Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 790: Change of Heaven (3)

Wild mountains.

In the world occupied by the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha.

Lu Qian has turned into a ball of pure golden light, like a sun, suspended in the small Huangtian Secret Palace. The terrifying light and heat even penetrated the secret palace, illuminating the area enclosed by the outside world. Mountains.

The billowing purple energy surged, and the mighty Dao Rhythm of Heaven and Earth continued to surge in. The majestic spirit of Heaven and Earth almost condensed into substance, and was constantly being swallowed by Lu Qian's body. The physical strength is increasing rapidly, and the corresponding understanding and control of the avenue, and the relative cultivation of mana, are also constantly soaring with the increase of 'authority in heaven and earth'.

The auspicious clouds rolled in the sky, revealing a big face with a radius of thousands of miles.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha looked down at the Emperor's Secret Mansion, and couldn't help but nodded slowly, and said happily: The power of the pure body has actually reached the realm of the six-kalpa true Buddha... This Jiang family's bloodline is indeed miraculous, and Fahai's blessing is truly extraordinary!

The emotion of the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha is reasonable.

Like Lu Qian, who has merged with the ancient imperial lineage of the Jiang family and is absorbing the Qi of the Emperor and improving crazily, there are two senior brothers from his same sect - the Glazed Vase Monk and the Tridacna Buddha Monk.

These two great monks had already broken through to the realm of great Bodhisattvas and were also well-known figures in Buddhism. Before Lu Qian, they were favored by Monk Yuanjue and accepted into his sect, becoming the only two true disciples of the Buddhist lineage. The qualifications and talents of the two great monks were indeed evil, but their hearts towards the Tao were even more firm.

In Liangyi Heaven, the two great monks are both extremely talented beings.

But they have absorbed the same ancient imperial bloodline as Lu Qian, and they are exactly the same in terms of grade and quantity. At this point, the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha and the three Buddhas Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, and Yuan Jue are absolutely the same. It's a bowl of water. It's not like Lu Yi was given an extra drop of ancient imperial blood essence just because of his great contribution.

But it is obvious that the efficiency of the Glazed Aquarius Monk and the Tridacna Buddha Monk in absorbing the Emperor's Qi in the Huangtian bloodline is far less than that of Lu Qian... With every breath, Lu Qian absorbs at least 100% of the Emperor's Qi. More than a hundred times that of the two senior brothers!

Lu Qian's pure physical strength has reached the realm of the Six Kalpa True Buddha. And these two fellow disciples who entered Taoism more than a million years earlier than Lu Qian have only just reached the level of a kalpa Buddha!

Of course, the combat power of the One-Calamity Buddha in Buddhism is indeed considerable, and he can even be regarded as the backbone of Buddhism! After all, there are only more than 300 Buddhas in such a large Buddhist sect, and the total number of Buddhas who have lived for more than two kalpas is probably dozens!

But compared with Lu Qian, the efficiency of the two senior brothers was far behind.

While the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha marveled at the magic of the Jiang family's bloodline, he could only lament Lu Qian's 'lucky fate'!

At this moment, Lu Qian was suddenly startled. He suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes spurted out two golden fires that were hundreds of miles long, and he looked in the direction of Qionghua Mountain. He frowned and said in a deep voice: Master, if a powerful enemy invades my Qionghua Mountain, please give me a ride!

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly.

In the void, the auspicious clouds all over the sky fell and turned into a huge cloud palm, grabbing Lu Yi. After a little rubbing, the golden light and purple energy on Lu Yi's body suddenly converged. The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha gave a soft drink, grabbed Lu Yi, and threw him fiercely towards the north.

With this throw, the void collapsed and the laws were distorted. Lu Qian forcefully opened a straight crack between time and space, smashing through countless terrifying natural barriers in the wild mountains, from the wild mountains to the sky above the ninth city of Zhenzi.

With this throw, only a Buddha-level power could send Lu Qian, like a pebble, from the depths of the wild mountains to the sky above the Ninth City of Zhenzi with incomparable accuracy!

Only the current Lu Qian, whose physical strength is extremely strong, can withstand this fierce throw from the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha!

If it were any other slightly weaker Buddha, he would either have been crushed to pieces by the Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, or his body would have been ground into the tiniest particles as he continued to smash through natural obstacles along the way.

Lu Qian's body had just appeared in the sky above the ninth city of Zhenzi with strong light and high temperature. A subtle message attached to his body had been captured by Baoguang Merit Buddha. The Buddha of Baoguang Merit, who released one hundred and eight clones to form a Buddhist formation and trapped the ancient Sanren in the core, smiled slightly, grabbed Lu Qian easily, and without waiting for Lu Qian to speak, directed him towards A slight throw in the direction of Qionghua Mountain.

With a loud chila sound, Lu Qian once again knocked open a straight crack in the void, from the sky above the ninth city of Zhenzi to Qionghua Mountain!

Two throws only took Lu Yi a breathless time, and he crossed trillions of miles of void and returned directly to his home dojo from the depths of the wilderness - and if it were the footsteps of an ordinary Liangyitian monk, , they followed the normal methods of escape, movement formation and other conventional methods. It would take more than half a year just to get from Demon Suppression City to Qionghua Mountain!

This is the power of Lord Buddha!

There was a loud noise above Qionghua Mountain, and the pure silver Buddha was emitting blazing silver light to resist the suppression of the Buddha's Dharma, Time, Space, and Daoyun left behind by Lu Qian. Suddenly, a bright light appeared directly above the main peak of Qionghua Mountain, and the entire Qionghua Mountain shook violently. After a moment, the huge mountain guarding formation simultaneously erupted into a bright light that could not be seen directly.

Among the thousands of temples built along the Qionghua Mountains, all formation hubs emitted light that was ten times more intense than before.

Above the Qionghua Ancient Temple, the Buddha's Dharma, transformed by the mighty green Qingyun, let out an earth-shattering roar. The Buddha's Dharma rose up and merged into Lu Qian's body.

Lu Qian was wearing the monk's robes and the cassock of liberation, holding a sandalwood merit staff, with a small Vajra Sumeru mountain and a fantian seal suspended above his head. The small ax in his mind seemed to have been injected with chicken blood, and became extremely excited. It slashed randomly from left to right, constantly making high-pitched chirping sounds.

Waves of dark golden Buddha light fell from the sky like burning molten iron. Lu Qian now turned into the most powerful eye of the entire Qionghua Mountain Guarding Formation. He mobilized the huge power of the entire mountain range and used the prison-suppressing Buddha light to move towards the pure silver Buddha. Suppressed the past.

Senior, what is your surname? Why do you come to our Qionghua Ancient Temple? Beside Lu Qian, from the Vajra Sumeru Mountain, large groups of Taoist monks kept pouring out and quickly submerged into the Qionghua Mountain, occupying various formations. .

With the return of these great Taoist monks whose cultivation levels have soared, the wisdom of heaven and earth mobilized by Qionghua Mountain's mountain guard formation has become more and more majestic, the power of the formation has become more powerful, and the blessing and promotion of Lu Qian have become more terrifying. The prison-suppressing Buddha's light surging around Lu Qian's body even made the pure silver Buddha a little breathless!

The body of the pure silver Buddha is still undergoing rapid transformation towards the 'unborn embryo' and the 'destined to be devastated by the five declines of heaven and man'. His strength has been greatly weakened, and his body is in a mess. The chaotic time and chaotic space caused great trouble to him.

Before he could break free from the interference of the law of time and space of Buddha Lu's appearance, Lu's deity had already returned to Qionghua Mountain, and the power of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light displayed by Lu's was simply beyond imagination!

Pure Silver Buddha was shocked to discover that Lu Qian's cultivation seemed to really surpass his own...

But how is this possible?

‘Fa Hai, this little thief,’ has been able to ascend to the upper realm for a hundred years? Is it a hundred years?

Senior took advantage of Fahai's command of the Demon Ridge to break in unexpectedly and bully me, a disciple of Qionghua's lineage... This kind of behavior is quite shameful. Lu Qian looked at the pure silver Buddha whose aura was constantly weakened and said calmly. He said: Long Yitian has been experiencing a lot of ups and downs recently, and there are turbulent undercurrents. Senior...are you afraid that he is not one of the masterminds behind the scenes?

As mentioned before, the first thing Lu Qian did after becoming a disciple of Monk Yuanjue was to memorize information about many Buddhist masters, Buddhas, and Buddhas—their Dharma—like other true disciples of the Buddhist lineage. Their numbers, their specialties, their characteristics, their looks, their personalities, their past glorious achievements, etc., they are all memorized with great proficiency!

Therefore, even if Lu Qian has never seen a well-known figure in Buddhism, he will definitely recognize him once he appears!

But this statue is pure silver, like a Buddha forged from pure silver, and has such a powerful aura. However, there is no corresponding record in the Buddhist classics that Lu Qian has remembered - this guy is very weird.

Old monk... The pure silver Buddha took a breath. He kept struggling, trying to get out of the time and space turmoil created by Lu Qian's Buddha's Dharma. However, every time he used his magical powers and secret techniques, Lu Qian's prison-suppressing Buddha's light Just crush him head on, peeling off and weakening his magical powers layer by layer.

Bastard, listen to me... The sterling silver Buddha almost choked in his throat.

He finally took a breath, and the Buddha power in his body burned rapidly, and his whole body emitted extremely pure, extremely pure, extremely domineering, and extremely repulsive silver Buddha light, which strongly counteracted the crushing power of Lu Qian's prison-suppressing Buddha light.

The Prison Suppressing Buddha's Light takes the overbearing route, suppressing all the different kinds of Taoism and magic power that it can't deal with.

The Buddhism practiced by this pure silver Buddha is even more extreme. The prison-suppressing Buddha's light is just to 'suppress', 'disperse', and 'subdue with force'... And this silver Buddha's light gives people the feeling of an absolute 'death', an extreme 'exclusion of dissidents', and a A crazy 'nothing but me' thing!

‘Washing’, ‘purification’, ‘annihilation’…

The way of the prison-suppressing lineage is 'overbearing'. He 'recognizes the existence of aliens' and 'tolerates the existence of dissidents'. However, if all 'alien' and 'dissidents' 'go against the prison-suppressing lineage', then 'I will conquer you with violence'!

And this pure silver Buddha's way is even closer to evil!

‘All aliens and aliens should not exist’, ‘If all aliens and aliens exist, then I will completely destroy you’!

What the prison-suppressing lineage emphasizes is 'I am the only one in heaven and on earth'!

And this pure silver Buddha's way gave Lu Qian the feeling-'I am the only one who exists in heaven and on earth'!

One 'exclusively respected' and the other 'uniquely existing'!

Lu Qian's eyes were glowing with golden light as he stared at the sterling silver Buddha: Senior's way seems to be completely different from my Buddhist moral principles... Haha, Buddhism is vast and can accommodate all things in the world, but the way of my predecessors, except for myself, Nothing else? Senior...are you afraid that the real evil demon has put on my Buddhist skin?

The pure silver Buddha looked at Lu Qian coldly, and the silver light on his body became more intense.

The dark golden prison-suppressing Buddha's light was like a big mountain smashing down on his head, smashing the silver Buddha's light into pieces bit by bit. And the silver Buddha light beat and flashed crazily, constantly extinguishing every trace of the dark golden prison-suppressing Buddha light.

Where the two colors of gold and silver Buddha light meet, the laws are chaotic, the heaven and earth are chaotic, and all tangible and intangible Tao and Dharma are turned into gruel!

In this chaos, three-color stars soared into the sky, and one hundred and eight swords shining with strange light turned into rainbows. They silently jumped through the void and struck the pure silver Buddha hard. On the chest.

The sound of clang, clang is endless.

The sword array of the three Qingyou girls swept through and strangled them. With the majestic power provided by the mountain guarding array, the power of the sword light was terrifying. It pierced the chest of the pure silver Buddha without breaking, and the swords were as deep as a foot. Traces, from which pure silver plasma continuously spewed out.

But this pure silver Buddha's plasma was also extremely domineering. It splashed on the Three Lights Sword, and it was like aqua regia, corroding the Three Lights Sword and making a chichi sound. It's not that the Three Light Sword is extraordinary in nature, but it is the natal immortal sword left behind by the Taoist sages and powerful men. It was replaced by an ordinary immortal weapon and immortal weapon. It was already wiped out by the splash of blood.

The three women wielded their swords as fast as flying, and their swords shone like flying shuttles, hitting the pure silver Buddha with bruises all over his body.

The pure silver Buddha was in pain and shouted angrily: That's enough, that's enough... Fa Hai, please take away your magical powers for the time being, Lao Monk...

Before he finished speaking, Lu Qian's eyes suddenly changed color.

His left and right eyes spurted out a magnificent gray light at the same time. Time, space, and the two great laws suddenly turned into invisible shackles, clamping down on the pure silver Buddha from the unpredictable dimension of time and space.

The original sterling silver Buddha was plotted against by the Buddhist Dharma who was left behind by Lu Qian using the avenue of time and space. His body and soul were trapped in the vortex of time and space. He was unable to struggle out for a while, and his cultivation was cut off by at least 30%.

At this moment, Lu Qian's true self has arrived, and his true self has improved rapidly during this period. He is hundreds or thousands of times more powerful than the Buddha's clone who stayed behind... The invisible and traceless avenue of time and space swept over, and the pure silver Buddha's body Sudden color change.

Half of his body turned into a snow-white pink flesh color.

The color and texture were like those of a newborn baby, extremely delicate... Half of his body also changed from a giant several feet tall to a child three feet long.

Correspondingly, the Buddhist Dharma and Buddhist power contained in half of his body also suddenly dissipated.

He has returned to the state he was in when he was only five or six years old. In this state, the pure silver Buddha does not even know what a 'Buddha' is. Where did he get the Dharma and the power of the Buddha?

The other half of his body suddenly turned from brilliant pure silver to a dusty silvery gray. The color is rough and gray, like rusty tinplate, giving people the illusion of decay and decay.

The five declines of heaven and man have come.

This half of the sterling silver Buddha's body has a dim flame. Foul-smelling sweat is constantly flowing out of the pores, and a lot of dust and dirt have grown under his armpits. There are translucent ceilings emerging around him, and these flowers appear one after another. Each flower withered and withered, exuding an unpleasant smell like rotten cabbage.

The aura of the pure silver Buddha is declining...

Falling into the state of the five declines of heaven and man, even if he was once extremely successful, he has become powerless at this moment, and all states have fallen into the weakest desperate situation.

The sterling silver Buddha looked at Lu Qian in shock.

Lu Chen's attainments on the Avenue of Time have actually reached such a level? With his cultivation and his conduct, he couldn't resist at all? With such attainments, even in the Pure Silver Buddha's perception, among the top powers he knew in Liang Yi Tian, ​​only two or three people could surpass Lu Qian!

But why is it unreasonable?

It's unreasonable for a little thief who has been ascended for less than a hundred years to be bald!

Little... The sterling silver Buddha wanted to curse.

However, the avenue of space has turned into an invisible attack and swept in. The pure silver Buddha's light all over his body has dimmed, and it can no longer effectively resist the erosion of the avenue of space... The words of the pure silver Buddha suddenly dissipated before he could speak. His body froze, and his whole person became An extremely strange state.

In all directions, around Qionghua Mountain, countless monks are paying attention to what's going on here in various ways!

At least tens of millions of monks have ‘clearly seen’ the pure silver Buddha at this moment.

But this state...

The pure silver Buddha's body seems to have been cut into more than a million pieces, each piece cut neatly and clearly... And these fragments that make up his 'golden body' seem to be put together, But it seems to have been scattered all over the world...

This is a strange state that is extremely indescribable in mortal language.

More than a million body fragments, one piece was lost hundreds of miles away, one piece was lost thousands of miles away, one piece was lost thousands of miles away...

More than a million pieces of fragments were thrown in all directions of Liangyi Heaven. They were thrown all over the ground in a messy and irregular manner... And these fragments, because of the 'magnificent power' of the Pure Silver Buddha, hundreds of pieces were thrown away. The 'projection' of tens of thousands of fragments, and the very tenacious and stubborn 'projection' to their original location.

Therefore, tens of thousands of monks clearly saw the 'pure silver Buddha's figure' still 'not moving at all'.

But through his body, everyone clearly sensed and sensed the information coming from every fragment of his body. The pure silver Buddha's body had been cut open, thrown away, and sent to Liangyi. In all directions of the sky!

Half of his body returned to the past, and half jumped to the future... Then, whether it was the half of the body that had not cultivated or the half of the body that had declined, it was carefully cut and chopped, and then thrown out at will. !

Because the Pure Silver Buddha's 'self' still exists, his 'wisp of will' still exists, and his 'existence mark' has not been obliterated... Therefore, with his powerful cultivation and supreme Taoism,' To maintain a complete existence to a certain extent...

This kind of ‘existence’ is just ‘a concept’!

He lives!

That's all!

Half old, half young, and was thrown in all directions, scattered all over the sky!

This 'state' of living is just a 'conceptually barely alive'!

Lu Qian himself was startled by the strange result he had caused. He subconsciously paused his attack and looked curiously at the pure silver Buddha, whose silver light was dim and was in some strange situation.

This is very mysterious. Lu Qian called out hurriedly, causing the three Qingyou girls to stop flying with their swords.

If the pure silver Buddha in this state is hit by a few more swords, he will probably fall apart... This means we can't torture the main messenger behind him!

Now, senior, can we explain it to you? Senior, your name is great, where did you come from? Where are you going? Why did you break into my Qionghua Dojo and attack the monk's relatives, friends and disciples? Lu Qian's whole body was gushing with the light of the prison-suppressing Buddha. , falling from the sky little by little.

He looked up and down at the sterling silver Buddha.

Fan Tianyin slowly rotated out, and forcibly intercepted a thin ray of silver Buddha light from the pure silver Buddha, and sent it to his own hands for distinguishing and analyzing bit by bit.

The sandalwood merit staff emits layers of Buddha light, pointing at the sterling silver Buddha's head.

As long as he dares to make any unusual move, a blow from this Buddha's Enlightenment Buddha Jewel will definitely completely shatter it and cause it to fly into ashes without leaving any dregs behind.

Lu Qian has already judged that this pure silver Buddha is probably the Buddha at the peak of the two kalpas.

It is very strong. In today's Buddhism, it can be regarded as a backbone among all the Buddhas.

But in the face of Lu Yi, whose strength has grown by leaps and bounds, the mere existence of two calamities at the peak is really not enough!

So, can you seriously answer the question I just asked? Lu Qian looked up and down at the sterling silver Buddha. This guy's Buddhism is very strange. If you can get some of its essence and integrate it into your own prison-suppressing Buddha's light, it seems to greatly increase the power of the prison-suppressing Buddha's light.

At least, that's what Lu Qian thinks based on his current knowledge, experience and moral cultivation.

Of course, the most important thing is to find out where this guy came from and who is behind him!

Qing Ning quietly walked to Lu Yi and softly recounted what the Pure Silver Buddha had done after his arrival - Lu Yi could hear that this guy came for the Qionghua Mountains, and he suddenly had countless reveries in his heart.

The sterling silver Buddha gasped and looked Lu Qian up and down. He glanced at the sandalwood merit staff in Lu Qian's hand and laughed softly: The lineage of Baoguang is really a good luck path. There is such an incredible true successor like you. Disciple...tsk, tsk, tsk, I think back then, in the Great Liberation Monastery, Lao Na and Bao Guang listened to the ancient Buddha teaching the Great Liberation Dharma. At that time, Lao Na's cultivation was even higher than him.

I didn't expect that with the passage of time, one of Baoguang's disciples and grandsons could actually make the old man so miserable.

Sighing, the Pure Silver Buddha murmured: How unfair is the world? Therefore, this world should be changed to another one!

Lu Yi fell to the level with the sterling silver Buddha's head. The two looked at each other. Lu Yi's eyes were dim and dim, while the two eyes of the sterling silver Buddha were like two rusty iron marbles, dusty. So ugly.

I, I wonder if you little bastards have ever heard of... the name 'Wugou'? Pure Silver Buddha murmured: I, 'Wugou'... is also called the 'Void Monk'.

Lu Qian frowned: Wugou? Nihility? Please forgive the young monk's ignorance, the title of senior is indeed...

Before he finished speaking, the Qionghua Mountain Range suddenly shook slightly. The towering main peak cracked from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, and a very fine crack opened. The billowing jade gas turned into a large cloud and rushed straight into the void, filling the sky. They all burst out of a huge hole!

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