Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 735 Deviation of Luck (2)

Poor mountains and rivers often mean strange mountains and rivers.

Zhenmo Ridge naturally has no shortage of places with excellent scenery, whether it is created by nature or artificially transformed.

In the 49th city of Zhenzi, there is a wonderful scene called 'Dragon King Spitting Pearls'. It is a unique sight. It often attracts countless immortals and monks to hang out here. It actually brings... Lots of travel bonuses.

A little after dusk, in the 49th city of the town, beside the river in the south of the city, a small green wooden building with a height of a hundred stories stood like ivory. On the terraces on each floor decorated with flowers, a large group of immortals, both male and female, old and young, dressed as monks, Taoists and ordinary people, were drinking wine or sipping tea. They all looked calmly and looked at a strange-shaped mountain in the south.

Occasionally, younger people would come out to see the world with their elders, and they would chirp like sparrows, which made the place a little more lively.

At this moment, most of the sky has been covered with twilight, and only a few red clouds are still visible on the top of the mountain in the west.

Suddenly, accompanied by a high-pitched roar, balls of light like pearls soared into the sky from the strange-shaped mountain ridge in the south. The halo is like fireworks, with a whistling sound soaring thousands of miles into the sky. In the sky very high above the ground, the halo slowly melted away like a piece of candy soaked in hot water, turning into wisps of bright colorful clouds and spreading around.

For a time, the sky was filled with dazzling light.

The pearls slowly rise into the sky, and the whistling sound gradually becomes melodious and melodious, as if hundreds of masters and masters are playing bamboo flutes at the same time, sometimes like the drizzle on a spring night, sometimes like the chanting of a hundred dragons, Its unpredictable changes make people feel intoxicated and can't help but knock on the railings and chant in harmony.

There is that true immortal who has a bit of a scholar's temperament in his heart. He spread out a large piece of paper on the spot and splashed ink with pen and ink, one after another with dripping big characters, one after another freehand landscape, and even one after another that contained the true meaning of infinite Taoist rhyme. The catalog is just freshly released.

The strange-shaped mountains were also illuminated by the rising pearls, and countless tree shadows flickered. Countless strange-shaped birds were frightened and soared in the sky under the halo.

These big birds are not big, but their wingspan is extremely wide and their feathers are extremely gorgeous, especially their tail feathers, which are only three feet long. Their tail feathers are several feet long. Their feathers are dazzling and colorful. Under the light, It is even more unpredictable and magnificent to the extreme.

The wings of countless big birds are connected together, and they are chirping. The wings are connected together, like a whole piece of brocade woven by the skillful hands of heaven and man, spread between heaven and earth, making people feel like they are in a dream and cannot extricate themselves.

On the highest floor of the Qingmu Building, beside the spacious terrace, Yinyuan held a huge wine cup made of real rhinoceros horn with a gold ring, admiring the beautiful scenery, listening to the supreme sounds of nature, and took a hearty sip of this drink. Qingyalou's specially made wine, Jiuguizui, which has been stored for thousands of years!

Bai Yuan wore a pure white scribe's gown, dressed as a man, and squeezed into Yinyuan's arms with a smile on his face. He pretended to be gentle, holding a small white porcelain cup in his hands, and drank the bright red wine in small sips. The wine was mild in nature. 'Peach Blossom Stuffed'.

The young couple were deeply intoxicated by this unique wonder. They felt that this was the happiest, most relaxing, most carefree and most comfortable time for them since they ascended to the Heavenly Queen Liang Yi.

Inexplicably, they felt endless gratitude to Lu Qian for bringing all this.

Recalling that before Lu Qian arrived, they were pushed into a desperate situation step by step and fell into such an unbearable situation... The young couple just felt like a nightmare, and they never wanted to think about that period of time again.

I have just taken good care of my health. It is a rare time to travel together. I still come to such a famous scenic spot to enjoy fine wines, taste delicious food, and have people around me to accompany me. What a good thing and what a good mood. Why bother thinking about those things that make people troubled and painful? What's wrong with you?

Lu Qian was also on the terrace.

He was bareheaded and dressed in secular attire. In front of him were all kinds of delicacies and a large jar of fine wine. He ate heartily with one mouthful of wine and one mouthful of meat.

He didn't bother to take another look at the beautiful scenery in front of him. Instead, he frowned and carefully examined the subtle changes in his body!

In just a few days, Lu Qian's cultivation level improved at an incredible speed!

Lu Qian used the secret technique in the Prison Suppression Sutra to forcibly suppress his cultivation and wanted to stabilize his realm, but an unpredictable force forced his cultivation to soar. In just a few days, he had actually broken through to the level of the 21st level of the True Immortal Realm!

In just a few days, the situation continued to break through at a speed that was almost one level per day!

Such unbelievable things... in Buddhism, there is an explanation. There are those extremely ancient Buddha Lords, or the top Buddhas. They fell in the ancient times, and used secret techniques to break free from reincarnation and achieve salvation again. World. Once this kind of power of reincarnation regains the wisdom of the previous life, it will quickly restore the cultivation of the previous life at a terrifying speed.

Among the thirteen current Buddha Lords in Buddhism, the one ranked first took only thirty-six years from the moment he shaved his hair and worshiped Buddhism to attaining the status of Buddha Lord!

Rumor has it that this Buddha is the real 'Buddha' who laid the foundation of Buddhism in Liangyi Heaven in ancient times and passed down the Buddhist tradition. He has reincarnated and returned to the world. Therefore, in thirty-six years, he He easily achieved the highest attainment achieved by the other twelve Buddhas who spent trillions of years of hard work.

But Lu Qian was convinced that he had not awakened any Su Hui, and there were no random memories popping up in his mind.

He is who he is.

He is Lu Qian...

Perhaps, he does have more memories of a life journey than ordinary people... But even in that life journey that has nothing to do with this life, he is just an ordinary mortal, a young man. Just an unlucky guy who died of a serious illness at a young age!

This kind of soaring cultivation level.


It was so fast that Lu Qian trembled with fear, thinking that he had been plotted by someone using some evil magic... Or maybe he was possessed by some unpredictable and indescribable weird existence?

The only thing that made Lu Qian happy was that he had a closer connection with the mysterious little ax in his mind.

Inexplicably, Lu Qian clearly understood the power and mystery of the small axe.

And this small ax is also absorbing some strange power in the void, constantly turning into wisps of incomparable magical 'Qi of Heaven and Man', nourishing his body, nourishing his soul and spirit, and strengthening his magic power. Consolidate his rapidly rising status as a true immortal!

With this little ax in charge, Lu Qian was uneasy, but also somewhat comforted himself - maybe, the matter is not so bad? Perhaps, because of his good fortune, he suddenly became enlightened, so his cultivation level improved by such a rapid pace?

Anyway, the current level of cultivation of the 21st level of Zhenxian Lu Qian is strong and pure, without any confusion; his personality is extremely stable, without any fluctuation; he communicates the three-eyed human figure, the power of Feng Shui, and the pure road of power. , all of them have reached the corresponding level of understanding of the various Buddhist magical powers of the prison-suppressing lineage!

Everything seems to be an achievement that he has spent tens of thousands or millions of years of hard work and meticulously polished bit by bit.

There is no attempt to overthrow the seedlings, and there is no foundation that is frivolous!

It's really like seeing a ghost! Lu Qian muttered in a low voice.

He raised a wine jar and swallowed a few big mouthfuls of wine with a very heroic Gudong Gudong. Then, a flash of light flashed in his mind, and the small axe, Fan Tianyin, and three-eyed figure all emitted dazzling light at the same time, Buzzing With a sound, his true immortal status once again added a nine-story pagoda...

His cultivation level directly broke through from the 21st level of True Immortal to the 22nd level!

The blood and energy in his body surged and surged, and his skin and flesh rolled and squirmed. Lu Qian could clearly feel that his pure physical strength increased rapidly at an almost magical rate.

When he first ascended to Liangyi Heaven, Lu Qian's physical strength was more than a thousand Kun.

Later, Lu Qian condensed the status of a true immortal, and his physical strength reached the astonishing power of three Pengs... and the power of one Peng is the total power of ten thousand Kuns.

It stands to reason that the most powerful physical monk in Buddhism, in the True Immortal Realm, had a record of pure physical strength, but only a merely 108 pengs!

The mighty power of one hundred and eight pengs condensed into one body has allowed the record-breaking great monk to roam the Bodhisattva realm with his true immortal-level cultivation. Ordinary Bodhisattva-level Buddha soldiers cannot harm him at all!

When Lu Qian was in the 21st level of the True Immortal Realm, his physical strength reached an astonishing 120 Peng!

This level of strength was too terrifying. Lu Qian hid this matter in his heart and did not dare to tell anyone!

And just after breaking through the twenty-second level of heaven, Lu Qian's physical strength soared again. He roughly judged the increase in physical strength, probably, probably... to the level of 180 Peng, right?

In his mind, Taichu Hun Tongzhu released a large amount of dense energy, which quickly enveloped the whole body, perfectly blocking the fluctuations of Lu Qian's energy and blood, and covering up all the heavenly secrets and causes related to him.

The small ax emitted wisps of strange light, which combined with Taichu's mixed beads covered Lu Qian's whole body.

The golden body is eternal and does not leak at all.

Lu Qian took a deep breath, opened his mouth, and took a few more sips of the wine.

This thing is wrong, something is wrong.

Such a surge in cultivation, and it was an inexplicable blessing. This kind of inexplicable pie falling from the sky made Lu Qian's whole body tingle... He thought, maybe he was really being plotted?

But where does the calculation come from?

The figure with three eyes remained motionless.

In the beginning, the mixed pearl was as immovable as a mountain.

The small ax hung high in his mind, emitting a dazzling light that illuminated everything, and there was nothing strange about it either.

Fan Tianyin...well, although this Tianyin is extremely powerful in origin, we can't count on him for the time being!

Putting down the wine jar gently, Lu Qian carried a crispy pig's trotters and walked slowly to the edge of the terrace, looking at the beautiful scenery of the southern mountains.

This dragon king spits out pearls, which is half a creation of heaven and earth, and half a result of man-made skillful hands. This is how it was pieced together to create this beautiful wonder.

That strange-shaped mountain is not a natural mountain, but a giant python coiled around it!

Back then, the great masters of Buddhism and Taoism jointly set up the Demon Suppressing Ridge, and a giant python whose cultivation was almost comparable to that of the Buddha was severely injured and captured alive. Originally, the top leaders of the Buddhist and Taoist sects had already discussed and planned to split the giant python into two, and everyone would take half back, whether it was for making elixirs or making soup.

But this big python is unruly.

He knelt down and begged for mercy, cried out to heaven and earth, donated his life savings, and made endless promises.

Therefore, several powerful figures from the Buddhist and Taoist sects joined forces to completely imprison him in the south of the 49th city.

Every day, this giant python, which was once so majestic and known as the 'Fantasy Dragon King' within the demon barbarians, acts as a 'fireworks machine' here, spitting out light and embellishing the wonders.

In addition, this giant python will also use its priceless saliva and body fluids to irrigate large areas of mountain forests and cultivate extremely rare 'Dragon Scale Fruit', 'Dragon Blood Flower', 'Dragon Vine', 'Dragon Heart Wood' and other genius treasures.

And every ninety-nine and eighty-one years, this giant python roars loudly, and in the wild mountains in the south, countless rare giant pythons and strange snakes will come to worship uncontrollably. Among these giant pythons and exotic snakes, there are many rare species, and their scales, skins, gallbladders, venom, etc. will be directly harvested by the monks waiting in the 49th city!

Lu Qian gnawed on the pig's trotters and muttered vaguely: This big guy has survived, but it's just that in the days when he can't wait for freedom, even if he survives, it will be quite miserable!

Thinking of the deeds related to this giant python recorded in the secret files of the Ninth City of Zhenzi, Lu Qian couldn't help but shake his head with emotion.

A giant demon whose strength has almost reached the level of Buddha Lord, a giant who once claimed to be the ancestor of the Taoist clan in Liangyi Heaven... is now in such a situation. It is really pitiful and sad.

Is he going to kill himself to become a benevolent person? Yinyuan turned around and looked at Lu Yan with a smile: Speaking of which, Xiaobai and I are not much better than others...free? Hehe, we are not free now. Body!

Lu Qian squinted his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes: Don't worry, things can always be solved. Such a great Buddhist school can save all those who are destined...

The white turtle gritted his teeth and made a rattling sound: Brother Zhishen, thanks to you, we were not tricked to death... Today, it's thanks to you again that you accompany our couple to go out to relax... If it's really One day, I can leave this damn place...hehehe!

Bai Yu looked at Lu Qian with inexplicable gratitude.

Thank you for your kindness. Between them and Lu Qian, the young couple didn't need to say any more nonsense.

But...the man who tricked them both into this situation!

Even her biological mother!

One day, she will seek justice and an explanation from her!

However, thinking of the identity and status of her nominal biological mother, as well as her terrifying cultivation, unpredictable methods and thoughts, Bai Yuan's scalp became numb, her whole body became cold, and she felt inexplicably endless despair. !

Yinyuan hugged Bai Yu tightly and said with a smile: That's all, don't think too much. With such beautiful scenery, such fine wine, and such a good time, why bother asking for trouble? Hey, we won't go home until we get drunk today!

Because of Lu Qian's rapid progress and inexplicable soaring in cultivation, these days he was full of thoughts and worries.

After hearing what Yinyuan said, Lu Qian couldn't help but laugh loudly: You're right, we won't go home until we're drunk today... Ha!

Just as he laughed, he heard a thunderous explosion. Guarding the entrance stairs of the highest floor of the Qingya Building occupied by Lu Qian and the others, several Taoist monks in secular attire roared and were struck by a dazzling bolt. The lightning flew high and hit the ceiling above.

Qingya Tower occupies the best location in the 49th city to watch the wonder of the Dragon King spitting out beads. It is also so huge in scale and the quality of the guests coming in and out is extremely high. It is obvious that the owner behind the scenes is very powerful.

Therefore, the defensive restrictions inside the Qingya Building are extremely strong. Several tall and powerful monks bumped into the seemingly fragile ceiling, and saw a strange light flickering from the exquisitely carved ceiling densely covered with countless hollow flower and grass patterns, and several The great monk was shaken by the majestic force of restraint. His bones and tendons were broken and he vomited blood.

Lu Qian's eyes flickered, and a violent surge rolled up, dragging several seriously injured monks back to the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

The breeze flickered around me, and a group of Taoist monks wearing cassocks and holding heavy weapons appeared beside them. Lu Qian said coldly: An evil guest comes to the door? Interesting, interesting. I want to discuss this matter with the owner of Qingya Tower. Ask for an explanation!

The sound of light footsteps came, and several young people in gorgeous clothes rushed up with a large group of guards, and soon came to the terrace outside.

Can you please give me an explanation? What kind of explanation? A young man wearing a dark gold striped plaid gown, all covered with jewels. Although his cultivation level is not high, he obviously has an extremely rich net worth. He is also smeared with makeup and powder, and he is quite girly. He sneered proudly: Qing Qingya Building is our family’s property...I, Ximen Qing, am the small owner of Qingya Building!”

Lu Qian had a gloomy face, took two steps forward, and took a big bite of pig's trotters with a 'click' sound.

I see, it's the young owner of Qingya Building who has arrived! Lu Yi smiled strangely: It's just that your Qingya Building has such a great reputation in the 49th City. Is this how you do business?

We also spent real money, thirty times higher than the price below, to book this penthouse. We spent money, and you store owners should let us spend our money happily and spend it happily. Be comfortable and get your money’s worth!”

As the owner of Qingya Building, you come to the door with a bunch of unknown things. What's going on? Lu Qian's voice gradually became louder, and all the guests on the hundreds of floors of Qingya Building could hear it. His yelling.

Qingya Tower, are you planning to turn it into a black shop and directly rob customers? Lu Qian was easily accused of being blamed.

The originally noisy and lively Qingya Building suddenly fell into silence.

Many guests listened attentively to the goings on on the top floor. There were also quite a few guests with sufficient backgrounds, power, and powerful cultivations who directly stepped on the auspicious clouds and flew into the sky, overlooking the conflict on the top floor from a high place.

Some guests who were not afraid of trouble even took out various secret treasures and recorded everything that happened here.

In the distance, there are several restaurants that are similar in size to Qingya Tower, but with slightly different viewing angles, and there are a lot of escaping lights and cloud lights coming slowly towards this side.

True immortal method, send a message or something, don't be too convenient!

Naturally, Qingya Tower has the same competitors, and there may be many people who hope they will be unlucky and replace them.

Seeing this kind of movement, Ximen Qing's face obviously stiffened, and something was wrong with his expression.

He called for help to a man behind him who was wearing an ordinary white shirt without any gorgeous accessories. He looked 'calm', 'indifferent', 'elegant' and 'out of the dust', as if 'nothing was on his mind', as if A young man who is 'out of tune with the world of mortals'.

The young man's face remained motionless, he just nodded slowly, then took two steps forward with steady steps until he was in front of Lu Qian.

Deputy City Master Fahai is so dressed up as he is. He doesn't look like a Buddhist disciple at all. It has completely insulted the dignity of the true Buddhist lineage of Zhenjiu. The young man stood in front of Lu Qian and spoke because of Lu Qian's secular clothes. He was given a stigma.

Lu Qian laughed.

He could see that this young man deliberately made such an otherworldly gesture, but when he acted, his eyes flickered, and it was obvious that his state of mind was not as plain and peaceful as he appeared on the outside.

This is a hollow product with only a superficial appearance!

Perhaps it is much better than Ximen Qing, the restless young master of Qingyalou, but in Lu Qian's opinion, that's just the way it is!

Inexplicably, he remembered those scholars in Dayinhao Capital City who kept talking about 'the way of a gentleman' and talked about 'sage's words' and 'moral articles' all day long.

What methods should be used to deal with these scholars?

Lu Qian is experienced!

Moreover, his experience is extremely rich!

He laughed loudly. In front of this young man in white, in front of Ximen Qing, in front of several companions they brought, a large group of guards, and nearly 10,000 monks gathered from all directions, Lu Qian moved as fast as lightning. He slapped the young man in white.

Lu Qian moved so fast that the young man in white had no time to react.

But he obviously has an extraordinary status and is protected by a rare treasure... Lu Qian's slap was still three inches away from the cheek of the young man in white. The strip around his waist looked ordinary, as if it was sewn from ordinary white coarse cloth. The belt suddenly flashed with auspicious light, and the outer white coarse cloth suddenly burned away, revealing a dragon skin treasure belt inlaid with gold, jade, and seven treasures, with extremely gorgeous patterns!

The twelve thumb-sized orbs on this treasure belt were so dazzling that they actually directly caused twelve big stars in the sky to drop wisps of starlight. They turned into a starlight treasure building and enveloped the young man in white, protecting him firmly inside. !

And the gown on his body, which was also made of coarse white cloth, was burned into a wisp of green smoke, revealing a set of fine and dense dragon scales underneath, forged from nine layers of secret techniques, as thin as cicada wings, and almost transparent. Full body soft armor!

This soft armor is also jewel-like and dazzling. Each dragon scale that makes up the soft armor is also inlaid with three mung bean-sized exotic orbs using ingenious craftsmanship.

These orbs puffed out clouds of smoke and directly condensed into nine wrist-thick dragon-shaped lights and shadows, which circled and danced close to the young man's body, forming a second line of defense to protect him.

On the young man's head, the seemingly ordinary hairpin made of thorns used to hold his hair in a bun also turned into a wisp of flying ash in an instant. Inside the ordinary hairpin, there was something outrageous. It was a cyan metal hairpin with an extremely clumsy shape, made of a strange material that Lu Qian didn't even recognize.

This ancient hairpin is densely covered with countless lines that look like smoke and clouds.

There was a loud roar, and the hairpin released wisps of extremely fine blue cloud smoke, which turned into a huge smoke and wrapped tightly around the body of the young man in white. This was his third line of defense!

Countless guests watching the excitement made a noise in unison. Many guests who were not mentally enlightened enough or knew this young man and wanted to make noise applauded one after another, and each one shouted loudly: What a 'simple and humble' 'gentleman' Lin Haoran!

Lin Haoran's face, which was originally calm and indifferent, changed slightly.

There was a loud bang, and Lu Qian slapped the first layer of his three-layer defense line, the starlight treasure building.

The light is splashing and the stars are flying.

The light banner trembled violently. Under Lu Qian's pure physical strength of one hundred and eighty pengs, the light beam was distorted to a great extent, but it was still tenaciously supported by Lu Qian's palm and was not broken. .

Lin Haoran calmly put his hands behind his back, and said calmly across the defense line formed by the three layers of rare treasures: Haoran is not talented, but he has won the favor of his family ancestors and bestowed three layers of ancient Dharma-protecting treasures... No one but a great Bodhisattva can break it!

Smiling indifferently, Lin Haoran nodded gently to Lu Qian: May I ask Deputy City Master Fahai, are you a great Bodhisattva?

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes!

The great monk who previously set the record for physical strength in the True Immortal Realm of Buddhism, when he was in the True Immortal Realm, that is, the realm under the thirty heavens, his physical strength reached 108 Peng... And the 108 Peng's The powerful golden body accompanied by physical strength allowed him to almost defeat the attacks of Buddhist masters in the Bodhisattva realm.

That is, the masters of Buddhism in the thirty-first, thirty-second, and thirty-third heavenly realms of the True Immortal Realm are ‘Bodhisattvas’, also known as ‘Little Bodhisattvas’. The limit of the attack that the little Bodhisattva can unleash, whether it is spells, supernatural powers, or the slashing of Buddha treasures and Buddha soldiers, converted into pure power attacks, is about the level of 108 power.

As for the great Bodhisattvas, they have transcended the limitations of the thirty-third heavenly realm. The minimum threshold for their great power is more than eight hundred pengs!

Eight hundred pengs!

Lu Qian squinted and stared at Lin Haoran with an unkind look.

If the avenue of 'force' is activated, based on Lu Qian's current understanding of the avenue of 'force', his level of cultivation, and the endurance limit of his current golden body, he can probably withstand five times to A six-fold increase in strength!

Lu Qian could withstand a thirty-fold increase in strength before!

But at that time, Lu Qian's pure physical strength was no more than the power of three pengs, which increased to the extreme, which was about ninety pengs.

And now the power of one hundred and eighty power has increased five to six times, which is a terrifying attack of more than nine hundred power... That is, Lu Qian, with his cultivation level of the 22nd level of the True Immortal Realm, purely relies on his own full strength to attack, and his The attack power is almost comparable to that of a great Buddhist Bodhisattva who has just broken through the realm and has a certain background!

What a terrifying leap!

Naturally, Lu Qian couldn't act in front of people for this kind of leap... Otherwise, people's hearts are unpredictable, and sages and Buddhas were once human... If he behaved too evilly, he might encounter some trouble.

As for other methods... Lu Qian also doesn't want to, and doesn't dare to use them!

A true immortal, in public, breaks through the defensive secret treasure that can only be destroyed by the great Bodhisattva realm. Unless Lu Qian takes out the seven-treasure diamond circle that suppresses the Xuanguang Buddha in prison, no matter what method he uses, he will become the target of everyone's attention and the prying eyes of thousands of people. ...It's a disaster rather than a blessing. Sometimes, you can't be impulsive!

Especially, Lu Qian is not alone now, he has so many relatives and friends around him, and behind him are Yinyuan and Bai Yu!

Therefore, Lu Qian took back his hand and remained silent.

In the eyes of others, Lu Qian was at his wits end, was timid, and showed a hint of submission!

Lin Haoran smiled lightly: Now, can we talk about serious things?

Without waiting for Lu Qian's response, Lin Haoran continued: Of course, it's still the same sentence. The deputy city master of Fahai is a disciple of Buddhism. He actually wears secular clothes and drinks and eats in this luxurious place. It has... insulted the reputation of Buddhism. !”

The Zhenyu lineage has always had strict discipline, and the Zhenyu Xuanguang Buddha is also famous in Liangyi Heaven for his integrity and justice... Why is there such a true successor of the Buddha lineage like you? You are simply the scum of the Buddhist sect, and a disgrace to the Zhenyu lineage!

Lu Qian looked at the serious Lu Haoran and suddenly smiled as he listened to him constantly accusing himself of accusations.

He shook his right hand vigorously and smiled at the worried-looking Yinyuan and Bai Yu behind him: It's really strange. I, a drunken and meat-loving monk, eats and drinks a lot, and none of the elders of my sect show up. What are you talking about, what’s wrong with this little kid who doesn’t know if his egg yolk has grown yet?”

Yinyuan smiled. He was already a little frightened. He held the luxurious rhinoceros horn cup tightly in his right hand, and his five fingers forced themselves on the noble wine vessel, grabbing five clear fingerprints.

Bai Yu's nature exploded... Even though she had experienced so many twists and turns and suffered so many sins, her lawless and unscrupulous nature still showed no signs of restraint.

She laughed loudly and raised her head proudly: Perhaps, he once knelt at the feet of a great monk from the prison lineage and licked his toes in order to be worshiped by the disciple, but he was not allowed to be included... So, He is jealous. Since he is jealous, isn't it because he has a treacherous intention? He will throw dirt on you, a serious Buddhist disciple, and accuse you of all sorts of bad reputations. It is best for you to be expelled from the school. So he can kneel outside the mountain gate of Zhenjing again and beg the great monks to let him in!

Lu Qian nodded as if he suddenly realized: I see, this explains it well... No wonder I have no grievances or grudges with this gentleman Lin Haoran, and we are strangers. Today he brought a group of crazy dogs and minions and actually came to our door!

Lu Qian pretended to be a loving senior and looked at Lin Haoran tenderly: Brother Haoran, since you want to join my family, why didn't you tell me earlier? Although I don't like it, With your despicable character and dirty methods, it is impossible for me to accept you as my disciple... But Daning Temple, the ancestral temple where my master imprisoned Xuanguang Buddha, still lacks a few handymen to grow vegetables and weed in the vegetable garden!

Lin Haoran's eyes widened.

Lu Qian rushed to speak before him and said quickly: Of course, even if you are a handyman of Daning Temple, my master, you can only be selected by a good family with a clean family background and no male thieves or female prostitutes in the eighteen generations of your ancestors. Brother Haoran You are obviously not qualified...but those handymen also need a boy who can carry water for them, boil water for them, rub their backs and trim their pedicures while they are bathing and cleansing...

Lu Qian brought up his magic power, amplified his voice, and said sternly: Lin Haoran, I think you are short, obviously short-lived; your cheeks are bulging, obviously sexual abuse; your lips are thin, obviously cool; the heaven is narrow, and your breath is small; What's more, you have the back of an ape and the waist of a wolf. Although you have the appearance of a human, you are still an animal on the inside... With such a despicable character, you are only worthy of being the lowest-ranking handyman in Daning Temple!

The sound shook hundreds of miles, causing the surrounding mountains and forests to roar.

Even the giant monster python in the south that was spitting out bright light and creating the spectacle of the Dragon King spitting out pearls also stopped moving.

The strange-shaped mountain covering a large area moved slightly, and a large boulder collapsed from the top of the mountain. Two green lights with a diameter of a hundred feet dimly lit up. The giant python opened its eyes and looked over.

Lin Haoran was furious. He pointed at Lu Qian and shouted sternly: Fahai, how dare you insult me?

Lu Qian shouted sternly: I humiliate you? What kind of person are you, worthy of me, Fahai, humiliating you in public? Let me ask you, since you call me Vice City Lord of Fahai, you obviously know my identity!

Lin Haoran's eyes flashed and he sneered: Of course, you are the newly appointed deputy city lord of the ninth city of Zhenzi, Monk Fahai, the true disciple of the Buddha's lineage, who comes from the Zhenzi lineage of Buddhism!

Lu Qian said coldly: Since you know that I am the deputy city lord of the town, I dare to ask you what kind of official position you have. How dare you bring so many thugs and minions to surround the city lord in public, and even reveal the secret treasure to threaten the personal safety of the city lord. ? Could it be that you are colluding with the devil and trying to rebel?

Countless guests watching the excitement were making noise and noise again, and some people applauded!

On the front line of Zhenmo Ridge, including the main city of Zhenmo City, and even the 108 towns under its jurisdiction, the city lord and deputy city lords have almost 'supreme' authority.

Because of the special function of the Demon Suppressing City, it is a Demon Suppressing Line of Defense used to suppress and imprison the remnants of the savage and evil spirits!

Any provocation against the city lord and deputy city lord can easily be charged with colluding with evil spirits, and some unlucky people and their families will be thrown into the eighteenth level of hell, and there is basically no possibility of turning around!

This is a golden sign jointly created by thirteen Buddhist masters and eighteen Taoist sages. It can be called the sword of Shangfang of Liangyi Heaven!

Most of the many guests around knew Lin Haoran and his identity. Many of them had considerable conflicts with the family behind him.

Therefore, when they heard that Lu Qian, as the deputy city lord of a town, blatantly accused Lin Haoran of 'colluding with evil spirits', many of the idlers watching the excitement felt relieved and wanted to take out a lot of fairy crystals. Lu Qian gives a reward!

Ximen Qing was obviously a standard dandy with no government. He immediately jumped up: That's nonsense. Brother Haoran is such a person. How dare you...

Lin Haoran raised his right hand and waved it slightly.

Ximen Qing obediently shut his mouth, widened his unsightly little bitch eyes, and stared at Lu Qian looking up and down.

Lin Haoran smiled and said: Deputy City Master Fahai has a sharp mouth! However, Haoran just has a legitimate reason to question Deputy City Master Fahai here... Even if Deputy City Master Fahai cannot give the world a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid you will have to bear the charges of 'colluding with evil spirits', 'plotting evil', or even 'breaking the iron laws of Demon Suppression City'!

Lu Qian smiled: Oh? The young monk is all ears!

He looked at Lin Haoran and said softly: However, think about it soon. If you can't kill the young monk with one blow today... the young monk will definitely let you kill everyone in his family!

Lin Haoran smiled lightly, bowed to the onlookers around him, and said something.

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