Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 757 The Buddha is ten feet tall (3)

Three beautiful pythons.

Only the heads are in the shape of beauties with long hair, almond eyes and peach cheeks, and the size of their three beautiful heads is comparable to the size of the entire body of the Soul-Destroying Spider.

The three beautiful pythons moved forward together. It is conceivable that this valley could not accommodate their huge bodies... As they moved, traces of sticky demonic light continued to spurt out from their dark green bodies with dark golden stripes. Here, all the rocks were turned into fly ash by the poison, and an extremely spacious passage was forcibly opened in the valley!

The Soul-Destroying Demonic Spider, which was being besieged by a group of great monks from the Blood Soul Temple, was originally full of ferocious flames. It was using its thick skin and thick flesh to run rampant among a group of great monks. But suddenly he heard the shouts of the three beautiful pythons, and the Soul-Destroying Spider looked back in shock. Its long jointed limbs contracted, and with a 'pop', it jumped like a flea.

One jumped up to hundreds of miles high, then turned over in the air and fell lightly to the spacious valley just opened behind the three beautiful pythons.

The soul-destroying spider ran so fast and jumped so high that it stirred up the chaotic world above the valley, making the twisted and chaotic geomagnetic field even more violent and turbulent.

Seeing streaks of colorful Yuan Magnetic flashes flashing, the terrifying Yuan Magnetic Power condensed into Yuan Magnetic Knives, and silently slashed down at the Soul-Destroying Demon Spider.

The soul-stirring demon spider let out a strange roar, and a stream of demonic light surged from its body, and it fiercely pushed towards the Yuanci knives.

However, God’s power is unpredictable.

Especially the damage caused by the power of God caused by the chaotic environment in this wild mountain range is even more bizarre. The same Yuanci knife may sometimes not be able to cut through a piece of tofu, but sometimes it can easily severely injure a Buddha!

Unfortunately, the Soul-Destroying Spider encountered several extremely powerful Yuanci knives. As soon as the colorful light flashed past, there was a puff sound, and three deep cuts were made on the huge and bloated belly of the Soul-Destroying Demon Spider. From the deep wound, a large amount of viscous crystal juice splattered all over the heads of the three beautiful pythons.

I didn't mean to! The Soul-Destroying Spider screamed in pain.

The three beautiful pythons roared angrily. They raised their heads at the same time, opened their big mouths, exposed their fangs, and fiercely devoured the Soul-Destroying Demon Spider.

I, the Buddha, are merciful. How dare evil demons and heretics dare to be so presumptuous... This spider is destined to be the Buddha and me! Lu Qian roared loudly, leaving behind the old demon who couldn't decide whether to kill or let go. The body swayed and reached the top of the three beautiful pythons.

A majestic pressure surged out from the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, and a layer of golden and hard Buddha light spurted out, like a big iron plate, flatly hitting the big faces of the three beautiful pythons.

There was a loud noise, and the beautiful faces of the three beautiful pythons were almost flattened. They screamed, and their noses, nosebleeds, saliva, and big teeth flew at the same time.

Lu Qian pointed his hand, and his palm turned into the size of a small mountain. With the surging prison-suppressing Buddha's light rising from his five fingers, he grabbed the Soul-Destroying Demon Spider. This thing is a treasure, we can't let him be harmed by three beautiful pythons like this!

Make a Buddha's seal, then let it grow in the wild, and then harvest it when it matures. Even if Lu Yi doesn't use it himself, he still has so many relatives, friends, and family members?

The huge Buddha's palm grabbed the Soul-Destroying Demon Spider, and despite his screams, wisps of Buddha's light penetrated into his body like mercury, leaving a tyrannical Buddhist imprint on his soul.

Then, with a slight twist of the Zhan Tan Merit Staff, Lu Yi hit the head of the Soul-Destroying Demon Spider with a stick: Go away...just live a good life, find some female spiders, give birth to more babies, and raise them well. ,good!

With a muffled sound, the soul-destroying spider's huge body was blown hundreds of miles away.

In the distance, the speeding soul-destroying spider screamed hysterically: Thief monk...I thank you...ancestor...

In the valley, countless large and small spiders screamed and jumped wildly, speeding in the direction where the Soul-Destroying Spider flew away. But as soon as they stepped into the spacious valley opened by the three beautiful pythons, a green light appeared on their bodies and quickly turned into a pool of pus and blood!

The three beautiful pythons are extremely poisonous.

The green demonic light surging on their bodies contains poison that can easily turn solid mountain rocks into fly ash, and can also instantly poison these spider spirits who are the most powerful and capable of reaching the Little Bodhisattva realm.

Lu Qian exclaimed in shock: It is indeed a wild species... You guys... um, um, I understand.

Looking at the turbulent and thick poisonous demonic light on the three beautiful pythons, Lu Qian suddenly understood why these three beautiful pythons were qualified to be kept in the wild mountains - in addition to their strong cultivation, their bodies were larger than the soul-destroying spiders. , several times more powerful, this layer of poisonous demonic light on their bodies should be their most valuable treasure.

There are many Buddha lights in Buddhism, not only those that are vast, magnificent, bright and majestic, but also all kinds of strange Buddha lights, and the paths they take are quite treacherous. For example, there are various evil Buddha lights that contain the power of thunder, fire, ice, and even the air of death. There are some quick-minded Buddhist powers who can comprehend different Buddhist rhymes and then refine them. out.

Among these evil Buddha lights, some of them contain extremely poisonous powers, which is naturally reasonable.

And these highly poisonous Buddha lights...Buddhist skills cannot be cultivated to be highly poisonous at all... If you want to make your own Buddha light possess the poisonous attribute, you need the assistance of some external objects to condense a poisonous light in the Buddha light. Poisonous seed!

And the poisonous light of the three beautiful pythons is so terrifying, it is because of the top-quality material that condenses the poisonous seeds!

Lu Qian chuckled, and the Vajra Buddha light emitted by the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain severely suppressed the three beautiful pythons.

Then, Lu Qian's expression changed slightly.

The three beautiful pythons shook their heads and swung their tails and struggled wildly. The poisonous green light emitted from their bodies actually melted and corroded the Vajra Buddha light emitted by Little Vajra Sumeru. The corrosion rate was so fast that even Little Vajra Sumeru felt a trace of it. A deadly threat, making a buzzing sound uneasily.

Lu Qian did not dare to neglect and hurriedly put away the small Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

A large green demonic light with traces of dark golden lines shrouded Lu Qian overwhelmingly. The three beautiful pythons looked arrogant and laughed in unison: Poison you bald man to death!

Lu Qian snorted coldly, holding the Zen staff in his left hand, and crushed the three beautiful pythons with his right hand.

This blow has no magical power, no magical power, only pure physical power.

The air was wrapped up by huge force, and the naked eye could see that the air turned into a big dusty hand with a radius of more than ten miles, and was shot head-on with a deafening sound of breaking through the air. There was a loud noise, and the three beautiful pythons spurted nosebleeds again. Their whole heads seemed to be much flattened. Their high-raised bodies suddenly swooped down and hit the ground hard, and three of them were smashed on the ground. What a big hole!

Thief monk, what a hard slap! The three beautiful pythons shouted in unison: Thief man, why don't you come out and fight? If you don't kill this damn monk, you will never try to hook up with the three sisters in your life!

Lu Qian retracted his palm and looked at his right hand with a hint of horror.

A flash of green light was attached to his palm, burning his skin and flesh. The terrible poison actually invaded his golden body, which would be considered powerful even among Buddhas, making him feel that his flesh and blood were slowly melting away.

What a domineering poison! Lu Qian praised, then a stream of light was released from the Buddha's robe and liberation cassock at the same time, swirling around the palm of his hand, the sound of 'chichi' was endless, and the green light turned into a little green flowing firefly and fell lightly. , Lu Qian's palm recovered instantly, and any minor injuries healed instantly.

Lu Qian was shocked.

He intended to test the poison of these three beautiful pythons. Unexpectedly, their poison is really overbearing. If it weren't for the infinite power of Baoguang Merit Buddha's Enlightenment Buddha, with Lu Qian's current methods, I'm afraid there really would be no way to deal with the poisonous demonic light of these three beautiful pythons, and he might even cause a huge disaster in their hands. !

If an ordinary Buddhist Buddha does not have a Buddhist treasure that is specially designed to restrain poisonous poisons, he may really fall when he encounters these three big guys!

Lu Qian was also curious, what kind of terrifying figure was the 'thief man' they called him?

This wild and desolate mountain is really not a good place.

I heard it before, but I didn’t think it was so scary. After all, an exploration team composed of a group of true immortals can go in and out of the mountains... Although the loss rate is a bit higher, one hundred and eight towns fall in the wilderness every year. There are tens of thousands of true immortals in the barren mountains, and the number of other ordinary monks is millions. However, compared with the huge Liang Yitian, this loss is really a drop in the ocean and not worth mentioning!

But I really didn't expect that there would be such a terrifying existence just outside the outer reaches of this wild mountain forest, just touching the surface!

If these three beautiful pythons were running around in the mountains without any problems, the exploration teams that entered the mountains would not lose thousands or even tens of thousands of real immortals every year. Really immortal, that makes no sense!

'Unspoken rules'!

This thought inexplicably flashed through Lu Qian's mind.

It should be that these truly powerful and terrifying monsters and demons have a tacit understanding with the senior leaders of Buddhism and Taoism... They allow the exploration team of Demon Suppression City to wander in and out of the wild mountains, but they will not take action easily.

And once it takes action...for example, after receiving some instructions from the Aconite Patriarch, even such terrifying monsters that can threaten the Buddha can't wait to jump out!

Lu Qian also saw that these three beautiful pythons, although their bodies were powerful, were only at the level of the Great Bodhisattva; their magical power and magical powers were only ordinary; only this terrifying poisonous demonic light was really The only one is that I get a headache when I see the Buddha!

A long, pretentious chant came from afar: On such a white moonlit night, how could the three girls be in such a mess? Hey, hey, hey, who dares to offend the three girls? Let's see what happens. His bald head was made into a pig's head made of distiller's grains and served to the three girls... Hee, in Xiaoke's cave, there was the top-quality Buddha's blood wine that was brought from the Heavenly Magic Conference in Ten Thousand Demons Ridge and Ten Thousand Demons Palace and had been stored for millions of years. , drinking the Buddha’s blood and wine, eating the bald head of a thief, admiring the scenery and admiring the moon, isn’t this the greatest happiness on earth?”

Lu Qian blinked.

This piece of nonsense is pretending to be polite, but has no literary talent...it really is!

But the mention of the 'Ten Thousand Demons Ridge Ten Thousand Demons Palace Celestial Magic Society' made Lu Qian shudder. In the Buddhist classics of Dajue Temple, he had seen the 'Celestial Magic Society' described in great detail and length. Long description.

Ten Thousand Demons Ridge was the root place of the ancestral court of the evil demon lineage in Liangyi Heaven. It is said that there was once a Demon Ancestor preaching in Ten Thousand Demons Ridge, and the genius of Liangyi opened up the inheritance of the Demon Way.

The Palace of Ten Thousand Demons is the gathering place for Liang Yitian’s former demon giants.

Every thirty-six thousand years, in the Palace of Ten Thousand Demons, the recognized master of demons at that time would summon all the demons in the world to hold a heavenly magic meeting. A group of magic giants came to the Dharma assembly to discuss magic skills, deduce magic ways, trade magic treasures, and even use Buddha and Tao masters as ingredients to cook all kinds of magic delicacies...

It was the supreme event of the demonic path, but it was also a catastrophe for other demons, barbarians, and Buddhists.

It is recorded in the Buddhist Secret Book of Dajue Temple that many, many years ago, there was a Celestial Magic Association, who was actually the leader of the demonic path at that time. He personally beheaded a Buddhist Lord in public, shaved the flesh for food, and drained the blood. For the sake of wine, the Buddha's skeleton was refined by the supreme magic into a demon Buddha's bone relic. After being deliberately allowed to indulge, it caused a bloody disaster in the Liangyitian cultivation world.

The bone relic of the Demon Buddha, which was combined with the Supreme Demonic Power and the Supreme Dharma, flew into the sky and escaped to the earth, and was slaughtered everywhere. In the end, the three great Buddha masters of Buddhism and the four great sages of Taoism were united, and a total of seven powerful men took action with all their strength, and then they were killed. Reluctantly suppressed.

It can be seen from this that what a high-level gathering the magic meeting was that day.

As for this guy who pretends to be polite, he was able to secretly save the wine from the Celestial Magic Club and has kept it to this day. It can be seen that he was also a distinguished guest at the Celestial Magic Club back then, and he was also a well-known figure in the magic world back then!

Lu Qian picked up his spirits and looked solemnly towards the direction from which the sound came.

Suddenly, a wisp of cool air spurted out from behind him. Before Lu Qian knew it, a figure had arrived behind him and put his head behind his ear. He chuckled and said, Little thief bald, I'm behind you. Woolen cloth.

Lu Qian's eyes widened in shock.

With a 'chi' sound, a very thin scarlet light pierced the fatal part of Lu Qian's back.

There were layers of ripples on the liberation cassock, and in the middle of the ripples, a bright glow lotus the size of a fist slowly bloomed. A thousand-petal lotus bloomed, and on each petal, there was a Buddha's light.

The beautiful thousand-petal Buddha lotus firmly holds a three-inch long, mung bean-thick, scarlet-colored, sharp needle with countless strange magic patterns rolling through it.

The long needle vibrated violently and made a buzzing sound.

Such a small long needle was attached with an astonishingly strong impact, causing Lu Qiandu's body to suddenly sway forward... He turned around in shock and looked at the man behind him with a pale face, wearing a white gown, and all dressed up like A middle-aged man who is a scholar from a humble family in the world of mortals.

The man's eyes widened in astonishment. He looked at the liberation cassock on Lu Qian's body and shouted angrily: Buddhist thief Bald is getting more and more shameless. A mere thief in the realm of Bodhisattva is actually wearing Baoguang Merit's old rabbit's clothes. Enlightenment Buddha Treasure...

This world has been ruined by such shameless bald men.

The little thief Bald, who is worthless, relied on a few good treasures to beat all the fellow Taoists to death. Some of them were slaughtered, and even more relatives were wiped out... From ancient times to the present, this The rogue behavior has never changed, it has never changed!

The middle-aged man yelled angrily. A thin scorpion tail flashed behind him, and the long scarlet needle suddenly disappeared.

Lu Qian looked at the middle-aged man solemnly and said in a deep voice: Sneak attack from behind?

The middle-aged man shook his head hurriedly: Don't talk nonsense, I am an evil heretic. Isn't it natural to attack someone from behind?

Lu Qian closed his mouth.

People have said this, what else can he say?

Even though people admit that they are shameless, Lu Qian eagerly scolds them as shameless. Isn't this nonsense?

In the south of the valley, across Sanya Village, the corpse boss Old Demon, who was almost killed on the spot after being violently beaten by Lu Qian, flew into the sky tremblingly and screamed: Mr. Xie, be careful, this little thief is bald. The claws are very hard...especially the inconspicuous-looking seal next to him, which is so ruthless...The Demon Gathering Cauldron that I had finally refinished over the years was destroyed by him.

The man in white, Xie Laojun, sneered without looking back: Shikui, you deserve it... Times have changed, and you haven't made any progress at all. You deserve to be cut off by the Buddhist thieves like leeks one after another!

Everyone has been driven to this miserable place and imprisoned. Why are you still thinking about refining the magic cauldron, refining the magic soldiers and generals, and forming a magic army to sweep the world? It was okay to do this back then. Back then, there were so many monks in Liangyi Heaven. They are full of good materials, and you can use them at your disposal. In just one month, you can refine hundreds of millions of demonic soldiers and generals... At that time, your demon-gathering cauldron will be the real treasure of the demonic path, and the demon lords of all directions will also Everyone looks up to you!

But in this wretched place, where do you have enough materials to refine high-quality demon soldiers and generals? Why don't you randomly plunder some unlucky ones and refine some low-quality goods?

Instead of still using your shabby special skills, you might as well switch to other magic skills and transform as soon as possible...

Xie Laojun suddenly sneered again: But I can't blame you. If you didn't hold on to your ability to keep the bottom of things, you wouldn't be able to survive now... After all, if you don't pay those bald men the life money, you would have been there long ago. It was done away with.”

With a 'pop' sound, Mr. Xie took out a small folding fan, opened it gently, and then fanned himself in a very arty way.

He looked Lu Yi up and down for a while and said leisurely: Little thief Bald, come to think of it, you don't know the reputation of my old Xie. No wonder, when I, Old Xie, was rampant in the world... tsk tsk, that's all, the scenery of the past, I can’t bear to look back on the past… Let’s discuss it?”

Lu Qian narrowed his eyes and looked at Xie Laojun: What are we discussing?

This Xie Laojun's strength is quite unpredictable. Although he has two pieces of Baoguang Merit Buddha's Enlightenment Buddha Treasure to protect his body, Lu Qian is not willing to go head-to-head with Xie Laojun.

In fact, just now he magically appeared behind Lu Yi, and Lu Yi didn't feel anything at all. This kind of method is too scary... Lu Yi may be able to escape with the protection of the Buddha, but those who follow him What about those people?

Bloody Kidney, Soul-Seducing Knife, Thorn Finger and others, if they die, just die...

But is Mo Qianqiu still mixed in the crowd?

Lu Qian was also a little troubled. How could the three beautiful pythons, which were not very strong and relied entirely on their natural talents to bully others, provoke such a 'big Buddha'?

Moreover, this guy has a scorpion tail? He should be a 'demon', so how come he is related to the 'Ten Thousand Demons Ridge Ten Thousand Demons Palace Heavenly Magic Association'?

Xie Laojun looked at the three beautiful pythons with a smile: You three girls, you usually eat and drink enough, and you cultivate your mind and character in the cave. You rarely go out once every ten or twenty years... Why, this time Are you suddenly feeling inspired?

Xie Laojun sighed softly: If I hadn't sent thousands of men to stand guard around your cave all the year round, I really don't know that you would actually come out to cause trouble for this little thief Bald... But what offense does he have? Where?

The three beautiful pythons straightened up in embarrassment. They shook their huge heads vigorously. As the demonic power rolled around, their flattened faces suddenly returned to their original appearance, turning into those almond-shaped eyes and peach cheeks, extremely beautiful and charming. .

The three beautiful pythons were like real maidens waiting for marriage. Their huge bodies swayed and twisted. They looked at Mr. Xie with a blushing face. The beautiful python in the middle said softly: I've been sleeping for a long time. , I was so hungry that I suddenly heard about the reward offered by the Aconite Patriarch... Forgetting other benefits, we bargained with him. If we could get the heads of a group of bald donkeys from the Blood Buddha Temple, the Aconite Patriarch was willing to give them to us. There are three drops of natal poison element.

This old Aconitum! Xie Laojun sighed softly. He closed the folding fan, tapped his palms gently, and said softly: I understand, I understand, the Aconitum ancestor has been there for who knows how many years. He turned a plant of 'Aconitum' (a highly poisonous Chinese herbal medicine) into essence, and then converted to practice magic. His natal poison Yuan Yuan has indeed a great nourishing effect on the three girls' innate magical powers.

With a sigh, Mr. Xie looked at Lu Qian with gentle eyes: This matter will be difficult to handle!

Lu Qian took a deep breath and raised the sandalwood merit staff: Then there is no need to talk nonsense, let's do it... You must say that you want to do it for these three girls...

Xie Laojun hurriedly shook his head: No, no, no, what I Lao Xie is thinking is beyond what you bastards can imagine? I just thought that since the three girls are willing to pay for the three drops of Lao Wutou's natal poison, Yuan, I'm here to trouble you...Tsk, tsk, are you the true successor of Baoguang Gongde, the old thief with bald Buddha veins? This is a hard nail...

In that case, why don't we join forces and get rid of Old Aconite? Xie Laojun said softly: Old Aconite's body is huge. If you capture him alive, slice him into pieces and squeeze them carefully, you can squeeze out at least a million drops of his life. Poison element.”

He is so stingy. Three girls worked so hard for him, but he only gave out three drops of natal poison?

Then, if I use his million poison yuan as a betrothal gift, will the three girls be willing to achieve good things with Xiaoke? Xie Laojun smiled brightly: You also know the reputation of my old Xie Dannian. Yes, in these years, I have not been violent towards the three girls, which proves that I, Lao Xie, have deep and sincere feelings.

As a betrothal gift of one million magic yuan, the three of you will go back to my house with me, worship heaven and earth directly to get married, and then... reconcile yin and yang, and give birth to a group of little fairies with talented bloodlines a hundred or a thousand times better than ours. Xiao Ke will use his supreme The magic power is passed on to these little fairies, allowing them to cultivate to the realm of the Demon Lord one by one, and then rush out to break through the Demon Suppressing Ridge, allowing my demonic path to return to the top of Liangyi Heaven.

Lu Qian took a few steps back.

This Mr. Xie is obviously a bit crooked.

His plan was actually revealed in public - he was pursuing these three beautiful pythons because he wanted to combine the blood advantages of both parties to give birth to a group of little monsters with excellent talents, and then practice what he called supreme magic skills. What about plotting to counterattack Liangyitian?

This plan was revealed in public...does it mean to kill people and silence them?

Lu Qian said softly: What if the young monk joins forces not far away?

Xie Laojun looked at Lu Qian, hesitated for a moment, and shook his head gently: Then what use do you have? I can only be here, trying to find a way to cut you into thousands of pieces... Don't look at you wearing Buddha treasures, But with your cultivation, how much can you use its power? If Xiaoke thinks about it, he should still be able to kill you.

Frowning and thinking seriously for a long time, Xie Laojun nodded vigorously: Well, if I ignore the hidden injuries in the past and give up part of my remaining lifespan to kill you, I am still somewhat sure.

Sighing softly, Mr. Like friends, go deeper into the south, seek opportunities from the newly opened world, strive to go further, or plan various ways to escape from difficulties.

Xiao Ke just misses the three girls day and night, but can't get what he wants, so he can't forget them and can't let them go!

Xie Laojun sighed faintly: This matter cannot be done with force. If you use force, the method will be ineffective, but it will be difficult to give birth to little goblins that meet my expectations... That's why I stay here. ah!

Lu Qian's heart sank.

Damn it, he wouldn't have met that kind of really difficult old monster, right?

The three beautiful pythons whispered to each other, raised their heads at the same time, smiled sweetly and said: You thief man, I know you have a thief look in your eyes, and you are not a good person... However, if you can really squeeze the ancestor of Aconitum dry, It's not impossible to hand over all his poisonous energy to us and play tricks with you!

Now, it's up to you! The three beautiful pythons smiled brightly and happily. Their huge bodies swayed gently, and their demonic light overflowed, and they forcibly opened the valley into a basin with a diameter of several hundred miles.

Xie Laojun smiled and nodded, looking at the three beauty pythons tenderly: That's very good, just say it.

He looked at Lu Qian again and said softly: You have also heard what the three girls meant... Well, Xiao Ke can't use his magic power rashly now, and the Aconite Patriarch is a bit difficult to deal with. You can defeat him. But it’s hard, hard, hard to kill him... As long as you cooperate with me, little thief Tudu, to stop the Wutou Patriarch for Xiao Ke...

Lu Qian said softly: Being your shield?

Mr. Xie's smile became brighter: Smart, that's right. You are wearing a Buddhist robe and a liberation robe, holding a sandalwood merit staff. The poisonous body of Lao Aconitum and many poisonous techniques are basically harmful to you. It will have no effect. You act as a shield, entangle him for me, and create opportunities for me to kill him with one strike!

Shaking the fan in his hand a few times, Mr. Xie said solemnly: If it succeeds, you can leave alive.

Lu Qian pondered.

He was silent for a long time.

To the north of the valley, in the Spider Jungle, on a small raised earth bag, the Iron Shackle Buddha and the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha stand side by side, looking at the movements in the south.

Neither the corpse chief old demon, nor the oxman, nor the evil wolf, nor even the soul-stirring demon spider and the three beautiful pythons could move them in the slightest. They are just some little monsters and monsters that can be destroyed with just a flick of the hand.

But Mr. Xie suddenly appeared, and the expressions of the two Buddhas suddenly changed.

Is it him? Iron Shackle Buddha muttered in a low voice.

It's him! Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha shook his head gently. With a wave of his hand, a green Bodhi leaf flew up into the air, emitting a faint ray of light that enveloped the group of them, cutting off all breath.

With a hint of horror, Dragon Elephant Treasure Buddha whispered: I didn't expect that he is still alive?

Monk Condor and several other great Bodhisattva-level disciples also looked at Mr. Xie with ugly expressions. As senior Buddhist great Bodhisattvas, they had also participated in the battle where the Buddhist and Taoist sects jointly wiped out the demons and barbarians. With their cultivation level, they are enough to come into contact with some real powers among the savages and evil spirits!

Laojun Xie undoubtedly belongs to the category of a true giant of demonic power.

Moreover, among the many evil demons in the past, he also belongs to the most evil category - he was born as a human body, fused with demon blood, transformed into a demon body, and then practiced the demon path, and derived from it the extremely mysterious and terrifying 'bloodline demon' technique.

Mr. Xie was once an existence that a certain female sage in the Taoist sect wanted to eliminate by name.

That female sage opened up a powerful sect in Liangyi Heaven, which was mainly composed of female cultivators. Through means such as marriage, her power was extremely huge. For a time, she was so prominent in Liangyi Heaven that even some Buddhist greats joined forces with her. Her female disciples developed some unclear friendships.

Such a powerful sect was destroyed by Mr. Xie.

This old demon, through some strange means, planted terrifying demon fetuses in the bellies of the female sage's many disciples. When that battle was in full swing, 90% of the female disciples of the female sage's sect exploded overnight and were swallowed and absorbed by the terrifying demon fetuses conceived in their bodies. Then those demon fetuses caused trouble for one side and almost destroyed the Taoist sect. camp!

In the end, Mr. Xie was hunted down by the female sage and five Taoist sages. After a fierce battle, all the demon fetuses were wiped out, and Mr. Xie disappeared and never appeared again in that battle.

Who can imagine that this guy is alive to this day?

The two Buddhas were silent, and the great Bodhisattvas such as the Condor Monk also silently twisted the beads, as if there was no movement at all like stone sculptures.

The truth is... Mr. Xie shouldn't be alive.

But he is still alive, and if you feel the aura on his body, his current cultivation level should still be at the Buddha level. At least when he suddenly appeared behind Lu Qian just now, not even the two Buddhas could capture how he appeared!

This is, very scary.

Being hunted by six saints and sages, and yet he is still alive to this day?

And he swore that if he used all the explosive methods, he could actually break the Buddha's Enlightenment Buddha Treasure of Baoguang Merit Buddha and kill Lu Qian directly?

This is...

The two Buddhas quietly looked at each other and shook their heads gently. The Buddha is so powerful that he can generate countless thoughts in an instant and destroy many seemingly unreasonable guesses. In a very short period of time, they figured out the mystery inside - considering the damage Laojun Xie caused to the Taoist camp back then, the six sages were eager to annihilate him directly.

So...some powerful person from Buddhism secretly took action to help this guy survive?

Well, it seems that only the powerful Buddhists like to do this kind of tricks...all kinds of calculations, all kinds of calculations that harm others and not benefit oneself...Tsk, tsk, when Mr. Xie appears here, there is a strong and familiar Buddhist charm. Come.

After a long silence, Iron Sword Buddha finally murmured with a hint of curiosity: Who could it be?

Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha hesitated for a while and sneered: Senior Brother, can you possibly figure out how many Buddha Lords we have in Buddhism?

Iron Sword Buddha opened his mouth, then closed it.

There are eighteen sages on the bright side of Taoism, and thirteen Buddhas on the bright side of Buddhism.

But in Liangyi Heaven, Taoism and Buddhism now divide the world equally, maintaining a very harmonious and stable situation.

Can thirteen Buddhas withstand the pressure of eighteen saints?

Iron Fong Buddha and Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha are Buddhist Buddhas, and they dare not swear that the thirteen Buddha Lords of Buddhism can really withstand the pressure of eighteen sages and nourish such a vast Liangyi Heaven!

On the face of Buddhism, it is true, definite, and obvious that there are only thirteen Buddha Lords!

But in Buddhism, there is a large group of people called Buddhas...the same old Buddhists who previously swore that the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha would definitely attain the position of Lord Buddha within ten thousand years!

Among this group of ‘Buddhas and Elders’, the origins, longevity and qualifications of many people cannot be tested.

Even many people in Buddhism don’t even know whether these ‘Buddhas and Elders’ are human beings or ‘what kind of people they are’. Anyway, on weekdays, these old guys are hiding in the ancient temple in the mountains all sickly, looking like they are just eating and waiting to die.

But... who knows?

Even if Xie Laojun's matter was not done by one of the thirteen Buddha Lords, it might have been the means of a certain 'Buddha'.

After all, the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha once listened to the sutras under the same Buddha as the current Lord of the Blood Buddha Temple, the Three Lives Disillusionment Buddha... And the feeling that that Buddha gave the Dragon Elephant Terma Buddha was terrifying, extremely terrifying, and helpless. The speculation was terrifying, so terrifying that he couldn't even figure it out now!

Fa Hai, haha. Iron Skeleton Buddha suddenly laughed happily.

The appearance of Xie Laojun and the great cause and effect that might be hidden behind Xie Laojun made him feel extremely happy - even if Lu Qian could escape from death today, he decided to put Lu Qian and Xie Laojun together. Word spreads about the hookup!

Once the Taoist sages who hunted Mr. Xie know about this, haha!

A real Aries man cannot overpower the Buddha of Precious Light Merit, so what if six of them suddenly appeared?

Have you thought about it? Xie Laojun waved his folding fan and looked at Lu Qian with a bright smile: The Wutou ancestor has too many life-saving skills and can escape very fast. Xiaoke's means are limited now. There is no good way to deal with him. If you, little thief, are not willing to help, then forget it.

Xie Laojun licked the corners of his mouth and opened his mouth slightly.

His moist and red lips were actually dark. His mouth did not look like a human being at all, but looked like the mouthparts of some large beetles. There were no teeth in the dark mouth, only sharp chitinous protrusions.

How? Xie Laojun smiled: Hurry up and give Xiao Ke a reply!

Lu Qian thought for a while, looked in the direction of Sanya Village, and then looked at Xie Laojun, who had transparent saliva oozing out from the corner of his mouth. He suddenly smiled: Okay, then... I am willing to help senior, bring that Kill Ancestor Wu Tou and eliminate a scourge from this world.

However, what good will it do, little monk, if the senior has taken the natal poison element of the Aconite Patriarch? Lu Qian asked Xie Laojun with a smile.

Xie Laojun laughed, he laughed so hard that he was so happy: Benefits? Are you asking for benefits from Xiaoke? It's interesting, it's really interesting. Well, how many years have I not met such an interesting little monk like you?

Okay. Xie Laojun waved his hand generously and said with a smile: Let's join forces to kill Old Wutou. I only want his body and the wealth in his cave. Whatever you like and can take away, it will all belong to you. You are!

Lu Qian pretended to put his hands together and saluted Mr. Xie: In this case, I would like to thank you, senior.

To the south, the corpse boss old demon screamed: Xie Laojun, you...

Crack! A very thin stream of red light flashed away, and the corpse boss old demon suddenly stiffened. A small transparent hole appeared between his eyebrows, and then wisps of extremely thin red magic flames emerged from this small wound. His body flowed out, and in just a short breath, his body turned into a very thin wisp of blue smoke, which disappeared without a trace when blown by the night wind.

Lu Qian also pressed his palm.

In the valley, the 120,000 demon army and the nine demon generals who were killing madly also stopped.

They rose into the air and stood together with the Taoist monks released by Lu Qian.

Mr. Xie nodded slowly: The young monk has some wealth... So, let me think about it, how should we kill Old Wutou?

Tilting his head, Xie Laojun smiled at the three beautiful pythons and said: You three girls, can you contact the old guy now... Well, I remember that there is a Jinsha cave near your cave, which is full of acquired poison. The golden evil spirit has a great ability to restrain all kinds of wooden monsters. Can you lead that old guy to the vicinity of the golden evil burrow?

The three beautiful pythons shook their huge heads and laughed at the same time: Yes, you can, but you have to take something to win the trust of the old guy!

Mr. Xie also smiled: That's the truth... isn't he going to kill the thief monk from the Blood Buddha Temple?

Lu Qian's heart suddenly twitched, Xie Laojun moved the folding fan in his hand, and dozens of extremely thin scarlet streams of light quickly tore through the void. The next moment, except for Monk Du Ku, dozens of other monks from the Blood Buddha Temple groaned at the same time. A little blood seeped out.

These great monks swayed, murmured a Buddhist chant, their faces suddenly turned green, their spirits dissipated in an instant, and they fell heavily to the ground.

Cut off their heads as tokens... Let's just say that a few thieves and monks from the Blood Buddha Temple have escaped. You are arranging for people to chase and intercept them... Let the old guy come here in person with the benefits promised to you! Thank you! Laojun smiled even more happily.

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