Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 744: Baoguang, Baiyang

In the Demon City, next to the Ming Lake, a line of wild geese made a melancholy cry and flew lightly over the water.

In the waterside pavilion by the lake, Brother Gu, Brother Jiang and several other young men were smiling and drinking wine as red as blood.

There were two light mirrors suspended in front of them. The light and shadows flickered in them, and countless figures emerged.

A mirror of light is exactly what happened to a group of monks such as Guo Shanfeng in the wild mountains - they had already collided head-on with the 'barbaric' Damu and Jiumu, over ten thousand elite monks, and the The arrogant woman charged hard.

The sword light shot out in all directions, the sword light struck randomly, and the monks' shrill and frightened howls could be heard endlessly.

Heavy weapons such as axes, broadswords, maces, etc., which were extremely large in size and extremely heavy, were whistling and swung in the hands of those women, and struck hard against each other. There are flying swords, flying knives, and many immortal weapons and immortal treasures.

These forging techniques were extremely poor. At first glance, the crudely made weapons broke flying swords, shattered flying knives, and made the immortal weapons and immortal treasures dim and sparks fly everywhere. One by one, the monks vomited blood and fell to the ground one after another amidst the crazy laughter of the women.

As soon as many monks fell to the ground, the women forcibly opened their jaws and forcefully fed a strawberry plant into them.

Not long after, each of these monks' eyes were bloodshot, they were panting like cattle, and fell into a state of hysterical madness, performing all kinds of unbearable and ugly performances.

Guo Shanfeng and the leaders of the other three villages exclaimed and cursed in unison, constantly restraining the monks under his command, wanting to form a formation to fight against these terrifying women. However, the large formation they had secretly set up before had been destroyed, and many elite immortals were seriously injured. Facing the impact of these women, they were defeated like a mountain. Where could they have a chance to gather their strength to resist?

As a result, a group of leaders shouted The wind is tight and pulls the whistle, leaving their subordinates in a mess, and fled.

But the old man suddenly took out a dirty, gray flag with several large holes on the surface. Judging from the material, it should be made of some kind of leather mixed with black hair.

She waved the flag vigorously, and suddenly a fishy wind roared in the plains, and gray tornadoes rose up with large gray fog, quickly filling the surrounding area. The mountains with a radius of thousands of miles were suddenly shrouded in thick gray fog. A tyrannical and tyrannical aura soared into the sky, and the mana of a group of village leaders suddenly stagnated. The energy and blood in their bodies seemed to be frozen, and their entire bodies became paralyzed and difficult to move.

Brother Gu placed the wine cup in his hand heavily on the table in front of him and said sincerely: It's wonderful that the backstage of these four villages can involve several wealthy families. Haha, how wonderful it is.

Brother Jiang smiled, stood up, picked up the crystal wine bottle inlaid with countless gems on the square table, and filled a bottle of wine for Brother Gu. He praised: The best thing is that the leader of the big village who has passed the mountain wind and the leaders of the other three villages have already passed on the matter just now to the backers behind them.

Brother Jiang chuckled and said: Brother Gu, this method is indeed beautiful. Those Chiming Divine Thunder and the Nanming Fire Dragon Sword just now put the blame firmly on the Chi family. .Well, it’s another good show!”

Brother Gongsun smiled and picked up a piece of sour fruit, put it into his mouth and chewed it slowly.

He whispered: Chi Tianming, that fellow, probably thought that he was the fisherman, sitting firmly on the fishing platform... I really can't wait to see when he finally realizes that he is just a fish. What’s that look like!”

Brother Gu picked up the filled wine cup, nodded to Brother Jiang to thank him, then raised the wine cup and said calmly: Chi Tianming, it's not worth mentioning... Haha, you are so self-righteous and arrogant, you really take yourself seriously. Already? Compared with our brothers, he is just a joke... But, he does have some skills to convince a fool like Lin Haoran to join the game!

Gongsun Xiong narrowed his eyes: I hope that if the Qingyang Lin family investigates afterwards, he won't be found out too early, right?

Brother Jiang nodded slowly: I don't think so. After all, he still has some tricks. Those guys who went to persuade Lin Haoran may have been cut off by him...

In the second light mirror, Lin Taiyi and the three great monks were still bargaining.

The light mirror used by these young people does not know what level of secret treasure it is.

Three Taoist true kings and three Buddhist Buddhas were spied on with secret treasures, but they failed to notice anything unusual.

Of course, it may also be that the commotion in the 49th City of Zhenzi is too great. There are countless curious immortals and monks using various magical powers and various secret treasures to explore the situation there. There are too many people snooping. If there are too many, Lin Taiyi and others will not take it seriously!

Brother Gu and Brother Jiang just looked at Lin Taiyi's face in the light mirror, his face getting more and more ugly. Monk Yuan Shan took out another basket of crab roe shaomai and ate it happily, foaming at the mouth. Splash and Lin Taiyi shouted loudly.

Brother Gu sighed with emotion: Unexpectedly, the prison-suppressing lineage has accumulated so much that three Buddhas have emerged!

Brother Jiang chuckled and said: Wouldn't this be better? Lin Haoran is definitely not willing to suffer this loss... Afterwards, he will definitely find trouble with Monk Fahai. But now, Monk Fahai has the support of three Buddhas behind him, Lin Haoran If Haoran wants to find his culprit, he will definitely call on more helpers and involve more forces!

Brother Gongsun sighed with satisfaction: This whirlpool will get bigger and bigger.

Brother Gu quickly picked up the topic: Then, the achievements we have accumulated will naturally be greater... We will reward you afterwards, brothers and I, haha!

The eyes of several young people flickered, and they laughed reservedly and subtly at the same time.

Brother Gongsun said quietly: It's a pity for Lin Haoran... I have chosen a candidate for anyone who wants to marry him, and it is our girl Qing. Hey, the lotus root incarnation before is just that, we have children. Yes, it's not a problem when I think about it. But now the lotus root incarnation has also been destroyed. It has been delayed for so long, and if I reunite with the physical body afterwards, I am afraid that the level will not be much higher.

Brother Gongsun shook his head and said: With his physical body destroyed and his qualifications greatly reduced, Qing Yatou, let's forget about it. Maybe he will marry a collateral cousin instead? Or just give up on Lin Haoran and replace him with...

Brother Jiang picked up the wine cup and took a big sip: Brother Gongsun, you are confused. According to this development, whether there will be a Qingyang Lin family after the incident is still a question. Why do you worry about the marriage between your family and the Qingyang Lin family? ?”

Brother Gongsun laughed dumbly and kept nodding: Yes, yes, Lin Haoran and the others don't know how long they can live. Why should I worry about all this? Come, come, come, drink, drink!

Several young people laughed happily, raised their wine glasses, clinked their glasses gently, and then drank it all.

Just when they were full of ambition, and each of them was looking very arrogant, a sheep's cry of baa baa sounded in the sky above the 49th city of Zhenzi.

The auspicious aura, auspicious light, Buddha light, Qingyun that filled the sky, and all the strange phenomena created by the Qingyang Lin family and the Zhenyu lineage were swept away by a layer of Dao light as moist as egg white, as clear and faint as if it did not exist. Suddenly, the sky for hundreds of millions of miles became as clear as a wash. There was no cloud in the sky. Not even a speck of dust existed in the air. It was extremely pure and peaceful.

The Vajra Buddha Formation that Lu Qian had deployed with millions of Taoist monks also suddenly collapsed.

The light of Little Vajra Sumeru converged and became the size of a fist. It whirled around and flew back to Lu Qian's mind. The light all over the body of the million Taoist monks converged. Even the Buddhist soldiers in his hands and the monk's robes and cassocks were swept away by the light, and they seemed to have turned into secular coarse linen clothes, without any luster.

Inevitably, the ancient giant python, which was excited and impulsive just now and kept spitting out large balls of light into the sky, has carefully curled up its body. The surrounding earth and rocks are rolling, covering up part of its previously exposed limbs. A pair of huge eyes were also tightly closed, and the aura around his body was restrained, just like a dead eel coiled motionless on the ground.

In the forty-ninth city of Zhenzi, all formations and restrictions are ineffective, and all rare treasures have lost their light. Even the rare and precious plants and herbs stored in the secret compartments of the shop, which are usually full of color and fragrant, have become dull and have lost all their luster. The aroma is like turning into the most common roadside weed!

In the vast void, everything has returned to its origin, losing all magical appearances. At a certain level, it has completely transformed into the true form of 'mundane things'!

Everyone, including the three true monarchs of the Qingyang Lin clan and the three Buddhas of the Zhenyu lineage, all involuntarily raised their heads at almost the same moment and looked up into the sky.

Including those mortals and common people with little cultivation in the 49th city of Zhenzi, those who were hiding in their own mansions and shivering, they also raised their heads at the same time and looked towards a certain place in the void. .

Even through the thick ceiling, and even those people hiding in the underground secret room, through the thick layers of rock and soil, they could clearly see a head with gorgeous golden horns, a fat and strong body, and The white fur is as white as snow, and the long white hair moves automatically in the wind, which makes the huge sheep stand lazily in the air, slowly chewing a few herbs that emit colorful light.

On the back of the big sheep, sitting sideways was a shriveled and thin old man, holding a book in his hand, who looked like an old teacher in the village.

Everyone saw the white sheep and the old man on the sheep's back.

Then, everyone, regardless of their cultivation level, all knew the identity of this old man at the same time - one of the eighteen sages of the Taoist sect, the leader of the Qingyang sect of the Taoist sect. He had listened to Taoism under the Taoist ancestor, almost since the creation of Liangyi Tian. The powerful old monster who has survived to this day, Master Baiyang!

In Liangyi Heaven, he represents the supreme ‘Tao’!

He is the Supreme, He is the Supreme. Therefore, wherever he appears, the surrounding world and everything will become ordinary. Even the scorching sun in the sky becomes docile and gentle, and he does not dare to compete with this sage hanging in the sky. Hui.

From Lin Taiyi down, countless Taoist monks rose into the sky and paid homage to Master Baiyang.

The three Buddhas Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue frowned slightly, looked at each other, and chanted the Buddha's name at the same time. Therefore, around the 49th city of Zhenzi, countless Buddhist monks also rose into the sky. According to their level of cultivation, they formed a neat line behind the three Buddhas, clasped their hands, and worshiped the sages.

Lu Qian stood behind Monk Yuanjue and carefully used his magical power. A very thin voice floated into Monk Yuanjue's ears: Master, this sage is probably here to support the Qingyang Lin family!

Master Baiyang smiled and raised his right hand slightly. All the Taoist monks who were kneeling in the void and saluting were gently lifted up by an invisible force: You don't need to be polite, I am just an old man who is old and not dead. He is in the mountains. I have been depressed for a long time, and moss is about to grow all over my body. Occasionally, I feel like going out for a walk.

Raise your head and look at the clear sky.

After lowering his head and looking at the green mountains and green waters below, as well as the wild mountains shrouded in smoke and rising evil spirits in the south, Master Baiyang finally laid his eyes on the ancient giant python entrenched in a huge mountain: Fellow Dragon King, how have you been in recent years? ?”

The huge mountain twitched slightly, and after a long silence, the ancient giant python that had become the Zhenmo Ridge Scenic Area finally spoke in an angry voice: Anhao, Anhao... I have been enjoying the wind and drinking dew for so many years. How many years have I not even enjoyed a piece of blood food... let alone a beautiful woman with wine!

The voice of resentment shook the walls of the 49th city of Zhenzi to tremble: You, the younger generation, regard me as an excellent scenic spot, and even built so many restaurants and made countless profits... There is no one The little bastard has some conscience and can offer me hundreds of roasted cows, thousands of jars of fine wine, or three or five stunning beauties, and accompany me to enjoy the flowers and the moon in the middle of the night...

Master Baiyang laughed 'haha': Yes! You deserve it! Back then, you should still remember that what you suffered today was just to atone for your sins back then. So, fellow Taoist Dragon King, you just Be patient and endure it, God's way will reincarnate, and you will eventually get out of trouble one day!

The ancient giant python let out a weird laugh: Quack, quack, of course I know that sooner or later I will be out of trouble... As long as I agree to be the mount of someone in your Taoist sect, or the guardian beast of an ancient temple in Buddhism, then I will You can get out of trouble...but I don’t want to!

Master Baiyang smiled haha, shook the scroll in his left hand, and suddenly a very fine thunderbolt silently fell on the mountain ridge.

A shrill howl sounded, and the giant mountain that was nearly ten thousand feet high and thousands of miles in radius suddenly swayed, and its entire volume shrank by about 30% out of thin air. This thin thunder, in an instant, turned away countless ancient giant pythons. Flesh and blood, how much of his essence was consumed, how much of his essence and blood was lost.

The ancient giant python could no longer make a sound.

Master Baiyang smiled and said: My fellow Taoist is still vicious, so I will punish you with a small punishment but a big warning. I hope that my fellow Taoist can continue to behave in a peaceful manner in the future.

His eyes fell on Lu Qian, Master Baiyang chuckled and said: Liangyitian is a place with rules. Restless babies will be spanked!

Lu Qian's heart twitched.

The message he just transmitted to Monk Yuanjue obviously failed to hide this from Master Baiyang!

Wisps of clear light fell from the sky, and a ball of light the size of a fist flew out of Master Baiyang's sleeves. In the flickering light, this dim light fell on the head of the dragon turtle brought by Qingyang Lin and carrying the floating heavenly palace.

The dragon turtle raised its head high and let out a long and excited roar.

The dim light settled on his head, turning into a simple square thatched cottage. Master Baiyang gave a soft drink, and the big white sheep descended from the sky on wisps of clouds and walked straight into the thatched cottage.

Baiyang Shang pointed with his hand, and a crystal-white futon made of unknown fine grass appeared on the ground of the thatched cottage. He gently sat down on the futon and said in a sweet voice: Little guys from the Lin family, come in!

The three great monks Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue chanted the Buddha's name softly at the same time, and their faces became as serious as water.

That's all right, Master Baiyang is here to support Qingyang Lin.

What they can't understand is that Qingyang Lin's face is too easy to use. Among the eighteen sages of the Taoist sect, Bai Yang has the highest seniority, the oldest age, the most unpredictable cultivation, and the most miraculous methods. He can be called the leader of the Taoist sect. Master, was he summoned so easily?

Lin Taiyi, Lin Shangxuan, Lin Shangsu, and Lin Zhenting and Lin Haoran, whose bodies were destroyed, hurriedly entered the thatched cottage. Under the leadership of Lin Taiyi, they once again paid homage to Master Bai Yang, and then stood respectfully on his left side.

Those little bald guys, you guys come in too. Master Bai Yang's eyes finally fell on Monk Yuan Ding's face. He raised his right hand and waved in this direction: I remember, you seem to be...

Monk Yuanding smiled very calmly and said: Little monk Yuanding, I have met the Master... Master, little monk, is the Xuanguang Buddha of the Buddhist Sect. On the day when the Qingyang Ancestral Court of the Qingyang Mountain Taoist Court was consecrated, the little monk was lucky enough to accompany him. Master, I have participated in the consecration ceremony and listened to the Master talk about the 'natural' path.

Master Baiyang smiled: I remember, I remember. You are the chief disciple of the little bald donkey who suppresses the prison. Well, that day I was preaching in the ancestral court of Qingyang Mountain. At that time, your master was just an ordinary statue. The great Bodhisattva is extremely low in the ranking.

Shaking his head, Master Bai Yang said with emotion: Well, that is indeed the first time I saw the prison-suppressing little bald donkey. The second time I saw it was when our Taoist sect and the Buddhist sect joined forces to completely wipe out the savages and evil spirits. Fight. Well, at that time, your master was actually the most powerful prison-suppressing Xuanguang Buddha in Buddhism... I don’t know whether it was because your master’s qualifications were too extraordinary, or because the Buddhist sect had no successors in these years?”

Monk Yuanding stopped talking.

Master Baiyang said this in a bad tone.

With just one word, he brought in countless Buddhist cultivators throughout Buddhism.

With his identity, status and strength, no matter what he said, no one could do anything to him. But Monk Yuanding could not argue with him on this topic.

If Monk Yuanding dares to pick up on Master Baiyang's words, he will offend countless Buddhist monks if he says anything carelessly. At that time, he will probably end up as a public enemy of Buddhism and even bring trouble to the entire prison. Mai was rejected by other Buddhist monks!

Therefore, Monk Yuanding put his hands together, lowered his head slightly, and said nothing, just like a wooden sculpture with a clay body.

Master Baiyang smiled again: Come, come, come, you little bandits, come here... Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, that little prison thief, Bald, is not only brave and diligent in his own cultivation, but also surpasses countless little ones in Buddhism. Bald Man, even his ability to train disciples is so outstanding.

He shook his head and sighed: There are four Buddhas in one sect, amazing, amazing!

Master Baiyang's voice slowly sounded over the entire Zhenmo Ridge, including the main city of Zhenmo City, and even over the 108 towns. Even in the tens of thousands of large and small cottages outside the city, there were countless Taoist sects with complex origins. , Buddhist monks, all heard it clearly.

Well, I heard that the little thief in prison, Bald Bald, is very likely to become one of my generation in the future. Master Baiyang continued to sigh: In this way, that is one sect, one Buddha master, and three Buddhas. With such momentum, it can be called Buddhism is number one.

Even among the thirteen old monks currently in Buddhism, their ability to train their disciples is far inferior to that of your master.

In the future, the number one sect of Buddhism, I think, will be your prison-suppressing lineage. Master Baiyang smiled and said: If I were the Buddha Master of your Buddhism, I would definitely...

A gentle voice came from afar: If fellow Taoists want to enter my Buddhist door, I will be extremely happy. I will definitely open the door of expedient methods and hold a 'happy' Buddhist meeting. I will invite fellow Taoists from all over the world to join us and other thirteen teachers. The brothers personally witnessed the ordination ceremony of fellow Taoist monks.

In the void, immeasurable Buddha light flashes.

That light, the color is magnificent to the extreme.

There are infinite colors and infinite brilliance, as if someone forcibly intercepted a section of the rainbow from the sky, then smashed it into countless pieces, and then used great supernatural powers to carefully cut each piece into tens of thousands and hundreds of pieces. Thousands of pieces. Each of these rainbow fragments has its own color that is completely different from the other fragments.

Infinite brilliance and color fill the void.

When you look up, you can see countless lights flashing, and you can see all the colors you can imagine in the world at a glance. There are countless colors that are far beyond your cognition. When you see it, endless information surges in, making you intoxicated. It makes you intoxicated, as if you heard the ancient Buddha preaching, and you seem to be touched. Some mysterious mysteries of the universe will completely sink you from your body to your soul.

As a result, you feel awe in your heart, and then develop endless worship.

You want to kneel down in front of this Buddha light, then worship, and then cry bitterly, and beg the owner of this Buddha light to accept you as his disciple - you want to kiss the soles of his feet, and beg him to reveal to you the ultimate secret of heaven and earth. , interpret to you the ultimate method of heaven and earth, and then allow you to completely integrate into this world, and achieve great joy, great liberation, and great perfection!

You even have a vague sense that this is the only way to transcend this filthy mortal world.

This is the only way to transcendence, this is the only way to liberation, this is the only way to salvation... So, you raise your hands high and shout out the title of the Master of Buddha's Light at the top of your lungs.

As soon as the words Baoguang Merit Buddha are spoken, the Buddha's light falls down and covers your body.

The endless Buddhist Taoist charm flows throughout your body, washing your body and soul, making you gradually forget the Taoist skills you majored in, and quickly giving up the Taoist immortal power in your body.

One after another mysterious Buddhist scriptures appear in your mind. You can't help but follow the contents of these scriptures, disperse your own Taoist true immortal personality, re-condensate the Buddhist pagoda, and completely erase all traces related to Taoism in your body. Let yourself change your mind and completely transform into a devout Buddhist monk!

As soon as the Buddha's light in the sky came out, it competed with the clear light in the sky released by Master Baiyang.

A large number of Taoist monks were enveloped by the Buddha's light. They smiled and worshiped the void with great piety. Their hair fell one by one in the wind. Every time a hair fell, the Taoist charm in their bodies dissipated. , the Buddhist power in their bodies becomes stronger.

It is obvious that when all their hair falls off, they will be completely transformed into true Buddhist disciples!

From the body to the magic power, from the soul to the will, everything has been completely, comprehensively and irreversibly transformed!

Master Baiyang's expression changed slightly.

The book in his hand flew out and turned into a ray of golden light that shot straight into the sky. The pages slowly spread out and turned into a huge scroll in the sky. Purple air rises, Dao light flows, in the scroll, you can see the infinite universe, you can see the sun, moon, rivers and mountains, all kinds of natural celestial phenomena are floating and rising layer by layer, and the infinite natural Dao rhythm turns into waves of mist sweeping all around!

The natural Taoist rhyme collided violently with the Buddha's light all over the sky.

There was no sound, no strange light or splendor, just pieces of Taoist rhyme that were annihilated out of thin air, and only pieces of Buddha's light that continued to dissipate.

The entire void was completely torn apart and turned into two completely different worlds.

One side is pure and clear, as if nothing exists.

The Buddha's light surges from one side, seeming to embrace all things.

The profound and graceful concepts of the two realms clashed with each other in the void, and they were locked in a stalemate. For a full quarter of an hour, there was no way to tell the winner.

But those Taoist monks who were enveloped by the pure and clear Dao light were okay. They were just looking at the Buddha light surging all over the sky with heart palpitations, their souls were shaking, their blood was rising, and they could barely hold themselves together.

And those Taoist monks who were unfortunate enough to be within the scope of the Buddha's light, those monks whose cultivation was low and had not entered the realm of true immortals, within a quarter of an hour, all their long hair was gone, leaving only a big, smooth head. Bald. They were full of Buddha power, with traces of pure Buddha light lingering. They clasped their hands together and recited the pure Buddhist sutras and mantras with great piety.

In just a quarter of an hour, more than ten million Taoist monks were forcibly transformed into Buddhist disciples!

And among these tens of millions of Taoist monks, about 30% are at the level of heaven and human, and many of them are only half a step away from being a true immortal.

After another half a cup of tea, a Taoist immortal finally let out a mournful cry and glanced in the direction of Master Baiyang. The last hair on his head fell quietly. The Taoist charm of these Taoist immortals was gone, and wisps of magnificent and majestic Buddhist aura floated out. They clasped their hands together, bowed their heads, knelt down, and began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

Lu Qian saw it with great admiration.

Those little monks who are not even in the heaven-human realm, or even the heaven-human realm, can be easily conquered with Lu Qian's current methods, which include forcibly capturing them with the Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and then forcibly brainwashing them with the Buddhist transformation method. .

But is it really a fairy...

Lu Qian thought to himself, with his current level of cultivation and background, if he really beat three or five real immortals to him, leaving them with seven injuries and dying, and let them be placed in the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain to 'sacrifice' day and night, it would not be possible. In a hundred years, he would not even think about transforming these defenseless immortals into Buddhist cultivators!

However, this Buddhist great master who suddenly arrived only took more than a quarter of an hour to easily transform a group of Taoist immortals into rich-tasting Buddhist monks while fighting Master Baiyang. !

Not only their cultivation and magic power, but also their self-perception have been forcibly reversed!

What a terrifying method!

Lu Qian turned around and glanced at the monks who were wearing Taoist robes but had big bald heads and were reciting Buddhist sutras and mantras.

Big deal!

These monks come from different Taoist factions, including sects and aristocratic families.

When they went out, they were still Taoist immortals... now, they were forcibly converted into Buddhist cultivators. How many people will be offended by this move?

Lu Qian thought to himself that even if he had the strength to forcibly transform into a true immortal-level being, he would not dare to provoke so many Taoist forces at the same time.

However, if the person who made the move really has great supernatural powers and has such heaven-defying cultivation... It seems that even if he offends so many Taoist forces, it doesn't matter, right? Who can seek revenge on him or something?

Master Baiyang's face was slightly condensed. He saw that where the Buddha's light was shrouded, more and more Taoist immortals turned into bald ladles. They knelt down one by one and began to recite Buddhist scriptures. He finally took out a bright green jade ring. , holding it tightly in his hand and said coldly: Baoguang Merit Buddha, I haven't seen you for some years, but you still act so domineering!

Infinite light, immeasurable heat, and endless light surged out from the body of a human figure that appeared out of thin air above Lu Qian and others like a world-destroying torrent. This figure is completely composed of pure light. You can't see clearly his facial features or his body shape. You can only barely feel that this figure is ten thousand feet tall and his body is filled with immeasurable power.

Light and heat swept through the void, and the sky was filled with the sound of Sanskrit singing.

In this endless light and heat, a huge Buddhist kingdom slowly emerged. The wind chimes on the relic stupas made of light trembled, the giant Bodhi branches and leaves made of light swayed, and the blossoming trees made of light The lotus blossoms slowly.

Among the pagodas, Bodhisattva, and lotus flowers, there were countless figures of men and women, large and small, as high as a hundred feet tall, and as short as a few feet tall. They were all composed of endless light. They all sat cross-legged, with their hands clasped together, chanting one after another. Mantra.

In the void, huge lotus Buddha seals slowly bloomed.

The endless true meaning of Buddhism is like a torrent, roaring and rushing around.

The natural Taoist rhyme erupted from the scroll released by Master Baiyang was unexpectedly swept back hundreds of miles by the true meaning of Buddhism suddenly blasted out by the giant ray of light. It almost hit his thatched cottage directly by the immeasurable Buddha's light. .

I'm just being overbearing, it's better than being 'shameless'! The giant light and shadow laughed, and its laughter was like ten thousand ancient temple bronze bells roaring at the same time, shaking the void, and golden transparent flowers fell all over the sky.

These water-tank-sized flowers were falling like meteors, and a few golden flowers fell on Lu Qian. Lu Qian's understanding of all kinds of Buddha's light and supernatural powers suddenly deepened a lot, and even his magic power was shua. The sound soared!

Who is shameless? Master Baiyang was a little angry.

Whoever takes advantage of us old bald guys to bully these weak and helpless little bald guys is shameless! The giant light and shadow laughed loudly: You don't think that you just relied on your status to bully Yuan Ding with your words. Is it fair and square?

Master Baiyang remained silent.

Bullying the younger generation... If you do it, that's it.

However, it is a bit embarrassing to be caught by a powerful person of the same status or even the same generation and expose it in front of countless juniors!

The giant light and shadow said faintly: I am different. I live and work in parallel, and I can't be more upright... Talking about bullying the little bastards in your Taoist family, that is bullying with ease. Today, I will open the door of convenience and cross the world. The monks from Wandao Sect came to my Buddhist sect, and I wanted to do it, so I did it... Who is dissatisfied?

Master Baiyang raised his eyebrows and said in a cold voice: Crazy!

The giant light and shadow laughed again: Wrong, it's compassion... I saw that these little miscellaneous animals who were transformed were destined to my Buddhist sect, but they were immersed in the sea of ​​suffering and could not escape, so I spent a lot of magic power and great supernatural powers to make them transcend the world of mortals. Stay away from the sea of ​​suffering, this is the supreme mercy between heaven and earth!

Bai Yang, you said that I am arrogant. It shows that you are a little confused about black and white, good and evil... you are old and confused!

Before Master Baiyang, whose face was slightly twitching with anger, could speak, the giant light and shadow smiled again: However, I can understand that you were the one who listened to Taozu's lectures back then, and since then, you have lived smoothly until now. In Liangyi Heaven, when it comes to the age of 'one life', you are the most respected...you have lived too long, you are too old and confused!

The laughter subsided, the tone changed, and the giant light and shadow said softly: How about this, I give you a suggestion. With the 'Heaven and Earth Wishful Ring' in your hand, you slap it on your forehead, and it clicks. How about just reincarnating yourself and living another life?

Relive a new life, start from a humble person, reflect on all the shortcomings and flaws in this life, maybe, you can understand some truth, and your next life, maybe your achievements will be far greater than this life?

The giant light and shadow said the most unserious words in the most serious tone.

That's all for Master Bai Yang. Lin Taiyi, Lin Shangxuan, Lin Shangsu and others simply don't know what to complain about.

Master Baiyang is already the Taoist leader of Liangyi Heaven. Among the eighteen sages, his status and seniority are supreme... How crazy must he be to give up all this and give himself a hard blow to imitate those reincarnated cultivators? A monk, live a new life?

Seeing Master Baiyang's gloomy face and not saying a word, the giant light and shadow sighed: What I said is a wise saying. However, people in the world are so fond of flattery and flattery, and it's hard to persuade the damn devil with good words... That's it, that's it! Say it! Just be serious!

Master Baiyang said calmly: It turns out that you also know that what you just said is not serious!

The giant light and shadow hurriedly said: No, no, what I said just now, every word and every sentence, is extremely serious... I want you to be reincarnated, which is even more serious. But you don't want to listen, naturally I I don’t want to be that evil person and continue to make noise.”

The light and shadow slowly converged, and the ten thousand feet of light and shadow collapsed little by little, and finally turned into an extremely handsome young monk with red lips and white teeth, a face like a crown of jade, and a handsome face. This person is one of the Thirteen Buddha Lords of Buddhism. He has been in charge of all matters of Buddhism for the past thousand years. Among the thirteen Buddha Lords, he is also known for his powerful fighting power and violent temperament, the Buddha of Precious Light Merit!

The Precious Light Merit Buddha is just one face of this Lord Buddha.

When he is good-tempered, he is a gentle and compassionate Buddha of precious light and merit.

When he was truly angry and aroused the wrath of the Buddha, his title became the Mighty Virtue Buddha of Precious Light, who killed countless people decisively and killed countless people, and used the most violent means of salvation to save all sentient beings!

Master Baiyang raised his hand and took back the scroll hanging in the sky.

The Buddha's name of Baoguang Merit Buddha is heard, and the Buddha's light rolling all over the sky slowly dissipates. Those Buddhist cultivators who had been forcibly transformed by him in this very short period of time lined up neatly behind Lu Qian and others according to their level of cultivation. They clasped their hands together and looked at Baoguang with utmost respect and respect. Merit Buddha.

Everything just now was completely false. Buddha Baoguang Merit spoke.

This statement is true, but it is just a side detail and there is no need to mention it again. Master Baiyang acknowledged the words of Baoguang Merit Buddha and nodded lightly.

As a result, a Buddhist Buddha and a Taoist sage, with just two words, the two of them were fighting. The Buddha of Baoguang Merit used terrifying means to forcibly transform tens of millions of Taoist monks, including tens of thousands of Taoist monks. The matter of the true immortal was easily wiped out.

In the future, unless the sects and families behind these unlucky people who are forcibly transferred from Taoists to monks can find two or more Taoist sages to appear, they will demand justice from Master Baiyang and Baoguang Merit Buddha... Otherwise, Just pretend what happened today never happened.

There are only tens of thousands of ordinary monks and tens of thousands of true immortals.

To a sage and a Buddha, they are nothing more than ants.

Baoguang Merit Buddha said coldly: In this case, the conflict between the younger generation will be resolved by the younger generation. Not to mention who has the right, Fa Hai or Lin Haoran... This 'reason' is just 'force', and the one with the stronger force wins. Those with strong strength have great principles, and this is the ultimate principle of heaven and earth that has not been easy to change through the vicissitudes of life.

Master Bai Yang nodded in approval: What you said, fellow Taoist, is indeed appropriate. This is exactly the truth.

Lu Qian nodded slightly.

The conflict between him and Lin Haoran, in the eyes of these real powerful people, who is justified and who is not justified is not the same thing... They are all ants-like children. If they win, it makes sense, but if they lose, it doesn't make sense. !

It sounds cruel, but it is the supreme ‘principle’ in the Liangyitian cultivation world!

Baoguang Gongde Buddha said calmly: Since Taoist friends recognize Lao Na's principles, then it is quite appropriate for the younger generation Fa Hai to treat Lin Haoran, and Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue to the three elders of the Lin family. But when fellow Taoists come forward, it is quite appropriate. It doesn’t make sense anymore.”

Master Baiyang was silent for a moment and nodded slowly: The Qingyang Lin family is the guardian family of our Taoist ancestral court, and there is also a fragrant love. They asked me for help, and it was natural for me to take action. What I don't know is why my fellow Taoist Come here?

With clear light rippling in his eyes, Master Baiyang said softly: Is it possible that the Buddhist Baoguang lineage will be merged with the Zhenyu lineage?

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

This old bastard has no good intentions, and the word 'merger' is... very heartbreaking!

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