Jiayou's Fun

Chapter 820: The Fall of Ancient Buddha

The Shenyin Dynasty is a land of greedy wolves.

The country of Greedy Wolf, its leader Yu Canglang, lives up to his name, has a sinister and suspicious character, cruel but hesitant, cunning and changeable, greedy and vicious... His character is more similar to someone who has been abused thousands of times in the palace. The little eunuch from the cold palace is cruel and vicious, almost inhumane.

With such a personality, he cannot be considered a good person. But at that time, in the palace guard of the Supreme Saint Tian Dayin, a person with this kind of character was a first-class good material. As the emperor's eagle dog, Yu Changle naturally has to raise a group of good thugs who can bite, dare to bite, and are willing to bite people, and bite them painfully.

In particular, the palace guards and divine and military generals are responsible for monitoring civil and military officials and collecting intelligence from all parties.

At that time, Lu Qian had just made meritorious service and received awards. Yinyuan rewarded thirty-six divine generals to serve as guards of honor. Naturally, among them were the eyes and ears of the palace guards to monitor and report Lu Qian's every move.

Yu Canglang was the secret spy leader who was buried next to Lu Qian at that time. If there was any change in Lu Qian, he would report what Lu Qian had done as soon as possible, and even take the responsibility of 'arresting Lu Qian' as soon as possible. , and even the important task of 'sniping and killing Lu Qian'.

However, later on, Lu Qian's status became higher and higher, and his strength became stronger and stronger. Yu Canglang, the secret spy leader, was not used at all. Later, Lu Yi and Yinyuan became brothers. Even in the end, Yinyuan relied on Lu Yi to reverse his tragic fate and have a good life with Bai Yu!

By the time everyone had ascended to Liangyi Heaven, Dayin, the palace guard, the secret spy leader, etc. had all become the smoke of the past and had no meaning.

Until they followed Lu Qian to the ancient city of Loulan, that day everyone was suddenly separated, and there was no news from Lu Qian for a long time... Yu Dianhu led the Shenwu generals to set up his own business, and became friends with many tiger masters of Baihu Hall headed by A Hu. The mortal enemy, Yu Canglang, has also become the king of a country, occupying an extremely vast territory and possessing trillions of people.

One day, he was in a high position, and he was also a tyrant. He had almost no resistance in the world. The cruelty, viciousness, insidiousness, cruelty, etc. in Yu Canglang's character all burst out. Among the thirty-five feudal kingdoms of the Shenyin Dynasty, the people of the Greedy Wolf Country were the most oppressed and lived the most miserable lives.

The people of other feudal countries are just 'slaves' who are 'enslaved'... 'nothing more'!

The people of the Greedy Wolf Country are not even considered 'slaves', they are completely 'livestock' raised by Yu Cang Lang!

The descendants of Yucanglang also inherited the cruelty and viciousness in his bloodline, so they took the action of killing the people under his rule wantonly, concocting them and making wine.

In the country of Greedy Wolf, Feilang County is the lower county, and Desert Wind City is on the border and barren.

Princess Feilang is Yu Canglang's 899th son, Yu Gu'ao. Because he has too many sons, Yu Gu'ao is not very qualified, and his biological mother is not favored by Yu Canglang, so she is only sealed. He established a border county with low output and remote location, extremely close to the Buddhist Kingdom in the East.

The Lord of Mofeng City is the third son of Princess Feilang, Yu Tiejun. Like his unlucky father, Yu Tiejun also had ordinary qualifications, and his mother was just an inconspicuous one among the many women in the Yu Tie Army... Relying on the advantage of being born early, Yu Tiejun barely managed to get a fiefdom, but the location Not outstanding either, he was sent far away to Desert Wind City.

This Desert Wind City has reached the eastern border of the Greedy Wolf Kingdom, and is less than 30,000 miles away from the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom controlled by Ahu. Young monks who belong to the Eastern Buddhist Kingdom and are eager to make meritorious deeds come here in groups from time to time. A novice copy of Conquering Demons and Killing Demons.

Even so, Mofeng City also has twelve acropolises, hundreds of villages and towns, a territory of 13,000 miles in radius, and nearly 300 million people... All of this is under the single-handed control of the Yutie Army.

Early in the morning, a naked, voluptuous and painted young man yawned, carrying a delicate carved bow, and with his fingers danced a long arrow wrapped in the breeze like a windmill, and walked out lazily. Enter the west gate of the city lord's mansion in Desert Wind City.

In front of the west gate and on the street, the people who had gotten up early and were busy all got excited, stopped one by one, and knelt on the ground in fear, like clay and wood sculptures, not daring to move or make a sound.

Looking at the ghostly street in front of the door, the young man snorted coldly, raised his head, twisted his neck and waist, grinned and opened the ornately decorated carved bow, randomly chose a direction, and shot the long arrow. go out.

‘Tsk’… A shadow of wind flickered on the long arrow, and the long arrow shot straight into the sky a thousand feet high, taking a long parabola and heading towards the southwest corner. The wind pushed the long arrow, and it flew more than twenty miles away, landing heavily in the courtyard of a family.

Several soldiers with true immortal cultivation had already followed the long arrows and flew into the sky above the courtyard. The leader of the soldiers shouted and lifted the roofs of several brick houses in the courtyard with one palm, revealing the trembling houses inside. The people were so frightened that their faces turned pale.

Oh, sure enough! Several soldiers laughed wildly. The leading soldier swooped down, picked up two young girls, and whipped up a strong wind and flew towards the city lord's palace. More than ten miles away, the soldier was already laughing wildly: Young City Lord, Young City Lord, you are really lucky today. There is actually a pair of sisters in that house!

Yu Dianfeng, the doting and pampered youngest son of Mofeng City Lord Yu Tiejun, frowned when he heard this and cursed angrily: There are actually a pair of sisters? Damn it, I don't want to get rid of these girls this morning Son, I just want to pick one family and kill them all!

After roaring angrily for a while, Yu Dianfeng sighed: But, I set the rules myself. Once I set the rules, I have to abide by them... Since they happen to have a couple of girls in their family, then, reluctantly, Just use it...Tsk, tsk, it’s a pity that I couldn’t kill their whole family!”

Sighing angrily, Yu Dianfeng casually pulled out the sword of the guard standing next to him, walked to the street with his arms swinging, randomly selected a commoner kneeling on the ground, and stabbed him to death with one sword.

Blood spattered, and Yu Dianfeng suddenly laughed from ear to ear: I said I would find every family to kill him, and I will do it... Come on, find this guy's relatives and kill them all... Kill them all... Be serious, be careful, and make sure no chickens, dogs, or even cockroaches are left behind!

Several monks wearing black robes and with sinister auras rushed out of the city lord's palace. The leading monk dipped into the blood of the assassinated people and recited a spell softly, and the bit of blood turned into A bit of blood flew out quickly.

Follow me... If the young city lord wants to kill him all over the house, he must kill them all! The black-robed monk at the head shouted, and a group of fully armed soldiers from the city lord's palace strode out and followed. That bit of blood light set up the storm and rushed out quickly.

The soldiers just now ran back with two girls who were so scared that they were dementia.

Yu Dianfeng looked at the two girls with a little disgust, and sighed: The two Chaihe girls look boring and tasteless at first glance... However, they are more delicate because of their age, and their figure is just fine. Come on...the rules can't be broken, you can't kill their whole family early in the morning, so you can only use it reluctantly!

Right on the street, in front of so many people who were kneeling on the ground and dared not move, Yu Dianfeng threw the two girls to the ground.

The painful cries of Bah, bah, bah, bah are endless. The faces of the people kneeling on the street are numb, their eyes are like dead people, and there is no emotion. They have endured this kind of life for many years, and they will continue to endure it. Get down!

Basically, they see no possibility of changing their fate.

They are just human beings.

Yu Tiejun is the ‘mighty person’ of the twenty-seventh level of the True Immortal.

Although Yu Dianfeng was incompetent, he relied on countless resources to accumulate the strength of the twelfth level of the True Immortal Realm.

There are millions of civilians in Desert Wind City, but no matter how many mortals there are, what can they do in the face of such a cruel and twisted Yu Dianfeng?

At noon, Yu Dianfeng, who was covered in blood, was finally exhausted. He staggered up from the ground and heard thunder in his belly. He touched his belly and suddenly laughed: I didn't expect that these sisters are still a little bit delicious... I'm hungry, I'm hungry... Uh, uh... I've lost my yang energy today. I have to replenish it. I have to replenish it. Yes, make up for it!

With a little saliva dripping from the corner of his mouth, Yu Dianfeng grinned and glanced at the many people kneeling on the street.

Roasted lamb kidneys, roasted lamb kidneys...hehe!

He looked at a few people wearing coarse cloth with holes in their clothes and carrying a large amount of medicinal herbs in baskets on their backs.

These common people are not pure 'human race'. They have human bodies and sheep heads, so they are obviously of 'goat demon' blood... Yu Dianfeng smiled from ear to ear and pointed fiercely at these common people: I just said, God will do as he wishes... It's just them, drag them down, wash them clean, remove all the good things from them, grill them properly and bring them up... Well, put more chili powder and cumin Yes!

Several soldiers standing in front of the city lord's palace pulled out their heavy hammers, strode up to the trembling people, raised their hammers, and killed them on the spot. Accompanied by shrill howling sounds, several common people revealed their true colors. They were several large green sheep with bluish fur and chrysanthemum-shaped white fur swirls on their bodies.

A pile of bonfires was raised directly on the street. The naked Yu Dianfeng sat on the steps in front of the city lord's mansion, crossing his legs and looking at the people kneeling on the street with a smile.

Several goat demons have been washed and cleaned, and the ingredients named by Yu Dianfeng have been skewered into meat skewers and placed on the bonfire.

The air is filled with the strong aroma of barbecue.

Among the people on the street, those pure human race people were okay. They were just suffering from severe pain in their knees because they had been kneeling for a long time, and their bodies were trembling and shaky. And those fairies of all kinds, especially those who could be used as 'food', were already pale with fright, and even the younger people were so frightened that their faces burst into tears, and their tears kept dripping down the street.

Yu Dianfeng raised his eyebrows: What? I had fun early this morning, I had fun killing, and I will have fun eating later... There are so many happy things coming together, and what do you mean by all of you crying in despair? ?”

The people kneeling all over the street shook their bodies and raised their heads at the same time, showing bright smiles.

Even with tears still hanging on their faces, these people were already laughing loudly... No matter how twisted their smiles were, no matter how ugly their laughter was, the people on the whole street were all laughing. Laughing, everyone was laughing hysterically with all their strength.

Yu Dianfeng was finally happy, and he nodded with satisfaction: That's right, you have to laugh, laugh, do you understand?

My father and grandfather spent all their efforts to keep those Buddhist thieves out of the border... and spent endless efforts to manage Feilang County and Desert Wind City so that the weather is smooth and the country is peaceful and the people are safe. Let all of you bastards live in abundance, have enough food and clothing, and have a peaceful home... You have to be grateful, you have to... smile!

Taking the meat skewers handed over by the guard, Yu Dianfeng took a big bite and shouted loudly: Smile, just laugh... Well, pass my order, today in the entire Mofeng City, all the people must Make me laugh, no matter what they are doing, make me laugh!

Send all the garrison troops to patrol the streets. If anyone dares not to smile, I will kill his whole family!

Yu Dianfeng waved his hand gently.

Immediately, black-clothed monks rushed into the sky riding the strong wind, and then, thunderous shouts came from the sky above Desert Wind City, which was hundreds of miles away: By the order of the young city lord, today, all the people in the city, You must laugh, laugh, laugh heartily and happily... Laugh out loud, smile brightly... Who dares not to laugh, who dares to laugh in a false and deceptive way, who dares to laugh in an ugly and ugly way... The whole family will be punished, even the chickens and dogs will not do it. Keep!

The next moment, all the streets, alleys, mansions, and shops in Desert Wind City, no matter what the people in the city were doing, were all laughing hysterically and impatiently.

Loud laughter, twisted and crazy laughter soared into the sky, and the entire Desert Wind City seemed to have turned into a mental hospital in an instant!

The original intention of sneaking down the mountain was at this time, when he arrived outside Desert Wind City.

Desert Wind City, which is hundreds of miles in radius, is surrounded by a hundred-foot-tall yellow-brown stone wall formed by magic. On the stone wall that is three miles thick, there are pillars made of the bones of living creatures. Vicious restrictions and evil spells have imprisoned countless ghosts. The tall and tall pillars are wrapped in countless black smoke. In the thick smoke, pale white faces are constantly emerging, and they are constantly emitting... Ruoyou Ruowu's shrill screams.

Groups of wolf demons roared back and forth on the city walls, or transformed into their original forms and ran around, or stood upright and patrolled around in heavy armor. There are also small, high-speed shuttle boats that are more than ten feet long, centered on Desert Wind City, flying rapidly in the sky with a radius of thousands of miles.

Ben Yuan, nearly ten feet tall, with a slim body, a faint greenish-gold color to his skin, and a row of thin scales between his eyebrows, was wearing a set of animal skin clothes. His big, shaved head had been spawned with magic power over four feet long. Thick long hair, messy and messy, hanging down the back of his head.

He had a mountain vine tied around his waist, a hatchet stuck behind his waist, and a large bundle of firewood on his shoulders, which was as big as two or three ordinary thatched huts. With the demon-clan hybrid appearance he currently displays, it is reasonable to have such a small amount of firewood.

On the huge bundle of firewood, there were several branches sticking out, and hanging on them were twenty hares, fifty pheasants, and a fat and strong wild boar.

Ben Yuan dressed up like the most serious woodcutter and hunter.

A faint demonic energy rose from his body, and his golden eyes shrank into a line from time to time. The powerful Buddhist power and strong Buddhist charm were all suppressed in his body by his powerful talent bloodline, without any leakage.

A shuttle boat flew by at high speed from a height of a hundred feet above the head. Just after flying several tens of feet away, the shuttle boat suddenly stopped.

Wearing light armor, a tiger-headed monk who was at the third or fourth level of the True Immortal Realm jumped off the shuttle boat and landed heavily in front of Ben Yuan. He flew up and kicked Ben Yuan in the lower abdomen. Ben Yuan cooperated and fell to the ground, rolling backwards several times in embarrassment.

The tiger-headed monk laughed wildly, grabbed the hare and pheasant hanging on the fallen firewood, hung them randomly around his waist, and directly grabbed the fat wild boar about eight feet long. , gnawed off a pig's ear with a 'click'.

Boy, this little thing counts as your filial piety to the uncle... Tsk, this pig is fat enough. The uncle is in a good mood today. I will teach you to be a good boy. When you go to town, hurry up and smile for the uncle. The louder the smile, the better. Otherwise, my head will be chopped off and the nine tribes will be implicated, so don’t blame me, I’ll get it for free!”

The tiger-headed monk laughed strangely, soared into the sky with a strong wind, and returned to the shuttle boat. The shuttle boat roared, whipping up strong winds, turning into a stream of light and running away without a trace.

I would like to get up slowly and slowly carry the firewood.

Laughing? He walked towards the city gate in front step by step, whispering to himself: Why are you laughing? Yu Dianfeng, this bastard, has he come up with any vicious ways to torment people?

As the gate of Desert Wind City got closer and closer, the golden light in Ben Yuan's eyes became more and more intense. A bright golden light could hardly be suppressed and was about to turn into a raging fire. He hurriedly bit his tongue hard, almost biting off the entire tip of his tongue. With the help of the excruciating pain, he finally suppressed the deep-seated hatred and raging anger in his heart, barely kept his calm, and came to the city gate with a stiff smile.

He prayed silently in his mind.

The Great Merciful and Compassionate Buddha Fahai saves the suffering... I prayed with great piety in my heart: Bless this disciple to slay demons today and eradicate the scourge of Yu Dianfeng's family for the people of Mofeng City... avenge the death of the disciple's parents and relatives. !”

Ben Yuan, who was praying, was suddenly hit on the forehead by a guard standing at the gate of the city. He groaned and fell to the ground in a panic.

Several guards laughed and casually came up to him, punching and kicking him.

While kicking and beating, a leading guard captain laughed and cursed in a low voice: You bastard, you are another poor guy... How many copper coins can a firewood seller earn? Ah, you are another poor guy, you don't even have a rabbit... ...It’s really a waste of your efforts!”

Come on, there is no money and water, brothers can't work here in vain, you can use this kid to stretch your hands and feet!

Several guards inexplicably beat Ben Wan. After a while of laughing and cursing, they kicked him several feet away. Ben Wan moaned and smacked on the ground for a while, then slowly picked up the loose firewood, tied it into a big bundle again, and moved little by little into Desert Wind City.

At the gate of the city, several monks in black were standing there with bright smiles.

Their sinister eyes glanced at Ben Yuan, who was in a state of embarrassment. When they saw Ben Yuan actually had a smile on his face and kept letting out hehehe laughter, the smiles of the monks in black suddenly froze.

Get out, get out, get out! The monk in black yelled at Ben Yuan and touched the sword at his waist angrily.

Ben Wan limped, with a stiff smile, and accompanied by a dull laugh, moved little by little into the city.

But he didn't know that the devout prayer he had made before entering the city had turned into a very thin but extremely flexible thought power, floating up to nine heavens, like a fine needle attracted by a magnet, and as if he heard his master's call. Like a puppy, it floated towards the extremely high and deep places in this world.

In the chaotic void.

Withered and broken lotus flowers danced wildly, withered and ugly lotus leaves swayed wildly, and chaotic evil forces crisscrossed each other, turning into a thick and heavy dragnet, continuously entangling towards Lu Qian.

This snare is not to capture Lu Qian, but to stop him.

Lu Qian formed a seal with his hands, silently meditating on mysteries, with a faint light flashing in his eyes as he carefully analyzed the web of evil forces that was constantly entangled in front of him. The white lotus sprayed out by the white elephant under the seat shone with brilliance, like a sharp knife, cutting through layers of nets and leading him forward.

Gradually, Lu Qian had a glimpse of the origin of this chaotic evil force.

The Buddha's kingdom is in the palm of your hand, a mustard seed and Xumiru, reincarnation and death, a thirty-three-year-old cicada!

In front of Lu Qian's eyes, a towering tree seemed to appear, with huge, transparent, and crystal-clear cicada sloughs hanging on the trunk. In the heart of the big tree, a cicada the size of a fist could be seen looming.

This is a thirty-three-year-old cicada of chaotic alien species.

Thirty-three years, every year, you shed your shell and reincarnate once. By doing this thirty-three times, you can prove your indestructible golden body and obtain the immortal fruit.

However, the concept of every year of the thirty-three-year cicada is different from the year of Liangyitian.

One year for Him is one calamity.

His tribulation may have started, fallen, or passed in a single thought... It is also possible that the long years that will last tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of great tribulations are still just the beginning of a year.

Thirty-three years, thirty-three calamities, difficult years and difficult tribulations.

Therefore, since this strange ethnic group appeared in the chaos, since ancient times, no thirty-three-year-old cicada has truly survived the thirty-three calamities, successfully reached the other side, and obtained the legendary indestructible golden body. Cultivation of the ultimate immortal fruit.

Lu Qian saw that the towering tree suddenly withered and its heart suddenly collapsed. The cicada that had sought refuge in the heart of the towering tree was suddenly involved in a chaotic tide, and its body was almost completely destroyed. Only A bit of blood essence and a bit of remnant soul barely survived... The catastrophe was coming, and this unexplained catastrophe almost completely annihilated him.

Fortunately, he got the chance to incarnate as a human and transferred to a certain heaven. He also learned the Buddhist teachings passed down by the old monk in the world of mortals and transformed into a Buddhist disciple.

The Buddhism in that heavenly world inherits the Emperor Heavenly Law of the old monk in the world of mortals. It is supreme and domineering. The huge Buddhism is like a machine with strict structure and strict disciplines. It works from top to bottom and bottom to top. , overlapping like a net, all Buddhist disciples are a node, a gear in the net, no one can help themselves, everyone is dragged forward.

Then, on this day, the thirty-three-year-old Buddhist disciple who was incarnated as a cicada followed one of the supreme leaders of Buddhism in that world and went deep into the chaos to pursue rebellion. Unfortunately, he was drawn into the whirlpool of chaos and was thrown directly into the ancient city of Loulan.

After some accidental collision in the ancient city of Loulan, the Buddhist Buddha who had been transformed into a cicada for thirty-three years fell.

The flesh and blood turned to ashes, and only one skeleton was barely preserved. A little bit of true spirit was hidden in the skeleton. With the help of a Buddhist treasure lotus refined during his lifetime, it was turned into a pond, hidden in the remote garden of the ancient city of Loulan, and waited quietly. The day of rebirth, the opportunity for recovery.

Lu Qian suddenly realized that the pond he saw outside and the few remaining lotuses in the pond were all transformed from the broken Buddha treasures of ancient Buddhist Buddhas in this other world... From the great power contained in this broken Buddha treasures , Lu Qian vaguely judged that the level of Buddhist practice in that other world was probably much higher than that of Buddhism in Liangyi Heaven?

This fallen thirty-three-year-old Cicada Buddha probably did not have the cultivation of the Liangyitian Buddha.

And the Buddhist leader who followed the ancient Buddha and went deep into the chaos had even more terrible cultivation.

Think of it as a chance, but I don't know if Ahu and the others have reaped the benefits of this lotus leaf after so many years? Lu Qian felt a little warm in his heart.

He obtained the 'Liberation Method' and acquired 'great wisdom', but at his core, Lu Qian was still a common man.

Faced with the legacy of the mighty Buddhist power in another world, faced with the creation of the thirty-three-year-old cicada from the chaos, faced with this incredible opportunity... it would be really hypocritical to say that you are not moved.

I'm not the Buddha, am I? Lu Qian smiled and swung forward with a trace of power from Emperor Taihu's ax, shattering the net formed by the large evil force with one blow. The white elephant took advantage of the situation and moved forward again. Some distance away.

If you have a chance, there are benefits, and you can get it, why not? Lu Qian smiled brightly.

Keep going.

After all, it was just a defensive restriction formed by the broken Buddha treasure. Without the master's supervision, this net of evil power in the sky created a lot of trouble for Lu Qian, but it was just trouble.

The white lotus rolled up, and the evil spirit suddenly spread out in front of it. The smoke and clouds slowly dissipated, revealing a beautiful world with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

The white elephant was suspended very high in the sky. Lu Qian sat on the back of the white elephant, overlooking the vast world with great interest.

At this moment, a very thin, light but extremely flexible thread of telepathy, full of firm belief, flew gently towards Lu Qian. He casually grabbed this extremely slight thread of telepathy, and immediately the prayer of 'Save the Suffering, the Great Merciful and Compassionate Lord Fahai Buddha' came into Lu Qian's mind.

Lord Fahai Buddha? What bastard is cursing me... I am still far away from the realm of Lord Buddha. Lu Qian's face twitched and he laughed and cursed in a low voice.

Then, he felt it.

In this square of heaven and earth, half the world's Taoist laws are infiltrated by the strong Buddhist charm.

In the overwhelming Buddhist aura, there are the thunderous prayers of The Great Merciful and Greatly Compassionate Buddha, Lord Dharma Hai, who saves the suffering and those in distress. When Lu Qian entered this world, the thick and almost substantial power of incense suddenly started to flow and flowed towards Lu Qian on its own.

Lu Qian's eyes widened.

He didn't have time to think too much, he made Buddha seals with his hands, and took a deep breath towards the incense billowing from the sky.

Trillions of people do not know the power of incense accumulated through tens of millions or hundreds of millions of years of devout prayer.

It was extremely pure, very fragrant, and so vast in quantity that even Lu Qian was dumbfounded by the incense faith rolling in... The object of prayer for these incense faith was Lu Qian himself, so there was no trace of the incense faith when he received it. The obstacles were easily absorbed into Lu Qian's body.

These incense beliefs are also mixed with a lot of worldly thoughts.

Some people ask for money.

Someone prayed.

Some people seek immortality.

Some people seek fame.

There are even concubines who are vying for favor, begging for a pair of auspicious twins, and begging for the yellow-faced woman in charge to die on the threshold with her head stuck in a stick... There are also brothel ladies who have pink heads and incense, begging for guests to come like clouds. , money rolling in... and even the rich man who drank too much and drank too much, praying devoutly to be as hard as a diamond and as powerful as a dragon or an elephant!

What's more, there is a gang leader who is fighting on the street, with his generals, and three animal sacrifices. They hold an extremely grand opening ceremony, praying for the blessing of 'Lord Fahai Buddha', and they will take their younger brothers to seize the territory tomorrow. , must cut the boss of the rival gang into eighteen pieces, and the 'Lord Fahai Buddha' must bless himself to be invulnerable and return victorious!

Lu Qian's claws twitched.

When believers in this mortal world offer incense and worship Buddha, they will inevitably have all kinds of distracting thoughts while praying.

But the believers who worship Buddha in this world have too many distracting thoughts.

Moreover, anyone really dares to worship Buddha and pray for any wish.

Many complex, rebellious, immoral, and upside-down wishes are placed in the territory controlled by Liangyitian Buddhism. If those believers dare to mention them in front of the statues of Buddha and Bodhisattva enshrined in their own homes, they will definitely be struck to death by lightning. of!

And in this world, any messy and shameful wishes can be recited to the 'Lord Fahai Buddha' at will... And Lu Qian clearly felt that the more shameful the selfish wishes, the more powerful the incense thought power they contain. The stronger and purer it becomes!

Ahu, what are you doing here? Lu Qi's eyes widened in horror: What kind of mess is all this? There are still people praying that 'from the palace, you can still be invulnerable and fight in all directions at night'?

From the palace? Not falling? Fighting all night long?

Drops of cold sweat kept dripping down Lu Qian's forehead... What kind of weird wish could this sound? Lu Qian wanted to find this believer who offered incense to the Buddha and asked him face to face, under what circumstances did he come up with such a wonderful wish?

That is to say, Lu Qian has a good temper.

For any serious Buddhist cultivator in Liangyi Heaven, if a believer in the lower world dares to make such a wish to him, then no matter how much mana or energy is spent, even if it is separated by the world dimension, a disaster will befall him and wipe him out. of!

The believers in this world can have so many messy thoughts. Lu Qian is really, really curious about how Ahu has managed this Buddhist country in this world in these years.

He wouldn't...use the business methods of Baihutang, a gang in the market, to run the Buddhist Kingdom, right?

That, that, that...

That's so wonderful... Haha, two gangs are going to fight tomorrow. The gang leader and his younger brothers are offering sacrifices at the same time, praying to me to bless them with a complete victory tomorrow... Uh, I should Who should I bless?”

Reaching out to grab two wisps of pure incense that floated almost at the same time, Lu Qian's face twitched even more violently.

The lotus platform of immortality gave off a faint light, and countless messy thoughts were swept away by the clear light of the lotus platform, which was as clear as water, and suddenly became clear and clean, without any impurities or dirt.

The extremely pure and thick incense faith was like a refined gold melt, roaring into Lu Qian's body.

Mana is soaring.

The body is ascending.

The soul is getting stronger.

In Liangyitian Buddhism, the best and best cultivation resource that all Buddhist cultivators compete for is the incense believers, which is the strong incense mind power... The more believers, the more incense, the faster the Buddhist cultivators can improve their cultivation!

I don’t know how many years have passed in this world. The unique environment of this world has supported trillions of people.

Because of the existence of the Shenyin Dynasty, the people of this Buddhist country have a strong sense of crisis. They are always faced with the threat of the Shenyin Dynasty. Therefore, their piety is a hundred or a thousand times stronger than believers in the outside world.

The credibility accumulated over the years is an astronomical figure.

Over the years, even a Liangyi Heavenly Buddha Lord like Baoguang Gongde Buddha would be moved by the power of incense and faith accumulated in this world.

At this moment, this huge incense faith was injected into Lu Qian's body. With the help of the Eternal Life Lotus Platform, Lu Qian eliminated all the distracting thoughts of the mortal world and improved his cultivation without any worries.

Magic power...the true Buddha of one hundred kalpas...the true Buddha of two hundred kalpas...

The physical body...the true Buddha for one hundred kalpas...the true Buddha for two hundred kalpas...

The soul has turned into a Buddha's image in the mind, which is ten thousand feet high. The whole body is overflowing with light, and the infinite Tao charm fills the void. Countless magnificent and wonderful Tao patterns wrap around the whole body. The thick Tao charm has condensed into substance and turned into pieces. The strange Buddha treasure is tightly held by arms that are constantly growing.

Interesting, interesting... Lu Qian thought of the first thread of telekinesis wrapped around him after entering this world.

He's actually... A-Hu's little disciple? Lu Qian's eyes widened and he said in shock, A-Hu has accepted a disciple? He won't still be here to get married and have children... with all his grandchildren running around, right?

The power of that prayer contains a huge amount of information.

With Lu Qian's current ability, he easily analyzed the information and understood the general experience of this world.

Countless years have washed away.

The split and opposition between General Shenwu and Baihutang.

The long-term war between the Shenyin Dynasty and the Ahu Buddha Kingdom.

Yudihu... tut! Lu Qian frowned, and his mood became extremely complicated. He suddenly remembered the past in the Holy Heaven... Many, many years ago, Yu Diaihu and other divine generals appeared beside him for the first time...

Everything seems like just yesterday.

but now.

Hey, little guy wants to avenge his tribe? Lu Qian took out the green snake that was poking its head out of his sleeve: Some of your little brothers from the same tribe are in trouble. Let's go and watch the fun?

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