Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 663: What to do with the evil guest?

On the east bank of Liuxia River, there are thousands of miles of Qionghua forest.

Near the river bank, there is a towering altar with dozens of flags and flags planted on the altar. There are several holy men and boys who have painted their faces as colorful as ghosts and are jumping up and down.

The Southern Territory was once the territory of evil spirits. Over the past three thousand years, all the evil evil forces with names and names have been wiped out, but some evil methods are still passed down among the secular people.

These divine men have learned several sets of evil demon Sanshou, and are now using them on this altar.

Hundreds of Yin soldiers who were detained by them were erratic, walking back and forth by the river in half clouds and half mist. From time to time, Yin soldiers dived into the deep water, took out several clams the size of water tanks, and put them on the shore. The shells were cut open, the flesh discarded, and the shells and the orbs inside were put into a huge animal skin bag.

Seriously speaking, this kind of behavior is close to theft.

The Taoist and Buddhist land deeds make it clear that everything in the Liuxia River, even a grain of sand, belongs to the owner of Qionghua Mountain.

The current Lord of Qionghua Mountain is Lu Qian. Without informing Lu Qian and obtaining the token and seal issued by Lu Qian, privately mining the clam clams at the bottom of Liuxia River is a real act of theft.

That is to say, Lu Qian was still arranging his own dojo, and his background was also shallow. He did not send enough force to patrol the Liuxia River at the first time. Otherwise, this group of divine men who ordered the Yin soldiers to mine clam shells would not be able to do anything when Zhenjun Lieque was around. He had already been killed with a sword.

The flags swayed, releasing streaks of light into the sky.

This altar was engaged in theft, but it did not cover up its deeds at all, but acted blatantly.

To the east of the altar, in a forest of blooming viburnums, a hidden formation quietly lurks without leaking any breath. An altar was also arranged in the formation, but the scale and quality of this altar were more than a hundred times greater than those of those sacred men.

Made of fine gold, nine feet high, nine in total, arranged according to the directions of the nine palaces.

On each altar, there are several true immortals sitting there.

Wearing Taoist robes, they sat cross-legged on the futon with expressionless faces. The immortal power around their bodies was integrated with the forbidden power hidden in the altar. Once triggered, they could immediately burst out with devastating attacks.

Facing the main peak of Qionghua Mountain, there are dozens of holy altars along the river where clams are being illegally harvested.

Behind every sacred altar, there is a hidden formation like this, quietly accumulating monstrous murderous intent.

In one of the hidden formations, Wan Xiang, Su Qianmo and other members of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect were staring at Qionghua Mountain in the distance.

The main peak of Qionghua Mountain is 3,600 miles high. It is separated by the Liuxia River, which is thousands of miles wide, and more than a thousand miles of land. With the eyes of a true immortal, one can clearly see every flower and grass on the main peak of Qionghua Mountain.

Seeing the palaces and pavilions falling from the sky one after another and landing firmly all over Qionghua Mountain, Wanxiang's eyes turned a little red. To be honest, he was a little jealous of Lu Qian.

Why is it that the 'junior' who relied on his help to make trouble in Yuan Lingtian is doing so well now?

Wan Xiang was thinking about this issue every time he was severely beaten by law enforcement officers.

He was still committing crimes and making meritorious deeds... but Lu Qian had actually become the master of a top-notch dojo in Qionghua Mountain!


A soft buzzing sound sounded from all directions, and the invisible prison-suppressing force field swept across in waves. On each of the nine altars, there is a palm-sized Buddhist amulet that vibrates gently, releasing the same prison-suppressing force field, echoing the prison-suppressing force swept by the outside world.

The prison-suppressing power avoided these altars and pushed them all the way into the distance as if they were invisible.

The invisible force field swept over every tree, every flower and grass, every city and town, and swept away those mortals who had no cultivation.

Wan Xiang looked at the pagoda standing on the top of Qionghua Mountain and couldn't help but sneered: Lu Qian, or Fahai...you, wait.

Lu Qian, who was being talked about by everything, has now arrived at the Qionghua Jade Mansion under the main peak of Qionghua Mountain.

This is a huge underground space, the sky is round and the earth is round, it is thousands of miles wide and about three thousand miles high.

This huge underground space was the cave where Empress Qionghua used to cultivate. The whole body is made of beautiful jade as white as snow. The rich jade essence spreads wantonly in the jade, and condenses on the surface of the jade. Overlapping and beautiful, as if they were made in nature, there are countless fresh viburnums the size of a thumb.

The concentration of fairy spirit energy in Liangyi Heaven is at least a hundred times higher than that in all realms below.

However, the concentration of fairy spirit energy and jade spirit energy in this Qionghua Jade Mansion is more than a hundred times that of Liang Yitian.

In this Qionghuayu Mansion, you can really increase your cultivation level for several days with just one breath. After practicing here for many years, even a pig...well, the qualifications of a pig are too high. Even if a stubborn stone is placed here, it will change the aptitude, open up the spiritual wisdom, and cultivate into a great monster.

The core of Qionghua Yu Mansion is a 'spring' several feet in diameter.

This spring that is thousands of miles deep is full of jade paste that is shiny, trembling, milky white in color, and like glue.

This 'jade paste' is the most rare product of Qionghua Jade Mansion.

When Zhenjun Lieque left Qionghua Mountain, he collected all the 'jade paste' in the 'spring eye'. However, just over ten years later, when Lu Qian arrived, the 'jade paste' in the spring eye had already been removed. This spring is full.

The fragrance is fragrant and the taste is delicate and cool. After taking it, it turns into strands of jade essence biochemical energy to nourish the whole body. It can also feed the immortal soul and strengthen the cultivator from the inside out... Every time you take it, even if you take Lu His current foundation can improve his cultivation for three to five years!

Such a rare treasure is an 'ordinary jade paste' that has just been 'brewed' from the earth's veins and 're-gushed out'.

If it is allowed to ferment and brew in the spring, allowed to absorb the jade essence of the earth's veins, continue to precipitate and age, and become a thousand-year or ten-thousand-year product... its magical effect is truly unfathomable.

It's a pity that there must be treasures in this spring that last for thousands or ten thousand years. However, more than ten years ago, Lord Lieque took it all in one pot!

Good location. Lu Qian praised sincerely, and placed the Golden Wheel, Dragon Elephant Terma Secret Pagoda that he won from the Condor Monk directly above the spring.

Reciting the mantra silently, his hands continued to create a series of Buddha's light restrictions.

Along with the low roaring sound, auspicious light surges from below the secret pagoda. This secret pagoda, which can help Buddhist disciples cast Buddhist golden bodies, is perfectly integrated with this spring.

A trace of jade paste turned into a dense jade-colored glow and poured into the secret tower. In a pool of seven treasures merit on the first floor of the tower, a layer of clear, gelatin-like strange treasure liquid seeped out.

Lu Qian took out the small Vajra Sumeru Mountain and threw it into the secret pagoda.

Several Taoist soldiers with the highest cultivation level strode out of the Vajra Sumeru Mountain, took off their clothes, and lay down in the pool of merit. The treasure liquid invaded their bodies little by little, and the skin of these Taoist monks gradually became covered with a light golden color.

Lu Qian recited the mantra silently, deduced the secret method of casting the prison-suppressing golden body from the Yiqi Sutra he had comprehended, and passed it on to these Taoist monks through the technique of initiation.

As long as the ground veins of Qionghua Mountain are not destroyed and the steady stream of jade essence energy continues to turn into jade paste and be extracted by the secret pagoda, Lu Qian will continue to have his Taoist monks cast him into a prison-suppressing golden body. The golden body feeds back and condenses into a true immortal!

If not for Qionghua Mountain.

If it weren't for this jade paste spring.

With the terrifying number of monks like Daobing Lu, how could he afford to support these big-bellied men? How could they be so confident that they could all break through to the level of true immortals?

The ground veins of Qionghua Mountain are trembling slightly.

The huge jade veins are constantly producing majestic, pure and endless jade essence.

Starting from the main peak of Qionghua Mountain in the east, all the way along the mountain to the west, every 100,000 miles, there are warriors and Vajra sent by Dajue Temple, leaving behind a majestic, majestic temple.

These temples took root on the ground, and various formations and restrictions embedded themselves in the earth's veins, colluding with the earth's energy, pumping huge jade essence energy to surge out of the ground, turning into billowing spiritual clouds, nourishing the surrounding mountains to become fertile, bright, spiritual and magical.

These temples require experts from Lu Qian to guard them. Each temple needs a large number of manpower to patrol all directions to maintain the tranquility of Qionghua Mountain, protect the rare output here, and prevent the intrusion of outsiders.

However, Qionghua Mountain is 490 million miles long, and there will be about 5,000 temples along the way.

In every temple, do you want at least one true immortal to be in charge?

In this way, without the wings of thousands of true immortals, do you dare to say that you control the entire Qionghua Mountain? Do you dare to say that you are the master of Qionghua Mountain?

But now, there are less than two hundred true immortals under Lu Qian's command, including big cats and kittens!

This is probably due to Monk Yuanjue's tempering of Lu Qian.

The warriors and Vajras of Dajue Temple were busy at work. At the foot of the main peak of Qionghua Mountain and at the entrance to the mountain road, several monks in gorgeous clothes appeared out of thin air.

Now, millions of miles around Qionghua Mountain has been completely enveloped by the prison-suppressing force field released by the pagoda standing on the top of the mountain.

Lu Qian did not fully activate the power of this pagoda, so the prison-suppressing force field only provided the most basic 'early warning' and 'exploration', and did not suppress all parties unscrupulously.

Even so, it is impossible to enter the main peak of Qionghua Mountain and fly in the air.

Anyone, unless they can overturn the one hundred and eight-story pagoda, must obediently follow the mountain road in front of them, which is more than ten feet wide and stretches for more than 30,000 miles!

Several monks stood at the entrance of the mountain road. In front of them, there was a huge dark golden archway that was a hundred feet high.

In the middle of this archway, there are four big characters - 'Qionghua Ancient Temple'!

The leading young monk, who was quite handsome. Although he was a boy, he looked like a girl with eight or nine points of femininity. He frowned and suddenly sneered: Qionghua Ancient Temple? This name is interesting, interesting... no. People who know it think that Fahai has really been rooted in Qionghua Mountain for tens of thousands of years.

How dare you use the word 'ancient' in a newly built dojo?

Shaking his head, the young monk squinted his eyes: Just call the door...it won't be a big deal, let's just walk up the mountain path!

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