Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 776 Hunting (2)

From now on, be a good person and don't be so domineering.

He changed into a dark gold three-clawed python robe, tied with a jade belt, and sat squarely on the city lord's throne in the middle of the lobby of the city lord's palace. Yu Changle spit out a few grape seeds. Two young eunuchs with delicate features carried white jade basins and caught the dark grape seeds, making a pleasant tinkling sound.

Yu Changle put on the air of a former palace guard, not even bothering to look at the old man Jiang standing in the lobby, lecturing him as if he were lecturing his grandson.

Old Man Jiang no longer had the arrogance of being blocked by Lu Qian's car at the city gate, shouting and shouting.

He smiled very docilely and kindly, and nodded and bowed towards Yu Changle with a smile: Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Yu, you taught me a lesson. It was the little old man who was arrogant and brought trouble on himself. After returning, little I must change my mind, cultivate my mind and nature, and never come out to cause trouble again.

At this moment, let alone giving Yu Changle a smile, even kneeling down for Yu Changle, or even licking his feet, Mr. Jiang would do so without hesitation.

Really, the news Mo Qianqiu told him before was too shocking.

The spirit of the emperor!

Heaven above!

That was the news about Huangtian Qi—Jiang Qingfeng, the little bastard, and Jiang Qingyuan, the little bitch. They knew the news about Huangtian Qi, and they actually hid it from their elders and sneaked into the wilderness, hoping to monopolize the benefits. ?

And Mo Qianqiu... this... uh, a guy who is quite self-aware, he actually found out such a secret? Well, it shows that he still has some real skills.

Considering his contribution to the tip-off this time, let’s give him some benefits in the future.

For example, to restore his noble surname Jiang and allow his clan members to return to the Jiang family's ancestral land... this would be a great honor and the highest reward.

He just waited for Elder Heji behind him to obtain the Qi of Emperor Tian.

The tribe to which he belongs is bound to become the most respected core direct descendant of the Jiang family next to him, and become the true master of the Jiang family... The glory of the ancient emperor will reappear in Liangyi Heaven.

So, what does Yu Changle’s arrogance and arrogance mean? As long as he can escape safely, return to the Jiang family safely, and pass the news to Elder Heji behind him, this is more important than anything else!

Old Man Jiang's smile became more respectful and brighter.

Yu Changle looked sideways at the old man Jiang, and waved his hand: Forget it, go away, don't make today's mistake again... For the sake of the leader of the Mo family, I will spare you this time, and there will be a next time, That means even the King of Heaven and I can’t save you!”

Sighing, Yu Changle stood up and said, Let's go, let's go. For the sake of the Mo family's generosity, our family will personally take you out of the city. Tsk!

Old Man Jiang smiled and followed Yu Changle obediently. He cautiously said polite words and followed Yu Changle out of the city lord's mansion step by step.

The Jiang clan members who were just like the old man Jiang, who were arrogant and unscrupulous and blocked Lu Qian's car at the south gate of the ninth city of the town, were now docilely lining up outside the gate of the city lord's palace.

Seeing Yu Changle personally escorting the old Jiang family out, these Jiang family members who had just been released from prison lowered their heads one by one, bowed their eyebrows and saluted Yu Changle - the old man Jiang had severely reprimanded them in prison, At this critical moment, whoever dares to have the slightest bit of arrogance or arrogance, or who dares to provoke Lu Qian and his people again, will have their skin ripped off by them.

Yu Changle stood at the door of the city lord's mansion and lazily arched his hands towards the old man Jiang: Come on, it's a good journey... By the way, which ship of yours is there?

Mr. Jiang's heart twitched.

The main battleships left over from the ancient Jiang Dynasty are not very numerous in the current Jiang family. The cost of building such a giant ship is high. Today, it is almost impossible for Liang Yitian to assemble the materials for such a giant ship. Many ancient rare birds and animals have become extinct. The keel used by the giant ship alone is more than a thousand feet long. Now you have nowhere to look.

The current market price of such a giant ship is impossible to estimate.

Those four boys were four damn 'bandits'. They just snatched away such a huge ship in front of everyone, and auctioned it off without saying a word?

My heart aches, but I have to smile.

Old Man Jiang smiled and said: Then, just think of it as a little old man's filial piety to the Lord of the City. Mr. Yu doesn't need to mention this matter anymore... I don't know what the money is, it's just a gadget.

Yu Changle's round face, as smooth as a peeled egg, made countless wrinkles when he smiled. He pointed at the old man Jiang and said with a smile: Hehe, he is a sensible person. Come on, as long as he can behave like this in the future, he will come to Zhenmo Ridge again and be with our family. Say hello in advance, we will take care of you and ensure that you have a smooth journey in the Demon-Suppressing Ridge!

Okay, get out of here. Hee!

The old man of the Jiang family laughed along with him, saluted Yu Changle again and again, and then left the city lord's mansion on foot with a group of Jiang family members respectfully. They walked all the way out of the ninth city of the town, and then the whistle turned into streaks of light rising into the sky.

Yu Changle put away the smile on his face and looked at the light flashing across the sky. He sneered, He's running so fast. How many people can he attract this time?

Several young eunuchs put their hands in their sleeves and assumed the same posture as Yu Changle. They looked up at the escaping light across the sky and sneered at the same time.

The bait has been spread out, just waiting for the fish to take the bait.

Yu Changle was standing at the door of the City Lord's Mansion enjoying himself when he suddenly saw a large sword light rising into the sky from a house less than a mile away from the City Lord's Mansion. The sword light at the front is like a phantom wave of clear water, clear and graceful, with graceful changes. The sword intent is as dense as an eternal glacier, and the murderous intent rises like a mountain of swords and hell. However, it is silent when flying. It is obvious that the skill of sword control has reached its peak.

There were seven or eight thousand sword rays in total, and they were already in front of Yu Changle even though they were only a few seconds away from him.

The cold and stern voice of Bai Di's second apprentice Jian Er resounded throughout the entire Ninth City: Yu Changle, accept your fate!

The sword light fell downwards, and the dense sword light enveloped Yu Changle and several young eunuchs. The sword light was cold and sharp, and the bodies of Yu Changle and the others almost turned transparent under the sword light!

Hey? Hey? Hey? Yu Changle screamed: What is this? What the hell is going on!

Yu Changle and several young eunuchs were all dumbfounded.

They have been working as palace guards in Dayin for so many years, and they have seen a lot of weird things. They have also seen countless crazy murderers, giants of the world, and the like. In the Yuan Lingtian cultivation world, they followed Yinyuan and Bai Yu, and saw many crazy and powerful monks who were inexplicable and acted unexpectedly!

But no matter how crazy you are, there must be a limit!

Today's city lord's palace in the ninth city of Zhenzi, not to mention the three Buddhas Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue hidden in the dark, but the high-level combat power displayed on the surface, there are four Buddha-level boys. And the eighteen great Bodhisattvas of the precious light lineage!

Jian Er, and the eight thousand elite sword cultivators he brought...are you... a big lantern in the toilet, looking for death and fun?

This kind of thing destroyed Yu Changle's world view and he was completely dumbfounded.

This group of people who killed people brazenly at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion...had their heads broken, right?

With a heavy breath, the world around Yu Changle suddenly turned into pure black and white. Except for black and white, all other objects, including the surrounding buildings, streets, flowers and plants, pedestrians, and even the colorful clothes and accessories on pedestrians, were all turned into black and white by a strange and extremely strong Taoist charm.

Sword Two, and the sword intent of Eight Thousand Sword Cultivators suddenly shattered.

Their swordsmanship is very superb. It must be said that they learned extremely advanced swordsmanship from Bai Emperor. They also spent countless training qualifications. Their realm is very high and their strength is very strong...

But here in Yuchangle, they are not strong enough!

Their Dao Yun was like pieces of 'hard and brittle' glass, which were crushed by Yu Changle's Yin and Yang Dao Yun and instantly shattered.

The small yin and yang vase flew up from Yu Changle's head, and silently, countless black and white extremely fine light needles spurted out, penetrating the void in an instant.

Immortal treasures with strong defenses lit up on Jian Er and several leading disciples.

Pieces of fairy light rose up, protecting their bodies. But before the black and white light needles touched their bodies, the pieces of fairy light were already crushed by Yu Changle's Yin and Yang Daoyun.

The light needle passed through the body easily.

In just one breath, Jian Er and Eight Thousand Sword Cultivators were pierced even more miserable than a sieve.

The physical body and the spiritual soul were penetrated by countless fine holes by the Yin and Yang needles. The physical body disintegrated and disappeared into smoke, while the spiritual soul collapsed and was completely annihilated.

The next moment, countless seemingly invisible demons flew out of the city lord's palace. The blood mist surrounding the shattered body of the Sky Sword Cultivator was just a circle, and the flesh, flesh, and soul of the eight thousand elite sword cultivators were absorbed. It has to be clean, with no residue left at all.

Hearty breathing sounded, and the breath of some of the demons suddenly surged.

Lu Min, who had a distorted face and was full of confusion, staggered out of the city lord's mansion and asked Yu Changle in shock: Old Yu, what do you mean by this? These kids, are they... looking for fun?

Yu Changle spread his hands and looked at Lu Min with confusion.

He doesn't know Jian Er and these guys.

Inexplicably, he was just going out to see someone off, so why did thousands of people come to attack him with their bright swords? If it were in Dayinhaojing, with his notorious reputation as the chief fisherman, this kind of thing would very likely happen.

But in Zhenmo Ridge, he, Yu Changle, used to be a cautious person with his tail between his legs, but he didn't remember that he had offended anyone!

Suppress the Demon City.

Next to Ming Lake.

Next to the waterside pavilion, Bai Di held a wine cup and poured the blood-red wine into the bright lake.

Jian Er, we are master and apprentice after all, let's go!

Pursing his lips, Bai Di smiled softly: This secret method is indeed mysterious. Jian Er is usually the most cautious and alert, but he actually broke into the city lord's palace so abruptly... Ha!

The light wheel suspended around him shook slightly.

Bai Di said softly: I didn't say this is not good. This is of course good... How many things will it save us?

Clapping his hands gently, Bai Di said quietly: Where is my disciple?

The air twisted, and a girl dressed in the same outfit as the previous Jian Er walked out of the ripples.

The girl looked at Bai Di with feverish eyes: Master, what are your orders?

Bai Di sighed softly and reached out to caress the girl's pretty cheek: Your senior brother and second senior brother were both killed by traitors... You are my most beloved disciple, and you should be your senior brother and second senior brother. Brother, take revenge.”

After pondering for a moment, Bai Di said quietly: Take the thirty thousand junior brothers with you. Capture the culprits Yinyuan and Bai Yu alive... Well, how to deal with them, we will wait until you capture them alive.

The girl's face turned slightly red, her eyes filled with a hint of sweetness, and she greedily glanced at Bai Emperor's face: Disciple, please obey your master's orders!

The sword flashed and the girl disappeared into thin air.

Bai Di looked at the direction in which the girl disappeared, and suddenly smiled softly: The disciples sacrificed to heaven, and their magic power is boundless... Haha. Let's see how many benefits Jian Er and the eight thousand disciples have brought to me after they died!

A low and strange spell sounded softly beside Minghu Lake.

Bai Di recited the secret mantra and put his nose in front of the nimbus. Wisps of subtle breath rose from the nimbus. Bai Di took a greedy deep breath, and his breath became deeper and deeper. Measurement.

Huh... too small! Bai Di felt the pleasure brought by his rapid improvement in cultivation, and felt the supreme beauty of gradually becoming one with heaven and earth. He suddenly sneered: Wicked woman, bitch... Sooner or later, I will I want you to understand what is the order of heaven and earth and what is the order of husband and wife!

After Lu Qian returned to the ninth city of Zhenzi, he held a banquet with Yinyuan and Bai Yu all day long.

In the city lord's mansion in the ninth city of the town, people come and go every day, and the seats are full of friends and drinkers, and the wine and meat are fragrant. Lu Qian and Yinyuan spent the whole day drinking and feasting with a group of fawning 'VIPs', and they got drunk every day.

The government affairs of the ninth city were handed over to Yu Changle.

The military affairs of the ninth city were taken over by Lu Min.

With the support of four boys behind them and A Hu, a powerful thug running rampant in front, Lu Min and Yu Changle used the methods they had experienced in the lower realm, such as coercion and inducement, frame-up, and the combination of distant friendship and short-term attack, as well as vertical and horizontal alliances. Through many means, in just half a month, not only the Ninth City, but also dozens of other nearby towns, many large and small forces either willingly or were forced to defect to them.

Lu Qian gradually had many industries under his name, and began to continuously provide Lu Qian with a large number of extraordinary quality cultivation resources.

A stable trade route has been established between Lu Qian's Qionghua Ancient Temple and Zhenmo Ridge. More and more large and small forces gradually integrated into this business path and began to inject blood into the Qionghua Mountain lineage, which had a shallow foundation and insufficient foundation.

With the input of a large number of external resources, rays of fairy light began to rise every day on Qionghua Mountain, and a strong Taoist charm continued to surge. Among the many monks who followed Lu Qian and ascended to the upper world on the treasure ship, some monks gradually consolidated their true immortal status and officially entered the true immortal realm.

That is to say, under the cover of Yu Changle and Lu Min's wanton behavior, the core forces of the Prison Suppressing Line and the Baoguang Line quietly entered the Demon Suppressing Ridge without alerting anyone, and went straight into the wild mountains.

Liangyitian, Suihuoyuan.

The vast plains are covered with dense water networks and fertile farmland. Towering mulberry trees stand tall and dense mulberry forests stretch to the horizon. With developed agriculture and densely populated areas, this place is considered to be one of the richest and most prosperous places in the world.

Suihuo Plain is the place where the ancient Jiang Dynasty originated and established its tripod. Its name comes from the meaning of human race's fire, endless life.

The ancient emperor Jiang Wangu fell, and Taoist and Buddhist sects prospered, dismembering the unified Jiang Dynasty. After the human race was divided and kept in captivity as a 'cultivation resource', the Jiang family retreated to the Suihuo Plain and thrived until today.

Because of the special status of the Jiang clan in the history of Liangyi Heaven, although Suihuoyuan is located in the eastern region of Liangyitian and is the traditional sphere of influence of the Taoist sect, there is no sect power within hundreds of millions of miles around Suihuoyuan. . The sages of the Taoist sect acquiesced. The Suihuo Plain was the private land of the Jiang family. For countless years, no one dared to break into the Suihuo Plain and cause trouble.

But today, there was a trace of noise in Suihuo Plain!

Suihuo Plain, Human Imperial City.

In the huge palace, which is simple in shape and made of huge stones without many gorgeous decorations. It has a relic from ancient times. The Jiang family is the most favored and pampered by the elders of the clan. Jiang Mingfu, who holds the real power and is the most powerful, has a straight face. , sitting on a huge stone chair covered with tiger skin, looking helplessly at the elders of the Chi clan sitting on the left and right.

Inside and outside the huge palace, except for a few maids serving tea and water, there was not even a ghost.

The usually majestic guards who were on duty and patrolling outside the hall had shrunk in the past two days. In fact, these elders of the Chi clan had really troubled Jiang Mingfu in the past two days.

Several elders of the Chi clan who were worried about the life of their precious grandson almost pointed at Jiang Mingfu's nose and made insinuations, almost swearing at him. How could Jiang Mingfu, who was usually arrogant and arrogant and had a vague empress-like demeanor among the Jiang family, endure this? Those guards would naturally run as far as they could. Could it be that they dared to see Jiang Mingfu make a fool of himself?

Girl Mingfu, we have watched you grow up... Our Chi family and Jiang family have been friends for generations, and that friendship can be traced back to ancient times.

Think about those days, when your Jiang Dynasty was rebellious and unpopular, and was overthrown by the people of the world. When the Jiang family was forced to retreat to Suihuo Plain to save their lives, I, the Chi family, helped you and the Jiang family. There are... a lot of people who are taking advantage of the situation, but our Chi family helped you take care of it!

An old man from the Chi clan was holding tea and teaching Jiang Mingfu a lesson.

There is no need to talk about the friendship between our two families... But if the friendship is good, you must also control your daughter... Your Qingyuan girl, how can you lead so many proud sons of our Chi family? Where are you missing? It’s been so long without seeing anyone alive or dead...

This clan elder was spitting, and several other clan elders coughed loudly at the same time, holding back his words.

A man with white hair and a face full of wrinkles. The oldest and most senior among the elders of the Chi clan coughed a few times, took a sip of tea to moisten his throat, raised his wrinkled eyelids, and looked at Jiang Mingfu sighed: Girl Mingfu, you really don't know where your Qingyuan girl went with those little monkey cubs?

Jiang Minghuan's heart was full of anger, and he might explode at any time.

Looking at the elders of the Chi clan who had been harassing her for several days, she took a deep breath and said with a dry smile: There is no need to worry about the clan elders. There are many strong protective hands around my little girl. ...Aren’t there the guardians of the True Lord realm around these young masters? Not to mention, they have a large number of people. In today’s Liangyi Heaven, who would dare to do anything to them?”

The white-haired Chi clan elder sighed and said quietly: That's what I say, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens... During these days, Liangyi Heaven is a bit dark and turbulent, Mingmei girl, you , Did you really not notice it?”

The elder of the Chi clan glanced at Jiang Minghuan, whose expression changed slightly, pointed to the sky, and said quietly: To tell you the truth, this is the decree passed down by the ancestor at the top of our family, and I, the Chi clan, must pay close attention to it. Close your doors, be careful about your family business, all clan members must meditate behind closed doors, and are strictly prohibited from hanging around outside.

That is to say, because of that person's decree, the elders in the clan were so busy recruiting their capable disciples who were away from home... But I didn't expect that after using the clan's secret method to contact those disciples who were away, they found so many good men. Unable to contact me, no reply at all.

Check carefully, okay, Tiancang, Tianqiong, Tianqing, Tianzhao, Tianxiu, Tianming... the dozen or so most outstanding disciples of the younger generation of my Chi clan, together with their guardians and followers, It seems that your Qingyuan girl took the blame and followed her without knowing where to go...

Nothing can happen to them. The white-haired clan elder sighed softly: Especially Tiancang and Tianqiong, and even the thorns in the hearts of several great elders. If anything happens to them... the friendship between your family and mine , but just...

Jiang Mingfu took a deep breath and said with a smile: Qingyuan is not a wanton person. She always has rules when doing things outside. So...

One of Jiang Mingfu's confidants, Jiang Mingsu, who usually helped her with all kinds of confidential matters, hurriedly walked in from outside the hall with a straight face. She raised her gaze, and a soft sound followed her magical power and drifted towards Jiang Mingfu.

The white-haired Chi clan leader snorted softly, and the fairy light around him suddenly flourished.

The void was twisting, and the idea was stirring. The Chi clan elder actually activated his magical power, trying to intercept the secret message Jiang Mingsu passed to Jiang Mingfu.

Jiang Minghuang shouted softly, and a strange-shaped bone drum appeared in her hand. She flicked the small drum with her fingers, and there were two dong dong sounds. The Chi clan elder's body shook, and the immortal light on his body was shattered by the sound of the drum. The stone chair under his buttocks cracked several times. It turned into fine dregs and almost sat down on the ground.

Girl Mingfu! After suffering such a big loss and being humiliated in front of all his fellow clan members, the old man of the Chi clan couldn't stand it anymore.

There is an emergency in the clan. Some clan elders will wait a moment! Jiang Minghuan stood up and rushed out of the hall. She shouted sternly: If you are willing to wait, Ming Fang will definitely give you an explanation... If you are not willing to wait, you can just think that the bastards Chi Tiancang and Chi Tianqiong are dead. You can do whatever you like. What are you doing? Let’s see if Mrs. Jiang is afraid!

Scare, I don't blame your Chi family for abducting my daughter by a bunch of ruthless brats. Why do you have the nerve to come to my door and ask me for the whereabouts of those brats? It's simply inexplicable!

Jiang Mingfu showed himself ready to fall out at any time, but the elders of the Chi clan who had been arrogant and besieging Jiang Mingfu in the past few days suddenly softened - they would not dare to fall out!

Jiang Mingfu dared to represent the Jiang family and break up with the Chi family, but the elders of the Chi family did not have such real power!

What's more, although the Chi family has a sage-level ancestor who protects them above their heads, everyone knows that the old sage of the Chi family is a standard Xiaoyao sect and is almost silent in Liangyi Heaven on weekdays. Well, many people say that the old sage has died long ago.

There is such an ancestor, there is nothing!

Putting aside this ancestor, the Chi clan's background and power really can't compete with the Jiang clan!

As a result, Jiang Mingfu suddenly turned against him, and several Chi clan bosses became more honest.

They squatted in the main hall obediently, holding teacups and drinking tea, using their magical powers to communicate with each other, thinking about how to deal with this matter - in short, Chi Tiancang, Chi Tianqiong and others , must be brought back. Except for a few of the Chi family's sons who 'disappeared' with Jiang Qingyuan this time, they are all the darlings of a group of elders of the Chi family, and nothing can happen to any of them!

Jiang Minghuan hurriedly left the hall.

She was immediately followed by several female generals wearing battle armor and outer battle robes, looking quite heroic.

As she walked forward, a steady stream of female generals gathered behind her... Soon, there was an elite force of three thousand people behind her.

The ‘Qingyuan Army’ is a personal private army that Jiang Minghui spent countless efforts and financial resources to build. Even the name of her daughter Jiang Qingyuan comes from this private army.

The total number of Qingyuan troops exceeds 300,000, which is the greatest guarantee for Jiang Mingfu to have a strong voice within the Jiang clan.

The three thousand people following her now are the elites of the Qingyuan Army. The ones with the lowest cultivation level have cultivation levels above the twenty-seventh level of the True Immortal Realm. Just these 3,000 people formed an formation and suppressed the formation with the help of a secret treasure belonging to Jiang Minghuan. Their combat power was enough to withstand the Taoist masters and Buddhas of the Buddhist sect!

Thousands of rays of light soared into the sky, traveled thousands of miles in a breath, and landed on the edge of a large, bright lake in Suihuo Plains.

There is a monastery here, with strict restrictions inside and outside, and many guards guarding the surroundings.

Surrounded by dozens of confidant female generals, Jiang Minghuan almost went on a rampage, scolding and dispersing the guards stationed in the monastery. Familiar with the way, he broke through many restrictions and drove straight in, reaching the core of a leafy tree. In front of the big mulberry tree.

Dozens of people hugged each other and built an exquisite two-story building on the large mulberry tree that had grown for who knows how many years, using those branches as the foundation. Several tall branches stretched out flatly in front of the building, and wooden boards were laid on them, turning it into a small terrace about ten feet in diameter.

The old man Jiang, who was a bit disgraced and had just returned from Zhenmo Ridge in a hurry after spending several months on the road, was standing respectfully on the terrace.

In the middle of the terrace, there is a small tea table with two soft futons placed on the left and right. There is a small incense burner, a small charcoal stove, a kettle, a tea cup and other utensils on the tea table. The burly old man was carefully rinsing the tea utensils and busy making tea.

Stop, stop, don't waste the good tea. Jiang Mingfu rushed over in a hurry, glanced at the old man Jiang standing on the terrace, sneered three times, and snatched the tea set from the burly old man's hand. , in a few seconds, he brewed a pot of fragrant tea with extremely familiar skills.

The burly old man laughed haha: When it comes to tea ceremony, I have seen many beautiful children of wealthy families, but our family Mingfu is the best at tea... Hey, that's the temper!

Jiang Mingfu poured a cup of tea for the old man and said with a sneer: Mingfu's temper has calmed down a lot in recent years. Otherwise, just like what Deacon Jian did today, eight hundred years ago, I would have taken away his temper with one sword. Head!”

Staring fiercely at Jiang Daojian, the old man of the Jiang family who was standing aside, Jiang Mingfu said coldly: Logically speaking, you are Mingfu's elder in terms of seniority... But in terms of your position in the clan, you are Mingfu's subordinate, and you are Mingfu's subordinate. The family deacon who helps Ming Fang take care of family affairs... If there is anything, especially if it is important, you should report it to me, Ming Fang, as soon as possible!

The phoenix eyes twitched, and a ray of evil aura rose from the center of his eyebrows. Jiang Minghuan stared at Jiang Daojian with cold eyes: Deacon Daojian, the Jiang family does not follow the ancestral rules, but the king's laws... The person you are loyal to is me. But what you did today is disloyal and betrayal... Logically, I can kill you directly!

The burly old man took a sip of tea and drank softly: Okay, Mingfu, don't be so angry.

With a dim light in his eyes, he said softly: You have done well over the years... But, you must also understand that the reason why you have the opportunity to do things is because we, the old immortals, gave you power... Dao Jianyu Please inform me as soon as possible instead of reporting to you, there is nothing wrong with this matter!

Jiang Mingfu's eyebrows almost stood up. She took a deep look at the burly old man and suddenly smiled sweetly: Grandpa Hejiu is right, it's Mingfu... he's too petty. Hey, what news did Uncle Dao Jian bring back? , why didn’t you go to my place and say something, and then came directly to give you a reply?”

The burly old man raised the tea cup and drank it all in one gulp. He waved his sleeves, and a hot red light enveloped the entire big mulberry tree, blocking out internal and external messages. He lowered his voice and whispered a few words to Jiang Mingfu.

Jiang Mingfu's eyes widened little by little, and he looked at the burly old man in surprise and joy.

After being silent for a long time, she stamped her foot fiercely and said softly: Qingyuan, this damn girl... is becoming more and more bold and arrogant. Can a yellow-haired girl like her swallow such benefits? Oh, grandpa, this matter is really serious. Be careful!

The burly old man looked at Jiang Mingfu with a smile: Yes, that little girl Qingyuan, a yellow-haired girl, wants to take advantage of this. How can she take it? Therefore, it is only natural that Dao Jian should inform me first when he comes back. It’s a matter of fact.”

Jiang Minghuan's eyes flickered.

She dropped the topic and looked solemnly at Jiang Daojian who was standing aside: This is well done. But where is Mo Qianqiu? Why don't you bring him back?

Shaking his head, Jiang Mingfu waved his hands and asked himself: You should bring him back... But, he didn't follow you back? You can't be so stupid. Then, Mo Qianqiu is too smart... He doesn't leave the rabbit until he sees it. Eagle? Hehe, we don’t know whether it’s alive or dead, does he still want to bargain with us?”

Jiang Minghuan sneered: Why should he bargain with us? Is it possible that he still wants to rely on external forces? Damn it!

Jiang Mingfu looked at the burly old man solemnly: Grandpa Zu, we have to hurry up.

Her body trembled slightly, and she whispered: This is my Jiang clan... No, this is a supreme opportunity for our clan! If we miss it, we will be struck by lightning!

The burly old man nodded slowly: Yes, this is a great opportunity for our tribe, and it is also a great opportunity for our Jiang family to rise again... If you miss it, haha... Don't say you missed this opportunity, even if If some information is leaked, we, the Jiang family, may be in great catastrophe!

The burly old man pointed to the sky and said deeply: Many people are unwilling to see the rise of our clan. Therefore, we must act quickly, focus on speed, and fight quickly. Before outsiders can react, we must first Got the benefit...

Jiang Minghuan smiled bitterly: The priority is speed? No need to keep it secret?

The burly old man sighed and shook his head slightly: Keep it secret? How to keep it secret? Dao Jian came back and came directly to me... After he arrived, I hadn't even made a cup of tea, so you rushed with the crowd. Come here...hehe!

The more secretive you are and the more secretive your actions are, the easier it is to attract ghosts.

Let's just do it in a big way. I personally took action and brought all our clan members and the group of Chi family boys outside. Let's just say that Qingyuan and a group of Chi family boys met in the wild mountains. It’s extremely dangerous, let’s gather our troops and fight with our swords and guns!”

Before anyone could react, we went straight to the secret palace and took advantage of it. You and I used the Emperor's Qi first... Hum! When we have the power of our ancestors, and when they react, we will It’s all useless!”

Suihuoyuan was suddenly startled.

Jiang Mingfu held the royal talisman of the Jiang clan's supreme elder, He Xi, and broke into the core treasure house of the Jiang clan. He injured several family deacons guarding the treasure house and forcibly took away sixty-four items left by the ancient Jiang clan. Flying giant ship.

Subsequently, Jiang Mingfu's 300,000 Green Kite Army was mobilized, together with the many dead soldiers and retainers that Jiang Mingfu had sheltered and trained over the years, and all boarded the flying giant ship. The gongs and drums were loud, the flags were fluttering, and they were swaggering and majestic. He headed straight for the Demon-Suppressing Ridge.

What horrified everyone in the Jiang clan was that even Ancestor Heji, who had been living in seclusion for many years, and whose name was not even known to many descendants of the clan, also went out with a group of elite warriors from his clan!

Jiang Mingfu's Qingyuan Army was dispatched, which was nothing.

Although Jiang Mingfu holds real power in the huge Jiang family, there are always more than ten powerful people like her in the Jiang family. Even if Jiang Mingfu's Qingyuan Army is elite, it is only the tip of the iceberg compared to the huge potential power of the entire Jiang clan.

But Elder Hexi, this is one of the few supreme elders in the Jiang clan who possesses Taoist realm cultivation.

Jiang Mingfu is the bright face of the Jiang clan, and Elder Hexi is the true behind-the-scenes anchor of the Jiang clan.

Therefore, Elder Hexi led a large number of elite tribesmen out with great fanfare. Many important tribesmen who held great power in the Jiang family, as well as interested people from the outside world, began to inquire into the mystery. There are even more people who are gearing up to bring their own dry food, follow Jiang Mingfu and Elder Hexi to watch the excitement, and get some bargains on the way!

Not long after, a piece of news leaked out - Jiang Minghuan's darling, the only apple in his eye, Jiang Qingyuan, who is said to be the most talented among the younger generation of the Jiang family, with talent and talent that crushes all his cousins ​​of his generation, together with a group of people from Red. The 'admirer' of the family was robbed and trapped in the wild mountains!

When the news came out, the restlessness on all sides immediately subsided.

Is that girl Jiang Qingyuan in danger?

No wonder Jiang Mingfu went out with such great fanfare...

Well, that's no problem.

And a group of brats from the Chi family were tricked in?

Then, no problem!

It’s simply a pleasure to hear it!

Within the Jiang clan, each branch and house sent some shrewd spies to follow. Some curious big and small forces surrounding the Jiang clan also sent some spies to keep an eye on it. Other than that, there was no big movement from all parties!

Elder Hexi came forward and used the favor of the Jiang family as a guarantee. He borrowed the void moving formations arranged by various forces along the way and spent a sky-high toll. In just half a month, he completed the journey that Jiang Daojian had spent when he returned. After several months of journey, we went directly from Suihuo Plain to Zhenmo Ridge!

Sixty-four giant ships were overwhelming, approaching the ninth city of Zhenzi.

Lu Qian stepped on the auspicious clouds and led a large group of troops to line up and block the front of the Jiang family's fleet.

Elder Hexi and Jiang Mingfu stood at the bow of the flagship, frowning at Lu Qian who was blocking the way - of course, the focus was not on Lu Qian, but on Mo Qianqiu who was standing next to Lu Qian.

Both of them had attitudes towards Mo Qianqiu.

A member of the side clan who just changed their surname to Waipai actually grasped the secret of Huangtian Qi and bargained with their direct clan members? Especially, the Ninth City of Zhenzi actually got involved!

Lord of Fahai City, what do you mean? Elder Hexi didn't bother to talk to Lu Qian. Therefore, Jiang Mingfu could only look at Lu Qian and asked with a frown.

The Mo family leader has confessed. Fahai's words made the hearts of Elder Heji and Jiang Mingfu twitch violently. Jiang Mingfu almost cursed - confessed? What did this guy confess? Damn thing!

Lu Qian said leisurely: The head of the Mo family said that Qingyuan, the noble daughter of the Jiang family, and a group of direct descendants of the Chi family had an accident in the south? Well, it is really unfortunate... It is really, really unfortunate.

Spreading his hands, Lu Qian pointed at Mo Qianqiu beside him and said leisurely: The Mo family leader has confessed that it was his caravan that brought back the news that Miss Qingyuan and others were robbed. The only place where they were trapped was the Mo family leader. Know...

The corner of Jiang Mingfu's mouth twitched, and he said calmly: That's why I'm here. Well, what exactly does Fahai City Lord want to say?

Jiang Mingfu and Elder Hexi were very upset at the moment.

Lu Qian smiled extremely brightly: As the city lord of the ninth city in the town, the people under my rule are involved in the 'major public security case'. I have the unshirkable responsibility and must make decisions for the people!

Rescue Miss Qingyuan, I will be the city lord's share.

You're welcome, Elder Hexi and Miss Mingfu. After rescuing Miss Qingyuan, please tell me what you mean to the city lord!

Jiang Mingfu and Elder Hexi were so angry that their noses were crooked!

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