Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 636: Diverting trouble to the east (2)

The seven women screamed into the sky, and the evil energy visible to the naked eye twisted the void, quickly covering hundreds of millions of miles of void.

With their cultivation, they would not have been able to achieve such a terrifying level.

But the so-called Nine Nether Ice Lotus Lantern has amplified their strength by an unknown amount... At this moment, the seven women's breath alone made Lu Qian's whole body tense, and the monk's robes and cassocks were filled with precious light. Withstanding the extremely cold pressure, Lu Qian could still sit upright where he was.

Looking at the countless exquisite stone statues of beauties all around, and then looking at the seven women who barely had a human form in front of them, but no one would associate them with real living people, Lu Qian let out a faint sigh.

You who are in eternal hell...may you understand your own pain?

At this moment, Lu Qian didn't have any hypocrisy. He truly felt the same. He could understand the overwhelming resentment and endless resentment in the hearts of the seven women. He could even understand why they had already been annihilated, but they were forced to return to the world in such a weird state with the help of endless resentment.

At this moment, Lu Qian truly felt a trace of 'compassion' in his heart.

Look at those vivid stone statues... Lu Qian can imagine what a beautiful world Wanmiaotian used to be. But such a world was abruptly destroyed.

Lu Qian didn't know what those monks from Jishengtian and Yuanlingtian 30,000 years ago were thinking!

Why must it be destroyed?

So many living creatures, so many beautiful creatures... so many charming female cultivators, how did they manage to do it? Lu Qian knew that the world of cultivation was very dark, but the darkness he saw in front of him exceeded his imagination!

Lu Qian analyzed his heart at this moment and found that he was actually...not a truly qualified cultivator.

If he were a true native of the Holy Land, he might not be able to climb to his current level at all. Because he will be compassionate, he will be soft-hearted, and he will be unable to take action... And the reason why he can survive to this day may be because of the deepest layer of his heart that is alienated from this world!

It's none of your business!

All causes and effects have nothing to do with oneself... All things that are happy, sad, benevolent, and cruel are like a dream and have nothing to do with oneself.

Because it has nothing to do with it, you can be cruel.

Therefore, Lu Qian can unscrupulously explode the earth-lung furnace in Jiancheng, can unscrupulously provoke wars among several sects, can kill countless monks without mercy, can collude with Bai Nu and the others, and bring down one sect after another. Completely obliterated!

But looking at these beautiful stone sculptures around him, Lu Qian suddenly understood his true feelings.

Even the Buddhist techniques could not let him see through his true heart, but at this moment, Lu Qian suddenly realized that he was still the same person, trembling and fearful, just hoping to live a few more days, struggling in the shadow of death. The crying, weak, incompetent... mortals!

At this moment, Lu Qian looked at the seventh girl.

He felt fear, pity, sadness, and joy.

The only thing he was happy about was...his true heart was still a mortal...that was good, that was good. Lu Qian twisted the beads and sighed softly: Poor, pitiful...it's okay, it's okay!

I am still a mortal, and I don't have the extraordinary mentality of a cultivator who is aloof, overlooking ants, and treating hundreds of millions of living beings as stupid dogs.

I am still a mortal, I know compassion, I know sadness, I know how to be cautious, I know how to be safe.

If you can understand that you are a mortal, you can live longer!

The white girl's neck was stretched, her huge face came close to Lu Qian, her eyes were staring straight at him. Lu Qian quietly looked at the big eyes that were almost close to his own. In his eyes, you could see his fear, pity, sadness, and a trace of his own clear joy.

He reached out his hand and gently touched the white girl's cheek.

Bai Nu's body suddenly stiffened, and then she began to tremble violently. As Xiegui... As Xiegui... her physiological functions, her emotions and thoughts, and all her reactions are completely different from those of living beings.

Lu Qian touched her cheek... A 'man' that she hated so much touched her cheek!

Men, monks, living creatures...

The aggregation of several of the most hated elements of evil spirits touched her cheeks unscrupulously in public!

Bai Nu's eyes widened, and she wanted to scream angrily, and then hit Lu Qian hard... But her body was shaking and convulsing, and she was unable to take action. At the 'core' of her 'existence', a strange emotional fluctuation slowly emerged, surpassing all her current 'self, self' instinctive reactions and completely controlling everything about her.

Bai Nu's eyes became clear and peaceful. She looked at Lu Qian quietly and suddenly sighed quietly.

The other six women also stopped screaming. They stretched their necks and put their heads in front of Lu Qian. They used various methods to quietly 'look' at Lu Qian's eyes that contained endless emotions.

After a long time, the six girls also sighed softly at the same time.

They slowly retracted their long necks, transformed into human forms about ten feet tall, and then sat back at the tea table.

Wisps of light flickered, and their figures quietly changed. In their breath, they transformed into seven extremely perfect girls. They have black hair like clouds, faces as white as snow, red lips and beautiful eyes, and charming smiles. They were wearing colorful feathered clothes, and their robes were flying in the air, and there was no wind, and wisps of faint fragrance continued to spread from their bodies.

This aroma, the seven aromas are completely different.

It smells a little like sandalwood, like excellent agarwood, a little like ambergris, and also has the scent of flowers mixed in. No matter how carefully he smelled it, Lu Qian couldn't tell what kind of fragrance these were, even if his physical function was now enhanced to an inhuman level.

But this fragrance obviously flows from the depths of Qi Nu's body...it is natural body fragrance, not external incense, perfume, or powder.

Bai Nu stretched out her hand and took the tea set in front of Lu Qian. Her hands flew like butterflies through flowers, and she started the entire tea ceremony process with lightness and dexterity. Her tea ceremony skills are about seven or eight thousand miles higher than Lu Qian's. The same spring water and the same spiritual tea, after her fiddling with it, the fragrance of the tea suddenly floats for miles...

Tea, please! Bai Nu smiled.

Lu Qian took a deep look at Bai Nu.

He invited Bai Nu to drink tea before, and Bai Nu temporarily formed a pair of extremely beautiful water chestnut red lips on her bare face, and drank the cup of tea gently - at this moment, Bai Nu's beautiful face On the face, the lips are exactly the same as the red lips before.

This...should be what Bai Nu's 'former body' looked like thirty thousand years ago, right?

No, evil spirits are not like ghosts. They do not have any former body. It should be that a certain past existence is the core, absorbing countless traces of existence and absorbing endless resentment, and then the white girl was born!

This appearance should be the final impression of the most important 'existence trace' of Bai Nu's existence.

Good tea! Lu Qian drank the tea handed over by Bai Nu and praised it sincerely: Although I can't tell you what's good about it, it tastes much better than the tea I make myself.

Bai Nu smiled slightly and poured Lu Qian another cup of tea.

She sighed quietly: I didn't expect that there are actually a few good people in this world.

Lu Qian looked at the faint green tea in the tea cup and said softly: There are still many good people in this world... But it is difficult for good people to climb to high positions and make decisions. Many good people cannot be ruthless enough to fight for anything, so , If you don’t fight or grab, you will be lost to everyone...

In this Zhoutian world, let's not talk about those heavenly beings, but when it comes to the realm of half-step heavenly beings, who is kind-hearted? Who is a respectful brother? Who can maintain family harmony and be impartial? Maybe there is, just a drop in the ocean. That’s all.”

Lu Qian looked at the Seventh Daughter and said softly: Perhaps Wanmiaotian back then was an exception... The seven great Daughters of Heaven were all good in the first place. If they were not good people, how could they suffer such losses and be deceived like that? The entire Wanmiaotian was lost?

The complexions of the seven women changed rapidly, and blood as thick as blood was constantly rising and flowing on their bodies.

They stared straight at Lu Qian, their eyes instantly turned blood-colored, and wisps of black energy kept pouring out. It looked like a demon coming to earth, which made people shudder!

This is very fair. After being furious for a long time, Bai Nu finally said quietly: Wan Miao Tian is good, but because they were so good, they died... Haha... And before they died, And endure all kinds of humiliation and endless torture... Do you think this is fair?

Lu Qian shook his head resolutely: It's unfair, unfair, and we must take revenge! But, to be honest, first, I promised a certain existence that I can't let you massacre Yuan Lingtian... Second, you massacred all Yuan Lingtian... What’s the use of Ling Tian?”

Lu Qian smiled sarcastically: The person who was responsible for the destruction of Wanmiao Tian had already died in the catastrophe 30,000 years ago. As for the real culprit, you may have found the wrong person!

The fourteen were beautiful, but extremely cruel and vicious, staring straight at Lu Qian with eyes that no one dared to look directly at.

The real culprit? Bai Nu asked Lu Qian in a hissing voice: What do you know?

Lu Qian shrugged his shoulders and spread his hands: I don't need to know anything, and I don't know anything... I only know one thing. Since you Wan Miao Tian has a backer behind you, then, if you were robbed by what happened back then, At that time, the backers behind you, if you can give this, this... the Nine Nether Ice Lotus Lamp in time, right? If you can give this treasure to you earlier, haha!

Lu Qian shook his head gently and sighed: If you had held this fairy treasure for a long time, who could have touched you? It can be seen that the backers behind you also have evil intentions!

The seven women's bodies were covered in blood, each one trembling violently, and they kept letting out unwilling and vicious roars.

Today, I don't know them, or what they think... Maybe, they see the use value of you? Maybe, the person or thing that made them afraid has disappeared? So, they eagerly used their hands to Are you just going to randomly throw a piece of junk that is not up to par with you, so that you can wreak havoc in Yuan Lingtian?

Haha...are you still thinking about their good deeds?

Lu Qian shook his head: The source of the destruction of Wan Miao Tian is in the upper world, not here... You want to take revenge, but haven't you found out the culprit?

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