Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 623: Destroying Taixuan with a snap of a finger (3)

Taixuan Mountain, the main peak is ten thousand feet high, and the mountain range stretches for hundreds of millions of miles. It is located in the extreme west of Dayinxian Dynasty.

When Yuan Lingtian was still a hundred strong sects, Taixuan Mountain was just a nameless and barren mountain range. There were many scattered cultivators in the mountain, and small and medium-sized sects with hundreds or thousands of people were constantly fighting with each other. It's like a useless place.

The Taixuan lineage of the Senluo Sect's hidden lineage is hidden in it. Most of the casual cultivators and families in the mountains are members of the Taixuan sect.

After Lu Qian ran away from the Destiny of the three religions, six sects and eighteen sects, he took advantage of the opportunity of the top 100 sects to fight against each other and severely damaged their vitality. Taixuan Palace rose up strongly, and with its extremely strong foundation, he defeated the six sects. With one person, he annexed many surrounding sect forces, and became very powerful for a while.

Like the Miluo Sect, the predecessor of the Immortality Sect, Taixuanzong’s research on ‘Tao’ and ‘Dharma’ was extremely profound.

However, Milo Sect pays more attention to the application of Dharma, and its various magic spells are profound, graceful and extremely powerful.

Taixuan Palace pays attention to the exploration of 'Tao'. When the disciples first enter the door, their practice speed is relatively slow. However, once they have laid enough 'Tao foundation', they will accumulate more and more progress, and their physical bodies and magical powers will be stronger and more advanced than their peers.

The embodiment of Taixuan Palace's 'Tao' lies in the use of 'Qi' by the three palace masters who are directly descended from the same lineage.

The first palace lord is good at controlling the thunder and energy of the Nine Heavens.

The Lord of the Second Palace is good at warming and nourishing Qing Ming’s Creation Qi.

The third palace lord is good at operating the Nine Nethers to accumulate corpse energy.

The Thunder from the Nine Heavens is pure and masculine, capable of traveling thousands of miles in an instant. It is good at breaking all kinds of spells, flying swords, magic weapons, talismans, etc. It is said that one thunder can break all kinds of spells.

Qingming's creation Qi is subtle and profound, and its creations are endless. The cultivator's body is strong and the soul is stable. He is good at nourishing and refining various spiritual weapons, flying swords, puppets, talismans, etc., and even has great advantages in alchemy. Auxiliary function. In its subtle changes, it is also good at breaking people's blood, taking away people's transformation, invading people's roots, and hurting people's origins... To be precise, Qing Ming's creation Qi can deduce poisons and witchcraft to extremely profound levels. level.

Jiuyou accumulates corpse energy. As the name suggests, if used externally, it can be used to cultivate the extremely powerful flying yaksha, which can ward off all kinds of magic and ward off all evils. Swords, guns, swords, halberds, flying knives and thunder beads cannot be broken. It is a first-class protection and fighting technique. . If it is used internally, it can store the Yin soul, nourish the Yin spirit, and turn it into an invisible and shadowless way to travel by day and night. It can escape from heaven and earth, formless and traceless, invade people's souls, and kill people invisibly.

The three-line inheritance is profound and subtle. It does not belong to the main line of Senluo Sect. Instead, it is a secret inheritance of the sect. It was secretly adopted and included in the hidden lineage. Together with Senluo Sect, they have supported each other all the way down.

In that catastrophe 30,000 years ago, a group of masters and elites from the Senluo Sect fell into the catastrophe and were massacred by the army of monks from the Supreme Holy Heaven.

However, the Taixuan lineage of the Yin Sect of the Senluo Sect simply did not show up. In this catastrophe, they did not even lose a hair!

Therefore, although it is a hidden lineage of the Senluo Sect, the overall strength of Taixuan Palace is not weaker than the main lineage inheritance.

When Taixuan Palace seized the position of the six sects and appeared majestically in front of the world, there were eighty-one powerful elders in the Half-Step Heavenly Realm in Taixuan Palace, even more than the main lineage Senluo Sect. The number of supreme elders.


The marriage between Yinyuan and Bai Yu caused chaos all over the world. Even the senior officials of Taixuan Palace could not restrain their desire to 'ascend to enlightenment'. Among the eighty-one Supreme Elders, five The fourteen people couldn't wait to fly away. The elders of Zhaoxu Realm below, as well as the elite disciples, and a large number of experts also broke through the realm and flew away!

Among the senior officials of Taixuan Palace who have broken through the ranks, there are several direct sons, nephews and descendants of the current second palace owner.

Taixuan Mountain, the mountain behind the main peak, among thousands of silver dragon-like waterfalls, on an eagle-beak cliff, in an exquisite pavilion, Li Qingwei, the second master of Taixuan Palace, sat cross-legged on a jade futon with a drooping face.

In front of him, there were several thumb-sized cyan jade dishes. Wisps of strange and dense air are like dexterous earthworms, flowing back and forth in the jade dish.

This cyan jade disc was obviously made from the condensed secret arts. Its interior was dazzling with luster, faint aura, and filled with countless strange runes.

This is the unique bloodline secret technique of the second palace master's lineage, which is condensed based on the mysterious avenue of Qingming Creation Qi. These jade discs have no other uses. They are the natal magic swords of Jianmen, the natal soul lamps and natal cards of other sects, and similar things.

However, Qing Ming's creation Qi is mysterious and subtle, and the life swords, life lamps, life cards, etc. of other sects can only be used in Yuan Lingtian, reflecting his or her life and death in Yuan Lingtian. And these sapphire discs of the second palace master's lineage can faintly communicate with the upper world and give a rough feedback on the situation of the blood clan members in the upper world.

A few years ago, Li Qingwei's two sons, seven nephews, and other grandchildren had a lot of direct bloodlines, totaling more than a hundred direct descendants. After receiving the Supreme Immortal Title presented by Bai Yuan, they all flew to the upper world.

Li Qingwei was not ready to hand over the authority to the Second Palace Lord of Taixuan Palace, so she asked a group of juniors to explore the way and give herself, as the elder, a front-row seat.

But... they went up, and then they died!

Several jade plates were densely covered with tiny cracks. If it weren't for the Qingming Creation Qi inside, which was like glue, forcibly binding the fragments together, these jade plates would have been broken long ago.

It shouldn't be like this! Li Qingwei frowned and stared at several jade plates.

It shouldn't be like this. The upper realm should be a place of infinite creation, a blessed land of cave heaven, a land of bliss, and enjoy endless blessings... Li Qingwei murmured: It doesn't make sense that so many nephews have ascended in just a few years... Well, within a few days in the upper world, the entire army was wiped out and their souls were scattered...this!

Could it be that the ancestor of the upper world was attacked?

Li Qingwei took out a Supreme Immortal Order from her sleeve, weighed it, and threw it out of the pavilion, allowing a waterfall to wash it down an abyss of thousands of feet and sinking into the whirlpool of the deep pool below.

There is great terror! Hiss... Li Qingwei said softly: Let's see if there is any news from Senior Brother Wanxiang... Tsk!

Standing up slowly, Li Qingwei looked at several sapphire plates and trampled them to pieces. Her heart ached so much that she almost cried.

These are all his blood relatives!

Especially the two ascended sons are not the most qualified among Li Qingwei's children and grandchildren, let alone the smartest among his children and grandchildren. It happened that people like Li Qingwei had met countless smart and talented geniuses, but he had a special affection for these two sons who were a bit dull, simple and honest, slow in cultivation, and had almost exhausted their Yangshoudu.

Therefore, knowing that those who ascend to the upper world with the cultivation level of the Condensing Dao Realm will be treated badly - regarding this point, established forces such as the Senluo Sect and Taixuan Palace, which have been inherited for countless thousands of years, will not accept the treatment. We have some understanding of some situations in the upper realm!

But with the qualifications of Li Qingwei's two sons, there is no future in the lower world.

After ascending to the upper world, no matter how bad the treatment is, with the resources and environment of the upper world, and the status of one's ancestors in the upper world, a little bit of resources can be enough for two precious sons and a group of nephews, grandchildren, grandnephews, etc. to achieve breakthroughs. Real fairyland!

What about even the weakest and weakest first-level immortal?

Then you can enjoy an endless lifespan. As long as you are not harmed by external calamities, you can live as long as heaven and earth!

Therefore, Li Qingwei personally decided to let this group of nephews and nephews who have poor qualifications but are the most favored by him ascend to the upper world...

But now it seems...

All dead hey!

Li Qingwei walked out of the pavilion with a slumped face and heavy steps. She turned into a puff of fresh air and flew out. In an instant, she arrived at the top of a hill in the back mountain with excellent feng shui and where the wind could be hidden.

Here, clean and tidy tombs are neatly arranged.

Li Qingwei walked to two ancient tombs covered with moss and stared blankly at the names on the tombstones.

This is the cemetery of two women, the biological mothers of his two sons with poor qualifications.

Two women, one practiced improperly and became obsessed with evil and died three thousand years ago... The other was out for a walk. At that time, Taixuan Palace was not well-known. She was regarded as a casual cultivator in a small family and was forced to be involved in a treasure-hunting chaos. Fighting, being used as a shield to kill him.

Li Qingwei has no other good qualities except love!

His special love for those two sons, perhaps, is related to the early death of their mother?

When I become a heavenly being, ascend to the upper world, and gather the status of a true immortal, I will avenge the two children. Li Qingwei stroked the two tombstones and sighed softly: It seems that there are dangers in the upper world...according to our ancestors According to the legend passed down, if I cannot gather the True Immortal status above the 20th level, I will never ascend!

A burst of fresh air suddenly gushes out from behind Li Qingwei. A young man who is eighty-nine times similar to him walks out of the clear air and whispers: Father... the evil spirits on my territory suddenly retreated. Among them, There are evil spirits claiming to the monks passing by that they are allies with our Taixuan Palace... that the previous attacks and fights were all staged for the world to see!

Li Qingwei turned around and looked directly at her eldest son Li Baishou, who was extremely talented and was being trained as his successor: Are you going to go out of your way to learn such stupid things from me?

Li Baishu smiled bitterly and bowed to Li Qingwei: We all know that this is a plan of evil spirits to sow discord... My disciples in Taixuan Palace will naturally not believe it, but the monks in the world... are mostly stupid, and there are countless more who have ulterior motives. I am afraid that this person will add fuel to the flames and add insult to injury to my Taixuan Palace!

Li Qingwei felt her heart hurt more and more.

He closed his eyes and thought hard about the appearance of his two precious sons, a group of precious grandchildren, precious nephews, and precious grandnephews. He felt that the smell of blood rushed out of his throat, and he almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

He took a deep breath and said calmly: I have been a father for 20,000 years, and I have never killed someone! When I was young and vigorous, I used to travel around the world of cultivation, explore secrets, make friends from all walks of life, and do a lot of things. It’s not an interesting thing, but his men have also taken the lives of tens of thousands of monks… They haven’t killed anyone in 20,000 years!”

With a sneer, Li Qingwei opened her eyes: The mastermind behind the scenes, you can tell...arrange the altar of creation, take action for your father, kill a few bald thieves first, and let them accompany your two brothers!

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