Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 812 Feeding (4)

Lu Qian cursed.

He flew far back, finally managed to steady himself, and staggered to a stop.

‘Buzz, buzz, buzz’!

The air around him was restless, and there were invisible and immaterial attacks flying through the void. The monk's robes and liberation cassocks on Lu Qian's body erupted with dazzling light, blocking most of the invisible attacks, but only the small half penetrated the two bodies. The attack of a piece of Buddhist treasure almost knocked Lu Yi unconscious.

Soul attack! Jingse monk screamed.

It's a good thing he didn't scream, the attack wasn't directed at him. When he shouted like this, the attack suddenly had an extra target. He saw the monk Jingse's body twitching, and his whole head almost exploded. Large pieces of flesh and blood flew everywhere, and a big, round, chubby, and quite cute head was revealed. , he was almost turned into tofu.

However, this guy obviously has the life-saving means left by Malenli Buddha.

Despite such a severe injury, his soul managed to survive tenaciously. His shattered head flashed and quietly returned to its original state in a layer of continuous Buddha light. He covered his mouth tightly with both hands and bit his tongue, not daring to make any sound.

Lu Qian has come to his senses.

Isn't it something so formless and insubstantial that specializes in attacking divine souls?

Holding back the severe pain in his soul and the dizziness caused by the waves of impact on his soul, Lu Qian fixed his eyes and looked forward - this time the enemy was quite extraordinary... eh , that is a strange creature about a mile in diameter, 90% similar to the human brain, but with dozens of slender arms and legs on its body.

The huge 'brain' is suspended in the air, with dozens of arms and legs. The longest ones are more than a hundred miles long, and the short ones are more than ten miles long. The gray-brown arms and legs float in the air, creating circles of transparent ripples. .

Right in front of the brain, like a spider, grew several figure-eight-shaped green compound eyes. The huge compound eyes flashed with a mysterious and blurred light, staring at Lu Qian. Seeing that Lu Qian survived the first wave of impact, this guy was obviously stunned. As his eyes were blurred by a bright light, the next moment, another wave of soul impact roared in.

The power of this guy's soul was so powerful that it flattened a large area several feet deep on such a solid arena floor by the wave of soul it released. Smoke and dust filled the air, sand and gravel flew, and the chaotic void was filled with raging divine soul thoughts. While this brain was frantically releasing the divine soul impact, it also spread its evil and cold desires across the void.

The soul that kills, devours, and destroys all living things, and then merges into itself.

Lu Qian received the information that pervaded the void and instantly understood the origin of the brain - it was a strange creature whose origin was unknown and did not require the cooperation of yin and yang. It could tiller by itself and reproduce the next generation of offspring.

Its lifespan is nearly infinite, and the meaning of its existence is to devour the souls of countless living beings, continuously strengthen its own soul, and finally produce qualitative changes from quantitative changes, just like nuclear fusion, allowing the power of the soul to undergo incredible transformations, constantly leaping into dimensions, thus Allow yourself to achieve ultimate transcendence!

The soul attack is its only attack method, and it is also the most powerful attack method.

Lu Qian endured the severe pain in his head. He turned around and glanced at the rebooting monk who was curled up on the ground pretending to be dead with his hands covering his mouth and his head - this guy!

fair enough.

Lu Qian did not dare to fight with the brain. The attack was too terrifying. Neither the monk's robes nor the liberation cassocks could completely protect Lu Qian. If he allowed it to attack wantonly, Lu Qian felt that his own soul might... …

The next moment, the Taichu Mixed Bead released a faint light, covering Lu Qian's soul.

All of a sudden, all Lu Qian's pain and all dizziness disappeared... The spirit attack roaring from the sky was like a breeze blowing on his face, no longer posing any threat to Lu Qian.

It's not that the Taichu Hun Tong Pearl has strong defensive power... Lu Qian realized that this big head suddenly lost its lock on Lu Qian's soul, and all attacks became limitless and could no longer cause damage to Lu Qian. any harm.

Then, the small ax that had been hidden in Lu Qian's mind for a long time was quietly activated.

With a flash of indescribable light, all the magic power in Lu Qian's body was suddenly drained. At this time, Lu Qian's magic power cultivation had also reached the realm of the True Buddha in the Thirty-Six Kalpas. Such a majestic magic power cultivation could actually In an instant, not a drop of it was left.

The big head suddenly froze.

The breeze blew quietly, and the big head seemed to not exist, quietly turning into a wisp of fly ash and drifting away. The terrifying soul impact that filled the void quietly disappeared, and the entire battlefield returned to calm.

The sweet girl's voice came slowly: Oh, I really didn't expect, I really didn't expect that this strong cricket could be so tyrannical? Tsk, um, what can I give you this time? There are so many good things here, Miss. Woolen cloth.

The palms made of clouds and smoke fell quietly.

The Jingse monk raised his head and stared at the small, thumb-sized pearl held in his palm with wide eyes.

The color of the pearl was clear, and the small beads shone with bright blue water waves. The pearly light rippled for miles and miles. In the middle of the small pearl, a small giant whale can be faintly seen floating on the waves, its body rolling lightly with the water waves.

An orb with a giant whale inside?

Lu Qian carefully picked up the small orb. When the cloudy palms dispersed, the message from the orb made Lu Qian understand the origin of the orb. The essence of this orb is equivalent to a Buddhist kingdom, with an extremely vast world within it, and the space in it is a trillion miles in diameter.

In the small orb, the substance that looks like water waves is the purest source of the soul.

And that dragon whale is a wonderful and incredible secret method of soul transformation. Its name is Swinging, which means that Kun turns into a roc, fish turns into a dragon, rides the strong wind, soars up to the nine heavens, and then transforms into an immortal. .

The intention of this method completely exceeds the limits of the world of Liangyi Heaven.

Even the tempering and refining of their own souls by Buddhas and sages cannot be compared with this secret method of 'Fuyao'.

Not to mention, this orb contains the vast ocean-like source of the soul that matches Fuyao's secret method. Without the power of these sources, Lu Qian doesn't know how many thousands of years it would take to master this secret method.

But now...

He grabbed the pearl, put it in his mouth, and swallowed it in one gulp.

The next moment, the vast and endless soul source poured into Lu Qian's soul, and Fuyao's secret method was activated on its own. Lu Qian's soul burst out with a bright light like the sun, illuminating his entire mind and faintly passing through his body. It illuminated the large void around him brightly and clearly, like a bright and glazed world.

A rebooting monk still knows his stuff.

He saw at a glance the great changes that were taking place in Lu Qian's body, and he murmured to himself subconsciously: The secret method of the soul...the secret method of the soul in the ancient city of Loulan, how strong is it? It's not like he surpassed it all at once. Master, are you going?

Just as the monk was muttering to himself, a sweet girl's voice sounded faintly: Oh, I seem to have done something stupid. The fat cricket ate something and needed to take a rest, then, that, that... Fat Cricket , it can only be you!

Fight one obediently, and this one will be counted into your total number of games. However, you are obviously not as strong as Strong Cricket, so I will pick an opponent with a weak point for you... Well, General of Thorns, you Go and have a good fight with this fat cricket!

‘General of Thorns’?

The Jingse monk was horrified, and he hissed: Wait a minute, miss, monk, I, I...

A wisp of cloud slowly fell from the sky, and a tall figure covered in dark heavy armor slowly fell with the cloud. His armor was densely covered with spikes, and each one shone with cold light. His hands were simply two stabbing swords almost as long as his body, radiating cold light and sharp edges.

The appearance of this tall thorn general cannot be clearly seen, but judging from its armor, its body shape is roughly the same as that of humans, except that its body is extraordinarily tall and its aspect ratio is a bit too weird.

After it landed, it approached Monk Jingse step by step without saying a word.

Its two long 'arms', or two long stabbing swords, swayed gently, and the sword blades passed through the void, causing a sharp scream and faintly opening black cracks in the air. .

Lu Qian was immersed in the wonderful feeling of soul transformation and had no time to think about anything else.

Fuyao's secret method was activated, and the soul transformed rapidly. The vast and boundless soul source in the pearl poured into Lu Qian's soul, integrating bit by bit and strengthening bit by bit. The soul undergoes an extremely wonderful and indescribable evolution, like changing from cinders to diamonds, like changing from mud to beautiful porcelain, like changing from a beggar holding a bowl on the street to the founding emperor of the country!

This kind of change, this kind of good fortune, is impossible for Liang Yitian to bring to Lu Qian!

The Taichu Bead of Mixture swayed slightly, the small ax shook slightly, and wisps of dim light and starlight fell, blending into Lu Qian's soul, prompting him to transform faster and better, with higher efficiency...even, compared to the 'Fuyao Secret Technique' 'A higher blueprint for transformation.

There was a faint realization in Lu Qian's heart - the origins of Taichu's mixed beads and small axes were higher than this 'Fuyao Secret Technique', so the fortune he received was even greater!

Obviously, whether it is the three-eyed figure, the Taichu Bead of Confusion, or this small ax, the origins are mysterious and unpredictable.

And this fighting arena, this maid, this lady, although they are also unpredictable existences in the ancient city of Loulan... But looking at the structure of this courtyard and its location in the ancient city of Loulan, they are probably a 'rich' family in the ancient city of Loulan. 's mansion, right?

Since she is a 'rich person', she can have some valuable gold and silver jewelry, but if you want to say that she has any rare treasures, the probability is not high.

And whether it is a three-eyed figure, a bead of confusion from the beginning, or a small axe, Lu Qian believes that the treasure that can endure many tribulations and survive numerous ups and downs, and finally falls into his hands, has an extraordinary origin. !

The small ax shook slightly, and when wisps of starlight fell, clear and weak messages flowed into Lu Qian's soul.

This is about the origin of the hatchet.

‘Taihu Emperor’s Axe’!

Tai Qu, the name of a certain great power, was obviously not a native of Liangyi Heaven. Lu Qian had never heard of it, so this name did not have much meaning.

But the meaning of 'Emperor'...'Emperor'... no matter in any world, it is so noble and lofty... This is a person from the upper world, with a high status, who is called the emperor. The treasure left behind by the mighty?

Lu Qian's soul stirred up microwaves, blending and communicating with Emperor Taihu's ax bit by bit.

Lu Qian marveled in his heart, how majestic and incredible the internal structure of this small axe, with a head no more than the size of a palm... What a huge world is contained in this small axe, and its internal structure There are countless densely packed great restrictions nested inside, each of which is unparalleled in killing power and tyrannical.

The densely packed restrictions were like a giant dragon crossing the sky, filling the entire internal space of Emperor Ax.

Lu Qian's soul looked at the countless restrictions and suddenly felt his own insignificance and helplessness.

Then, the rapidly strengthening and transforming soul released a trace of soul fluctuation, entangled in these restrictions that actively opened the door and welcomed Lu Qian to enter.

Space, time, speed, power... all kinds of restrictions are all-encompassing and dazzling.

These supreme and powerful restrictions were forcibly kneaded into one by some great force, as if a single metal was turned into an alloy, forming an incredible reaction, deriving a hundred times, a thousand times, or even ten thousand times the power!

What an incredible means of creation!

Lu Qian was immersed in the realization of these restrictions... Taihu Emperor's Ax and Taichu Mixed Bead also took the initiative to release their power to help Lu Qian realize these restrictions.

As his soul continues to improve and transform, the origin of his soul has caught up with the Lord Buddha and the saints. His understanding of various laws of the great road has also increased, and continues to 'surge up'.

Lu Qian felt the boundless beauty.

The abstaining monk, on the other hand, held his head and ran around in the arena, rolling on the ground and crying.

The General of Thorns was ruthless, and the two stabbing swords flashed with cold light at every turn. Monk Jingse could not see the sword light clearly, and could not see the trajectory of the sword, so he felt a sudden cold somewhere on his body, or it fell. A piece of flesh, or a big hole was opened.

Fortunately, he also has the cultivation level of the Great Bodhisattva. As long as the Buddha's power is not exhausted, he can continue to heal injuries.

And this General of Thorns, as the girl with a sweet voice said, is really not very strong, and is much weaker than the previous ones. Compared to Monk Jingse, this General of Thorns has roughly the combat power of the True Buddha Realm of Two Tribulations.

Monk Jingse still couldn't resist, but with the help of all kinds of strange and strange Buddhist treasures on his body, he could barely escape.

It’s just that it’s too painful!

The cold light flashed and flesh and blood flew everywhere!

Monk Jiese was obviously stingy. The big fat piece of meat he chopped off with the stabbing sword flew no more than three feet away when it was sucked back by his magic power and fell back into his wound. Once the magic power was destroyed, it healed quickly.

The abstaining monk could only shake the big fat all over his body, with tears streaming down his face, and run around on the ground, occasionally rolling and crawling, and occasionally crawling and rolling. In short, he was running around in the arena in an extremely embarrassed manner, with earth-shattering cries. But he couldn't get any sympathy from General Thorn.

Occasionally, during his busy schedule, Monk Jingse would glance at the eighteen puppets of the Heavenly King guarding Lu Qian.

This is the life-protecting Dharma given by his master. If the eighteen Buddha-level tyrannical puppets form a Buddhist formation, there are not many Buddhas in the Liangyitian Buddhism who dare to say that they can suppress the powerful Dharma.

If he had these eighteen puppets in hand, then a mere General of Thorns would pose no threat to him.

However, these eighteen little cuties have now fallen into the arms of others.

The monk wept bitterly, then suddenly slapped his head and took out a golden Buddha the size of a fist from his sleeve - Malenli Buddha, known as the number one treasure in the Liangyi Heaven Buddhism, he bestowed Naturally, the items given to the young disciple, Monk Jingse, cannot all be top-notch Buddha treasures. Naturally, there are also one-time items of great destruction.

This Frei was not refined by the Buddha Malengli. This Buddha was not good at refining thunder and fire.

This is the creation of Buddhism's Great Sound and Sound Buddha.

Great Sound and Sound refers to the phenomenon caused by the sound being too loud. The Buddha of Great Sound and Sound has devoted himself to various sonic techniques such as dragon chants and lion roars. The Thunder Technique is so loud because of its earth-shattering sound. Yinxi Shengfo also has profound research on thunder method.

His Buddhist power may not be the strongest in Buddhism, but his breadth of knowledge in Lei Dharma is definitely the best in Liangyitian Buddhism!

The Foley in the hands of Monk Jingse is integrated with the four thunder methods of 'reincarnation', 'annihilation', 'demon slaying' and 'exorcism' enlightened by Great Sound Buddha. The four thunders exploded in succession, and the power was absolutely terrifying. !

According to the words of Maharaja Buddha, if the Buddha is blasted solidly at this moment, even the great power of the six-kalpa and seven-kalpa true Buddha realm will be blasted away into thin air.

The Jingse monk gritted his teeth and took out another bottle of pills.

He took three thumb-sized golden Buddhas into his mouth, gritted his teeth, stamped his feet, and roared like a bad gambler who was cornered by his creditors. He held the Foleys in both hands and strode towards the General of Thorns.

While running forward, the monk Jingse activated his magic power and injected three top-level Buddhist treasures to protect his body.

The three layers of Buddha's light rippled out and tightly enveloped the body of the monk. But his biggest shortcoming was exposed. Compared with these three Buddha treasures, his magic power was extremely weak. He could make three pieces at most. A Buddha treasure takes two breaths!

The Jingse monk charged with all his strength and crashed into the General of Thorns.

The General of Thorns sneered and stabbed with both swords, just like the owner of a barbecue stall piercing meat skewers, piercing the Jingse monk on his own stabbing sword. At this moment, the two of them were less than six feet away, and Monk Jingse had already swallowed the three Buddha pills in his mouth. The Buddha power in his body suddenly surged. The surging Buddha power was injected into three defensive Buddha treasures, and the triple Buddha light suddenly surged ten feet away. How high.

The next moment, the abstaining monk brazenly detonated Frey.

There was a muffled sound, and the four-color thunder fire exploded.

The thunder fire spread in all directions, surged out of a hundred-mile radius, and then suddenly collapsed inward. The huge destructive power of thunder raged and surged within a hundred miles, and then as the range covered by the thunder continued to collapse, its power continued to soar exponentially.

The abstaining monk was spraying black smoke all over his body and vomiting blood. He was wrapped in three flashes of Buddha's light and flew straight out from the center of the explosion. He hit the ground, his limbs limp, looking at the sky and breathing heavily.

Such a desperate attack turned the General of Thorns into ashes.

The monk Jingse was also blown to pieces, and his body was almost turned into cooked meat by the thunder and fire.

However, after all, he has a family background. The three Buddha pills not only provided huge Buddha power to support the life-saving Buddha treasure, but also provided the strong and tenacious vitality of the monk. Only then did he escape from the explosion. .

Covered in black smoke, he kneaded in circles several times. The abstaining monk sat down on the ground with a bang, howling at the top of his lungs: Who else? Who else? Get out of here, Lord Buddha... Mother! Give it to Buddha, I...

The sky was shining with auspicious light, and a drop of nectar of creation slowly fell down from the big hand made of clouds.

It is the nectar of creation, and it is exactly the same as the drop of nectar of creation that Lu Qian took before, in terms of shape, color, breath and faint fluctuations... The monk's eyes widened suddenly and he stared straight at this drop of nectar of creation. The saliva at the corner of his mouth couldn't help but drip out: She is truly a female Bodhisattva, so compassionate!

Holding the nectar of creation in both hands, he gently inhaled it.

The body of the monk Jingse trembled suddenly, and then trembled again. Then, he showed a complicated expression that seemed to be smiling and crying: Buddha, be merciful... The young monk is a magic monk. This kind of nectar of creation, you can give it to those who are just... How good the Mang monk is who knows how to hack, slash and kill... Although it is a good thing, a really good thing, but... but... this is the nectar of creation!

Gritting his teeth and stomping his feet fiercely, Monk Jingse made up his mind: Your Majesty, Master, your disciple...it seems that you don't practice the body cultivation technique that you obtained from the tombs of thousands of immortals in Niluan Xinghai. No more!

Really, with such a good body base, if you don't practice physical training, you are really sorry for this fate.

It's just that the great method of manifesting the Yuan Fei of Ten Thousand Tribulations and Deaths... the name doesn't sound very serious. You must not deceive your disciples!

Gritting his teeth and making up his mind, the monk took out a palm-sized jade talisman that looked like it was made up of countless burning steel needles. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, opened his mouth, and took out the jade talisman. Swallowed it in one gulp.

There was a sound of chi la, like a red-hot iron ingot thrown into the ice water. The monk's whole body twitched, and billowing white smoke kept coming out of his seven orifices. The jade talisman burst out inside his body and turned into 192.6 million tiny talismans. They burned rapidly, emitting terrifying heat, and countless small talismans flashing with terrifying thunder light were integrated into it. Everywhere on his body.

It's always burning, always getting electric shocks, and always being hit by severe pain that feels like being cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

The severe pain made the monk want to faint.

But the jade talisman forcibly protected his soul, making his mind extremely clear and unable to faint... Not only that, the jade talisman amplified his perception a hundred times or a thousand times, making every nerve ending in him They have all become extremely sharp. Therefore, the pain level caused by the jade talisman in his body skyrocketed.

He opened his mouth, and the corners of his mouth cracked suddenly due to the severe pain, and blood continued to splash out.

He let out a miserable howl, and the corners of his eyes were torn from opening them with too much force. Blood spurted out from the corners of his eyes, slid down his cheeks, and fell to the ground in a 'tick-tick-tick' sound.

Life is worse than death.

It hurts beyond belief.

But correspondingly, compared to his Taoism and magic power, Monk Jingse's extremely weak body began to strengthen rapidly.

From skin to muscles, from blood vessels to nerves, from the internal organs to bones, bone marrow, and even the brain, which is the most difficult to reach with ordinary physical training, they all began to rise upwards.

The strength is increasing, the blood in the body is surging rapidly in the blood vessels, the density and energy contained in the blood are increasing crazily, the blood is making a loud swishing sound, and under the skin of the rebooting monk, the blood vessels, meridians, and muscles are like The loach was squirming like crazy, and his bones began to grow rapidly. The height of the monk, who was originally less than ten feet tall, kept growing click, click, and the naked eye could see the continuous improvement inch by inch.

The severe pain, the indescribable pain made the monk Jingse understand the concept of ten thousand calamities and ten thousand deaths.

He howled at the top of his lungs, jumped around, yelled and cursed at the sky at the top of his lungs: Thief girl, get out of here for Lord Buddha...get out of here... Damn it, Lord Buddha will beat you ten times, beat me ten times!

Amidst the miserable howl, the girl's sweet voice sounded faintly: Oh, miss, this fat cricket may have eaten something bad and looks a little crazy... Hey, I don't know what he is shouting, but , seeing how energetic he is, let’s give him more opponents, shall we?”

Amidst the laughter, thin clouds fell from the sky one after another. Under each cloud, there was a strong figure with an inhuman physique hanging.

Well, I don’t know if these guys are human or not.

There is no skin, and the blood-colored muscles are directly exposed. He is eight feet tall, and his waist is also eight feet, but his arms and thighs are almost three feet thick... The bodies of these guys are like lumps of meat, extremely strong and majestic. To the extreme... Muscles, the whole body is covered with bloody, explosive muscles. Apart from muscles, nothing else can be seen on them.

Even on their bloody eyelids, there were bulging muscles beating and squirming.

They followed the thin clouds and landed heavily on the ground. The sound was like a big mountain hitting the ground, and the entire ground of the arena was shaking.

Although they are only over eight feet tall, the weight of these guys is astonishing.

With such an astonishing weight, one can imagine how terrifyingly dense their bodies are.

From this, we can deduce how much majestic and terrifying power is contained in their 'small' bodies.

Moreover, there are enough of them, not ten as the monk Jingse said, nor a little more as the maidservant said. There are thin clouds hanging down, and the number is a full 3,600!

Thirty-six hundred meat dumplings fell heavily to the ground.

A small crack opened on their bloody faces, and they roared like wild beasts and demons. Then they roared in a low voice, shooting out like shells from the barrel, and pounced on the stunned monk. .



This disciple will never have a stoma again!

Accumulating virtue, accumulating virtue must start with accumulating oral virtue... wu wu... where do you want to hit it?

The Jingse monk had now grown to more than two feet tall. A meaty lump flew in front of him, and punched straight in front of him... With the height of this meaty lump, the target it punched was exactly The most indecent part of the body.

The speed was too fast and the force was too fierce. Monk Jingse had no time to dodge.

There was a loud noise, and his weak magic power was unable to make the defensive Buddha treasure on his body open for a long time. The weak Buddha light was shattered by a heavy punch, and the fist landed firmly on the vital part of the monk's lower body, and then Hearing a mournful howl from the monk Jingse, he bent over like a cooked lobster and was blown away with a roar.

The rabbit curled up between Lu Qian's feet.

Cui She carefully poked her head out of Lu Qian's sleeves.

The two uncles watched tremblingly as the Jingse monk was surrounded by 3,600 meaty men. Countless fist shadows were flying in the sky, beating him all over the sky. The terrifying roar of heavy blows made people's scalp explode!

Fortunately, after just taking the nectar of creation, the monk's physical strength and body endurance were greatly increased. These blows caused extremely heavy damage to him, but they have not yet threatened his life!

Moreover, the stronger the pain inflicted by the outside world and the more severe the damage to the body, the faster he can practice his strange body-refining method that begins with ten thousand calamities and ten thousand deaths!

In just a short breath, the monk Jingse gathered a golden body at the level of a great Bodhisattva, and his physical body was as strong as a powerful golden body at the Buddha level.

In a sense, the creation in the ancient city of Loulan is truly incredible!

As long as they can withstand the many tests blessed by the ancient city of Loulan, everyone can return with a full load!

The sound of cracking bones sounded like exploding beans, large pieces of muscle exploded to pieces, and countless plasma was scattered all over the floor. The hoarse screams of the monks could be heard throughout the arena. Many times, the rabbit and the green snake thought that this guy was going to be torn into pieces alive, but it was obvious that these meatheads would not be able to do anything to the rebooting monk for a while.

One hour...three hours...one day...

Three days...five days...half a month...

As time passes in the arena, the transformation of Lu Qian's soul continues, and the majestic soul source continues to merge into Lu Qian's soul. Correspondingly, Lu Qian's understanding of the great avenues of heaven and earth and his mastery of the secrets of various laws are also increasing, allowing his strength to continue to advance by leaps and bounds, and to break through and advance towards a certain limit step by step.

The abstaining monk also endured countless beatings.

The strange body-refining method passed down by the Buddha Mo Renli from the Tomb of Ten Thousand Immortals in the Sea of ​​Rebellion is truly infinitely powerful. Under the grace of a drop of the nectar of creation, and under the crazy beating and cruelty of these meatheads, the monk Jingse has actually condensed a powerful golden body comparable to that of a true Buddha.

In just half a month, the physical body has gone from being in the stream to the realm of true Buddha for one kalpa. If this opportunity of monk Jingse is transmitted back to Liangyi Heaven, I don’t know how many Buddhist monks will be envious to death.

Gradually, the Jingse monk and these meatheads were able to fight each other back and forth.

The muscles of these meaty guys are extremely developed, their bodies are extremely strong, and the force of each punch is extremely heavy... But their speed is lacking. They have absolute power, and their physical defense is also very strong, but their speed is not fast enough. And it lacks other magical changes.

So, they are actually not difficult to deal with.

After the monk's physical body improved, with the help of some Buddhist secrets, he was able to navigate among the 3,600 meat dumplings with ease, just like a fluttering butterfly flying back and forth among the rose bushes, passing through thousands of flowers without being overwhelmed by one. Pricked by a thin root thorn.

Time passed little by little.

Finally, after forty-nine days, Lu Qian suddenly opened his eyes.

The entire arena suddenly lit up, as if suddenly coming from night to day.

Lu Qian's soul power was so powerful and abundant that his eyes were like a hundred suns flashing, lighting up the entire arena.

Brother, help!

The monk, who was four feet and two feet tall, with his whole body exposed and covered with muscle lumps, wailed hoarsely: Junior brother, I am suffering!

Lu Qian raised his right hand, his mind moved slightly, and his right hand suddenly became blurry and hazy.

Silently, 3,600 fist shadows blasted out, and 3,600 meat lumps turned into a wisp of smoke silently at the same time, leaving not even an ash residue.

Congratulations, junior brother, your cultivation...has made great progress! The extremely strange fluctuations in the soul that seemed to be real, but did not exist, swept away, and Lu Qian easily sensed what the monk Jiese was doing now. In such a state, I couldn't help but feel sincerely happy for him.

It’s really not easy. The three-kalpa true Buddha-level Buddhist golden body has been achieved in such a short period of time. It must be very difficult for the monk to have a hard time these days, very difficult!

Monk Jingse was stunned. He raised his head and glanced at Lu Yi. As soon as his eyes met Lu Yi's, he turned his head instinctively and extremely quickly, avoiding Lu Yi's sight.

Can't look straight.

Don't dare to look directly.

Can't look directly!

There is unfathomable divine power and unfathomable miraculousness in Lu Qian's eyes... Monk Jingse has no doubt that if he dares to look directly into Lu Qian's eyes, even if Lu Qian does not have any ill intentions towards him, in Lu Qian's eyes Infected by the 'morality' inadvertently revealed in his eyes, the spirit of the monk will be assimilated in an instant!

Or simply disappear into ashes and disappear without a soul...

Either the soul is completely washed away and becomes a zombie puppet controlled by Lu Qian!

‘Don’t look directly at me...otherwise, you will suffer disaster’!

Inexplicably, Monk Jise recalled what the Buddha Malengli had told him. When the Buddha Malengli was exploring Niluan Xinghai, the ancient city of Loulan and other dangerous places, he saw in some extremely ancient ruins. similar description.

Some incredible powers, after their demise, the only scale claws they left, and some of the relics they left behind, all have similar 'commandments'.

It's like, 'Mortals cannot look directly at gods', otherwise they will surely receive unpredictable divine punishment.

The abstaining monk's heart, liver, and lungs were trembling.

Did Lu Qian suddenly reach this level in just forty-nine days? This, this, where is the reasoning behind this? He just stood aside in a daze for forty-nine days, while the abstaining monk himself... was beaten wildly for forty-nine days!

In the sky, the sweet girl's voice sounded again.

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