Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 749: The Responsibilities of the City Lord

He took the gift list handed over by Ah Hu, glanced at it casually, threw it aside lightly, rubbed Dahuang's head, and then squatted aside, with an angry look on his face, and stuffed a large piece of wild mountain into the mouth of the rabbit. Earth dragon meat is a specialty of Ling.

As the lord of a small town, your daily life is so dull, ordinary, and charming!

As long as you sit in the city lord's palace and do nothing, every day, leaders of big and small forces and chambers of commerce will turn boxes of rare treasures into simple and low-key gift lists and quietly send them away as quietly as spring breeze and rain. In Lu Qian's hands.

All kinds of rare treasures are of no value, but what they want are just some extremely ordinary things in the eyes of the city lord.

For example, during a certain period of time, let the patrol team of the city guard temporarily turn a blind eye to a certain neighborhood.

For example, there is a certain dandy in the prison of the city lord's palace. He hopes that one night, the door of the cell where he is imprisoned can be opened quietly.

For example, there are too many prisoners in the town, which puts huge pressure on the public expenses of the City Lord's Mansion. However, a large family's mine outside the city just lacks enough mining slaves, so they volunteer to reduce the financial pressure on the City Lord's Mansion. .

For another example, the head of a local snake family suddenly died away from home. The eldest son raised by his concubine and the second son raised by the principal wife competed for the family property, so they sent large sums of filial piety and asked the wise lord of the city to make the decision for him.

In short, Lu Qian's life is very comfortable now, and he is very consistent in Zhenzi Ninth City, and his prestige has reached full value.

Who dares to disrespect the Ninth City, a huge town?

There is a Buddha Lord behind him, and there are four Buddhas who are directly related to the disciple as his backers... and he is famous for his violence and brutality, and he often kills all the Buddhas of the prison-suppressing lineage.

This is scary.

In particular, no one can figure out how far Lu Qian's personal strength has improved after refining three Shenglong Pills and an ancient Buddha relic with the help of Monk Yuanjue.

The pinnacle of the Great Bodhisattva?

Or the realm of Buddha?

The cultivation of magic power and the realm of Taoism should not be so exaggerated...but his golden body and magic body may have reached the Buddha realm, right?

There are a total of more than 350 Buddhas in this huge Buddhist sect, with trillions of Buddhist cultivators.

If Lu Qian's golden body truly possesses Buddha-level power, then he can still be regarded as a half-hearted Buddha. Placed in the ninth city of Zhenzi, this is an absolute overlord level existence.

My life is so empty and boring. Lu Qian patted the heads of Rhubarb and Rabbit, threw a few dried fruits to the big parrot, stroked the green snake coiled on his arm, and sat in the back garden of the City Lord's Mansion. Next to the lake, I looked at the snapping turtle with most of its back shell exposed in the lake.

Dahuang and the others have decent physiques, although they are seven to eight times or more than ten times larger than their normal counterparts.

Only the snapping turtle is getting bigger and bigger.

He is now entangled in the lake, and the diameter of his back above the water is more than three hundred feet, like a dark hill, with a black and cold air rising out of it.

The huge lake, eroded by the black cold air, turned bone-chillingly cold.

However, the coldness of the snapping turtle is extremely mysterious. The temperature of the lake water is already far lower than the freezing point. The lake water has just turned into a viscous shape similar to spicy soup. It is extremely cold, but it has never frozen.

Occasionally, the snapping turtle moves its claws and flicks its tail, and the lake water, which has turned into black and blue, ripples in circles. The density of the lake water has increased nearly a hundred times and slaps against the rocks on the shore. Amidst the sound of the water waves, the rocks The lumps were like melted sugar cubes, being licked away layer by layer by the lake water.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and Yu Diaihu strode in.

What's the matter? Lu Qian rubbed the skin of the rabbit's head, ignoring his roar, and rubbed it desperately.

Big fat sheep... er, no, distinguished guests are here. Yu Diaihu licked the corner of his mouth: Mo Qianqiu, the owner of the Chongshan, came to visit with a heavy gift... Well, it was a big gift, and he looked very greedy. .”

Lu Qian stood up and glanced at Yu Diaihu in surprise.

These days, more and more people are sending gifts to the City Lord's Mansion every day. Ahu, Yudianhu and the others have long been overwhelmed by the mountains of rare treasures. Being able to make Yu Diaihu show such an expression and be so surprised showed that Mo Qianqiu really gave him a huge gift.

Go and have a look... Well, let someone serve tea, and serve real good tea. Just serve the pack of 'Molong Danzhu' that someone sent yesterday... the tea tastes not bad. Lu Qian He tapped his head lightly and sighed in a low voice: I, the city lord, have caused such trouble, how can I say this? Who gave me a gift, but I may not remember him?

Entering the courtyard of the City Lord's Mansion, in the flower hall dedicated to entertaining distinguished guests, Lu Qian looked at Mo Qianqiu with a look of anxiety on his face with a smile.

The Ninth City, Chongshan Hao, is a chamber of commerce that specializes in side business. The Mo family is the mainstay, and its shareholders include more than a dozen powerful families from the Ninth City and several surrounding towns. The Chamber of Commerce is extremely powerful.

In the ninth city of the town, Chongshan's financial resources are enough to rank among the top ten. Chongshan has built twelve forts outside the city, and has nearly 100,000 private soldiers to guard it. The Chamber of Commerce has armed forces in more than a dozen surrounding towns. Among the private armed forces, he even broke into the top three.

Mo Qianqiu is an obviously pampered, Qingjun man who has never suffered any hardships. A short beard on his chin makes him handsome and elegant, but also has a bit of stability that a leader of a large family should have.

But at this moment, his face twitched slightly, and his feet moved slightly uneasily, as if the house was on fire and he was sitting on the roof beam anxiously.

Master Mo, you obviously have something on your mind? Lu Qian picked up the teacup and took a sip.

To be fair to the City Lord, I do have something to ask for. Mo Qianqiu was not polite and went straight to the point: City Lord, does he know what kind of business my Chongshan No. is doing?

Lu Qian nodded slowly and became the city lord. Of course, he took stock of the information on several major forces in Zhenzi Ninth City. Chongshan Hao was one of the few large businesses in the Ninth City, and its influence radiated to many surrounding towns. Of course, he paid close attention to the situation of this business.

Chongshanhao is doing a side business.

He specially organized a team to go deep into the wild mountains in the south, survey the mineral veins, and search for the blessed land of caves and spiritual mountains and spiritual waters.

Once a mineral vein with huge mining value is found and can provide astronomical profits, the Chongshan will set up an array, enclose the territory, carefully survey the mineral vein, make an estimate of its value, and then auction it for a huge fortune. Or hand it over to a big force to dig it up, take a stake in it, and distribute high profits on time.

If they find any caves, heavenly places, spiritual mountains and spiritual waters, they will also circle them, carefully arrange them, manage them carefully, carve them carefully bit by bit, build them into a fully functional Qingxiu cave, and then secretly trade them to those who need them. power.

These forces in need were either unlucky people who had committed serious crimes in Liangyi Heaven and were forced to flee to the south for refuge, or they were 'careful people' whose families had demands and needed to set up secret strongholds in the wild mountains.

In short, regardless of the mineral veins or these caves, the Chongshan Hao's business is always extremely prosperous, bringing them astronomical profits every year.

In particular, even the City Lord's Mansion doesn't know how many secret mansions Chongshan has set up in the wild mountains, and how many secrets are hidden in them.

Mo Qianqiu held the tea cup tightly with both hands, and the knuckles of his fingers turned a little white. It was obvious that he had used a lot of strength.

If not, this tea set for entertaining guests is also a set of fairy treasures sent by someone one day. It is of reliable quality and extremely strong. I am afraid it has been crushed to pieces by Mo Qianqiu.

Staring straight at Lu Qian, Mo Qianqiu whispered: My family, something happened in a cave in the south.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows.

Hearing this, one knew that something had happened to a secret palace on the Chongshan Ship that was unknown to outsiders... Lu Qian nodded and said: Is there something important in there? Or is it an important person? Can't the Chongshan Ship's own force solve the problem? ?”

Mo Qianqiu's face twitched violently.

He hesitated for a moment and lowered his voice again: Does the City Lord know who is behind the Chongshan?

Lu Qian smiled. He looked at Mo Qianqiu and said leisurely, Master Mo, just tell me what you have to say. It's urgent, so why are you trying to make sense?

Mo Qianqiu was stunned, gave himself a gentle slap, and said with a wry smile: In normal business discussions with people, I'm used to using clouds and mist to cover up my business. Please forgive me, Lord City Lord.

After taking a breath, Mo Qianqiu said in a deep voice: There are important things in the secret palace, but those things are rare and rare, but they are not important compared with that person. Well, behind the Chongshan number, is the Jiang family .”

Huh? Jiang family? Which Jiang family? Lu Qian looked at Mo Qianqiu in surprise.

That's the Jiang family left behind by the ancient emperor Jiang Wangu, who almost unified the Liangyi Heavenly and Human Races with his own efforts when the Taoist and Buddhist sects were not yet established.

When Mo Qianqiu said the name 'Jiang Wangu', his pale face suddenly burst into dazzling light, looking proud. He looked at Lu Qian and said in a deep voice: The name of the Mo family in the Ninth City of Zhen is actually Jiang, a branch of the Jiang family. Countless years before the establishment of Zhenmo Ridge, the Moh family changed their surnames and specially dealt with some matters for the Jiang family outside... …”

Mo Qianqiu looked at Lu Qian without finishing his words.

Lu Qian understood.

Many years ago, a branch of the Jiang family changed their names and became the Mo family, specifically doing some shameful work for the Jiang family. These shameful activities are nothing more than killing people and arson, robbing homes, framing people, and spreading rumors to cause trouble.

It is not unusual at all for a big family, especially a big family like the 'Taikou Zunhuang Jiang Family', to have such an arrangement.

The ancient emperor.

When Lu Qian was bored reading books in Qionghua Mountain, he saw corresponding records in some Buddhist classics.

That was indeed a fierce man. As Mo Qianqiu said, when Liangyitian Buddhism and Taoism had not yet taken shape, Taoist ancestors and Buddhism were still preaching, and all the great masters were listening devoutly, this old man led a group of fierce The tribesmen and Biao Meng's subordinates, relying on their natural divine power, penetrated almost the entire Liangyi Heaven.

Surrounded by thorns and thorns everywhere, surrounded by countless jackals, tigers, leopards, demons and demons, Jiang Wangu almost established a unified human dynasty.

That was also the glorious peak when the human race came closest to unification in the history of Liangyitian.

As the ancestors of Taoism and Buddha drifted away, great masters from Taoism and Buddhism emerged one after another, established large and small sects, established large and small sects, preached preaching, preached Dharma, occupied mountains and became kings, enclosed territories and honored them, Jiang Wangu The established human power fell apart in just a few hundred years, and Jiang Wangu was also killed by an unknown strong man.

However, the Jiang family resolutely surrendered to the most powerful Taoist master at the time and preserved the Miao heritage.

After that, Taoism and Buddhism experienced ups and downs, great powers from all directions fell from time to time, and new powers continued to rise.

The Jiang family moved around in the Taoist sect, changing several backers in succession, relying on various means to gradually develop and grow. Nowadays, the Jiang family is already one of the most powerful members of the Liangyi Tiandao Sect.

A hundred years ago, a survey team of the Chongshan Ship found an 'Emperor Tianyun Mansion' in the southern wilderness, in a territory that had just been opened up from chaos. Mo Qianqiu looked at Lu Qian with a deep look: 'Emperor's Luck' is an absolute secret that only the Jiang family knows... Back then, the ancestor of the Jiang family, Jiang Wangu, received a ray of Emperor's energy, which inspired his natural bloodline...

Lu Qian hurriedly interrupted Mo Qianqiu: Mo Family Master, do you think it is convenient for me to hear these things?

Mo Qianqiu looked at Lu Qian with a bitter smile: Why can't I hear the matter of asking the City Lord for help? Moreover, I can only tell this matter to the City Lord... Because the City Lord's backing is too strong, ridiculously hard, so the City Lord has heard this secret , you don’t have to worry about my side killing people and silencing them, right?”

Lu Qian nodded slowly. This makes sense.

Mo Qianqiu continued to smile bitterly: One more thing, there is no 'ancient imperial bloodline' of the Jiang family in the main body of the city. The aura of the emperor is useless to the city lord... With the background of the city lord, there is no need to take a look at the Jiang family's This little bit of opportunity means that there is no reason for conflict between the city lord and me, what does the city lord think?

Lu Qian nodded: Master Mo has made it clear, so please continue. I'm also curious about what kind of trouble you have encountered!

Mo Qianqiu narrated eloquently, and Lu Qian's face gradually became a little unbearable.

This is really unlucky!

The Jiang clan was able to almost unify the Liangyi Celestial Race back then. Jiang Wangu, as a mortal, almost had the strength to fight against the sages because of the ancient imperial bloodline in his body.

It was an extremely domineering and miraculous natural bloodline that contained infinite power and incredible innate powers.

Jiang Wangu received a wisp of the Emperor's Qi left over from the creation of the world, which inspired his entire bloodline and gave him such magical power. The Jiang family has been reproducing from generation to generation, and although the ancient imperial bloodline is still in their blood, it has gradually changed from dominant to recessive.

The current Jiang clan members are at best more talented, more qualified, smarter, and more understanding than ordinary people. Other than that, they are no different from normal mortals and serious monks.

Therefore, Mo Qianqiu's exploration team discovered an Emperor's Heaven's Fortune Mansion, and even found a Breath of Heaven's Luck Cave inside. When he found that there was a meager amount of Emperor's Heaven's Qi inside, Mo Qianqiu blatantly killed the entire team. Silenced, completely covering up the existence of that secret palace.

Now, in that cave, there are Mo Qianqiu's most beloved youngest son and three most precious grandchildren cultivating inside.

Absorb the energy of the emperor and heaven, revive the ancient imperial veins, acquire supreme magical talents, and master the supreme power of the ancient emperor.

Lu Qian understood.

He looked at Mo Qianqiu and said in a deep voice: Something happened in that secret palace. But you did not dare or were unwilling to inform the Jiang family of the existence of this secret palace... I even doubt that you Even the other members of the Mo family are hiding this, right?

Mo Qianqiu acquiesced to Lu Qian's statement.

Lu Qian clicked his tongue a few times: So, there is a problem over there, and you feel that you can't solve it yourself and must ask for help... But the Jiang family is very likely to severely punish you for your 'betrayal' behavior. , you dare not ask them for help. As for the Mo family... you would rather ask for help from me, an outsider, than share the benefits with your own relatives?

Mo Qianqiu smiled bitterly: City Lord, don't think that I am so greedy or selfish... It's just that there are many people in the Mo family who are in cahoots with the Jiang family. If they find out about the secret palace, I'm afraid I won't be able to avoid it. Take the knife.

Stretching out his right hand and lightly hitting his neck, Mo Qianqiu said in a deep voice: I have thought about it for a long time and found that the huge Liang Yitian can help me and save me. I dare to ask for help and are willing to ask for help. Yes, it’s only you, the City Lord.”

Lu Qian grabbed the gift list placed on the small coffee table next to him and gently opened it.

Sure enough, it was an extremely generous gift.

No wonder, these days, Yu Dihu, who has become accustomed to seeing rare and rare treasures, would say, ‘The big fat sheep is coming’. Frankly speaking, the gifts recorded on this gift list are enough to arm an elite army of three thousand people, composed entirely of true immortals above the tenth heaven realm, from head to toe, armed to the teeth!

If it is not used to arm true immortals, but is used to train ordinary monks, then it is enough for at least 20,000 heavenly and human monks to directly condense the true immortal characters and break through to the true immortal realm.

Lu Qian has occupied the Qionghua Mountain Dojo for some years. Among the great Taoist monks under his command, there are less than 10,000 true immortal-level Taoist soldiers, and their cultivation realms are almost all below the tenth level of heaven!

This gift list... is a bit light. Lu Qian threw the gift list aside casually: How powerful the Jiang family is, I don't know very well. But I know the name of the ancient emperor Jiang Wangu. He left Their blood relatives are also among the most powerful clans in the Tao, so you can imagine how powerful they are.

I helped you, but I offended them. If something happens in the future...

Mo Qianqiu looked at Lu Qian with a deep look: This gift list is just the private property that I can get now. If the Lord of the City is willing to help, after the matter is completed, the entire Chongshan No., including this clan member, will be the City Lord. For adults.”

Lu Qian looked at Mo Qianqiu in shock: What? Are you going to abandon Taoism and become a Buddha?

Mo Qianqiu gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: If I do such a thing, the Jiang family will definitely not tolerate me... I am a mere collateral bloodline and dare to be tainted with the Qi of Emperor Tian. I will definitely be punished by death and will not be spared. Possibly. All members of my clan will definitely be killed to avoid threatening the orthodox position of the direct descendants of the Jiang family.

When I found the secret palace, I was already thinking about joining Buddhism, but I haven't decided which one yet.

Mo Qianqiu stood up and knelt down in front of Lu Qian with a 'dong' sound. He bowed to him and paid homage: Now, I have found Lord Ming... If the Lord of the City doesn't mind, I, together with this clan member, are willing to Do your best to serve the city lord!

Lu Qian touched his chin, looked at Mo Qianqiu, and nodded slowly: Interesting, interesting. In this case, it would be unreasonable not to take advantage of the benefits brought to the door. Let's talk about it, what is going on in the secret mansion?

At noon that day, Mo Qianqiu left in a hurry.

Lu Qian is reviewing the conversation between him and Mo Qianqiu, carefully analyzing in his mind every word, every look, every body movement of Mo Qianqiu, as well as all the perceptible states of his blood, mana fluctuations, etc. .


Nothing false.

All his worries, all panics, even the deepest fear - the fear of the possible consequences if the Jiang family discovers what he has done, are all real.

And Mo Qianqiu had no ill intentions towards him.

So, without knowing it, I have become a big supporter in people's eyes! Lu Qian sat in the flower hall and suddenly laughed out loud.

However, it is understandable.

There is a great Buddha such as the Precious Light Merit Buddha on the back. Although there are only four true disciples of the Buddha lineage on the bright side of the Precious Light Merit Buddha, they are all in the realm of the Buddha. Among the more than 300 Buddhas in Buddhism, there are more than 20 Buddhas known to outsiders who rely on the precious light lineage and are driven by them.

In addition, three new Buddhas have been promoted to the prison lineage!

Lu Qian is backed by such a powerful force. He is indeed qualified to become the backer of many people and the background of many forces!

A little bit immature. Lu Qian began to reflect on himself.

The Golden Body Dharma Body has reached the realm of Buddha, and is not weak among Buddhas. But the magic power, Taoist practices, magical powers, various methods, and even the cultivation of the followers around him, and even the Taoist monks, are all too weak.

A force cannot be sustained by one person alone.

A snake can't do without a head, but it can't do just with a head. Lu Qian turned back and looked to the north thoughtfully: The lord of a mere town can make countless money in just a few months, then, if Being able to become the lord of the Demon-Suppressing City...and then placing a few more town-suppressing city lords there will stir up trouble...

Scraping the ground means gathering resources.

If you have the qualifications, you can train masters.

Lu Qian's own combat power is now considerable, but the people around him are still too weak.

Just as he was thinking about it, Yu Dianhu strode in with a drooped face: A few bastards are here, do you want to see them?

Lu Qian looked up and asked in shock: How poor can you be?

Yu Diaihu pursed his lips and said angrily: I want to have sex for free!

After a cup of tea, not in the flower hall where guests were entertained in the second courtyard, but in the lobby of the City Lord's Mansion in the first courtyard, Lu Qian sat behind the public case, overlooking the three monks with pale faces below.

Bloody waist, soul seducing knife, thorn finger!

This is the leader of three villages outside the ninth city of the town.

The soul-enchanting knife, the thorn finger, the name is just so-so. What's going on with this bloody kidney? Shouldn't it be the 'blood kite'? Lu Qian tapped the koan with his finger and asked the three Yu Dian below curiously. The 'poor three' in the tiger's mouth.

Well, coming to the door without bringing a gift list, and not even having tea money for a fairy crystal for the guard in front of the door, in Yu Diaihu's view, this is indeed extremely poor.

But... I'm not here to give you gifts, I'm here to report a crime!

A skinny middle-aged man, nearly ten feet tall, with a strong smell of blood all over his body, came forward with a smile: The Lord of the City is laughing... I am the leader of the Blood Yaozi Village... Hehe. , when I was young, I used to fight with people, like, like... to attack people's waists, so I got this gangster title.

Lu Qian glanced at the man. He was covered in blood and evil aura, and there was a faint black aura lingering behind him, with strange and looming faces flickering and swaying inside.

This guy is practicing magic techniques.

The gangster nickname Blood Kidney probably doesn't just like to steal other people's kidneys, right?

However, everyone is well aware of the existence of the stockades outside the towns. It is not enough to describe them as harboring filth and evil. There are some random nicknames, which have little to do with Lu Qian.

That's all, whatever name you want to give it has nothing to do with the poor monk. He picked up the tea cup on one side and took a big sip of tea. Fang people live and work in peace and contentment, all businesses are prosperous, and livestock are luxuriant... You came here for no reason, what case are you reporting?

Xue Yaozi lowered his head and said respectfully: Yes, yes, yes, after the Lord of the City took office, the Ninth City of Zhenzhen really changed its old appearance and became more prosperous. In the first place, lower-class people should not bother the City Lord. Your Excellency is pure... But, nearly ten thousand lives are at stake... Really, I can only trouble the Lord of the City!

Lu Qian frowned: Nearly ten thousand lives? Are you a prisoner of mine slaves?

Lu Qian knew what kind of business and activities were carried out in these villages outside the city. Suddenly, a big case involving nearly 10,000 lives occurred. All Lu Qian could think of was that one of their mines was attacked by evil spirits and barbarians from the south, and they were blocked at the door!

No, they are... they are nearly ten thousand innocent and good people, all of whom are the strongmen and guards of our village! The leader of the village with the soul-stirring sword stepped forward and said hurriedly: The teams of our three villages are in the mountains to the south. ,problem occurs.

Lu Qian raised his eyebrows and said coldly: According to the laws of the Demon Suppressing City, you guys...

The leader of the village pointed by the thorns also took a step forward hastily: According to the laws of the Demonic City, as long as we pay our taxes on time, the city lord's mansion has the responsibility to protect our safety... City lord, these are the three of us. Zhaizi, tax documents from the last hundred years!”

The three of them took out a thick document book in unison.

Lu Qian was stunned, and with a flick of his finger, three books flew up to the public case at the same time.

The Demon Suppressing City does have this rule - as long as anyone pays taxes to the City Lord's Mansion on time, once they are in danger, the City Lord's Mansion has the responsibility to protect their safety.

To be more frank, in the wild mountains of the south where evil spirits are suppressed, the Demon Suppression City is the official organization with the largest fist and the strongest strength. As long as you are willing to pay the protection fee, the City Lord's Mansion will protect you!

Of course, if you are reluctant to pay the money, then you can build a stockade outside the city, keep people and horses captive, and do whatever you want... But this is equivalent to giving up the protection of the city lord's palace, and you can live and die according to your destiny!

As far as Lu Qian knew, nine out of ten villages outside major towns did not pay any fees to the city lord's mansion!

Opening the paperwork book in front of Xue Yaozi and briefly looking at Xue Yaozi's tax records for the past hundred years, Lu Qian couldn't help but laugh out loud: Ha, a large village with nearly one hundred thousand people, for a hundred years, the total The tax revenue paid is only three thousand high-grade immortal crystals?

Three thousand high-grade immortal crystals!

What a lot of money!

The Immortal Tea Molong Dan Pearl that Lu Qian used to entertain Mo Qianqiu just now costs 8,000 top-grade Immortal Crystals for one tael, and the discounted price is 800,000 high-grade Immortal Crystals for one tael!

Xueyaozi has a large village of 100,000 people. There are at least hundreds of True Immortal monks, and there are tens of thousands and 20,000 other monks. They occupy at least dozens of mines and veins outside the city. I don’t know how much industry there is, and the total amount of money in a year is The income is in the tens of millions!

According to the official fixed tax of 1 out of 10 taxes in Demon Suppression City, Bloody Kidney has paid a total of 3,000 high-grade immortal crystals in taxes in the past hundred years... Is this considered a tax?

Xueyaozi, are you teasing me, Lord Buddha? Every time Lu Qian calls himself 'Lord Buddha', he gets angry, gets mad, and is ready to be unreasonable. He smashed the three documents in front of him to pieces with one palm, and stood up suddenly. The blood and energy in his body rose, and the phantom of a Buddha with three heads and six arms and an angry face quietly emerged in the blood and energy.

The entire lobby was suddenly filled with terrifying pressure.

The three heads of the village, Xue Yao Zi, Soul Soul Sword, and Jia Ji Zhi, seemed to be crushed by a mountain. They could only hear the sound of bones cracking inside their bodies. They fell to the ground with a few thuds. Each of them was flattened, and there were constant wounds on their bodies. A series of ferocious cracks opened, and blood gushed out like spring water.

Lord City Lord, calm down, calm down... We are here to pay taxes! None of the three blood-kidney masters have physical cultivation. Although they all have cultivation levels above the 20th level of the True Immortal Realm, their physical bodies... It can only be considered weak.

Faced with the three-headed and six-armed angry Buddha that Lu Qian realized after merging the relics of the ancient Buddha, how could the three village owners withstand this terrifying, pure force of suppression?

It was as if the pressure of Tianwei fell on their heads, and the three of them were almost crushed into meat cakes. They could only cry hysterically and beg for mercy.

To pay taxes? Lu Qian said coldly: Where is the head of the tax department? How can we pay taxes after a hundred years of arrears?

Under the city lord's palace, there are many departments such as the Demon Suppression Department, the Criminal Prison Department, the Taxation Department, and the Immortal Treasure Department. The available manpower around Lu Qian is limited, and most of them are muscular men. There are very few smart people with quick brains who can bear heavy financial responsibilities. .

Therefore, the important task of the Taxation Department was given to Jieyin Toutuo.

Hearing Lu Qian's question, Jie Yin Toutuo frowned, his old face becoming wrinkled. He took out a thin, palm-sized document with less than three pages in total, and said dryly: There is no way to pay taxes in Demon Suppression City.

Lu Qian looked at Jieyin Toutuo in shock: No?

Jieyin Toutuo shook his head slightly, this is really not true!

The Demon Suppression City system is not a serious official organization. It is just a line of defense set up by the Buddhist and Taoist sects to seal the southern wasteland and suppress the barbarians and evil spirits.

Here, Buddhism and Taoism are interfering with each other, and various forces, big and small, are mixed together, making things extremely complicated. If you make rules and regulations that are too strict, and if the water is clear, there will be no fish, how can you still expect a child from a noble family like Yelu Ting to take the initiative to practice?

Therefore, the Demon Suppressing City has some superficial systems, and they are full of loopholes, leaving countless loopholes for people to take advantage of.

For example, the tax system is a simple one-out-of-ten tax.

You earned 10,000 top-quality fairy crystals this year, and you voluntarily paid 1,000, then the city lord's palace has the responsibility to protect you and protect your rights when you encounter infringement.

Of course, if you pay 3,000 to the city lord's palace resources, then you will be the city lord's honored guest. If you encounter any trouble, the city lord's palace will definitely take the initiative to distract you.

If you make one million top-quality fairy crystals a year, you will not want to pay taxes to the city lord's mansion because of your family's great business. Then, it's up to you. As long as you don't get caught, then it's up to you. Therefore, those big forces who were unwilling to pay taxes went to build strongholds outside the city.

But if you, who don’t pay taxes, are really in an emergency, run into some trouble, and urgently need the help of the City Lord’s Mansion...then I’m sorry, the City Lord’s Mansion can also say haha ​​and say ‘the weather is nice today’ to help you. Set aside!

Because of such a crude system, Demon Suppression City has no concept of ‘paying taxes’.

That's it! Lu Qian scratched his bare scalp and said quietly: I don't burn incense on weekdays, so I'm just trying to make ends meet... Tsk, you guys can do it.

The bloody waist struggled, and with great difficulty, he took out a shining ring from his sleeve: Lord City Lord, Buddha Fahai, little one, little one, I have deeply realized the mistakes of the past years. Today, little one, I voluntarily make up for the tax of millions of top-grade immortal crystals... I just ask the Lord of the City to save my life!

The two village masters, Huhundao and Thornzhi, were also trembling, and they also took out a brilliant ring.

Lu Qian looked at the three people lying on the ground, covered in blood, and suddenly sneered: A few external things... that's all. You are burning incense temporarily, but you are burning it religiously. The Buddha will forgive you for your past sins. But, millions of The best immortal crystal is a bit lacking. It can only atone for sins, but it cannot...

The three bloody men, all extremely bachelors, each took out a ring.

Obviously, they were mentally prepared.

Lu Qian smiled hehe and signaled to lead Tutuo to take the six rings. The suffocating blood pressure in the lobby suddenly relaxed, and the three blood waisters let out a wail. Standing up majestically.

Tell me, what happened to your people? Since you have paid taxes, you are the innocent and good people of the ninth city. As the city lord and a poor monk, I must protect you. Lu Qian smiled widely. Kind, very amiable, truly a 'parental officer', looking at the three people covered in blood like a father and a mother.

One day later, in the wild mountains, a small team quickly shuttled through the mountains.

The team of more than a thousand people was composed of elites drawn from the three strongholds: Blood Yaist, Soul-Sucking Knife, and Thorn Finger. The leaders of the three strongholds also personally led the team. In addition to the manpower of the three villages, as for the city lord's palace, Lu Qian went into battle, accompanied by more than a dozen old brothers such as Ah Hu and Yu Diaihu.

Mo Qianqiu, along with two close friends who were above the twenty-seventh level of cultivation, also joined the team as the chief secretary of the city lord's palace. The three village owners were a little surprised by this, but they did not raise any questions.

Well, in addition to the three Mo Qianqiu who had ulterior motives, there were also five uncles who had been a little restless recently due to the seasonal changes, and they were also traveling with them.

After traveling through the mountains and forests for a whole day, they marched arduously to the south for more than three thousand miles in the rugged and roadless mountains. When it was getting dark, the team found a cave with traces of a campfire, set up camp, and prepared to spend the night.

This is a safe base shared by exploration teams entering and leaving the wild mountains. There is a water source in the cave, and a lot of neatly chopped firewood is stored. There are even some artificially opened grottoes deep in the cave. First aid elixirs, and even some emergency formation disks, talismans, thunder beads and other disposable equipment.

Lu Qian looked at the surrounding scene curiously.

The sky outside has turned completely dark, and even a great Bodhisattva-level power would not dare to wander around in the wild mountains at night. There are too many inexplicable dangers, and the inexplicable existence is too terrifying. Groups of exploration teams have spent countless lives summarizing the rules of safety here at night. Those who dare to offend have already paid the price.

A faint smoke restriction enveloped the entrance of the cave, cutting off the light of the bonfire inside the cave and preventing it from being exposed.

On the bonfire, the fragrant soup in the soup pot was boiling, and several racks of animal meat had been roasted until they were brown and oily. Several immortals in charge of the barbecue were carefully sprinkling spice powder on the barbecue.

The three of them, Xue Yao Zi, Soul Educating Knife, and Thorn Finger, approached Lu Yi and respectfully presented them with fine drinks.

The city lord of labor personally took action, which really frightened us. Bloody Kidney's words were very arrogant: I really don't know how to be grateful... As long as we can rescue those brothers who are trapped in the mountains this time, the lord of the city will have instructions in the future. , we dare not disobey.

Lu Qian waved his hand and said calmly: There is no need to be polite. After all, it is related to the life and death of tens of thousands of 'good people'. The poor monk has just taken the position of city lord, and such a big mistake has been made. It will not be heard if it is spread, so I personally It’s appropriate to take a trip.”

Yes, yes! The plump, white and fat leader of the Soul-Causing Knife Village looks like a pampered wealthy landlord. It was completely unexpected that he would have such sinister nicknames as 'Glut-Hun Knife'.

After listening to Lu Yi's words, the Soul-Spelling Sword filled a cup of wine for Lu Yi, and said diligently: The Lord of the City personally went out to rescue my brothers and so on. It is absolutely easy to capture, and there is nothing wrong... I'm afraid, just say it, This person is unlucky, his teeth are really choked up even if he drinks cold water. Who would have thought that they would actually encounter a group of 'barbaric' women?

Lu Qian smiled brightly: Oh? 'Barbarian' mother-in-law? Tell me, what is going on!

On the side, Thorny Finger, who looked old and decrepit, with dark skin, wrinkles all over his face, a hunched back and bandy legs, said in a hurry: Scare, it's all caused by those unlucky guys from Guoshanfeng!

Thornfinger doesn't look very good, but he is quite articulate.

He detailed the exploration teams of the three villages in the mountains, received a request for help from his ally Shanfeng Guoshanfeng, and gathered manpower to rush for reinforcements. As a result, he encountered a group of extremely powerful 'barbarian' women, and they were all captured. ...Only a few lucky ones with the quickest legs and feet were lucky enough to escape the pursuit of those terrifying women and escape back to the village with great difficulty. I told them in detail.

Although those lucky few escaped the pursuit of those women, they were also seriously injured. Therefore, it took them several months to get out of the mountains.

The three village masters were so anxious that they knew they were unable to fight against the formidable group of 'barbarian' women, so they thought of asking the city lord's palace for help!

They originally only hoped to get a team of elite help from the city lord's palace, but they didn't expect that Lu Qian would actually take action himself!

Lu Qian drank a lot of wine, took a piece of barbecue handed over by A Hu, took a bite, and nodded slowly: That's it. Yesterday in the lobby, you only said that a group of people got stuck in the mountains. It turned out to be this reason. …Then what’s the origin of the mountain wind?”

Xueyaozi snorted coldly: Guoshanfeng... he has some friendship with us. However, unlike our three villages, he has a big backer behind him. He has plenty of soldiers and food, and he is quite powerful. , among the many villages outside the ninth city of the town, Guo Shanfeng’s strength can be ranked among the top three, so among our villages, he is usually the leader!

Looking at Lu Qian's face, Xue Yaozi lowered his voice: Of course, from now on, we will only follow the direction of the city lord, so what's the wind... Humph, if it weren't for them asking for help this time, how could it happen with so many good people in our three villages? stick it in?

The soul-stirring knife patted his bulging belly and sighed: Even if one or two teams are trapped, it is impossible for three villages with tens of thousands of people to be wiped out! The mountain wind...it really leaves no room for deception!

Crouching at the entrance of the cave, he was grinding his claws on the ground out of boredom. Suddenly, the hair on his body stood up, and he slowly arched his body. His eyes were spitting out white cold light, staring straight at the target that was restricted by the faint smoke. Shrouded cave entrance.

There was a 'pop' sound, and the thin smoke restraint, which had only a simple one-way function of isolating breath and isolating light, trembled. Dozens of strong men dressed as monks, but with short hair on their heads, strode in. cave.

Dear donors, the mountains are extremely dangerous at night, please ask for convenience! The leading monk, who was eight feet tall and burly, held a handle as thick as a bowl for shoveling, and the great monk, who was filled with murderous aura, raised his left palm and pointed towards Everyone in the cave bowed slightly.

Convenient, convenient. We are all Buddhist disciples. Of course it is convenient when we go out! Lu Qian glanced at these monks and said with a smile: Brothers, come and sit by the bonfire? There is wine and meat here. I don't mind if a poor monk becomes a host. !”

The great monk glanced at the barbecue on the bonfire, then looked at the wine jars beside Lu Qian, and let out a loud 'hum': Buddhist scum... poor monk, keep the precepts!

This group of great monks with awe-inspiring auras walked to a corner without saying a word, without lighting a bonfire, and sat on the ground by themselves, forming a circle. They all calmed down, formed seals with their hands, and began to recite sutras and mantras silently.

Lu Qian's face twitched.

A monk who keeps the precepts?

They do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol, and seem to adhere to the precept of not eating after lunch. This group of monks seems to be really 'virtuous monks' who 'obey the precepts'.

It's just that the murderous aura in these monks is so strong. Is it possible that the only thing they don't uphold is the prohibition on killing?

Xue Yaozi and the others stood up with indignation and wanted to find trouble for these great monks. Lu Qian waved his hand to stop their impulse. You're out and about, and you have serious things to do, so there's no need to stir up trouble.

In particular, Lu Qian looked at the barbecue he was holding in his left hand and the wine he was holding in his right hand.

Well, Lu Qian secretly admitted that he seemed to be a bit of a Buddhist scum...

A burst of thunder exploded outside, and dark clouds rolled in, covering up the bright moon in the sky in an instant.

The thick smell of water poured into the cave, and heavy rain poured down without any warning.

A light sound broke through the air, and the ban at the entrance of the cave shook again. Nearly a hundred monks wearing black costumes and black masks, with long hair hanging behind them, dancing in the wind, and their breaths were as cold as ghosts and evil spirits. He quickly swept into the cave again.

When this group of people entered the cave, they did not say hello to Lu Qian and other newcomers. They found a secluded corner to sit down, lit two bonfires, and sat quietly around the fire like stone statues. There was no trace of anything. sound.

That's a bit rare. Soul Soul Sword made a gentle gesture. Beside the bonfire, a group of monks who were eating meat and drinking wine gathered in small groups, making preparations for emergencies at any time.

Lord City Lord, these vast and desolate mountains are boundless. Not to mention our small manpower, even if tens of millions or hundreds of millions of people are spread out, it will be like a drop in the ocean. In these mountains, it is most normal to not see anyone for three to five months. Things... Tonight, this place is a bit noisy! Xue Yaozi was beside Lu Qian, quietly transmitting the message.

Lu Qian smiled and shook his head: It's better to be noisy, it's better to be noisy, well, lively, lively... neatly, lively!

Another earth-shattering thunder sounded outside. Through the thin smoke barrier, you could see a small mountain-sized thunder fire falling from the sky. It swirled in the air in an extremely chaotic manner for a while, and struck a towering forest dozens of miles away. Go down.

The earth shook violently, and the cave suddenly shook.

A raging fire ignited in that mountain forest, and a ball of fire shot into the sky. In the electric light and fire, you could see a giant red-scaled python that was as thick as a small house. It suddenly raised its upper body and sprayed out several blasts into the sky. The ten-foot-long snake Xinzi.

Streams of thunder and fire fell overwhelmingly and struck the giant python on the head.

Balls of thunder and fire were set off like fireworks, surrounding the giant python and rolling around.

The giant python's head exploded completely, and the upper half of its body gradually withered under the crazy training of thunder and fire, and finally burned violently.

Lu Qian's eyes widened and he exclaimed in admiration: This long worm may have the strength of the 20th level of a true immortal... but it was struck to death by lightning so abruptly. The dangers of these wild mountains are truly well-deserved.

In the rain curtain outside, a delicate female voice came: Oh, sisters, hurry up, there is a cave here for you to stay and take shelter from the rain... Oh, if there is hot water, it would be best if you can take a good bath. It couldn't be better.

One after another, like butterflies piercing flowers, they penetrated the smoke restriction and quietly entered the cave.

There were over 300 of them, all dressed up as if they were young ladies from a big family going on a spring outing. They were all pretty and charming, and all of them looked fragile.

As soon as they entered the cave, the fragrant fragrance of flowers filled the air.

Crouching at the door, the tiger-faced rabbit shivered and then sneezed violently.

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