Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 720: Breaking the Precepts (4)

In broad daylight, I visited a brothel.

Hiss...this kind of thing is not a problem. There are always some real immortals with eccentric temperaments, who have a lot of work and are not short of money. They set up a table of wine in broad daylight and invite a few female Taoists who are extremely beautiful or have great powers to discuss the mysteries of heaven and earth and study human beings... ...Oh, no, it is the wonderful principle of reproduction of intelligent creatures!

This is practice!

This is enlightenment!

This is the highest state of pursuing harmony between yin and yang, and harmony between heaven and earth!

Therefore, everything is reasonable!

However, as a Buddhist cultivator, leading a hundred thousand subordinates to surround a brothel in broad daylight... This kind of thing is simply ridiculous!

Even if Monk Hua, a Buddhist monk from the great joy lineage, closes the door in private on his own territory, not to mention a hundred thousand people, if you gather millions of disciples, the Heavenly Witch and the like, no one will care about you!

But this is Demon-Suppressing Ridge!

The land where Taoism and Buddhism share the same control!

Countless forces, large and small, are intertwined, and countless men, women, and children are in full view... Any little thing that happens here will be spread in all directions through various channels at the fastest speed.

A serious person would not have the face to do such a thing!

With a smile on his face and a Zen staff in his hand, Lu Qian stood calmly in front of the gate of the 'Human Face Flower'. His appearance was solemn and majestic, and he looked like a great Buddhist monk.

Compared with Lu Qian, whose whole body was filled with a sense of awe-inspiring righteousness, Yelu Ting, who was also standing in front of the gate of Human Face Flower, seemed to be covered with fleas, squirming, blushing, and wanting to hit him head on. On the ground, open a big hole in the ground and bury yourself three thousand miles underground.

One hundred thousand monk soldiers, some stood on the clouds, and some filled the surrounding streets and alleys, completely surrounding the 'Human Face Flower' which covers an area of ​​two to three hundred acres.

Human face flowers are some strange flowers that are born with psychedelic effects in the wild area in the south of Zhenmo Ridge. They absorb the yin and yang energy of the newly opened world in the wild area, and they also happen to absorb the essence and blood of the fallen female fairy. , thus giving birth to a strange flower.

It is shaped like a beautiful face, with thousands of colors and postures, so beautiful and alluring. He is especially good at exhaling fragrance. If you are not well-educated, if you inhale this fragrance even a little bit, it will trigger the Yin Fire in your body, burning you until your bone marrow is exhausted and you will die!

Deep in the mountains of the south, it is said that a human-faced flower that has survived for millions of years has been discovered. An expedition team led by a Buddhist Bodhisattva was accidentally plotted. The entire team, thousands of Buddhist masters, were all burned into relics by their own evil fire. son!

‘Human Face Flower’ is also a well-known chain store and a big company in Zhenmo Ridge!

One hundred and eight towns all have brothels with Human Face Flower plaques... And the Human Face Flower in the ninth city of the town, among the one hundred and eight buildings, has the best scale and quality. , can also be ranked among the top three.

In all directions, countless monks are using their own methods, either standing in the air, sitting on the roof, or using various spells and magical powers in the house. In short, there are at least two to three million monks, who are watching the activities here with great excitement.

Faintly, there was the sound of light clouds and drizzle.

The Lord of Yelu City has always been very upright and not flirtatious with women... I didn't expect that he would be so anxious today?

Is there something hidden?

Could it be that the new monk, the deputy city lord, invited the Yelu city lord to go out together in broad daylight?

Scared, no matter what his secrets are, no matter how he invites him, spread the news quickly... Yelu Ting of the Yelu clan of Qingtian Star Palace, regardless of official duties in broad daylight, went straight to the human-faced flower to visit prostitutes, and violently snatched away eighteen young people. The pure body of the fox demon... spread it quickly!

Hey, send a message to the other direct sons of the Yelu family in Zhenmo Ridge... How much reward can I get?

Is there any injury to the Lord of Yelu City?

I don't care if he is injured or not, let's destroy him first. The direct son of the Yelu family will always be happy!

Various tiny sounds came from all directions, intentionally or unintentionally.

Yelu Ting's divine body is powerful and his supernatural powers are vast. How can these sounds of light clouds and drizzle be hidden from him? But what can he do?

The tip of his tongue licked the root of the big tooth that he had just bitten into pieces, feeling the tingling sensation as the big tooth regrown bit by bit, as well as the sweetness in his mouth, with a cold, cold starry aura. Yelu Ting coughed slightly at the taste of blood and pointed to the luxurious pavilion behind the colorful gilded archway in front of him.

Deputy City Lord, this is the Human Face Flower. Yelu Ting lowered his voice: I know why you are here...but don't make too much trouble. The backstage of the Human Face Flower, haha, I don't want to mess with it!

Lu Qian looked at Ye Luting in surprise: You actually know why I'm here? Haha, I just injured one of your tribesmen and threatened you with violence, and you actually kindly reminded me?

Ye Luting took a deep breath and looked at Lu Qian helplessly: I just want you not to cause trouble to me...that's all. You have already caused me a lot of trouble. ...However, I can still tolerate it for the time being.

After a pause, the fairy light floated around Yeluting, suppressing the next words to the two of them. The monks who were watching the excitement could no longer hear Yeluting's words clearly.

The people behind the scenes are really tough. If you get into a fight with them, I will be the unlucky one in the end!

Yelu Ting looked at Lu Qian with a wry smile: So, give me some face... No, it's too much!

Lu Qian looked Ye Luting up and down, and nodded slowly: It's not easy for a bastard from a big family... But you don't even dare to offend an old madam who runs a brothel. Where did you get the face? Let me give it to you. Do you have face?

Yeluting was stunned!

This is so heartbreaking!

Although it is very real, but... it is so unpleasant!

He inexplicably clenched his hands into fists and looked at Lu Qian with a ferocious expression - If I were a lucky person like you, and could join the top sect of Buddhism, the Prison Suppressing Lineage, and become a true disciple of the Buddha Lineage just after ascending... As for what I would say to you Do you, a crazy monk with weak cultivation, bow your head again and again?

Gritting his teeth, Yelu Ting said in a deep voice: Go and ask someone to open the door!

Behind Yelu Ting, a Yelu tribesman wearing silver armor and whose cultivation level was at the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm strode forward. He held down a gold mace hanging on his waist with his left hand, and knocked heavily on Renmianhua's closed door with his right hand several times.

Boss Chi, Boss Chi, open the door, open the door, I have something to do with you! the Yelu people shouted loudly.

There was no sound or any movement in the elegant bird house.

Yelu Ting's face became extremely ugly...

Lu Qian looked at Ye Luting with a smile: Come on, look, people don't take you as the city lord seriously. You are the city lord, tsk tsk, you actually close the door to thank guests? Haha!

Yelu Ting took a deep breath, looked at Lu Qian, and suddenly laughed: Well, I, the city lord, have no face, how can you, the deputy city lord, be so good? I'm just an unappreciated bastard in the Yelu family. Damn it. You are capable and have worked hard until now...Master Fahai, you are the true successor of the Buddha lineage of the prison-suppressing lineage!

Yelu Ting seemed to realize something all of a sudden, and his smile became brighter and brighter: I really want to say it's embarrassing, but you are the most embarrassed, right? Is this a well-digging hole, waiting for you to jump out of it?

Lu Qian looked at Ye Luting, then at the closed door of Renmianhua, and laughed hehehe.

After laughing a few times, Lu Qian strode forward, picked up the Zen staff, and hit the door of the Human Face Flower with a heavy blow. There was a loud noise, and the extremely beautifully carved dragon and phoenix doors, decorated with various colored gemstone slices, pearls and gold foil, etc., shattered into pieces.

Lu Qian whistled, and from all directions, a group of fierce monks heard the sound and moved.

The heavy Zen staff hit the wall of the human-faced flower with a deep chant, and with a loud bang, the wall of the human-faced flower was completely shattered in just one breath, revealing the inside. Beautiful yard.

A group of monks dressed in brocade robes angrily poured out of each monastery and pavilion. They stepped on the light and stood several feet in the air above the ground.

Each of these monks in gilded clothes blew their noses and stared. A dazzling flying sword rose into the air, spinning at high speed above their heads, pulling out a long rainbow, and scolding the great monks in all directions.

A woman who was born with a round face and was very pretty. The cloth wrapped around her body barely covered a few vital points. She was surrounded by a group of maids and maids. She rushed out of a nine-story building in the middle. The wind blew under her feet, and she was instantly dead. In front of Lu Qian and Yelu Ting.

Danfeng eyes with watery eyes glanced sideways at Lu Qian. The woman stretched out two snow-white and pink arms and grabbed Yelu Ting's sleeves: Lord Yelu, Nunu, what is the tax on the bright side of each month, secretly? The benefits include those girls in your family who were prostituted by Uncle Yelu for free, but there was no discount at all and they were all delivered on time and in quantity!

The day before yesterday, Mr. Yeluming, the law enforcement officer, called my two good daughters over and pampered them all night long. He didn't even give him the cheapest Qi-boosting pill... Isn't Nunu considered filial?

What's the matter? You men of the Yelu family have pulled out the source of trouble and then you don't admit it? Are you here today?

Tell me, kill or chop, what's the plan?

This rather beautiful woman threw herself on her back and fell to the ground with a bang. She made an extremely inelegant 'big' shape and shouted loudly: Come on, Yelu's family Men, what do you want to do to Nunu? Nunu, I will treat you like a ghost. If you come ten or eight, Nunu, I will bear it alone... If you come hundreds and thousands, how can you be afraid of me, Nunu? you?

In all directions, countless idlers who were watching the excitement and fearing that it was not a big deal cheered in unison, and there were even real immortals with superb cultivation who used their magic power to spread applause and laughter all over the sky.

Well done to Chi Mama!

Isn't that right? These uncles from the Yelu family are all weaklings... Hehe, Chi's mother personally stepped in, hehe...

Men of the Yelu family, come on, what are you afraid of? Mother Chi has already put up a fight, could you...

Unbridled laughter was spreading, and suddenly a miserable howl rose into the sky.

Lu Qian raised his Zen staff and blasted Chi's mother's body with one blow!

The enchanting and beautiful body was instantly annihilated, leaving no trace of flesh and blood, only a ray of fairy soul floating in the air, screaming and escaping into the depths of the human face flower.

Evil devil, where can you escape? Lu Qian laughed, and the power of suppressing the prison swept across, and immediately solidified the ray of immortal soul in the void.

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