Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 654 The First Level of True Immortal (2)

There is no explanation for giving up cultivation and strengthening the body.

For Lu Qian, it was an act of sacrificing his cultivation, strengthening his roots, and transforming his human body into a mortal body to move further towards the supreme foundation of the 'world's original body'.

And recasting the foundation is also very simple to understand.

The monks practice in the lower realm, collect the inspirations of heaven and earth, understand the charm of the avenue, and use the resources of the lower realm to cast the foundation, just like building a high-rise building with reinforced concrete.

In this tall building, cultivators are like construction workers. Some are clever and clever, while others are stupid and clumsy. Some people can build a hundred-foot-tall building, but some people can only build a thatched hut!

But heaven and earth are the most fair. As long as you meet the conditions - 'build a complete building', you can ascend instantly!

After ascending to the upper world, your high-rise building or your thatched bungalow can immediately transform from an empty house into a 'hotel, restaurant, inn, shop', etc., and start 'official operation'...

This process of ‘function conversion’ is the process of melting the ‘small world of inner heaven and earth’ into a true immortal person!


I emphasize it three times. When you build these buildings in the lower realm, the best materials are just reinforced concrete... But in the upper realm, you can see pearls, jade, and rare golden fairy trees everywhere.

Therefore, in the process of 'function conversion', those who are shrewd, ingenious, and powerful in understanding, and have enough 'net worth' and sufficient 'capital' support to ascend to the lower realm will pick some of the upper realm. The rare materials serve as 'internal and external decoration materials', making your own true immortal character more dazzling, and can also enhance its performance a lot!

This is the process in which the ascended monks from the lower realm comprehend the great ways of heaven and earth in the upper realm when they are forging the true immortal persona, and use it to complement, enhance, or even replace the meager paths in the lower realm, thereby strengthening their true immortal personhood!

However, this kind of 'decorative' complement, the essence of your true immortal personality, is still the reinforced concrete of the lower world, or even the ordinary mud bricks, ordinary wooden beams, etc. of the lower world.

This essence determines that when your 'high-rise building' or 'thatched hut' starts operating, everything is a foregone conclusion. In the future, you want to renovate all the buildings that have started operating with materials from the upper world. ...Think about it, what a difficult process this is!

And recasting the foundation means directly smashing the buildings built in the lower realm, whether they are thousand-foot-high buildings or thatched huts.

All building materials from the lower realm are completely annihilated, turned into energy, filling the foundation of the earth, nourishing the foundation of the earth to be strong and solid, and casting a foundation that is stronger and more perfect than in the lower realm!

Then, the design drawings of the lower realm were completely torn up - these so-called design drawings were the techniques practiced in the lower realm.

Take out the design drawn up by the upper realm, which is more complete, more beautiful, with more functions and larger space - a true immortal level or even higher level cultivation manual.

Collect high-level materials from the upper realm—the fairy spirit and the laws of the upper realm.

Use higher-level design drawings as a guide, use advanced materials, re-excavate the foundation, and build a magnificent miracle from scratch that can reach tens of thousands of feet in height!

This is the origin of recasting the foundation.

For many ascended people in the lower realm, the 'ancestors' in the upper realm generally do not explain to them the benefits of recasting the Dao Foundation.

First, recasting the road foundation will inevitably consume huge resources.

Unless they are monster-level beings, what the 'ancestors' need is immediate combat power that can be put into practical use immediately, and they are not willing to spend a large amount of resources on ascending disciples from the lower realm!

It's like a capital group investment. After acquiring a high-rise building, it reluctantly renovates it and puts it into operation immediately, and can immediately obtain full profits... In this case, why do I have to spend a large amount of money to overthrow and rebuild, and build a glorious and tall building, but not necessarily What about a new building that can make enough profit just to collapse in a major earthquake?

Secondly, recasting the foundation will definitely waste a long time.

Many monks from the lower realm, who have cultivated from a mortal to a heavenly realm, or even a true immortal realm, have proudly ascended to the upper realm... You suddenly say to them - come on, abolish your cultivation, it will take thousands or even tens of thousands of years. Time, start from a mortal, practice again!

Well, except for a very small number of ascended disciples with extremely strong character, strong willpower, and extremely high pursuits... how can ordinary monks stand the excitement of starting all over again?

Therefore, it is not easy for one lucky person among the 10 million monks who have ascended to the lower realm to get enough resources, high-level true teachings, enough time, and strong support to recast the foundation of the Tao. !

At this moment Lu Qian.

He was immersed in the highest quality pool of merit in Dajue Temple, and he already had enough resources that could be called endless.

He was able to teach the Prison Suppression Sutra, which is almost one of the top true teachings of Buddhism in the upper world.

Monk Yuanjue did not make any arrangements for Lu Qian. Unlike other ascended disciples, he directly designated which temple, which Zen forest, or which secular country he should go to. Lu Qian had enough time to slowly start practicing from scratch.

He was in Dajue Temple, surrounded by no less than fifty Bodhisattva-level Buddhist masters hiding in all directions.

Surrounded by many masters, even Monk Yuanjue protects him at close range... Even the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is secretly watching... He is safe and worry-free, and there is no need to worry about enemies or enemies secretly causing trouble!

With the right time, right place, and right people, Lu Qian was naturally confident and bold in changing his cultivation and rebuilding the Tao foundation bit by bit!

The majestic vitality circulates in the body, and the golden light and golden blood emitted by the golden fingers nourish the whole body.

The meridians, tendons, blood vessels, muscles, internal organs, bone marrow, brain plasma and other bodies in the body also abandoned the human body template of the lower world, and began to evolve in great strides according to the perfect body of the natives of the upper world.

The heartbeat became heavier.

Near the merit pool, the Vajra Forest with a radius of hundreds of miles was trembling slightly.

The expressions of all the Buddhist warriors, Vajra, Heavenly Kings, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, etc. all changed slightly... How much of a solid foundation did this young junior brother who had just ascended have built in the lower realm to have such a vision?

Several heavenly kings and arhats used all their strength to punch the ground hard.

They made their fists bruised and bloody... but the King Kong Forest only shook slightly within a few miles, and their fists barely left a shallow mark on the ground!

Really, it's extremely terrifying. An Arhat who was always known for his physical strength in Dajue Temple sincerely praised: This Junior Brother Fahai has the appearance of a Buddha.

A group of muscular and shirtless fierce monks from Dajue Temple nodded in admiration.

Among the monks who were watching Lu Qian recast his cultivation in the pool of merit, there were also many people who had a strange light emerging from the depths of their eyes. They did nothing but locked their eyes on Lu Qian and the merit pool where he had created large water patterns.

Hunyuan Luotian Sect.

In the Hunyuan Hall.

Mayfly leaned against the big fox, and a huge ancient white bronze mirror floated in front of him, emitting a gleaming fairy light. What emerged in it was Lu Qian's movement in the pool of merit.

Big deal, big deal! Mayfly said coldly: Look at this movement, this time Dajue Temple will have to put in all the incense money they have accumulated over thousands of years to help Fahai recast the Taoist foundation... Tsk, Dajue Temple. Jue Si’s thousand years of accumulation...how big a resource is this?”

Standing aside, Zhenjun Liexu, with a pale face and no blood on his lips, pinched his fingers and reported a number.

The corner of Mayfly's mouth suddenly twitched, and his brows raised sharply.

He looked at True Lord Liexu: It's 60% more than I estimated... Uh, is it really that much?

Zhenjun Liexu grinned bitterly: Master Shengming, the people on the land under his Buddhist sect are all very devout believers... Even if they are ordinary farmers, they can farm better than those on the land under my Taoist sect. The people work a lot harder, and under the same conditions, the yield per mu of land under their Buddhist jurisdiction can be increased by about 30% out of thin air!

Mayfly snorted coldly: Fanatical belief... Only the Buddhist sect can do such a thing... Our Taoist sect only wants to be free and easy, how can we let the people under our jurisdiction do this...

Clicking his lips, Mayfly said in a deep voice: However, I am envious... From this point of view, this Fa Hai deserves to die.

True Lord Liexu and the other disciples and disciples of Mayfly in the main hall knelt down one after another.

True Lord Liexu said softly: Disciple is incompetent...

Mayfly waved his hand and sighed: It's not that you are incompetent, I was almost fooled... If I had taken a step into the clear void that day, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to come back!

It's a fluke... I sit in the Hunyuan Hall as my master and never leave. If I don't die as my master, the Buddhist sect won't kill you younger generations... I lost some territory and some possessions... Well, no wonder Dajue Temple is willing to give up so much. An investment.”

Mayfly scratched his chin and sighed: But it was our religion that gave them 40% of the money... Of course they are willing to spend so much on this little thief Bald.

Turning his eyes, Mayfly looked at Wanxiang and Su Qianmo who were lying on the ground, beaten to pieces and barely able to hold themselves up with only one breath.

So, you have a way to kill Fa Hai, right?

Mayfly Zi smiled innocently and brightly. He looked like a pink and tender five or six-year-old child now. That bright smile was very attractive.

Wanxiang raised his head with difficulty.

A few days ago, Lord Liexu was ambushed by the Buddhist sect in the Qingming sky, and Mayfly was extorted a large sum of money. In anger, Mayflies ordered the law enforcement warriors to tie up Wan Xiang and a group of his disciples and beat them randomly, almost beating them to pieces and killing them.

Hearing Mayfly Zi ask this question at this moment, countless thoughts flashed through Wanxiang's heart. He nodded slowly and said: The Patriarch Mingjian... I know the Dharma Sea thoroughly and know everything about him... This guy, disciple has I'm sure to cut him into pieces and beat him to pieces!

Mayfly smiled slightly and pointed at everything: The corpses were broken into thousands of pieces, and the souls were scattered... Okay, this time, you are not limited to three years... Dajue Temple spent such a price to perfect this little thief Bald, haha, whatever you do Because, as long as you can kill that little bald donkey and make the prison-suppressing old thief Xuan Guang Tu feel heartbroken, I will give you a big credit!

After hesitating for a while, Mayfly nodded gently: If you can kill that little thief Tutu, it will prove that you are stronger than him... The ancestor has made the decision to help you recast the perfect Tao foundation and practice the true teachings of our sect!

Wanxiang's eyes suddenly lit up, and his head hit the floor dozens of times.

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