Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 686 Favors are priceless (4)

In the cold spring water, there is a silver door.

Lu Qian curiously looked at the door that seemed to be forged from silver for a long time.

It should be silver?

But how could it be?

How could the door to the treasure house of the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha be made of ordinary silver?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha laughed a few times: Fa Hai, I don't care about you anymore. You definitely don't know what material this door is made of.

After a slight pause, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said with emotion: Don't talk about you, even if there are many Buddhas in Buddhism today, only ten fingers can recognize this material... Back then, if it weren't for these 'Annihilation Essence', you Master Baoyan will not owe me the favor of saving my life or such a huge favor!

Lu Qian raised his brows and said, ‘Destroy the Tianmui’? I really haven't heard of it.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flame clasped his eight hands together and sighed: It is true that this bit of Oblivion Heaven Essence is hard-won. That time, you and I were both close to death...

The two Buddhas looked at each other, shook their heads, and stopped talking.

Monk Yuanjue and Lu Qian looked at each other, their eyes full of curiosity. But the two Buddhas obviously didn't want to say anything more. Naturally, they couldn't get any explanation about the origin of this 'Yantian Essence' and what magical effect it had.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames chanted a mantra in a low voice, formed seals with its eight arms, and began to mutter and tinker with the silver door.

Monk Yuanjue asked the Prisoner Xuanguang Buddha in a low voice: Master, ten thousand years ago, you returned to Daning Temple with a serious injury and rested for three thousand years before recovering. Is this the case?

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha nodded slightly, and then waved his hand: The matter is over, it is useless to talk about it. You will only be confused after hearing this. When will you reach the Buddha realm in cultivation, will you be qualified, meaningful, and know these things!

Monk Yuanjue smiled brightly: Master's encouragement, disciples should keep it in mind... Well, although it is not as good as Brother Heitie, in general, it is not far behind.

Lu Qian was shocked, and then happy!

My master wants to break into the Buddha realm?

So, so good!

As the mantras and handprints of Precious Flame Thousand-Hand Buddha are superimposed layer by layer, the silver door gradually emits a dazzling light, and the phantoms of the portals emerge one after another from the door, one after another, and there are at least hundreds of millions of them exactly the same. The silver light door appeared in front of everyone.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha praised: The mystery of this door is indeed extraordinary... Look at these countless portals, there is only one true door. If the other portals enter by mistake, they will be just like the name of the material of this portal, 'Yantian' . Even the heavens can be annihilated. If the Buddha makes a mistake, his body will die and his Tao will disappear!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said again: In terms of combat power, when we face to face with magical powers and spells, Lao Na can do it with one palm and ten Senior Brother Baoyan. But if Senior Brother Baoyan arranges the battlefield...he can do it without using his hands. Trick ten old men to death!

So, Fahai, if you encounter an opponent in the future, if it's the kind of opponent that is life-and-death, it's best if you strike coldly. If you miss a hit, you'll immediately run away... There are countless magical powers and secrets in Buddhism, and no one dares to claim to be invincible. ah!

Lu Qian nodded and listened respectfully to the teachings.

Monk Yuanjue also kept nodding, feeling that his master's words were so reasonable. When the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha finished speaking, Monk Yuanjue added: It is certainly good to act coldly and leave with one blow, but the safest way is to invite a group of colleagues and win with more!

Lu Qian smiled: Just like when the sky is clear and bright?

Monk Yuanjue laughed loudly: Just like when Qingming was empty, my master led a group of friends to surround Zhenjun Liexu, while your master invited several Buddhas to wait for the Mayfly of the Hunyuan Luotian Sect. ...However, Mayfly was cautious and did not fall for the trick, but he also took the land deeds to Qionghua Mountain and Liuxia River.

Lu Qian pursed his lips hard.

Very good, such an elder from the sect is very good.

One told him to plot something behind his back.

One taught him how to summon friends and bully others...

These are the real elders of the sect. With their status, these two people do not regard Lu Qian as a true confidant. How could they say such naked and heart-breaking words?

While they were talking and laughing, a wonderful sound sounded, and all the silver light doors simultaneously emitted a bright light that made it difficult to look directly at them.

The Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames gently moved his arm, and a flexible force pulled the three of them along with him, as he crashed into a door of light that suddenly flashed in front of them.

After they entered the door, hundreds of millions of light gates intertwined and overlapped in a dazzling way, the surrounding void rapidly changed and flowed, and the undercurrents of cold springs collided violently. The silver portal quietly disappeared in the cold springs, leaving no trace.

Behind the portal is a chaotic void!

An unbelievable and magnificent force forcibly stabilized this chaos, and condensed the chaotic torrent that contained infinite destructive power into a giant glass with mixed colors and weird colors.

In the middle of this glass space that remains motionless in the chaos, there is a huge temple that is mysterious, gorgeous, shining with magnificent divine light, and has a style that is completely different from the palace architecture of the Liangyitian Buddhist Gate.

This temple is shaped like an arrogant phoenix spreading its wings, with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. The main hall in the center is the body of the phoenix, and the side halls at both ends are the huge wings of the phoenix.

The shape of the temple is beautiful, and the internal structure is exquisite. The huge temple is integrated into one, and it is completely carved from a translucent magical material that Lu Qian does not recognize at all.

The huge palace was quietly sealed in this huge piece of chaotic glass. He seemed to be dead, with only a corpse huddled here. But inexplicably, Lu Qian had a feeling that this palace was still alive, and he was quietly looking at everyone who came here in an inexplicable way!

In Lu Qian's mind, Taichu Huntongzhu jumped slightly.

This uneasy feeling of being stared at quietly, face to face, close to the face, quietly disappeared.

A group of people were standing at the gate of this temple. Behind them, there was a silver door.

Come on! Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha clasped his hands behind his back and walked heavily up the steps leading to the main entrance of the temple: This palace... is also a good thing that Junior Brother Zhenjian risked his life to get for me back then!

Hehe, this is the true foundation of my Baoyan lineage. It would not be so easy for Black Iron to step into the realm of Buddha if it were not for this palace. Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha said with emotion: What a pity, this After all, the palace has been damaged, and the divine power is not as powerful as it was at its peak...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said in a deep voice: As a monk, don't be greedy. If this palace hadn't been so damaged, how could it have been in our hands back then? Hehe, hehe... back then...

The faces of the two Buddhas twitched and twisted at the same time, and their bodies trembled subconsciously.

Lu Qian and Monk Yuanjue looked at each other in shock. What is the origin of this palace? The two old monks aroused people's curiosity, but they didn't bother to bury them, and they didn't even bother to explain the cause and effect. It was really... annoying!

If he wasn't completely invincible, Lu Qian would really like to break the two old bald heads to see what's hidden in their minds!

Walking towards the main hall step by step.

At the main entrance of the main hall, half of the door is missing, and the other half of the door is covered in clouds and mist, with a little starlight constantly rippling outward from the depths of the door leaf.

Lu Qian casually glanced at the remaining half of the door, as if he was seeing the endless void. His whole spirit was instantly sucked into the vast star map, as if he wanted to completely merge with the endless stars on this side. of blending into one!

However, the starry sky is like a vast ocean, and Lu Qian's energy is like a drop of ink.

If you really become one with the stars... it's like a drop of ink dripping into the boundless ocean... There's no difference at all from being lost!

At this moment, the three-eyed figure was slightly shocked.

Around the three-eyed figure, the infinite star map lit up at the same time, and the stars emitted a faint light, illuminating Lu Qian's mind. Lu Qian's soul that was almost sucked away suddenly shrank inwardly. Not only was it not sucked away, but instead, wisps of starlight were pulled out from the portal and merged into the soul.

Waves of pleasant warmth flowed through his soul.

Lu Qian's soul began to transform and improve at an astonishing speed, becoming increasingly powerful and condensed.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha exclaimed. He had already taken out the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle, and was about to use this spiritual treasure to help Lu Qian's mind... But he never expected that Lu Qian was not harmed by this portal. , but got benefits from the portal!

The wisps of starlight flew out from the door and continued to merge into the appearance of Lu Qian's eyebrows. The two Buddhas and a great Bodhisattva present could see it very clearly!

This... chance of creation is beyond envy. Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha exclaimed: I am really beyond envy, tsk!

He suddenly raised his hand and slapped Monk Yuanjue on the head.

There was a loud noise, and Monk Yuanjue spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggering back more than ten feet. With a 'click', Monk Yuanjue turned his head violently. He almost broke his neck bones with so much force that he forcefully twisted his head, not daring to look at the door again!

Do you know how powerful it is? The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha said calmly: This temple is sublime and magical, and it cannot be guessed... Hey, hey, keep your mind alert and don't be careless!

Baoyan Thousand-Hand Buddha looked at Monk Yuanjue with a bit of embarrassment: Don't blame me nephew, I am just a blacksmith, and my skills are a bit rough... Isn't this slap too heavy?

Monk Yuanjue clasped his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name, his heart full of grievances.

Very good, my master only cares about his disciple, but he doesn't care about his true disciple at all. Instead, he wants an outsider to rescue him!

Tsk, this disciple was not harmed at all, but benefited from it.

And as a true disciple, am I afraid he is not a fake? Not to mention being slapped by the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames, he also spit out a mouthful of blood, which slightly damaged his cultivation of more than ten years!

That’s all, I’m a little sad!

Complaining in his heart, Monk Yuanjue did not dare to look around anymore. He guarded his mind tightly, silently used his magical powers, and followed the two Buddhas step by step.

A group of people strode into the temple.

As soon as he entered the door, the sky was filled with starlight, and wisps of starlight penetrated all the major points in his body. Lu Qian took a deep breath, and his cultivation level suddenly soared, and his whole body emitted bright golden light.

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