Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 711 Exile (4)

Zhenmo Ridge, Zhenzi Ninth City.

This is a city built along the slope of the Wailing Ridge, which runs east-west, at the southern foot of the mountain.

Behind is the mountain. The black iron-colored mountain is densely covered with bloodthirsty pines and covered with man-eating vines. The trunks and vines of these bloodthirsty pine trees and man-eating vines are all the color of blood. Countless bones are densely packed in the pine forest. Yin energy is rising all day long, and the evil energy is soaring into the sky. It is really the most dangerous place in the world.

The Ninth City with the word Zhen is one of the earliest garrison fortresses built on the Zhenmo Ridge line.

The original city was only a dozen miles in diameter and could barely accommodate tens of thousands of people. After successive repairs and expansions, the city is now two thousand miles long from east to west and a hundred miles wide from north to south. The number of true immortals and monks in the city is nearly ten million.

The city wall, which is a hundred feet high and densely covered with countless formation restrictions, is mottled with countless bloodstains. Wisps of weird smoke seep out from the city wall, snaking upwards like a living snake along the city wall, emitting sharp roars from time to time. Cries.

On the city wall, a group of soldiers wearing heavy armor and holding long swords walked slowly past. They were all true immortals, but their bodies were filled with an unpleasant smell. Their faces were tattooed with bloody golden seals. On the left cheek were the five bloody characters Zhenzi Ninth City, and on the right cheek was the bloody word sin.

Yinyuan walked in the team, his face stiff, his eyes blank, and his steps heavy like a zombie. The metal boots fell heavily to the ground, making a muffled sound.

Being sent to the Demon-Suppressing Ridge, I originally thought it was the darkest moment in my life, but I didn't expect that Taoist Master Taiwei of Biluo Taoist Palace would actually assign the status of 'criminal prisoners' to Yinyuan and his party.

In Demon-Suppressing Ridge, what kind of existence do ‘criminals’ exist?

You do the dirty work.

You do the hard work.

If you have to work hard, it's up to you.

When evil spirits attack the city, you must be on the front line.

When you want to explore the secret areas outside the city, you have to be at the forefront.

If we go to the bloodthirsty pine forest at the back and collect those rare secret medicines that are watered with countless blood essences, and those man-eating vines with astonishing lethality, we will naturally have to have 'baits' to attract their attention... and so on. A life of narrow escape, of course, is still a crime.

In particular, it is impossible for the guilty prisoner to escape from the Demon Suppressing Ridge!

After they were sent here, they were like soybeans thrown into a stone mill. They were bound to be crushed to pieces and squeezed out of the last trace of oil star particles in their bodies. When they turned into completely useless waste, they could dig a hole at will and go there. Once buried in the pit, it became the foundation of this city...

Well, being able to turn into a foundation is quite lucky. At least it represents a 'good death' and a 'burial ground'.

When encountering a city lord who is on duty with a more ruthless approach, the dead true immortals are still rare resources. Their skin, flesh, bones, tendons, and even souls can be used to refine various rare immortal weapons...

He died without a burial place, and his body was not intact. After being torn apart into pieces, he was left alone and could never be reborn!

This is an extremely common thing for prisoners in Demon Suppressing Ridge.

Many sneaky methods that cannot be used blatantly in other places can be used unscrupulously on the prisoners in Demon Suppressing Ridge - Prisoners, who would regard the prisoners in Demon Suppressing Ridge as human beings?

Not even a pig or a dog! Yinyuan clenched Chang Ge in his right hand and gritted his teeth hard.

In the past few years, the experience in Zhenmo Ridge has been like a nightmare. It was like thick and dirty glue that wrapped around him and entangled him. No matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free from this nightmare.

A ray of light fell from the sky and landed directly next to Yinyuan's group of prisoners.

Dozens of prisoners lowered their heads in fear - in Zhenmo Ridge, those labeled as prisoners were not even qualified to look directly at ordinary monks. If they dared to raise their heads and look directly at others, they would either be beaten or scolded. This is light... It is not unusual for him to be beheaded directly on the spot when he encounters the violent Da Xian'er.

A sharp sound of 'chila' burst out, and a lightning bolt as thick as a thumb struck Yinyuan's body hard.

The electric light was so powerful that the heavy armor on Yinyuan's body failed to play any defensive role. The thick armor was penetrated, and violent electric current poured into Yinyuan's body. His body suddenly lit up and was almost turned translucent by the electric current. shape.

Yinyuan roared and screamed, his body twitched and he fell heavily to the ground.

Before he could recover from the terrible electric shock, the person stepped heavily on his head, wisps of purple fairy light burst out, Yinyuan's helmet shattered, and the opponent's helmet was inlaid with countless The green dragon scale boots rubbed and crushed his face, grinding his entire face to pieces.

Blood gushed out like spring water, and Yinyuan's skull made a crunching sound.

Yin Yuan... Emperor Yin... it's time to pay off the debt. The person who came, a tall, thin, middle-aged man with a cold temperament, touched the mustache on his upper lip, raised his head slightly and looked at the sky, and kept tapping his right foot. He stomped on Yinyuan's head.

A few more days of grace. Yinyuan screamed: A few more days of grace...Old Yu and the others will be back in a few days...

Those loyal dogs of yours? The visitor laughed playfully, waving his hand and driving away the prisoners from Yinyuan's group. The sound of thumping footsteps was heard in a chaotic manner, and dozens of prisoners ran away as if running for their lives.

Speaking of it, it's hard for them...a group of eunuchs who were imprisoned in the Demon Suppressing Ridge have already reached this level, but they are still loyal to you, the former emperor...so loyal! Tsk!

The person came with a smile, a wisp of purple fairy energy dropped from his hand, wrapped around Yinyuan's neck, lifted him up like a fisherman, and left quickly with his feet on the flowing clouds.

In the ninth city of the town, in front of the palace of the city lord, more than a dozen real immortals wearing half-length immortal armor and immortal robes stood in front of the door, lazily talking about the latest happenings in the city.

Seeing the cold middle-aged man descending from the sky with Yinyuan in his arms, a man with long hair and snow-colored peony-like light patterns looming around him from time to time, he immediately laughed: Why did Shopkeeper Shan personally collect the debt? Tsk, this is, Is this the emperor? How much does he owe you?

Shopkeeper Shan grinned: It's not much, but I can't afford to pay him back after draining his bone marrow of oil... I don't expect him to be able to clear his account. Today, we'll take him for a test and let those Those bastards who owe my family money should know better!

At the fingertips, the ground cracked, and a stream of clear spring spurted out, instantly turning into an ice pile as thick as a hug.

Shopkeeper Shan laughed strangely and threw Yinyuan onto the ice pile.

Countless thin ice crystal barbs spurted out from the ice pile with a swish, piercing Yinyuan's body and firmly fixed on the ice pile. The cold air entered his body, and Yinyuan's body, which had just been convulsed by the electric current, was suddenly frozen to the point of cracking, and he couldn't help but let out a miserable howl.

The next moment, Shopkeeper Shan raised his hand, and three electric whips with a harsh hissing sound fell on Yinyuan in an instant, causing lightning to splash all over his body, and large areas of flesh and blood were burnt into coke.

Countless monks gathered from all directions, pointing at Yinyuan and exclaiming.

In the major cities in Zhenmo Ridge, the origins of monks are extremely complex.

The largest number were those like Yinyuan, who had violated the sect's precepts or offended the sect's senior officials, and were stamped with the prisoner's gold seal and thrown in to work hard to earn their lives.

Then, there are the great disciples who come from Taoism and Buddhism and have a tacit understanding.

They took turns to station and guard in these cities, some for a long time and some for a short time. The short ones had been stationed here for ten or eight years, and the elders had been stationed here for about a thousand years.

In addition to these disciples from the great sect who are tasked with garrisoning, there are also idle disciples from large and small sects who form their own teams and come to these cities to 'adventure' and 'make a fortune'. There are a large number of these monks, and most of them are one or two true immortals who come with a large group of fellow disciples.

Many of these people came to Zhenmo Ridge for the first time, so they also liked to watch the excitement the most.

Regardless of the disciples of these sects, the ones who travel most diligently to and from Zhenmo Ridge are those belonging to large and small caravans. Some of these caravans are backed by the great sects of Buddhism and Taoism, and some are backed by the strength of top families... The personnel are complex and mixed, but they are the ones who like to watch the excitement and inquire about news.

To use the words of a senior true monarch who is in charge of the Demon Ridge - these low-life caravans, even if they come across a ball of cow dung, they will go up and smell it, or even taste it themselves to see if they can Find something cheap.

Among these more serious people, there are also a large number of irregular people.

For example, those who have committed crimes, killed people, violated the rules and regulations of the sect, and all kinds of fugitives, when they have no way out, they will come to Suppressing Demon Ridge and take shelter under the unique rules of Suppressing Demon Ridge. Next - In the major cities in Zhenmo Ridge, the Taoist court and the Buddhist sect jointly issued a ban, strictly prohibiting 'normal' monks from fighting among themselves!

Therefore, Yinyuan, the 'irregular' criminal, was tortured in public. A large group of people of all kinds gathered from all directions, all looking at Yinyuan with twinkling eyes and various purposes.

Shopkeeper Shan had a whip covered with barbs on his hand.

He took his time and whipped Yinyuan with a whip, each blow was deep enough to the bone, causing Yinyuan to twitch and scream incessantly.

Ever since he was a child, has Yinyuan ever suffered like this?

Fellow Taoists, fellow Taoists, watch out! Shopkeeper Shan shouted loudly as he whipped Yinyuan: I'm going to Shan Youren, the big shopkeeper of the Renyi Bank in the ninth city of Zhenzi City. If you have any on hand, fellow Taoists, If you have any inconvenience, lack of turnover, or need to cross the bridge in an emergency to scrape together funds, you can go to our Renyi Bank!

Open the convenience door and welcome customers from all over the world! Our Renyi Bank has no other benefits, it is just a 'loyalty', 'loyalty', or damn 'loyalty'. Whenever fellow Taoists ask for help, I, the Renyi Bank, will never hesitate!

However, we at Renyi Bank believe in loyalty, and we hope that all fellow Taoists will also abide by their promises, right?

This guy's name is Yinyuan. Hey, he was originally a majestic emperor... But after he fell into the Demon Suppressing Ridge and became a prisoner, he has to follow the rules, right?

Three years ago, his wife was seriously ill. She borrowed 30,000 low-grade immortal crystals from our Renyi Bank and bought a Baicao Marrow-filling Pill to save her life... Our Renyi Bank is about loyalty. Damn it, it's still loyalty... This Since he doesn’t have enough money and can’t turn over the money at the moment, we are not in a hurry to ask him to pay it back!”

Now, this money has been delayed for more than three years. With compound interest, it has already reached 300,000 high-grade immortal crystals!

He... actually hasn't come out yet! Shopkeeper Shan hissed: He hasn't even paid out the money... He has even been in arrears with interest for several days... Is this really justified? This, Is there any royal law?

Another whip fell hard on Yinyuan.

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