Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 747: Dance of Demon Generals (2)

It is not easy to fight match-fixing under the close gaze of a saint.

Basically, no one in Liang Yitian can do such a thing, except Lu Qian.

The Taichu Confusion Bead shone brightly, and wisps of subtle aura enveloped his whole body, blocking his true cultivation level and making his mana fluctuations look like that of an ordinary mid- to low-level true immortal.

And his physical body, due to the shielding of the Taichu Huntong Pearl, appeared slightly weaker than Lin Haoxuan.

Then, apart from an indestructible Pan Tian Seal, Lu Qian only had the magical power 'Shen Zu Tong' that he had just displayed, which was pretty good. Moving and teleporting at close range is a great magical power for fighting!

However, facing Lin Haoxuan, who has strong cultivation and a strong body, has also mastered an exquisite fire wing escape method, and is also an expert at dancing with a set of Fangtian painted halberds, and is also superb in fighting methods, Lu Qian's performance at this moment is just like Seems a bit bland.

Therefore, facing Master Baiyang's request for a temporary increase in bets, Baoguang Gongde Buddha's face was as dark as water, and he fell into a 'slight hesitation'.

Master Baiyang smiled calmly and took out three rare treasures that shone with faint Buddha light.

It seems that fellow Taoist Baoguang is reluctant to part with his young disciple. Master Baiyang nodded and said: I understand human common sense... However, since I don't dare to make a bet with these two juniors, I will add some more I don’t think Taoist Fellow Baoguang would reject it as something external to me, right?”

Master Baiyang squinted his eyes, and brushed his fingers one by one against a lotus flower shining with dark golden Buddha light in front of him, a square nine-story relic pagoda shrouded in red light, a handle more than a foot long, and a small four-sided eighteen-section Vajra.

These are three typical Buddhist rare treasures. They are crude in shape and have an ancient and distant atmosphere. They are obviously not modern things. In particular, its aura is completely natural, with a faint hint of vastness. This is by no means a man-made creation, it should be an innate spiritual treasure born and raised by heaven and earth.

The Nirvana Youming Lotus, the Great Sun Relic Pagoda, and the Angry Mingzun Pestle! Baoguang Merit Buddha raised his eyebrows: Unexpectedly, the Three Buddha Treasures accompanying the Youming Ancient Buddha actually fell into the hands of fellow Taoist Baiyang. A big deal, haha! What do you want to bet on?

In just a few words, Lu Qian was beaten by Lin Haoxuan into a state of embarrassment.

The fire wings behind Lin Haoxuan vibrated, and his speed became faster and faster. Gradually, it turned into thousands of afterimages, bombarding Lu Qian indiscriminately. A square-shaped painted halberd transformed into tens of thousands of afterimages, and cold light almost enveloped the entire battlefield with a radius of a hundred miles. Countless purple cold lights flew through the air, bombarding Lu Qian like a heavy rain.

Fortunately, there was a Tianyin that turned into a hundred-foot-sized seal and blocked most of the attacks for Lu Qian. Ninety percent of the cold light fell on the Fantian Seal. It only caused fire to scatter, but failed to leave any trace on the Fantian Seal.

Even the spectators heard the whine of the halberd in Lin Haoxuan's hand.

This was because Lin Haoxuan was too powerful, and the counter-shock force that hit the Fan Tian Seal was too strong, causing the halberd to be unable to withstand the force of the counter-shock.

There is no doubt that if Lin Haoxuan increases his strength and attacks faster, the Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand will probably shatter directly on the Fantian Seal.

The Taoist Daxian'er who was watching felt sincerely, and whispered his cultivation experience to the juniors who were accompanying him: It shows the importance of cultivating the four treasures in the land of wealth... Fahai, after all, is the third generation of the prison-suppressing lineage. The disciple is rich in wealth, and from the strength of this big seal, it can be seen that his rank is extraordinary, and it is due to the large capital invested by the prison-suppressing lineage.

As for Lin Haoxuan, although he is a direct descendant of the Qingyang Lin family, the Qingyang Lin family is huge and there are so many direct descendants. It has been passed down for more than a hundred generations. How much resources can even the most promising direct descendants get?

Look, if the Fang Tian Painted Halberd in Lin Haoxuan's hand can reach another level, not to mention catching up with this big seal, at least if it's not too far behind, I'm afraid Fa Hai will have already lost.

Another Buddhist master also explained his views to the juniors around him: The Ziyang lineage is indeed strong, but compared to the direct Buddhist teachings of the Zhenyu lineage, it is still a little lacking. Therefore, regardless of the cultivation level of the Lin family, , Taoism, and even physical strength are all faintly overshadowed by Fa Hai, but Fa Hai's single ray of prison-suppressing Buddha's light has offset many of the Lin family's advantages.

This battle must be fought!

The whispers of the onlookers around could not hide Master Baiyang and Baoguang Merit Buddha.

After hearing the analysis of the powerful Taoists and Buddhists, Master Baiyang smiled and said: The ancient Buddha Youming is the first generation Buddha of the Liangyitian Buddhism. In order to explore the way of transcendence, he stepped into the chaos and chaos, but... He encountered an accident and died unfortunately. His three accompanying Buddha treasures were obtained by me by luck.

Buddhist objects have no effect on me. Therefore, for countless years, these three Buddhist treasures have been gathering dust in my hands.

The way of You Ming, which is extremely brave and domineering, and extremely powerful in fighting, is vaguely consistent with the path of the Prison Suppressing Line... If Fa Hai wins, these three Buddhist treasures will add a hundred times the foundation of the Prison Suppressing Line. Bai Master Yang smiled and said: My bet is here, Taoist Brother Baoguang, do you dare to follow?

Baoguang Gongde Buddha said calmly: Think about it, I have something in my hands that is being targeted by fellow Taoist Baiyang, right? What do you want to bet on?

In the Sea of ​​Stars, Little Star Corner, in that 'Heaven' Palace, Taoist Fellow Baoguang seems to have gotten a good thing. Master Baiyang smiled: I'm not afraid of fellow Taoist jokes, to tell the truth, that object, Yin Yin and I I have been thinking about it for many years, but I have never had the chance to ask fellow Taoists for it.

Today is also a coincidence. Master Baiyang looked at Baoguang Merit Buddha seriously. He waved his right hand, and a green light swayed around the world. Suddenly, the battlefield in the time circle suddenly condensed, and time and space were completely frozen. Lu Qian and Lin Haoxuan were like two little bugs sealed in amber, unable to move at all.

Not only were their bodies unable to move, but their spiritual thoughts were also completely frozen, making it extremely difficult to think even a single thought.

The purple cold light blasted out by Lin Haoxuan was also frozen in the void.

Master Baiyang said in a deep voice: I suddenly remembered this incident due to the gambling fight between two juniors... Since Taoist Fellow Baoguang feels sorry for my young disciple and is unwilling to use Fahai as a bet, then please invite Fellow Taoist Baoguang How about satisfying me?

Baoguang Merit Buddha said calmly: Perfect?

Master Baiyang smiled: It's done.

Baoguang Gongde Buddha glanced sideways at the three Buddha treasures and suddenly smiled: Interesting. However, although these three Buddha treasures are extremely powerful, they are not what I have been thinking about. It is good to have them, but not to have them , but it doesn’t matter. These three things are the icing on the cake for Lao Na, but they are not necessary. And the object in Lao Na’s hand is an important weapon that Taoist Bai Yang cherishes and dares not forget.

Master Baiyang frowned: Is that so?

Baoguang Gongde Buddha casually took out a box that was extremely ordinary in shape, boxy, blue-gray in color, without any luster. The texture looked like some kind of jade, and it was not crystal clear, and he gently placed it in front of him.

This is what I came up with, fellow Taoist, please add your support. Baoguang Merit Buddha smiled extremely warmly, and was extremely harmless to humans and animals, simple and honest.

Master Baiyang's face stiffened slightly.

Then, he smiled and said: In this case, I took the initiative to come to the door and let fellow Taoist Baoguang kill him.

Baoguang Merit Buddha smiled brilliantly: What Taoist friend Baiyang said is rude. Could it be that I forced you to do it?

Master Baiyang frowned. He pondered for a moment, and then took out three more spiritual objects that shone with a faint strange light. They were a pure green sapling, the size of a millstone, with purple surroundings and a fist at the core. There are large and small transparent water slurry stones, as well as countless mung bean-sized golden gravels packed in a huge jade vat.

Looking at these three spiritual objects and reflecting on Master Baiyang's behavior and state of mind, his face couldn't help but twitch.

It was obvious that this was a real hemorrhage.

Baoguang Merit Buddha couldn't help but look at him in surprise: Xingjie fruit tree, Xuanming mother pulp, immeasurable gold sand... Is this really so? This son of the Lin family may not be able to defeat Fahai... If he loses, Bai Yang said Friends, please don’t become angry because of shame.”

Master Baiyang smiled and said, You are so embarrassed that you become angry? Taoist fellow Baoguang, you must have underestimated me... A few bets are just a small bet to make you happy. How can you be so embarrassed that you become angry?

Baoguang Merit Buddha sighed: That's all, that's all. I thought it was just a small game, but Fellow Taoist Baiyang suddenly... That's all, that's all. I sacrificed my life to feed a tiger and bet on this with fellow Taoist Baiyang. Let’s get it done.”

Gently brushing the box in front of him with his palm, the Buddha of Precious Light Merit said quietly: I have had this thing in my hands for many years, but I have not been able to understand the slightest clue. Maybe he is really destined to be a Taoist friend Baiyang, but it is not certain.

Master Baiyang smiled: So, the bet is established?

Baoguang Merit Buddha nodded solemnly: That's it. With so many Taoist friends watching, you and I can't go back on our word, let alone default on the debt, right? However, no matter who loses or wins, we can't cause trouble for the other party's juniors afterwards. .”

Master Baiyang laughed loudly: Who does Taoist Brother Baoguang think I am? You just lost a gambling match, and I can really ignore your pride and plot against your little monk afterwards? There is no such reason, there is absolutely no such reason... … Fellow Taoists, as witnesses, can I be such a scoundrel?”

The Buddha of Precious Light Merit smiled, gently pushed the box forward, then formed a seal with his hands, closed his eyes slightly, and said no more words.

Master Baiyang also smiled and nodded, gently sent the six rare treasures in front of him, exhaled gently, put his hands in his sleeves, and with a thought, the wishful ring of heaven and earth suddenly turned into a blue light and flew back, On the battlefield, everything returned to its original state.

One after another, cold rays of light slashed and slashed at Lu Qian.

Lin Haoxuan flew all over the sky, and the afterimages he brought up became even more crazy.

Lu Qian still relied on Fan Tianyin to resist Lin Haoxuan's crazy attacks, and occasionally took the time to swing the Sanwu Zen Staff fiercely, hitting Lin Haoxuan's Fangtian Painted Halberd until it made a 'choking' sound.

From time to time, Lu Qian would shine a mountain of prison-suppressing Buddha light towards Lin Haohyun.

Wherever the prison-suppressing Buddha's light passed, a large area of ​​purple air and purple flames collapsed. Lin Haoxuan was like a big bird blown by the strong wind. The trajectory of his attack would suddenly change, and the afterimage in the sky would be reduced by at least about 30%. He would definitely crush Lu Only after this ray of Buddha's light can we regroup and continue to kill!

As the Taoist and Buddhist experts who watched the battle saw, although Lin Haoxuan was a direct descendant of the Qingyang Lin family, the 'Purple Sun' inheritance he received was not as good as the prison-suppressing Buddha's light.

Under the premise that Lu Qian's revealed cultivation level was far inferior, the prison-suppressing Buddha's light he wielded was able to cause such great oppression to Lin Haoxuan. This made the Buddhist masters watching the battle nod and smile, and the Taoist masters Everyone was twitching, and the elders of the Qingyang Lin family such as Lin Taiyi, Lin Shangsu, and Lin Shangxuan were all extremely angry.

If he had known what happened today, he should have allowed Lin Haoxuan to step into the Qingyang Mountain Daoting Ancestral Temple and understand the supreme path left by those sages on the statue of the Taoist ancestor.

Seeing Lin Haoxuan in a bit of embarrassment as the prison-suppressing Buddha's light disrupted his attack rhythm time and time again, Lin Taiji felt his face turn red - this really made the entire Qingyang Lin family lose face!

Lin Haoxuan was embarrassed by the prison-suppressing Buddha's light for more than ten times in a row. He suddenly let out a loud roar, and the afterimage in the sky disappeared, and he suddenly retreated dozens of miles. Six huge purple fire wings slowly flapped behind him, and Lin Haoxuan raised the already somewhat incomplete Fangtian Painted Halberd in his hand!

This is also an extremely good acquired spiritual weapon, but after violently colliding with Fan Tianyin thousands of times, and being hit hard on the head thousands of times by Lu Qian with the extremely heavy Zen staff, the originally sharp long sword The halberd has many jagged gaps on the blade, and a small section of the sharp halberd tip is broken. At first glance, it looks a bit sad.

Shaking the halberd that was buzzing and whining in his hand, Lin Haoxuan's eyes spurted purple fire up to a hundred feet long, and said in a cold voice: Fa Hai, relying on the power of a magical weapon, is this what a hero does?

Putting away his halberd, Lin Haoxuan made a gesture with his fist: How about we, serious people, make gestures in front of us?

Lu Qian smiled very reservedly: What fellow Taoist said is completely wrong. Aren't you and I making direct gestures now?

Shaking his head: Fellow Taoist Fahai bullied you by relying on his magic weapon. Why didn't you say that you were also bullying Fahai by relying on your cultivation? If you want Fahai to give up his magic weapon and confront you head-on with a pair of physical fists... Can you ask fellow Taoists to abolish their cultivation and lower themselves to the same level as Fahai?

Lin Haohyun's face drooped: With sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, he is indeed a disciple of Buddhism.

Lu Qian said calmly: Fa Hai has never been good at speaking, but fellow Taoists should not regard Fa Hai as a fool. If you want to fight, just continue. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if fellow Taoists admit defeat.

Lin Haohyun laughed wildly.

Give up?

How could he admit defeat when he felt he had the upper hand?

In particular, even if Lu Qian had the upper hand, he would never dare to admit defeat - didn't you see Master Bai Yang taking out so many treasures to bet? If he dared to admit defeat... Lin Haoxuan couldn't imagine what would happen to him.

Therefore, he used laughter to hide his helplessness towards Lu Qian and his fear of the consequences of possible defeat.

He put away Fang Tian's painted halberd and pulled out a long sword with rising flames. Six huge purple fire wings vibrated, and from the animal skin bag around Lin Haohuan's waist, nine thumb-sized purple-red gourds flew out, swung around his body, and turned into a huge gourd as tall as a person.

Nine purple-red gourds were blown by the wind and ignited into blazing flames.

Among the nine gourds, three were roaring with wind and fire, three were vibrating with thunder, and within the three gourds, sharp and high-pitched sword sounds rose into the sky.

Wisps of Qingming Qi visible to the naked eye spread to the surroundings, and the onlookers, who were watching, explained in a low voice to the accompanying juniors: This is the unique Qingming Qi in the Qingming void. It can be seen that these nine gourds, when It is the Qingming Spiritual Treasure conceived by Qingming Tianhua, which possesses incredible power of creation, in the Qingming void. It is a treasure that belongs to the day after tomorrow, but possesses the power of innate power.

Lu Qian's sharp ears could clearly hear the words of the powerful explanation.

The clear and bright void is the clear and infinite void that Lu Qian passed by on the periphery of Liangyi Heaven when he took the treasure ship and took many relatives, friends and subordinates from the lower world to Liangyi Heaven.

That void is extremely pure and pure. If an ordinary monk enters by mistake, he will not be able to distinguish between the eight extremes of the world, the east, the west, and the north. He will not be able to detect where he is. He will probably be lost in that void for the rest of his life.

However, when you reach the level of great Bodhisattva in Buddhism, you can freely enter and exit it and seek opportunities therein.

This clear void is the diaphragm between the two heavens and the chaos of the outside world. It is the critical space between the innate and the acquired. He continuously draws out the power of chaos from the outside world and attacks Liangyi Tian, ​​causing the entire world to continue to multiply and grow around it.

Because of this, in this clear void, some strange objects from chaos will occasionally be sucked in, such as some 'concepts', some 'seeds', some 'projections', some 'imprints', and many more incredible ones, even Strange objects that even the Buddha cannot explain are sucked into it.

These strange things took root in the clear sky, sprouted, grew, and gave birth to various strange things.

They are not innate, but they possess many characteristics of innate spiritual treasures. They are powerful, far superior to acquired creations, and have all kinds of miraculous powers. Only those lucky people in Liangyi Heaven who have great luck, great fortune, and amazing strength can find similar mature wonders in the boundless clear void and obtain the wonders they have conceived.

These nine gourds are obviously the Qingming Lingbao!

Lu Qian was a little more careful, and he smiled and said to Lin Haoxuan: Baby is not bad... Well, Taoist friends still like to bully others with power!

A 'bullying person' made Lin Haohyun's face turn purple with anger.

He stared at Lu Qian fiercely, waved his long sword in his hand, and three fire dragons immediately spurted out from the three gourds whistling with wind and fire. In an instant, monstrous flames swept through the entire battlefield, and the battle circle with a radius of hundreds of miles was covered with sticky Like lava filled with flames, the terrifying high temperature immediately enveloped Lu Qian.

Lu Qian offered Fantian Seal, and a thick and unparalleled prison-suppressing Buddha's light enveloped his whole body.

Waves of turbulent fire surged forward, all crushed to pieces by the prison-suppressing Buddha's light. Some of the aftermath washed over Lu Qian's body, burning the monk's robes into a wisp of fly ash, but it was unable to cause any damage to his body. damage.

The next moment, three thunderous gourds trembled, and fire thunders the size of water tanks spurted out, like countless meteors, heading towards Lu Qian with a deafening roar.

These fire thunders hit the fantian seal hard and then exploded violently.

The temperature in the battle circle became more and more intense, groups of terrifying flaming bubbles violently erupted, and groups of plasma thunder overflowed. Fan Tianyin was smashed and sparks flew everywhere, but Fan Tianyin was suspended above Lu Qian's head and remained motionless.

A Buddhist great Bodhisattva who was watching the battle hissed: The power of this fire and thunder is so incredible...almost, almost...

Under Lin Haoxuan's full force, the power of each fire thunder exploded, faintly exceeding the full blow of the peak-level Bodhisattva - and the power of these three thunder and fire gourds is obviously not only that, but Lin Haoxuan's own cultivation Because it's not enough, it's only able to burst out with such power!

If Lin Haoxuan's cultivation level is sufficient, wouldn't it be possible for him to activate this thunder and fire gourd to unleash a lethal force comparable to that of Buddha?

The power of these nine gourds is incredible!

Lin Haoran, who was watching the battle on the sidelines, was so jealous that his eyes turned green. He stared at Lin Haohuan's back, wishing he could stab his roommate to death with a sword right now.


Why can Lin Haoxuan have such a treasure with him, while he, Lin Haoran, only has three protective treasures given by his ancestor? Moreover, the strongest of the three protective treasures could only withstand attacks below the Great Bodhisattva level... The end result was that his body was destroyed by a slap from Lu Qian?

Lin Haoran hated Lin Taiyi, Lin Shangxuan, Lin Shangsu, and even all the elders of the Qingyang Lin family!

This is definitely biased, too biased!

In his opinion, it was impossible for Lin Haoxuan to obtain these nine gourds because of his own strength!

It must have been the ancestors of the Qingyang Lin family who helped Lin Haoxuan enter the Qingming void and find these nine gourds.

Lin Haoxuan has such a good fortune, but he, Lin Haoran... has one original body and one lotus root incarnation destroyed one after another. His future is bleak, and he is likely to be completely marginalized in the family...

Hate it!

Extreme resentment swirled in my heart.

Master Baiyang did not notice Lin Haoran's change in mood... He was not in the mood to pay attention to a mere junior of the Qingyang Lin family.

But is the Baoguang Merit Buddha...

His Buddhist 'Hexin Tong' supernatural power has been cultivated to the ultimate peak state of Liangyitian Buddhist monks. He clearly felt the resentment in Lin Haoran's heart directed at Lin Taiyi and other family elders...

Baoguang Merit Buddha smiled, put his hands together and saluted Master Baiyang: Fellow Taoist Baiyang, in recent years, your eldest disciple's sect has been very prosperous, but I heard...

Master Baiyang was excited, and his attention instantly focused on the Buddha of Precious Light Merit.

This Buddhist thief, especially the Buddha-level thief, will keep silent until he opens his mouth. Once he opens his mouth to mention something related to himself, there is no telling how many calculations will follow.

He smiled and said: Oh? What has my little disciple done in these years to make fellow Taoist Baoguang care about him?

It was Master Baiyang's spirit-stimulating skill that the Buddha of Precious Light Merit and His Mind used his magical power quietly, and his thoughts moved slightly, invisible and traceless, without disturbing anyone, not even Lin Haoran himself was aware of it at all. , even Master Baiyang didn't feel anything, and just planted a subtle seed of thought in Lin Haoran's heart.

After the seeds were planted, the Buddha of Precious Light and Merit began to chat about the mountains with Master Baiyang. They were deceived in the mist and without a word of truth, but made Master Baiyang frown tightly. Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant. He only thought that something had happened to his eldest disciple, and that the Buddhist master had caught his life without him realizing it.

Just when Baoguang Merit Buddha secretly took action and Master Baiyang was deceived into confusion, Lin Haoxuan saw that even the thunder and fire in the sky could not shake Fantian Seal. He howled angrily and yelled I don't believe it, and there was a sword in his hand. With a wave of the sword, the last three gourds around him suddenly spurted out countless streaks of extremely sharp flaming sword energy.

This sword energy is bright and sparkling, completely condensed from the flames. The strands are like substance, as if they are made of crystal. They can fly without any trace, and they carry a terrifying high temperature. The speed of the sword energy was far more than a hundred times faster than Lin Haoxuan's own escape technique. He was flying without a shadow, and only the sharpest sound of breaking through the air could be heard.

Lu Qian couldn't see clearly the flight paths of these sword lights.

Among the many powerful people who were watching, except Master Baiyang and Baoguang Gongde Buddha who could clearly grasp the trajectory of each sword light, including the three great monks Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue, they could only barely see it. A shadow of a sword passing through the air!

Among the many powerful people watching, some people kept shouting in surprise!

The flames that these nine gourds erupted at the beginning were enough to melt gold and turn iron. Ordinary spiritual soldiers would be burned into blue smoke. The power was already terrifying enough.

The fierce fire and thunder exploded into the void, and its power was terrifying. If Lin Haoxuan had been more advanced, it would even be enough to threaten the Buddha. Such rare treasures are truly enviable.

But whether it is the raging flame or the fire thunder, compared with the raging flame sword energy, how much weaker is it?

With such an inexhaustible flight, a Buddha-level power can barely capture a shadow of a sword... These sword energies are now enough to threaten a Buddha-level master...

Many people watching the battle looked at Lin Haoxuan and felt something was wrong.

Especially some masters who do some part-time jobs in private on weekdays and rob the rich to give to the poor from time to time. When they look at Lin Haoxuan, they feel a little salivating.

Lin Haoxuan felt those malicious eyes, but he didn't care!

As long as you can win this gambling battle.

As Master Baiyang, he will definitely be given a future... a direct descendant of the Qingyang Lin family? Haha, compared with the disciples of Master Baiyang, what does the status of Qingyang Lin's legitimate son mean?

As long as he can win this gambling battle, Lin Haoxuan is sure to become a disciple of Master Baiyang. Even if he is not the true successor of Dao Meridian, his identity will rise to the sky in one step. In the huge Liangyi Heaven, there are only a few people who dare to show such greedy eyes to him again!

Therefore, we must win!

Lin Haoxuan bit the tip of his tongue, and a large amount of blood spurted out and landed on the three sword light gourds.

The speed of the sword light became faster, the force became more violent, and the temperature on the sword light became more astonishing.

‘Chi, chi chi’!

Countless rays of sword light hit Fantian Seal, making a subtle sound like water dripping on a red-hot iron plate. The sword light was annihilated one after another, and the temperature near Fantianyin increased sharply. In Lu Qian's body, within ten miles of Fan Tianyin, the high temperature is enough to instantly vaporize a true immortal weapon under the thirty-third heaven!

As more and more sword lights flew, three fire dragons spewed wildly, countless fire thunders bombarded more and more violently, and the surrounding high temperature increased violently. Gradually... this high temperature was enough to attack the great Bodhisattva-level Buddhist soldiers. , Buddha caused damage!

Lu Qian also felt the intense heat.

There were even more sword rays that tore apart the prison-suppressing Buddha light he had released and pierced his body fiercely.

Lu Qian waved his Zen staff, bringing up a large shadow of the staff and a large hot wind, which severely swept away the incoming sword light. Some of the sword light was shattered, but some of the sword light penetrated the sword shadow and pierced Lu Qian's body hard.

Wounds kept appearing.

The cut is like gold or jade, with a crystal sparkle. When the sword light passed across Lu Qian's body, the sound it made was not like a sharp blade cutting flesh, but like a jade carving craftsman using a high-speed grinding wheel to polish the finest jade.

‘Choke Lang, choke Lang’!

Wounds on Lu Qian's body kept appearing. The flesh and blood near the wounds were burned by the high temperature, and there was a faint aroma of barbecue.


It’s been a long, long time since I’ve felt pain like this!

Lu Qian took a deep breath, let out a long roar, and let go of Taichu Huntongzhu's cover-up.

He laughed loudly and said: Thank you, fellow Taoist, for helping me pass the test!

As Lu Qian laughed wildly, his mana fluctuations suddenly soared. Behind him, a large area of ​​dark golden Buddha light surged, and a looming, pyramid-shaped, extremely heavy pagoda quietly emerged.

‘Buzz, buzz’!

Waves of tsunami-like torrent of prison-suppressing Buddha light rushed around, smashing sword lights and suppressing the monstrous heat wave. Countless thunder fires were rolled up by the Buddha's light, and their light suddenly dimmed, turning into fist-sized crystal thunder beads, which flew to Lu Qian's side one after another.

In an instant, Lu Qian's exposed mana fluctuations exceeded those of the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm!

Then, the twenty-first heaven... the twenty-second heaven... the twenty-third heaven!

As the thunder and fire exploded indiscriminately, as the flames burned crazily, and as the sword light from the sky slashed and stabbed at his body like carved patterns, Lu Qian roared loudly, and his breath breathed out in just a cup of tea. It has been promoted to the level of the 30th level of True Fairyland!

All the monks watching around stared at him!

This... makes no sense! Lin Taiyi couldn't help shouting: This is absolutely unreasonable!

Baoguang Merit Buddha put his hands together and chanted the Buddha's name.

Monk Yuanjue laughed, and the Buddha light surged behind him, showing the statue of Buddha showing his great lion power. The rumbling voice shook the surrounding area: Good, good, but Fa Hai has an epiphany... Fellow Taoist Lin, there is something wrong with this matter. Why is it so strange? In my Buddhist sect, understanding is the most important thing. In my Buddhist sect, there was once a great and eminent monk who went from being a mere mortal to the realm of Buddha within three days!

Compared with the sages, Fa Hai has only broken through more than ten levels of the True Immortal Realm, which is simply insignificant!

Monk Yuanjue smiled brightly.

Monk Yuan Shan smiled smoothly.

Monk Yuanding smiled implicitly.

Baoguang Merit Buddha looked at Master Baiyang and smiled harmlessly, extremely honest and honest, even a little cute. He was really like a fat white rabbit. That smile was extremely innocent.

Master Baiyang looked a little crazy.

Lin Taiyi, Lin Shangsu, Lin Shangxuan and others had bloodshot eyes.

Of course they knew who the great Buddhist master was who had broken through the realm of Buddha from a mere mortal in three days... The problem was, that person had attained Buddhahood in his previous life, but suffered a calamity and fell. In a certain Buddha's life, Under the protection of the Lord, I was reincarnated and re-cultivated, carrying with me the wisdom of my previous life and all my insights into the Dharma.

Moreover, that Buddhist great master did not follow the fighting path of the prison-suppressing lineage, but the rare path of Liangyitian Buddhism, which focused on 'enlightenment', 'Zen', and 'spiritual awareness'. 'Dharma'!

Therefore, the great Buddhist master can achieve enlightenment in one day, regain the wisdom of his previous life, and easily return to the realm of Buddha in three days.

And Lu Qian, this little thief, is from the prison-suppressing lineage, the prison-suppressing lineage!

The great monks of the prison-suppressing lineage have always been synonymous with big bulls and big horses and barbaric and rough... They are good at killing and killing, but the concept of sudden enlightenment... has nothing to do with them. !

Lu Qian's sexy moves continued.

When his mana fluctuations reached the 30th level of True Fairy Realm, there was a slight lag.

Then, he escaped from a huge jade gourd, a jade gourd that was more than one foot tall. He opened the stopper of the gourd, and an extremely fragrant and timeless fragrance suddenly burst out. The rich spiritual energy even turned into a jade-colored spiritual cloud with a radius of a hundred feet in the mouth of the gourd and slowly floated.

This jade gourd is filled with chalcedony essence from the cave in Qionghua Cave.

This giant vein of beautiful jade at the foot of Qionghua Mountain is the 'mother body' of the ancient powerful Lady Qionghua who passed away in the past. The chalcedony, jade paste and other materials produced by the vein have infinite power of creation.

As the current Lord of Qionghua Mountain, Lu Qian carries with him not only a huge amount of chalcedony essence, but also absolutely exquisite and top-grade products, every drop of which can lift the flesh and white bones of the dead. If a mortal can take a few drops, as long as his body does not break apart, he will definitely become an elite cultivator in the heavenly realm.

Countless cultivators were watching around, and they saw Lu Qian holding up the jade gourd. Gululu was like drinking mountain spring water, drinking in countless gulps of the best chalcedony that is hard to find in the outside world.

Then, Lu Qian's body suddenly emitted a dark golden light, and the wounds on his body healed rapidly. A majestic blood energy spread from his body, and the breath of his body's essence and blood also began to awaken, like a great beast from the ancient times. One step at a time.

In the eyes of countless dull eyes, Lu Qian's physical body essence and blood aura was raised to the ultimate Dzogchen state of the 30th Heavenly Golden Body of Buddhism in just half a quarter of an hour.

Then, along with a high-pitched roar, Lu Qian's mana aura and blood essence fluctuations broke through at the same time!

The thirty-first heaven of the true immortal... the thirty-second heaven... the thirty-third heaven...

There were constant exclamations from all around!

Those below the 30th level of the True Immortal have various titles in Buddhism, such as Arhat, King of Heaven, Vajra, Bhikkhu, Monk, or Strong Man... But the 31st level of the True Immortal ascends to the 33rd level. In Buddhism, it is the realm of 'Bodhisattva', or outsiders are more accustomed to calling it the 'Little Bodhisattva' state!

At this moment, Lu Qian, in front of countless people, broke through to the Bodhisattva state in less than a quarter of an hour!

Behind him, the looming pagoda was stacked one after another, rising higher and higher... Finally, the square pyramid-shaped pagoda looked as heavy as a hill, and there was also the pagoda surrounded by Feng Shui thunder dragons. The entire base has reached 297 floors!

True fairyland, thirty-third heaven, ultimate perfection!

Not every true Buddhist immortal can perfectly cast a nine-story pagoda in every heaven!

Skills, qualifications, perseverance, luck, resources...all the conditions are indispensable. If there is a slight flaw, several layers of pagoda will be missing. Once there is a flaw in the cultivation of one layer, the subsequent cultivation will naturally be It can’t be perfect!

Therefore, Buddhism has Buddhas, great Bodhisattvas, lesser Bodhisattvas, and countless masters and powers.

But there are only two or three people out of ten thousand who can actually build a 297-story perfect pagoda in the 33rd level of the true fairyland!

And Lu Qian, in front of so many monks, soared all the way from the more than ten levels of the True Immortal Realm, and instantly forged the perfect Immortal Foundation of the True Immortal Realm!

Master Baiyang subconsciously twirled the beard on his chin and looked at Lu Qian with slightly dull eyes.

His gaze was like a knife, slowly passing over the pagoda behind Lu Qian, and then he said quietly: This son of Fahai, his practice seems to be not only the Buddhist method of suppressing the prison... How is it, there is also Buddhism. Are there other ways?

The Buddha of Precious Light and Merit smiled and nodded.

Such a 'change' in Fahai really shocked him.

The greatest confidence he dared to have a bet with Master Bai Yang was the piece of Buddha's legacy that he threw to Lu Qian and blended into Fan Tianyin. But Baoguang Merit Buddha is not very sure about how magical that black rock actually is.

In short, since it is the legacy of Buddha, it is very possible for Lu Qian to remain undefeated!

In particular, the secret conversation between Master Baiyang and him made Baoguang Gongde Buddha feel that it was worth selling Master Baiyang to save face... As for Master Baiyang later on, he wanted to increase the stakes, and Baoguang Gongde Buddha I am even more convinced that the Pantian Seal, which is integrated with the seven-treasure Vajra Circle of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha's natal Buddha, will have unfathomable power and can crush Lin Haoxuan, which is a certainty.

But Lu Qian really gave him a big surprise!

Therefore, Baoguang Merit Buddha acted very reserved at this moment. After stopping Master Baiyang's exclamation, he said leisurely: The sea of ​​​​dharma is very similar. In addition to the Buddhist dharma of Zhenyu, he is also involved in other sects of Buddhism... This boy is really a natural-born son of the Buddha. If this is not the case, how could he enter the Zhenji lineage and become the true successor of the Buddha lineage?

Master Baiyang's face turned slightly gloomy.

He simply released his spiritual thoughts and walked around Lu Qian, carefully identifying the mana fluctuations and essence and blood aura on Lu Qian's body.

Lu Qian’s breakthroughs continue!

His way...the way of wind, the way of water, the way of pure 'power', the power of suppressing the prison of the prison line, and the many Buddha's light magical powers of the lineage of Baoguang Merit Buddha, and even other sects of Buddhism There are many fighting magical powers, and countless Buddhist essences that can be implicated in the Dao Law that Lu Qian is currently majoring in are being rapidly integrated and integrated!

Integrated with the black rock left by the Buddha, Fantian Seal has become an immeasurable treasure.

Countless Buddhist essences, under the command and control of the rich Taoist charm emitted by Fantianyin, fit and integrated with each other in an orderly manner and without any confusion, and gradually merged into one!

Lu Chen suddenly laughed. He took a big gulp of the chalcedony from the jade gourd and said loudly: Young monk, I have enlightened!

There was a loud bang!

Lu Qian's 297-story pagoda burst into flames, turning into a magnificent Buddha light that shot straight into the void. Subsequently, the sky above this battlefield changed slightly, and in broad daylight, stars of varying brightness lit up one after another.

The starry sky in these two Yitians is truly magical.

Each star represents a great law of the Liangyi heaven and earth.

And if a monk can, like Lu Qian, make these laws and stars appear in the world one after another in broad daylight, there is only one possibility, that is, his research on a certain law has reached a certain extreme, enough to move the world. The true power of law in the world, thus stepping into a higher realm!

In the Liangyi Heavenly Sect, this realm is called the 'Heavenly Lord', and in Buddhism, it is called the 'Great Bodhisattva'. When demons and barbarians were once equally divided into the two sects of Buddhism and Taoism, those demons and beasts were Barbarians and evil spirits call this realm the 'star' realm!

Behind Lu Qian, the strange-shaped pagoda as thick as a mountain disappeared, and a bright star slowly lit up.

In the void, hundreds of stars emitted magnificent light, and then the starlight turned into silky rays of light, crossing the void and quickly pouring into the bright star behind Lu Qian!

Lu Qian's breath suddenly surged upward, and then there was a surge of energy and blood in his body, and there was a loud sound like a tsunami!

'Puff puff'!

The skin on Lu Qian's body was broken piece by piece, and large pieces of dead skin that were several inches thick fell off, revealing the dark golden skin underneath, which was like glass crystal.

Master Baiyang’s expression is wonderful to the extreme!

He carefully felt the Taoist fluctuations and spiritual aura emanating from Lu Qian's body, and all these fluctuations and Qi machines were all natural and harmonious, without any trace of artificial intervention - in other words, Lu Qian's series of passionate breakthroughs , completely originated from himself, without any external force, for example, the forcible intervention of Baoguang Merit Buddha!

Even if the Buddhists are enlightened with supernatural powers and forcibly lose their own cultivation to the younger generations, they will never be so harmonious, natural and complete. There will always be some gaps and a little bit of incompleteness.

And Lu Qian’s breakthrough this time is so perfect!

Master Baiyang slowly withdrew his spiritual thoughts and looked at Lin Haoxuan seriously: Younger Lin family, you must work hard. If you win this battle, I will accept you as the sixth true successor.

Lin Haoxuan's body suddenly shook, and his eyes were instantly bloodshot, revealing an extremely crazy look.

His greatest hope is to become Master Bai Yang's introductory disciple after winning this battle. But now Master Bai Yang has promised that if he wins, he can become his sixth true successor!

You must know that the five true successors of the Taoist lineage before Master Baiyang are now all Taoist leaders, and all of them are the pinnacle Taoist masters of the Taoist side. Some people have even touched the threshold of saints. It is not an exaggeration to say that they are half-step saints. !

If you can become the sixth true successor of Master Bai Yang... then...

Lin Haohyun is really crazy!

He let out a long roar, and the essence and blood in his body began to burn. He would not hesitate to sacrifice his roots and fight Lu Qian to the death!

Moreover, it must be resolved quickly.

Otherwise, Fahai would be so bald that his breakthroughs would be almost endless!

Let him continue to break through... what if he is promoted to Buddha in person?

Haha, Buddha is impossible...but we can't let him continue to be so arrogant!

The six purple fire wings behind him suddenly expanded. With Lin Haoxuan's hoarse cry of pain, the six fire wings flapped fiercely and turned into twelve pairs of huge purple wings out of thin air. Purple flames surged into the sky, and nine gourds around him ignited at the same time. The roaring flames burst out, and as he turned into afterimages all over the sky, he went straight towards Lu Qian to kill him.

Countless rays of sword light turned into a pillar of light as thick as the mouth of a bowl, piercing Lu Qian's heart with a deafening sound.

At this moment, the frequency of the three sword light gourds emitting sword light increased a thousand times more than before!

In the blink of an eye, at least hundreds of thousands of sword lights spurted out, endless and endless!

Equivalent to this, Lin Haoxuan's blood essence is constantly burning and wasting away, and his originally strong body has shriveled up bit by bit, just like a poor little scholar who is being squeezed by a hundred vixens, shriveled up visibly to the naked eye. Go down.

Baoguang Merit Buddha glanced sideways at Master Bai Yang: Why is Master Bai Yang doing this? It's just a small bet... uh, one or two more bets?

Master Baiyang remained silent.

His state of mind was a bit chaotic.

He stabilized the spiritual platform, calmed his mind, put his hands in his sleeves, and began to calculate continuously. The Tao of Nature, where he majored in enlightenment, was quietly operating. His Qi gradually merged with the surrounding void. His state of mind returned to clarity and clarity, and his Tao heart became as pure as ice.

I was deceived by external forces... Master Baiyang cut off the surrounding sounds and whispered quietly to the Buddha of Precious Light Merit.

Baoguang Gongde Buddha looked at Master Bai Yang in shock: So, why would Taoist Brother Bai Yang put forward such a huge bet? It really doesn't look like Taoist friend's past style... How could Taoist friend in the past be so aggressive?

Shaking his head, Baoguang Merit Buddha quickly said: However, since the bets have been revealed in public, we are not allowed to go back on our words... Well, how many people in these two Yitians can calculate, or in other words, interfere with fellow Taoists?

Master Bai Yang remained silent.

Baoguang Merit Buddha closed his mouth.

The two looked at each other, and their moods became extremely solemn.

Later, when they decide the winner, you and I will review it carefully. Baoguang Merit Buddha's lips did not move at all, and he secretly communicated with Master Baiyang with his spiritual thoughts: This matter is a little weird.

His eyelids were slightly raised, and his precious light, merit, and Dharma eyes instantly scanned the entire Demon Suppressing Ridge.

From the Demon-Suppressing City to the 108 towns below, he had seen all the creatures at a glance... Well, they were all normal juniors, and there were no old monsters hiding with their status and strength.

Good. Master Baiyang's mood was disturbed again. He was inexplicably angry because of today's inexplicable gambling fight... This made Master Baiyang horrified and shocked - this was absolutely not the case in the past. He would actually feel resentful about something that might happen?

He cultivates the way of nature, and has long since reached the state of being almost the ruthless way of the great road!

Even according to his past style, he would not leave Baiyang Mountain if he received a message from the Lin clan asking for help... At most, at most, he would send one of his true disciples to Zhenzi City 49 to mediate. Second, how could he go out in person?

There was an external force, and it was an extremely powerful and terrifying external force, which affected Master Baiyang's cause and effect, causing him to come here, allowing him to overpower Fa Hai and his party, directly leading to the Precious Light Merit Buddha, and then, there was this This is an inexplicable gambling game that shouldn't have happened in the first place!


With Master Baiyang's past temper, even if he wanted to have a bet, how could he allow the Lin clan to randomly select a young member to bet with Lu Qian?

How could he agree to this bet if he wasn't 90% sure?

As for actively raising bets, this is unprecedented!

With his eyelids drooping, Master Baiyang was vaguely thinking and horrified - who on earth could be so powerful that he could trap him, the oldest, most senior and most senior sage in the Taoist sect, behind his back?

A high-pitched dragon roar sounded, and Lu Qian's mana fluctuations and essence and blood aura had increased to a heart-stopping level.

He held the Zen staff and took the initiative to greet Lin Haoxuan with long strides.

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