Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 667: What to do with the evil guest? (5)

What is sword cultivation?

Well, generally speaking, those who have a bad temper are swordsmen!

Holding a sword all day long, touching it, kissing it, understanding it, nourishing it with your own essence and blood, and tempering it with your own soul. In the end, I don’t know whether it was a person who turned into a sword or a sword. , turned into a human!

But the sword cultivator's temper is generally not very good.

Hard, would rather die than break, common swordsmanship is like this.

Therefore, when Yinxiu stretched out her hand to tease Qingyou, it was equivalent to sending her arm directly into the tigress's mouth.

The sword flashed and his arm was torn to pieces.

Yinxiu hugged her severed arm and shouted, like a little boar that had just been castrated, rolling around in the hall and squealing, her tears with a faint fragrance dripping, ta da da da 'It fell to the ground, it was like a pear blossom with tears in it, I felt pity for it!

Lu Qian and all the old monks were shocked again.

It's not because of Qingyou's action, but - this guy, a dignified male monk, why is there such a soft, warm fragrance in his tears?

Lu Qian had a gloomy face, stood up slowly, and reached Qingyou in one step.

Yin Xiu violently rang the bell at the gate of the mountain. In the hall, he still relied on Yin Xiu's name and screamed at the top of his lungs at Lu Qianyi's commanding junior brother: Kill people, kill people... You Qionghua Mountain, it's simply It’s lawless…”



Lu Qian slapped the face of this equally feminine and handsome monk, and there was a muffled sound. The man's entire face collapsed, his cheek bones and big teeth were shattered, his head became like a bloody gourd, and his whole body He fell to the ground and fainted immediately.

Yin Xiu screamed: Fa Hai, do you dare?

Lu Qian raised his foot and stomped on Yin Xiu's abdomen. There was a muffled sound, and Yinxiu spurted blood more than ten feet high. His whole body was twitching, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

In terms of cultivation, Yin Xiu is several heavens higher than Lu Ren.

But in terms of true strength, Lu Qian was way ahead of this feminine and coquettish monk.

Facing Lu Qian's blow, Yin Xiu didn't even have the slightest chance to fight back.

The Zhike monk who was injured by you at the gate of the mountain is my cousin in terms of seniority. Lu Qian lowered his head and said coldly to several monks with uncertain faces: Originally, for the sake of the Bodhisattva Joy, , it’s not a big deal for my cousin, let’s just let this matter go.”

But since you insist on pushing the envelope...then don't blame me for being ruthless!

Several stunned monks were stunned for a while. They were really following Yin Xiu, and they usually acted like a domineering person to the point of seeking death. At this moment, in this situation, they didn't even think about treating the two of them. An injured senior brother brazenly attacked Lu Qian!

The great joy method practiced by the Bodhisattvas of Joy.

However, Bodhisattva Joy is in the great joy lineage of Liangyi Tian Buddhism. He is also the kind of person who is not popular and the path he takes is astray. He purely pursues the pleasure of the body and completely neglects to comprehend any mysterious principles of heaven and earth and the mysteries of the great road that are beneficial to spiritual practice from that ultimate joy.

Several young monks followed Joyous Bodhisattva, and you can imagine what they learned.

As soon as they saw their bodies swaying, a faint pink glow suddenly lit up, and the fragrant wind rose from all around, and wisps of fragrance floated gracefully. The young monks were like witches dancing wildly. They twisted their waists and began to wink at Lu Qian!

Lu Qian's eyes widened - is this the magical power you practice?

This, this, this, is this not a dirty trick used by those foxy people playing fairy dance among the casual cultivators at the bottom of the world of society?

The disciples of the great Buddhist Bodhisattva actually displayed such 'supernatural powers'... Tsk, Liangyitian Buddhism still has a few Buddhas of the great joy lineage. If they see these young monks acting like this, they will be shocked. Wouldn't you slap them to death?

Lu Qian played with the string of Buddhist beads with both hands, wondering whether to beat these unworthy little monks to death or seriously injure them.

Qing Ning and Qing Meng yelled angrily and already made a choice for Lu Qian.

Two golden-red sword lights soared into the sky, like two dragons intertwined head to tail. The sword lights were like rainbows and weaved together. In an instant, they turned into a ninety-one-story prison pagoda filled with cold light and rising flames. Pressed down.

The three Qingyou sisters have excellent qualifications. In Yuanlingtian, they have obtained the true inheritance of Buddhist orthodox swordsmanship.

Because of the tacit understanding and unspoken transaction between Lu Qian and Yuan Ling's consciousness, the three Qingyou girls also benefited greatly. In the underground grotto of the World Yuan Fei, the benefits gained by the three girls were Only slightly worse than Lu Min.

Therefore, after the three women followed Lu Qian and ascended to the upper world, with the help of the merit pool of Dajue Temple, the three women condensed the true immortal status of the thirteenth heaven in one fell swoop. In the case of Liangyitian Buddhism, this is already enough to suppress the powerful king of one side.

In particular, the first level of immortality that Lu Qian condensed is the nine-story Zhenyu Pagoda.

The three girls do not have the fortune of Lu Qian, nor do they have the resources that Dajue Temple invests at all costs, but their qualifications, talents, and Taoist foundations are there. The level of immortality they have condensed is also a seven-story prison-suppressing pagoda!

The seven-story Prison-Suppressing Pagoda is the foundation, which has broken through thirteen heavens. Now, the Prison-Suppressing Pagoda they have manifested is exactly the ninety-first floor!

The sword energy is mighty, and the pure Yang Buddha flame burns the heaven and the earth.

Waves of incomparably sharp and fiery prison-suppressing power crushed down the few monks who could only wink, twist their waists, and pretend to imitate little girls. Blood spurted from the sword wounds, and then a burnt smell wafted out from the wounds. Golden-red pure Yang Buddhist flames adhered to their wounds, making a chichi sound that was so refreshing.

The terrifying prison-suppressing power was also wrapped with a ray of Buddhist 'wisdom sword' power. Like a dam-breaking river, it surged into their minds and hit them hard. The light pink glow was emitted and they were covered by a sea of Wrapped in soft pink clouds, there are true immortals ranging from the first to the third heaven.


Like a hammer hitting tofu, countless cracks appeared in the personalities of several monks and true immortals.

You... Several monks rolled their eyes, fainted and fell to the ground at the same time, their bodies twitching violently like leeches after being electrocuted.

In the large acupoints on their bodies, wisps of ethereal and mixed pink Buddha light slowly rose up, and the little bit of Buddha power they had cultivated disappeared in an instant. The status of the true immortals was shattered, and their Dao foundation was completely destroyed. From the dignified true immortal level 'mighty', they turned into mortals in an instant.


The True Immortal Personality is completely the synthesis of a monk's 'nature' and 'fate' cultivation. If the True Immortal Personality is broken, the Dharma is severely damaged, and the Dao Foundation is broken, if you want to embark on the path of cultivation again, you have to invest a huge amount. The price cannot be paid.

For example, the 100,000-year-old Yuzhi that Yinxiu Lion asked for before, combined with some top-quality 10,000-year-old jade ointment, chalcedony, good fortune jade liquid, etc., asked the Buddha, the King of Immortal Medicine of Buddhism, to refine a furnace of holy elixir and pour it It can also repair their broken legal bodies and Taoist foundations, and can make them better than before...

However, let alone the amount of resources invested.

Let me just say this - you, the Bodhisattva of Joy, have the nerve to ask Buddha, the Medicine King of Immortality, to help you refine elixirs?

In such a huge Buddhist gate, many Buddhas and great Bodhisattvas are still queuing up in front of the Immortal Medicine King Buddha gate with their smiling faces... What is the status of the Joyous Bodhisattva in Buddhism? He belongs to the category that people hate and dogs hate. You are worthy of standing beside the Immortal Medicine King Buddha. In front of the Buddhist gate?

If the Bodhisattva Joy had been severely injured, he might have the determination to do this.

But for the sake of a few children sitting down... haha!

Throw it out! Lu Qian sneered and flicked his sleeve to block Qing Ning and Qing Meng's sword light that continued to press down: Buddhism is a pure place, we can't commit murder in vain!

Qing Ning and Qing Meng blinked their big eyes and nodded in realization.

Well, these thieves and monks can be killed, but they cannot be killed on the territory of Qionghua Mountain... Look, they Duo Xueyu is smart and they understood Lu Qian's words immediately.

Ahu, Yudianhu and several big-bodied tiger masters came in. With a palm the size of a cattail leaf fan, they easily grabbed the heads of Yinxiu and other monks, and carried them out like little chickens.

First, they took the newly arranged moving array and ran to the border area of ​​Qionghua Mountain. Then Ahu and Yudianhu flew tens of thousands of miles away and found a densely populated and bustling place. , a prosperous small town, a few monks covered in blood were casually thrown on the official road outside the city gate.

This place has already left the territory of Qionghua Mountain.

As mentioned before, the southern region of Liangyi Heaven was originally under the rule of demons. After being jointly attacked by the Taoist and Buddhist sects, the current situation in the Southern Territory is extremely complicated. The large and small sects and branches of the Taoist and Buddhist sects, you occupy a mountain here, and I plant a flag there.

Just like Lu Qian's Qionghua Mountain, except for the mountains and rivers under his direct control, there are Taoist forces in all directions.

The small town Ahu and the others chose was called Huangliang. It was the territory of the Qiankun Dao, a large Taoist sect. In Huangliang City, which had less than a million people, there were real immortals placed by Qiankun Dao with dozens of Disciples from famous families sat in the town and built a 'Qiankun Taoist Temple' as a stronghold.

The people in Huangliang City, after three thousand years of 'education', are now devout believers in the Taoist court.

Suddenly, he saw several bloody figures falling from the sky. The soldiers guarding the door and a large group of people watching the excitement gathered around them.

Oh, bald man!

This is a monk!

Thieves and bald men have come to our Huangliang City...Thieves and bald men are very vicious and vicious. They are either rapists or thieves!

Yin Xiu, who had just been stomped by Lu Qian and fainted, suddenly woke up. He covered his three-inch-high swollen belly and roared at the top of his lungs: Fa Hai, give it to me, Buddha, and wait... Buddha Your family must be ruined, and you must die without a burial place... How dare you, a bunch of despicable idiots, to insult the Buddha?

Yin Xiu cursed in a hissing voice, scaring the people watching around him to dodge.

An auspicious cloud fell from the sky, and Taoist Xuanle, a first-level innocent immortal who was stationed in Huangliang City of Qiankun Dao, waved his fly whisk and slowly fell from the sky.

Several fellow Taoists, have you been robbed by demons?

Taoist Xuanle felt the aura of Yinxiu that was several levels higher than his own. He raised his head and looked in the direction of Qionghua Mountain, then lowered his head and asked Monk Yinxiu with a kind face.

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