Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 738: Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang... Lord Buddha

Ancient star palace.

Master Taiwei chanted the true mantra softly.

The huge treasure mirror emits floating light phantoms, and the spindles intertwined with the thread of fate roar. In the precious mirror, the images of countless creatures flashed past. From the eastern region of Liangyi Heaven to the western region, from the northern region of Liangyi Heaven to the southern region... Anyone who was born in Liangyi Heaven, anyone who has ever existed in Liangyi Heaven, and any creature who has had entanglements with Liangyi Heaven... …

Except for the eighteen sages of Taoism and the thirteen Buddhas of Buddhism, no living being can avoid the gaze of this precious mirror.

As long as this creature has even the slightest connection with Taoist Master Taiwei's robbed power of luck, then Taoist Master Taiwei will definitely be able to target him, and then... use all his power to crush him completely.

It's close, it's close! The light released by the treasure mirror became more and more dazzling, and a heart-stopping fluctuation was accumulated in the treasure mirror. The body of the stunning woman who had just sent Yu Gui's message was trembling slightly, and she looked with great excitement at the precious mirror that had turned into a ball of pure light just like Taoist Master Taiwei.

Having followed Taiwei Taoist Master for many years, as the head disciple of Taiwei Taoist Master, the stunning woman has seen the spectacle of this precious mirror being used several times... Once, it was Taiwei Taoist who took the initiative to use this precious mirror. , directly killed a man who had just stepped into the Taoist realm from afar... Oh, no, that time, the unlucky guy who was killed was a Buddhist power, he should be called 'Buddha'!

In particular, if you use the power of destiny to kill your enemy, the enemy will die in a reasonable, natural and harmonious way, without leaving any clues or causal implication.

Just like the newly minted Buddha of Buddhism, he died, but Buddhism still thinks that he just died in an accident... In other words, some Buddhist masters realized that the death of the Buddha was abnormal, but they could not Find the real murderer!

Master is powerful...his powers are limitless. The stunning woman's red lips parted slightly and she smiled very happily. She couldn't wait to know who the bold person who dared to challenge Biluo Dao Palace was.

At this moment, a strange stream of light seemed to appear out of thin air, and gently touched the treasure mirror that turned into a ball of fierce light.

Including Taoist Master Taiwei, none of the three people in the hall could see clearly what the identity of that streak of light was... They were even confused about how it appeared and how it disappeared.

The stream of light flashed past, and the radiant treasure mirror shook violently and let out a high-pitched cry. The strong light suddenly collapsed inward and returned to its original appearance. On the smooth mirror surface, a thin crack as thin as a hair can be clearly seen, running across the entire mirror surface.

A strange ray of colorful light adhered to the crack, and mysterious power filled it. No matter how the treasure mirror vibrated and roared, it constantly expended its own original power to repair the crack, but it was unable to shake the crack at all.

Taiwei Dao Master, who turned into light, also returned to his original form.

She raised her right hand in astonishment, and a thin bloodstain ran across her palm. A wisp of purple energy lingered, and the bloodstains filled with infinite starlight were flowing continuously from the bloodstains.

Just like the crack on the treasure mirror, Taoist Master Taiwei had cast ninety-nine Taoist secret spells and magical powers in an instant, but he could not repair this small scar.

Her face changed slightly, and she endured the indescribable pain in her chest. Taoist Taiwei took out the thirteen best elixirs at her disposal as quickly as possible, and poured them into her mouth like fried beans. .

The elixir enters the abdomen, and the majestic power of the medicine turns into wisps of vitality rising up. But the scars on her palms still showed no signs of healing, and even the blood flow could not be stopped. The blood still fell on the ground drop by drop, turning into purple orbs the size of thumbs, which jingled all over the ground. roll.

The air is full of fragrant aroma.

Every hair on Taoist Master Taiwei's body is comparable to a top-level genius treasure for a low-level true immortal. Every drop of her blood was filled with huge, magical power. The strange fragrance like orchid and musk kept seeping out from the blood drops rolling all over the floor, making the other two people in the hall couldn't help but inhale it vigorously. A few breaths!

Master! The stunning woman cautiously took two steps forward.

Taoist Master Taiwei raised his head and smiled brightly: It doesn't matter, at least I know that there is a powerful person behind this matter... intervening... intervening...

With a 'pop' sound, Taoist Master Taiwei vomited blood, and the blood spurted out dozens of feet away like a fountain.

The figure condensed with sword light suddenly appeared beside Taoist Master Taiwei, holding her crumbling body with both hands, and said urgently: What's wrong? What weird thing hurt you just now?

Taoist Master Taiwei's uninjured hand tightly clasped the figure's arm, and hissed: Old Bai, go to Zhenmo Ridge and bring 100,000 Biluo Taoist soldiers there...bring 100,000 Taoists with the highest combat power The strongest Biluo Taoist soldier went over and... stared Bai Yu to death, stared her to death!

Someone is plotting against me! There was a hint of panic and confusion on Taoist Master Taiwei's beautiful face: But, plotting against me? This is provoking me, provoking my parents, even provoking The high-level officials of the Taoist sect who formulated this big plan!

who is it?

The majestic power of thirteen kinds of top-quality elixirs in the body is still activated, but the power of these elixirs, which are enough to revive the dead and the flesh and bones, are like headless flies, and they have no effect on the injuries suffered by Taoist Master Taiwei. any effect.

She could clearly feel that an invisible wound penetrated her internal organs, and even penetrated from her internal organs to her immortal soul and spirit!

She could even feel that the stream of light just now had the ability to damage her immortal soul and even severely damage her Yuanling... It could even force her to give up all her cultivation in this life and have to reincarnate and cultivate again!

However, the Taoist Master Taiwei mastered and comprehended the Great Dao Divine Passage Yu XuanAo. She tied her immortal soul, Yuanling, and trillions of Liangyi innate beings into a whole by binding them together.

If Taoist Master Taiwei's immortal soul is beheaded and Yuanling is destroyed, then the trillions of Liangyi natural beings will be completely destroyed before her, and everyone will be in despair, without even a chance to be reincarnated. have!

It was because of this 'extinctional binding' that the stream of light just swayed slightly beside her fairy soul, without even 'touching' it, and just walked away without actually attacking her!

My strength is unpredictable, but I am afraid...or should I say, compassionate? Taoist Master Taiwei smiled, and then laughed brightly: You want to block my path, but you have a trace of compassion in your heart. There is no real intention. A dead hand? There are very few people in Liangyitian who have such a style but such strength... I can roughly guess who it is!

The bright smile suddenly became distorted, and the beautiful smile became extremely ferocious. Taoist Master Taiwei hissed: Do you think this is over? This matter is never over... Haha, you can stop me for a moment, can you? , can you still stop me for the rest of my life?

She pushed Lao Bai on the chest with a hard slap: Go quickly and target Bai Yu... target everyone around her... She is the key to my enlightenment, and I will never allow anyone to defy heaven for her. To change her fate, she must and is destined to become a sacrifice for the achievement of my great road!

I conceived her, and I am her biological mother, so she must be my sacrifice... I gave her everything, and I can take everything back! Dao Master Taiwei shouted sternly: Go, go quickly, don't let anything happen. Any delays!

Lao Bai gave Taoist Master Taiwei a deep look, took the star-studded token handed over by Taoist Master Taiwei, turned around and turned into a majestic sword rainbow and whizzed away, disappearing without a trace in a flash. trace.

Red Phoenix! Taoist Master Taiwei looked at the stunning woman wearing the Danfeng Chaoyang Palace Dress.

Master? Chihuang ducked in front of Taoist Master Taiwei and knelt on the ground respectfully.

Send me to my mother. Taoist Master Taiwei's eyes flickered, and blood sprayed out from his mouth: Hurry up and bring more people with you... I'm afraid it won't be quiet along the way. Haha.

She raised her head and looked at the baby floating above her head - the child of Yinyuan and Bai You, that is, her biological grandson.

From all directions, the power of luck rushing towards this baby like a torrent has become much thinner. The flying slash of the stream of light just now not only seriously injured Taoist Master Taiwei, but also seriously injured the ancient spiritual treasure-level mirror, and also cut off most of the luck channels flowing to the baby.

What a great magical power, what a great ability!

Haha, mediate fortune and seize luck. Taoist Master Taiwei murmured: This matter is not over yet.

When Taoist Master Taiwei was attacked in his Taoist palace, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha was... selling dog-skin plasters!

The Buddha, one of the top Buddhist sects, transformed into a rough and bearded monk. He was standing at a crowded cross street. He first danced for a while with a three-tinged machete that weighed ten thousand kilograms, and then panted. Ruoqi, in front of everyone, drew a strong bow with a power of eighty stones.

Liangyi Tian is full of spiritual energy, and the environment of heaven and earth is far from comparable to the lower realm. Therefore, the physical fitness of mortals in Liangyi Heaven is on average more than ten times that of mortals in the lower realm. In other words, the most ordinary big man can easily lift a thousand catties!

A sword that weighs ten thousand pounds and a powerful bow that weighs eighty stone are of relatively good quality for these charlatans who travel around the world to perform as entertainers!

At least, you can fool ordinary people!

After showing off his strength for a while, he summoned two onlookers and cooperated with him by playing a trick of smashing a big stone on his chest and holding a steel gun against his throat. The joints all over my body were banged and banged.

The iron rod hit him so hard that his whole body trembled, and soon there were green and red marks on his body.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha laughed loudly at the audience who were constantly exclaiming around him: Everyone, readers, don't be afraid, don't panic, if the young monk dares to do this, he will naturally have the confidence of the young monk!

First of all, the judge wants to ask, how does the young monk have so much strength?

Scared, it's easy. The young monk has been swallowing his own secret Dali Pills since he was a child... Take one pill a day, mix it with the old chicken soup, and then eat three big pig knuckles, tsk, I promise you You are as strong as an ox and as strong as ten thousand catties!”

Another guest wants to ask, why does the young monk dare to use this iron rod to hit his own body?

Does it hurt? Of course it does!

Whether there will be any injuries, of course there will be hard wounds...even if you are not careful, there will be hidden wounds. If it is cold and rainy in the future, you will avoid the trouble of rheumatism and bone pain.

So, is the young monk crazy? Is he stupid? Knowing that it will cause injuries, you still hit yourself like this?

Well, the young monk also has confidence... This is the confidence of the young monk - the secret 'True Jade Ointment' passed down by the young monk from his ancestors. The genuine wild wolf skin is used as the base of the plaster, and the medicinal materials are all picked from the wild. It is very effective. A complete wild medicine.

This is comparable to those who use domestic dog skins to fool people, and those who use garden...plants...

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, who was bragging about how powerful and sharp his ancestral secret plaster was, suddenly changed his face slightly. He raised his head in shock, glanced quickly in all directions, then stamped his foot, which suddenly turned into a dark beam. The Buddha's light soars into the sky, then disappears in a flash!

On the spot, what was left was the 10,000-pound machete used by the Xuanguang Buddha in prison, a strong bow with eighty stone power, a lot of black pills, and hundreds of wolf-skin plasters that exuded a fishy smell.

Countless people watching the excitement all around were making noises in unison, and like crazy demons, they rushed towards the objects left behind by the Xuanguang Buddha who suppressed the prison, especially the pills and wolf-skin plaster.

The true immortal appears and transforms the world... Oh my god, it's a pity that we don't have this chance!

Why is the True Immortal gone? Why is he gone? Oh my God!

Young Gua Nao, this elixir and spiritual ointment are all mine, mine!

In the western region of Liangyitian, the territory of Buddhism, in the heart of Zhenyu lineage’s territory, there is Jieyou Mountain, Black Iron Cliff, and Daning Temple!

The ancient temples stretch for millions of miles, with majestic halls and magnificent momentum. The sound of Sanskrit singing is like an endless wave, and teams of big monks covered in sinews and flesh dance and perform sticks, patrolling in all directions.

A wisp of purple energy shot straight into the sky from a hall at the core of the ancient temple. In the sky tens of thousands of miles above the ground, it turned into a dense purple cloud that shrouded thousands of miles. On this piece of purple clouds and glow condensed by the power of countless believers' faith, there is a Buddha statue that is exactly the same as the prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha. It is also condensed by the infinite power of faith and is a million miles high. He has his hands in seals and sits cross-legged. .

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha used his most powerful supernatural power and all his power to cross the trillions of miles of void from the secular city where he performed as an entertainer, and returned to Daning Temple in just a snap of his fingers.

As soon as he sat down in the main hall where he usually repaired, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha quickly sent out several Dharma messages.

In the void, in a dimension that ordinary people cannot detect at all, a mighty and huge Buddhist kingdom quietly descends. The Buddha's infinite radiant appearance hides in the void, quietly covering the entire Daning Temple.

In all directions of Daning Temple, several Buddhas who were friends with the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, including the Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha, quietly appeared.

They guarded the four directions, imprisoned many dimensions of the sky and the ground in all directions, suppressed the earth, water, fire, wind and other heaven and earth energy. Their great magical power forcibly locked the void in this area. Any escape technique, any moving magical power, but similar secret techniques, would be blocked. It is difficult to take even half a step into Daning Temple.

At the same time, twelve powerful spiritual treasures sealed the void and froze the laws.

Unless someone's cultivation is stronger than that of the Baoguang Merit Buddha who sits secretly, and surpasses him several times, no one can use any magical powers or secret techniques to peek into what is happening in Daning Temple.

When the Buddha Lord and several Buddhas were in place, Monk Yuanjue, as well as his two senior brothers Yuan Ding and Yuan Shan, also rushed to Daning Temple with their close disciples, and directly entered the main hall in the middle. To protect the Dharma of the Xuanguang Buddha who suppresses the prison.

Said it was a Dharma protector.

It would be better to simply say that it was an opportunity for the Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha to give the true disciples like Monk Yuanjue... a chance to truly gain valuable sermons and teach the Dharma before he made a breakthrough.

There are no Buddha statues enshrined in the quaintly decorated hall.

On the niche where the Buddha statue should be enshrined, there was only an ordinary lotus floating in the air, occasionally flashing a faint light.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sat on a futon under the niche, gnawing fist-sized winter jujubes. The air around him was vibrating. His rich and powerful voice came from all directions in the hall, perfectly matching the clear and crisp sound of him chewing winter jujubes. blended into one.

He was talking about some of the most fundamental secrets of cultivation in Liangyi Tiandao Sect and Buddhism.

As for these mysteries, before you reach a certain level, either you are not qualified to know them, or you do not have the authority to teach them.

And this secret is actually very simple!

In the thunderous narration of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, the three great Bodhisattvas Yuanjue, Yuanding, and Yuanshan, as well as several true disciples of the Buddha lineage, listened carefully one by one. Some people even showed expressions of enlightenment and joy from time to time. It was obvious that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha had answered the question they had been confused about for a long time today:

The inheritance of Liangyi Heaven, Taoism and Buddhism is incomplete.

The Taoist ancestor from the Taoist sect came astride a green sheep, and the legendary Buddha from the Buddhist sect looked like a child, sleeping in a water lily and flew out of the sky. These two great powers with unpredictable origins were passed down in Liangyi Heaven. Daodao... But obviously, the mantle has not been passed down!

The great road they passed down is incomplete!

Therefore, whether it is Taoism or Buddhism, before they reached the 30th level of the True Immortal Realm, their practice was smooth and smooth.

But once you reach the 33rd level of the True Immortal Realm, cultivation becomes much more difficult.

Therefore, the 31st, 32nd, and 33rd heavens of the True Immortal Realm are called Bodhisattvas by Buddhists and Heavenly Kings by Taoists. Those who can cultivate to these realms are all unique and have amazing talents. A monster is either a lucky person with great luck and boundless good fortune.

Going up to the thirty-third heaven of the True Immortal Realm, and reaching the realm of the Great Bodhisattva of Buddhism and the Real King of Taoism, it becomes even more difficult!

In the great way passed down by Taoist ancestors and Buddhas, they relied entirely on their own practice, cultivation, and even the true method of breaking through the realm of the great Bodhisattva and the true king. Among the many ancient powerful people who listened to the Tao in those days, only a few people succeeded.

The rest of their income is all through the side door of external things!

What the Taoist sect obtains is to collect the treasures of heaven and earth, elixirs and treasures, collect the essence of heaven and earth that are similar to the laws of the Tao that they have understood, and blend them into a furnace, all the lotus flowers, seize the good fortune of heaven and earth, and achieve themselves!

Therefore, the Taoist sect attaches great importance to all kinds of cultivation qualifications, and almost madly conquers the caves, heavens and blessed places, and the famous mountains and rivers!

What Buddhism has gained is to gather the incense faith of hundreds of millions of believers, gather infinite faith into one body, gather the power of faith of hundreds of millions of living beings, strengthen its own roots, strengthen its own cultivation, and use this to forcefully break through!

Therefore, Buddhism does not have much demand for the rare treasures of heaven and earth, elixirs and precious materials - except for some body cultivators who also cultivate the supreme golden body of Buddhism, other Buddhist powerful men have great demands for caves, heavens and blessed lands, for spiritual mountains and great rivers, and Not much greed.

Buddhism also grabs territory, but their only purpose in grabbing territory is 'believers', 'believers', and in the end, there are enough 'believers' in a continuous stream that can reproduce and grow, and the group is getting stronger and stronger!

Therefore, Lu Qian passed down the Taoism of Dajue Temple in Yuanlingtian and Jishengtian, allowing countless creatures in the two lower worlds to all worship Monk Yuanjue and worship him as the only ancestor of the lineage... This is very important to Yuanjue. As far as the monk is concerned, it is like a big pie falling from the sky... and it even has immeasurable benefits for the entire prison-suppressing lineage!

Two small worlds, two small worlds that are full of vitality and are still growing. How many people can believers be born in the future? This is simply an astronomical figure!

At the very least, with the countless believers in these two small worlds as the foundation, Monk Yuanjue will have no bottlenecks before he steps into the Buddha realm... Even if he is willing to share the hearts of the two small worlds a little bit, With the two senior brothers Yuan Ding and Yuan Shan, these two peak-level Bodhisattvas are expected to break into the Buddha realm in a short time!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha murmured about the biggest shortcomings of Liangyi Tiandao Sect and Buddhism Sect, and also the biggest tricks.

As long as there are enough treasures from heaven and earth and enough training materials, Taoism will be able to continuously cultivate great powers.

As long as there is enough territory and enough believers to continuously provide the power of incense and faith, Buddhism can continue to cultivate top powers!

Therefore, why did Buddhism and Taoism join forces to exterminate the demons and demons in Liangyi Heaven?

Is it true that good and evil are incompatible?

It's all bullshit!

It’s all for resources, it’s all for profit!

After wiping out the monstrous and evil Taoism, 70% of the cave heaven and paradise they left behind, as long as there were rare materials produced, belonged to the Taoist sect... just like Lu Qian's current Taoist temples, Qionghua Mountain and Liuxia River, were overtaken by the Taoist sect back then. occupied it, and the Buddhist sect did not go to war with the Taoist sect over this.

As for the large territories left by barbarians and evil spirits, and those densely populated areas, more than 70% also belong to Buddhism.

Buddhism sent countless articulate disciples to preach in those places of mortal world. It took thousands of years to stage countless dramas of subduing demons and slaying demons and helping the people. Finally, countless temples were built in those places of mortal world. , Zen forest, so that trillions of people have become devout believers in Buddhism!

Just look at the auspicious clouds and dharma images formed by the intense power of thoughts above the magnificent temples in Buddhism, and you will know how much help these believers have provided for Buddhism to advance!

Leaving behind a few gnawed-out winter dates, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha took out a chayote and started gnawing it.

His voice resounded throughout the hall: Before today, I was ignorant. I only thought that the power of incense and faith was the only way to advance in Buddhism. In fact, this is also the case. I have a few good disciples like you. , The reason why the prison-suppressing lineage is so prosperous is because the teacher's cultivation level is rising, and seeing that the supreme realm is only a mere ten thousand years old, there is hope for a breakthrough!

The dim light flickered in his eyes, and an extremely heavy prison-suppressing power enveloped the entire hall, sealing all the next words of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha in the hall. Only the true transmissions of these Buddha lineages of the Prison-Suppressing lineage are qualified to listen. have to.

But today, I have come into contact with something more wonderful and unspeakable!

Putting down the half-eaten chayote in his hand, he no longer used his magic power to vibrate the air to make sounds, but spoke in person, speaking softly word by word: The power of luck... the power of fate... mysterious and mysterious... wonderful Unspeakable!”

A strange aura slowly emerged all over his body, and every pore in the body of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha began to emit a faint light.

The Buddhist inheritance of Liangyitian is incomplete...the secrets of heaven, destiny, etc. are the true inheritance from the Taoist sect...in comparison, our Buddhist sect is much weaker in this aspect.

So, today my master suddenly entered the situation. Only then did he realize that the supreme power of the Taoist sect had actually deployed his first attack early... but was intercepted out of thin air by a good disciple of my prison-suppressing lineage.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha smiled, he dropped the chayote in his hand, looked at Monk Yuanjue and said softly: Yuanjue, your little disciple, very good, very good...really, not only has he saved me thousands of years of hard work. , eliminating all kinds of unpredictable risks in the last stage, and more importantly, he exposed a huge plan of the Taoist sect.

At this moment, at this moment.

The whole body of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is shrouded in incomparable strong luck. Countless monks, true immortals, and countless unlucky people have been deprived of their fortune and the magical power transformed by destiny has turned into magnificent torrents and continuously flowed into the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha. in vivo.

The Prison Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha's own accumulation has already been enough. He is still a thin layer of window paper before he can reach a higher realm. Even... he has broken through more than 90% of that layer of window paper!

He has seen the highest realm.

However, his accumulation is not enough, and he is afraid, so he is going to spend thousands of years of hard work to slowly polish it, and strive to get through that level without any surprises!

But I didn't expect that such a huge opportunity would fall out of thin air.

Through the majestic torrent of luck, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha's own immeasurable magical power sprouted. He clearly saw Lu Yi who was confronting Lin Haoran in Qingya Tower, and even saw Yinyuan and Bai Yu hiding behind Lu Yi. Young couple!

The moment he saw Yinyuan and Bai Yu, through the continuous torrent of luck, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha suddenly understood more than 90% of the mystery.

The far-reaching plans of the Taoist sect, and the ruthlessness of Taoist Master Taiwei.

As for Lu Qian, he was truly a man of great fortune and good fortune... With such an opportunity, because of his involvement, most of the benefits of this opportunity were inexplicably diverted and intercepted, and flowed to the prison town. pulse!

Lu Qian's own small body was too weak to withstand such a mighty force of luck.

Therefore, in the end, all the luck that was forcibly stolen and robbed by Master Taiwei using secret techniques was fed back to the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

After today, my prison-suppressing lineage will shine brightly in Liangyi Heaven.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha smiled, and then twitched the corner of his mouth slightly: Of course, you might also make a few big enemies... But, the old monk has been tough all his life, hey, no matter how many enemies there are, I will kill them all!

In the sky above Daning Temple, covering thousands of miles, the purple clouds and glow formed by the incense and faith of countless believers rolled up and suddenly collapsed towards the core.

The giant Buddha statue, which was indistinguishable from the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, was also accompanied by the Sanskrit chants of countless great monks and young monks. It collapsed bit by bit and shrunk bit by bit. In just a few breaths, it turned into a giant Buddha statue. A fist-sized purple-gold relic blended into the collapsing purple clouds.

In the territory of the Zhenyu lineage, countless disciples of the Zhenyu lineage who were stationed in all directions received the edicts from the main sect of Daning Temple. The host of Fangfang personally rang the big bell, summoned believers from all directions, and held a grand Dharma conference!

Countless disciples of the prison-suppressing lineage scattered in various branches and lower courtyards, and countless disciples of the prison-suppressing lineage traveling abroad, mustered up all their energy to distribute gold, silver, and elixirs to the numerous people wherever they passed. Distribute food and cotton clothes, and even call for wind and rain, eliminate disasters and eliminate difficulties.

These wandering disciples are all smart and shrewd people. Their beauty can be as beautiful as a lotus flower. This is just their most basic practice. In addition, they took out real money and all kinds of daily necessities to encourage people, even those ordinary people who only half-believed in Buddhist teachings, suddenly began to chant the name of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

Once you recite it, there will be a response in the dark.

Even if it is the most superficial belief, a belief will naturally rise into the sky and instantly merge into the billowing purple clouds above Daning Temple.

The three great Bodhisattvas Yuanjue, Yuanding, and Yuanshan chanted the Buddha's name in unison. In their own courtyard, the strong power of faith accumulated for many years separated half of it and turned into a golden rainbow of purple air, spanning the void. Injected into the purple clouds above Daning Temple.

The true disciples of the Buddha lineage under them have also opened their own monastery outside, and they have also accumulated great faith and power.

At this moment, the important task of imprisoning Xuanguang Buddha was imminent. Including the two direct brothers of Lu Qian, including the Glazed Vase Monk and the Tridacna Buddha Monk, they did not hesitate to directly cut off 70% of the faith and mind power accumulated by their own monastery. Enshrined to the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

The billowing power of faith turned into a purple torrent visible to the naked eye, and engulfed the body of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha from the Tianling Cap.

Behind the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, a thick and unparalleled Buddha's light slowly bloomed.

In the light of Buddha, there are huge towers of Ten Thousand Buddhas that are shaped like pyramids and are extremely thick and heavy. They are very different from other Buddhist pagodas and pagodas. Near these huge towers, countless black-gold lotus blossoms bloomed out of thin air. On each lotus, more or less, there were countless looming figures sitting cross-legged.

These figures are all the most devout fanatics that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha has collected from his followers over the past countless years.

The only purpose of these fanatical believers' existence now is to madly believe in the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, recite his name day and night, and provide him with endless power of faith!

Old monk, be merciful! The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha smiled. His body, infused with the power of boundless faith and nourished by infinite luck, had been blocked in front of him for many years. Although he could see through it at a glance, it still made him feel uncomfortable. The barrier that he had dared not cross for many years was quietly shattered by the burning purple-gold Buddha flames all over his body.

The breath suddenly floated upward.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha took out his own seven-treasure diamond ring, looked at it with a smile, pondered for a while, and nodded. He raised his head, looked at the ceiling of the hall and said with a smile: Speaking of which, you are his great master, so you should shed some blood!

Perched above Daning Temple, in the dimension of ordinary power and unfathomable power, the Baoguang Merit Buddha who was looking around was stunned. He laughed and cursed in a low voice, casually opened his sleeves, and looked inside with a frown. Take a look.

Well, that Heavenly Seal... The Precious Flame Thousand-Armed Buddha has spent a lot of money... and then integrate your Seven Treasures Diamond Circle. Will the power of this Heavenly Seal be too much?

Baoguang Merit Buddha shook his head and laughed again: That's all, it's just Fahai bullying others and using this heavenly seal to bully other people's younger generations... Tsk, now I have two great Buddha masters in my sect. What's wrong with bullying other people's children? Isn't it natural?

Smiling, laughing, Baoguang Merit Buddha finally took out a strange-shaped rock block from his sleeve that was only three feet in size and completely black. However, with his cultivation level, he held it in his hand and his arms trembled a little. Throw it in the direction of Demon-Suppressing Ridge.

He said softly: This is the place where the Buddha preached and was nourished by the blessings of the Buddha's path for thousands of years. This is a good thing left behind. Tsk! It's not like this time I also inherited the great benefits of you, a little bald donkey. Haha, I can’t bear to take it out!”

Feeling the movements of the Buddha of Precious Light Merit, the Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha smiled and said to the three true disciples of the Buddha lineage, Yuanjue, Yuanding, and Yuanshan: I know that you have been a teacher of the Seven Treasures Vajra Circle for many years, but, this Darling, I am destined to miss you...hey!

Yuan Ding and Yuan Shan rolled their eyes at the same time.

Monk Yuanjue smiled happily. Since he had no chance to meet so many true disciples of the Buddha Lineage in the main hall, then the only true disciple of the Buddha Lineage in the Zhenyu lineage who was not present was Fa Hai, who was hanging out in the Demon City!

Fahai is his young disciple, Monk Yuanjue!

This Seven Treasures Vajra Circle belongs to Fahai. Hey, even though Monk Yuanjue can't play with it, he still feels happy!

Well, what is it in mortal terms - if the wealth does not flow to outsiders, it will ultimately benefit one's own family!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha waved his right hand lightly, and the Seven Treasures Vajra Circle followed the dark, heavy stone and suddenly turned into a stream of light, disappearing without a trace in an instant.

In the 49th city of Zhenzi, beside the river in the south of the city, on the Qingya Tower, the palms of two generals of the Zhenmo Division have been pressed on Lu Qian's shoulders.

Yinyuan shouted angrily: Stop it, you are just trying to make things difficult for me and my wife... This matter has nothing to do with Master Fahai!

Bai Yu was even more furious, and her little temper broke out completely. She pointed at Lin Haoran like a crazy woman and yelled: Little Lin family, you are pressing forward every step of the way, just to force my aunt to death... Let me tell you, if my aunt is If I don’t die in the future, my aunt will never be done with your family!”

The white turtle's eyes were red, blood spurted from its mouth, and it kept muttering harsh words such as 'chop into pieces with a thousand knives', 'chop into pieces and feed them to the dogs', 'kill the whole family', and 'kill the nine tribes'.

Lin Haoran looked calmly at the grief-stricken Yinyuan and the crazy Bai Yu.

He even got closer to Lu Qian and temporarily asked the two generals of the Suppressing Demon Division to slow down their movements. He whispered to Lu Qian and told him the reason why he came to Qingya Tower to cause trouble for Lu Qian today!

The idiots from Sihai have offended you. No matter what you do to them, it has nothing to do with me.

However, there are several families in the Money Alliance, and their businesses are protected by me, Lin Haoran... Because of you, those families were completely looted, all their assets were wiped out, and all the members of the clan were killed!

Lin Haoran's eyes were red, and he whispered to Lu Qian: Especially, the twin daughters of the Jinfeng Qian family have a very good relationship with me. When I intend to return to my family, I will take them back to be the personal maid leaders. , in the future, they will inevitably be born as concubines.

Because of you, the sisters were also taken down and killed!

Lin Haoran shook his head gently: I, Lin Haoran, do not plan to rely on family power to do anything in Demon Suppression City. What I, Lin Haoran, do in Demon Suppression City must rely on my own efforts... So, now, I will rely on my achievements in Demon Suppression City and the laws and regulations of Demon Suppression City to capture you... Do you accept it or not?

Lu Qian's face looked ugly!

The cold sweat on his back couldn't help but break out again.

In fact, in just a few words, Lin Haoran was showing off his power here. His cultivation level had already reached the level of the 27th level of the True Immortal Realm!

Moreover, that inexplicable power is still pouring into the body.

He could sense that his cultivation today was definitely more than that.

This strange surge in cultivation... made him really tremble!

At this moment, a dark stream of light, which no one could see except Lu Qian himself, suddenly flew through the air and crashed into his mind. This stream of light directly hit the fantian seal that was shaking slightly in Lu Qian's mind, and instantly turned into countless dark lotus Buddha seals, one by one quietly blending in.

Fantianyin suddenly became extremely heavy!

Even if it was the natal Buddha treasure that Lu Qian had refined with his natal essence, blood, and the origin of the soul, Lu Qian felt at this moment that the Fantian Seal suddenly became more than ten thousand times heavier. Such a weight... it was because there was a new layer of black on the surface of the Fantian Seal. The lotus Buddha seal quietly held up most of the weight. Lu Qian felt that this heavenly seal was almost crushing his mind and forcibly condensing outside his body!

Before he could figure out the ins and outs of this black stream of light, a colorful stream of light that Lu Qian was extremely familiar with quietly bumped in.

The Seven Treasure Vajra Circle split, dismembered, and then turned into dark prison-suppressing Buddha seals, which were completely integrated with the Fan Tian Seal, blessing and infusing it over and over again!

Lu Qian only felt that his understanding of the supreme secrets of the prison-suppressing lineage suddenly deepened more than a hundred times, far exceeding his current level of cultivation. Maybe, maybe... Lu Qian vaguely felt that he had a deep understanding of the prison-suppressing power. His understanding may even surpass that of his master, Monk Yuanjue!

And Fan Tianyin, in addition to the extreme heaviness, has an extraordinarily powerful and tyrannical force field!

Today's Pantian Seal doesn't require Lu Qian to do anything at all. If he sways it at will, it can explode with Buddha-level terrifying lethality... even far beyond it!

Because of the power of the Seven Treasures Diamond Circle, Lu Qian was well aware of it.

But what exactly is that black stream of light, where does it come from, what power does it have... God knows!

Just as Lu Qian was pondering the source of the black stream of light before, endless Buddhist mysteries poured out from the lotus Buddha seals on the surface of Fantian Seal, like flowing water, and instantly merged into Lu Qian's soul.

Various Buddha lights.

Various Buddhist teachings.

Various Buddhist seals.

Various golden bodies!

In particular, his understanding of all kinds of Buddha's light, merits, and the mighty virtue of anger suddenly rose to the extreme that Lu Qian could perceive... and then, it far exceeded the limit of what he could accept and understand at the moment!

The endless secrets turned into a sparkling dark relic, quietly condensing in Lu Qian's soul!

Most of the mysteries of Buddhism come from that black stone!

The Buddha who founded the Liangyitian Buddhist lineage, the Taoist temple that has been preaching for thousands of years, and the infinite Buddhist charm that has been soaked in for thousands of years, even a stubborn stone will become incomparably magical... Not to mention, this black rock itself is A rare treasure brought by the Buddha from immeasurable chaos.

However, for countless years, this black rock has changed owners for several generations, but no one has benefited from it!

God knows whether it was due to luck... or some unspeakable reason that Lu Qian activated all the legacy left by the mysterious Buddha recorded in this rock.

Although I have only comprehended and comprehended a very small part, all the legacy has been successfully obtained!

Lu Qian failed to notice that his soul, together with the three-eyed human figure, was already covered with a layer of strange light that was as bright as the surface of the small axe, like billions of stars condensed!

Then, there is the understanding of various Buddha lights and many secret methods of fighting in Buddhism!

This black rock has been in the hands of the Buddha of Precious Light Merit for who knows how many thousands of years... The Buddha of Precious Light of Merit keeps it with him and plays with it all the time. His own insights, his own practice, and all the profound meanings of the Taoism have long been absorbed by this Black rock blocks absorb.

As for the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha... in his previous life, he was actually the chief disciple of the Precious Light Merit Buddha before he attained the position of Lord Buddha.

In this life, after the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha regained the memory and practice of his previous life, his Prison-Suppressing Buddha's Light is actually still an orthodox technique inherited from the lineage of Baoguang Merit Buddha!

The prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha has a pure soul, a domineering and fierce one, and invincible in battle.

However, Baoguang Merit Buddha is proficient in hundreds of magical powers of Buddha's light, which are profound, sublime, and unpredictable. In terms of their foundation alone, they are infinitely better than the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

These profound meanings of Buddha's light and magical power are all integrated into Lu Qian's soul.

Lu Qian's understanding of the power of the prison-suppressing power and his practice of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light made rapid progress in an instant.

What is amazing and inexplicable is that there are streams of extremely pure Buddha power, together with the power of faith without impurities, constantly pouring out from the newly born Fantian Seal, and pouring into Lu Qian's body bit by bit.

Accompanied by the crackling sound of his joints, Lu Qian's height increased slightly.

His body density, body strength, and physical strength are all improving with somersaults.

Lin Haoran triumphantly said more than a dozen resentful words in front of him, and Lu Qian's height had suddenly increased to thirty-six feet!

Part of the Buddhist power in this heavenly seal comes from the Seven Treasures Vajra Circle. After all, it is the natal Buddha treasure of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha. After years of cultivation, the pure Buddhist power accumulated in it is at least equivalent to that of hundreds of peak Bodhisattvas. All practices.

The vast majority of it comes from black rocks.

After all, it is a rare treasure from the place where the Buddha preached. It has been nurtured by the Buddha's side for thousands of years, and even the stubborn stones have become refined...

And that extremely pure power of belief comes entirely from that piece of black rock!

Buddhism, the most important thing is cause and effect!

When the Buddha passed down the Buddhist tradition in Liangyi Heaven, he drifted away without a trace.

For countless years, Buddhism has developed and grown in Liangyi Heaven, gradually growing from a sprout into the behemoth it is today... This black rock has been passed on to the hands of Buddhist masters, but no one knows that this black rock, It is a 'secret door' in the entire Buddhist tradition!

Buddha left, but this rock remained.

All the Buddhist monks in Liangyi Heaven have accumulated all the incense and faith power they have accumulated over countless years. Ten out of a hundred parts will always follow the mysterious line of cause and effect and be silently absorbed by this black rock.

This is the 'debt' owed by all the Buddhist monks in Liangyi Heaven to the Buddha, so they must repay it!

However, before Buddha, a serious creditor, could return to Liangyi Heaven to harvest this sweet and plump fruit, he was robbed by Lu Qian on the way.

The black rock mass has been integrated with Fantian Seal and belongs to Lu Qian completely.

In this black rock, the infinite incense and faith accumulated since the establishment of Liangyitian Buddhism naturally belongs to Lu Qian!

The pure Buddhist power crazily improved Lu Qian's cultivation in Buddhist secrets and magical powers.

Countless pure incense beliefs pushed Lu Qian's soul power to endlessly amplify, amplify, amplify... Driven by these pure and impurity-free incense beliefs, Lu Qian seemed to become omnipotent. Buddha!

All kinds of mysterious magical powers and secret techniques are at your fingertips, you can understand them at a glance, and then they become instincts that go deep into the bone marrow, and are deeply imprinted in the depths of the Yuanling!

Especially, Lu Qian's cultivation...

While he was still anxious about the crazy improvement just now, his cultivation level instantly broke through to the 30th level of the True Immortal Realm...

Before he could recover from this terrible promotion.

The thirty-first level of the true fairyland...

Thirty-two heavens...

Thirty-third heaven...

With Buddha's light flowing like a wild dragon in his body, Lu Qian frantically wanted to suppress his improvement in cultivation, but how could he control it?

As the Buddha's power and faith washed away, with a 'pop' sound, Lu Qian easily broke through the ultimate bottleneck in the thirty-third heaven of the True Immortal Realm!

A ball of swaying starlight appeared in Lu Qian's mind.

Starlight shines across the sky, and a true Buddha is faintly visible in the starlight!

Regardless of cultivation level or state of mind, Lu Qian is already one of the few 'great Bodhisattvas' in Buddhism...

Beads of cold sweat continued to seep from his forehead, and Lu Qian took a deep breath subconsciously.

Lin Haoran was still talking about his grievances against Lu Qian.

The two generals of the Suppressing Demon Division who originally wanted to hold down Lu Yi's shoulders were now panicking and kicking Lu Yi's calves hard... They were only nine feet tall, but at this moment, Lu Yi's body had inexplicably grown to three feet. Six feet!

The tops of their heads are just above the height of Lu Qian's knees...

They were angry, frightened, and hysterically bombarded Lu Qian's calf with all their strength, but only heard a loud clang sound. Their fists and arms were almost shattered, but Lu Qian didn't even feel a bit.

The onlookers all around were shouting in unison, and some people were exclaiming: What kind of state has this monk's Buddhist golden body reached?

Lin Haoran was horrified. He suddenly looked up at Lu Qian and subconsciously took several steps back.

He looked at Lu Qian, who was now three feet tall and six feet tall, and hissed: Fahai, you have committed a heinous crime. Instead of being arrested, you want to resist and destroy the laws of the Demon Suppression City?

Next to Lu Qian's ears, the voice of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sounded quietly.

Fa Hai, do whatever you want!

Lao Na, I have attained the status of Buddha Lord today. From today on, our Liangyi Heavenly Buddha Sect will have one more prison-suppressing mysterious light... Lord Buddha!

Lu Qian shivered and suddenly woke up!

Wasn't it a hallucination just now?

The endless Buddhist secrets in my mind are not hallucinations, right?

Has your master attained the status of Lord Buddha?


Are you considered the third generation of Buddha?

Lu Qian let out a long roar and slapped Lin Haoran again.

Lin Haoran smiled reservedly. He put his triple body-protecting treasure on his cheek and took the initiative to slap Lu Qian!

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