Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 669: Taoism covers up the killing (2)

The gravity of Liangyi Heaven is more than a thousand times that of the lower world. The small lotus petal flying boat is only three miles away from the ground. Therefore, Yinxiu and the others quickly fell to the ground with a loud bang. The bones and muscles are broken into pieces.

However, after all, he is a true immortal, and a true Buddhist immortal, so he will not die so easily.

Even if the disciples of Joyful Bodhisattva are very sparse in their practice, they are inherited from Buddhism after all, and the Great Joy Technique has a little bit of the effect of tempering and polishing the body. Yinxiu and the others were covered in blood after falling, but they were still able to raise their heads with difficulty, panting, spurting blood, and looking around.

Above the head was a majestic yellow unicorn, tilting its head and looking at them with disdain.

The appearance of this yellow unicorn is excellent.

But his demeanor was very bad... He squinted his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and panted haha, just like a big yellow dog guarding the door, wondering whether to chew on their ankle bones or on their buttocks Take a big bite.

To the west is a white tiger with two wings on its back.

It also looks very good, and it can be seen that the bloodline is quite pure... but the white tiger's cheeks are very big, and it is panting, like an irritated cat. On the soles of his feet, sharp, silver, translucent claws popped out, which were more than a foot long. They were so sharp that Yinxiu felt a chill on her neck.

To the east is a green dragon that moves its head and tail.

This green dragon is also quite powerful, except that the two dragon horns on its forehead are slightly smaller, and Xiaohe looks like he has sharp horns.

What makes people speechless is that a majestic green dragon is lying on a cloud of blue clouds, blinking his eyelids and looking at Yinxiu and his group with a cute expression. Occasionally he opens his mouth, and you can see that he actually has something in his mouth. With a raw egg!

Well, this green dragon is only three feet long, and its figure is very petite and cute. Therefore, having a raw egg in his mouth seemed particularly abrupt and distinct.

To the north, the huge Xuanwu is huge.

The diameter of the carapace is more than a hundred feet, and it is like a hill entrenched in a thick black mist. This Xuanwu's aura is quite powerful, and it has obviously reached the level of a true immortal. But he drooped his head and said, Huchi...huchi..., obviously dozing off.

His aura was connected with the unicorn, white tiger, and green dragon, turning into a five-color light shield that blocked all directions. But this guy was just passive, letting Qilin, White Tiger, and Qinglong mobilize the huge magic power in his body, while he was asleep, obviously not taking Yinxiu and his group seriously.

Oh, and can’t forget the south.

To the south is a large bird with a red body, a crest like a phoenix, and a body as gorgeous as a rosefinch.

Compared with the evil-looking Qilin, the sulky white tiger, the greedy Qinglong, and the lazy and sleepy Xuanwu, this big red-feathered bird is even more hateful.

As soon as he showed up, he babbled to Yinxiu and the others: Sun thieves, sun thieves, you are all a group of sun thieves... You are destined to die, tsk tsk... Hurry up, call me daddy, I'll give it to you What a pleasure!”

Just when Yinxiu and his group fell from the sky and raised their heads with difficulty, the red-feathered bird at least sprayed hundreds of curse words at them, and none of them were repeated!

Yin Xiu angrily roared at the red-feathered bird: Shut up, you flat-haired beast... What on earth do you want to do?

Several flower monks were twitching in their hearts.

This is clearly the legendary Five Elements Spirit Beast... However, this habit of raising Five Elements Spirit Beasts is only possessed by the true immortals of the Taoist sect. The Bodhisattvas and Buddhas of Buddhism like the so-called Eight Tribes of Buddhism. The Qinglong can be incorporated into the Dragon Division, but the Kirin and the like have little market in Buddhism.

So, the one who ambushed them was a Taoist master?

Which senior is joking with this disciple? Yinxiu smiled brightly: This disciple is the incense waiter under the seat of Joyful Bodhisattva in Mingguang Cave in Yuanfu Mountain... I also followed the Bodhisattva to the monastery of Lord Baoguang Merit Buddha. Classic.

Yin Xiu is very good at pulling off tiger skins. In just a few words, he revealed his direct backers, as well as his biggest backer who is terrifying and terrifying!

Yin Xiu took out a golden pill, gritted his teeth, and stuffed it into his mouth with great heartache.

Accompanied by the sound of bones being pieced together and healed, Yinxiu slowly stood up, clasped his hands together, and saluted the sky: This is the territory of Qiankun Dao, and there are many people around... If there is any offense to the disciples, Please point it out, senior!

Waves of breeze rose from the ground, and large white clouds flew into the sky, then whirled randomly like catkins in the wind.

In the clear breeze and white clouds rising, a bright moon appeared inexplicably in the sky.

The rich and pure lunar energy filled the void, and a figure slowly walked out of the rich moonlight. As he walked, he sang a love song: It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult. The way is the most mysterious. Don't take the golden elixir for granted... ...Scare, that monkey head...

The figure suddenly coughed a few times: Sorry, I got the words mixed up. Haha!

The expressions on the faces of Yinxiu and others became extremely wonderful.

The man who walked out of the clear breeze and bright moon was wearing a Taoist robe of water and fire. The left side of his body was shrouded in the light of the sun, and the right side of his body was surrounded by the energy of the taiyin. His whole body was filled with the strange Taoist charm of the transformation of yin and yang, and the two qi of yin and yang were endlessly growing in him. , constantly turning into a puff of dazzling divine light shining in the void, mysterious and mysterious, with a powerful and terrifying aura - Lu Qian!

At this moment, Lu Qian was about ten feet tall, with long hair like clouds, tied in a bun, wearing a Tai Chi lotus crown, carrying a water and fire sword on his back, holding a large white jade golden whisk, wearing water and fire. He is wearing a Taoist robe, a silk ribbon tied around his waist, and Bafangyun shoes on his feet. There is also a white jade Ruyi about a foot long hanging on the silk ribbon.

The one who holds the title is Youdao Quanzhen, whose majesty as a Taoist immortal is so overwhelming that people can’t breathe.

But that face...

Picking out Yinxiu's eyes, he could recognize that this was Fahai, the master of Qionghua Mountain... This was the evil monk Fahai!

However, isn’t Fahai the true successor of the Buddha lineage of Zhenyu lineage?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha personally watched, and Monk Yuanjue personally took care of it. It took twelve years and countless resources to recast his legal body and Taoist foundation, laying an extremely strong foundation for him to become a true immortal. Directly seriously injuring Snow Cliff Monk, beating him to the point of death, and stepping on the face of Dami Jinlun Temple and the Condor Bodhisattva into the sea of ​​​​the mud!

Where did his Taoist Taoism, which was rich and pure, even purer than any Taoist true immortal that Yinxiu had ever seen, come from?

You, you, you, Fahai...what the hell are you doing!

Yinxiu's heart was twitching, and cold air was coming out of every pore in her body.

Let me tell you, listen to me. My Joyous Bodhisattva may not be able to deduce what happened to you, but...but...as long as my Bodhisattva prays to the Buddha of Precious Light Merit and Merit, and with the power of the Lord Buddha, he can deduce what happened to you today. What you did was a piece of cake!”

In Lu Qian's mind, the Taichu Bead floating on his Jiuzhong Prison Pagoda flickered slightly.

A trace of subtle energy enveloped Lu Yi and the five uncles. Lu Yi felt the subtle and weak thoughts coming from the Taichu Huntong Pearl, and suddenly laughed: First, I have 99% chance of success. With a certain degree of certainty, Lord Buddha cannot calculate my roots... Secondly, even if he can figure it out, so what?

Lu Qian grinned ferociously, stared at Yin Xiu and said coldly: Even if Bodhisattva Joy captures me and I kill you bitches, what can he do to me?

Lu Qian approached Yinxiu step by step: I am a Buddhist disciple of Master Yuanjue. Before coming to Qionghua Mountain, the master opened the altar in person, presided over by Master Zhenjing Xuanguang Buddha, in front of countless powerful Buddhists. , I became a disciple of Master Yuanjue... The name of my Dharma Sea is clearly on the golden book of Buddha Veins of Buddhism!

The Thirteen Buddha Lords of Buddhism and countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas all know that I, Fa Hai, is the true successor of the Buddha lineage that suppresses the prison!

And you, a mere incense boy, a dog-like thing... Don't say that I deliberately disguised myself today, even if I really beat you to death in front of the Bodhisattva Joy... Do you think that you dogs will die? , is it worth a hundred feet of ordinary jade paste?

Lu Qian squinted his eyes, the yin and yang divine light gushing out from his eyes, like countless sword blades, tearing countless extremely fine wounds on the bodies of Yinxiu and others.

He said coldly: I, Qionghua Mountain, have countless products. I will take out a hundred feet of jade paste and throw it to the Joyous Bodhisattva, in exchange for the lives of you guys. Do you think he will exchange it... or not?

My master is the master of Yuanjue. If Bodhisattva Joy offends me, I will ask my master to kill Bodhisattva Joy... Do you think that the Buddha of Precious Light Merit will punish a bodhisattva who leads his disciples into depravity? One of the great Bodhisattvas of the Ten Directions of Buddhism... is my teacher?

Yin Xiu was horrified and moved.

He looked at Lu Qian in shock. Every word Lu Qian said was like a heart-piercing sword, piercing his internal organs and causing blood to flow!

He can use the name of Joyous Bodhisattva to deceive and do evil, but ordinary Buddhist Bodhisattvas really don't dare, or are unwilling to provoke him.

However, it also depends on the person!

If there really is a Bodhisattva with an iron head, who can kill several of Yinxiu's killers... Can the Bodhisattva of Joy really be able to fight to death?

Most likely, they are asking for some compensation, nothing more.

As for the lives of Yin Xiu and the others... after all, they are true immortal-level 'masters and powerful men'. The compensation of one hundred feet of jade paste is too cheap. Lu Qian's words are a bit insulting to the true immortal's worth.

But if it is ten thousand feet... maybe the Joyous Bodhisattva is really pretending to be deaf and dumb!

Countless thoughts flashed through Yin Xiu's mind, and he instantly understood that Lu Qian's words were completely meaningless. He could really kill him, and he really dared to do it!

With a 'gudong' sound, Yinxiu knelt firmly on the ground.

He raised his hands and smiled flatteringly at Lu Qian: Senior Brother Fahai, Lord Fahai... just show your noble hand and spare my junior brother's life?

It's not my junior brother's intention to go to Qionghua Mountain to catch the autumn wind!

Junior brother has always been kind to others and kept a low profile. How could he inexplicably cause trouble for fellow Buddhists?

It's all Xueya Monk's fault... He was severely injured by you in public a few days ago. He feels aggrieved. He gave me this bad idea to my junior brother and asked me to cause trouble for you!

Not only that, I also know that he has colluded with people from the Hunyuan Luotian Sect!

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