Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 625: Destroying Taixuan with a snap of a finger (5)

Taixuan Mountain, one hundred thousand miles west of the main peak, has ninety-nine carved peaks shaped like tokens surrounding a round cone-shaped peak. Its peak is the size of a hundred acres of land, and a complex structure of altar is built with bronze and ruby.

This altar is a standing item of the second palace master of Taixuan Mountain. It has endless magical uses. It can be used to refine weapons, poisons, poisons, various talismans, magic swords, puppets, etc. With the mystery of Qing Ming's Creation Qi, countless strange functions can be derived.

Today, on the altar, Li Baisui followed Li Qingwei's order and arranged an ancient bronze mirror with a diameter of three feet. Around it were eighteen ferocious statues of ghosts and gods that were about ten feet tall, with green tusks and claws. Then there were Dragon pillars, large guillotines, purple gold gates, jade archways and other prohibited objects.

In addition, around the altar, there are 1,296 Taixuan Palace disciples who are compared with Tiangang Disha according to their birth dates. They are wearing mysterious clothes, with long hair, with golden swords around their waists, and stars in their hands. The flags and flags slowly walked around the altar according to a strange trajectory.

As these Taixuan Palace disciples gently waved the flags, streams of light cyan energy of creation fell straight down from the void and gathered on a black jade plate in the center of the altar. The cyan aura rolled and circulated, gradually becoming richer, and gradually turned into a real orb the size of a human head, flowing rapidly in the black jade plate, radiating cold light, smart and mysterious.

Li Qingwei went to the altar with a full belly of resentment and a gloomy face.

Holding the incense stick, he bowed to heaven and earth, and in the three-legged cauldron on the altar, he burned a poem to worship the sky written with his heart and blood. Suddenly, a long wind rose between heaven and earth, and a wisp of breeze was visible to the naked eye. He rushed out from under the Yuantai Mountain Peak, drifted, and circled around the ninety-nine token-shaped peaks that were gradually glowing.

I saw patches of clouds on the ninety-nine peaks emerging out of thin air. Wisps of fresh air rushed straight into the sky. The clouds were pushed by the wind, just like heavenly beings holding pens, outlining huge traces of talismans in the sky.

Li Qingwei said coldly to Li Baishu and several direct disciples who were standing aside: Buddhist skills are purely masculine and powerful, and are innately capable of restraining all evil and evil spells. However, ordinary witchcraft and spells are of no use to Buddhist disciples... !”

Therefore, if you want to break the power of Buddhism, you should use fierceness to fight fierceness, use pure yang to defeat pure yang, use head-to-head confrontation, and use diamond to break the diamond!

This is the 'Flame Vajra Cockroach', a strange species from ancient times. It is born with a ray of solstice fire poison and can emit golden light to kill people. It also has a solid body and can be matured for thousands of years. It has an indestructible body like a vajra, which is comparable to the golden body of Buddhism. Therefore, in the ancient times of Yuan Lingtian, there was an authentic Buddhist sect that kept flaming diamond cockroaches as war pets.

Li Qingwei took out a large cockroach about the size of a palm, with a pale gold body and thin red flame patterns on its carapace, and carefully placed it in the center of the altar.

Using the Flame Vajra Cockroach, combined with the Xiao Zhoutian Xingxu's life-extinguishing and soul-destroying curse, and using the Flame Vajra Cockroach's natal supernatural power as a guide, the curse was forced into the body of the Buddhist thief, obliterating the golden body, shattering the relics, and destroying the soul. Their souls are scattered and their bones are gone, so this is what I want!

Li Qingwei sneered: Those idiots from Jianmen actually let the Buddhist sect take over...Have they all forgotten the story of 30,000 years ago?

He formed a seal with his hands and walked quickly around the altar.

Qing Ming's Taoist Secret Technique of Creation Qi was deployed, and on the black jade plate, wisps of cyan Creation Qi whizzed into the body of the flaming Vajra Cockroach in the center of the altar.

The palm-sized flaming diamond cockroach suddenly raised its head and let out a roar like a lion's roar!

The little insect really didn't know how he could make such a powerful and majestic roar. As soon as the roar came out, the ninety-nine surrounding peaks immediately shook together, and the loud rumbling sound was like hundreds of giant bells ringing at the same time. , the shock caused Li Baishu and others standing on the altar to feel dizzy and almost fell to the ground.

Li Baishu originally wanted to tell his own father that the success of the Yuan Lingtian Buddhist Sect was due to the contribution of the Senluo Sect as the former head of Wanxiang.

Li Baishu and Su Qianmo are brothers-in-law. They are married to a pair of sisters, so they have always had a good relationship. They often send letters and exchange information with each other. Su Qianmo's ability to successfully take over the position of head of the Senluo Sect is inseparable from the strong support of the Taixuan Palace lineage!

Therefore, Li Baishu knew what Wanxiang had done before!

If Wanxiang hadn't brought Lu Qian from the Supreme Saint Heaven to the Yuanling Heaven, how could the Buddhist power be developed with the help of the evil monks who are extremely proficient in murder and arson, but who are completely useless in other aspects of planning, such as Picking up Tutuo and Killing Buddha Wuxin? To the current situation?

However, before he could speak, the little insect roared and suppressed all Li Baisui's witty words.


Li Baishu wanted to tell his own father that Jianmen was really innocent when it came to the rise of Dajue Temple!

With the loud roar, the body of the Flame King Cockroach began to expand rapidly.

Qing Ming's Creation Qi has an extremely mysterious power of creation. It is used to grow elixirs. As long as it is not spent, it can warm and cultivate the elixir of a century-old climate in one day.

Used to refine poisonous poison, it has the magical effect of transforming the acquired nature and reversing the universe.

This Flame Vajra Cockroach is only the size of a palm and has just emerged from its shell for more than ten years. Compared with the legendary Flame Vajra Cock that was mature in ancient times and had a body the size of a small mountain peak, this Flame Vajra Cockroach is so weak that it is not worth mentioning!

But as Qing Ming's Creation Qi continued to integrate, the ancestral bloodline in this little insect was rapidly activated. It opened its big mouth and began to frantically spit out the wisdom of the world...

Around the altar, mountains of spiritual crystals and elixirs flew up one after another, being swallowed by the insects.

Driven by Qing Ming's creation energy, the little insect's body expanded rapidly and grew rapidly. All the swallowed spiritual crystals and elixirs were perfectly integrated into its body, without any wastage or leaving any residue. Nutrients and energy are all transformed into a part of the little insect.

Amidst the roar, a layer of hard shell fell off the body of the Blazing King Cockroach.

Li Baishu and others hurriedly put away the fallen carapace of the small insect... This ancient strange species sheds its shell when it grows, and the shed carapace is a good material for refining various strange secret treasures, especially when it is the first time in its life. The removed carapace can even be used to refine a puppet to replace a certain death disaster!

The small insects grow rapidly and continuously shed their shells.

Li Qingwei has turned into a cyan afterimage, jumping up and down on the altar, constantly chanting curses and making seals.

On the eighteen ferocious statues of ghosts and gods, wisps of black smoke rolled, turning into vicious curse seals that kept flying towards the little insects.

Within the body of the little insect, the golden light and fierce fire rose up, entangled and collided with the evil and cold black smoke. At first, fire and water were incompatible, and they kept making thunderous noises. However, under the suppression of the altar and the drive of the large formation, the golden light and fierce fire rose. It starts to blend perfectly with the black smoke.

The bug, which was originally made of pale gold with countless crimson flame lines, was crisscrossed with vicious black curse marks, like countless chains, binding it in circles.

As the body of the little bug continued to expand, the black curse marks on its body became more and more complex, and the cold waves it emitted became more powerful. Even Li Baishou and other direct disciples found it difficult to gain a foothold on the altar. .

Li Qingwei continued to cast spells, and the tokens made loud snap sounds and kept hitting the altar.

Every time a token falls, the speed of the altar will double, and the growth and transformation speed of the Flame Vajra Cockroach will also double. In this way, from early morning to sunset, the Blazing Vajra Cockroach was suspended above the altar, its body had expanded to a hundred feet in diameter, its aura was ferocious and ferocious, and it had already transformed into a mature body!

Li Qingwei picked up a dragon-headed whip and landed on Xiao Chongzhi's head with a 'snap' sound, crushing his head to pieces.

The little insect's body turned into a ball of intense golden flames, and its body melted rapidly. Countless black curse marks continued to merge into the melted insect's body. In the sound of Li Qingwei's spell, the little insect finally turned into eighteen three-inch short arrows that were pale golden in color, with countless flame patterns rising, and a faint black light inside.

Li Qingwei ignored the eighteen condensed short arrows and knelt down to bow to the ancient bronze mirror on the altar.

The thief is bald, the thief is bald, the Buddhist thief is bald!

Li Qingwei murmured a spell, and the ancestral secret treasure of the second master of Taixuan Palace shone with a faint light, and a round of mirror light erupted from the mirror, quickly sweeping in all directions!


The mirror suddenly lit up, and a thousand-foot round light erupted, floating in front of Li Qingwei.

In the round light, it can be seen that Lu Chen is sitting cross-legged on the lotus seat of the Great Vajra, surrounded by millions of monks from the Dajue Temple, flying through the clouds and mist, all the way towards the territory of Taixuan Palace from the east. Come.

Long blue winds visible to the naked eye hovered near the team of monks in Dajue Temple. Lu Qian used the power of wind to bless them. The flight speed of the monks in Dajue Temple was accelerated by more than a hundred times. The huge team was in A bright golden rainbow was drawn in the sky, thousands of miles long, like a sharp knife piercing the sky, pointing directly at the mountain gate of Taixuan Palace.

Li Qingwei raised an eyebrow!

The function of this ancient mirror is to find the closest living beings that meet the conditions according to the owner's wishes!

Just now, Li Qingwei wanted to find some Buddhist monks to vent her anger. Gu Jing immediately found the monk closest to him - there were ears and eyes from Dajue Temple on the site of Taixuan Palace, but those eyes and ears were all monks with long hair, and there was no one there. It was a bald monk. Therefore, the monk closest to Li Qingwei that Gu Jing found was actually leading a large group of people, preparing to smash Lu Qian in the Taixuan Palace Dojo!

Father, this bald thief sitting on the lotus seat is Fahai, the abbot of Dajue Temple! Li Baishou pointed at Lu Qian and shouted.

Lu Qian did not use the Taichu Mixing Pearl to cover up his whereabouts. He wished that everyone in the world would see him leading people to attack Taixuan Palace.

Therefore, Lu Yi's figure emerged clearly in the round light, and Li Baishou also recognized him at a glance!

Li Qingwei nodded slowly: Tiger is not harmful to people, but tigers are harmful to people's hearts... Haha, I'm here to kill myself!

With a click of a finger, a short black arrow flew out silently and penetrated the ancient mirror!

I don't know how many trillions of miles away, in front of Lu Yi, a three-inch short arrow suddenly flew out, and reached the center of his eyebrows with a 'swish'.

This short arrow was incredibly fast, and it appeared so strangely. There was not even the slightest sign of crisis before it appeared, and even Lu Qian was caught off guard!


The short arrow hit Lu Qian firmly between the eyebrows!

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