Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 657 Lord Qionghua Mountain (2)

In the main hall of Dajue Temple, the three-foot-six-foot-tall Lu Qian was lowering his head, carefully trying to figure out the true immortal character he had formed.

The true immortal status thing is very idealistic and has no standard format.

On the Taoist side, the true immortals condensed by the Taoist immortals are generally a heavenly palace formed by layers of clouds and platforms. The radiant cloud platform is the foundation of the personality, and the power of various laws is criss-crossed, forming various golden palaces of the fairy palace, stirring the avenue and mobilizing the fairy power.

Of course, there are also true immortals who are condensed by Taoist immortals and have unique forms.

Lotus leaves, lotus flowers, pagodas... everything is possible with the mountain trails and winding rivers and streams.

As for the Buddhist cultivators here, the most common form of condensed true immortal personality is a ball of Buddha light. Each ball of Buddha's light forms a world of its own, coinciding with the essence of Buddhism that one grain of sand is one world.

Of course, there are also relatively novel styles, such as the Immortal Medicine King Buddha. The true immortal personality he condensed in the true immortal stage is an alchemy furnace with a complex structure. As his cultivation level increases by one level, the wall of the alchemy furnace will have an extra layer. There are layers of alchemy furnaces, and each layer is a condensed version of the great principles related to alchemy.

Each layer of the furnace wall in this alchemy furnace can increase the success rate of alchemy and increase the grade and medicinal properties of the finished golden elixir.

When the Immortal Medicine King Buddha broke through the thirty-third heaven of true immortals and reached the realm of Buddha, his true immortal status turned virtual into reality and evolved into an acquired Buddhist spiritual treasure. In the hands of the Immortal Medicine King Buddha, this spiritual treasure alchemy furnace can be said to turn decay into magic. It can refine countless great elixirs and holy medicines, and earn endless profits for the Immortal Medicine King Buddha.

At this moment, what was suspended in Lu Qian's mind was his true immortal status, wrapped in a faint aura released by the Taichu Bead of Confusion.

The True Immortals condensed in the lineage of the Xuanguang Buddha of the Prison Suppressing Buddha, who practice the Prison Suppressing Sutra, basically have the same general appearance. They are all a very thick prison composed of the power of various laws, entwined and intertwined. Buddha.

However, if you also practice the Prison Suppression Sutra, depending on the level of merit, talent and qualifications, as well as the amount and grade of resources invested when breaking through the realm, the Prison Suppression Pagoda will naturally be strong or weak.

In short, the more layers of the prison-suppressing pagoda are condensed, the greater the proportion of the Dao Law that can be 'engraved', 'accommodated', 'influenced' and finally 'controlled'. The one who swallows the spirit of the fairy and condenses the power of the prison-suppressing The higher the efficiency, the more prison-suppressing power is contained in each magical power, and the purer and heavier each prison-suppressing power becomes.

From what Lu Qian heard from the Bodhisattvas who lectured him, ordinary Buddhist cultivators with insufficient foundation, shallow qualifications, or unlucky souls with insufficient luck and destiny would only be able to gather in the Zhenjing Pagoda at the first level of the True Immortal. layer.

Not only does it have only one layer, but it is also bland in color and the tower is flimsy and thin.

For such unlucky people, their future achievements are unknown.

Even if they break through to the thirty-third level of true immortals in the future, their prison-suppressing pagoda will only have the thirty-third level.

The highest thirty-three-storey prison-suppressing pagoda still has insufficient foundation and a fragile thirty-three-storey prison-suppressing pagoda. What can it do?

It can barely accommodate two or three different laws of the great road, and can increase the power of the prison by two or three times, that's all!

The first level of the immortal personality that Lu Qian condensed is a nine-story pagoda with dark golden color, solemn, deep, solemn and profound. The body of the pagoda is regular 18-sided, thick and simple, and each floor is towering and solid, like a fortress. The entire body is surrounded by Buddha's light and has overlapping Buddhist restrictions and blessings.

Two giant dragons, one green and one white, wrap around the entire pagoda. This is what Lu Qian learned from the Three-Eyed Human Figure. He majored in the secrets of the Way of Wind and the Way of Water in the lower realm.

The entire pagoda is deep in color, large and heavy, and its skeleton is the way of power comprehended by the three-eyed human figure and the holy elephant... Using the pure way of power as the skeleton of the pagoda, the entire pagoda It is filled with infinite power and extremely strong, and its foundation is built to be 'indestructible'!

The Prison-Suppressing Pagoda is made of strength as its bones, wind and water as its soul, and the laws of thunder, five elements, life and death, and reincarnation that Lu Qian understood by analogy as its flesh and blood. It perfectly constructs such a perfect first-level innocent immortal!

The dark golden Prison Suppressing Pagoda floats in the mind, with countless points of divine light flickering on the surface of the tower. Each point of divine light corresponds to a avenue that Lu Qian once dabbled in.

Streams of dark golden light roared out of the Zhenyu Pagoda, running along Lu Qian's spacious, strong, flexible and smooth meridians and acupuncture points. Wherever he passed, Lu Qian's main acupoints and odd acupoints were all opened, and the fairy spirit energy from Liang Yitian rolled into his body. It was pulled by the dark golden stream of light and continued to sink into the Prison-Suppressing Pagoda.

The fairy spirit enters through the main entrance at the bottom of the tower, rolls all the way through the nine-story tower, and flows out from the eighteen windows at the top.

After the rapid transformation of the Jiuzhong Prison-Suppressing Buddha, the fairy energy flowing in from the outside world has been compressed and refined, turning into extremely pure prison-suppressing power, which is deposited in Lu Qian's body bit by bit.

There are 3,600 large acupoints and 19,600 strange acupoints. In these vast and boundless acupoints, traces of dark gold are condensed and heavy like mercury, and the heavy prison-suppressing power is constantly spilled, and the ding ding sound gathers. One body.

Lu Qian secretly calculated that with so many acupoints and such a large volume, his total amount of mana was probably more than ten times that of a true immortal of the same level. Without the help of elixirs or other external forces, if you just breathe in the spirit of the immortal spirit, if you want to replenish your body's Buddhist power, you will probably need to breathe in the spirit of the fairy spirit for more than three years!

Looking at the corners of his eyes, Lu Qian felt the huge difference between the true immortals in the upper realm and the monks in the lower realm.

It’s just that after all the power of the True Immortal First Level is consumed, it will take three years to replenish it? Then when you reach the 33rd level of the True Immortal Realm and have a fierce battle with an opponent of the same level, if an immortal who is not rich enough has exhausted his immortal power, wouldn't it mean that he would not even be able to replenish his immortal power in a hundred and eighty years?

Couldn't it be that the immortal who has exhausted his immortal power but is unable to recover quickly is extremely fragile during the period of breath adjustment and recuperation? If the enemy comes to visit... Haha!

Lu Qian nodded thoughtfully and began to swallow with all his strength.

He was in the main hall of Dajue Temple, which was one of the places with the strongest aura of immortal spirits in the entire Dajue Temple. The aura of immortal spirits around him had almost condensed into substance, so he could just take it in and out at will without worrying about not being able to replenish it.

There is already a large area of ​​fairy spirit swirling and gathering around him, turning into pieces of spiritual clouds lingering in the glow, floating around him.

Lu Qian looked at the spiritual cloud condensed by the rich fairy spirit, and suddenly understood why the Taoist court and the Buddhist sect of Liangyi Heaven wanted to join forces to kill the savages and evil spirits, and why the Taoist court and the Buddhist sect secretly fought for territory and resources. .

The higher you get to a higher level, the more you can understand the importance of resources!

Gradually, Lu Qian breathed in the spirit energy faster and faster, and the spiritual clouds hovering around him piled up, submerging his entire body. These spiritual clouds roared into his body, causing the fairy spirit in the outside world to stir. The entire hall was filled with a faint Buddhist light. Because of the fierceness of the fairy spirit, the defensive restrictions of the hall were triggered.

Nine Layers of Prison Pagoda... Okay, ok, really good... It's a pity that I can't use my shame to steal my disciple... Otherwise, it would be nice to let you be Yuan Jue's little junior brother.

Next to Lu Qian, there was a vague mutter of complaints.

A golden, translucent pill the size of a thumb was thrown out of thin air and hit Lu Qian between the eyebrows.

This pill has no fragrance, no light, and all its essence is restrained, but it contains incredible power. The pills blended into the center of Lu Qian's eyebrows, and immediately turned into streams of pure and incomparable prison-suppressing power, roaring into Lu Qian's nine-level prison-suppressing pagoda.

After a turn around the Jiuzhong Prison-Suppressing Buddha, the prison-suppressing power transformed by the Danwan became Lu Qian's own possession, with the way of power as the skeleton, the power of wind and water as the soul, and other avenues as flesh and blood. The prison-suppressing power gushed down in Lu Qian's body like a heavy rain.

In just nine breaths, all Lu Qian's acupoints were filled with dark golden prison-suppressing power.

He moved his body slightly, and heard a tsunami-like sound coming from within his body. His muscles tightened, and each muscle was beating. The thunderous vibration of his body made the forbidden light in the hall slightly brighter.

In the lower realm, the limit of Yuan Lingtian's capacity is the power of a Kun.

With the help of the Taichu Mixing Pearl, Lu Qian was able to hide the power of more than a thousand Kun and walk safely in Yuanlingtian.

But when it comes to the upper realm...

There are people in Buddhism who specialize in cultivating true immortals. When they condense the status of true immortals, the threshold of physical strength is 3,600 Kun!

Lu Qian's body has initially completed the transformation of the 'World Yuan Fei'. Lu Qian clenched his fists with both hands and roughly judged that his current strength is about twenty times what it was before he recast his legal body and Taoist foundation!

Probably, the pure physical power of thirty thousand Kun?

He's becoming less and less human.

However, true immortal-level creatures with supreme roots forged by the ‘World Yuan Fei’...cannot be considered human in the first place!

It is also stated in the Prison Suppression Sutra that in the upper realm, the power of ten thousand Kun... is called a Peng!

‘Kun turns into a Peng’, the ‘Peng’ that transforms, soars, rises from the worldly sea of ​​mortal world, turns into a Dapeng, and flies away through the sky!

Kun transforms into a peng, which is a rapid leap in the level of life, an evolution of life from ancient times to the present, and a new evolution of turning mortals into immortals.

Therefore, ten thousand Kun is equivalent to one Peng!

The power of the Three Pengs, in terms of physical strength alone, the current Lu Qian is probably comparable to the ordinary Buddhist body cultivation that condenses the tenth level of immortality!

This feeling of power is great!

Lu Qian took a deep breath. His ears suddenly moved, and he heard the sound of footsteps in the distance, as well as a hypocritical greeting from the inside out.

A hand stretched out from the air and patted Lu Qian's shoulder gently.

With a few clicks of 'click, click', all the abnormalities on Lu Qian's body disappeared, and the aura in his body was completely restrained, just like a three-foot-six-foot wooden stake, standing quietly in the hall.

Then, he saw Monk Yuanjue with a constipated expression and a fake smile walking in side by side with a tall, thin, and stern-looking monk in white.

Behind Monk Yuanjue, there were nearly a hundred monks from Dajue Temple wearing blue monk robes.

And, there are more than twenty burly monks wearing white monk robes, bare chests, and majestic muscles.

Hahaha, Junior Brother Condor, long time no see, Senior Brother, I miss you very much... Hahahaha!

Monk Yuanjue led the white-robed monk into the main hall. Before he did anything, he started 'hahahaha' for a while.

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