Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 628 Daluo Blood List (2)

In Taixuan Palace, two mournful screams rose into the sky.

It must be said that Taixuan Palace is a hidden branch of the Senluo Sect, and the relationship between the three major palace masters' lineages is excellent.

Jiuxiao Thunder Qi, Qingming Creation Qi, and Jiuyou Accumulating Corpse Qi are the essences of the three major inheritances. You must have a unique bloodline to achieve great success. Ordinary beginner disciples, even if they obtain the true meaning of these three inheritances, cannot cultivate them to a very advanced level.

Since it is a bloodline inheritance, the required training qualifications and training environment are also very different. Therefore, there are no conflicts of interest or power disputes among the three major palace master lineages. The three families support each other and live a busy life, marrying each other. Intermarriage is as good as honey mixed with oil.

But Li Qingwei was killed by Lu Qian's Frey. The power of the thunder followed the bloodline and killed all the way. Not only Li Qingwei's direct grandchildren and great-grandsons were killed, but also the collateral blood relatives of the Li family were killed. All those Li Qingwei's daughters and granddaughters who married outside, as well as their descendants in the families of the first and third palace lords, were all killed by the thunder.

Zhao, the lord of the first palace, and Ma, the lord of the third palace, two half-step celestial masters screamed and screamed, leading a large group of Taixuan Palace masters to rise into the sky and looked towards the direction where Lu Qian and others were.

However, due to the distance, Lu Qian could clearly see the movement inside the mountain gate of Taixuan Palace with his Dharma eyes, but Palace Master Zhao and Palace Master Ma could not see clearly what the attacker looked like.

Go! Lu Qian let out a long laugh and waved his sleeves.

His cultivation at this moment has exceeded the limit that Yuan Lingtian can bear. Logically, he should be rejected by heaven and earth and have to ascend. However, he was covered by the Taichu Confusion Pearl, and later reached a tacit understanding with Yuan Lingtian. The most important thing is that he got a golden finger. In some aspects, he is no longer bound by the laws of the lower world.

In Yuan Lingtian, Lu Qian already had some power similar to the will of heaven and earth.

Where the big sleeves were rolled up, the Buddhist array of Dajue Temple disappeared out of thin air. After a snap of his fingers, he came out of the sky and arrived at the gate of Taixuan Palace.

Lu Qian clasped his hands together, and eighteen black short arrows were suspended in front of him, constantly vibrating and struggling, making a harsh sound. Lu Qian bowed to the two palace masters with red eyes, stood up slowly from the Vajra Lotus Seat, and said in a deep voice: Two fellow Taoists, can you explain why you, Taixuan Palace, use such vicious spells? , attack and kill my Dajue Temple disciples?

Palace Master Zhao and Palace Master Ma roared in unison.

The three of them have been living together for who knows how many years. They are all very knowledgeable in the methods and skills of keeping each other under control... These eighteen short arrows, they knew at a glance that they were indeed Li Qingwei's methods!

There are also people in the Li family who have practiced this spell, but no one can refine it to this extent. This must have been done by Li Qingwei herself.

But one of the eighteen short arrows appeared in front of them, and the bloodline members of the Li Qingwei clan were implicated in the bloodline by the inexplicable thunder spell, and they were slaughtered in an instant... This was naked revenge!

Dare to ask my friend, why are you so cruel and ruthless! Palace Master Zhao hissed angrily: The entire family is being punished. What kind of blood feud is this?

Lu Qian pretended to be surprised and looked at Palace Master Zhao, who had a white beard and white eyebrows, a head full of silver hair, a ruddy face, a strong body, and a good appearance. He laughed a few times and said, What the Palace Master said means... , your people can do evil things to us, but we can’t fight back?”

Palace Master Zhao panted heavily.

On the side, the elegant and elegant Palace Master Ma, who seemed to be in his thirties, shouted sternly: Even if the fault is ours and killing people is just a nod, you kill the culprit just because, why, why... do you want to kill everyone?

Palace Master Ma was also heartbroken.

Exactly thirty years ago, a girl from the Li clan married into his Ma family and gave birth to several children, all of whom were extremely talented and practiced rapidly. Among the children, the ones with prominent Li family bloodlines naturally became the disciples of the Second Palace Master, but there were also a few children whose Ma family bloodlines were extremely vivid, and the Jiuyou Corpse Qi had been cultivated to an extremely advanced level.

Seeing that these children are the future of his Ma family...

Okay, today a thunderbolt passed by. The offspring of these Li clan women, whether they were those with prominent Li blood or those with bright Ma blood, as long as they had a trace of Li blood in their bodies, they all turned into flying ash and died suddenly. on the spot.

Palace Master Ma, my heart aches!

Therefore, his voice became extremely harsh, almost like a cuckoo crying for blood or a white-headed palace maid crying for her life in a deep well!

Lu Chen clasped his hands together and said calmly: If you are a kind person, I will certainly have a compassionate heart and give you a chance of survival... I will only punish the first evil and not correct the followers... But, are you, Taixuan Palace, a kind person?

Palace Master Zhao was furious: How come I, Taixuan Palace, am not a kind person?

Palace Master Zhao wanted to argue with Lu Qian, and at the same time let the fellow Taoists who were watching the excitement from a distance hear that they, the Taixuan Palace lineage in Taixuan Mountain, had lived in seclusion in Taixuan Mountain for many years, never causing trouble and never being contaminated. Karma has always been low-key and humble, enjoying himself behind closed doors and never making grudges with others!

Even the cultivation materials from Taixuan Palace were sent to them through secret channels by the Senluo Sect Headquarters, 99% of which did not require them to go out and earn a single copper!

Their Taixuan Palace is simply kinder than the 'legendary' Buddhist cultivators!

Why can't they be considered kind people?

Why did you use such a cruel method of exterminating the whole family without even leaving a few blood relatives behind?

Lu Qian coughed slightly: In the Senluo Sect's main altar, there has been an evil plot, and there is conclusive evidence that the evil plot has colluded with the Senluo Sect to bring trouble to Yuanlingtian. Your Taixuan Palace is the hidden lineage of the Senluo Sect. House of Commons, you are also colluding with evil spirits. This news is known to everyone in the world. How can you be a kind person by colluding with evil spirits?

Palace Master Ma angrily scolded: What a slanderous person. Why is our Taixuan Palace colluding with evil spirits? Can they give us something to eat or something to drink?

Far far away, in the mountains, suddenly a large figure of a pretty girl in blood-clothed clothes rose into the sky.

Densely packed beautiful girls formed a neat and square military formation, with length, width and height, and there were a thousand people in each line of the cubic military formation!

In this small square military formation that doesn't look big, there are a billion blood-clothed evil spirits!

The auras emanating from these billions of blood-clothed evil spirits are comparable to those of Golden Lotus Blossoms, even those of monks who have cultivated the Dao Condensation Fruit... These evil spirits can have such cultivation, God knows how many creatures they have slaughtered and how many they have devoured. Essence, blood, soul!

And Billion Blood Clothes Xiegui was like a clone of the same person, with exactly the same expression and movements. He smiled neatly and said: We sisters can't give you food or drink, but... we sisters It can make all the gentlemen happy!

Ms. sir, come on, let's play with each other!

Hee hee, when I was alive, you guys talked about morning and evening, eternity, peonies and butterflies flying together... My husband, come on, be happy!

Msangong, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Ma...men, real men, dare to take action! Three days ago, when our sisters were having fun with the two of us, didn't you shout out mother and so on? Now, you are still shy. Then one?

Lu Qian's face twitched violently!

This is evil!

They are not even ghosts...but just conceptual things.

Things like ghosts can still have reason and emotions, and they can reason with them... But evil spirits, they are completely twisted, perverted, and inexplicable things that have mutated...

Lu Qian told them that they would throw dirty water into Taixuan Palace and take the blame... But their methods of throwing dirty water and taking the blame were so ruthless... Tsk!

Lu Qian clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name. His tone suddenly became extremely cold: The evidence is conclusive, the two palace masters should stop quibbling... For the survival of the people in the Yuanling world, the young monk has no choice but to slay demons and destroy demons today. I’ve killed you, the devil’s cave of Taixuan Palace!”

Palace Master Zhao and Palace Master Ma were so angry that their faces turned black.

Suddenly, those evil spirits began to shout the names of several young people from the Zhao and Ma families in Taixuan Palace in unison.

They kept telling the secret characteristics of these young people, as well as some of their temperaments and some weird hobbies!

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows!

In a big family, there are bound to be a few dandy bastards.

The people named by these evil spirits were some angry bastards from the Zhao and Ma clans... They secretly and cruelly killed some poor people like maids and concubines in the clan. .

In the past, those maids and concubines would die if they died. Who would stand up for them?

But when the evil spirits came, these maids, concubines, and the poor people whose ashes were scattered, turned into evil spirits inexplicably, and their memories and all the experiences during their lives were shared with those evil spirits!

At this moment, these evil spirits walked out of the square array, talking one by one, not talking about the torture they suffered during their lifetime, not talking about the suffering they suffered, but just talking about the hobbies of these young masters one by one, with smiles on their faces and beaming faces. Quirks, describing the various games they played with themselves in the boudoir in the inner courtyard.

Several dandy bastards turned pale with fright. They huddled on the ground and shivered, but they didn't even have the strength to argue.

In the distance, the monks watching the excitement from all directions were making a lot of noise.

These evil spirits can even talk about secret activities, which shows that what they say is true!

A pretty girl in red smiled and waved her handkerchief in the direction of Taixuan Palace: Master, come and play... Hehe, you and I are deeply in love, so you, Taixuan Palace, said that you would join forces with our sisters. , we joined forces without hesitation...

Hehe, Taixuan Palace wants to dominate the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world... For the sake of past friendship, we will help you!

The faces of Palace Master Zhao and Palace Master Ma turned black.

They can't clean up this scapegoat.

Since it is unclear, according to the supreme law of the cultivation world - the one with the biggest fist is justice!

Palace Master Zhao roared: Open the mountain protection formation and fight with these Buddhist scum!

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