Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 674 Taoism Covers Up (7)

Next to Bailong River, under the old plum tree.

Lu Qian sat cross-legged on the ground, with a branch of an old plum tree in his hand.

The three-foot-long plum tree branches were as thick as arms and extremely hard. Lu Qian held the branches with both hands and blew out sharp breaths from his mouth, like a blade, carving the branches bit by bit, with sawdust falling continuously.

Those seven women were finally sent out.

Lu Qian fulfilled his promise and felt relaxed all over, without any worries anymore.

Wan Miao Tian also has a backer in the upper realm... From the lamp that the seven ghost women took out to threaten Lu Qian when he was drinking with him that day, it can be seen that they also have a backer in the upper realm!

Wanmiaotian was destroyed back then, and I don’t know what happened behind the scenes.

But since he had reached a tacit understanding with them, Lu Qian agreed to bring them to the upper world, so he naturally wanted to fulfill his promise.

Nowadays, Liangyi Heaven is either the realm of Buddhism or the realm of Taoism. Sending them out casually, what will happen to them in the future? Whether they can find the real mastermind behind the destruction of Wanmiaotian, and whether they can truly avenge Wanmiaotian depends on their methods.

Lu Qian looked up at the busy streets around him and shook his head slightly.

Buddhism is best at dealing with these evil things. I hope the seven of them... have a safe trip.

Anyway, he no longer cares about this matter.

With Taichu's mixed pearls covering up the qi and disrupting the heavenly secrets, there is no fear of anyone tracing out the involvement of Lu Qian and the seven ghost women. Tsk, the blame was completely thrown away, and Lu Qian was in a good mood.

As he breathed, a white two-foot wooden sword took shape.

Lu Qian casually touched it, and countless complex and exquisite talismans appeared on the wooden sword. He took a deep breath, and wisps of agile and ethereal Taoist immortal power were continuously injected into the wooden sword, making the wooden sword light up slightly.

What Lu Qian was practicing was the Tai Shang Jin Que Suppressing Prison and Conquering Demons and Hunyuan Yiqi Sutra. He studied both Buddhism and Taoism, and it was unpredictable.

All the signs he reveals to the outside can be the Prison Suppression Sutra, but as long as necessary, he can also convert the Prison Suppression Sutra into Taoist auras corresponding to various Taoist laws that he has comprehended and experienced.

At this moment, what he injected into the wooden sword was a wisp of extremely pure Hunyuan Sword Qi.

In his mouth was a piece of fragrant thousand-year-old chalcedony - this was the chalcedony that was condensed in a very small spiritual cave in the Qionghua Mountain vein before Lu Qian took action.

Before Zhenjun Lieque was forced to leave Qionghua Mountain, he plundered a large amount of resources.

However, the mineral veins in Qionghua Mountain are so huge, and there are countless small spiritual caves hidden in them. No matter how ruthless Zhenjun Lieque is, there will always be places that he cannot take care of. There are many top-quality rare resources stored in those small spiritual caves that have been left out.

This mouthful of chalcedony was continuously transformed into pure and rich fairy energy, which was refined into Hunyuan fairy power by Lu Qianmo's Yiqi Jing, which was transformed into sword energy and injected into the wooden sword.

By the time a mouthful of chalcedony was completely exhausted, the wooden sword in Lu Qian's hand had become three-fifths more transparent, as if it were made of glass. Lu Qian stood up with a wooden sword in hand. The wooden sword turned into a white light that was several miles long and quickly slashed towards the large boat in the river bend in the distance.

As soon as the sword came out, countless plum trees along the Bailong River, which was a hundred miles long, danced in the wind.

The white plum blossom petals rose into the sky, flashing with a faint fluorescent light. The crisp and tender petals pulled out strips of white sword light with a harsh whistling sound, and swish soundly turned into light rain falling all over the sky. .

Countless sword lights all hit the boat!

Along the riverside and on the riverside, countless mortals and monks exclaimed.

The female fairy's clear scolding sound came from afar: Yeah... someone is taking action on the territory of the old monk in Kowloon?

The faint aura of Taichu Hutong Pearl enveloped his whole body, and Lu Qian seemed to be a non-existent ghost, standing quietly under the old plum tree, looking at the rain of swords that filled the sky with his sword.

With one sword shot, everything within a hundred miles will form a sword formation!

The wooden sword made of plum blossom branches, under the influence of the same wood energy, attracted the old plum trees with a radius of hundreds of miles, mobilized the immeasurable fairy energy, and turned into this magnificent sight, so beautiful that it makes people enchanted and heartbroken. A crazy sword!

Looking at this brutally beautiful sword, Lu Qian said smugly: Unexpectedly, I actually have some qualifications as a swordsman!

In the painting boat, the Snow Cliff Monk is comprehending a certain supreme principle between heaven and earth.

A group of enchanting female cultivators from the Great Joy lineage entangled him in an indescribable way, almost burying his entire body between a bunch of embroidered fists and legs. The Qi and blood in the Snow Cliff Monk's body surged and boiled, making a whirring sound, and wisps of hot air rose up, causing a group of enchanting girls to shout loudly, and all kinds of ugly shouts could be heard.

Yin Xiu led people to Qionghua Mountain to create trouble for Lu Qian. Xueya Monk, who felt that he had not seen anyone in a short period of time, squatted on the Bailong River to enjoy himself, using his indulgence to smooth over the psychological impact Lu Qian had caused on him that day. trauma.

Listening to those enchanting cries, the Snow Cliff Monk bared his teeth and roared in a low voice, calling out the name of 'Fahai' again and again. Veins all over his body were bulging, and there was endless ferocious anger in his eyes.

Thinking of the prison-suppressing cards that he had already given away, Snow Cliff Monk smiled from ear to ear.

The thought of Yin Xiu coming to visit and causing trouble for Lu Qian made Monk Xueya's blood surge with excitement.

But when he thought of that day, in front of so many people, Lu Qian beat him to collapse with three punches and two kicks, and even broke his neck bone in public... Xueya Monk couldn't help but sneered at the charming figure next to him. With a heavy hand, there was another burst of wild shouting and shouting in the cabin.

Just when he was enjoying himself, a terrifying murderous intention enveloped the entire boat.

The sword light formed by countless petals fell, and the huge boat instantly shattered into pieces, exploding into wisps of dust that flew away in the wind.

The Snow Cliff Monk and several enchanting female cultivators raised their heads and their pupils suddenly shrank.

What they saw in their eyes was not the sword light falling from the sky, but the great avenues of heaven and earth that Lu Ren had comprehended and comprehended, turning into infinite light and shrouding them.

From the white sword light, they saw the chaos of the Hunyuan, the initial separation of the two rituals, the manifestation of the four phases, the rotation of the five elements... They saw the flowers, the grass, the flowers blooming and withering, I saw the grass growing and the orioles flying!

They even saw hell, reincarnation, a cauldron of fire, and a mountain of swords and a forest of swords!

They saw the growth of life, and even saw the withering of death!

They saw the wind roaring and swirling, and the water lingering softly.

What made them even more horrified was that in the sword light formed by each plum petal, they felt a magnificent and absolute power. That is the way of 'power' through and through. Each plum blossom petal carries unstoppable huge and pure 'violence' because of the blessing of the way of power!

Now Lu Qian's physical strength has the power of three pengs. With the blessing of the 'Way of Strength', this power has soared tenfold. The huge power contained in each plum petal has reached about thirty pengs!

The power of three pengs is enough to compete with the normal Buddhist body cultivators in the tenth heaven realm...the power of thirty pengs...Lu Qian has not fought against higher-level Buddhist cultivators, so he doesn't know how powerful this level is. Lethality.

But the Snow Cliff Monk, who was regarded as the darling of the Condor Monk, was only at the first level of cultivation, and his physical strength was far from the power of three pengs, let alone thirty pengs!

The white sword light fell from the sky. Before they even got close to those enchanting female cultivators, the pressure of the air blast directly shook them into a ball of red mist and scattered them.

The naked Snow Cliff Monk roared and exploded. He waved his right arm, and his punch tore through the air like a meteor. It made a terrifying roar and hit the white sword light that was several miles long that fell at the head.

This is an old habit of Snow Cliff Monk.

When he was in the lower realm, there were no magical powers or spells that his pair of iron fists couldn't defeat.

When he arrived in the upper realm, he had not fought with anyone for 180 years, and had only suffered a loss at the hands of Lu Qian. Faced with such a terrible attack, Snow Cliff Monk instinctively recalled his strongest method, which was almost instinctive. was displayed.

But Monk Xueya completely forgot that this is the upper world, the Liangyi Heaven.

Here is Liangyi Heaven, where true immortals roam the earth and are as powerful as dogs, not the lower realm where he was born, where he is at the absolute pinnacle and can be called the best in the world!

The sword light fell, and the Snow Cliff Monk's entire right arm shattered.

Severe pain struck, and the Snow Cliff Monk screamed and shouted. He finally understood where this place was and what kind of attack he was facing!

With a shake of his head, a three-layered relic tree, all crystal white and like ice crystals, flew out of his body, emitting billions of cold lights to wrap around his body.

This is a Buddhist protective treasure that has reached the level of the tenth level of the True Immortal. It was given to Monk Xueya by Monk Condor.

The power of this treasure banner is not great, but it is extremely symbolic.

This is the first Buddhist treasure that the Condor Monk made after he attained the true immortality and fruition, collected the ice and snow essence of the Snowy Mountains, and spent hundreds of years of hard work to refine it. In the Dami Jinlun Temple, this treasure banner... can be regarded as the national jade seal!

To be honest, with Xueya Monk's current cultivation level, he would not have the power to drive it if he was given an acquired spiritual treasure that was too powerful.

On the contrary, this three-layered relic treasure building is blessed by a ray of mind of the condor monk. It operates smartly and can be driven according to your heart. It is an excellent protective treasure!

The sky was filled with cold light, turning into a huge ice ball to protect the Snow Cliff Monk.

The sword lights transformed from plum blossom petals fell densely, and the cold light exploded into pieces, turning into balls of biting cold light flying all over the sky.

The sword light transformed from the wooden sword struck down the head, and accompanied by a harsh tearing sound, the cold light emitted by the treasure building was actually cut in half by one sword. Seeing that the sword light was about to pass through the treasure pillar and touch the body of Xueya Monk, Xueya Monk suddenly screamed: Xueya, the little monk, is a big secret...

Lu Qian shook his head slightly and recited the Seven Emotions Destroying God Curse. A vague and subtle force, as unpredictable as the Seven Emotions Demon, swept out and hit Xueya Monk in an instant.

Snow Cliff Monk's eyes suddenly became messy and chaotic.

The endless anger in his heart soared into the sky, and he seemed to have returned to that day, the day when he was defeated by Lu Qian in public!

All of his mana, essence, blood, and even soul power were all ignited by the God-Destroying Curse that inexplicably entered his body, igniting the yin fire, turned into firewood, and burned crazily.

He no longer had any intention of resisting, the sword light fell and cut him in two pieces!

A roar rang out from the void, and within Snow Cliff Monk's body, a white and shocking Buddha light rushed out, and a little bit of Snow Cliff Monk's true spirit wrapped in it flew into the sky.

The angry roar of the condor monk shook the turbid waves of Bailong River into the sky.

Who dares to hurt my true heritage of Buddha's veins? I will fight him until death!

Huh? Dao Sect Sword Intent? Okay, okay, okay, you guys, wait!

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