Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 799 Murderous Intent (2)

In front of the huge single Buddhist temple, there is a square with bright dark gold light, on which is a huge three-legged golden toad.

This three-legged golden toad has money patterns all over its body, and every trace of the pattern shines with strange light. From time to time, a huge halo of money patterns with a diameter of a hundred miles rises into the sky, crashing into the chaotic tide in all directions with a dull thunderous sound.

As soon as the halo of money collided with the chaos, there was a loud noise, and a large swath of chaos was blown to pieces. Countless large and small metal fragments were derived from it, and the 'ding-dong-dang-dang' fell towards the Buddhist temple like a heavy rain. The golden toad opened its mouth and swallowed it all in one gulp.

Dafeitian just smiled and said nothing.

Baoguang Merit Buddha clasped his hands together and bowed to the Buddha Hall: Unexpectedly, senior brother, you are here too.

The Buddhist temple suddenly stagnated in the tide of chaos, and circles of black and golden Buddha light surged around, immobilizing a large area of ​​chaos. The body of the three-legged golden toad squirmed, making ripples like mercury, and finally transformed into a fat monk with a round head, big ears, and a fat and round belly.

With money patterns all over his face and body, the great monk returned a salute to Baoguang Merit Buddha: Here I come, monk...Senior Brother Baoguang ran fast enough...Hey, little monk Pocket Monk, I have seen Senior Da Feitian. !”

Dafeitian nodded towards the great monk: Pocket monk, I haven't seen you back then, but you have gained quite a reputation over the years... How can a big mouth hold everything in the world?

The pocket monk smiled very honestly: That's not the case. Although the little monk has a big mouth and a wide belly, to be honest, it is not a valuable thing. How could the little monk swallow it indiscriminately? Hey, look at what the little monk swallowed just now. Those treasures are all good things... placed in Liangyitian, everything will be top-quality forging materials!

Master Bai Yang on the side coughed lightly: Fellow Taoist Pocket, don't rush into gossiping, just take a look at Taoist Baoding...

The pocket monk smiled haha, his eyes widened, and he looked at the Baoding layman who was being besieged by those strange creatures. After looking twice, the pocket monk scratched his head. The money pattern on his scalp flickered for a while, and large green-gold metal fragments slid off his smooth scalp like dandruff.

The pocket monk shook his head, opened his mouth and sucked in, and immediately sucked those green-gold metal fragments into his mouth again.

Seeing his behavior, Lu Qian and others were all dumbfounded.

This pocket monk is also one of the thirteen Buddhist masters in Buddhism... However, within Buddhism, he is also a character that his grandma does not care about and his uncle does not love him. If not for any other reason, it is because this pocket monk is the only one among the thirteen Buddha Lords who has attained enlightenment!

Logically speaking, this pocket monk should belong to the ‘demon’ clan.

However, this supreme Buddha Lord used his demon body to practice Buddhism forcefully, and even received the protection of a certain ancient Buddhist power. By the time that powerful man fell, the pocket monk had already achieved incredible feats and reached the ultimate level of tyranny... He playfully visited several Buddhist powerful men who were in charge of Buddhist affairs at that time, and forcibly occupied a throne.

Since then, the Pocket Monk has become the clean stream of Liangyitian Buddhism!

His disciples are all monsters, and the rarer the breed, the more he likes to say, You are destined to be a monk, and then force them into his disciples.

The Buddhist disciples of the Pocket lineage are incompatible with other Buddhist sects due to their origins. They often have conflicts and disputes. And once friction occurs, several sects will join forces to deal with them.

In such a harsh living environment, ever since Pocket Monk became enlightened and recruited many disciples, he has rarely heard of his disciples and grandchildren suffering any disadvantages. This is enough to show how sophisticated this giant monster Buddha is!

The Pocket Monk has always been a loner and keeps to himself, and most of his disciples are of average appearance.

But this time, the pocket monk did not appear above the ninth city of the town, and did not listen to the story of Our Lady of Yaohua. Instead, he suddenly appeared here... This guy's methods are obvious.

Produced and sold by himself, he swallowed a big mouthful. The pocket monk patted his chubby belly, tilted his head and glanced at the besieged layman Baoding, and then said slowly: Fellow Taoist Baoding will not be able to hold on. Can't you? Can't you? Can't you? If you really can't hold on... Hey, hey, under the young monk, there are a few newly recruited disciples. The variety is really strange, but they are born with weaker bones... If it is Baoding Fellow Taoist is willing to waste a few of the 'Great Scarlet Flame Pregnancy Pills' to help the poor monk's disciples replenish their bodies...

Baoding layman rolled his eyes and spat out several bursts of flames without saying a word, burning several large soft-shelled turtles that were being attacked fiercely. Even the cooked meat pieces fell from their bodies and were swept away by the chaos. The volume turned into wisps of gray light and disappeared without a trace.

Several large soft-shelled turtles that were burnt to reveal their gray and densely covered skeletons with blood lines screamed and screamed. They found that their fierce flying slashes were really helpless against Baoding Jushi, and they finally used their true bottom-pressing skills. means.

The giant turtles opened their mouths, and large amounts of gravel-like shadows suddenly spewed out from their mouths.

Dense shadows spattered in all directions silently, and even Master Baoding's body-protecting fairy fire could not stop the erosion of these strange shadows... Countless fine gravels scattered one after another, soaking through Master Baoding's body-protecting fairy fire. It eroded his body-protecting immortal clothes and fell directly on his Taoist method, which was full of Taoism and densely covered with uncast principles.

The sound of ‘chichi’ is endless.

Layman Baoding showed a look of pain on his face.

With his cultivation and his realm, he was actually quite embarrassed by the gravel-like shadows ejected by these strange creatures, and even made him feel the pain that he had been unfamiliar with for countless years!

The embarrassing situation of Master Baoding made Da Feitian and others smile.

The pocket monk shouted loudly again: Fellow Taoist Baoding? What kind of wealth do you have? Why do you need to ask for money? It's just a few big red treasure flame pregnancy elixirs... For you, it's as easy as drinking water and farting. ... Considering that the young monk is lonely and poor, can you just give a few to me?

The Buddhist temple shattered the chaos and moved closer to the immortal palace of Baoding layman...

Master Baiyang put his hands into his sleeves, and like Lu Qian and others, he remained silent and watched the excitement.

A difficult monk, an old Taoist who is wealthy but finds himself in an embarrassing situation... This scene is interesting!

The pocket monk had an extremely simple and honest smile, his hands kept rubbing his plump and round belly, and he drove the Buddhist temple to quickly approach the layman Baoding. Several large turtles made sharp whistles, opened their mouths and sprayed out black gravel all over the sky towards the pocket monk. The pocket monk shouted loudly, opened his mouth, and simply swallowed the gravel in one gulp!

Swallow it!

Swallow it!

The strange attack that caused even the sage Baoding to feel pain was swallowed up by him!

The expressions of the four Buddha Lords including Da Feitian and the sage Baiyang Master changed slightly at the same time - they also remembered some legends about Liang Yitian. It seemed that the unlucky ones who were against the pocket monk finally... , all disappeared without a trace?

Could it be that they were also swallowed by this monk?

Fellow Taoist Baoding, you...won't it be difficult to give up good fortune? Pocket Monk smiled brightly, and he suddenly changed his tone: It seems that my few disciples do not have this blessing to share. Use your Great Scarlet Flame Pregnancy Pill... Then, how about exploring the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat on the Xingshang River in the ancient city of Loulan this time... how about you and I go together?

Layman Baoding's eyes flickered.

Dafeitian and others' eyes widened at the same time. Dafeitian shouted bluntly: Pocket monk, what kind of news have you received?

The pocket monk blinked his eyes and looked back blankly: The rumor? What kind of rumor? Where is the rumor? What kind of rumor can there be? Monk, I'm just naturally timid, and this trip is quite risky, so... I want to It’s just a companionship to boost your courage!”

Dafeitian snorted coldly, half-smilingly.

Master Baiyang's eyes flickered, and with a slight tap of his feet, the big white sheep came closer to the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Baoding layman also looked at Pocket Monk thoughtfully, and with his backhand, a burst of purple energy was wrapped with a very bright colorful spark, and it landed on a large turtle, blowing it to pieces with a 'bang'.

Then, a lotus-shaped glazed lamp emerged from the palm of Master Baoding.

He took a deep breath, and there were countless extremely fine purple gas wrapped in a few colorful sparks on the lamp, spraying everywhere... He saw the pocket monk's eyes suddenly light up, and the big turtles in all directions made sharp screams. With a cry, his body suddenly turned into countless wisps of extremely fine black sand, and was about to escape against the tide of chaos and chaos around him.

At this time, Dafeitian, Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, and Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha took action at the same time.

As soon as Da Feitian made a move, from the eighty-one layers of light behind him, there were all kinds of strange creatures with grotesque shapes, but solemn bearings and majestic figures striding out. These creatures were shrouded in brilliant divine light, like gods aloft, holding lassoes made of various colors of light and rolling them towards the tide of chaos, before forcefully hoisting dozens of giant turtles up.

The Buddha of Precious Light Merit just put his hands together and smiled slightly. Countless changing and confusing Buddha lights condensed into extremely thin long needles and shot all over the sky. The sound of puff was heard endlessly, and the splashing black gravel shadows were blown away by the long needles. , the big soft-shelled turtles, 'covered with blood' and 'covered with holes', struggled to rise from the tide of chaos, and were caught in the hand by Baoguang Merit Buddha.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha was still the same method. He just waved his hand, and the Prison-Suppressing Buddha Tower flew into the sky, and an extremely thick Buddha's light crushed it down. Dozens of giant turtles did not even make a sound, and were directly crushed to pieces.

The method of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha is the most wonderful. He took out a blank Buddhist scripture and shook it gently towards the big turtles that were escaping in all directions. Countless white papers flew out and fell on the heads of those big turtles. Amidst the sound of chichi, one by one, the big turtles It turned directly into ink paintings, which were forcibly printed on the white paper.

The white paper flew back into the hands of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha. He grabbed the white paper with both hands and gently pulled it. There was a crisp sound, the white paper was torn into two pieces, and hundreds of giant turtles disappeared into thin air.

Dafeitian casually crushed the dozens of giant turtles he had hung up, and chuckled: That's all!

The Buddha of Precious Light Merit nodded gently: It is indeed very weak.

The Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha sighed softly: I have always heard of the evil reputation of chaotic creatures, but it's just that being famous is not as good as meeting, meeting... Haha!

Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha looked at Master Baoding with a smile: Senior Baoding is good at alchemy, but not good at killing... Maybe, senior, you can go with us this time?

Layman Baoding's expression was extremely wonderful.

The big turtle that made him so embarrassed was actually killed so many times by Da Feitian and others in an understatement... Moreover, listen to what they said?

When Dafeitian and the others said this, were they insinuating that he, the layman Baoding, was a loser?

The pocket monk narrowed his eyes, and his big eyes, which were originally the size of ocean bowls, instantly became as small as mung beans. There was a fierce light in his eyes, and he stared straight at Dafeitian: Hey, hey, hey, senior Buddhist, this senior named Dafeitian... If you don't take your disciples and grandchildren, hurry up and find a place to hide. , are you still in the mood to steal Xiao Monk’s business?”

Shaking his head, the pocket monk said softly: Did you know that you are in trouble?

Dafeitian raised his eyebrows: What's the trouble with me?

The pocket monk patted his belly gently and said softly: I don't care, little monk, but some fellow Buddhists don't seem to be very happy about your title as the 'only true disciple of Buddhism'... Hey, hey!

He waved his hand gently and said with a smile: Hurry up, hurry up... If the young monk wants to form a good relationship with the senior layman, then he will do it!

Layman Baoding's face darkened and he shouted coldly: Fellow Taoist Pocket, we don't seem to have this fate!

The pocket monk looked at Master Baoding with a sincere face: That's not what you said... maybe it is, but you don't know?

Master Baoding also wants to say something.

Dafeitian had already waved his hand, and among the fragments of the giant turtles crushed by him, several huge life essences condensed. Under the compression of his Buddha's light, a fist-sized life crystal quickly condensed.

In the hands of Baoguang Merit Buddha, Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha, and Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha, there are also three or five life crystals that are quickly condensed.

Master Baiyang, Master Baoding, and Monk Pocket all opened their eyes wide at the same time, looking at the life crystals in their hands with disbelief... Even the chaotic and violent tide of chaos could not completely isolate the energy emitted by these life crystals. Just one of the majestic breath of life and that kind of life energy can allow an ordinary two-dimensional creature to quickly improve its body functions to a state comparable to that of the Buddha!

But how difficult is it for these creatures in chaos to condense life crystals from their bodies?

Seriously speaking, it is almost a 100% chance. However, after just killing two to three hundred giant turtles, nearly twenty life crystals were condensed - if this... is used well, the disciples can immediately have nearly twenty more golden bodies comparable to the Buddha. An elite disciple with strong combat power!

The eyes of the three powerful men were a bit strange.

To them, the combat power of a Buddha-level warrior, a golden-bodied Buddha of the 'physical practice' type, rather than a supernatural power Buddha of the 'Dharma practice' type, actually does not mean much. No matter how powerful the Buddha is, he is still a The palm flew away.

But the more Buddha-realm disciples you have, the more territory you have for your lineage, more resources, more believers, and more incense...

In short, the bigger the fist, the bigger the territory and the more resources!

Nothing is always good, I do everything myself!

Senior, you are really blessed... Pocket Monk patted his belly and said sincerely: It's really... wrong. If senior, you have such good luck, the number of Buddha disciples under your sect would be unbelievable!

This giant monster Buddha with a round and plump body and a simple and honest face narrowed his eyes and stared straight at Lu Qian: No, no, tsk, tsk, all of this, I'm afraid, it's all this guy The credit of the little master? Tsk tsk, although I can’t see through it, the little master does have a good smell!”

Da Feitian looked at Pocket Monk with a smile but not a smile: Pocket Monk, if you look at me one more time, I will dig out your eyes... Just find your chance to get married, and stop making noises here.

There was a loud buzz sound, and in the core of the eighty-one layers of light wheels behind Dafeitian, in a huge lake at the core of the vast earth, a guwa shout rose into the sky , a three-legged black toad that was completely black and towering like a troll or a monster suddenly stuck its head out and let out a continuous crazy roar towards the sky.

This three-legged black toad is huge. Compared with the size of the surrounding mountains, it is at least hundreds of thousands of miles long from head to toe. Its body is full of bulging muscles, and black blood veins are bulging under its rough skin. , twisting, black mist continuously spurted out from the body, and slowly the black mist twisted above its body, condensing into a blurry face of three-headed and six-armed phantoms of gods and demons.

The pocket monk's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the three-legged black toad in the nimbus in shock.

The corner of his mouth twitched for a while, he smiled, and bowed respectfully to Dafeitian. Then he turned around and smiled playfully at Baoding layman: Let's make a companion together. At least it's dark, so we won't Are you afraid of ghosts? Fellow Taoist Baoding, hehe, listen to me, listen to me!

Master Baoding narrowed his eyes, waved his sleeves, and the giant immortal palace under his feet roared, shattering a large tidal wave of chaos and heading straight into the depths.

The pocket monk hurriedly whistled and drove the single Buddhist temple in hot pursuit. As they chased away, the two of them disappeared instantly.

Lu Qian looked at Da Feitian curiously.

What is the origin of the three-legged black toad that actually made Pocket Monk, a figure who was obviously very difficult to deal with, change his mind so easily?

Da Feitian smiled disapprovingly: This pocket monk is of the same race as this evil beast... It's just that the pocket monk is a treasure-hunting golden toad, and this black guy is a sky-swallowing demon toad... Back then, the treasure-hunting golden toad had not yet transformed. , wandering around the Liangyi Heaven, this sky-swallowing demon toad intends to devour all three-legged toads, complete its own 'way of heaven', and complete its own 'bloodline'...

It's incredible that before he found the treasure-hunting golden toad, he was captured alive by Lao Na and refined into Lao Na's natal Buddha Wheel.

Dafeitian smiled calmly and said: Pocket monk owes me a life-saving grace...

It suddenly dawned on Lu Yi and others. No wonder the Pocket Monk originally wanted to argue with Lu Yi, but after seeing the three black toads, he turned around and left so conveniently... This life-saving grace was not good. return. The most important thing in Buddhism is cause and effect. I owe people like Da Feitian the life-saving grace, and I want to repay... Tsk tsk!

Is it possible to do this without peeling off a layer of skin from his pocket monk?

Master Baiyang also came up and bowed solemnly to Da Feitian: Fellow Taoist, how about we go together?

Inexplicably, Master Baiyang couldn't help but feel moved when he saw the Pocket Monk's entanglement with the Baoding Layman... Of course, what's more, he saw Dafeitian and others easily condense nearly twenty life crystals out.

The ancient city of Loulan itself is dangerous, and the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat on the Xingshang River is even more unpredictable.

Master Baiyang alone may not be able to protect so many disciples accompanying him... But forming an alliance with Da Feitian and the others is obviously a good thing.

If the opportunities in the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat are elixirs, magic weapons, caves, secret palaces, etc., I will not take any of them.

If it's Taoism, classics, secret scriptures, experience, etc., I just want to take a look at it, okay?

Master Baiyang corrected his posture and made his attitude clear.

Dafeitian smiled and nodded: Good!

So, Master Baiyang said hello, and the size of the big white sheep gradually shrank, and even the palaces and pavilions on his back shrank in proportion. The big white sheep shrunk to three feet in length. Master Baiyang pulled it and slowly landed on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain. It greeted Da Feitian and others without saying a word.

Little Vajra Sumeru continues to move forward.

When Master Baiyang was chatting, he made no secret of the purpose of his trip.

First, of course, the opportunity mentioned by Our Lady of Yaohua is too tempting... The calamity method that can lead the Buddha of Treasure Light Merit and himself into the cave silently comes from the Nine Lotus Treasure Boat, among which There must be something even more remarkable. Who wouldn't be tempted by this opportunity?

Secondly, Liangyitian is going to be in chaos. Because of the promise made by the Holy Mother of Yaohua, many sages and Buddhas will not interfere with the operation of the Tribulation of Luck... That is, all living beings who stay in Liangyi Heaven will be inexplicably involved in the huge whirlpool, and life and death cannot be controlled by themselves.

Although the sages and Buddhas themselves are not very afraid of the 'death calamity' brought by the Tribulation Luck Dharma, they have so many disciples, relatives and descendants that they cannot stop this evil method.

Therefore, it is also the best choice to take the disciples far away and temporarily avoid the sharp edge of the luck-killing method!

Thirdly, the four Yi Yuan Xu Jing are obviously planning something. The Great Immortal Karijing, an ancient power with unfathomable methods, actually tore off his lower skin and went to Lu Qian's dojo to snatch the maternal vagina left by Empress Qionghua?

What is hidden behind this is terrifying to think about.

Let them mess around. We are too lazy to fight with these four 'fellow Taoists' with ulterior motives, so let them just mess around in Liangyi Heaven!

In short, it's impossible for them to beat Liang Yitian to pieces, right?

After they're done, let's go back and clean up the mess, okay?

Even if all the native creatures in Liangyi Heaven were killed due to the luck calamity method, and were completely harmed by the four great immortals of Yiyuan Xujing... Haha, the people are like leeks, if you cut them off, there will still be more. All the natives in Liangyi Heaven died, and a group of creatures were directly brought up from many lower realms to multiply and live. In a few years, wouldn't the population be filled?

For sages and Buddhas whose lives are endless, these are all trivial matters!

Avoiding disputes and frictions with other fellow Taoists of the same level is the real important thing!

Master Bai Yang's words were unanimously agreed by Da Feitian and others - they all agreed, so Da Feitian and the others hid all their disciples and led a group of elites deep into the chaos!

We, the monks, are compassionate and value peace. There is no need. Why are we beating people to death? Dafeitian looked compassionate, clasped his hands and said with emotion: Fellow Taoist Yaohua strives for detachment, so give him This opportunity she has... No matter what those four fellow Taoists are planning, if we don't compete with them, there will naturally be harmony in the sky!

Baoguang Gongde Buddha and others also nodded, praising Da Feitian's words as indeed mature and prudent, and indeed a wise saying.

As we continued to move forward, we met no other fellow travelers from Liangyitian along the way.

In the chaos, it is difficult to guess the distance and time changes. In short, I have moved forward for a long, long, far, far away. I don’t know how long it has passed or how far I have gone. I have seen some strange creatures in the chaos, some incredible things. Scenes, some terrifying and strange dangers, and even encountered several inexplicable attacks.

Among these attacks, two were attacks by those strange chaotic creatures. Lu Qian personally took action and killed several strange creatures that looked like giant whales, but their entire bodies were made of bone armor.

However, there were several attacks that came and went without knowing where they were coming from. Lu Qian was unexpectedly attacked without even seeing what the attacker looked like.

Fortunately, there were five sages and Buddha-level experts in their group, and a large number of Buddha-level and Taoist-level masters accompanied them. This strange attack only frightened everyone, but it failed to cause any harm. What a loss.

One more thing - Master Baiyang declares to the outside world that he has five true disciples, each of whom has established his own sect and is a founder-level figure. In fact, the number of Taoist-level powerful masters he brought out this time was a whopping twenty-three!

Five people.

Twenty-three people.

This is also an old scumbag who is extremely good at laying ambushes and hiding his strength... He has a total of twenty-three Tao masters under his command, more than a dozen of whom are not even known to the public on ordinary days!

After traveling all the way, finally on this day, a black vortex of chaos appeared in front of them.

What a terrifying whirlpool of chaos it was.

Compressed to the extreme, the density is trillions of times higher than the chaotic tides in other places. Even if it is a 'water droplet' the size of a sesame seed, a chaotic torrent as heavy as a sun in the outside world will turn into a stream here. A giant vortex that looks like an octopus with eighteen arms and has a diameter of more than a trillion miles.

In all directions, endless tides of chaos roared, constantly being swallowed up by the vortex. After crazy accumulation, squeezing, collapse, and fusion, the vortex finally turned into a 'pure black' like 'a piece of nothingness'!

How black is it?

In short, even with all his strength, Lu Qian could only see 'pure black', as if the trillions of miles of chaos in front of him had completely turned into 'pure emptiness'!

Just standing far away, shrouded in the Buddha light and fairy light of four Buddha Lords and a sage, this huge chaotic vortex still gave Lu Qian a great sense of fear - it was the appearance of a weak creature. The powerlessness and hesitation against natural enemies are a kind of primitive man who has just learned slash-and-burn farming. When he suddenly sees a 'Star Destroyer' appearing above his head, the pain and despair originate from the bone marrow and genes!

Lu Qian was sure that if he was thrown into this maelstrom, even if his physical body reached the peak of the Ten Kalpa True Buddha, it would be wiped out in an instant, and he would die cleanly, with no trace of dregs left.

Only sages and Buddhas may be able to survive in this maelstrom...

But how long they can struggle in this terrifying maelstrom is a matter of opinion... Perhaps the physically powerful Lord Buddha can survive for another three to five years?

In short, there is great danger here, terrible danger!

However, at the core of this extremely dangerous chaotic vortex, perhaps because it has swallowed too much chaotic matter, those chaotic torrents have been compressed and collapsed for countless years, and after countless fusions and refinements, they finally ended up in the extreme chaos. And in the midst of destruction, a brand-new, strange energy full of vitality has actually spawned!

That's a ray of white light!

A ray of white light in the boundless darkness, like a lighthouse in the dark night or on a tsunami or hurricane day, illuminates the darkness of everyone's heart.

The extremely thin white light rushed straight out from the core of the vortex, unwavering despite the huge swallowing suction force of the vortex. It rose straight up and rushed up to an unknown number of thousands of miles. Then at an extremely high place, this line of white light slowly spread, It turned into a piece of white light as thin as a cicada's wing, quivering, and shaped like a lotus leaf and lotus pond.

That piece of white light, which was extremely thin and felt as if it would be shattered at any moment by the slightest touch of the chaotic chaos around it, was extremely tough. It is like an extremely thick continent suspended in chaos. No matter how wind blows or rains from all directions, it remains unmoved.

Above the white light, there is indeed a land mass with beautiful mountains and rivers.

Looking from Lu Qian's side, the area of ​​the land mass was not large, that is, it was thousands of miles in size. The closer to the edge, the richer the water and grass. As for the core position, there is a gray-yellow desert. When the wind blows, the sky is full of wind and sand, revealing an ancient city with a shadowy shadow in the middle.

That city is hundreds of miles in size.

But the city feels like a huge thing standing straight in front of you.

I don't know how far away from Chaos, across the immeasurable distance of the end of the world, facing Lu Qian's side of the city wall, above the collapsed city gate, there is a broken wooden sign hanging crookedly, with two words on it. An extremely neat, simple and powerful character - 'Loulan'!

That word...

Lu Qian didn't know this word.

Those are words that are completely different from the words used by Liang Yitian, and they clearly come from another civilization system.

But that word has its own wonderful meaning. When you see it, you will definitely recognize it - it directly conveys the meaning contained in it. It is extremely tough and crisp, just like the punch of a strong giant boxer, clean and neat. It punches into your mind, forcing you to recognize it and then remember it deeply.

Even Lu Qian 'recognized' the material used in that wooden sign.

It is a strange tree species called the 'Nine-Death Willow'. This willow tree has extremely strong vitality. Although it has been made into a wooden sign, and even though it has been hung on the city gate and beaten by wind and sand for who knows how many years, it will remain as long as Pick it off and place it in a place with water and soil, and the vitality contained in it will explode immediately, and it will quickly grow from a dry wooden sign into a complete nine-death willow tree, and then multiply into a prosperous forest.

Even before Lu Qian's eyes, there was a gorgeous scene of the Nine-Death Resurrection Willow multiplying into a forest, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, accumulating infinite vitality, and growing all kinds of rare and precious medicines from the roots of the weeping willow!

Lu Qian shivered and suddenly woke up from the illusion!

This is a fact.

If he really picks this wooden sign, sends it to a good area with rich water and soil, and cultivates it as a seed, it can really multiply into a huge forest of Nine-Death Willows, from which the willow trees will grow. Many rare and precious medicines.

This is the innate magical power of Nine Deaths Willow!


A wooden sign that has been made for countless years actually still has this ability?

Lu Qian wiped the sweat from his forehead.

On the side, suddenly there was a disciple under the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha Seat, a great Bodhisattva-level monk suddenly laughed strangely, brought a ray of Buddha light and flew towards the ancient city of Loulan: The Nine-Death Resurrection Willow...here comes the young monk!

Da Feitian's face darkened.

Baoguang Merit Buddha and Prison-Suppressing Xuanguang Buddha put their hands together and remained silent.

The face of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha was slightly red. He raised his hand and lowered his hand. He slapped the disciple faintly and fell to the ground. With a finger, more wisps of Buddha light spurted out and turned into a rope, binding the great monk like a hairy crab. of.

Control your mind, suppress your thoughts, and don't be plotted by things here!

As soon as Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha finished speaking, everyone heard a subtle 'click' sound. They looked in the direction where the sound came from, and saw that the tightly tied monk suddenly had several palm-sized arms on his body. His whole body was sandy yellow, with several black lines on the surface, faintly outlined. A strange-shaped scorpion with the word soul in it.

I don't know how these scorpions appeared on the great monk's body. The big pincers opened and closed Ji Xia fiercely, raised their pointed tails, and pierced the great monk's flesh.

Hmph! Next to the great monk, his master, a Buddha in the Second Kalpa True Buddha Realm, twitched his face and waved his sleeves fiercely.

A strong smell of iron arose, and the wind in the Buddha's sleeves was like a knife, violently rolling over the scorpions. Amidst the sound of tsk, several scorpions were rolled up by the wind and turned into mud, turning into large pieces of earthy yellow sand and flying dust.

My Buddha is merciful. The Buddha clasped his hands together and just chanted the Buddha's name when he saw the body of the great monk on the ground suddenly twitched and his whole body collapsed rapidly.

In the sound of chichi, the great monk's bones and flesh melted rapidly. It seemed that there was an invisible valve in his body, which was frantically extracting the essence and blood of his flesh, blood, and turned him into a piece of human skin with a snap of his fingers.

His skin split open, and dozens of mung bean-sized sandy-yellow scorpions came out of his body with great joy.

The Buddha who had just taken action was horrified and moved.

The face of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha is even more ugly.

Da Feitian and others twitched their mouths at the same time.

In front of them, this evil scorpion from the ancient city of Loulan actually openly killed one of their great Bodhisattva-level disciples... How is this... Your mother and maidservant!

Da Feitian snorted coldly and moved his right hand towards the fallen monk's skin.

Empty, clean, without any sound.

The essence of the great monk's flesh and blood was swallowed up, and the condensed relics of the great Bodhisattva were also swallowed up. Even the most important imprint of the soul was swallowed up, and the whole person was completely shattered, leaving no residue or trace.

Lu Qian and others clasped their hands together, shook their heads slightly, and felt a chill in their hearts.

After all, he is a great Bodhisattva.

In the Liangyi Heaven, when the Lord Buddha and the Buddha do not take much action, the Great Bodhisattva is the strongest force to suppress one party. For example, when Monk Yuanjue had not yet attained Buddhahood and was only the Bodhisattva of Great Lion Power, he was stationed at Shiziling and guarded the eastern gate for the entire Buddhist sect.

This great monk was a disciple of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha, and his cultivation level was only slightly inferior to that of the monk Yuanjue back then.

Such strength has fallen so inexplicably.

In front of four Buddhas and one sage, no one could save his life... They didn't even find out how he was tricked... This ancient city of Loulan is worthy of being one of the three most dangerous places around Liang Yi Tian. one.

This trip has great opportunities and great dangers. You guys, you have to be careful in everything. Da Feitian finally said solemnly: Everything depends on your luck.

After saying the word 'luck', Da Feitian glanced at Lu Qian again.

Small Vajra Sumeru Mountain spits out the Buddha's light, like a giant ship. Under the control of Dafeitian, it crashes into the dark, dangerous and endless chaos of chaos.

Under the protection of the Buddha's light, the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain vibrated and roared, bit by bit through the raging and messy torrent of chaos above the vortex, and continued to approach the ancient city of Loulan.

I don't know how far below, is the dark, 'empty' chaotic vortex.

Standing on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, you can feel that a terrible suction force has locked everyone's body and soul, locked their past, present and future, locked everything's 'existence' and outside their bodies 'concept'.

If you relax even a little, you will be swallowed by the whirlpool and completely annihilated.

Except for Da Feitian who was at the helm, everyone else was cautious and restrained their energy. Those with sufficient cultivation have collected all their 'aura' and all their 'concepts', and compressed themselves into 'the tiniest solid mote', without even the slightest bit of 'information' being 'leaked'. In order to avoid the locking and absorption of the terrible chaotic vortex.

I don’t know how long I have been sailing forward like this, I don’t know how far I have flown, when the chaos suddenly trembles, without any warning or any transition process, the sun suddenly shines brightly in front of me, and the yellow sand in the sky is swirling, and everyone can smell it. The pungent smell of sand and earth, and the collapsed city gate building suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

But at this moment, when viewed from a distance, the city gate building, which is normally more than ten feet high, is now indescribably huge.

Not to mention the entire crooked city gate, just the wooden sign hanging above the city gate hole has become tens of thousands of miles long, hundreds of miles thick, like a huge continent, hanging in front of everyone. top of head.


Master Baiyang admired in a low voice: I have come here several times over the years, but every time I see this city, I just feel the wonder of heaven and earth, and the unfathomable power of the universe.

Following Master Baiyang's words, the tattered city gate in front with its rotten door shafts suddenly creaked and slowly opened backwards. The city gate, which was hundreds of thousands of miles long and wide and had an unknown thickness, opened little by little, and everyone felt a terrifying power coming towards them, the kind of vicissitudes accumulated over countless years, the kind of brewing... Countless years of ancient ruin, the dying struggle, and the endless thread of strong vitality...

All kinds of strange feelings were like an extremely clear knife, a sword, a hammer, and a punch, attacking in front of everyone's face, and being firmly imprinted on everyone's body, heart, mind, and soul.

Someone gushed blood from his orifices.

Someone fell to the ground with a groan.

Someone fainted for no reason.

Some even had their limbs broken inexplicably, with broken bones like glass and white jade piercing the skin and flesh, and bone marrow that was as fragrant as gorge continued to flow from the cracks.

Lu Qian's body trembled suddenly.

The thick Taoist charm that hit his face turned into wisps of refreshing fragrance, one after another, continuously flowing into the body along all the pores of his limbs, and was quickly absorbed by his skin, flesh, muscles, bones, and internal organs.

The ancient imperial veins in his body, his golden body foundation that was far superior to other Buddhist cultivators, and the extremely solid physical foundation he had laid by absorbing the world's Yuan Fei Yuan liquid in the lower realm... were all activated at this moment.

The ancient Buddha relic that the Jeweled Light Merit Buddha came to fight for for him, he had absorbed a tiny bit of energy. At this moment, under the stimulation of this powerful Taoist rhyme, it erupted like a volcano, majestic and uncast. The energy surged and merged into his body.

Before approaching the city gate cave, his physical strength reached the Six Kalpa Real Buddha Realm.

The moment the city gate opened, heat surged through Lu Qian's body, and his physical strength suddenly soared to the Seven Tribulations True Buddha Realm.

When Little Vajra Sumeru flew into the city gate hole little by little under the impetus of Da Feitian, the old Tao Yun that made the other travelers extremely uncomfortable came rolling in. Many people were shocked to the point of vomiting blood, and their internal organs were extremely hurt. He was seriously injured, but Lu Qian's physical power suddenly climbed to the realm of the Eight Tribulations True Buddha!

And the ancient Buddha relic was completely activated, and majestic power surged through his body. Lu Qian took a deep breath, and his body sprayed out strands of dazzling Buddha light like silver needles. His body continued to rise inch by inch, and light flowed from under his skin. Overflowing with color, the whole person seemed to turn into a ball of light!

The Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain is moving forward little by little, and Lu Qian's strength is constantly improving.

After the eight calamities... there will be the nine calamities... After the nine calamities... there will be the ten calamities...

The ultimate of ten kalpas is theoretically the highest level that the Buddha realm of Liangyi Heaven can reach... No matter whether it is the physical body or magical power, it can not advance even a little bit!

But here, it's chaos.

Chaos represents disorder and endless possibilities.

Just listen to the roar of the golden bell.

The skin on Lu Qian's body shattered inch by inch, and then exploded violently.

Most of the ancient Buddha relics in his body suddenly melted away. Lu Qian opened his mouth and spat out a stream of thick blood. With the pure power of his body, he suddenly reached the realm of the Eighteen Kalpa True Buddha!

Master Bai Yang was horrified and looked at Lu Qian as if he had seen a ghost: Breaking the limit? Breaking the limit of the world... This little thief Bald is actually... a variable!

On the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, countless old monks, great monks, and young monks were staring directly at Master Baiyang!

In front of so many monks scolding the bald donkey, you old cow nose is really brave!

Lu Qian's whole body was on fire, and he was about to speak when suddenly a deep roar came from above the city gate, and large pieces of sticky, smelly water dropped down like glue.

Everyone looked up and saw, tens of thousands of miles above their heads, a golden snake head that was several times bigger than Vajra Sumeru, a thousand miles away. It was opening its big mouth and spewing out a large amount of venom and saliva, turning into snakes. For the downpour.

There was only one snake head hanging in the hole of the city gate, which was faintly visible. Deep in its open mouth, it clearly led to a strange space that was chaotic and chaotic, with lightning and thunder from time to time.

The next moment, an extremely strong suction force suddenly locked onto the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

The surrounding void shook violently, and the void was torn apart into thin black cracks. Along with the harsh tearing sound, countless electric lights splashed out from the cracks, turning into a huge net that locked the entire small Vajra Beard. Mishan.

The mountain shook slightly.

Lu Qian and others were shocked.

This weird giant snake head actually regards the entire Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, as well as everyone on the mountain, as its prey, and wants to catch them all!

What a bastard! Lu Qian was full of energy, and his energy and blood were surging to the point where he could not vent.

He roared loudly and struck hard into the void with his right fist. A dark golden fist flew out of his hand and turned into a fist mark with a diameter of a hundred miles like a meteor and hit the huge snake head straight.

The snake head roared, and streaks of black lightning with turbid green lines erupted from its mouth, striking at the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain.

Each of these lightning beams were hundreds of miles thick, coming overwhelmingly and falling hard on the fist seals blasted by Lu Qian.

One way, two ways, three ways...

Lu Qian's fist seal shattered thirty-three lightning beams, and was then blown to pieces by subsequent lightning beams.

With a loud noise, lightning rained down on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain, causing the mountain to shake. The terrible poison attached to the Buddha's light that enveloped the mountain, corroding the Buddha's light and making a chichi sound.

Dafeitian said deeply: What a vicious guy... The last time I came here, there was no such vicious thing guarding the door!

Master Baiyang frowned: My fellow Taoist so-called 'gatekeeper'...could it be that someone placed it here?

Dafeitian snorted coldly: This method...

Master Baiyang, the Buddha of Precious Light Merit, and other three Buddhas shouted in unison: What a pocket monk!

The extremely vicious snake head suddenly heard the words Pocket Monk, and a look of fear suddenly flashed through its turbid and fierce eyes. Such a huge snake head shook suddenly, and the muddy and chaotic space in its mouth turned into A large piece of mist rose up, covering its entire head in an instant, waiting to escape outside.

Soon after, a book flew out from the hands of the Treasure Buddha of Spring and Autumn Period, and a piece of snow-white paper flew out, shining lightly at the snake head. The huge snake head was sealed in the pages of the book, and gently fell back into the hands of the Spring and Autumn Treasure Buddha.

Holding the white paper with both hands and pulling it, a miserable howl was heard, and the snake's head immediately shattered.

In the city gate cave that was filled with Huang Shao all over the sky, billions of lightning points suddenly lit up at the same time. Accompanied by a harsh roar, countless colorful fires wrapped in purple smoke exploded like fireworks, with a chirp scream. Bend to the small Vajra Sumeru Mountain and fall.

Pocket Monk, have you really become friends with fellow Taoist Baoding? Baoguang Gongde Buddha laughed: Look at this ambush method, it was clearly arranged by them...Pocket Monk, what exactly did you promise to him? benefit?

Just when Baoguang Merit Buddha laughed.

Inside the city gate of Loulan Ancient City, near the city gate opening, there is a building similar to a carriage and horse shop.

After countless years of wind and sand erosion, the original tall building with blue bricks and blue tiles has been beaten to ashes. On the three flagpoles standing at the entrance of the store, only a few tattered strips of cloth are left on the three flags, feebly blowing in the wind. wave.

On the top of the three flagpoles, stood a figure seven or eight feet tall.

This figure is completely black, like a black ant walking upright, and its head still looks like an ant... But its body is completely in human form, but its skin is covered with a thin layer of extremely tough black carapace, no matter how blown by the wind and sand, There was a constant 'ding-ding' metal collision sound.

The long black tentacles on the top of the head jumped a few times, and the dark compound eyes with complex structures could clearly see the movement on the Little Vajra Sumeru Mountain that was blasted by thunder and fire through countless layers of sand and dust. The three tall figures laughed strangely at the same time.

‘Hiss, hiss’!

They are really here!

Now that you're here, don't leave.

Yes, yes, don't leave, leave all behind...their blood and flesh, it's so delicious...that's the smell of hometown!

The three figures were trembling with excitement, and in the dark carapace, there were constant streams of light rotating, and extremely weird twisted runes were looming. They are filled with a strange Tao charm, which is completely different from the natural and harmonious Tao of Liangyi Tian. They are filled with a sense of chaos and disorder.

Just now, those two big fat sheep? a figure suddenly said.

Of course there are people waiting for them... No one can run away, no one can run away... The figure standing on the flagpole in the middle laughed softly: Be careful, be patient, wait until they all come in, all come in... …Don’t scare them away, don’t scare them away…”

This is our territory... Leave them all here, and then, let us go back, let us go back!

The hometown in my memory!

The black figure in the center opened his arms and looked up at the turbid sky filled with yellow sand.

My hometown in my memory... I was so small and pitiful at that time... But now... should I be grateful to them for making me what I am... or should I hate them?

Well, I should be grateful to them... So, let them merge with me! Integrate into one! Let their flesh and blood become my flesh and blood, and let their bones become my bones... Let them The knowledge and Tao I possess become my knowledge and my Tao!”

Just near the three flagpoles, across an alley, is a dilapidated building that was originally supposed to be a broth shop.

At the door of the building, the original stove had collapsed. A half-broken iron pot was leaning crookedly on the stove. There were even a few pieces of half-carbonized firewood in the stove. One of the pieces of firewood, perhaps because it had been beaten by wind and rain for a long time, had several cracks on the small section of the wood that exposed the stove, and a grass seed that flew from nowhere fell into it.

The grass seeds have sprouted and sprouted a small green stem.

The stem swayed in the wind. From a distance, it looked like a normal three-inch grass with extremely tenacious vitality.

But on one of the small blades of grass, a fairy palace pavilion and a single Buddhist temple were being wrapped and blocked by wisps of extremely fine wind sand.

From the perspective of this palace, pavilion, and single Buddhist temple, this small blade of grass is astonishingly a giant land mass with a radius of trillions of miles. Groups of strange-looking scorpion men are waving huge pincers. With a low roar, they formed a military formation and launched a strange attack towards them.

These Scorpion people are majestic humanoid figures from the waist up, both male and female.

Their arms are huge scorpion pincers, and from the waist down, they have a sandy-yellow scorpion body.

Their tail hooks swayed, and from time to time they sprayed out thin black-red poisonous light forward, like countless arrows piercing the air, overwhelmingly covering the Immortal Palace and the Buddhist Temple.

From time to time, they waved their huge pliers, causing hurricanes and yellow sand to turn into overwhelming waves, which severely washed away the two palaces.

Layman Baoding and Monk Pocket stood in mid-air, side by side, frowning as they looked at the scorpion men besieging them from all directions.

From what they could see, there were at least one billion Scorpions attacking from all directions!

God knows what these Scorpion people ate to grow bigger. Their cultivation is a bit abnormally strong - there are more than a billion Scorpion people, and they all have true immortal level combat power, including many great Bodhisattvas and even Masters in the Buddha realm exist.

From the violent aura that occasionally leaked out of the wind and sand, we could tell that the number of Buddha-level scorpion men attacking from all sides exceeded at least eight hundred!

Heaven above!

Before this trip to chaos, the huge Buddhist sect in Liangyi announced to the outside world that they only had more than 300 powerful Buddhas!

And here, just one Scorpion Man has eight hundred Buddha-level combat powers!

What a sin! The Pocket Monk suddenly looked up and sighed: Back then, I could see clearly that it was your sect's Taizhen Lao Niubi who left a nest of little scorpions nearby... That was probably the time of Liang Yitian. Calculated, it only happened a hundred thousand years ago.”

Look, look, have you caused trouble?

Liang Yitian has only been a hundred thousand years old, and I don't know how many years have passed here... How come these guys have become so scary?

A billion true immortals are not scary. A hundred times or a thousand times more will be in vain with the reckless virtues of these silly scorpions!

But, eight hundred Buddhas!

It's evil.

The pocket monk suddenly asked the Baoding layman seriously: Do you think there will be eighty sages or eighty Buddha-level aliens waiting here to ambush us this time?

Baoding layman looked at the pocket monk with horror: Fellow Taoist, please be careful what you say!

Before he finished speaking, an extremely thick, golden scorpion tail covered with countless bloody lines stabbed straight over with a harsh laugh, and struck the immortal palace of Baoding layman with a fierce blow.

With a loud noise, the Immortal Palace's protective immortal formation was shattered into large pieces, and a side hall of the Immortal Palace was so shaken that it collapsed on the spot and exploded into countless broken bricks and tiles scattered all over the ground.

Baoding layman was shocked.

The pocket monk suddenly covered his mouth.

I don't know if there are eighty of them, but the one who just sent out this blow was definitely a terrifying power of the same level as them!

Liangyi Tian is only a hundred thousand years old... Did the nest of little scorpions that were abandoned here for 'experimentation' really give birth to a terrifying being at the level of a sage and a Buddha?

Is there any justice in this?

The blazing wind howled and rolled up Lao Gao, Lao Gao.

A girl who was no more than six feet tall, with a body that was 99% like a normal human shape, with her body exposed, except for a scorpion tail that was three to five times longer than his body on the back of her butt, swaying from side to side, and with a sharp and compelling breath, walking slowly and slowly. The sky was filled with wind and sand, and they walked towards this side step by step.

The girl was born quite pure and beautiful. Even according to Liang Yitian's aesthetic standards, she was still a beauty who would conquer the entire country.

Especially her long dark golden hair and three slightly bloody golden stripes on her cheeks add to her strong wild appeal...

She was chewing something without knowing it, and her red lips were squirming slightly. She chewed all the way to the two immortal palaces and Buddhist temples, and looked up and down at the Baoding layman and the pocket monk curiously.

Behind the two of them, a large group of their disciples walked out one after another.

Behind Master Baoding, more than a dozen Tao master-level disciples stood.

Behind the pocket monk, more than thirty Buddha-level monks with long and short lengths and rough faces emerged.

They all looked at this beautiful girl with strange eyes.

When the girl appeared, countless scorpion men from all directions had stopped attacking, and the low roars continued. Large groups of scorpion men, whose strength had reached the Buddha level and were much larger than their counterparts next to them, hurriedly gathered over and brought them with them. With a flattering and fawning smile, he saluted the girl nonstop!

Well, it's not a subordinate versus a superior.

It's not the younger generation versus the elders.

But pure, when mature male creatures in spring face outstanding members of the opposite sex, the unique kind of essence and blood rushes to their heads, and that kind of despicable smile called dog licking fills the faces of these strong scorpion men. Every wrinkle, every pore!

They squeezed each other, pushed each other, clashed with each other, and kept tearing apart, forming a mess around the girl.

The girl didn't bother to look at these scorpion men.

She looked up and down for a long time at the fat and round-bellied Pocket Monk, and finally nodded with satisfaction: Very strong... and you are worthy of me... Bald, match me... ...and I will give birth to a litter of strong little scorpions!”

Touching her belly gently, the girl said frankly: You are so strong. After you are paired with me, I will eat you. Your flesh and blood will definitely provide enough nutrients for our children!

The corners of Baoding layman's mouth curled up.

The Pocket Monk's face drooped suddenly: I am compassionate... Girl, where is your shame?

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