Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 729: Endless and meaningless calculations

Zhenzi Ninth City.

At the corner, there is a beautiful green mountain.

The entire mountain is shaped like a round drum, with ninety-nine and eighty-one orifices on it. Each orifice is connected to the earth's veins and has a strong aura. Every place can be called a blessed place for cultivation and an excellent cave.

A huge green mountain was surrounded in the center by a pink wall that was only about a foot high and no more than a foot thick. It was covered with hollow patterns, without any restrictions or formation protection.

Directly south of this circle of pink walls, there is a small door. The thin wooden door is made of the most common jujube wood, painted with a layer of original color tung oil, without any decoration or any means of defense. .

On the right side of the wooden door, there is a small black and pink sign with crimson paint and a line of small words scrawled on it - 'Private house, please do not enter unless you are allowed'!

In the world of cultivation, if such a defenseless wall encloses such a green mountain with enough aura to become the foundation of a small sect, it stands to reason that countless people would have been peeping at it and even trying to rob it.

But in the ninth city of the town, this nameless green mountain, and even within ten miles of the surrounding wall, is one of the areas with the best security, the most peace, and the most tranquility.

Even the officials of the city lord's palace and the city guards who maintain law and order will not come near here if nothing happens.

The owner here’s surname is ‘Chi’!

The ‘red’ in the surname of Dongxuan Taoist Saint!

At the foot of the green mountain, where nine spiritual streams converge, large green bamboos resemble phoenix tails, swaying in the breeze. In the bamboo forest, there is a monastery. Every beam, every pillar, every brick, every tile is extremely exquisite. Its luxury and magnificence simply exceed the limits of mortal imagination!

Beside the stream, a fat, naive, big white tiger was lying on the ground, breathing ssssss, and sniffing a green orchid very seriously.

Next to the big white tiger, on a big rock, a beautiful girl was smiling slightly, her green onion-like fingers bouncing like flying, playing a guqin with a dragon head and a phoenix tail, and a shimmering light. The sound of the piano was gurgling, erratic and agile, perfectly blending into the surrounding scenery, and attracted a large group of thumb-sized colorful kingfishers, circling and flying comfortably around the girl.

Not far away is the Jingshe, on the third floor. This floor is a large flat floor that has been opened up. The four walls are made of crystal clear natural crystal stones that look like nothing. Standing in the building, you can enjoy the scenery in all directions without any obstruction. The sky is bright and clear, and the entire floor seems to blend in with the surrounding landscape.

A handsome young man with long hair, wearing a coarse white robe, bare chest, bare feet, with a wild and carefree expression, is on the terrace facing the stream. In front of him is a huge painting table with a carpet spread on it. A huge piece of white paper several feet long and nine feet high, with dozens of paintbrushes of various sizes floating around him, and inks and pigments of various colors in exquisite jade bottles also floating around him out of thin air.

The young man moved his pen as fast as he could, shaking his head, and wrote down the green mountains, the spiritual stream, the bamboo forest, the innocent white tiger, the beautiful girl, and the group of kingfishers flying around the girl in front of him. Picture scroll.

Seeing that a beautiful and masterpiece-like painting was about to be completed, the young man suddenly frowned.

His eyes flickered, he tilted his head and looked straight at the big white tiger for a long time: Well, it's my fault... How can this white cat be a male tiger? Well, today's year , month, hour... let me calculate it!

After counting with his hands for a moment, the young man shook his head and sighed: Go and change to a female tiger. Today, it is not suitable for a male tiger to enter the painting... This guy really deserves to die. There can be no trace of anything in my painting. Flaws, any shortcomings... This guy wasted so much of my time, dragging it down, skinning it and hanging it up.

Well, tonight, just make me a whole tiger feast. Its little whip will be boiled carefully using the recipe of 'Jiuyang Pure Soup'. When I entered samadhi recently, I felt a little weak and short of breath. I'm afraid My body is a little weak, so I need to replenish it!

In the air, several dim light patterns flashed past.

The big white tiger whose cultivation level was around the 20th level of a True Immortal let out a horrified whimper and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Not long after, a big white tiger that was exactly the same as the big white tiger, except that its gender had been changed, lay down beside the stream cautiously, putting on a naive, ignorant and innocent look, wagging its tail, and sniffing the flower in front of it seriously. Green orchid.

The girl was still sitting on the big stone, the music of the piano was melodious, and there was no change in her expression or body posture.

Perfect! The young man applauded softly and praised: Any skill must be treated wholeheartedly and no details are ignored. Only then can the skill be studied to the extreme. This is true for these arts, and the same is true for any major event.

The fact that I can clearly understand this truth at such a young age shows that I am truly born with a sage and a wisdom as great as the sea. Hey, no one in my family, counting eighteen generations up or down, can beat me. mine.

Loneliness, loneliness, on the top of an independent mountain, overlooking all living beings, I, Chi Tianming, dominate and dominate the peak. It is said that it is cold at high places, there are few close friends, and the strings are broken... Who can understand?

Chi Tianming muttered to himself in an extremely intoxicated manner, waved his hands gently, and two girls walked up lightly, carefully cleaned the painting table, and made it spotless, and then A new huge piece of white paper was carefully laid out.

The girl retreated silently. Chi Tianming tilted his head and stared blankly at the Lingxi River, the bamboo forest, the white tiger, and the girl... He listened to the faint sound of the piano in the air, and closed his eyes extremely intoxicated. With his eyes, he began to conceive of his painting and began to brew the artistic conception of the painting in his heart.

A slightly dark-skinned man, wearing a green robe and a snow-white feather coat, holding a flaming fan, and with three long beards, looked quite shrewd... In other words, a middle-aged man who looked a bit sinister and treacherous. Stairs, hurriedly walked up to the third floor.

He looked at Chi Tianming who was immersed in an inexplicable artistic conception and couldn't extricate himself, and said solemnly: Master!

Chi Tianming remained motionless, tears streaming from the corners of his eyes.

He didn't know what he thought of, but he was still moved to tears by the picture and artistic conception outlined in his mind, and his body even trembled slightly. At this moment, even if a thunderbolt hit his ears, it would be difficult to wake him up from this inexplicable mood.

The middle-aged man frowned, walked up to Chi Tianming, and snapped his right thumb and index finger next to his ear.

Chi Tianming shook his head, with a strange smile, and whispered in a low voice: Auntie, don't make trouble, let me sleep for a while.

The middle-aged man's face turned black. Several streaks of fire and lightning lit up at his fingertips, and a loud bang exploded, shaking the entire monastery. In all directions, the large bamboo forest shook violently. , countless bamboo leaves rose into the air, like sharp green arrows, hitting the surroundings with a sound of breaking through the air, beating the bamboo forest to pieces.

Beside the Lingxi River, the white tiger was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

The body of the girl playing the piano trembled with excitement, and her face turned pale and pale. But she obviously has excellent Qi-nurturing skills. Even though she was shocked, she still sat motionless on the big stone. The sound of the piano only slightly messed up a few beats, and then returned to the same state as before, still so erratic, clever and moving.

Chi Tianming trembled with fright, and jumped up to a height of more than ten feet with a 'ouch' sound.

'Bah, bah, bah', I don't know what's wrong with Chi Tianming. He is the best in the true fairyland, and there is no impurity or dirt in his body. He is actually frightened by a middle-aged man's thunder close to his ears. Farted three times.

Chi Tianming, who was extremely embarrassed, opened his eyes, stared directly at the middle-aged man, and said angrily: Mr. Mo, what are you doing? Do you know that you ruined a masterpiece!

Mr. Mo waved his hand and fan, blowing away any trace of the slightly odorous breath coming out of Chi Tianming's body, and said calmly: Young Master's great talent should be used in a bigger place. A little bit of edification to cultivate sentiments. How can a small skill be described as a 'unparalleled masterpiece' compared to the master's extraordinary talent?

Chi Tianming was stunned, his anger suddenly dissipated, he smiled brightly and nodded repeatedly: The one who knows me is Mr. Mo. Yes, I was born to do great things. What I wrote and painted is just A trivial skill, not worth mentioning... Well, big things, big things... What do you have to do that is worth disturbing me?

Mr. Mo waved his fan, and a breeze suddenly swirled in the pavilion, naturally changing the entire air on the third floor. At the same time, an invisible restriction was set up, blocking out all sounds inside and outside.

That good-for-nothing from the Qian family is dead. Mr. Mo pursed his lips and smiled.

Which Qian family? Which waste? Chi Tianming looked at Mr. Mo blankly.

That's right, you used a little trick to foolishly go to the Deputy City Lord's Mansion to find trouble with Monk Fa Hai! Qian Chongming, Third Young Master Qian! Mr. Mo looked at Chi Tianming with wide eyes: That's right, half Months ago, you borrowed 30 million high-grade immortal crystals from him, Mr. Qian!

Chi Tianming smiled, baring his teeth and grinning extremely brightly: Oh, is it him? Dead? Did he really take that contract and go to find the fierce monk? Oh, what a good death, what a wonderful death. He is so Once I die, I won’t have to pay my debts, right?”

Chi Tianming raised his head and sighed with intoxication: I am really extremely wise and intelligent... Over the years, I have created a good reputation for myself, so good that I can borrow money from others without writing. IOU...Now that the creditor is dead and there is no IOU, these 30 million high-grade immortal crystals are not much, haha!

He sighed with satisfaction: It feels so good not to have to pay off debt!

With a wave of his sleeves, clouds of smoke filled the pavilion, and furniture such as tables, chairs, and cloud couches appeared out of thin air. Small charcoal stoves, teapots, and teacups moved on their own like living creatures, and the fragrance was brewed with every breath. Overflowing fairy tea.

Sit, sit, sit, drink tea, drink tea, tell me carefully, how did Qian Laosan die? Chi Tianming smiled brightly: Well, I remembered, I came to Zhenzi Ninth City , isn’t that just for this idea?”

Squinting his eyes, Chi Tianming sat on a cloud couch with a golden sword, picked up the tea cup, and swallowed it all in one gulp.

Hey, the young couple in Baiyuan are really... Putting down the tea cup, Chi Tianming chuckled a few times, pointed towards the ceiling, and shook his head in a secretive manner: But, this is theirs. Life, we can’t blame you for this.”

Mr. Mo sat down opposite Chi Tianming, holding a tea cup, sipping the fragrant tea, and talking softly, Xia Mingdao took the third young master of the Qian family straight into Lu Qian's mansion, but was violently suppressed and killed by Lu Qian. , and also described the detailed process of being blamed.

His narration even included many details, such as the change of expression on Master Qian San's face when he was killed, the change of Xia Mingdao's attitude before and after, Xia Mingdao's body movements, etc.

It was as if he had witnessed everything live.

Chi Tianming nodded slowly: Interesting, interesting. So to put it this way, Qian Laosan is already a sinner who colluded with evil spirits... This charge is harsh enough. This Fa Hai Pirate Bald is worthy of being a fierce monk of the prison-suppressing lineage. As expected, there was no mercy.”

Caressing his cheeks with extremely gentle hands, Chi Tianming murmured in a low voice: It's very interesting. Then, how about we do something?

Mr. Mo raised his head and looked at Chi Tianming: Who to move? How to move? Directly against Fa Hai?

How is it possible! Chi Tianming smiled extremely brightly: How can a fine porcelain treasure bottle have a head-on collision with a broken brick? I am a direct descendant of the Chi family, with a noble status and extraordinary blood. Especially after knowing this secret, if I execute it well , maybe...how can I personally confront that Fahai with my body of ten thousand gold?

Well, let's follow that person's wishes and continue to target the people around Bai Yuan and Yinyuan!

That person's goal is nothing more than to make Bai Yu as miserable as possible... In this case, we will make her as miserable as possible!

Of course, her tragedy would be even better if more people could be implicated.

Really, absolutely brilliant!

Mr. Mo frowned slightly, looked at Chi Tianming who looked nervous, and suddenly sighed: Sir, what secrets do you know? What you have done these days... This Qian family is just... Although the wealthy businessmen in Demon Suppression City have money, they have no connections and power, so if they are provoked, they will be provoked.

But... let's not mention Fahai for now.

You personally intervened beyond your authority and allowed the 'Human Face Flower' to get involved, so that the Human Face Flower in the Ninth City of Zhenzi was completely razed...Have you thought about how to explain it to me?

Chi Tianming raised his head, tilted his head, and smiled very strangely at Mr. Mo: Are you sure you want to know the cause and effect of this matter? Are you sure?

Mr. Mo was silent for a long time. He looked at Chi Tianming's frozen smile, which had not changed at all for a long time, and an inexplicable panic surged into his heart. He took a deep breath, and then slowly shook his head: Young Master is extremely talented, and there are some things that Young Master only needs to know... But, after all, Fahai is the true successor of the Buddha lineage that suppresses prison... If it is not necessary, Young Master Wan You must never really be with him...

Chi Tianming smiled proudly and said softly: Since Fa Hai is involved with the white turtle, he is just a sacrifice. Even if he is the true successor of the Buddha lineage of the Zhenyu lineage, so what? He will not be famous. How long.

Standing up, Chi Tianming pointed towards Mr. Mo: You don't understand the mystery here!

So, you are right to listen to me!

Now, get to work!

Spread a few words first, and then prepare to take over all the Qian family's property. Chi Tianming whispered to himself: There will be countless people involved in this matter, countless people, countless The family power has fallen. Oh, picking up rags is enough to fill our stomachs, how wonderful is it?

Just to the west of Chitianming, a green mountain, less than a hundred miles away and a few blocks away, there is a shallow shallow lake with extremely beautiful scenery.

This bright lake is shaped like a crescent moon. The deepest water is only five or six feet. The beach is covered with blue-red reeds. The wind blows and the reed flowers are everywhere. A group of wild geese with pale feathers spread their wings, and their bodies almost brush against the tops of the reeds. Passing by, the silhouette of the wild geese cast a large amount of light and shadow in Minghu Lake, and the wind brought by its wings also disturbed the few withered and broken lotus flowers in Minghu Lake.

The entire Ming Lake is filled with the word poignant.

Even the few waterside pavilions by the lake connected by nine-curved corridors, all made of logs, covered with moss-stained black tiles, with red lanterns hanging everywhere and white curtains, also have a slightly spooky atmosphere. During the day, it makes people feel chilly.

In the waterside pavilion, several richly dressed young people sat around a square table, with dozens of large-capacity rings stacked in front of them.

A young man swept his finger across a ring, and several rare medicinal herbs produced by millions of years of climate, a specialty of the wild mountains in the south, spurted out along with wisps of spiritual light. These precious medicines are completely different from the common immortal medicines in Liangyi Heaven. They are completely different in appearance and potency.

The only thing that is the same is that the value of medicinal materials that are millions of years old, whether they are poisons or elixirs, is inestimable.

Especially these few medicinal plants that have taken on human form and have faint signs of becoming elves. Each of them is a great tonic. It can also refine several extremely rare exotic elixirs. If these top-notch elixirs are sent to Liang Yitian. In the sect, there will definitely be an alchemy master willing to bid for it at a sky-high price.

Any one of them, if sent to the real big sects, would be worth more than 100 million top-grade immortal crystals!

A young man looked at a slightly human-shaped plant in front of him, with a head like a multi-clawed octopus, long beards that wriggled and rolled rapidly, and a little bit of scarlet sparks about the size of a mung bean on the tentacles of its limbs. He sighed with emotion: This is the spark. Sea anemones can save a Taoist-level master from three hundred years of hard work... 100 million top-grade immortal crystals? I'm afraid they've been underestimated!

Another young man smiled slightly: This Qian family is not famous, it is not exposed, it is just a medicine dealer in the Demon City. Unexpectedly, it has such a fortune... It is not a loss for our calculation, it is not a loss for us. Several teamed up.

Another young man smiled calmly and said, I don't know what Chi Tianming, a self-proclaimed fool, will think when he finds out that the Qian family is only an empty shell.

Among the people, the young man who looked the most mature and deliberately grew a mustache coughed: What can he think? Maybe he thought that the Qian family was in trouble and he was full...even if we were ahead of schedule. After emptying out the Qian family, there are probably hundreds of millions of high-grade immortal crystals left to him. In addition, there are more than a hundred shops in the two dozen towns, so many servants, servants, maids, maids, and so many more. There are many medicinal fields and forests...

Several young people looked at each other and laughed loudly at the same time.

Then, let's continue! The young man with a mustache said quietly: Sacrificial sacrifice, sacrificial sacrifice... Haha, how can Shan Youren and Qian Laosan be regarded as top-quality sacrificial sacrifices? If they can be The entire Chi family is involved!

A young man said softly: I'm afraid of that old guy from the Chi family. If...

The young man with a mustache played with a few rings on his hand and said calmly: So what? What really went wrong? Are we the ones in charge of this matter? Is it us? No!

Since it's not the case, then... the grievances have their owners, and the debts have their owners. The young man with a mustache smiled extremely reservedly: We are just watching the fun, and get some cheap things by the way. No matter how big the disaster is, or even a Taoist dispute …What does it have to do with us?”

Several young people looked at each other, laughed in unison, dropped this inexplicably disturbing topic, and began to count and count the rare treasures in these rings.

Even for them with extraordinary backgrounds, this is a windfall. For their family, it may be insignificant, but for them personally, this is enough to push their cultivation level to soar, making them more popular among the family. Climb higher and have a bigger and heavier voice!

Zhenzi Ninth City.

City Lord's Mansion.

A giant golden drum in front of the door was beaten with an earth-shattering sound, and ripples visible to the naked eye roared and swept around, making the door of the City Lord's Mansion buzz.

In front of the gate of the city lord's palace, a group of armored soldiers were frightened by the sudden sound of drums.

There is such a golden drum in front of every city lord's palace in many cities in Zhenmo Ridge. This thing is similar to the 'Shocking Dragon Drum' in front of the secular palace. Once it is beaten, the emperor must put on his clothes and go to court to discuss matters, even if he is having sex with his concubine.

This drum also has the same effect.

Unless there is a major event that threatens the safety of the entire town, it cannot be easily alarmed. But once someone beats this drum, no matter what the city lord is doing, even if he is in retreat to break through the realm, he must drop everything he is doing and quickly go to court to deal with it.

General Yelu Hui, a member of the Yelu clan who was Yelu Ting's cousin by blood, pressed the golden whip hanging around his waist and angrily rushed straight to the tall man who was beating the golden drum. A big man with muscles all over his body and only half an inch of stubble on his head.

Wu Na, do you know the rules? If you bang the 'Drum of Shock' for no reason, if there is no legitimate reason, you will have to take the Eight Hundred Shocking Immortal Hammer first... I can't beat you to death, you don't know whether to live or die!

Following Ye Luting to the ninth city of Zhenzi, Ye Luhui had been guarding the gate of the city lord's mansion for so many years, and this was the first time he encountered the golden drum being beaten. Suddenly frightened, he felt angry and roared at the big man.

The burly man's eyes were gleaming, staring straight at Ye Luhui, and he said in a deep voice: I will make the first report.

First to report? Who to report? Ye Luhui looked the big man up and down: That's all, whatever you want to do, follow me...

With a 'bang' sound, the door of the City Lord's Mansion opened, and a large group of evil monks wearing monk robes, with a faint golden light floating all over their bodies, strode out carrying heavy Zen staffs, convenience shovels and other dangerous weapons.

The evil monk of the brigade was separated to the left and right. Lu Qian held the jade-veined Zen staff in his left hand, rubbed his smooth scalp with his right hand, and walked out with three unsteady steps: Oh, today the poor monk had a whim, and with a few fingers, he I know there are injustices in the world, and some people are being wronged!

Pointing at the big man who was beating the golden drum, Lu Qian said carelessly: That man, if you have any grievances, please tell me quickly. The poor monk has just arrived and is about to handle a few beautiful cases. He should be punished properly. The Ninth City establishes rules!”

Ye Luhui's face became extremely ugly.

Lu Qian's words offended him terribly - what did Lu Qian mean? Establish rules? Didn't the Ninth City have any rules before? What do you think of the serious city lord Yelu Ting and the many Yelu clan members brought by Yelu Ting?

Ye Luhui took a step across, blocked in front of Lu Qian, and shouted angrily: Deputy City Lord, according to the rules, this person has beaten the demon drum, and the City Lord should personally come forward to deal with this matter!

Lu Qian frowned and looked at Ye Luhui in surprise: City Lord? Is this poor monk not the City Lord?

After saying this, Lu Qian also took off his deputy city lord's seal from his belt and waved it in front of Ye Luhui.

Ye Luhui was stunned. He wanted to explain to Lu Ren the difference between the city lord and the deputy city lord, but he was not good at words, but he felt that he could not explain the difference between the deputy city lord and the city lord.

After hesitating for a moment, Ye Luhui said in a deep voice: Deputy, deputy!

Lu Qian laughed wildly, slapped Ye Luhui on the shoulder, and pulled him away easily: Cocks and hens are both chickens, rams and ewes are all sheep... This city lord and deputy city lord, no They are all city lords too! A simple case is taken over by a poor monk. Who has an opinion? Who doesn’t agree?

Gently hitting the ground with the Zen staff in his hand, Lu Qian grinned and said, The poor monk is a very reasonable person. If everyone has different opinions, you can put them forward in person!

With such a gentle blow, the entire city lord's palace, as well as several surrounding neighborhoods, shook slightly. Many defensive restrictions in the city were triggered. Strong lights lit up, and fairy patterns spread rapidly on the streets.

The idlers who gathered from all directions and gathered in front of the city lord's palace to watch the excitement were also shaken by Lu Ren's Zen staff and lost their footing. They screamed in surprise and fell over a large area.

Ye Luhui gritted his teeth, his face flushed, and wanted to explain something to Lu Qian.

In the City Lord's Mansion, Ye Luting's helpless voice could be heard from far away: That's all, the Deputy City Lord is right. The Deputy City Lord is also the City Lord. This case should be left to the Deputy City Lord to handle!

Yeluhui was immediately stunned and speechless.

Lu Qian had already looked at the big man who was beating the golden drum: Wuna man, what's the matter with you? Beating the demon drum, alarming the whole city and making the people uneasy?

That big guy...

Well, the Taoist monk 'Putong', who had just put on secular clothes and had half an inch of hair born with magical power, knelt down on the ground and shouted loudly: Mr. Mingjian, the city lord, I am a servant of the Qian family, and I am the first to report. The Qian family colluded with the evil spirits and planned to attack the ninth city of Zhenzi in three days... They said they wanted to take the essence and blood of the people in the city to refine the supreme magic elixir!

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