Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 792: Change of Heaven (4)

Actually, the young monk really likes the Qionghua Ancient Temple.

Little Monk Xiuchan...oh, no, it was the Monk of Nothingness who looked at Lu Qian very sincerely: Little Monk, in recent years, has traveled to many sects and monasteries in Buddhism. Some of them are serious practitioners of the Eight Sutras, and some are fake and filthy. There are those who are evil, and even those who are unscrupulous and indulge in debauchery!”

Only the Qionghua Ancient Temple gives the young monk the feeling of being natural, casual, innocent and simple.

The void monk sighed: You can judge the character of the master of the dojo from the aura of the dojo... Fahai, I am very happy with your temperament. It's not that you are in the wrong lineage, in fact, the young monk really wants to help you. One or two.”

Before Lu Qian could speak, the Void Monk had already issued an invitation in a serious manner: How about it? You worship me as your teacher. When our plan succeeds, and when all the seniors transcend and go away, in these two ritual heavens, the young monk wants to be your master. You are one of my best acquaintances... If you worship me as your teacher, your status in the future will not be the same as it is today!

Lu Qian looked at the Void Monk in surprise.

Become your teacher?


Is your status different from what it is today?

Are you kidding me? Is Lu Qian’s status poor now? He is a 'little disciple' of both the Baoguang lineage and the Zhenyu lineage, the true 'Buddha lineage', and the pure physical power of the Golden Body Dharma Body has reached the level of the Six Kalpa True Buddha. In today's Buddhism, except for that There are thirteen Buddha Lords, and only a few other senior Buddhas can match them!

Now that Lu Qian's true strength is revealed, it will be enough to shake the Liangyitian Buddhist and Taoist sects from their backs, and even be enough to separate one side and create a new line... With such strength and such a background, how can this void monk Does he have the face to say such things?

Shaking his head, Lu Qian smiled lightly.

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, he simply picked up the sandalwood merit staff and struck it down with the staff towards the Void Monk!

Nowadays, Lu Qian's Taoism and magic power are completely incomparable with those before. He has been able to exert half of the power of this treasure staff... As soon as the staff was released, as Lu Qian's thoughts flashed, the staff instantly transformed. It was as blue as the blue sky, with a blue sky like a wash and empty and clean charm, like a collapsed pillar of the sky, instantly penetrated the void and reached the top of the void monk's head.

The Void Monk sighed, and his whole body glowed with brilliant silver, flashing and vibrating like mercury. He raised his hands: It's a pity, it's a pity, the little monk is kind, but...

Behind him, the old man who was busy dealing with the thunderous hydrangea in the sky scolded in a low voice: Idiot, get away... Can't you see the strength of this kid now? Do you still have the guts to accept him as your disciple?

The face of the Void Monk suddenly changed. His body swayed, and the void around him collapsed and was annihilated. He was about to jump in the void to avoid the staff. But the blue Buddha's light was shining all over the sky, and the whole world and the entire void became empty, clean, and clear. There was no dust in the sky. Only the Void Monk was like a tiny grain of sand, becoming the only one in the world. 'Impurities'!

Because it is unique, it is dazzling.

Because it is dazzling, it is eye-catching.

Because he was so eye-catching... he felt that the whole world was full of malice towards him. The stick fell from all directions and dimensions, with no way to dodge, and nowhere to dodge... This stick not only blocked the space, but also froze it. Time, from every time dimension of his life, hit him with a stick.

Before he was born.

When he was born.

He was born not long ago.

He has not yet entered the Tao.

He has just entered Taoism.

He is still very weak.

In short... in the long life of the Nihility Monk, one staff after another, carrying the terrifying shadow of death, targeted his weakest, most powerless, and weakest critical moment, and struck him down.

At that time, the Void Monk had absolutely no chance of resisting this staff.

As long as this staff is implemented, as long as it hits a random blow in the past years, the Void Monk will be completely annihilated and turned into true nothingness.

What a good method! The Void Monk roared: Fa Hai, this little monk is looking down on you... Your cultivation level is only six kalpas, but your methods cannot be resisted by an ordinary true Buddha of eight or nine kalpas. !”

Taoism is not the same as cultivation.

Cultivation is not the same as strength.

Strength is also not equal to actual combat power.

Based on the Taoist cultivation that Lu Qian has mastered, which focuses on the three avenues of time, space, and pure power, although his physical cultivation is only in the Six Kalpa True Buddha realm, his magic power cultivation can barely reach the second or third level of true Buddhism. Although he is not at the level of a Buddha, his strength should be enough to challenge the ordinary true Buddhas of the seventh and eighth kalpas.

As for those ordinary true Buddhas of the seventh and eighth kalpas, the laws of the great road they understood and mastered were only ordinary great roads, which were far less sublime than Lu Qian's time, space and pure power. The great roads collided and offset each other. At that time, Lu Qian definitely had a huge advantage!

Therefore, Lu Qian's actual combat power can even crush the ordinary Nine Tribulations True Buddha in Buddhism!

Coupled with the fact that he is holding the treasure of enlightenment of Baoguang Merit Buddha, his true fighting power means that even the real Buddha of ten kalpas will suffer a lot at the hands of Lu Qian if he does not have the best innate spiritual treasure with him!

The original image of the Void Monk is indeed very powerful. He is an extremely powerful Ten-Calamity True Buddha. Even among the Ten-Calamity True Buddhas, he is a powerful old monster who has gone very far and achieved extremely profound attainments.

However, he underestimated Lu Qian!

Despite being reminded by the old man, the Void Monk suddenly changed his tactics and hurriedly retracted his hands that were trying to catch the staff. With a shake of his head, three fist-sized black, white and red orbs rose into the sky, spinning rapidly towards Zhantan Gongde. Stick!

‘Dong dong dong’!

Three of the best innate spiritual treasures were severely hit by the sandalwood merit staff.

The body of the Void Monk trembled and he vomited blood - the three innate spiritual treasures, before they were 'condensed and formed', were lightly struck by the treasure staff from a certain time dimension before they were formed. .

Cause and effect are reversed, and time is rolled back.

The three high-grade innate spiritual treasures with unpredictable power were smashed to pieces by Lu Qian's staff before they could exert their powerful power.

The Void Monk's mind was trembling wildly, and his internal organs seemed to be burned by fire. Countless thoughts in his mind exploded as soon as they were born, and his soul was hurt. The pain caused his relics to whimper and shake, and almost flew out of his body.

He vomited blood and laughed loudly: The young monk is arrogant! Scared, after years of smooth sailing, he is indeed too arrogant... Hey, I deserve to suffer at the hands of your junior, I deserve it!

Shaking his head, the Void Monk sighed: Fa Hai, you destroyed the three treasures of the young monk. This cause and effect has been concluded... From now on, you will never have the opportunity to worship the young monk. You and I can only live and die. Enemy!

Lu Qian snorted coldly, and Fan Tianyin released a fierce Buddha's light, like a collapsed mountain, falling hard from the sky.

As soon as he thought about it, the small ax in his mind released an extremely faint seven-colored starlight, which was hidden in the extremely strong Buddha light of the Fantian Seal... Because of the blessing of this small axe, the power of this Tianseal's full blow suddenly turned over. The somersault soared hundreds of times!

The Void Monk let out a long roar, and he took out from his sleeve a green-colored sword with a hint of mottled rust, a simple and heavy shape, like a five-foot ancient sword made of bronze.

There are exquisite diamond-shaped grids on the thick sword body.

When the Void Monk waved his long sword, among the diamond-shaped grids on the sword, a shadow of a sword immortal wearing various robes appeared. In the small world within the grid, these sword immortal shadows were wielding swords, transporting swords, sharpening swords, and raising swords... Sword intentions of different and unpredictable nature surged, and for a while, this long sword suddenly appeared. He tore open the vast blue sky where Lu Yi trapped the void monk, and forcibly dragged himself back to the normal dimension of space.

The boundless sword intent surged, and the deep cold light made Lu Qian's body tingle.

In the rhombus-shaped grid on the long sword, the aura emitted by each shadow of the Sword Immortal is comparable to that of a Taoist master with extremely high cultivation level!

I heard the Void Monk laugh and say: Over the years, there have been three hundred and sixty swordsmen in the Taoist sect who are astonishingly talented and beautiful. When their lives were at their most dazzling, they were all killed by the young monk with great magical powers, and their immortal souls were imprisoned here. On the sword, let them warm up this innate spiritual sword for the young monk day and night.

With the help of these sword immortal souls, although I am not good at swordsmanship, I dare to swear that I will be the number one swordsman in Liangyi Heaven today!

Lu Qian's face twitched violently.

Killing three hundred and sixty Taoist top sword immortals and imprisoning their immortal souls just to help him warm up an innate spiritual sword?

Such methods, tsk tsk!

Fan Tianyin has fallen.

The Void Monk smiled and made a move that was so exquisite that Lu Qian was dazzled by it. He didn't know how to resist or break the sword move soaring into the sky, with a supreme sword intention that said, One sword radiates light to chill nineteen continents. , stabbed hard on Fantian Seal.

A 'choking' sound!

The Void Monk vomited blood again... The bronze spiritual sword that he had blown up to the sky was smashed into more than a dozen sections by the Fantian Seal. With an ear-piercing scream, the fragments of the sword turned into streams of bronze light and splashed everywhere, piercing the body of the Void Monk through more than a dozen transparent holes.

I... The Void Monk was dumbfounded.

You... trash! He was busy dealing with Empress Qionghua's back-up, and had gradually dimmed the arrogance of the jade and embroidered ball of mountains and rivers. The old man's eyes were twitching with anger when he saw that he could achieve his full success. .

The Nihility Monk is the core backbone of their group that is valued by the old guys at the head. In their plan, when they subvert the current order of Liangyi Heaven, and when the old guys at the head of them successfully transcend. In the end, Liangyitian will be left to the control of the Void Monk...

In their plan, Monk of Nothingness should be the supreme leader of Liangyitian Buddhism in the future!

But the Void Monk, who had placed so much hope on him, was beaten so badly by a junior like Lu Qian!

Whether he is careless, crazy, or cursed... In short, this kind of thing shouldn't happen, it can't happen... Damn Nihility Monk, you're going to do something like this that's going to kill your head. How about playing house as a child?

Nihility Monk, if you can't do it well, replace it with someone else! The old man scolded in a stern voice: You should know that there are many talents in our camp, and countless people are looking at your position!

The sparkling silver body of the Void Monk suddenly swayed, he roared angrily, and he stopped thinking about playing.

However, if you put away your thoughts of playing, you may not be able to clean up this embarrassing scene immediately - the dozens of broken sword fragments are just like living creatures, with a sharp roar, turning into a sword light, Stabbing at him!

The Taoist Sword Immortals who had been trapped in the sword for countless years seemed to suddenly wake up from the long nightmare at this moment. With their Taoism and cultivation, they figured out what happened to them the moment the sword broke. ——He himself has fallen, his body has been destroyed, and his immortal soul has been regarded as a 'part of the weapon spirit', trapped in a sword and driven away by him for countless years!

This hatred and hatred are irreconcilable!

Three hundred and sixty Dao Master-level sword immortal souls burned and exploded one after another. They worked together to control the sword fragments and slashed and stabbed at the void monk!

The Void Monk was made a little embarrassed for a while.

In fact, he has managed to warm up this spiritual sword quite a bit over the years... Even if it is a fragment, it will be a big gash on the body if it is cut by the sword!

He emitted silver Buddha light all over his body, trying his best to 'annihilate', 'purify', and 'reject' these sword fragments... But Fan Tianyin was pressing down on him inch by inch, and the prison-suppressing Buddha light tried its best to offset the silver Buddha light he emitted. Let those sword fragments have a use!

Fortunately, these sword fragments are sourceless water after all.

As long as it takes a certain amount of time to exhaust the little power of the sword immortal souls, this sword will naturally have no power at all... At that time, the void monk only needs to activate some of the restricted back-up moves he left in the sword, You can gather these immortal souls back together, suppress them, and then manipulate them arbitrarily!

Just when the Void Monk was making his wishful thinking, sword light was flying in the sky, and the sword formation composed of Qingyou and the three girls had already followed Lu Yi in pursuit.

The cultivation level of the three Qingyou girls is far inferior to that of Lu Qian, so the speed of escaping light is much slower.

But they controlled Old Man Sanguang's natal sword. Even though the speed of their sword light was slower than that of Lu Qian, there wasn't much way to get here from the ground, so they got there in just the time of their front and back legs.

Together with the sword formation, the sword light of the sun, moon and stars swirled all over the sky. The pure, pure and vast sword light was like the power of heaven. The sword immortal souls in the dozens of broken swords shouted in unison: Fellow Taoists, , we sword masters would rather break than bend!

Three hundred and sixty sword immortal souls laughed wildly in unison, and they all became fierce. The immortal souls burned violently, erupting with terrifying light and heat. More than a dozen extremely heavy sword fragments melted into bronze juice in an instant, which contained all the swordsmanship and swordsmanship skills of these swordsmen. A little bit of green sword light rose into the sky and quickly sank into the swords of Qingyou and the three girls. In the formation.

The green sword light merged with the one hundred and eight flying swords.

The knowledge of the sword that these swordsmen gained from their lifelong practice was quickly integrated into these flying swords, and then following the connection between the flying swords and the three Qingyou girls, it was imprinted on their souls bit by bit.

This kind of creation... is truly beyond the dreams of ordinary monks!

If the three Qingyou girls were not extremely devoted to the way of swordsmanship, and if the flying swords in their hands were not of a very high grade and were the most powerful natal swords of the Taoist sect in those days, this kind of fusion and inheritance of the way of swordsmanship would never have happened!

One, an ordinary flying sword cannot withstand the integration of Lingbao grade sword fragments.

One, any monk with a little idle thoughts cannot withstand the input of the purest, or even the most extreme, swordsmanship insights from these swordsmen!

In today's Liang Yitian, the number of sword cultivators who are qualified to receive this opportunity can only be counted in one palm... But the three girls Qingyou are lucky enough and have a hard destiny, so they picked up such a big opportunity for nothing. !

Only the purest and most extreme sword cultivators would choose this approach of ‘burning both jade and stone’ and ‘rather than surrendering’?

One hundred and eight precious swords shine brightly!

At the moment when the three hundred and sixty sword immortal souls dissipated, the sword light of the sun, moon and stars shone so brightly that it even briefly overwhelmed the prison-suppressing Buddha light on the Fan Tian Seal and the light released from the surface of Lu Qian's body. The sky is filled with light.

The three Qingyou girls felt that the endless secrets of swordsmanship were surging in like a vast ocean, and they had turned into a sword, a sword that could cut through the world, extremely sharp, and extremely pure... They roared softly and breathed. The breath he exhaled turned into an invisible flying sword, tearing apart space, cutting off time, cutting off the Tao Yun, and killing the spiritual machine...

The sound of 'puff' was heard endlessly, and the stunned Void Monk was hit by the sword light that increased tens of millions of times in an instant and was as big as a sieve!

He roared angrily, and a huge bright golden vajra in his body rushed out with the vast power of heaven. It swayed in the wind and turned into a length of ten thousand feet. It went straight towards the three girls of Qingyou who were in a daze and were absorbing the endless secrets of seeing. Hit him on the head.

How could Lu Qian let the three Qingyou girls encounter risks while reaping such a great opportunity?

Without saying a word, he soared into the sky with the sandalwood merit staff, and faced the vajra with a fierce attack. The sandalwood merit staff emits fierce Buddha light, its nature changes instantly, sometimes gentle, sometimes strong, sometimes compassionate and warm, sometimes violent and terrifying... One color of Buddha light represents a state of mind, a Buddhist charm, and a A kind of interpretation and understanding of the fundamental teachings of Buddhism...

This is the true meaning of the Buddha lineage of Baoguang lineage!

The vajra was also an innate spiritual object with an indestructible quality... But it was hit hard and violently by Lu Qian with brute force. The surface of the vajra was beaten into pits and the light was dim. The spirit of the vajra kept whining and roaring, and was beaten After blasting thousands of sticks, the Vajra actually rose into the air and flew back towards the Void Monk tremblingly - He refused to confront the sandalwood merit stick again!

The void monk bit the tip of his tongue angrily and sprayed a mouthful of silver Buddha's blood on the vajra: Ignorant idiot, go...otherwise, I will let you disappear into thin air today!

The forbidden method was forcibly activated, and the Vajra let out a cry, and sprayed out bright golden flames from its entire body, with terrifying high temperatures and an aura of death, and it hit Lu Qian head-on.

Lu Chen opened his chest and allowed the Vajra to hit his chest hard.

With a loud bang, the monk's robes and liberation cassocks erupted into countless layers of Buddha's light. Graceful lotuses bloomed in the Buddha's light, lightly supporting the Vajra that was smashed down hysterically.

Ninety-nine percent of the Vajra's lethality was offset by the two Buddhist treasures. The remaining lethality was just the breeze blowing on Lu Qian's face, without the slightest threat.

When the Vajra pestle fell and hit his body, the Void Monk suddenly felt empty with joy. Lu Qian shook his body, suddenly tore the void apart, and jumped out from behind the Void Monk.

The sandalwood merit staff swayed with a black Buddha's light - death, annihilation, nirvana, reincarnation... all kinds of wonderful Buddhist charms surged out, and Lu Qian silently dropped the staff towards the back of the void monk's head.

Before the Sandalwood Merit Staff fell, Fan Tianyin once again hit the Void Monk with a 'bang' sound of the colorful starlight emitted by the small axe.

Really an old monster with many years of experience, the Void Monk's fighting ability may not be very strong, but his net worth is extremely rich.

The moment the Pantian Seal was struck, the Void Monk had already discovered Lu Qian's surprise attack.

The Buddha's light rippled in his body, and in an instant, a treasure umbrella, a treasure building, a canopy, a red lotus, a cloud platform, and a huge Buddhist temple with a radius of ten thousand feet rose up, emitting heavy rays of light, blocking the surroundings. In front of the seal of heaven.

These umbrellas, pillars, canopies, red lotuses, etc. are all brilliant and have extremely strong Taoist charm. They are either innate spiritual treasures or Buddha treasures that are at the peak of the ten-kalpa Buddha level.

It’s just that Fan Tianyin is cheating!

The quality of the Fantian Seal itself can at most compete with any of the treasures released by the Nihility Monk. Under the urging of the Nihility Monk, it is impossible for the Fantian Seal to break through the Nihility Monk's defense. However, the small axe, which had an unpredictable origin, released a faint ray of colorful starlight, but its power was so terrifying that it was unbelievable.

The fantian seal fell gently, the precious umbrella broke open, the precious pillar tore, the canopy was shattered, the red lotus withered, and the cloud platform collapsed. It looked like a giant Buddhist hall made of pure gold with a radius of ten thousand feet, and there were 3,600 Buddha statues in it. Collapsed and collapsed, the huge Buddhist hall was torn apart by a single blow, and countless green smoke and fire spewed out.


Fan Tianyin slapped the Nihility Monk hard on the head, forcefully slapping his head into his chest.

The sandalwood merit staff fell hard immediately, hitting the target with one blow.

With a loud noise, half of the body of the void monk was exploded by the treasure staff. The meaning of death, nirvana and reincarnation on the sandalwood merit staff invaded his body, trying to infect his tight body, infect his soul, infect him His way, His law, His everything...

Within the void monk's body, the terrifying silver Buddha light spurted out like a flood.


Crazy cleanse.


Extremely repulsive.

Between heaven and earth, the ferocious Buddhist rhyme that only exists in me surges, trying its best to resist the invading Buddhist rhyme and Taoist rhyme on the sandalwood merit staff. But before the Void Monk could completely remove the external force that invaded his body, Fan Tianyin had already hit his body with thirty-six consecutive blows with a high-pitched roar of joy.

‘Boom, boom, boom’!

The body of the Void Monk was smashed into flames, and his energy, vitality, soul, and origin were constantly being eroded by the small ray of colorful starlight secretly attached to the Fan Tian Seal. His strength is constantly weakening, his vitality is constantly declining, and even his Taoism and realm are being chipped away layer by layer.

The old man who was dealing with the beautiful jade ball of mountains and rivers suddenly turned around and hissed: Waste, truly the waste among wastes... Nihility Monk, you, go to hell!

The old man's eyes flashed fiercely. At this moment, he had made up his mind. If the Void Monk cannot rely on his own strength to get out of the desperate situation in front of him, then let him die here!

Their grand plan does not require waste!

Of course, the fate of the Nihility Monk has been determined, but Lu Qian can't let him be so relaxed and happy!

However, the old man will definitely not take action against Lu Qian now. After all, Lu Qian has two pieces of Buddha's body protection of Baoguang Merit Buddha. While dealing with the mountain and river jade brocade ball, he wants to kill Lu Qian. So easy.

But pick a soft persimmon... Lu Qian is very hard, Qingyou and the three girls are immersed in the surging secrets of the supreme swordsmanship. The immortal souls of the three hundred and sixty sword immortals are burning everything in themselves, and they are even cultivating themselves. Therefore, the secret method was used to inject it into the bodies of the three women bit by bit. The three women were only relying on their instincts to control the sword at the moment, they had lost their sense of the outside world!

Lu Qian was furiously attacking the Void Monk. At this moment, he was dealing with the Void Monk's hysterical counterattack!

The old man snorted coldly, and pinched the void with his left hand. The jade vein next to him shook violently. Three groups of beautiful jade ore the size of a human head were torn from the vein and flew out. Accompanied by a harsh chirping sound, the three groups of beautiful jade swayed in the wind and transformed. They were three slender jade swords, which then brought out a cold light and pierced the vital points between the eyebrows of the three women.

The old man is not good at wielding a sword.

In fact, he has never used a sword in his life, and he knows nothing about the way of the sword.

But when he was in a situation like his, flying flowers and picking leaves were all deadly moves, and any move he made was enough to destroy the world.

There is no need for swordsmanship, sword moves, or a good flying sword. The three jade swords he made at random are enough to easily kill any Daoist as long as they are thrown out in the simplest way and with the purest magic power. Lord or Buddha!

Whether it is the great sage Taoist master of the Taoist sect, or the ten-kalpa true Buddha of the Buddhist sect... this blow is enough to wipe them out!

Seeing the three sword lights approaching the three women, Lu Qian cursed in horror, but he couldn't stop them!

Eighty-one layers of vast light wheels appeared out of thin air, and Da Feitian stood in front of the three women with a weird evil smile. Clang, clang, clang, the three jade swords hit Da Feitian's face firmly. The jade swords exploded, splashing three sparks on his face.

I wonder who is so shameless and cruel to three girls...Tsk, tsk, it turns out it's you who should have lived and died...bug! Da Feitian smiled brightly: Can you tell me? What? What are you planning? Are the Gusan people and that crazy Yaohua woman with you?

The old man released a golden seal of dragon and tiger, emitting green and red fairy light, and forcibly fixed the dim mountain and river jade brocade ball. He turned back and looked at Dafeitian solemnly: Don't confuse us with those guys who don't know what they are called!

Dafeitian's eyes widened in surprise: So, Yaohua crazy woman is using tricks to steal the fate and luck of Liangyitian monks, are you not the mastermind behind it?

The old man frowned and shook his head slightly: Do you think we will be so petty? Are we like the people who are capable of doing things like chickens crowing and dogs stealing?

Da Feitian smiled strangely and kept nodding.

He didn't speak, but his body expressions clearly indicated that he believed that this old man and his accomplices were roosters and dogs!

The old man shook his head and looked back at the top of the Yin acupoint, which was continuously emitting streaks of auspicious rays of light, extracting the thick jade essence energy from the Yin acupoint, and condensing them into thunderous jade hydrangeas. He frowned. Then he waved his sleeves.

A bit of fluorescent light flew out of his sleeve.

An earth-shattering chirping of cicadas shook the entire Qionghua Mountains. Tens of thousands of peaks collapsed. Tens of thousands of temples in the lower courtyard of Qionghua Ancient Temple suddenly collapsed. Countless young monks were smashed by broken bricks and tiles, and their heads were bleeding. .

Lu Qian felt a sharp pain in his head, and his soul was almost shattered.

Fortunately, the Taichu Confusion Pearl released a dark light to protect the soul, and then barely blocked this terrible blow.

In the midst of his busy schedule, Lu Qian did not forget to stir up the monk's robes of Du'e and the cassocks of liberation, turned into heavy Buddha light and left his body, and quickly wrapped up the three Qingyou girls.

Seeing the layers of Buddha's light shattered into pieces, the invisible and immaterial attacks put the two treasures under immense pressure. The three Qingyou girls groaned, and blood oozed out of their seven orifices at the same time.

The three-light sword made a high-pitched sword sound. Under the urging of the sword immortal souls and the anger of the three-light sword's own weapon spirit, one hundred and eight rays of light from the sun, moon and stars rose into the sky, circling and tearing apart time and space. , slashed towards the old man.

The next moment, the little fluorescent light sprayed out from the old man's sleeve once again made a high-pitched chirping sound, and a circle of black halo, which was dark but edged with a hint of green-gold light, slowly spread out. The world was quiet, and everything was silent. All the fluctuations, all the activities, all the moving things in this world... Whether it is the avenue, laws, inspiration, or the thoughts of living beings, all tangible and intangible things, even some vague and empty concepts, have been 'quiet' Come down.

When I open my mouth in spring, everything in the world becomes silent!

The old man said in a sweet voice: I'm hunting Jing. It's so unbelievable. We haven't seen you for many years. Are you asking me to evaluate your ability as the number one true disciple of Buddhism?

Da Feitian's expression changed slightly.

Old man, Shangying... Shangying Jing, one of the four great sages of the famous small group of Liangyi Tiandao Sect, Yiyuanxujing smiled: Everyone in the world knows that your Dharma is treason, your Buddha is deviant, and your heart, It's almost like a demon, so you were kicked out of Buddhism by the Buddha's palm after only a thousand years of listening to it under the Buddha's throne!

However, I know that you are the only true disciple recognized by the Buddha - the Buddha of the two Yitians. You are not a kind person or a serious person!

Dafeitian's expression returned to calmness. The light wheel around him slowly rotated, and he forcibly struggled for a glimmer of movement from the Taoist rhyme of the heaven and the earth are still... The light wheel rotated, and the infinite Buddhist rhyme turned into A soft beam of light enveloped the three girls Lu Yi, Qingyou, and countless Taoist monks who followed behind.

He clasped his hands together and chuckled softly: The Great Immortal Hunting Jing is indeed well-deserved... Well, you actually know the agreement between Master and me? Well, your true body is the 'Eternal Qi Pure Cicada'? You are proficient in hiding. Tao, hiding your voice is your innate magical power... When Master was preaching to me, you were eavesdropping?

Great Immortal Karijing smiled and nodded: Yes, I was eavesdropping... Unfortunately, I only heard that you are the only true transmission recognized by the Buddha, but I was not able to overhear the supreme Buddhist path taught by the Buddha to you!

Shaking his head, Master Karijing sighed melancholy: The greatest regret in my life is nothing more than this!

Lu Qian was beside him, too shocked to speak.

Is this Da Feitian the only true disciple of Buddha? Doesn't it mean that he is the most authentic Buddhist sect in Liangyitian?

Tsk, this Great Immortal Hunting Jing was actually able to eavesdrop on the Buddha's sermon without being slapped to death by the Buddha... This guy's innate magical power is so terrifying. How strong is this guy now?

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