Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 694 Heavenly Weapon (5)

Lingyuan Mountain Baoyan Cave has been left far behind.

Lu Qian stepped on a dark golden escaping light and galloped high in the sky.

In his mind, a large square black seal was slowly merging with Lu Qian's true immortal persona.

In the center of the big seal is a unicorn with an obvious 'honest' look and wide-eyed unicorn. At the bottom of the big seal, there is a flash of dark golden divine light. On the surface of the seal, which is as smooth as a mirror, there are two ancient 'Dao Wen's' of Liang Yi Tian. The strange shapes reveal the meaning of ancient vicissitudes. They are exactly 'Fantian'. Two words.

The four sides of the seal are equally smooth, and in the hazy divine light, the images of the four sacred beasts, the blue dragon, the white tiger, the red bird, and the black basalt, can be seen rolling and flying.

However, compared with the 'serious' Four Sacred Beasts, the Green Dragon is a bit more cute, the White Tiger is a bit more sullen, the Suzaku is a bit more arrogant, and the Xuanwu is a bit more lazy and indifferent.

Just like the 'honest' Qilin...the five uncles' little appearance is indeed a bit sorry for their bloodline ancestors.

The ninth level of the true immortal, the eighty-one level of the prison Buddha.

This Fantian Seal, which was forged from six 'World Relics', the essence of several powerful corpses, and countless rare materials, is being integrated with the Prison-Suppressing Pagoda that Lu Qian condensed.

In the True Immortal Realm, the True Immortal personality is an extremely powerful but extremely fragile existence.

It is powerful because the true immortal's personality is the aggregation of the 'law of the great road' and 'jing', 'qi', and 'god'. It is the true immortal who absorbs, transforms, circulates, and controls the spirit of the immortal spirit, thereby activating magical powers and all kinds of magic. The hub of general magic.

If the true immortal's personality is not bad, then the true immortal's lifespan will be endless and his youth will be eternal. All extraordinary things and all great power will come from the true immortal's personality.

However, once the true immortal's personality is damaged, even a very slight crack will cause extremely heavy damage. It is common for cultivation to regress and realm to collapse; what is more serious is that if the Tao foundation is damaged, future cultivation will stop, and there will even be big problems with lifespan!

The so-called natal Buddha treasure is precisely designed for this powerful and fragile true immortal personality.

Collect the rare treasures of heaven and earth, use supreme means, and cast the powerful secret treasure with the power of heaven and earth, and integrate it with the true immortal personality to grow together, advance together, promote each other, and complement each other.

If the natal Buddha treasure is not damaged, then the true immortal status will not be damaged at all!

This is the fundamental meaning of the existence of the natal Buddha treasures of Buddhism and the natal immortal weapons of Taoism - protection!

As for driving the natal Buddha to kill enemies...

Generally speaking, ordinary Buddhist cultivators would not do this, because the materials and casting techniques used for their natal Buddha treasures are limited, and the rank is not too high. If you sacrifice your natal Buddha treasure easily, if it encounters a higher-level treasure, once it is damaged, there will be endless troubles.

And Lu Qian’s Fantian Seal!

The Eighty-one Major Town Prison Buddha Temple has not yet completely integrated into Fantian Seal. Lu Qian only pushed it slightly, and the square seal moved slightly. Suddenly the void shook, and the sky was filled with hurricanes, and in an instant it condensed into a black wind dragon. Wrapping Lu Qian's body, his light escape speed suddenly increased a hundred times!

The air in front suddenly twisted and agitated, and the terrifying air barrier resistance was like a giant hammer hitting his face.

His eyes almost exploded, his face rolled back violently, and the skin on his body stung. There was a crisp sound, the monk's clothes exploded into countless dust, and the skin was torn apart by the terrible wind pressure, with dense cracks like spider webs. .

The muscles squirmed suddenly, and a huge force came. The muscles could not bear this terrible force, and they were almost torn off from the bones.

Lu Qian groaned and hurriedly pressed the escape light. He couldn't control the momentum of flying forward. His body rolled forward rapidly in the air for hundreds of miles. He finally stabilized his body. He just stood up and opened his mouth. A blood arrow spurted out.

It's too powerful... Uncle Baoyan's Thousand Hands' skills are really hard to fault... Hehe, you have to be careful about hurting yourself when dancing with a giant hammer. Lu Qian smiled bitterly and used his skills with a wry smile. Recover physical injuries.

When leaving the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain, the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Baoyan boasted that because this Fantian Seal had absorbed the essence of the gods that passed away from the remains of the gods, its status was far beyond the ordinary concept. Buddha treasures, even acquired spiritual treasures in the conventional sense, cannot be compared with Him.

Lu Qian still remembers the vigorous way the Thousand-Armed Buddha of Precious Flames shook his head.

This Fantian Seal, Baoyan Thousand-Armed Buddha said, can even be called a ‘celestial weapon’...

Heavenly weapon? Lu Qian concentrated on observing the Fan Tianyin that was merging with the Prison-Suppressing Buddha in his mind, and nodded slowly: It's a little interesting, but it's not enough to call it a real heavenly weapon... A heavenly weapon... …”

Forty-nine mantras flashed rapidly in Lu Qian's mind, and the small ax was suspended in the core of Lu Qian's mind. The strange aura it exuded made Fan Tianyin have no choice but to retreat, not daring to compete with him. This core position.

This is a heavenly weapon.

Lu Qian murmured quietly, and then touched the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle in his sleeve.

It's also weird. When leaving the Baoyan Cave in Lingyuan Mountain, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha directly threw his Seven Treasures Diamond Circle to Lu Qian. He didn't say it was given to him or when he would return it. Haha. After laughing a few times, he patted his butt and disappeared.

Is it possible that there is still trouble on the way back?

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes.

He did not think that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha would arbitrarily give him the most important weapon at the bottom of the box - he was just a small role among his disciples and grandchildren. This seven-treasure diamond circle could almost represent the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha himself. In the Prison-Suppressing lineage, This is equivalent to the existence of the jade seal passed down from the country.

Even if it were to be given to a disciple, it should be the senior brother of Monk Yuanjue who is qualified.

So, is this temporarily lent to Lu Qian for ‘protection’?

After setting up the escape light again, Lu Qian flew towards Qionghua Mountain. He no longer dared to randomly mobilize the power of the Fantian Seal, but instead stimulated the 'Way of Wind' in the Fantian Seal bit by bit, increasing his speed bit by bit.

While flying quickly, Lu Qian also became more careful.

He will never forget the good deeds he did in Bailong City nine years ago. Although Monk Condor and the others did not find out who was responsible, but... what if someone broke the jar and planned to drag Monk Yuanjue along with them?

A child died in our family, but the neighbor’s baby grew white and fat. Why is this?

Why not stuff the neighbor's fat son directly into the well?

Lu Qian thought that the condor monk could do such a thing!

Not to mention, he also inexplicably offended the Brahma Wheel and the Three Secret Buddhas... Looking at the behavior of the Iron Sword Buddha in the Baoyan Cave, you know that this Brahma Wheel and the Three Secret Buddhas are not a good person either.

That's why it's reasonable for the master to give the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle to protect one's life... Well, it's not bad to be able to carry it with one's body for eight hundred years. Lu Qian murmured: The Fantian Seal is also very strong, but I want to You have to rely on your own cultivation to use it freely. I don’t know how many years of hard work it will take... But this is the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle. It is already a tame old dog. It can bite people automatically when called. It is very easy to use. It is easy to use. Very good!

Carefully along the way, Lu Qian changed his appearance several times, took dozens of moving formations along the way, spent a lot of energy and caution, and finally arrived at Huangliang City, which belongs to the Qiankun Dao to the north of Qionghua Mountain.

Being on tenterhooks and cautious all the way, Lu Qian had a hard time traveling.

There is really no other way. His current cultivation level is low, and his small body cannot withstand a casual blow from a powerful person... But among the people he offended, there are some top beings in Buddhism. If you are not careful, even if you are protected by the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle, you may be plotted against.

As a casual cultivator, he staggered out of Huangliang City and flew south slowly for a while. In front of him, by the Liuxia River, a large green flower forest was in bloom. Lu Qian felt relieved as he finally arrived at his home. Territory.

As the Lord of Qionghua Mountain, as long as he steps into the realm of Qionghua Mountain, unless someone wants to start a head-on war with the prison-suppressing lineage represented by the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, there will never be a powerful person that Lu Qian cannot afford to make trouble for him.

According to some unspoken rules, in the realm of Qionghua Mountain, those who can embarrass Lu Qian are those who are of the same seniority and status as him, and whose cultivation level will never exceed too many of his peers.

Since they are of the same generation... Lu Qian thinks that his safety is guaranteed.

Therefore, after returning to the boundary of Qionghua Mountain, Lu Qian found a hilltop to escape the light, returned to his 'fahai' appearance, stepped into the sky on an auspicious cloud, and flew slowly towards the main peak of Qionghua Mountain.

‘Fahai’ had just appeared in Qionghua Mountain and had flown less than a hundred thousand miles in the air when charming laughter came from all directions.

Wisps of pink rays of light rose from the Qionghua forest below, which was as white as snow, and turned into a wall of light blocking Lu Qian's face. In the pink light curtain, countless pink mandala flowers were flying and rising, and wisps of imaginative and strange fragrance seeped out from the light curtain, filling the area hundreds of miles around in an instant.

The originally pure and clear white viburnum forest below was affected by this strange fragrance, and the trunks, branches, and all the flowers all turned into a kitsch and coquettish deep pink.

Lu Qian's face jumped.

He said coldly: As the master of Qionghua Mountain, I am the master of Qionghua Mountain. Every plant, tree, sand and stone in this mountain belongs to me... My fellow Taoist took it without telling me and turned this beautiful Qionghua forest into this. Such vulgar appearance is just too much to deceive others, how can it be unreasonable!

In the Qionghua forest on both sides of the Liuxia River, many Qionghua trees have a climate that lasts for more than ten thousand years.

How rare are ancient trees that are thousands of years old?

The viburnum flowers produced by these viburnum trees can even be used as the main medicine in some strange prescriptions!

But the nature of these hundreds of miles of Qionghua Forest was suddenly changed by magical means... Tsk, this is like a delicate lady with a rich official family, who was sold into the Jiaofang Division after her family was ruined. Received 3,000 guests in a month...

Looking at those pink viburnum trees, Lu Qian felt angry and wanted to kill someone!

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