Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 700: The monk opens his mouth

Those who come are evil visitors. Lu Qian originally wanted to be like Monk Xue Ying. In the future, the people will directly suppress and capture them, forcing the main messenger behind them to come forward.

However, before they had time to take action, on the east bank of the Liuxia River, on the large clouds, countless Taoist immortals had already begun to make noises.

Some people clapped their hands, some stamped their feet, some sang loudly, and some simply played the erhu and the pipa.

Many real immortals even ordered the Taoist boys and followers around them to shout at the top of their lungs: Master Fahai, beat him, beat him, we are all supporting you... Beat him, beat him hard, don't give it to us face!

There was even a Daoting Immortal who yelled: Venerable Longyin, don't embarrass your senior brother, Venerable Jiulong...fuck you!

A female fairy was so excited that her face turned red, she danced and hissed: Senior Brother Huanyang, don't be afraid of that fierce monk Fahai... We sisters will support you wholeheartedly... Hee, I bet 100,000 top-grade fairy crystals on you to break the Fahai’s bald head!”

Lu Qian's face was stiff.

Monk Huanyang and Venerable Longyin looked extremely ugly.

They are all Buddhists with status and status. Do these Taoist immortals, who are noisy and fearful of the world's chaos, regard them as circus entertainers?

The three of them looked towards the east bank of Liuxia River at the same time.

Looking at the patches of clouds, the number is increasing, and it has exceeded one hundred thousand, and the one with the highest cultivation level is the Taoist True Lord who has broken through the 30th level of the True Immortal Realm and has a cultivation level equal to that of a Buddhist Bodhisattva.

The three of them withdrew their gaze at the same time.

How good!

We can't afford to offend this group of idle people watching the fun, so we can only let them watch the fun!

Lu Qian clasped his hands together, pointed toward Qionghua Mountain, and silently pressed Yun Guang.

The charming and enchanting Monk Huanyang, who could not tell his specific gender at all, twisted his waist and walked slowly out of the chariot. With the pink Buddha light under his feet, he walked to the top of Qionghua Mountain with lotus step by step.

Monk Longyin shouted loudly, and the big snow vulture swayed, retracted its huge wings, and hit the top of Qionghua Mountain like a big stone. The accompanying monk jumped off the ground, and Monk Longyin walked up to Lu Qian with his head held high.

On the smooth and flat top of the Qionghua Mountain, Lu Qian had some stones brought in to serve as tables and chairs, a pot of mountain spring water, a few tea cups, and even a piece of tea leaves.

Monk Huanyang and Monk Longyin were stunned.

Monk Longyin's snow-white face instantly became...whiter. Because of the skill, the essence and blood in Monk Longyin's body was as white as ice and snow. The more angry he became, the blood surged up, and his skin became whiter, almost transparent.

Monk Huanyang's face turned pink and he stamped his feet angrily: Junior Brother Fahai, what do you mean? Is it possible that your huge Qionghua Mountain cannot bring out a pot of fragrant tea? There is no room to entertain guests. What?

Lu Qian sat steadily on a jagged stone, holding a cup of white water in his hands and took a slow sip, and then said coldly: There is fragrant tea... but it is only used to entertain real guests. ! As for the palace to entertain guests, there was originally one, but it was all broken into pieces and there was no time to rebuild it!

In the heart of the mountain, in the Qionghua Yu Mansion, a small moving array is constantly lighting up.

In the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, those Taoist monks who have condensed the status of true immortals are following Lu Qian's order. Each Taoist monk of the first level of heaven brings with him three hundred Taoist monks of the heavenly realm. Following the moving formation, we headed to many temples in the Qionghua Mountains.

As mentioned before, there is a temple built every 100,000 miles in the main mountain range of Qionghua Mountain.

Qionghua Mountain winds for nearly 500 million miles, and there are nearly 5,000 temples in this mountain range. These temples are the hub of the formation that covers the entire Qionghua Mountain Range.

If Lu Qian didn't come back, no one could mobilize these Taoist monks.

After Lu Qian came back, he transferred these true immortal-level Taoist monks to the temple hubs, and the entire mountain-protecting formation in the Qionghua Mountains could barely function.

Without the presence of these true immortal-level Taoist monks, the mountain-protecting formation in the Qionghua Mountains would probably be able to barely withstand the attacks of the lowest-level little Bodhisattvas. With the most basic number of true immortals stationed, the entire formation is in operation. No one but the top Bodhisattva can step into the huge Qionghua Mountain.

When Lu Qian was talking to the two evil guests, there were already more than 600 true immortal-level Taoist monks, leading their subordinate monks and arriving at his future place of command with the help of the moving formation.

Monk Huanyang looked at Monk Longyin.

It was the disciples of the Dami Jinlun Temple who borrowed the Buddha's treasures and razed the temple buildings on the top of Qionghua Mountain to the ground.

Monk Long Yin sat heavily opposite Lu Yi. He stared directly at Lu Yi and said coldly: Are you blaming Junior Brother Xueying for being too harsh? Why don't you say that it's your Qionghua Mountain disciple who is incompetent?

Lu Qian looked at Monk Long Yin with a smile.

Monk Long Yin stared at Lu Qian with an unkind look.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and then Lu Qian smiled and said: He came to block my mountain gate with the Buddha's treasures... He bullied me, and the people who belong to Qionghua Mountain didn't have the corresponding Buddha treasures to deal with it, and they blocked my mountain gate for nine years...

Monk Long Yin said calmly: As Buddhist disciples, it is common for us to come to our homes to ask for advice and take the Dharma test.

Monk Longyin tapped his fingers lightly on the huge stone that served as the tea table in front of him, and said proudly: Your Qionghua Mountain has been blocked for nine years, which only proves the incompetence of your Qionghua Mountain disciples.

Lu Qian's smile became brighter: So, I will take those... you just said, Monk Xue Ying? I will capture them alive and put them on display outside the mountain gate. It is also reasonable!

Monk Longyin leaned forward slightly and said word by word: It's simply ridiculous... You humiliated me, a disciple of Dami Jinlun Temple, in such a ruthless and ruthless manner, and you wasted no time on our friendship as Buddhist disciples... so His behavior is simply that of an evil heretic!”

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes, Fan Tianyin and the small ax were about to move in his mind.

That's a wonderful thing to say. Lu Qian smiled and said, You come here to provoke, just to test the Dharma, instead of using the Buddha's treasure to bully others... And I punish a group of evil thieves who come to the door and bark, they are evil heretics!

Monk Longyin said solemnly: Isn't it?

Lu Chen blinked his eyes and suddenly laughed loudly. He laughed for a long time before applauding and said: Well, everyone is a Buddhist thief. A sharp tongue is already a talent engraved in the bones, and the skills of the tongue are They are both quite good, but when we start to compare them, no one can convince anyone.

All the rhetoric, all the clever words, all the threats and roars, all the strong arguments... in the final analysis, they are just interests. Lu Qian looked at Monk Huanyang and Monk Longyin deeply: To put it crudely, everyone is She became a bitch and wanted real money, but she had to act like a wealthy lady and a lady of the world, saying that her money was clean and pure!

You! The expressions of Monk Huanyang and Monk Longyin were unpredictable.

Buddhist disciples are the best at debating.

But what is the purpose of the debate?

Lu Qian put it extremely brilliantly - all sophistry is ultimately for profit.

He did something unsightly and got dirty benefits, but he still had to lick the dirt off the gold, silver and copper coins with his own tongue...

This is what is called - 'occupying the moral high ground'!

Monk Huanyang, Monk Longyin, and the large group of Buddhist cultivators accompanying them all looked unhappy.

Everyone knows what this set of Buddhist magic is.

However, everyone is living under this set of unspoken rules.

You have to make your words clear...then you are out of line!

Lu Qian picked up the tea cup, took a sip of boiled water, and said calmly: Okay, don't worry about so many things. Buddha was born a rough man. When he was in the lower world, he worked as a cruel official, an officer, and committed murder and arson. He does a lot of things, and he also likes and is best at killing people and setting fires... What he hates the most is having a tongue-in-cheek competition with those civil servants!

Putting on the face of a mountain king, Lu Qian pointed at Huanyang Monk: On the way back to Qionghua Mountain, Lord Buddha, there were several demon girls who blocked the way, and they were killed by Lord Buddha... They should be the foxy ones from your Mingguang Cave lineage... …I’ll argue with you about this later!”

Lu Qian said coldly: A group of evil demon girls who are filthy at heart, using the name of Buddhist cultivation and causing chaos in Buddhism, dare to cause trouble for me, Lord Buddha... Hey!

Lu Qian's words were unpleasant to hear.

Monk Huanyang raised his eyebrows, and he was about to yell angrily as he was used to being arrogant.

Lu Min, who was sitting on the highest floor of the 108th floor pagoda behind Lu Qian and was looking down at the excitement, gave a weird laugh. He stamped his foot, and the pagoda roared with a roar. The majestic earth energy flowed into the pagoda, and a prison-suppressing power comparable to that of the Great Bodhisattva fell on his head.

Huanyang Monk let out a sweet cry and slapped the ground on the ground. His whole body, as well as the little nuns and witches he brought with him, all froze on the spot and could no longer move.

Monk Long Yin's face twitched rapidly. He looked at Lu Qian and suddenly laughed wildly: Okay, okay, okay, you Fahai, you are interesting... Well, I have a few things to explain to you clearly when I come here this time. .”

Lu Qian waved his hand and said calmly: If you have something to say, you have to fart!

Monk Longyin raised his brows and said solemnly: My junior brother, Xueya Monk, the attack on him has something to do with you!

Lu Qian looked at Monk Long Yin in shock: What?

Monk Long Yin narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Yi: Junior Brother Xueya ascended to the upper world and has never had a grudge with anyone. He has never had an enmity with anyone... The only grudge he has is that he competed with you for the master of Qionghua Mountain at Dajue Temple. One thing, the result is cause and effect!

Afterwards, Junior Brother Xueya unleashed an unknown fire. Please ask Junior Brother Yinxiu of Mingguangdong, who you have made friends with, to come to Qionghua Mountain to cause trouble for you.

Lu Qian shouted as if he had suddenly realized something: That Yinxiu came out weird, is it your Dami Jinlun Temple that is behind this feeling?

Monk Longyin said hurriedly: It has nothing to do with Master, and has nothing to do with Dami Jinlun Temple. It's just Junior Brother Xueya...

Lu Qian stood up, grabbed the tea cup and smashed it towards Monk Long Yin's bald head.

Monk Long Yin dodged, and the tea cup flew past his head.

Lu Qian said angrily: Shameless, despicable... What is the difference between what you Dami Jinlun Temple is doing and the evil heretics? It's an upright gambling fight. Lord Buddha, I won openly, but you are actually doing something behind my back?

Monk Long Yin shouted at the top of his lungs: What if that's the case? Junior Brother Xueya's plan failed, Yin Xiu died, Junior Brother Xueya's golden body collapsed... This matter must have something to do with you!

Lu Qian took a deep breath and stretched out his hand towards Monk Long Yin: Evidence!

Lu Qian shouted sharply: Give me the evidence, Lord Buddha!

Dark golden clouds rolled behind his head, and the phantom of Fan Tianyin slowly emerged. He angrily shouted: If you dare to pour dirty water on Buddha without evidence, Buddha will break your dog's head!

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