Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 795 Blood Sky (3)

Since the opening of the Liangyi Heaven and Earth in the ancient times, Jiang Wangu, the ancestor of the Jiang family, rose up and led the human race in the ignorant period to sweep away evil spirits and expel the barbarians, almost establishing a unified human dynasty.

Later, Taoist ancestors and Buddhas came from outside heaven and passed down the Taoism in Liangyi Heaven.

After the Taoist ancestors and the Buddha ancestors passed away, the Liangyi Tiandao Gate and the Buddhist Gate were established. Taoist cultivation requires rare and precious medicines, elixirs and magical grasses, caves and heavens, and earthly veins and spiritual wisdom; Buddhist cultivation requires incense believers and disciples, as well as famous mountains and rivers and the construction of temples.

The unified human race did not respect Taoism, did not pay homage to Buddha, and faced them coldly with swords and swords... The powerful ancestors of Taoism and Buddhism were furious, and they joined forces to fight one after another. More than a dozen powerful people of the same level were gathered together, and they were forced to kill them. He killed Jiang Wangu and destroyed the unified Jiang Dynasty, causing the Liangyi Heavenly Human Race to be scattered in pieces. From then on, they fell into the development rhythm of Taoism and Buddhism.

However, although Jiang Wangu died, before his death, he forced the Taoist and Buddhist founders to make a promise - the Jiang family should be immortal forever, and no Taoist or Buddhist forces should kill the Jiang family members at will. !

Therefore, for countless years, no matter how much the Jiang family did in Suihuo Plains, no matter how many little tricks they made behind their backs, all the sages and Buddhas were too lazy to pay attention to them. The Suihuo Plain is in the eastern region where the Taoist Sect is located, so a certain sage from the Taoist Sect sent an entry-level disciple to establish the Beisheng Shenxuan Sect next to the Suihuo Plain to play a symbolic monitoring role.

The great minds of Taoism and Buddhism think thoroughly.

As long as the Jiang family does not have the emergence of sages and Taoist ancestors, the Jiang family will never be able to overturn the world.

Even if the Jiang family has two sages and Taoist ancestors emerging... Hehe, what can they do in the face of the cooperation between Taoism and Buddhism? They can't change the world either!

Therefore, the cunning girl activated the ancient blood flag used by the Jiang royal family to conquer all directions, sounded the war drum of the Emperor, called a gathering of the Jiang clan, and even openly opened the ancestral hall without any cover, exposing the bloody lake below the ancestral hall. , in the huge Liangyi Heaven, there are no less than a hundred powerful people who have the ability to spy on what is going on here, but not one of them actually reacts!

There is no need to mention the sages and Buddhas.

Their interest was focused on the fight between Baoguang Gongde Buddha and Gu Sanren. They were even more curious about what kind of extraordinary event the Holy Mother of Yaohua was planning, which actually angered Baoguang Gongde Buddha and made this usually very nice person. The bad-tempered Lord Buddha went to war!

They were even more surprised. Dafeitian still squatted in Liangyitian and didn't leave?

He has not transcended, fallen, fallen asleep, or been reincarnated. He has been perfectly fine and 'living' normally?

And Baoguang Merit Buddha is most likely a direct disciple of Da Feitian?

Well, this melon suddenly revived the hearts of many sages and Buddhas who had been dormant for countless years. They watched the conflict between Baoguang Merit Buddha and Gusanren with great interest, hoping that Da Feitian would give them greater rewards. surprise!

The surprise came as expected!

The Great Immortal Karijing actually colluded with the little-known Buddhist Monk of Nothingness to cause trouble for Fa Hai, a young monk from the Baoguang lineage?

Do they want to obtain the maternal vagina left by Empress Qionghua?

This mother's womb yin point is indeed a rare treasure of heaven and earth, but it is of little significance to sages and Buddhas - none of us are Qionghua Empress. The left mother's womb yin point is only for people like Qionghua Empress. The 'living body' has great value. For other types of biological groups, this maternal-fetal Yin point may have some nourishing effect, but how can the sages and Buddhas see this?

Especially, after all, this is a treasure left behind by the once transcendent supreme power. No one dares to act rashly. It is so shameless to snatch it!

Aren't you afraid that one day Empress Qionghua will suddenly lose her nerve, jump back from the upper world, find that her lair has been stolen, and slap you to death?

Therefore, the Great Immortal Karijing actually took action against Qionghua Mountain. This is a big excitement!

And the Great Immortal Kari Jing and Da Feitian faced each other head-on - the Great Immortal Kari Jing unexpectedly broke the shocking gossip. Is Da Fei Genius the only true disciple of the Buddha in the true sense?

Well, this matter, the Taoist masters just want to see the excitement.

But many of the great powers in Buddhism felt uncomfortable in their hearts - some of them had listened to the sutras under the Buddha's seat, and some were the disciples and descendants of the Buddhist patriarchs who had listened to the sutras back then... Ding heard that his family's orthodoxy was not orthodox? On the contrary, the crazy Dafeitian, whose behavior and cognition are completely different from Buddhism, is the only orthodox true transmission recognized by Buddha?

I really want to kill Da Fei!

Together with them, they killed all the little thieves such as Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, Yuan Ding, Yuan Shan, Yuan Jue, Lu Qian, Glazed Vase Monk, and Tridacna Buddha Monk - killed them all. Aren’t they themselves orthodox Buddhists?

Tsk, the excitement here is so great, the melons here are so sweet, the powerful people are watching it with relish, who will pay attention to the changes in the Jiang family?

As for the cunning girl seizing power, she even used some evil means to turn her ancestors into zombies.

Even among the many sleeping ancestors of the Jiang family, one hundred and eighteen Buddha-level masters appeared - well, this is just a little trouble. Two or three sages and Buddhas were dispatched to give them a slap at will. It’s also extinguished!

No matter how loud the war drums of the Suihuo Plain shook the world, no matter how the bloody light raised by the blood flag illuminated half of Liangyi Heaven, the top powers of the Buddhist and Taoist sects remained motionless, just looking at the Demon Suppressing City and Qionghua Mountain quietly. The movement of the location.

It wasn't until the cunning girl actually used a large number of Jiang clan members to make blood sacrifices, which greatly increased the strength of a group of zombified ancestors of the Jiang clan, that finally several Taoist sages turned their attention.

The clan members sacrifice to heaven, and their magic power is boundless... This girl's character is worth pondering. In the void, an erratic voice chuckled: If the Jiang clan is destroyed like this, there will be less trouble... Haha, this It’s not our fault.”

My own descendants are rebelling. Even if Jiang Wangu comes back to life, he can't say anything wrong about us. Another lazy voice said calmly: However, I always feel that there is a bit of evil... The ancient imperial lineage is almost invulnerable to all evil, and The incomparable nature of the law, which Great Demon Lord is able to refine these Jiang clan members with very pure blood into such evil monsters?

Uh! A cold voice sounded faintly: I just looked around and found nothing... Well, I am not very accomplished in divination. Is there any Buddha who is interested in giving it a try?

Just give it a try. A very deep and loud voice sounded: However, no matter how much the Jiang family behaves, it will be nothing more than a small trouble... On the other hand, this Great Fairy Hunting Jing, what can your Taoist sect say? Da Feitian is no longer a thing, and it is always wrong for the Great Immortal Karijing to come and bully the younger generation of my Buddhist sect.

The first erratic voice said quietly: Isn't Da Fei Tian a thing? You old gangsters, how can you have the confidence to say this? Everyone can hear clearly, understand, and have no doubt that Da Fei Tian is you The only orthodox true disciple of Buddhism... You group of side disciples, say that the only true disciple is not a thing?

The atmosphere became a bit awkward.

After a full quarter of an hour, the extremely rich and loud voice said softly: Scare, the Great Immortal Hunting Jing has always said something divine, can you believe his words? Can you believe it? Huh? It's strange, this Jiang family's daughter Why can’t she figure out her roots? Well, someone cut off the cause and effect for her, blurred the secrets of heaven, and covered up her destiny... Depending on the method, it’s neither a demon, nor a Buddha, nor a demon... Which one of your Taoist sect took action?

Huh? Impossible! Several voices sounded at the same time: At the beginning, we promised Jiang Wangu and swore a strong oath that we would never take the initiative to take action against the Jiang family... Isn't anyone so stupid?

The rich and resounding voice coughed lightly: We have all besieged Jiang Wangu and swore poisonous oaths... However, there are four fellow Taoists in your Taoist sect who only watched from the sidelines and did not interfere with the matter. Things, they didn’t swear to Jiang Wangu either… Tsk!”

Yi Yuan Xu Jing! This time, more and more people answered.

Suddenly, an extremely desolate and ancient sound, like a wisp of corpse energy accumulated in a lonely grave for thousands of years, makes you clearly feel the powerlessness and withering of the years.

Fellow Daoist Gu, fellow Daoist Yaohua, please stop for now? Why go to war over a trivial matter? Let's find out first what Daoist Daoist Jingjing and the others want to do, okay?

The voice sighed softly: A hundred years ago, when I entered samadhi, I had several whims and inexplicable heart palpitations, but I could never catch that ray of light and couldn't figure out where the big risk I sensed came from... Today, this heart palpitation strikes again, and it should be due to today’s incident!”

As soon as this voice came out, those who had just communicated in the void, whether they were the sages of Taoism or the Buddhas of Buddhism, responded at the same time.

The sages of the Taoist sect are respectfully called ‘Big Brother’.

The Buddhist beads are respectfully called ‘Master Ape’!

Above the ninth city of Zhenzi, one hundred and eight clones were activated to form a Buddha array. The Buddha of Baoguang Merit, which Gu Sanren was attacking wildly, took a deep breath and slowly stopped his hand.

The ancient San people have green light flowing all over their bodies, and their Tao Qi rises.

He is worthy of being an old monster who existed when Liangyi Heaven and Earth was established. Even though the Buddha of Baoguang Merit has exerted all his power, with the help of the power of the Buddha's formation, and a group of disciples and disciples who have set up a large formation outside to help, there is still no such power. There is nothing I can do to get him.

Just look at the ancient San people who are not red in the face, out of breath, the wind is light and the clouds are light, the Tao charm all over the body is indifferent, long, subtle and distant, and still has that unfathomable look...

On the contrary, the aura of the Buddha of Precious Light Merit was a little restless, and countless layers of Buddha's light rolled violently around him, like a giant sun that might explode at any time due to excessive force, constantly emitting violent light and heat to the surroundings.

It can be seen from this that the merits of Baoguang Buddha are still slightly inferior to those of ancient San people!

The Holy Mother of Yaohua on the side chuckled. She swayed her body, bypassed Master Baiyang, and threw herself directly into the arms of Gu Sanren. She chuckled and said: Old ghost, I didn't expect you to be so good. ability?

Gu Sanren stretched out his left hand, held down the head of Our Lady of Yaohua, and pushed her three feet away.

He looked at Our Lady of Yaohua solemnly and said in a deep voice: Well, let's talk about it in detail. What are you planning? After a fight with fellow Taoist Baoguang, I also discovered that there is something wrong with fellow Taoist Baoguang. He , was affected by external forces, and the Taoist heart felt vaguely out of control, and the 'path' seemed to have deviated... What exactly did you do?

Baoguang Merit Buddha's brow twitched.

Dao heart out of control?

The ‘road’ has gone astray?

What Gu Sanren said was just a few words, but it was like a thunderbolt falling on the heart of Baoguang Gongde Buddha. It shocked him so much that he almost wanted to burst into a violent rage, strike at the Holy Mother of Yaohua, chop off her body, and capture her alive. The soul is tortured!

Thinking of the viciousness and ferocity, the Buddha of Precious Light and Merit was horrified and moved.

He hurriedly put his hands together and recited a secret spell in a low voice that shocked the mind and drove away external demons. The murmuring Sanskrit chants turned into golden lotuses swirling all over the sky, but the scene where the Buddha was giving a sermon, which was usually glorious, majestic, sacred, and solemn, seemed a bit messy today, with a hint of war and chaos!

Baoguang Gongde Buddha has noticed something is wrong.

Many Taoist sages and Buddhist masters who were watching the excitement from far and near exclaimed at the same time. They also saw that something was slightly wrong with Baoguang Merit Buddha.

Master Bai Yang on the side took a deep breath, with a hint of fierceness in his eyes, and said in a low voice: Gu Sanren, do you know now why we are causing trouble for fellow Taoist Yaohua, right?

What a trick, what a trick, I even fell for it without knowing it... Haha, what a temper I have, I don't want to touch the word 'gamble' the most in my life... But inexplicably, because of the little things of a few juniors, I made a bet that made me feel a little heartbroken...

Gu San people should know that when we reach our level, anything that goes against our true intentions, any words that go against our true intentions, will bring much trouble? What unpredictable consequences will it bring?

Don't blame us for bullying fellow Taoist Yaohua...it's actually her who bullies others first!

Dozens of dazzling spiritual treasures and immortal weapons slowly flew out from beside Master Baiyang. He stopped talking, but put on a tough posture that if he didn't give an explanation, he would ask for one himself.

Gu Sanren's heart also burst into flames.

He glared at Master Bai Yang who had a tough attitude, and was about to speak, but he shuddered and inexplicably took three steps back. A drop of silver-blue water the size of a fist flew out from his sleeve, turning into a cloud of biting cold light that enveloped his whole body. The silver-blue fairy light shone in the void, and the surrounding sky suddenly became cool. All living beings shrouded in this fairy light , all desires are gone, my heart is clear and cold, and there are no more distracting thoughts...

This is a top-quality innate spiritual treasure that has no offensive capabilities. It is best at protecting the mind and warding off evil spirits.

The ancient San people just suddenly woke up.

He shouldn't have gotten angry!

With his nature, with the dead otaku character he has developed over the years...with his temperament of being too lazy to take care of trivial matters for countless years...unless the Holy Mother of Yaohua was killed on the spot, how could he do it for Yaohua? If there is a little conflict or conflict between Our Lady of China and others, she will rush up to her and shout to kill her for no apparent reason?

This is already wrong.

And just now, among the eighteen sages of the Taoist sect, he was the oldest and most powerful. Among the countless ancient monks who listened to the scriptures under the Taoist ancestor, he was also ranked among the top three - but the two ancient powerful men who were as famous as him were already Fallen, in today's Taoist sect, he is the 'Ape Master' of the serious 'Big Brother', and he also spoke!

For countless years, ‘Shangren Ape’ has been able to easily move, but if he moves, something big will happen!

Just like when Taoism and Buddhism joined forces to plot against evil spirits and barbarians, they drove the two great forces out of Liangyi Heaven... That time, Master Yuan took action himself. As soon as he took action, he killed them with one person's power. Five powerful men at the level of Evil Emperor, Demon Lord, and Demon Emperor joined forces!

With the power of one person, kill five powerful men of the same level!

This is the Taoist ‘Big Brother’!

The 'Ape Master' personally spoke and asked them to stop for the time being. With the state of mind of the ancient Sanren, he could not have any other thoughts... But he had just become angry and wished he could share life and death with Baoguang Merit Buddha!

He was also affected by external forces!

Gu Sanren, who had never felt anything like this in countless years, had the hairs all over his body standing on end. He hissed: Yaohua, what have you done? Why don't you tell the truth? Master Yuan has already personally investigated this matter. What on earth are you planning?

Madonna Yaohua was silent for a long time, and finally snorted coldly.

What else can I plot? What else can I plot?

It's just that I have been unable to make any progress in my cultivation for many years, and it seems that there is no hope of transcendence... I just accidentally obtained a wonderful skill, so I spent some time and energy and spent a little money to activate it. That’s all.”

This technique is extremely mysterious. Once activated, anyone who touches it will be involved in it involuntarily.

Our Lady of Yaohua raised her head and said, I am not targeting any of you, whether it is the Baoguang thief Bald or the old thief Baiyang. They said that they were influenced by external forces... It is not that I took the initiative to plot against them, but that they entered the game themselves!

The sky in Liangyi Tian is constantly bright and dark.

All the top experts from the Taoist and Buddhist sects of Liangyi Heaven listened attentively to the words of Our Lady of Yaohua.

How do they exist?

As long as there are a few clues, they can use their great supernatural powers and supreme power to peel away the layers of darkness and uncover the truth of the matter bit by bit.

Our Lady of Yaohua didn't tell the truth before, so no one could deduce anything.

But as soon as the Holy Mother of Yaohua opened her mouth, several top experts who were proficient in divination sneered: Sure enough, a good method... Hiss, this method...

These powerful men took a breath of air first.

Later, other powerful people who were slightly weaker in divination also came to their senses.

It's a secret technique that can be magical, but it can also be vicious!

This kind of secret technique has the terrifying power to change the world and take over the creation of heaven and earth!

Use one of your blood relatives as a hub, sacrifice it to activate the secret method...use a direct relative of this blood relative as an 'introducer', let them 'spread karma', and 'form karma' with countless monks, and then use the secret method to activate Moving, these 'causes and effects' are like 'plague spores' brewing, maturing, and spreading, following various relationships such as bloodline, master and apprentice, husband and wife, relatives and friends, and constantly spreading exponentially.

Under the urging of the 'luck-stealing method', all people who are 'planted with karma', whether intentionally or unintentionally, intentionally or unintentionally, will be passively involved in the vortex of fate... All those who have 'mature karma' People will become sacrifices, sacrifices, and be stirred to pieces in the whirlpool of fate.

And all the sacrificed monks, their luck, their destiny, all the achievements they were destined to have...

These mysterious and mysterious things have not yet been determined. They are just nothingness that can be expected. Under the transformation of the Luck Seizing Law, through the blood relatives as the hub, they will be transformed into tangible cultivation. ', 'realm', 'enlightenment', 'opportunity', etc., are most directly grafted onto the ultimate beneficiary of Dafa with extremely high efficiency!

The kinship link where the Holy Mother of Yaohua activates the secret method is Bai E's daughter.

And the white turtle is the ‘introducer’ to this secret technique!

And this secret method is so evil and wonderful. The more miserable the fate of the 'introducer' is, the more 'cruel' the 'atmosphere' and 'tone' of the operation of the entire secret method will be, 'squeezing' all those who are in trouble. The higher the efficiency of 'luck' and 'fate', and the greater the 'benefits' will be for the ultimate beneficiary, Our Lady of Yaohua!

Therefore, Bai Yuan is clearly the granddaughter of the Holy Mother of Yaohua, but she was tortured to this point. This is the reason!

The more miserable Bai Yu's life is, the faster and miserably those who are affected by her and involved in the disaster will die, and the more generous the 'feedback' they contribute to Our Lady of Yaohua will be.

And once this secret technique is activated, Our Lady of Yaohua doesn't know how to stop it.

Anyway, this secret method is extremely mysterious. Once it is activated, as long as you have a little contact with Bai Yu, Yinyuan, and the people or things around them, even if you hear their names and know their things, you will be interested in them. Breeding certain positive or negative emotions, no matter how high your cultivation level is, how strong your strength is, or what spiritual treasures or immortal weapons you have to protect your body, you will all be passively involved in this whirlpool of fate!

So, over the years, how many weird and completely unreasonable things have happened surrounding Bai Yu and Yinyuan?

A group of powerful Taoists and Buddhists clarified the cause and effect of the matter bit by bit...

In other words, it is part of the cause and effect.

They were all shocked by the viciousness and ferocity of this secret technique... At the same time, they were all a little itchy by the efficiency and great rewards of this secret technique!

As for the Holy Mother of Yaohua, she uses her own granddaughter as a tool and her great-granddaughter as the hub for activating secret techniques... Such things are not worth mentioning... For these top powers, one or two Descendants of blood descendants are truly inferior to ants!

Next to the fire field, the sound of fighting was earth-shattering.

The cunning girl has already led countless members of the Jiang clan into the sect's headquarters of the Northern Saint Shenxuan Sect.

The founder of Beisheng Shenxuan Sect, a disciple of a certain sage, and a powerful Taoist master, he was seriously injured by Taizu and dozens of Buddha-level ancestors of the Jiang family with a single punch.

With the help of the mountain-protecting formation, after struggling for a cup of tea, the founder of Beisheng Shenxuan Sect let out a mournful cry, and was suddenly blasted into dregs by the wolf-like and tiger-like ancestors of the Jiang family, without even a trace of his soul. can be retained.

As for his master, the sage of the Taoist sect, he was shocked by the miraculous secret method mentioned by Our Lady of Yaohua. He was so focused on deducing all the mysteries of cause and effect that he completely ignored the Northern Saint for a while. The battle that took place in Xuanxuan Cult.

When the sage came to his senses, well, the Beisheng Shenxuan Sect had been completely razed, and all the disciples in the mountain gate had been killed...

Well, it was actually ‘swallowed up’!

The zombified ancestors of the Jiang family were extremely ferocious. They turned into demons and completely devoured all the disciples of the Northern Saint Shenxuan Sect, leaving not even a single hair behind.

The auras of these zombified ancestors of the Jiang family are becoming more and more powerful, and the fierce flames are rising.

They roared in a low voice, and each of them opened their scarlet eyes, raised their heads, and looked at the cunning girl.

The cunning girl turned around and looked somewhere - that was exactly where the Taoist sage's monastery was located behind the founder of Beisheng Xuanjiao. She squinted her eyes, shook her hands and took out a jade talisman. With a flick of her fingers, the jade talisman turned into a flash of light and flew into the sky.

The aura flew more than a hundred feet high, ripples rippled in the air, and the aura disappeared without a trace.

The cunning girl said calmly: Senior, with a discerning eye, you should know whether the things recorded in the jade talisman are true or false... Over the years, the Northern Sheng Shen Xuan Sect has secretly plotted against my Jiang clan. How many talented people have fallen inexplicably? Today, I, the Jiang clan, am reporting to the clan. Is it natural for the middle-aged disciples to have a blood feud, plow the courtyard, sweep holes, and break down the mountain gate?

The void was silent and silent for a long time.

The cunning girl suddenly laughed. She raised the bloody war flag in her hand and shouted: Jiang family's son, follow me and kill the enemy! Over the years, those who have hatred, resentment, and disrespect for my Jiang family have been , Those who are disrespectful and whose hands are stained with the blood of my son, the Jiang family, will be killed!

Roaring sounds rose into the sky, and a large piece of blood rose into the sky, turning into a vast blood cloud, speeding towards a big city thousands of miles away!

There are so many members of the Jiang clan, so how can there be no disputes, frictions, or enmities when walking outside?

And these grievances have become the best excuse for the cunning girl to lead the Jiang family to kill wantonly. In short, most of the Taoist sages and Buddhist Lords have sworn poisonous oaths back then. Unless absolutely necessary, they are not allowed to take action against the Jiang clan.

So, as long as you don't really touch the bottom line of these sages and Buddhas, and don't provoke their true transmissions of Taoism and Buddhas... you can kill everyone else!

Kill it!

Kill it!

Kill it!

The cunning girl led the Jiang clan in a mighty manner, killing one target after another.

Slaughter, devour, and devour all those who practice.

The more these zombified ancestors of the Jiang family kill and devour, the faster their cultivation will grow and their bodies will become stronger...

After a group of sages and Buddhas paid attention to the strange movements of the Jiang family, they completely turned their attention away.

To them, a conflict of this magnitude is nothing more than a small fight.

Unless an unparalleled hero like Jiang Wangu suddenly appears in the Jiang clan, there is nothing to worry about... Let them kill, let them kill at will... How many can they kill just one Jiang clan?

Liangyi Heaven is vast and boundless, and the creatures killed by the Jiang family cannot keep up with the natural reproduction and growth of Liangyi Heaven...

They can do whatever they want with such small killings!

There are already sages and Buddhas who have figured out the truth inside - very good, very powerful. Is the strange behavior of the Jiang family because they have also been involved in this inexplicable 'luck calamity method' and have been affected by it? Backlash?


Where the breeze started, above the ninth city of the town, there appeared out of thin air seven Taoists in long robes and feather crowns, and five great monks with strong auras.

Seven sages and five Buddhas, regardless of their restraint, rushed directly to the ninth city of the town and surrounded the slightly pale Our Lady of Yaohua in the middle.

Gu Sanren frowned. He opened his arms and stood in front of Our Lady of Yaohua: Fellow Taoists, please don't go too far.

A young Taoist priest with a faint spiritual light shining all over his body and a gentle and calm temperament chuckled: What did you say, fellow ancient Taoist? How could we do something excessive? We are just curious that such a secret method is so earth-shattering that it can even be linked to Baoguang Dao. Friends, fellow Taoist Baiyang, all fell into the scheme inexplicably... May I ask, where does this secret method come from?

The secret method has been activated, and Our Lady of Yaohua has explained the mystery behind it.

A group of sages and Buddha masters thought to themselves that as long as they took careful precautions and restrained the disciples and disciples they really valued, under their protection, it would be impossible for those true disciples of the Buddha's lineage and Taoist lineage to be catastrophic.

Therefore, the secret method itself is not too important.

So what if we just let the secret method continue to operate?

In the final analysis, this is just a petty spirit of the Holy Mother of Yaohua, who came up with a secret method to secretly cut a round of leeks to enhance her own cultivation!

All the sages and Buddhas are very open to this kind of thing!

Being able to cut leeks is the skill of the Holy Mother of Yaohua. If you had such a secret technique, would you resist using it? It's impossible, but it will definitely be used. Therefore, everyone has a clear mind, so don't use excuses like the laws of heaven and ethics to accuse Our Lady of Yaohua.

In fact, Baoguang Gongde Buddha and Master Baiyang were inexplicably involved, and they fell into a little plot.

But they just gambled in public, with a small impact, but no substantial damage... They have now woken up and have resisted the influence of the luck-killing method. Gu Sanren and Yaohua Our Lady have also been affected to a certain extent. This incident has almost come to an end.

The faces of Baoguang Merit Buddha and Master Baiyang were slightly damaged.

Afterwards, Gu San and Our Lady of Yaohua made a small apology and gave some substantial benefits, and the matter was over.

Existences at the level of sages and Buddhas will not form real life-and-death enmities unless they are absolutely necessary.

The loss of face, if you can live with it, forget it.

What is really powerful, what is really important, is to find out from Our Lady of Yaohua - where did she get this secret technique from!

It is so evil, so strange, and it is activated silently. Even a sage and a Buddha are inexplicably connected without knowing it... Just watching the Buddha of Baoguang Merit reciting the secret mantra that shocks the mind, the ancient San people are also fascinated. After being forced to sacrifice the spiritual treasure that protects the mind, you know how terrifying this secret method is!

This is a secret method that can influence sages and Buddhas!

The origin of this secret technique is certainly unusual.

It’s not that she looks down on Our Lady of Yaohua, she really doesn’t have the background to figure out such a profound secret method on her own... So, where does this secret method come from? Is there something better, something stronger, something more incredible out there?

Let me reiterate again, I am not looking down on Our Lady of Yaohua. Her character, strength, means, background, everything, are at the bottom of many saints and Buddhas.

To put it bluntly, even if she is really thrown into a treasure house, there is a great possibility that she will come out empty-handed and not be able to get the most valuable goodies in the treasure house!

However, if they were replaced by these sages and Buddhas whose strength, practice, methods, knowledge, experience, and background were much better than Our Lady of Yaohua, they would be able to obtain real benefits from the treasure house!

Everyone looked at Our Lady of Yaohua with bright eyes.

In the eleventh city, a large number of bloody evil spirits have surrounded the city. They sang soft songs and used mysterious methods to erode the city's protective formation bit by bit.

In the city, some residents and monks could no longer bear the erosion of these evil forces, and strange changes occurred in their bodies.

These saints and Buddhas, with just a little stretch of their hands, can save all the monks and people in the eleventh city... But not a single saint, not a single Buddha, including the Baoguang Merit Buddha, takes action!

All living beings are like ants!

Their life or death is not important.

In fact, these sages and Lord Buddha were vaguely aware that there was an extremely close and shady connection between these evil spirits and the Holy Mother of Yaohua... In other words, these evil evil spirits with astonishing lethality were also part of the 'luck calamity method' ?

Then, just sell the favor of Our Lady of Yaohua!

Let her do whatever she wants, let her cut leeks... And they only need Our Lady of Yaohua to reveal the truth, where did this unpredictable secret method come from.

Our Lady of Yaohua chuckled.

She winked at the saints and Buddhas very charmingly: Brothers, are you attracted to this thing in my little sister's hand? Haha, but why?

She held her head up, like a proud peacock, with her hands behind her back, walking slowly in all directions, walking around within a foot of the ancient Sanren, looking arrogantly at the smiling sages and Buddhas. .

She is quite clever.

Although she was proud and arrogant, she would not leave the area around Gu Sanren.

In this area, Gu Sanren had absolute power to protect her.

But once you get a little further away... Tsk, these old immortals are all very cunning. God knows what weird ways they have plotted against her?

Junior Sister Yaohua, if you want any benefit, just say it. The young Taoist priest blinked his eyes, with a hint of water in his eyes, and smiled warmly at Our Lady of Yaohua.

This young Taoist priest calls himself Li Zhang Sanren and belongs to the same lineage of Qingyang Zhengzong of Liangyi Tiandao Sect. His master is an ancient giant who heard the Zheng'er Ba Sutra taught by Dao Zu.

However, his ancestor and master both fell, but Li Zhang Sanren had no disasters and successfully cultivated himself into a sage.

With his bright nature, he still has a good impression of Madonna Yaohua.

Back then, Our Lady of Yaohua suddenly found Gusanren, married him, and gave birth to a daughter with him. This made Lizhangsanren unable to calm down for several years - what good can this old antique like Gusanren do? ?

Therefore, even though he came to 'question' the Holy Mother of Yaohua today, Li Zhangsan couldn't help but show a bit of his 'romantic' nature, and his expression was a bit unseemly.

Gu Sanren's face became a bit gloomy, and he looked at Li Zhang Sanren angrily, with a bit of a grin on his face.

Our Lady of Yaohua smiled even brighter.

I don't want any benefits. Everyone's cultivation has reached this point. Liang Yitian has nothing, and there is nothing. Who doesn't have a clear mind? You can't give me what I want, and I don't like what you have in your pocket. That private house with three melons and two dates.”

The Holy Mother of Yaohua sighed: As long as all the senior brothers make a promise, I will tell you all the ins and outs of the secret method. What's wrong with it?

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