Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 647 Hunting (5)

Liexu Zhenjun, the first disciple of Mayflies, accompanied and assisted Mayflies to establish the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, and the road has been traced until today. Now he is the actual leader of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect and the great master above the level of the thirty-third true immortal. can exist.

He is also the master of Zhenjun Luo Yun, the ancestor mentioned by Fairy Luoshui!

After practicing for countless years, Zhenjun Liexu has recruited many disciples, including true disciples, outer sects, and registered disciples. However, today, when the Hunyuan Luotian Sect is so powerful and famous, only those who can still stay with him are There are only three people left!

Among the three remaining true disciples, Zhenjun Luo Yun ranks second!

Therefore, Zhenjun Luo Yun fought with the two Bodhisattvas, and Fairy Luoshui urgently sent out a distress letter. Zhenjun Liexu immediately brought a large group of confidant masters from the Hunyuan Luotian Sect to come for reinforcements.

While scolding sternly, 360 true immortals behind True Lord Liexu simultaneously held up large star-patterned flags and waved them vigorously. Starlights shuttled in all directions, like countless fireworks blooming in the sky, immediately covering the clear sky with a radius of 30,000 miles.

Dozens more rare and precious artifacts flew out from the sleeves of several powerful immortals, and embedded themselves into the large net of starlight with a clanging sound.

A large formation that confines time and space, seals the void, and isolates the sound. The powerful formation has been formed in just a short breath, completely blocking the two Bodhisattvas, their accompanying Buddhist cultivators, or the emanations of Lord Yanguang and others. The distress signal raises the possibility of Buddhist power intervening.

Wude and Wenxian stopped at the same time and retreated sharply.

Bodhisattva Wenxian said loudly: The True Lord Liexu is coming here. I am sorry for not being able to welcome you from afar. Forgive me, forgive me... Why did you put up such a big battle? Is it possible that the True Lord wanted to kill the two young monks and brothers? Can’t you stay here?”

Lord Liexu nodded with a smile on his face: If the two Bodhisattvas are willing to be guests in this humble residence for thirty to fifty thousand years, that would be great too!

Without waiting for Wude and Wenxian to reply, True Lord Liexu said in a cold voice: Below the mountain gate of our religion, there is a very dangerous place called Jiuyin Stream. There are countless wronged souls and boundless ghosts... The Dharma of the two Bodhisattvas is boundless, and there is another With a compassionate heart, I also asked two Bodhisattvas to sit in the Jiuyin Stream, eliminate the ghosts, and save the evil ghosts... On the day of success, I am willing to take three of the top-grade immortal crystals as a reward!

Wude and Wenxian's faces twitched.

Lord Yanguang and other Yufeng Dapeng also had a twitch in their faces - this Lord Liexu is worthy of being the actual helmsman of a large sect under the Taoist Court. His face and speaking skills are no worse than those of the two Bodhisattvas. .

Jiuyin Stream is the prison where the Hunyuan Luotian Sect punishes criminal members and imprisons the sect's enemies. The innocent souls and evil ghosts there were all created by the Hunyuan Luotian Sect... A serious person would not think of inserting himself into that hellish place.

Where can two Bodhisattvas be sent to liberate powerful ghosts?

Was it Liexu who wanted to imprison the two Bodhisattvas in Jiuyin Stream to be punished?

The so-called salvation of all the wronged souls and evil ghosts, and then giving three high-grade fairy crystals as a reward?

Well, fairy crystals, like spiritual crystals from the lower world, are the most common cultivation resources, and they are also popular conventional equivalents among immortals!

But three high-grade immortal crystals, for those true immortals in the first and second heavens who have just condensed their true immortal personalities, can probably be exchanged for enough resources for them to practice for two or three months.

But for the two Bodhisattvas who have at least condensed the true immortal status of the 30th level or above, the value of these three high-grade immortal crystals is probably equivalent to the worldly world. You lost three copper coins to a rich man...

It has no real value and is just insulting!

Wenxian Bodhisattva said coldly: Zhenjun Liexu, have you made up your mind?

True Lord Liexu nodded vigorously and pointed at Lu Qian casually: Otherwise? If the two Bodhisattvas hand over this thief Bald, together with the boatload of little Bald donkeys, they will all be handed over to our sect for disposal. As a Bodhisattva and a group of wind-riding rocs walking in the heavens, I can naturally leave safely.

With an arm broken, Zhenjun Luo Yun, who was covered in blood and pale, staggered back to Zhenjun Liexu, and bowed deeply to Zhenjun Liexu with a face of shame: Master, this disciple has embarrassed the master. !”

Zhenjun Liexu smiled slightly, shook his head slightly, and handed over an elixir: Restore the limbs first, and then talk about other things... How embarrassing? Where is the shame? Two thief bald men with higher cultivation than you join forces, how can you support this? A long time, which is enough to show that our sect’s Taoism is boundless and its magical powers are exquisite... What’s so shameful is that I haven’t been able to suppress or kill you, Thief Bald, for so long!”

Zhenjun Luo Yun took the elixir and swallowed it in one gulp. His complexion quickly returned to rosy.

Behind Zhenjun Liexu, his eldest disciple Zhenjun Queshan and his third disciple Zhenjun Kanli were surrounded by immortal light. They both held swords in their right hands and a meteor hammer and a measuring ruler in their left hands. They walked forward slowly. .

True Monarch Queshan has a ruddy face and a tall figure. Every move and gesture carries a terrifying power that makes people tremble, as if the sky is collapsing.

The fairy light around Zhenjun Kanli is dynamic and unpredictable. With every step he takes, seven different colors of spiritual fire surge and vibrate around him. As his eyes opened and closed, countless sparks flew out, turning into a beautiful circle of blazing wintersweet images around him.

Under True Lord Liexu, these three true disciples are now the only ones left.

Among the three disciples, Zhenjun Luo Yun ranked second, but he was good at alchemy, talismans, and economic management. Therefore, he became the master of the Merit Reward Hall of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, and his disciples were rewarded for their merits. Many of his top-grade elixirs and top-grade talismans were refined by him himself.

His mind was devoted to miscellaneous studies. Among the three brothers, Zhenjun Luo Yun had the lowest cultivation level and the weakest combat power.

As for True Lord Queshan, he was the best at subjugating demons and fighting with ruthless methods. He had direct control over the Hunyuan Luotian Sect's execution palace.

True Lord Kanli was born with a Taoist body and was good at controlling all spiritual and fairy fires. Once upon a time, Mayfly Zi personally took action to collect various kinds of fire from the upper world for him, wishing him to enter Taoism and practice. Therefore, True Lord Kanli's cultivation level is slightly worse than True Lord Queshan, but his lethality is far superior to True Lord Queshan.

In particular, Zhenjun Kanli understood from the various flames the secrets of gathering and dispersing without form and sparks of fire. It can be said that when gathered, it takes shape and disperses into transformed gas, and as long as there is a spark of fire, it can be born. Continuously... Therefore, it is extremely difficult for ordinary magical powers to cause harm to him!

In terms of combat power, True Lord Queshan is probably equal to four to five True Lords of Luoyun.

In terms of lethality, True Lord Kanli is at least equivalent to twelve True Lords of Luoyun.

When the two true kings joined forces, Wude and Wenxian's expressions became extremely serious. Wenxian Bodhisattva looked at True Lord Liexu and said coldly: True Lord, do you really want to kill my Buddhist disciples? You are a senior, so such a method is too despicable, too cruel, too ruthless, and too ruthless!

Zhenjun Liexu smiled indifferently, continued to point at Lu Qian and said with a smile: Cruel, cruel, ruthless, ruthless? You can say these words from the mouth of Wen Xian, Liexu is very proud... Today, this method Hai must subdue Fa Hai, and you can't stop him... These Buddhist thieves brought by Fa Hai will all die... Well, maybe you two can try to see if you can defeat me?

True Lord Liexu laughed loudly, and behind him, seventeen more true immortals with strong auras walked out.

Except for the three hundred and sixty true immortals who formed the formation, these seventeen true immortals are all the disciples and grandchildren of True Lord Liexu. Moreover, among the disciples of Lord Liexu, they are all powerful characters with the highest cultivation level and the best at fighting techniques and formations.

In addition to being poor at speaking and arguing with others, these seventeen true immortals are all qualified to be given the title of 'Bodhisattva' in Buddhism.

True Lord Liexu came prepared, but Wude and Wenxian were obviously at a disadvantage.

Wude Bodhisattva suddenly said: Aren't you afraid of damaging the friendship between our Buddhist sect and the Taoist court by acting like this?

Zhenjun Liexu looked at Wude Bodhisattva in surprise: Wude, you can actually speak today? Well... this Dharma Sea Monk must die, no one can save him. As for the friendship between Buddhism and Taoism? Haha …”

True Lord Liexu said proudly: You two are not qualified to pull the skin of such a big tiger!

Wude and Wenxian chanted the name of Buddha at the same time.

Wenxian said in a deep voice: In this case, Zhenjun has entered the devil's way...

Master Liexu smiled slightly and shook his head noncommittally. Buddhism is good at blaming others and then subduing demons. But in today's scene, no matter how many scapegoats you Wu De and Wen Xian take, what's the use?

Master Liexu glanced at Fairy Luoshui fondly, and said calmly: Girl Luoshui, go and capture the sea monster monk yourself, and kill the group of little thieves on the ship that brought the treasure... This credit should be given to you. It’s yours, it’s yours, elders, help you hold on!”

Fairy Luoshui smiled like a flower and happily saluted Lord Liexu. Then she took out a dazzling fairy sword and walked straight towards Lu Qian with a smile.

Among the seventeen true immortals, four followed Fairy Luoshui.

Four Bodhisattva-level powerful beings were pressing down on the formation. Seeing Lord Yanguang's eyes bulge, he subconsciously let out a sharp roar.

He took out a spare halberd and hissed: Brothers, form a formation... The Hunyuan Luotian Sect has gone too far to bully others. Today, there will be no retreat until death!

Three hundred Yufeng Dapeng struggled to their feet and formed a defensive formation around Lord Yanguang.

Wude and Wenxian shouted in unison and rushed towards the two True Lords Queshan and Kanli.

Fairy Luoshui looked at Lord Yanguang and his entourage, who had twisted faces and wanted to fight desperately, then turned back to look at the two true monarchs and the two bodhisattvas in the fierce battle.

This time the battle ended very quickly. Only three of the four people crossed each other before they saw Wenxian Bodhisattva's chest dented and vomiting blood. Half of Wude Bodhisattva's body was wrapped in three-color flames, burning with oil. Burning plasma kept spitting out of his mouth.

In the blink of an eye, the two great Bodhisattvas were severely wounded.

True Lord Queshan frowned: Wude, Wenxian, what are you doing? With your cultivation, why did you lose so quickly today?

True Lord Kanli also looked at Wude Bodhisattva with doubts on his face.

The two had a small rivalry decades ago due to conflicts caused by their disciples.

That time, Zhenjun Kanli had a slight upper hand, but it was just a slight advantage. But today, Wude Bodhisattva was defeated cleanly, and the strength he displayed was not as good as one-tenth of what it was decades ago!

Wenxian Bodhisattva 'smiled miserably', with blood flowing out of his seven orifices: Today's principles, no matter what, our Buddhist sect is reasonable... You, the Hunyuan Luotian Sect, are bullying others too much, you are bullying others too much!

There was a loud bang, Sanskrit chants filled the sky, and lotus flowers rushed to bloom in the sky.

In all directions, layers of Buddha's light rose like flames, completely wrapping the clear void for tens of thousands of miles in radius.

At a glance, more than a hundred Buddhist Bodhisattvas appeared together, each with a subtle smile on their face, looking at Lord Liexu calmly across the starlight formation.

In front of the hundreds of Bodhisattvas, a green-haired lion roared. Monk Yuanjue sat cross-legged on it and sneered at True Lord Liexu.

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