Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 620: The Supreme Root (3)

The way to practice lies in looking up at the sky, looking down at the earth, observing the four seasons, discerning the movement of heaven and earth, recognizing the wonders contained in the Tao, and then absorbing the inspiration, accumulating the charm of the Tao, polishing the essence, refining the marrow, strengthening the muscles and bones, and strengthening the organs. , coagulation of essence and blood, legal power, sublimation of soul, magical body!

According to various inheritances, each sect's wonderful method can make the body a raft, or the spirit can ascend, or the body can be sanctified, or the golden immortal can be achieved...

But after returning to Dajue Temple, Lu Qian found that his cultivation was so easy and smooth.

Wherever his eyes saw, it was like flowers blooming, the mysteries of heaven and earth unfolding in front of him one by one, and he couldn't wait to take the initiative to merge with his soul and body.

Between breathing and exhaling, the magic power naturally increases, the body naturally becomes stronger, and all kinds of magical powers appear naturally out of thin air. Without careful speculation, they turn into bloodline talents and condense deep in the body.

Not only are all the magical powers at his fingertips, they are even hidden in his blood and can be passed down directly to his descendants!

Based on the concentration of magical powers contained in this bloodline, Lu Yi judged that as long as his descendants did not make peace with many foreign races indiscriminately, and if his descendants all married and had children and reproduced in the only pure ethnic group, then this This bloodline inheritance can last for 120,000 generations.

There is nothing better than this to protect your children and grandchildren.

Of course, for a 'great monk' who doesn't even have a son or daughter, it is too early to consider the inheritance of this kind of bloodline magical power.

In other aspects, it is even more wonderful.

Just like the Miluo Sect in those days, all kinds of magic were pushed to the extreme. An ordinary palm thunder uses the same amount of mana as the disciples of other sects, but the final power of the spell is the same as the palm thunder of ordinary sect disciples. A hundred times, a thousand times, even some sect elders who have delved into extremely deep realms can shatter hundreds of miles with an ordinary palm thunder!

This is the understanding of the Tao, the understanding of the Tao, and some ultimate study of 'magic'.

Before, Lu Qian had studied all kinds of Taoist methods of Milo Sect. Well, there was a lot of improvement, but that was all. In the use of many spells, Lu Qian is not as good as Song Fengwai, the supreme elder of Miluo Sect!

Lu Qian's nature and qualifications determine that he is better at and more suitable for the kind of magical powers that can be opened and closed with great power.

For example, the Buddhist magical power of subduing demons can be shot out with one palm, and the giant palm covers thousands of miles. Although it consumes a lot of mana, Lu Qian has a strong foundation and does not care about this mana loss at all. The destructive power of the Thousand Miles Giant Palm is annihilating. If it kills with one palm, its destructive power is no less powerful than the magical power of the same scale in the Milo Sect.

But after getting this golden finger and starting to continuously improve his own abilities, Lu Qian suddenly discovered that all kinds of magical powers and magic methods no longer had any difficulty in front of him.

The Buddhist magical power to subdue demons can be blasted out with a single blast, covering thousands of miles. He can condense it to the size of a soybean, a mung bean, or even the size of gravel.

Thousands of miles, thousands of miles of giant palms blasted out, and when one palm fell, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked, and the terrain changed, enough to plow the courtyard, sweep holes, and kill one party.

But compressing such a terrifying powerful magical power to the size of a soybean, a mung bean, or a gravel... the total mana consumed remains the same, and the total power of the magical power remains unchanged, but the power is compressed to the extreme, and it is blasted out with a single palm, without any fireworks. , in the light wind and clouds, any defensive forbidden methods, defensive talismans, and even body-protecting spiritual treasures, etc., were all penetrated.

The powerful magical power tore a small hole in the person's body, and then exploded inside his body...

The scene was so wonderful that after Lu Qian tried it with a few secretly captured evildoers, he was a little bit unbearable to look at the cruel scene.

There have been satisfactory changes in the scale of magical powers, and in terms of spell consumption, Lu Qian has also greatly improved due to his continuous and in-depth understanding of the avenue and the law.

Before, Lu Qian used all his strength. His most lethal powerful magical power would consume 10% of his total mana once activated. During the battle, if he did not use the origin of the inner world of the inner world, then the powerful magical power would continue continuously. After ten blasts, Lu Qian could either use his muscle strength to hit someone, or run away, or he could only swallow the elixir and slowly recover his mana.

But in the half month that Moonlight Monk was out on business, Lu Qian's control over magical powers improved several levels.

Now, with one strike of his palm, he can unleash the most powerful killing power with only one-thirtieth of the previous strength. Under the premise that the lethality of his magical powers remains unchanged, Lu Qian can continuously blast out three hundred magical powers. His lasting combat power and comprehensive combat effectiveness have been improved by countless times compared to before!

And Lu Qian's pair of magical eyes began to evolve crazily.

In just half a month, his pair of eyes have evolved to the point where he can discern the truth of all things with just a casual glance.

Jie Yin Toutuo and the others tried to attack Lu Qian with the spiritual treasures from the seventh and eighth heavens of the other shore. Lu Qian could see through the reality and flaws of these spiritual treasures at a glance. He pointed them out and said My Buddha has mercy, and these acquired spiritual treasures were destroyed. The treasure immediately disintegrates like a balloon with a hole in it, transforming into the purest source energy of the world and returning to heaven and earth!

And the mana consumed by Lu Qian's finger is not even as good as a random spell cast by a monk at the Golden Lotus Realm!

If a spiritual treasure is an energy aggregation entangled with countless Dao patterns and laws, then Lu Yi's finger can easily shake off the countless tangled threads, trace them back to the source, and directly let them dust Return to dust, dust to dust'!

Such methods... Lu Qian vaguely felt that he could even use them on all kinds of creatures!

This is an extremely terrifying power... Creatures are just aggregation of Dao patterns, laws, energy, and matter. Lu Qian can break the acquired spiritual treasure with one finger. Then, as long as he can see through the secret of a certain creature, Combining flaws and reality, he can easily break open the creature with one finger, directly obliterate the 'basis' for its existence, and completely annihilate it.

In addition to the above, Lu Qian's mana, body, soul, everything is rapidly improving.

Because his golden finger came from the Yuan Fei of the world that Yuan Lingtian conceived and raised, now the entire Yuan Lingtian has no secrets left in front of him.

He has almost turned into a humanoid Yuan Lingtian walking outside!

On this day, Moonlight Monk finally ran back in a hurry.

Bai Nu's reaction was completely consistent with Lu Qian's suggestion. When Bai Nu and other evil leaders heard that, as long as they agreed to cooperate with Dajue Temple to take the blame for Senluo Sect, Dajue Temple and Changsheng Sect could join forces to take down Senluo Sect. Luo Jiao was completely shattered... Bai Nu and other evil spirits smiled brightly and agreed without hesitation.

After bringing Bai Nu's exact reply, Moonlight Monk followed the rules and started the entire abbot's trip ceremony designed by Dajue Temple. In the name of Fahai, the abbot of Dajue Temple, he went on a mission to Senluo Sect.

By the way, the ceremonial guard used by the abbot of Dajue Temple when traveling is simply something that Lu Qian created after exaggerating it a hundred times and enlarging its scale a hundred times according to the emperor's etiquette in Dayin's Book of Rites... Anyway, There is no practical effect, but there are a lot of people, a lot of flags and flags, and a lot of various equipment. It looks very grand, very face-saving, and very good at scaring people. That's it!

The mighty guard of honor marched all the way to the mountain gate of Senluo Sect, continuously distributing posts to the three religions, six sects and eighteen sects along the way, spreading a message to all the monks in the world - Senluo Sect is suspected of colluding with evil spirits and causing trouble to Yuan Lingtian. Therefore, Dajue Temple is prepared to act on behalf of Heaven and the monks all over the world to seek an accurate explanation from the Senluo Sect.

The honor guard spent more than ten days traveling all the way to a place 30 million miles away from the mountain gate of the Senluo Sect. The road ahead was cut off. All the moving formations were cut off by the Senluo Sect. A group of elite disciples of the Senluo Sect set up a large formation. , standing in front of the honor guard.

After some verbal negotiation... Moonlight Monk is very good at 'argument'. This so-called 'argument' means, I can't defeat you, but I can spray black smoke from your ancestral graves with my saliva, or even make your ancestral graves collapse. Jump up from the coffin and vomit blood!

As expected of the 'Buddha' whom the Tutu valued in those days, Yueguang Seng's cultivation in 'Dharma Debate' is now the best among all the disciples of Dajue Temple, including Lu Qian!

None of the old monks, including Jie Yin Toutuo, could surpass Moonlight Monk in the innate magical power of 'Kou Tiao'!

Ever since, the Moonlight Monk who was blocked in his way, in front of countless onlookers, gently shook his sharp tongue and sprayed a Senluo Sect Supreme Elder, dozens of elders and a large number of elite disciples who were blocking the way. In a rage, the Supreme Elder of the Senluo Sect took action himself, and a powerful talisman fell like a heavy rain, beating the Moonlight Monk's head to pieces and bleeding. The big monks and young monks who formed the honor guard were left with broken arms and legs, and all kinds of honor guards were left behind. The ritual vessels fled in confusion.

The disciples of the Senluo Sect... I guess they have been very depressed in the past few years. The honor guard of Dajue Temple was beaten away, and they actually pursued and killed them... Although they did not dare to kill, they were very capable of hitting hard. .

Half a month later, the Moonlight Monk and the honor guard on the mission had to escape back to the territory of Dajue Temple with great difficulty. When they fled back to a Zen forest in the lower courtyard, the 36,000 honor guard members were all seriously injured, and more than 100 of them had mutilated limbs. 70%, and nearly 10,000 monks had their cultivation level destroyed, and even had their ears and noses cut off, and tattoos on their faces as a form of humiliation!

The entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world was in deathly silence!

Countless people had various thoughts and were quietly waiting for Dajue Temple's reaction.

There was no reaction from Dajue Temple. Over at the Immortality Sect, Lu Min, who had re-sacrificially refined hundreds of millions of Blood God Sons, was furious and cursed at the Senluo Sect from afar.

And a piece of news that was extremely unfavorable to Senluo Sect spread quickly like a plague!

The leader of the evil forces, Bai Nu, appeared in person at the gate of Taixuan Palace, declaring that they and the Senluo Sect were the closest allies... The Senluo Sect injured a disciple of the Dajue Temple, which really made her extremely happy!

Suddenly, the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world exploded again!

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