Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 631 Daluo Blood List (5)

The flying golden car is extremely fast.

The wheel, which was refined with the unknown secret technique of the Immortal Forbidden City, rumbled across the void, tearing apart long tracks. It was blue and purple in color and kept spewing golden sparks all around.

The golden car drove through the caves, heavens and blessed lands, with beautiful mountains and rivers.

When the golden chariots driven by these law enforcement warriors passed by, on the ground, in the medicinal forests, spiritual fields, villas, and caves, from time to time, panicked monks fell to the ground with their heads in their hands.

Even many of the great cultivators, who were surrounded by immortal lights and had already achieved the level of true immortals, hurriedly and inexplicably flew into the sky to salute these golden chariots. Judging from their twitching faces, they were obviously afraid that they would cause some trouble or offend something. According to the rules of the house, these evil spirits came to the door.

It felt like a group of red-eyed, drooling, clearly rabid dogs running through the streets, with chickens and dogs jumping in their tracks.

Those monks who had nothing to do with this matter were so frightened, not to mention being hung by a law enforcement warrior with chains under a golden car, hanging like a fish, and being dragged forward by the wind.

He was so frightened that his whole body convulsed, his face turned blue, and he had no idea what was going on.

He has done nothing in the past two days, nothing!

Is it just that after condensing the Immortal Body and successfully condensing the True Immortal Fruit Stage, on a whim, he and the four Immortal Fairies stayed in the small building for a while? Can you blame him? These four Fairy Fairies are all carefully selected top talents. Their physiques... are endlessly mysterious, their happiness is boundless, and they can't hold anything back!

Isn't this what the sect did by placing these four immortal ladies next to him?

Isn't this illegal?

Wanxiang looked around hurriedly, hoping that some elders from the Senluo Sect would come after hearing the news and rescue him quickly... After all, in the past two days, Wanxiang had learned many taboos of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect from the mouths of the four fairy queens. For a disciple like him who ascended from the lower world and whose foundation is not strong enough, the biggest taboo is these law enforcement warriors!

These guys, even if they accidentally kill three or five true immortals, they have done nothing wrong!

The golden chariot was speeding through the air, and many immortals flying in the sky looked at everything hanging under the golden chariot from a distance. They couldn't help but ask each other, wondering who the unlucky guy who was caught by the law enforcement warriors was. .

In particular, thirty-two golden cars were dispatched to arrest him. How big a crime did this guy commit?

I remember that back then, there was a real fairy boy who was responsible for burning fire to refine elixirs for the ancestors in the palace of an ancestor. He accidentally blew up the elixir furnace and destroyed the elixir that had been refined for eighty years. It was only one year short of the completion of the elixir. The 'Six Returns to Yuan Dan'... The true fairy boy was so frightened that he swept away the finished elixirs and a large number of medicinal materials in the Ancestor Pill Palace and fled in a hurry. He only dispatched three golden cars to arrest him!

The law enforcement warriors in front of me dispatched thirty-two golden chariots... Could it be that this unlucky guy blew up ten Ancestor Pill Palaces?

The whistles sounded, and many real immortals with high enough fruit positions, strong enough backing, not too afraid of law enforcement warriors, and strong curiosity turned into streams of light and followed the golden car from a distance.

It took three days and three nights for the golden chariot to run all the way from the edge of Hunyuan Luotian Sect's mountain gate to the core area of ​​Daluo Mountain and into the core of the mountain gate guarded by twelve giant pillars.

They came to the stamen of the white jade lotus, and a piece of purple air rose up, rolled up thirty-two golden chariots, and rushed straight into the sky.

By now, the total number of true immortals from the Hunyuan Luotian Sect following the golden chariot has exceeded ten thousand.

But ninety-nine percent of the true immortals can only look at the sky and sigh. They have no right to enter the ancestral court millions of miles high in the sky and above the nine layers of mysterious Tiangang wind.

There were less than thirty true immortals who chuckled haha. They took out their identity tokens, activated the fairy spirit restrictions in them, showed their identities and authority, and then came to the extremely thin line of purple light. A purple cloud rolled beneath their feet, carrying them millions of miles into the sky.

Below, there were many true immortals looking eagerly, and they hurriedly shouted at these twenty or so true immortals: Brothers, what heinous crime did that fellow disciple commit? Please find out more about it, come down quickly and find out. Say it loudly!

Guo Wan Zhenxian nodded hurriedly, each one feeling itchy as if being scratched by a cat.

Those true immortals standing on the purple cloud nodded lightly, and each one smiled lightly... This feeling is very good. They can witness it with their own eyes on the news that ordinary fellow disciples cannot find out. This feeling is really It's so good!

After practicing for countless years, he has become a true immortal and has an endless natural lifespan. They have enjoyed countless things to eat, drink and play, including the best fairies and fairies. Now, how much of the fun in their lives is left?

The admiration, envy, and jealousy of these true immortals from the same sect, but also their helpless looks, are the few enjoyments they have left in their long lives. Tsk, this feeling of walking up to the nine heavens and having countless fellow disciples below can only envy and flatter you, is simply a hundred times more pleasurable than doing that kind of thing with thousands of fairy fairies at the same time, a hundred times!

Ziyun was extremely fast, and this was originally a shortcut to the sky set up by the Hunyuan Luotian Sect for its disciples.

Under the suppression of the Thirteen Flags Sect formation, it is impossible for ordinary disciples to fly into the ancestral court from high altitudes. They can only follow this regular cloud road shortcut, from the stamens of the white jade lotus, with the help of the sect's forbidden method. Just ascend.

The purple clouds are extremely fast, and more than twenty purple clouds can fly thousands of miles upward in just one breath.

Along the way, layers of invisible immortal spell restrictions continued to sweep over the bodies of these true immortals. The higher they flew up, the frequency of the restriction scans became more astonishing, and the intensity of the scans became more astonishing. When they were about to reach the edge of the dense purple clouds, the restrictions turned into auspicious light visible to the naked eye, sweeping over the bodies of these true immortals with a low roar.

Purple clouds roared into the dense purple air, and the eyes of many true immortals suddenly lit up, and a giant archway appeared in front of them, spewing rays of light all over the sky.

Under this astonishingly huge archway, which is ten thousand feet high and more than thirty thousand feet wide, thousands of people are about three feet tall, wearing golden armor and holding long halberds. The warriors in the fairyland stand majestically.

Wisps of fairy light and glow tumbling on the archway, extracting infinite fairy spirit energy from the surrounding void, turning into a true fairy's light that can be directly integrated into their own fairy power, and continuously integrated into the bodies of these warriors.

When more than twenty true immortals arrived here, they became extremely cautious.

The cultivation level of these soldiers is not as high as theirs, and their status in the Hunyuan Luotian Sect is not as high as theirs. However, these soldiers are responsible for guarding the gate of the ancestral court on a daily basis. They are directly responsible to Zhenjun Liexu, the confidant of the headmaster Yufangzi and the general manager of the ancestral court.

As for Zhenjun Liexu...he always takes care of all the daily affairs of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect.

In other words, he is the headmaster of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect in a practical sense.

If these soldiers twisted their mouths and aroused the anger of Zhenjun Liexu, haha, God knows how much trouble there would be?

More than twenty true immortals bowed to the four commanders who stood in the middle of the archway. They were exceptionally tall, had an extremely formidable aura, and wore armor that was more complex and exquisite than ordinary armor.

The four commanders did not hesitate and hurriedly returned the salute with fists clasped.

A true immortal came closer and said, Just now, a fellow disciple was captured alive by law enforcement warriors. Do you know what a serious crime he committed?

The four commanders shook their heads at the same time.

A commander whose eyes were opening and closing with a faint flash of thunder whispered: Today, there is no order issued by the Law Enforcement Hall... Therefore, it should be an order directly issued by a certain ancestor.

A group of true immortals who were eager to watch the excitement clicked their lips and nodded, and the two sides saluted each other again. The group of true immortals hurried away - the prohibition of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect's ancestral court was strict, unless they brought with them legal decrees and edicts. , there is official business travel, otherwise ordinary disciples are strictly prohibited from flying and can only walk on two legs.

Of course, as long as you use your legs to walk on the ground, if you can practice the magic walking method, you can run tens of thousands of miles in a quarter of an hour, and you can use the power of your legs to jump up to ten thousand feet like a flea, and no one can Whatever.

The only thing is, if you don't have official duties, even if you just cast a spell to fly a foot in the air, even if you just float a hundred feet on a cloud, law enforcement warriors will immediately come to you and let you know how strict and terrifying the sect's commandments are.

Qualified to visit the ancestral court, this group of true immortals are naturally familiar with all kinds of precepts.

They all used their magic skills one after another, without using any magic power, and jumped forward one by one. The speed was astonishingly fast, only a little slower than their usual flying in the clouds.

It's just a group of high-level true immortals running around on the ground like rabbits, which looks a bit unsightly.

But in the ancestral court, everyone behaves like this, and no one cares about this.

Golden light flashed in front, and the thirty-two golden chariots lowered their height and continued to fly in the air a hundred feet above the ground. They were ordered to take people, so when they arrived at the ancestral court, they could also fly through the air.

A group of real immortals were chasing after me, but I felt something was wrong with the taste.

They had already passed by the Law Enforcement Hall, but these golden chariots did not go to the Law Enforcement Hall... It can be seen that what the gatekeeper said was true. Today, there was no order to take people in the Law Enforcement Hall.


Did this unlucky guy offend that ancestor? A true immortal murmured to himself: Tsk, if he violated the sect's rules, the probability of being directly executed is low... If he offended any ancestor, Haha... I have to take off my nine layers of skin even if I don't die!

In the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, there are only two groups that can be crowned with the title of ancestor.

First, there are only three true disciples who were included before Mayfly Zi enlightened him, including Zhenren Liexu, who can survive to this day. They are also the real core leaders of Hunyuan Luotian Sect!

Secondly, the first batch of true disciples collected by the three ancestors, Master Liexu, have gone through a long time, and now there are only eleven second-generation true disciples who can survive to this day.

These fourteen people are called the ancestors of the huge Hunyuan Luotian Sect.

The sect has been passed down to this day, and each of the fourteen ancestors has taken his seat. There are at least tens of thousands of true immortal level cultivators. The number of disciples and monks of all levels of these true immortal cultivators exceeds tens of billions?

These fourteen ancestors are the heaven of Hunyuan Luotian Sect, the earth of Hunyuan Luotian Sect, and the Dharma of Hunyuan Luotian Sect!

If you offend anyone... Tsk, the probability of losing nine layers of skin is relatively small, and the probability of death is basically 99%!

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