the jade medal!

This is the merit card. Unless I can fill it up, I can't go back to the upper realm. Bai Yuan sighed heavily: A few days ago, I also had the intention of taking you to the upper realm, but I I just came up with this idea and realized that I actually have such a weird thing hidden in my body!

Looking at the merit card with a sad face, Bai Yuan murmured: Now it seems that the old guys from Jianmen, especially the old boy Bai Xuanyue, are kind to me... and want me to be the sword The young sect of the sect is nominally in charge of the expedition to Yuan Lingtian... Let me take the disciples of the Sword Sect to destroy those evil spirits. This is a good thing that can accumulate a huge amount of merit!

But at that time, no one told me about this?

Bai Yu spread his hands and looked at Yinyuan pitifully: Now, I know that this is the case, but Jianmen is also in disarray, and the Bai clan who listened to me unconditionally was exterminated, alas!

Yinyuan squinted his eyes, his eyes flashing with strange light, and carefully studied the merit plaque.

After looking around for a long time, he couldn't see the ugly Yin Mao. Yinyuan put his hands on Bai Yu's shoulders and said with a smile: It doesn't matter, isn't it just a little merit? I am here for my husband, why are you afraid that I can't fill it up? Uh. , these years, you have been communicating with the upper world, and no one has explained to you...everything related to you?

Bai Yu blinked and looked at Yinyuan with a blank expression.

After a long time, she shook her head and said: I knew that 30,000 years ago, the Supreme Being of the Bai family of Jianmen was my biological father... my mother was a true immortal from the upper realm who was even more powerful than him... …As for why I was sent down, Bai Xuanyue was made my nominal father, and I was made the Young Sect of Jianmen… I don’t know!”

Anyway, I know that every once in a while, the two realms automatically accumulate mana, and all kinds of good things are given to me and the upper realm. Bai Yu shrugged: Just because I can always get it There are good things that are not available in the lower world, so Bai Xuanyue and the others serve me like a living ancestor!

Yin coughed slightly: Aren't you their living ancestor?

Bai Yu blinked his eyes and suddenly laughed: Yeah? This is really true. After all, that old ghost Bai Zhu needs to call me aunt...

A flash of fairy light flowed between his brows, and Bai Yuan was about to take the merit tablet back into his body when he heard a gentle roar in the void, and a faint purple golden light emerged from the vicinity of the jade tablet. After circling, it injected itself into the body. Got the jade card.

The jade sign swayed slightly and disappeared into the center of Bai Yu's eyebrows.

Yinyuan's eyes widened in shock: What good thing have you done?

Bai Yu spread his hands and looked at him with a confused look: I haven't done anything recently, so I'm busy making little dolls with you? However, in the past almost a year, this aura has been appearing out of thin air. Come on. Tsk, when I first learned about this merit card, it was still white with no golden or purple aura inside it... After a few months, I have accumulated so much, I don’t know where it came from!

Bai Yu looked at Yinyuan in surprise: Is it possible that, since you became the emperor of Dayin Immortal Dynasty, some of your merits have been given to me?

Bai You was inexplicably moved to tears. She looked at Yinyuan affectionately and called out softly: Ms. sir!

Yinyuan hugged her with both hands, looked at her thin lips, high cheekbones, triangular eyes, slanted eyebrows, and the thick and light rouge she applied by herself, and called out warmly: Madam!

Ms. sir!


The two of them shouted dozens of times, and couldn't help but feel emotional. Suddenly the sky and the earth were covered...

The big banyan tree with its lush branches was probably blind. There was no wind blowing, but many leaves were falling down.

After a long time, from noon to sunset, the two finally stopped. Yinyuan hugged Bai Yu, and the two of them soaked in the stream to wash away the sweat stains on their bodies. Yinyuan looked at the sky thoughtfully: Well, Xiao Bai, you just said that Jianmen, especially the Bai family, is very important to You are wonderful, wonderful!

Tsk, the Bai clan of Jianmen actually didn't have many casualties among the clan. The real elite clan members were all captured alive by the Changsheng Cult. I don't know where they are being imprisoned... I do have some friendship with Dajue Temple. Take a look. , do you want to negotiate and redeem all the members of the Bai clan of Jianmen?

Yinyuan looked at Bai Yu gently: These merit cards have popped up. It can be seen that the upper world has requirements for you... Since you want to accumulate merit, if you can have a large group of caring and reliable people under you, If you work hard, won’t this merit come more easily?”

Bai Zhu, Bai Xuanyue and others are indeed not dead.

But they were all transformed by Lu Qian like Song Bubu and others from the Miluo Sect before, and turned into die-hard thugs who were devoted to Lu Qian.

If they go back to the white turtle...well!

Bai Yu's eyes flickered. She was actually not stupid. Her IQ was much higher than that of many ordinary people. After all, she was the descendant of two great immortals. Her qualifications were not bad. It was just her nature that she was too lazy to use her brain in the past. That’s all!

After thinking about Yinyuan's words for a long time, Bai Yuan nodded and said: That's good, that's good. I would like to take you back to the upper realm to be a pair of carefree mandarin ducks that last forever... But they won't let us go back. I don’t know when this merit will be accumulated!”

But, sir, you are now a heavenly being... If that old guy Bai Zhu is redeemed, will we become too strong... Can the Immortality Sect agree?

Yinyuan laughed: The Immortality Sect did not kill Elder Bai Zhu, which shows that there is room for change. No matter what method they used to imprison Elder Bai Zhu, since people are alive, it can be seen that the Eternal Life Sect has something to ask for... Since We have something to ask for, so as long as we are willing to pay the price, redeem them all, and swear an oath not to be enemies of the Immortality Cult, there will be no problem!

Bai Yu blinked her eyes, and after a long time, she nodded: Well, I didn't care about their life and death at first. With you by my side, my husband, everything is fine... However, my husband is also right. , it would be nice to have a bunch of more doglegs to help out...

Oh, but I remembered the last time I went to Jianmen with my husband, and how they deducted the Lingzhen that originally belonged to me... Oh, that's all, that's all... I can redeem them, but if they want too much, I won't accept it!

Yinyuan frowned: Xiaobai, do you still have many good things in your hands?

Bai Yuan frowned and shook his head: There is nothing left. Except for some Supreme Immortal Titles at the bottom of the box to give away, there are not many other good things... However, the Two Realms Disk has been charged. , I’ll just ask for some from the upper world.”

Bai Yuan smiled coldly: Mr. sir, talk to the Immortality Cult and see how much ransom they want... I'm going to pay a fee and get at least ten times as much good stuff from that old ghost.

Yinyuan looked at his woman happily and gave her a thumbs up.

This kind of woman who specializes in cheating her own father, how could he be so virtuous and capable...

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