Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 731: Infinite and meaningless calculations (3)

Taking on the important task of monitoring evil spirits and suppressing the Southern Territory, the official efficiency of Demon Suppression City has always been very high!

But this time, the official efficiency of Demon Suppression City really exceeded everyone's expectations.

Taoist Sanyang took Xia Mingdao to visit Monk Dingshan in person. It was the first time that the two great guards of Demon Suppressing City, who had never dealt with each other in the past and often hindered and hindered each other, had less than a cup of tea. jointly issued an edict.

The Demon-Suppressing Town Demon Division and the Criminal Prison Division jointly dispatched. The Demon-Suppressing Division directly mobilized eight hundred true immortals and more than 100,000 elite celestial beings. The Criminal Prison Division dispatched nearly a thousand officials, big and small, and went straight to the 108 under its jurisdiction. A town.

Except for the ninth city where Lu Qian personally took action, in all other towns, all members of the Qian family in Xiuyi were captured and all their properties were seized. During this process, a group of Qian's children who were ignorant and arrogant. They were accustomed to being arrogant and arrogant because of their family's wealth. After making a few random remarks, they were killed on the spot by the Demon Suppressor!

In just a few hours, the Xiuyi Qian family, which was also considered a wealthy family in the Demon-Suppressing City, came to an end under the full sweep of the Demon-Suppressing City officials. Except for a few lucky ones who got wind of the situation and escaped early, ninety-nine percent of the other tribesmen were thrown into the jail of the Crime Prisoners Division. Under Xia Mingdao's personal supervision, they were directly tortured by the ruthless officials of the Crime Prisoners Division.

No matter how good the Xiuyi Qian family's business reputation was in the past, he was a wealthy businessman and a local snake after all. He could not help but find some exciting treasures and engage in some forced buying and selling.

The Qian family of Xiuyi is also a member of the 'Money Alliance'. This alliance is composed entirely of forces with the 'Qian' surname. Its members are basically wealthy businessmen, with a few semi-gang and semi-sect forces mixed in.

Therefore, the 'Money Alliance' can be called a collection of money and violence, and some shady and underhanded activities are inevitable. What about killing people and robbing goods, what about seizing women, what about destroying corpses and destroying traces, what about exterminating families and seizing property!

Pulling out a radish will always bring out a large piece of mud!

Xiuyi Qian's failure was too fast, and the official efficiency of Demon Suppressing City was too high. Before many members of the 'Money Alliance' had time to respond, Sanyang Taoist and Monk Dingshan had jointly issued an order to ban all the people in Demon Suppressing City. In and out of the tunnel.

Countless incriminating evidence, whether it exists or not, is conclusive or fabricated out of thin air, all kinds of evidence are continuously sent out from the prison of the Crime Department. The troops of the Suppressing Demon Division were tearing apart like mad dogs. In just one day, in the huge 'Money Alliance', there were five more financial and powerful families that were not weaker than the Qian family in Xiuyi, and the building collapsed.

From the secret vaults of these forces, a large number of magic arts, magic weapons, and magic pills exclusive to evil spirits were blatantly seized, as well as dangerous areas deep in the wild mountains in the south, which are extremely difficult for the exploration team of the Demon Suppression City to reach. Special ores and elixirs produced!

The evidence is conclusive, as if it is a certainty, including the Xiuyi Qian family, these companies are completely overturned, and there is no chance of turning around.

Taoist Sanyang and Monk Dingshan are very quick and ruthless in their attacks. In Zhenmo Ridge, once these monks join forces, they are like the king of heaven and no one can control them. Those arrested during the day were killed at midnight, including the Qian family of Xiuyi, and all the six powerful families were killed.

By the time dawn broke, there were mountains of supplies in the warehouse of the City Guards Mansion. The major towns in Zhenmo Ridge have lost many of their normally extravagant bosses. In One Hundred and Eight Towns, thousands of shops and properties directly changed owners.

In the end, all this turned into a fluffy official document with unclear words, which was casually stuffed into a file folder somewhere by an official from Demon Suppression City, and no one asked about it again.

In a dangerous place like Zhenmo Ridge, hundreds of thousands of true immortals and monks are killed or injured every year... Who would care about the heads of just six 'businessmen'?

It is still that quiet and lonely Minghu Lake, with a group of wild geese huddled in the reeds. The sky is slightly cool, and the wild geese have not yet gotten up to move.

In the pavilion by the lake, several young people who were counting their belongings yesterday were sitting around the square table with slumped faces and exuding a strong negative aura, looking gloomy.

The table was full of fairy tea, fairy fruit, and all kinds of useful things, but none of the young people had an appetite. They didn't even bother to take a look at these good things that ordinary immortals could steal outside.

It was a mistake. The young man with a mustache who was obviously the leader among the several young people gently knocked on the square table and blamed himself in a low and sad voice: We used many means to empty out the show in advance. The wealth of the Qian family in Yi pushed them out as sacrifices... I didn’t expect that on time, I didn’t expect that the two thieves Sanyang and Dingshan would be so ruthless this time!”

The young man with a mustache murmured: How could they join forces? Monk Dingshan helped Fahai in order to please the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha. I can understand... This Sanyang Taoist usually looks like a Taoist master. Gentle and gentle, carefree and carefree, he doesn't even bother to deal with ordinary official duties...

How could they join forces? How could they? The young man with a mustache murmured: Especially, they actually came here... Five families, a whole five big fat sheep of the 'Money Alliance', were swallowed up by them. It has to be clean. And it was done so beautifully, with solid evidence and a solid case, so no one can cause trouble for them afterwards!

That's all. In the mountains to the south, there are fifty-seven veins of immortal crystals on the surface alone. There are countless veins hidden in the dark. The number of criminal slaves raised openly alone is up to one million. The Jinfeng Qian Sect… the amount of immortal crystals they confiscated from their warehouse amounts to tens of billions of top-quality immortal crystals!”

The eyes of the young man with a mustache were red, and his nose turned red due to excitement and congestion, as if he had been stung hard by a giant wasp!

The raw ore of top-quality fairy crystals alone is worth tens of billions... Brothers, tens of billions!

His body was trembling slightly, and the young man with a mustache hissed: Not including those priceless rare ores... When the Jinfeng Qian family was inspected yesterday, I was watching the excitement. I saw with my own eyes a stone that was eighteen feet high. The raw ore of the Hunbi Yuanshi!

The Hunyuan Yuan Stone is a specialty product in the wild mountains in the south of Demon City. It is the only place where rare finds can be found in the entire Liangyi Heaven. In other areas, there may have been sporadic mineral deposits in the past. After countless years of mining, It has long been used up.

This item has many uses and is of great value.

Let me just talk about one thing - this is a precious treasure that can be cast into a supreme spiritual treasure. Even Taoist sages and Buddhist masters are thinking about it, and you know that its value is immeasurable.

Just like the Seven-Treasure Vajra Circle, the natal Buddha treasure of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, a certain amount of Hunyuan Yuan Stone is incorporated into it, making this Seven-Treasure Vajra Circle extremely strong and able to overcome all kinds of changes, but it is also good at breaking through all kinds of methods!

If the raw ore of the Hunyi Yuan Stone, which is eighteen feet high, falls into the hands of a casting master like the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, it is unlikely that enough material can be extracted to refine two or three spiritual treasures such as the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle?

How would you value a Seven Treasures Vajra Circle?

How about two or three?

There is such a treasure hidden in Jinfeng Qian's secret vault... Compared to this piece of raw ore, tens of billions of top-quality immortal crystals are nothing. If this piece of raw ore can be opened up and directly offered to a certain sage or a certain Buddha, it will be enough to get a big backer!

As a result, before Jinfeng Qian had time to exert the effect of this raw ore, he was directly robbed by Taoist Sanyang and Monk Dingshan!

Thinking of the benefits that Taoist Sanyang and Monk Dingshan might obtain from some truly top powers through this piece of raw ore, several young people felt heartbroken and wished they could bring back all the members of the Jinfeng Qian clan who had already died. Summon the returning souls and use the most cruel methods to kill them ten or eight times!

What a misstep. The young man with a mustache murmured: What a misstep...I didn't expect, I really didn't expect. Things have changed like this?

A young man with delicate features, willow-leaf eyebrows, pink-phoenix eyes, and thin lips slightly red, who looked like a big girl, snorted: Okay, everyone, we all come from different backgrounds, don't act like you have never seen the world. He looks like a country bumpkin...Although, I, I, too...are heartbroken, but what are some foreign objects?

The young man looked at the mustache and said softly: Brother Gu, this also proves that the news we got is completely correct... This time, if there is a slight touch, if we can't take the opportunity to soar into the sky, we will definitely become Sacrifice and sacrifice. This is the case for the Xiuyi Qian Clan, the same is true for the Jinfeng Qian Clan, and the same is true for several other factions!

Brother Gu with the mustache stroked his mustache and said in a deep voice: Brother Jiang can still see clearly... Such magical powers, such secret techniques, so terrifying and unbelievable... Since we have been involved, we can only Work hard, never be distracted by external things, and never have the slightest hesitation or deviation!

Flicking the square table with his fingers, Brother Gu with a mustache said in a deep voice: Then, let's add it all up. The Xiuyi Qian clan's tribe in Zhenmo Ridge has been completely wiped out. However, if you want to completely destroy the Xiuyi Qian clan, To sacrifice as a sacrifice, one must eliminate his ancestral hall and exterminate his descendants...so...

A young man with a square face and a height of about ten feet, who looked like a spear piercing the sky when he sat there, nodded slowly: Xiuyi is in the territory of my Gongsun family. I am here Just arrange it and completely wipe out the foundation of the Qian family in Xiuyi.

Smiling indifferently, the young Gongsun family said in a low voice: The excuses are all ready-made. They colluded with evil spirits and plotted against the Demon City. If the Qian clan of ten Xiuyi towns is even, it will be equal.

Brother Mustache Gu nodded with satisfaction: This is very good. To destroy the descendants of the Qian family in Xiuyi, destroy their ancestral halls, destroy their ancestors' mausoleums, and completely cut off the inheritance of his family. This can be regarded as a real sacrifice.

Then, next, we must plan more carefully... We will take advantage of the opportunity after this incident. But in this process, we must not let go of all the benefits we can get. . Brother Gu said in a deep voice: Brothers, it's natural for your luck to wax and wane. The loss of other people's luck is the opportunity for our luck to soar. So...

The handsome Brother Jiang nodded slowly: So, the more people fall, the greater the benefits we will get. Even if it is just some scraps, it is a huge opportunity for us.

Several young people smiled, and they subconsciously turned their heads and looked in the direction of the Qingshan Jingshe where Chi Tianming was.

Of course the fatter the sacrifice, the better. Brother Gu murmured: You think, if the entire Chi clan can be filled in... tsk, tsk tsk!

It's difficult, it's difficult, it's difficult. Several other young people shook their heads at the same time and sighed: We are extremely lucky to be able to fill in the room where Chi Tianming belongs...the entire Chi clan?

The breeze blew by, and several young people disappeared without a trace at the same time.

On the square table, several cups of fairy tea still exuded white air, and the fragrant tea fragrance floated far away with the wind.

Almost the same aroma of tea also wafted from Chi Tianming's small building.

Holding a tea cup, Chi Tianming, with long hair disheveled and a wild demeanor, looked at the constantly beating and flickering picture in front of him - this was the picture of the Demon Suppressing Town sent back from other towns by his close confidants. The scene where the Secretary and the Criminal Division inspected several collapsing forces of the 'Money Alliance'.

Among them, it naturally includes the picture of the original piece of Hunyuan Yuan Stone discovered from the secret vault of the Jinfeng Qian Sect!

Chi Tianming gritted his teeth and stomped his feet angrily: Damn it, damn it, such a treasure, yet no news has leaked out... Damn it, if I had known it was like this, how could I have found money for such a smart and unlucky guy?

In that case, why not... Chi Tianming gulped down the food, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly showed a strange smile: I had known that the local snakes in the Demon City were all quite wealthy. I really didn't expect it. , they actually have mastered so many things that they are not worthy of and should not have.


Sighing softly, Chi Tianming said in a deep voice: Mr. Mo, Mr. Mo... Let's hurry up on yesterday's matter... Have all the people been sent out? This matter needs to be designed more delicately. The 'Money Alliance'... Well, which other family in the Money Alliance is rich enough to compare with the Jinfeng Qian Family?

Find a way to involve them.

Mr. Mo's light voice came from the air: I'm afraid, they are already frightened birds now. It's not easy to lure them into the trap.

Chi Tianming put down the tea cup and walked to the terrace outside, looking straight ahead at the three beautiful girls holding palace fans and singing and dancing beside the stream. He said slowly: In a big family, there are bound to be a few unscrupulous scum. Let's start with them. As long as we get involved in such things, we can't help them...

Mr. Mo smiled softly, and then there was no movement.

In the ninth city of the town, three hundred miles outside the south gate, there is a large-scale mountain village in the mountains and forests.

The outer wall of the cottage is made of special boulders mixed with metal juice, and a master of formations has laid out eighteen layers of nested defensive formations. The defensive power is really impressive, and ordinary immortals can't even dream of stepping into the cottage.

Around the village, a large number of fertile fields have been opened up, where all kinds of spiritual grains and fairy fruits are planted. There are also several mines with very small entrances but large interiors, where countless criminal slaves work day and night. Huge amounts of precious ores were mined.

On weekdays, more than a dozen floating airships with a length of nearly a hundred feet can be seen floating above the village. From time to time, airships leave the village and patrol within a hundred miles of the surrounding area. The decks of the airships are filled with ferocious-looking men with sharp and murderous auras. Man.

Such cottages are extremely common in Zhenmo Ridge.

They are a group of 'loose cultivators' who are unwilling to accept the official rules of Demon Suppression City. Their backgrounds are unpredictable, their personnel composition is extremely complex, their methods of behavior are many treacherous and cruel, and their behavior is close to that of evil spirits.

They built a cottage outside the city, avoiding the official supervision of the Demon Suppression City. In addition to serious matters such as exploring treasures and hunting demons, there was definitely a lot of killing and stealing.

However, the wild environment in the southern region is harsh and full of endless risks. Once you step into the wild mountains, life and death are determined by your will. Therefore, such copycats often live a good life, their daily lives are extremely nourishing, and they can make huge profits every year to feed their backers.

Not to mention other things, just talking about the various incomes of these copycats, basically there is no need to pay taxes to the official government of Demon Town. How much expenses can be saved?

Just before dawn, a huge white goose flew into the village with flapping wings and a sound of breaking through the air.

Within a cup of tea, the aroma of goose stewed in a copper pot could be heard in the village.

Another quarter of an hour later, along with a few soul-stirring golden bells ringing, figures with awe-inspiring auras appeared from all over the village. After a sharp roll call, more than 3,000 figures quickly rushed out of the mountain stronghold and headed straight for the southern mountains.

A hoarse, cold voice sounded in the crowd: Remember, those eggless things have to live. No matter how hard you try, in short, one hundred and sixty-seven people have to live!

Rough, rough, and wild laughter kept ringing.

Someone was roaring rudely: Brother, don't worry, they are just a bunch of eggless things... Hehe, if you can catch them, there will be no mistakes... Tsk tsk, I don't know who they offended, they actually spent such a big price, what kind of revenge? What’s the complaint?”

The cold voice sneered: Don't forget the rules, don't ask if you shouldn't ask... In short, take money from people and solve their problems. As long as you have money, you don't care what grudges or grudges they have?

Following the sounds of laughter and words, the escaping lights quickly divided into groups of a hundred people, and disappeared into the wild mountains shrouded in smoke and clouds, the geomagnetic chaos, and the Tao Yun spiritual machine was in chaos.

These people were obviously quite familiar with this mountain range. In such a chaotic and dangerous mountain range, they felt as if they were taking a walk in their own backyard. In just an hour, they traveled tens of thousands of miles without hesitation.

After traveling tens of thousands of miles into the mountains, the owner of this village slowed down his escape. In the hands of each team, someone took out a geographical atlas made with a secret method, carefully compared the features of the nearby mountains, rivers, and mountains, and patrolled the surrounding area bit by bit with tenfold caution.

Deep in the mountains, deep in the poisonous miasma, Lu Min, who had been circling in a cold sweat, raised his head and looked at the hundreds of escaping lights flying slowly above with a look of joy.

A few days ago, after Lu Yi rescued Yinyuan and Bai Yu, he was thinking about this old friend Yu Changle.

The dangers of the wild mountains in the south are unknown to everyone in Zhenmo City. Not even Lu Yi, or even the two Bodhisattvas Zhenyu Honglian and Zhenyu Qingyan, dare to say that they will be safe and sound after going deep into the mountains. The return of things.

Among all the people around Lu Qian, only Lu Min, who had practiced the secret art of the Blood God Son and had sacrificed hundreds of millions of Blood God Sons, was not afraid of most weapons and magic attacks, and had the ability to deal with all kinds of dangers and desperate situations. Lu Min, who had extremely strong resistance, had the confidence to safely enter and leave the wild mountains.

Therefore, Lu Qian urgently called for help, and Lu Min sent a clone to brazenly enter the southern wilderness with millions of blood gods.

This Blood God Son is truly wonderful, just a faint shadow of blood. He cannot be killed by weapons, injured by spells, poisoned by miasma, or trapped by natural dangers. He can move forward and retreat freely in the mountains and forests, just like a fish in water, free and happy.

But Lu Qian and Lu Min still underestimated the dangers of this wilderness.

Although most of the natural dangers could not help Lu Min's Blood God Son clone, Lu Min began to get lost on the third day after entering the mountains.

Here there is no distinction between heaven and earth, the sun and moon are unknown, the east, west and north are chaotic, and the geomagnetic field is a mess.

All the methods that can be used to identify directions in the outside world are almost useless in the wild mountains. Lu Min sent out a large group of Blood God Sons to explore the path, but he was still tormented by the complex geography and distorted space environment. He was furious and furious.

Even the inductive connection between Lu Qian's main blood god clone and the released blood god son has become much weaker. This made Lu Min even more anxious and angry, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Just when he was anxious, he suddenly saw a large piece of light flying above his head, and the leader had a crystal ball in his hand, emitting a large geographical image of mountains and rivers, with various colored light spots flashing on it.

Lu Min was a serious veteran. He concluded at a glance that this crystal ball was clearly a geographical atlas used to mark directions and guide the way. These monks who were passing by were also well-versed in this wild and wild mountain!

With a flash of blood in his eyes, Lu Min's figure turned into an invisible and faint shadow of blood, and he followed the group of people easily, listening to their conversation.

In the mountains, there was no one around. This group of monks, who were highly skilled in art and bold, and had the habit of killing people and setting fires, immediately started talking and laughing loudly without restraint.

Lu Min's clone's eyes were getting brighter and brighter, and he almost laughed out loud.

Find them, find them...find them! Waves of invisible soul fluctuations quickly resonated in the minds of thousands of Blood God Son clones scattered in the wild mountains. In an instant, tens of millions of Blood God Sons scattered in all directions simultaneously It turned into a hazy blood shadow, passing through the rocks, through the trees, through the breeze, through the waterfall, like a ghost, looking for the fellow travelers of this group of monks.

At the same time, deep in the wild mountains.

The exact location cannot be determined.

The space here is distorted and the geomagnetic field is chaotic. To the naked eye, the sky is like a blurry whirlpool. A dim yellow sun the size of a thumb hangs in the sky, swirling like a fallen leaf in the vortex, pulling out a long Long, dim light tail.

Looking around, there are only dry mountains and dry trees. Dry vines hung on the crooked branches, giving off a withered and dead smell.

The ground was covered with purple exotic grasses that were half a foot tall. The grass stems were covered with fine barbs, which were extremely sharp and highly poisonous. Even an ordinary true immortal under the fifth or sixth heaven realm would not be able to bear the poison if his body was accidentally scratched by this grass stem.

In the grass as far as the eye can see, countless golden scorpions the size of mung beans shuttle rapidly.

These scorpions are extremely small, but they move like flying. When they run, they bring up thin golden light, which is not much slower than the escape light of ordinary true immortals. What's even more frightening is that these scorpions are small in size, but their bodies are extremely hard. They are easily injured by ordinary flying swords, and a very thin tail hook contains extremely poisonous poisons, which are a hundred times more terrifying than those purple exotic weeds.

In this mountain range, a bamboo-shaped peak is surrounded by thousands of petal-shaped peaks.

The twisted magnetic field, chaotic space, turbid Taoist rhyme and spiritual inspiration turned this mountain peak into a naturally psychedelic array. Except for the little golden scorpion that was born and raised here, there are no other flying insects or animals.

In the corner of the bamboo-shaped mountain peak, there is an inconspicuous hole, the thickness of a water tank, and wisps of faint fragrance are constantly floating out of the hole. Within a few acres of the hollow, faint wisps of clear light could be seen condensed and scattered out of thin air.

Because of this clear light, there was not a single purple weed on the land around the entrance of the cave, nor a golden scorpion approaching. The place is full of colorful poppies, each one is exceptionally plump and fat, and the flowers are as big as a human head.

Entering from the entrance of the cave, passing through a narrow and crooked passage that was dozens of miles long, the front suddenly opened up, revealing a huge cave with a radius of several miles and enough to accommodate thousands of people.

This cave... is naturally mysterious.

The sky is round and the place is white, and the texture of the stone wall is like jade essence, crystal clear and oily with an extremely moist luster.

What's even more amazing is that on this almost translucent stone wall, countless fine lines of clear light can be faintly intertwined. These lines naturally form a mysterious formation that does not exist in any cultivation classics in Liangyi Heaven. There is a faint and strange Taoist charm that continues to spread outwards.

In the center of the cave is a shallow pond about a mile in diameter.

On the top of the stone wall directly above the pond, there are ninety-nine and eighty-one hanging jade bamboo shoots. Wisps of clear light continue to extend from the stone walls in all directions and merge into the jade bamboo shoots. Every one or two hours, a certain jade bamboo shoot will appear on the top. , is about the size of a drop of mung bean, exudes a faint light, and drips with a strange and fragrant viscous juice.

The shallow pond, no more than three feet deep, was filled with this strange and fragrant sap.

Although the small drops of juice dripping from above are only about the size of mung beans, when they fall on the surface of the pond, they are like meteors falling into the sea, making a low sound that is louder than the full vibration of a three-foot cowhide drum.

It can be seen how heavy this small drop of juice is and how amazing its density is.

In this strange pond, there is a jade lotus platform with colorful colors. In the middle of the lotus platform, which is several feet high, a ray of colorful light rises several feet. In the light, which is as thick as a fist, there is a three-inch high, A small jade vase as thick as a thumb, simple and elegant in shape.

In the southern region, in the wild mountains, this is a large prison where the Liangyi Tiandao Sect and the Buddhist Sect have joined forces to eradicate the original demonic and barbarian forces, and then exile, imprison, or in other words, support those demons with strange bloodlines.

Liangyitian is constantly absorbing the energy in the void and growing spontaneously. This vast and wild mountain range will expand tens of thousands of miles of new territory every year.

The so-called creation of heaven and earth and reopening of earth, water, fire and wind are the wonders of the creation of heaven and earth.

This inconspicuous mountain and bad water, this small withered cave entrance, is a spiritual cave created by heaven and earth. This pond, this jade bamboo shoot, and the strange juice in the pond are spiritual creatures created by heaven and earth.

And this lotus platform is even more like a maternal womb, which stole the creation of heaven and earth, absorbed immeasurable aura, and finally produced this small, almost transparent jade bottle!

An innate spiritual treasure of unknown grade!

Several young eunuchs wearing tattered python robes, ruddy-skinned and full of vitality sat cross-legged by the pond, staring directly at the small jade bottle, fearing that it would suddenly disappear.

There are also about a hundred eunuchs of various ages, their clothes are in tatters, but each one is extremely energetic. Now they are either suspended in the air, staring blankly at the eighty-one jade bamboo shoots, or lying on the ground. At the edge of the pond, his eyes stared blankly at the ripples of water splashing from time to time in the pond.

Thirteen other eunuchs with stern expressions stood at the cave's only entrance, which was as thick as a water tank, forming a mysterious formation.

This large formation is shaped like a basalt weapon, with a vague appearance of a flying snake. The formation is composed of only thirteen people, but it contains the wonders of the Eight Trigrams and Nine Palaces, and also hides a hint of the mystery of the transformation of yin and yang. At that subtle juncture of the transformation of yin and yang, immeasurable vitality of creation sprouted, and wisps of annihilating aura of chaos and annihilation after the impact of yin and yang continued to flow out.

The skin of the thirteen eunuchs was faintly glowing with wisps of clear light like jade, and lines of clear light criss-crossed under the skin, faintly turning into patterns that looked like tortoise shells.

This tortoise shell looks extremely ordinary at first glance, but after careful consideration, you find that every node of it corresponds to the direction of the stars in the sky and the flow of the earth's veins below. It is full of mystery. The thin layer of light patterns gives people a sense of mystery A feeling of indestructibility.

They stood guard in formation, with the sword seals on their right index and middle fingers interlacing black and white, and the unsteady three-foot cold light oscillating slightly, making a 'buzzing' sound from time to time.

There is no doubt that if any creature invades through this cave, it will be attacked head-on by these thirteen eunuchs!

This group of eunuchs is the same group of old loyal servants that Yinyuan brought from the lower realm.

However, when they were exiled from Biluo Taoist Palace, the highest level of cultivation of these eunuchs was only at the level of the second and third levels of true immortals.

And right now, not to mention those little eunuchs, these thirteen big eunuchs don’t know what kind of miraculous medicine they have taken. Each of them has a chilling, sharp, and yin-yang Tao charm flowing in their bodies. Their auras have reached the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm. Above the sky!

And they are not the ones whose cultivation has soared the fastest.

Yu Changle, who was sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the grotto, looking straight at a nine-foot-tall natural jade tablet in the stone wall, his eyes glowing red as he comprehended the strange Taoist pattern written on the jade tablet... This once great man The aura of Chief Yin Da Nei is actually slightly more powerful than the personal bodyguards beside Lu Qian now, the Buddhist disciples Zhen Yu Honglian and Zhen Yu Qingyan from Daning Temple.

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