Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 640: Go together, go together (2)

Hahaha, let's go together, let's go together!

In the boundless void, a huge ship was surrounded by three-color Buddha light, smashing through waves of void tides, and speeding towards Yuan Lingtian.

On the battleship, there were nearly a thousand Lu clan members below Lu Xiu, all of them smiling from ear to ear.

These Lu clan members have no cultivation level at all. There are many who have just embarked on the path of cultivation, and the strongest ones are at the level of the Agni Fire Realm.

But they are all among the Lu family, the smartest, smartest, most discerning, and the best at managing worldly affairs.

You want them to fight for their lives, but it's useless.

If you ask them to be high-ranking officials and shepherds, to be housekeepers who must spend money, to be businessmen to buy low and sell high, or even to be profiteers who monopolize industries and hoard, they are all top-notch experts. Even all kinds of money schemes, beauty traps, planting ears and eyes, arranging spies and other things are all done by Menqing.

There are even people who come from the collateral line of the Lu family, and their situation is similar to that of Lu Qian back then. Therefore, they also hang out in the streets and have nicknames like Xiao Mengchang and Timely Rain... Such people put He was stripped naked and thrown into a neighborhood somewhere. In less than half a year, he would be able to look like a man covered in silk and satin, with his hands and sleeves covered with gold wind.

These are all talents!

Even if they go to the upper world, if Lu Qian has a property of his own, and they can serve as monks who know guests, or be the directors of various palaces, halls, buildings, and pavilions, and handle various chores, it will be very useful. Talents!

It has been many years since Lu Qian left Jishengtian, and the Lu clan has continued to multiply and grow. These nearly a thousand Lu clan members are all talents that have emerged in recent years... Moreover, they have no family burdens and few worries. Lu Qian can take them with him in one package. To go to the upper world and guarantee them the most basic eternal life and freedom, they were all overjoyed, and they still haven't calmed down yet.

These people are all controlled by Lu Xiu.

Speaking of Lu Xiu.

Since returning from Northern Xinjiang, Lu Min and Lu Qian left Jishengtian and went to Yuanlingtian to make waves. Over the years, while Lu Xiu's cultivation has improved step by step, he has also blossomed and married several side wives and concubines.

He has no regrets about leaving this time.

Over the years, he gave Lu Min seventeen half-brothers and nine sisters, and gave Lu Qian such a large group of uncles and aunts... as well as nearly a hundred cousins, hundreds of nephews, nieces, etc....

Lu Xiu alone has spawned a sizable family, and several of the leaders are already calling the shots in the Dayin court... Even if Lu Xiu leaves, there is a Buddhist sect that dominates the world of cultivation as a backer, and the Lu family Where is the worry?

They gave up their ambitions, and in a hundred and eighty years they would change Dayin's dynasty.

Speaking of changing dynasties...

Yinyuan's father, the old emperor, has also made great achievements in practice over the years.

But after hearing that Yinyuan was forced to ascend to the upper world, the old emperor asked about the details of the matter. After thinking for a long time, he finally decided to sit in Dayin and continue to be his emperor.

Lu Qian could probably guess what the old emperor was thinking.

If Yinyuan came back with Lu Yi this time, the old emperor would probably have rolled up his sleeves and followed Lu Yi to the upper world... But if Yinyuan didn't come back, then the old emperor would definitely refuse. moveable!

He is different from Lu Xiu.

Lu Xiu has given birth to so many sons and grandsons over the years. In addition, the Lu family was originally very powerful and there were many talents in the family. Lu Xiu could leave at any time... But the old emperor also gave Yinyuan many younger brothers in recent years. , sister...but none of them are successful!

When it comes to eating, drinking, having fun, and arrogance, these princes and princesses are all top players.

In the few short days that Lu Qian stayed in Haojing, he heard about several princesses sending guards to kidnap beautiful young people into the princess's mansion in the middle of the night for wanton fun - these princesses were not married yet, but their reputations It has already stunk all over half of Haojing!

In this situation, how dare the old emperor leave with Lu Qian?

If he leaves, I am afraid that the things that Lu Xiu has speculated about will really happen. It will not be a problem in the short term. After all, Lu Xiu's affection is there. After Lu Xiu and Lu Xiu leave for a long time, there will be Buddhism to do it. The backing Lu family changed dynasties... Tsk!

Therefore, the old emperor did not leave, but resolutely continued to stay in Haojing.

Therefore, on the battleship, in addition to the nearly a thousand elites of the Lu family who caroused day and night, there were only nine old monks such as Shen Zui and other nine heavenly beings, together with eight thousand carefully selected young monks who were equally shrewd and intelligent.

Yes, each of the three sects, three temples, and three Zen forests had an elder who was promoted to a heavenly being. These nine heavenly beings all left with Lu Qian.

In this regard, Jishengtian has no comment... The departure of nine heavenly beings and the birth of nine more heavenly beings to sit in Jishengtian is nothing.

Even though Shenzui and other nine heavenly beings have superb cultivation and have reached an extremely deep state of meditation, they are a little unable to control their emotions these days.

They are truly and extremely pure Buddhist disciples.

In such a bleak state of the world of spiritual cultivation as the spiritual power of the Supreme Saint Heaven and Earth collapsed, they managed to keep Buddhism in order with their almost exhausted bodies. Even at the moment when the spiritual power of heaven and earth was restored, they immediately felt the changes in heaven and earth, and immediately sent disciples to travel around the world, and even formulated a plan to absorb the hearts and minds of the people to restore the spiritual power of the mountain gate and restore the vitality of Buddhism!

After working hard all my life, suddenly a golden avenue is right in front of me.

Ascending to the upper realm, meeting the true Buddha, and enjoying the true purity of bliss, how can this make them unhappy and excited?

As for the eight thousand young monks, their cultivation is even worse than those of the Lu clan. They are all a group of young monks who have just embarked on the path of cultivation, but each of them has excellent qualifications and excellent foundation.

Lu Qian is confident that when they go to the upper world, he can quickly cultivate them into talents!

These young monks are for Lu Qian to balance Yuan Lingtian's basic Buddhist cultivators. Although it seems now that everyone is an 'accomplice' following Lu Qian in advancing and retreating together, what about the future?

When we reach the upper realm, who knows what everyone is thinking?

The leaders of the group of Mahakala, such as those who led the way to Tutuo and Wuxin, who killed the Buddha, will definitely have their own ideas. Now they obey Lu Qian's words, but who knows what will happen in the future?

With their character, cultivation, methods, and connections, it is possible for them to bypass Lu Yi!

As long as Lu Qian is willing to invest resources and train these eight thousand carefully selected young monks, together with nearly a thousand Lu clan members, this will be the real foundation for Lu Qian's future!

In particular, Lu Qian is a true disciple of Shen Zui.

Shen Zui and other nine old monks, their character and methods are even more sophisticated and ruthless than Jie Yin Toutuo and others.

Jie Yin Toutuo and the others were indeed very strong...but before Lu Qian joined Mahakala, apart from killing indiscriminately, they did not achieve any results from their efforts.

Being strong does not mean being able to do things!

As for Shenzui Monk, they were weak before, but they are very capable of causing trouble!

now it's right!

Under the protection of Lu Qingning's heart lamp, the giant ship sailed towards Yuan Lingtian unhurriedly.

Along the way, Lu Qian spent a lot of resources to provide training for the Lu clan and eight thousand young monks. With Lu Qian'er's advice, even at the expense of his own energy, he gave them initiations and exercises. Coupled with the supervision and reprimands of Shenzui and Lu Xiu, the group's cultivation level improved rapidly, and their cultivation efficiency was astonishingly high.

And along the way, you can also collect some rare treasures unique to the void tide... Several times, you have even discovered some wonderful small mineral veins in the void tide. Every time at this time, Lu Qian would stop the boat and spend some time searching for all these good things that could not be found in the serious world.

Chaos had no idea how old it was, and by the time the battleship controlled by Lu Yi slowly passed through Yuan Lingtian's world diaphragm, a full two hundred and thirty years had passed since he left Dajue Temple.

For two hundred and thirty years, the main temple of Dajue Temple, as well as all the lower courtyards and branches, were closed and closed. All the great monks, young monks, great nuns, and young nuns lived in seclusion and did not care about external affairs.

And countless evil spirits have wreaked havoc on the world in these two hundred and thirty years!

Lu Qian once asked Bai Nu - are the people they are killing now really the culprits of the collapse of Wan Miao Tian?

Evil is unpredictable and evil cannot be communicated... But inexplicably, Bai Nu and the others were able to sit down calmly and drink tea and talk face to face with Lu Qian. They did listen to what Lu Qian said!

That's right, the real culprits behind the shattering of Wanmiao Heaven are not ordinary monks from the Supreme Saint Heaven and Yuan Ling Heaven.

The person who created the figurines must be in the upper realm!

The overwhelming resentment made them want to rush to the upper world and cut the masterminds who were behind the scenes into pieces!

But with their current status and current strength, it is impossible for one of them to go to the upper world, and if the two of them ascend openly, they may be easily suppressed by the true immortals of the upper world immediately.

Lu Qian reached a tacit understanding with them.

For two hundred and thirty years, evil spirits have wreaked havoc in Yuan Lingtian, but they gave up attacking ordinary people, and they also gave up the strange transformation of mountains and rivers.

They traveled around, specifically killing and devouring those unlucky sect monks, as well as casual cultivators hiding everywhere.

For two hundred and thirty years, the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world has suffered miserably from them.

Later, all the monks suddenly discovered that as long as they shaved their heads and joined the Dajue Temple, they could avoid the harm of evil spirits - therefore, when Lu Qian returned, the entire Yuan Lingtian cultivation world was almost unified!

All monks are bald.

Viewed from a high altitude, the Zen forests are towering, with countless bald heads shining brightly. The sound of Sanskrit singing was everywhere, and cigarettes were everywhere.

Wonderful, Buddhism unites the Supreme Holy Heaven and Yuanling Heaven. In the future, everyone will be brothers in the same sect, so there will be no need to fight back and forth. Lu Qian boasted and said, My merits, tsk tsk, are boundless. ah!

Shenzui and other old monks stood on the bow of the boat, overlooking the land below. They felt the extremely rich Buddhist atmosphere below, and felt the deep and vast spiritual wisdom and Taoist rhyme of Yuan Lingtian. They couldn't help but clasp their hands at the same time and chant the Buddha's name.

The battleship hovered over the main temple of Dajue Temple. Lu Qian laughed loudly and said: I want to go, who wants to go with me?

In Dajue Temple, countless people cheered in unison: Go together, go together!

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